February 17, 2009

I'm shocked, SHOCKED ...

A NYT headline:
Signing Stimulus, Obama Doesn’t Rule Out More
As President Obama signed his recovery bill, an aide said that he had not ruled out a second stimulus package.

It's like the "Elderly Tourette's"-suffering Joe Biden character on Saturday Night Live who leans around Obama during a Presidential address to blurt out "Look, I know $819 billion sounds like a lot of money. But it’s just a tip of the iceberg."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. The lootin' of America.

  2. There's some sort of bawdy joke in here somewhere about our African-American president and "a second stimulus package" but I'm not funny enough to put it together.

    And anyway (in addition to be tasteless) it would be raaacissst!

  3. This is African-style Kelptocracy on steroids. And it took a Kenyan to give it to us.

    This president has signalled through every available channel, both symbolically and substantively, that he will be the most radically leftist "American" leader ever: from today's stimulus, to tomorrow's giveaway to overextended borrowers, to yesterday's return of Winston Churchill's bust to the Brits (that evil Winston!), to our involvement in the anti-white, anti-semitic Durban Review Conference.

    America will never be the same.

  4. *Kleptocracy

  5. I can see it all now. Historians just ranked Lincoln America's greatest President, a man who, whatever his merits, presided over the death of more than 600,000 men. The black FDR is already slated to replace white FDR right after no. 2 Washington. And why stop at 3? My university was a ghost town on MLK day (I had to find security to let me into my building) but President's Day (Washington's birthday) went completely unnoticed.


  6. Second World nation, here we come!

  7. Steve, do you imagine yourself on a different life-track than your former co-worker Denninger? And are you "OK with that"?

    Karl Denninger is a man of action with patriotic concerns about the future of the nation. He writes detailed critiques of government actions and encourages writing, faxing, and calling senators and congressman, and marching on Washington to enable peaceful reforms.

    Why haven't you, and Peter Brimelow and Vdare ever rallied the troops in person? Why haven't you adopted any Ron Paul meetup strategies? Do you ever speak in public? Do you place any value on that action whatsoever? Or is it beneath you?

    Denninger, at least, harnesses the power of internet video. Steve Sailer might discover the power of viral videos by the year 2050. Ever heard of youtube?

    And you're supposed to be a guy with a marketing background? This website demonstrates subzero marketing skills.

    You and Brimelow act like perfect government stooges. You are the perfect comatose faux opposition to the Open Borders Lobby. If I were part of La Raza or the SPLC, I would love to have you guys as the "radical" opposition.

  8. "This is African-style Kelptocracy on steroids. And it took a Kenyan to give it to us."

    Mark, you nailed it! Ask any white from Rhodesia, er.. sorry Zimbabwe or South Africa: Obama politics is like African politics xcept you guys got much deeper pockets. Since you forced those pesky whites down there at (economic) gunpoint to get with the programme, all I can say is ENJOY!!!

  9. With the White House becoming directly involved, I find the politicization of the forthcoming Census results very worrying.

  10. Mark:

    Sometimes typographical errors are fortuitous. A kelptocracy? Rule by plant life that "goes with the flow", pushed this way and that by the tides of fortune? Sounds like our US legislative bodies, described to a fare-thee-well.

  11. Alex Jurshevski's The Politics of Denial meet the Economics of Hypocrisy:

    "At every turn this Administration, similar to the last, is making decisions believing that somehow everything will turn out alright in the end – that the massive deficits will be financed overseas, that we in the West are not vulnerable to further financial disruption, that missteps now could never produce social dislocation, not to mention risk heightening geopolitical stress and the probability of conflict."


    "Foreign Investors who are being asked to foot the bill for all of these shenanigans in the United States are becoming increasingly impatient with the leadership there... it is highly questionable, due to the speed of the unfolding crisis and competition for limited investment funds, that the US can play at this for much longer before foreign sources of capital dry up and they are forced to decide whether to bite the bullet and to then implement a set of appropriate policies, or to take their chances and let inflation rip."

    Jurshevski closes with a timely quote from a famous political philosopher of the 19th century:

    “Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism.”

  12. "...to yesterday's return of Winston Churchill's bust to the Brits (that evil Winston!), to our involvement in the anti-white, anti-semitic Durban Review Conference."

    How very neo-con of you to say. Yeah, all this Wall Street bailout stuff turned my thoughts instantly to the Durban conference. The connection could not be more clear. And, all those African-American Wall Street traders and their ponzi ilk...if only they read Chicago Boyz like you, they'd realize that our real enemies are living in the Gaza strip.


  13. You and Brimelow act like perfect government stooges. You are the perfect comatose faux opposition to the Open Borders Lobby. If I were part of La Raza or the SPLC, I would love to have you guys as the "radical" opposition.

    Cut them some slack. They're just trying to be "respectable radicals."

  14. Obama will have gone from reviving a moribund economy to desecrating a corpse.

  15. '...from reviving a moribund economy to desecrating a corpse.'

    From Lord Maitreya to Baron Samedi in trillion easy steps.

  16. Obama will have gone from reviving a moribund economy to desecrating a corpse

    That may be the most perfect summation of the Obama Administration ever written.


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