January 15, 2009

I'll be on Ron Smith Show right now

I'll be interviewed on the Ron Smith show in Baltimore (WBAL 1090) today, Thursday, from about 4:15 EST to 5:00 EST. You can listen in here, click on "Listen Live" in the upper left corner.

My book, America's Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama's "Story of Race and Inheritance," can be ordered here.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Is the show going to be archived?

  2. Does anyone who listened want to summarize it?

  3. What Scott said.

  4. It would be nice if you'd announce these things ahead of time.

  5. Ive looked at the site there and they do have some archived stuff. No sign of Steve, but its all a bit clunky. Is there a comprehensive list of their archives?

  6. I just finished Half-blood Prince. For those of your readers who don't yet know, it's actually the world's first book-length book review, the book in question being Obama's bizarre Autobiography, Volume One, a/k/a Dreams From My Deadbeat Dad, Uh, I Mean Father.

    Nobody cares what I think, but I'll tell you anyway. I can't imagine anybody besides Michelle claiming to know who their new President is without having read it. One obvious gripe: You really couldn't finish it until a few days before the election? I know the research must have taken time, but jeez!


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