April 19, 2009

The Obama Administration Is Playing with Fire

Here's an excerpt from my VDARE.com article on the Ricci Supreme Court case:

Frank Ricci is the lead plaintiff of a group of New Haven, Connecticut firemen (17 whites and one Hispanic) who took the city’s fire department promotion test in late 2003 and earned advancement to the rank of lieutenant or captain.

No blacks scored high enough to qualify for promotions. On the Lieutenants’ exam, the mean black score would have fallen at the 20th percentile among whites. (Hispanics scored the same as blacks). On the harder Captain’s exam, the mean black score fell at the 10th percentile for whites, while the average Hispanic scored at the 18th percentile. (You can see the individual test results at Adversity.net.)

There is nothing surprising or anomalous about these percentiles. They’re almost identical to blacks’ and Latinos’ results on professional school tests such as the LSAT used by law schools and the MCAT employed by medical schools. Blacks average at the 12th percentile of the white distribution of scores on the LSAT, which was taken by every single lawyer involved on all sides of the case.

(New Haven, by the way, is home to the Yale Law School, which enjoys the highest LSAT scores in the country. But punditry by Yale Law professors on this backyard case has tended to be muted. Perhaps they are torn between their liberalism and their desire not to die needlessly due to inept firefighters.)

A prominent black supporter of New Haven mayor John Stefano objected to the racial hue of the fire department’s results. So in 2004 the mayor talked the Civil Service Board into throwing out the test on the grounds that otherwise the city might get sued by blacks for using a test with “disparate impact” on protected minorities.

And the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission does indeed enforce a guideline that a “selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group which is less than four-fifths . . . of the rate for the group with the highest rate will generally be regarded . . . as evidence of adverse impact”.

In other words, if, say, 50 percent of whites pass your test, then 40 percent of blacks darn well better pass or the federal government will want to know the reason why.

Of course, everybody involved more or less knows the reason why: on average, blacks aren’t as smart as whites. But, at all costs, you must act like you don’t know that. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll wield Occam’s Butterknife instead of his Razor.

New Haven hasn’t bothered to hold another exam since 2003—presumably because it knows that any reasonable test would produce roughly the same results. Instead, it just hasn’t promoted anybody in five years. Instead, it has filled posts with “acting” lieutenants and captains of the politically desired colors.

Not promoting anybody may seem ridiculous, but it’s become quite common in America’s cities. For example, Chicago spent $5 million dollars devising an absolutely bulletproof non-discriminatory police sergeant’s test in 1994, only to have 109 of the 114 top scorers turn out to be whites. So Mayor Richie Daley just refused to promote anybody for several years, until he could push through his alternative system of promotions based on “merit” (“merit” being defined, in effect, as whatever the finely honed political instincts of Richard M. Daley found to be least trouble for his career).

The cities find themselves in an absurd legal position. They are subject to civil service rules and civil rights laws that outlaw favoritism—and, simultaneously, to EEOC and Department of Justice regulations that mandate it.

This leads to even more pretzel logic. Thus New Haven claimed that it wasn’t discriminating against white firemen—it was just trying to avoid being sued for discriminating against blacks!

And, incredibly, the federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals bought that rationale by a 7-6 vote (with potential Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor one of the seven).

The Second Circuit’s decision was all the more incredible because the distinguished judge Frank Easterbrook of the Seventh Circuit had already shot down the same circular logic in 2004, when Chicago tried it the Biondo case involving testing for promotion of Chicago firefighters.

Easterbrook incredulously asked:

"[T]he premise of the City’s argument is that [the EEOC] regulations supply a compelling governmental interest in making decisions based on race. How can that be? Then Congress or any federal agency could direct employers to adopt racial quotas, and the direction would be self-justifying: the need to comply with the law (or regulation) would be the compelling interest. Such a circular process would drain the equal protection clause of meaning."

