January 31, 2009

They're just not making white supremacists like they used to

The New York Times Editorial Board is enraged at conservative activist Marcus Epstein, denouncing him as a "white supremacist." (See Mr. Epstein's picture at right, which, being a world-class investigative journalist, I was finally able to unearth on MarcusEpstein.com after about 15 seconds of Googling. Maybe if Carlos Slim had given the New York Times another $200 million, the Editors would have had the journalistic resources to find it themselves.)

His thought crime? He put together a press conference on the politics of immigration last week, in which conservative intellectuals and leaders dared to suggest that running more John McCains is not the road to GOP electoral triumph.

As part of its Two Minutes Hate, "The Nativists Are Restless," the NYT's editorial board fulminated:
It included Bay Buchanan, former adviser to Representative Tom Tancredo and sister of Pat, who founded the American Cause and wrote “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.” She was joined by James Pinkerton, an essayist and Fox News contributor who, as an aide to the first President Bush, took credit for the racist Willie Horton ads run against Michael Dukakis.

Actually, Jim Pinkerton always gives the credit to Al Gore, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, for first bringing up Dukakis's Willie Horton problem during the 1988 campaign. He also gives credit to the Pulitzer Prize committee for awarding the Pulitzer to the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune for their 175 stories on Dukakis's prison furlough scandal.
So far, so foul. But even more telling was the presence of Peter Brimelow, a former Forbes editor and founder of Vdare.com, an extremist anti-immigration Web site. It is named for Virginia Dare, the first white baby born in the English colonies, which tells you most of what you need to know. The site is worth a visit. There you can read Mr. Brimelow’s and Mr. Buchanan’s musings about racial dilution and the perils facing white people, and gems like this from Mr. Epstein:
“Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is desirable. Most Americans don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the dominant culture.”
Ahhhh-ooooo-gahhh! Crimethink Alert! Ahhhh-ooooo-gahhh! When it comes to immigration, only extremists call for moderation!

It is easy to mock white-supremacist views as pathetic and to assume that nativism in the age of Obama is on the way out. The country has, of course, made considerable progress since the days of Know-Nothings and the Klan. But racism has a nasty habit of never going away, no matter how much we may want it to, and thus the perpetual need for vigilance.

It is all around us.

Beyond parody ...

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Marcus Epstein: the half Jewish, half Korean white supremacist

  2. Actually, the more the Depression hurts, the more anti-Immigrant feeling in the UK (rallies, strikes, protests), France (same), Italy (same) and the US become inevitable. It's already happened in Europe, and Liberals love to copy Europe.

    Add to that the "No White Guys allowed" policies of Obama/Reich/Rangel/Pelosi, and you have a perfect way for the GOP to claw its way back to power.

    Put forward all that spending will only go to non-White guys, as spoken and written by Dems themselves. Run on labor restriction by immigration restriction and higher wages. Have Michael Steele push that in interview after interview.

    It makes Liberals look stupid.

  3. I always like how they avoid putting names to this crap by labeling it "editorial." No one human could write and take responsibility for it, but a slime-mold of insane and cowardly "newspeople" could.

  4. Have Michael Steele push that in interview after interview. --Testing9.9

    Better yet, for the "Palin effect", have this Michael Steele push it in concert after concert.

  5. Good old NYT, always looking out for the best interests of the GOP. And good of them to remind us that anyone against unlimited immigration is a white supremacist - lord only knows there aren't any leftist justifications for closed borders like less sprawl or higher wages.

    Beyond the silliness of the argument, the tone of that editorial was just foaming-at-the-mouth angry. I guess having your circulation and revenues cut in half might do that to you.

  6. If the reporters of the NY Times would actually read VDare they would be more bemused and amused than outraged. The most strongly held opinions on VDare are that Southern white people are superior to Northern white people, which is just dumb, and that the Chinese are the master race, which might be supported by IQ figures but not the historical record.

    VDare has good information on immigration problems but should not be taken too seriously.

  7. Eventually Obama will make his Sarkozy speech about how we all have to intermarry with other races in order to save ourselves.


    1. Create the Crisis

    2. Advance your interest under the guise of Solution

  8. God these pious elitist liberals make me sick. They're so ridiculous they should be irrelevant, but they're not - in fact, they're in power.

    Given the way they actively ignore all conservative positions, they are the real "Know Nothings".

