February 24, 2009

Happy 92nd birthday to my dad

That's our old trailer.

And here's one from his mid-fifties:

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Congratulations.

    What's his secret to living long and staying sharp?

    - Fred

  2. Good for him. I lost my dad last month, aged just 71, and I miss him.

  3. Many years to Papa Sailer!

    --Senor Doug

  4. Send him regards from your faithful readers.

  5. Handsome, rugged guy. Don't see too many of that type around anymore.

  6. Congratulations!
    Are you the sweet little boy?

    I was trying to find a post you did recently where you talked about where your dad's family was from. Aren't they near the German border? My dad's family is mostly on the German side of the border with some being in Switzerland and they even look alike: the long face!

  7. That's great. I hope he's got plenty more birthdays to come.

  8. Hail to the chief!

  9. Congratulations Mr. Sailer on 92 years. You're very lucky Steve. Like Robert's Dad, mine died last month aged 68. You take Pop's presence for granted until he's not there.

    -Vanilla Thunder

  10. He must have good genes, but Steve would know that better than I would.

  11. He's very good looking.

  12. Now that's a Norman Rockwell just waiting to happen if there ever was one. You couldn't have taken that picture if you were brought up in Norway Stevie-Boy!

    Your a Great A-Mur-ick-un my friend.

  13. Is that a wee Steve in the first pic, apparently sawing Dad's foot off?

  14. Being a generation younger than you, it still surprises me to see pictures like this, which I've always just assumed were manufactured by later generations for either nostalgic purposes or to eventually undermine the period. You certainly were a tow-headed little boy! Wish your dad the best, and try to wrangle some stories of his own youth out of him for your own kids to hear; they'll appreciate them someday.

  15. Congratulations to the senior Sailer. Those (Swiss) German genes pay off. My Germanic papa is 91 now, and I can say that other than a few good habits he picked up in the Army, his longevity is entirely due to his genes.

  16. Happy birthday to your father, Mr.sailer.

  17. Mr Sailer (Snr)

    From the shots you appeared to be travellin' fine in the great outdoors. May you keep having many Happy Trails...

  18. 92, wow! Happy Birthday!

  19. 92, pretty good. I'm not sure I could handle another 20 years of my father, though he's still in decent shape so I'll probably have to.

    I had a similarly big head sitting on a slight frame as a boy (similar skull shape, too), probably more exaggerated in my case since I was undernourished, being such a reluctant eater. I heard a radio interview you recently did. I never would have imagined you had such a deep voice -- that was galaxies away from the "physics nerd" accent I was expecting (ie something excitedly whiny like Tim Wise's).

  20. God bless him, and God bless the man he sired.

  21. Congrats, Papa Sailer. Here's to another 92 more.

  22. Happy Birthday! I'm guessing the pics were taken about 1960?

  23. Top one about 1965 (age 48), bottom one looks like about 1975 (age 58) from the gray at the temples. My father looks 10-15 years younger than he is in most of these old photos.

  24. Has the look of 'old wierd America' , and I mean that in the best possible way!

    Many more returns.

  25. Congrats Steve, and those are some very nice photos taken with a real eye for beauty.

  26. Congratulations.

    There's something about those pictures, whether it's the obvious innocence of the young boy with the saw, the old-fashioned dress, the apparent paternal fondness, the blueness of the sky in the background of the second shot, or just the fact that your father looks like my father, that's just heartbreaking.

    Guys like that seem to be dying out, and the people replacing them are....the ones you write about.

  27. As far as all the genes talk, I think Steve's adopted. Am I correct?

  28. Happy Birthday Steve's dad! :-D

    Hope you inherited those longevity genes, Steve. (My, what a large cranium you had there!)

  29. Congratulations!

  30. Steve,
    When you showed your book picture, I guessed that you were Germanic/Celtic with your father probably being Germanic and mom Celtic if only because that is the way it usually is. Also, you're uncommonly smart as is your dad from other things you've said...
    Just had to be an in family adoption.

    Your father seems to be a truly great man. I lost my grandfather two months ago and he adopted my mother after her real father took off. He wasn't smart at all, frankly, but was one of the most moral men I ever knew and we owe our lives to him. He was well taken care of in his old age by the smart children he raised.

  31. Nice father and son picture.

  32. Congrats to your father on #92 - I hope his health is holding up.

    Congrats to you for growing into that big head of your childhood!

  33. Congratulations Steve. I hope your father is in fine health, and that you yourself enjoy similar longevity.

  34. Steve,

    Are you originally from a prole background or middle or upper-middle?

    I am just wondering because of the trailer. I was not sure if it was the main residence or a vocational tool.

  35. Steve,

    You used to be blond? What happened? ;-P

  36. He looks like the kind of guy who fixes up a Gran Torino, cradles a shot gun on his porch and yells "Get off my lawn!" to young punks making a public nuisance.

    Kinda like my old man in his day.

  37. The Trailer of Sailer.
    (Couldn't resist.)

    Tell your father,
    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

    --Anonymous Man No. 3

  38. So I'm late. Congratulations anyway.


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