(Sorry about all the Chicago examples—I used to be a Chicagoan so I can make more easily make sense of the contorted history of public safety employment testing in the Windy City. But you can find similar cases in most cities.)

Many assume that firemen just have to be brave, but here’s a very simple question from an entry-level practice test:

When coupling hoses together, ___ 50-feet hoses and ___ 75-feet hoses will result in a length of 575 feet.

a. 5, 4
b. 4, 4
c. 5, 5
d. 4, 5

(You don't want to overestimate because firehoses filled with water are heavy.)

Now imagine having to solve that while burn victims are screaming for help.


My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve, the word "More" at the end of this post is not a hyperlink right now.

  2. Please Steve. Obama is playing to WIN.

    The Ricci case will result in 5-4 vote for the City and the AA endorsers. And Obama will use that to promote even MORE Affirmative Action.

    Who won the election [much as I hate it?] OBAMA. He's got a mandate to push AA as hard and as much as it will go.

    Elite Yuppies LOVE AA, because it punishes their main rivals, working/middle class White guys.

    The Democratic Party is the Anti-White Guy party because of that, with position papers such as "So Long White Boy" and "The End of White Men" and Harold Meyerson, former LA Weekly SWPL extraordinaire writer, calling for an "end to Whiteness" by which he means working/middle class Whites. This is a winning position as we saw in the election because of WOMEN. Who abandoned btw Hillary for Obama halfway through the primaries, because of Obama's AA pledges and Big Man Posturing (women LOVE Big Men).

    WOMEN particularly White Women LOVE AA. AA keeps pesky ordinary White guys at bay, and White women hate those guys. First they are competitors economically, socially, and politically, and second the unwanted providers of attention and pestering. Since most women are now single, there is no reason for them to be concerned about Joe Average Middle/Working Class White Guy, and most women have at best one kid. Whom they hope designer eugenic yuppie stuff will make "special" and through Mozart during pregnancy and other idiot fads push them through AA barriers, which in turn keep down working/middle class "non-cool" competitors.

    AA exists, and will be only BIGGER, because White Women DEMAND IT. Heck Obama promises even more spending on White Women friendly stuff like law, regulatory schemes, "green" nonsense and regulations, education, and health care. No annoying icky Joe Average Straight White Guys there, only a few "Alpha" players of Big Law and other powerful "rockstars." Which speaks to another benefit of AA, it purges all but the "rockstar" White guys out of the labor pool, and women love that, it makes sorting out guys according to status/power/testosterone easier.

    About 80% of layoffs have been of men. Women have been protected, deliberately, and by the structural nature of the economy both, for good reasons. They form Obama's victory margin.

    White Men are the weakest demographic group because SWPL Yuppie Men vote their own interests, see Harold Meyerson, and younger men seek to curry favor with women by voting the female line rather than the White Male line. Particularly in AA.

    I don't see anything other than a 5-4 victory, down partisan and cultural lines, with Obama using that to ram even MORE AA which White Women LOVE in all areas of the country. Women elected Obama, single women went for him 70-29, and Obama knows they are the source of his electoral and cultural power.

    White guys are his enemy, so expect massive punishment of them, with the Democratic Party, which is now organized along explicit anti-White Working/Middle Class Straight Guy lines, falling along.

    Demographic reality makes this sadly a winner. You might not like this, it's unpleasant, but it's the reality of the situation.

  3. I have a suspicion that many of the employees of these testing companies are closeted iSteve readers and believers in HBD. They know exactly how to use SWPL beliefs to ensure their tests are chosen. They know exactly what the proper sales pitch is to SWPL'ers and administrators horrified of racist accusations.

    I have the same theory regarding psychics and mediums, like Sylvia Browne, John Edward, and James van Praagh. I suspect each of them are hardcore skeptics using the credulity of a paying public for their own gain. Kevin Trudeau clearly fits in that category as well.