  9. VDare has good information on immigration problems but should not be taken too seriously.

    VDare, like any online or on dead tree publication, is of mixed quality. There is of course Mr. Sailer, who is the best (and seemingly most prolific) of the bunch; several writers who are quite good; a few who go overboard occasionally; and then there is also Paul Craig Roberts, who was off his meds the last time I bothered reading him. Some of the stuff goes beyond what I find acceptable in terms of discussing race, ethnicity, etc. - but that is to be expected with a site devoted to honest debate about verboten topics.

  10. look for a massive false flag attack on u.s. soil very soon.

    the only question is will the patsy perpetrators be presented as iranian agents al qaeda or white supremacists.

    the attack can advance the march toward globalism or divert the proles from financial collapse or whip the public into a frenzy for more foreign war etc.

  11. Mr. Sailer,

    I suggest you challenge the New York Times -- or you could do it yourself -- to do a story on the lack of diversity in the Spanish language media in the U.S. These same folks who scream about diversity don't demostrate much if any of it in their own information outlets. My San Diego paper has a Spanish/Mexican edition and there was no diversity in it until Obama got elected -- hard to avoid that. The other Spanish language media on TV and print seem mostly Mexican and a bit of the ol' latino but nothing else -- truly shocking in the Media world where diversity remains god, even as the "believers" cancel their subscriptions. Let us see the black, asian and white faces in Spanish media -- or does diversity not translate into Spanish?

  12. the NYT's editorial board fulminated

    Steve, who are on this board? Is it Paul Krugman and the publisher Pinch Sulzberger?

    Who actually wrote that article?

    Anyway one thing is clear - to the NYTimes and the Democrat party Willie Horton is some kind of moral folk hero and not a black racist rapist murderer.

    Amazing the way they can distort reality and truth.

    Remember the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune won the 1988 Pulitzer prize for reporting on the Massachusetts furlough program.

    So while most of the credit for Willie Horton goes to Willie Horton himself for his own hate and racism and to Michael Dukakis for policies that allowed the furlough to take place, lets not ignore the contributions of the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune for allowing us to understand what happened before the NYTimes and the Dems decided to do damage control.

  13. Why didn't Obama make his brother Attorney General like JFK did? He could've saved himself a lot of headaches.

    Liberals have never had a problem about JFK making RFK top cop in the nation. I don't think they'd have any problem with it today. As long as the brother passed a bar exam somewhere.

  14. Sometimes I feel bad about not reading enough leftist drivel. Then I read something like that, and I can't help but feel that I read too much.

    The best part is when they insist that America is in love with the idea of amnesty, because a few immigration restrictionists lost their bids. That the recent attempts at amnesty were soundly defeated due to public outrage is apparently irrelevant and unworthy of mention.

  15. "As long as the brother passed a bar exam somewhere." And the Kennedys had such interesting ways of passing exams. Though I suppose that RFK may have been clever enough to have passed his own exams?

  16. "But racism has a nasty habit of never going away, no matter how much we may want it to, and thus the perpetual need for vigilance."

    Especially the NYT has the cheek to say that! With all their condescension to specifically whites. And their snotty hidden assumptions about who really is supreme and who not.

    Keep going Steve, you are feeding the system the info it needs. The more vitriolic that fishwrap NYT becomes, the more you know you're on the right path.

  17. Anon sed:
    "Why didn't Obama make his brother Attorney General like JFK did? He could've saved himself a lot of headaches."

    Hey, you're using my moniker!

  18. Now that you guys will be getting a flood of clicks from NY Times readers, you should put up something on the vdare homepage explaining race realism in a mainstream-friendly way. Even negative publicity can be good publicity.

  19. I don't think you people understand how significant this article is? This proves that they can't ignore this segment of the population any more. Nothing scares the Establishment more than the idea of white people organizing into a political force.

    The establishment has very little need for the white working and middle classes. They need their tax money, bodies for war, communities to spread NAMs around in, and money for consumerism. Besides that, white working and middle class folks are worthless. They're bringing in Mexicans to do the blue collar work, and Asians to do the white collar work.

    And its going to get worse. As white people start to resist their replacement its going to seem as if we're nearing the 4th Reich in the main stream media. Any and every incident that can be made into a "racial incident" will played on the TV non-stop.

    These articles are meant to prime the public for Internet censorship and "hate speech" laws. The Establishment knows that the Internet gives white people the ability to go around their filters. If censorship doesn't work, we'll see European style "hate speech" laws.

    But make no mistake, none of it will work (even after 50 years of anti-white socialization). This time period seems like the end of Western Civilization but in reality, it will only make it stronger. While it will be a struggle, the struggle itself will re-energize Western man and leaders who emerge from this period will become the heroes our future kin read about in history class.

  20. The site is worth a visit. There you can read Mr. Brimelow’s and Mr. Buchanan’s musings about racial dilution and the perils facing white people, and gems like this from Mr. Epstein:

    “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is desirable. Most Americans don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the dominant culture.”

    That was the worst they could find? Do the bigots at the NYT actually believe that there are people outside of their own editorial board that would object to Epstein's statement?

  21. Epstein looks completely white to me. But I'm British, I know America has very different standards.

  22. Mr. Epstein's crime is that he openly articulated the attitudes reflected by the behavior of most whiterpeople when it comes to diversity. Not what they say, mind you, but how they act.

    They forgot to mention that Vdare is listed as a "hate site" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Morris Dees must be smarting over not getting the plug.

  23. @Mark

    Some of the stuff goes beyond what I find acceptable in terms of discussing race, ethnicity, etc. ...

    Such as? Have any examples?

    Stuff that appears on Vdare is not always exactly to my taste either. But about that two thoughts come to mind:

    I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

    "We are the only country in history that ever deliberately changed its ethnic makeup, and history has few examples of 'diversity' creating a stable society." - Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado

    (RIP Modern Tribalist.)

    How is the demographic transformation of America not a lot more extreme than anything that is occasionally published on Vdare?

  24. I found The New York Times editorial amusing. Isn't diversity wonderful when it is only practised by white Christians? The arrogance and audacity of American Jews has no limits. Jews are in the vanguard of promoting multiculturalism in the U.S. but support an ethno-state in Israel which is constructing apartheid-like bantustans for the Palestinians.

  25. I'm confused. When Jose Bove fights against globalization (read: Americanization) "overwhelm[ing] the dominant culture" in France, the New York Times fetes him as a hero. But anyone who has concerns about foreign influence overwhelming the dominant culture in America is a white supremacist?

    Is there any common denominator to these two beliefs other than hatred of America?

  26. Add to that the "No White Guys allowed" policies of Obama/Reich/Rangel/Pelosi, and you have a perfect way for the GOP to claw its way back to power.

    What is the likelihood of the Black Steele using such issues to help the GOP "claw its way back to power?" With the appointment of Steele as RNC chair, nothing could be clearer that the Repubs are going the whole multicultural route. Off with the kid gloves, we want those coloreds!

    The treatment of Dawson and his "all-white" memberships ought to be instructive. Any expressed concern for the perpetuation of white causes will be totally forbidden. Actually, they already are.

    -- Victoria

  27. False flag? Please, conspiracy nonsense. If anything, the trend in Europe and here is towards more nationalism and less internationalism. WSJ is opely worrying about restrictions in the bailout bill for both steel being American sourced and all manufactured goods.

    We've seen the collapse of the state, in globalism, and the bounce-back however wobbly in the financial crisis. The same issue of the WSJ had an article on the piracy issue in Somalia, a huge uptick in the vessels seized (from 1 to 300 plus) in a year. Convoys are too iffy and suffer the same fate as in WWII and WWI -- slower ships get picked off. Hijackings take place in deep water, with mother ships launching boats and the Western navies unable to do anything because it violates human rights. Payoffs are around 1o million per ship. Routing around the Horn is not an option in collapsing shipping prices. The attacks might seriously harm ME-Asian to Europe trade (killing off the Suez Canal). For basically, lack of Western Will.

    As far as what Obama hopes for, it's clear he figures that a terrorist attack on the US would produce a reaction like Spain or Britain or the Ntherlands -- surrender in one form or another to Islam. He's gone on Al-Aribiya to proclaim his Muslim heritage and give the wink/nod.

    Obama is probably right for the SWPL crowd, but his problem in trying to respond to an attack Spanish-style, with surrender to Islam, is that a huge recession makes people more nationalistic, and destroys the ranks of SWPL status mongering, in favor of pure economic struggles to survive.

    Cutting the Pentagon 11% will haunt him in the wake of an attack, almost sure to be Islamist. Already Iran's response to his speech was to call him and America "weak" and demand surrender to Islam.

    Weakness is provocative, and weakness in nuclear proliferation times doubly so.

    All this is likely to produce a Jacksonian identity movement, not explicity "White Nationalist" but very rooted in Andrew Jackson's ideas and attitudes, using the symbols (the Flag, etc.) that have been replaced by Obama cultism.