  4. Don't worry testing99, the whole house of cards is going to come tumbling down.

  5. I was skeptical for so long, but now, finally, on reading the 1,547th reiteration of testing99's thesis that bitches are to blame, I am converted.

    Your job is done, testing. You may now retire knowing that you have served mankind well and have fully earned your rest. We will carry on your noble work.

  6. The federal government quit testing a long time ago, but firefighers in the US Forest Service were required to be high school graduates and have some college or some relevant experience. However, the California Region was unable to meet its consent decree commitments for Hispanics. Half of the hispanics in the California labor force are not citizens and can't work for the federal government. Half of the hispanics also are not high school graduates. So the judge required the Forest Service to hire laborers instead of forestry technicians for these jobs. Forest Service people are the lowest paid firefighters and don't do very much structural work, but the technical knowledge required is similar to other firemen.

  7. Well, the problem with that test is that you have to be able to read. Most people don't do that very well. Then there's the 3D cube, which requires some rudimentary spacial manipulation. Of course, reading a map is another tall order.

    You see, all firemen really do is spray water on fires, drive trucks and carry grandmas out of uncomfortably hot places. Oh yeah, they fetch cats, too. All that stuff takes is a big person. So why would they ever have to do any of this irrelevant thinking stuff?

    Hate to say it, but that's really the impression most people have.

    BTW, AA female judges are notorious for their abuse of the law. If Obama stuffs the courts with too many more of these there will only be more and more injustice.

  8. Testing99 kinda' has a point.

    Before women are married, they want a nanny-state government to take care of them and any offspring that they might have. Therefore they are all for quotas.

    "Office-girl" women are all for quotas now, because few Hispanic, Somali, Arab immigrant FEMALES are competiton for them personally. They could not care less about men facing competition from Hispanic, Somali, Arab men willing to work on loading docks, drive tow-motors, work in the construction biz, et cetera.

    In fact, "office-girl" single women probably like the fact that the white males who pass them around like chip dip at the bars are in economic jeapordy. In their minds, that might make these man-boys more ready to "commit", lowering their "value" out there on the relationship market through financial weakness.

    The reason we have Obama, is because Juan McCain was the co-author of the shamnesty bill, promised more outsourcing of jobs, and promised more insourcing of HI-B labor. In short, he gave the Republican base absolutely nothing in the areas they were concerned about, but did sabre rattle for a new war with Iran and even Russia (!!!!). Meanwhile Obama didn't go to the left of McCain on immigration, complained about companies outsourcing, and promised to at least talk to Iran, and made no sabre rattling moves toward Moscow after Russia repelled the Georgian INVASION of that po-dunk republic in Central Asia whose name is escaping me right now. The trad right stayed home, they had nada to vote for.

    Republicans are better off amongst married voters and if they were smart (they are not smart, just bought-off greedsters), they would do everything they could for marriage and affordable family formation in the heartland, and let SWPLS cut themselves in half every 65 years via their pitiful birthrates. But as Ive said, the GOP leadership isn't smart, its just greedy.

    Post Scriptum:

    Anybody else notice how MEAGAN MCCAIN is being used to villify anybody on her right just as David Frum has done for years, dragging the Republican party ever leftward and leaving the grass roots republicans out in the cold? Prepare now traditionalists, for another primary in which the elite get a Jesus freak (maybe Huckabee again) to steal the thunder of any traditional republicans in the early primaries, so that the elite can give us another Guiliani/McCain-like candidate to run against Obama (whom Im not entirely sure the GOP leadership even wants to defeat).

    Ask yourselves this Salient (pun only half-intended) folks:

    Would John Mcain rather Barack Obama be president or Tom Tancredo, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John Duncan to be president? My money is that Juan McCain would prefer Obama----as well as senators McConnell, Rainbow Lindsey Graham, Spector, Hatch, Snowe, et al. We need to elect some -real- republicans, and soon.

    Yes, yes, I know Im cruel, mean, cold-hearted, callous.......etc.