  28. Just in case someone is not up on the Dawson case, here's a tidbit:

    From NBC's Chuck Todd
    The GOP averted a P.R. disaster after the race came down to Steele and Dawson. It was a pretty obvious choice: Pick the African American or the guy who had to quit an all-white country club. Had Dawson not had that negative mark on his resume, he would have won because he was a party insider.

    It's a "negative mark" to belong to an all-white club, but not negative to belong to an all-black caucus.

    -- Victoria

  29. or does diversity not translate into Spanish?

    It does: "Reconquista."

  30. So while most of the credit for Willie Horton goes to Willie Horton himself... and to Michael Dukakis... --DYork [BTW, loved you in Bewitched!]

    Actually, Al Gore deserves credit for bringing Willie to the world's attention.

    VDare, like any online or on dead tree publication, is of mixed quality... and then there is also Paul Craig Roberts... --Mark

    PCR doesn't write for Vdare.com. He has a syndicated column to which they subscribe, along with Pat Buchanan's and Michelle Malkin's.

    Add to that the "No White Guys allowed" policies of Obama/Reich/Rangel/Pelosi... --Testing.99

    Is this the "Turd Reich" I keep hearing about?

  31. Will the NY Times even be around this time next year?

  32. In five local elections in the UK, the British National Party, the once vilified and marginalised nationalist party, has come within a handful of votes of winning elections, and in all cases has relegated one of the mainstream parties to a whimpering third place.

    The flipside of globalisation is that people who have incessantly been told they are ethnic majority that owes the rest of the world a living suddenly realise that in reality they are an ethnic minority around whose civilisation the wolves are lurking.

    Of course this comes at a time when racial identity politics has been made respectable by the left.

    Well, what's good for the goose is good for the gander I suppose. If indigenous Brits get their act together and start evicting the interlopers, there's only one group of people to blame.

    (I speak as someone who, having cheered the election of Tony Blair, has swung so far to the right I'm practically horizonal)

  33. I read VDare regularly and over the years it has drifted towards a soft white nationalist stance (although Mr. Brimelow has formerly opposed an outright white nationalist program for immigration restrictionists). Mr. Sailer has warned in the past that continued non-white immigration would produce this sort of backlash (most notably in his exchanges with Jared Taylor). Of course, Mr. Taylor welcomes it.

  34. Progress.

    Whenever that word's used, know that the writer/speaker is against iSteve readers.

  35. The arrogance and audacity of American Jews has no limits. Jews are in the vanguard of promoting multiculturalism in the U.S.

    Elite American white gentiles have not exactly been crowning themselves with race realist glory for the past 50 years, you know.

    And the EU is doing the exact same thing to itself without a powerful Jewish "vanguard" thanks to the events of the early 1940's.

  36. The Fishwrap is obviously so broke it's trying to lure readership away from The Onion.

  37. The people who brought about the creation of Mugabistan (the NYT was certainly part of that mob) do not hold any moral high ground. They further show their moral decrepitude by continuing to proudly display the Pulitzer Prize awarded to Stalinist agent Walter Duranty for lying about the Ukrainian Holodomor.

  38. Simon - Epstein looks completely white to me. But I'm British, I know America has very different standards.

    Well Si, I'm British too and I wouldn't assume he was completely white at all - maybe a bit white.

    I doubt that America does have very much different standards. But if they do I would expect them to be less fixed about external features. White Americans have their ancestry drawn from all of Europe. One might expect their expectations of what a white person looks like to vary somewhat from the average Brits expectations.

    But you are implying the opposite, in fact I'm not sure I even believe you. Sorry m8 if I'm wrong.

  39. You need to take a longer view of history! The Chinese have had a rough 500 years, but now they're coming back big time (mainly due to our weakness and folly, of course)!

    In terms of science/engineering the Chinese have never surpassed Europeans (white people). Looking at architecture and agriculture, one could say they had been the equals of Europeans. Applies to culture generally too, that's more subjective of course, but raw IQ clearly isn't the whole story.