  9. You sure do have a very cruel attitude towards women, testing99.

    Everything that you've said about the plight of regular white guys might be true.

    But none of that can remotely compare to the indignities suffered by Sarah Palin last year.

    The poor baby actually had to field questions about her WARDROBE. You know why? Because she's a WOMAN, that's why. She said so herself.

    But regular white guys voted for Sarah Palin last year because they perceived her to be a babe.

    Fact is that Sarah Palin believes that her...uh...female anatomy is both her sword and her chariot with the same intensity that Hillary believes that to be true of her own female anatomy.

    Yet both Palin and Hillary -- the very antithesis of "babe" -- both of whom tolerate men like they would tolerate a cold -- got a pretty large share of votes from regular white guys last year.

    So even regular white guys don't see who their enemy is and don't vote according to their socio-economic interests.

    Oh, it's over, all right. It's over.

  10. "Anonymous said...

    Testing99 kinda' has a point."

    Yeah, I hate to admit it too, but he kinda does. Of course he makes it over and over again, and each time as if for the first time.

    Along those lines, Steve, you might want to look into a new development (which I've mentioned before) - the imminent arrival of Title IX at university science departments:


    "as well as senators......, Rainbow Lindsey Graham,...."

    Not that there's anything wrong with that. What's with the GOP anyway - Craig, Foley, the distinguished (and fabulous) Senator from South Carolina - does GOP now stand for Gay Old Party?

  11. ... alternative system of promotions based on “merit” (“merit” being defined, in effect, as whatever the finely honed political instincts of Richard M. Daley found to be least trouble for his career).Steve is exercizing insufficient cynicism here. Daley isn't looking for the "least trouble", but the most gain.

    But high scores on mental-ability tests don't constitute merit, either, no matter what the neocons say. You're born-- conceived, I should say-- with your IQ. Where's the "merit" in the Lucky Sperm Club?

    I like the old "legacy" system of the Ivies and similar schools. Prospective students were judged by both their native ability and merit. But as an 18-year-old chap (in those days, it was all chaps) had very little merit to show for himself, he was judged by the very real merit his family had accrued over the generations.

    Who can argue with that? Especially as those schools were founded to pass on a culture and a faith to the next generation.

    Today's students at élite schools have never been smarter in theory-- nor dumber in practise.

  12. This stuff is old news to any white from Zimbabwe or South Africa. The situation there is similar; except they solve the problem by stacking the benches with regime-loyal Black Nationalist judges who just make decisions at will, i.e. irrespective of the law, always contra whitey of course. Whatever they then say is law. Period.

    Mugabe just gave each (black) crony judge in the country a brand new 4x4 SUV, fridges, TV's and other joys of western technology, you know that West which otherwise is sooooo evil. That was payment for smacking down every case concerning murdered opposition members, confiscated farms or confiscated bank accounts.

    Obama is simply going to solve this problem the African way by stacking the benches with enough non-whites to tilt the scales, irrespective of the laws or any logic, never mind any morality. He'll continue strutting around with that fake smile and make politics at whitey's expense. The reason he can smile of course is because the MSM let's him get away with screwing whitey on a daily basis, i.e. those people who pay his bills.

    The white SWPL crowd are eventually going to choke on all their status-mongering. Ask all those white liberals in Zimbabwe or South Africa how well their grovelling at the feet of black nationalists worked out for them. At 2am in the morning, whilst trying to sleep but worrying that the sound outside may be a gang about to rob, rape and kill them and their family, irrespective of any security measures. Or not knowing whether the next government is going to tolerate them having their fancy houses and factories or confiscate them.

    And no, what I'm writing is not hyperbole.

  13. t99 has some valid points but I hope he does not carry this chip around on a personal basis. Otherwise he must be very miserable. t99, I can tell you that the Afrikaner white guys in South Africa or the former average white guy in Rhodesia are far worse off than you. When you travel down there you can see many thousands of really destitute white guys. All the result of black racism. But many of them have figured a way around the mess, often with the help of their Christian faith. You see, eventually blacks destroy themselves, and white guy's can figure out how to fix a broken pipe. And those white babes you lust after may be blinded by the fake wealth being flashed around by the black AA yuppie, but in the long run the white guy's who can fix the broken pipe and earn their money without a crutch are going to win.

    In South Africa half the white guys now own their own business. Because of AA they had no other choice. But they are the ones who are going to win. They even survive in the current regime which seeks to punish successful white men. What will happen when the black government collapses under its own inefficiency, corruption and nepotism? Then these guys are going to laugh big time. It’s already starting to happen in South Africa.

  14. To expand on the Islam point, it seems that the best solution is to import as much Sharia law and Jihad as possible.

    I mean, let's look at this logically. Islam is a male-dominated religion. This means that Islamic family law and Islamic workplace law will clearly benefit men over women. Men become the rulers of their household. Women are not allowed to work...meaning there is no competition in the workplace with women. After all, all women do is lower wages.

    That is only one dimension of Islam's benefit. Under Islam, men are part of a brotherhood of equals.
    Under liberalism, white men are second-class citizens.

    Who would've thought that Ted Kennedy is a threat to the average white guys freedom than Osama bin Laden?

  15. Grizzlie Antagonist said...

    Yet both Palin and Hillary -- the very antithesis of "babe" -- both of whom tolerate men like they would tolerate a cold -- got a pretty large share of votes from regular white guys last year.

    So even regular white guys don't see who their enemy is and don't vote according to their socio-economic interests.
    Hey, I saw it clear as day. After she and her family tried to use her political power to fire her ex-brother-in-law, I couldn't stomach Palin. That is just too trashy, and unfortunately all too common. A woman who would do that does not belong in office.

  16. If you believe an upcoming article in Science, maybe the best hope for black firefighters is to increase their self-esteem by writing happy thoughts.

    "A short self-affirming writing exercise that took only about an hour of class time boosted struggling black junior high school students' grade point average by nearly half a point over two years, according to a new study."


  17. I don't get all the people here who bash T99's line on gender relations. I've yet to see anything approaching a factual or logical response other than to accuse him of being a guy who can't get chicks. He is talking about a massive voting bloc with real effects on the way the country is run.

    Grizzlie, yes white men voted for Sarah Palin. That has nothing to do with T99's point that single white women consistently vote against the interests of average white men. No logical relation of any kind, just a "so there" moral equivalency irrelevant to the issue.

    I'm waiting for any kind of factual or logical response and I don't see it.

  18. "I'm waiting for any kind of factual or logical response and I don't see it."

    I've always sed that t99 has a point with single chicks. It’s just not going to make him happy to transport those observations into his private life. There are ALSO a number of nice chicks, who may be politically liberal because of the political gatekeeper chick in their cliques, but can be convinced with some decent arguments, patience and personal commitment. Most ordinary chicks are just looking for a decent guy to marry and settle down with. It’s always been that way and always will be. While they are single they tend to get hijacked by a wilful babe in a clique that sets herself up as the alpha-babe, and basically tells the rest how to vote. Often her motive has more to do with not being able to haul off the alpha male she had her eyes on than anything else. I.e. she is liberal in order to punish some guy who did not choose her as his queen. I've seen this close up, my girlfriend was in a clique and basically got told how to think politically.

    Apart from starting a campaign to overturn woman's suffrage (your best allies may be black males), how else are you going to stop it? So what's the point of harping on it all the time?

  19. I've been asking for years why Right Wing Western males should be so opposed to Islam. Give me Islam over Liberalism, any day.

  20. "Anonymous said...

    While they are single they tend to get hijacked by a wilful babe in a clique that sets herself up as the alpha-babe, and basically tells the rest how to vote."