  40. Their whole world is more-or-less dying, and it's not surprising that they're lashing out. The newspaper industry is circling the drain, and the previous, enormous amount of power the NYT had is in an irreversible decline. That's not even just about newspapers, it's about access to information. When everyone in the country has a computer hooked to the internet, the great power of being the NYT goes away:

    a. If your editorials aren't so impressive or well-argued, if they ignore important ideas or points of view, well, the readers can find a million blogs, many of which have much better points of view. Why read the NYT spouting utterly conventional platitudes on race when you can read Steve, or (say) Ta-Nehisi Coates, or any number of other much more interesting takes? The result is that you, as the NYT, simply don't have the power you once had to shape public discussions.

    b. If you filter out some news as being unsuitable to report because of its political or social implications, your readers can simply seek it elsewhere. The only way to suppress news stories is to make everyone remain silent, or to somehow discredit them (so that you convince most people to ignore them). If the NYT ignores a story of interest to you, why not check out the BBC, or the South China Morning Post, or (assuming you speak the languages) El Pais or Le Monde? Again, the reference set of facts believed by most Americans has become much less in the power of the NYT.

    c. Local newspapers and TV news rely (and used to rely even more, I think) on the decisions in (a) and (b), providing a kind of multiplier effect. But cable news, internet, and the death of so many papers and so much TV news has diminished that source of power, as well.

    d. The combination of 9/11 and the financial collapse serve to make New York much less the center of the world than it was a few years ago.

    All those lead to the NYT's vast power visibly withering away, with all that this implies. I expect the next (and final) few years of existence of the NYT to see increasingly bitter and nasty things written, reflecting this.

  41. Is there any common denominator to these two beliefs other than hatred of America?

    The question answers itself.

  42. I know his politics are the opposite, but my first reaction when I saw the picture was, "The New Soviet Man!"

  43. As to Mr. Epstein, he doesn't look typical of any ethnic group to me. He's just another handsome multi-ethnic type who is "half-this and half-that" when he agrees with the leftist establishment, and "white" when he says something "racist" (like maybe America has the same rights every other country on Earth has, to pick and choose who moves here).

    Speaking of things the NYT can't be bothered to look up, where is this "relentlessly harsh Republican campaign against immigrants"? Maybe you can't connect to Numbers USA from New York. That's what I'm betting. It's not like the Times would ever EVER use ignorance as a weapon in its constant attack on the lower-middle class.

    "It is named for Virginia Dare, the first white baby born in the English colonies, which tells you most of what you need to know." [emphasis added] I'll wager that is the most openly, directly anti-white statement the New York Times has ever made.

    But of course, they're trumpeting the Suffolk County attack above all the Latino-on-white violence (and black-on-white violence), so the anti-white underpinnings of their creepy leftism are still there. It's just that the mass-media coverups of the anti-white violence are now being matched by a more openly anti-white editorial stance.

    I applaud this. I want the Uncle Tims on the New York Times editorial staff to let their true feelings shine forth.

  44. "none of the above said...

    Their whole world is more-or-less dying, and it's not surprising that they're lashing out. The newspaper industry is circling the drain, and the previous, enormous amount of power the NYT had is in an irreversible decline. That's not even just about newspapers, it's about access to information. When everyone in the country has a computer hooked to the internet, the great power of being the NYT goes away"

    I hope you are right. It would be funny however, if it suvived in some vestigal way, like maybe as a gay weekly, like "The Stranger" (some might say it's already half-way there).

  45. anon:
    "In terms of science/engineering the Chinese have never surpassed Europeans (white people). Looking at architecture and agriculture, one could say they had been the equals of Europeans. Applies to culture generally too, that's more subjective of course, but raw IQ clearly isn't the whole story."

    Chinese political unity and individual conformity may have been a problem when it comes to some forms of advancement. Individualist cultures like the ancient Greeks and modern Anglo-Protestants seem to have some advantages there.

    I don't think a world where China is the dominant civilisation will be as interesting or as good, in many ways, as the Western/European era. Still, it's much better than a collapse into global barbarism.

    Better still if the West can renew itself and become a stable civilisation occupying a substantial part of its historical borders - we can afford to lose California I think (though I'd rather not), but losing north-west Europe would be really bad.

  46. "losing north-west Europe would be really bad."

    North-west Europe is the ancestral homeland of the whiter-people (SWPL), who are the main part of the problem.

    It's all rather murky, but there must be something about that part of the world that led to the development of the SWPL culture.
    If we could understand what it is, we might learn why western civilization is killing itself.

    The whiter-people are like a race within a race. They look like other whites, but are "softer" in behavior - too soft to survive in competition with other races.

    Maybe the whiter-people are partly descended from Neanderthals - another race that didn't survive competition with others, and was last seen in northwest Europe.

  47. ...Yet some media and even some bureaucrats acknowledge reality. I was amazed to learn, for example, that the new head of Palo Alto's schools is not a fantasist:

    Ethnic achievement gap in education can't be closed, Palo Alto superintendent says

    When it comes to closing the achievement gap, Palo Alto schools Superintendent Kevin Skelly says educators are deluding themselves. And he dares to say what's become almost unspeakable publicly:

    "It's just not possible for the average kid who comes to this country in seventh or eighth grade, or even third grade, without a word of English and parents with little formal education, to match the achievement levels of kids whose mom has a Ph.D. in English from Stanford and can afford to stay home and spend time supplementing the education of her kids.''

    Closing the gap that is separating higher-scoring white and Asian students on one hand and lower-scoring black and Latinos on the other has become a key mission of California educators. Today, state schools Superintendent Jack O'Connell, who's made eliminating the achievement gap the centerpiece of his administration, is expected to pledge to continue those efforts, even as school budgets are axed.

    "We know all students can learn to a high level,'' said O'Connell, who hasn't wavered in his mission. "We have a moral, social and economic imperative.''

    Yet totally eliminating the gap would be "the triumph of hope over experience,'' said Skelly, who came from San Diego 19 months ago to take the helm of Palo Alto's 17 schools. When educators set that lofty goal, "We're not being honest, and it's to our detriment.''


    -PA Ray

  48. A small point I'd like to see discussed: The NYT refers to "Know-Nothings and the Klan". From my amateur reading of American history before, during and after the Civil War, this seems unfair to the Know Nothings. The American Party (KN) existed only in the 1850s, and its Northern branch was nothing like the Klan. It was basically opposed to Roman Catholic immigration, of course,but it was not racist and was totally opposed to slavery. In fact one of its objections to RC immigration was the Catholic Church's support for slavery, both at the Vatican level and in the American church. Another was that the actual RC immigrants of the time (the great majority Irish)were often violently racist against Black Americans. As you seem somewhat concerned about current immigration into the USA, Steve, have you ever discussed this sort of history? And if, as seems generally agreed, the KNs were wrong, how is your position different?

  49. Simon,

    Re your point - a Spaniard does not look like a typical Brit, but few Brits would consider that Spaniards were anything other than 100% white.

    Hmm, if that's true, attitudes must have changed significantly over the last 30 years. Of course, being swamped by Africans and subcontinentals, I guess almost anything else looks 'white' in comparison.

    Likewise half-east-Asians typically look 'white' to me, certainly more white than east-Asian.

    Oh, please, you're obviously having us on. I suspected as much on your first mention re Marcus Epstein.

  50. "It is named for Virginia Dare, the first white baby born in the English colonies, which tells you most of what you need to know." (NYTs)

    This hypocrite at the NY Times will write something like this but ignore the fact that his newspaper "celebrates" historical "firsts" by non-whites all the time.

    This is blatant anti-white rhetoric which leads to violence against white people. How many white people have been hurt by the liberal media's anti-white rhetoric?

  51. Hmm, if that's true, attitudes must have changed significantly over the last 30 years.

    Is that a Fawlty Towers allusion?

    Most Americans would consider a Spaniard white -- if they ever managed to meet one.

  52. Most Americans would consider a Spaniard white -- if they ever managed to meet one.

    A good rule of thumb is to watch the movies for the actors playing Mexicans but ignore the folks you meet in the USA who claim to be Spanish.

  53. The Swipples would consider the Spaniards whit...and be able to browbeat them for their child rearing skills in Spanish. Most white people would consider Spaniards "Mess-s-kin".

  54. Likewise half-east-Asians typically look 'white' to me, certainly more white than east-Asian.

    I've found that there's no way to predict what a half Oriental/half Euro kid will look like. Some look like watered down Orientals. Some, including my former gf, who was half Euro and half Chinese, look like exotic whites with Mediterranean or Amerind blood. She had a brother who was quite clearly part Chinese.

  55. Epstein looks completely white to me. But I'm British, I know America has very different standards.

    I call bs on that. I'm British, and nobody in Britain would call Epstein white, or any other half Korean either. British standards for whiteness are a lot more stringent than the American ones.

  56. a Spaniard does not look like a typical Brit, but few Brits would consider that Spaniards were anything other than 100% white.

    simon, you must have left England thirty years ago. And you don't seem very familiar with Spain either. There are plenty of blue-eyed, fair-haired Spanish.


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