    And a lot of these alpha-babes are media figures: Gloria Steinem? Single for most of her life. Janeane Garafalo? Ditto. Oprah? Never married.

    All of them pushing the line that women should look to government to be their boyfriend. A lot of democratic women voters had a girlish crush on Bill Clinton, and more recently, on Obama. (Probably doesn't explain Mondale's or Dukakis's nomination - but then again - they lost).

  21. I don't need to "respond" to t99 because I was not arguing with him.

    I was agreeing with him. I'm as militantly single as he is. I am actually worried about being mistaken for him.

    Hillary and Palin are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and yet both of them regard men as illegal aliens.

    That's the state of male-female relations in white America today.

    I was simply pointing out - in a sarcastic mien -- that white guys don't see this in women and they respond to this hostility by catering to them.

  22. "I've been asking for years why Right Wing Western males should be so opposed to Islam. Give me Islam over Liberalism, any day."

    OK, maybe if you have a lot of cash you can then have 4 wives. And beat them if they disagree with you. What's so great about that? In Somalia the pirates can only start affording additional wives now that they got into the big league, i.e. hijacking tankers. But the moment the Islamics go and fry them, because they dared hijack another Saudi vehicle, the wives disappear again. And since when are women so clueless? They have endless ways of paying back. Even in archaic societies.

    Apart from that, Islam just sucks massively on so many levels, apart from the fact that it is spiritually desolate. It’s so obvious; it’s not even worth debating. Anyway, you're free to convert and go live in any of those Arab "paradises".

  23. To get an idea of how dim the AA dropouts are, none of them have sued the Bar Association for disparate impact.

    On the other hand, we can make lemonade. No new lawyers until they can devise bar exams with equal passing rates by race.

  24. Can lawsuits work both ways?
    They sue for discrimination,
    We sue for incompetence.
    They suffer "harm" by being discriminated.
    We suffer a very real harm that, may include death, by their incompetence.
    Stripped of the Pretzel Logic (which is ALWAYS a symptom of Dishonesty and creeping Insanity) they are essentially saying -
    "This man or woman is trained by the State to save lives, but they're not that good at it."
    Of course, we already know that since the beneficiaries of AA are, well, not very pro-White, are they really going to even care that they are no good at saving our lives?
    As a Black co-worker once said to me during my days in NYC, "Blacks dont' care about each other. They just don't."
    That is another matter.
    But do we have to keep enabling people who do not care about us?
    This is "Justice"?
    This is "Democracy"?

    One thing is for sure. The insanity is getting easier to see, and define. And that means that all of their efforts will go into protecting themselves. And for people who are unproductive, dishonest, and dependent, "protecting themselves" (from Reality in general and Unpleasant facts in particular) translates into "attacking us."
    For me, one source, perhaps the source, of insanity in this situation is that you have a group of people (which includes their social, economic, and political enablers) who are dependent on people they are violating! How much longer can this go on?

  25. The original version of the constitution granted the right to vote to property owners, male, 21 and older. This basically is one vote per household that has something to lose if the country goes down a hole. Now we have our dependents voting against us. Just out of curiosity, I wonder what percentage of property owning, males 21 and older voted for Obama.

    The hilarity of the education game is that more women go to college than men but now many get degrees in the crap they used to discuss at the garden club and they fancy themselves "educated'.

    Sorry folks, but a degree in women's studies does not equal a degree in actuarial science, or even agriculture for that matter. So many women are still uneducated for all their fine airs (and student loan debt). The average farmer has more functional and economically useful knowledge than the average college educated babe.

  26. I predict the firemen will win this one.

    Testing99 is insane. His explanation of affirmative action leaves out the huge coalition of clever black and Hispanic advocacy groups that have shoved affirmative action down the collective throat of America.

    With the help of white liberals, to be sure. Some of those liberals are men, like Jack Greenberg, who runs the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Or ran it, I forget. Then of course there was the judge W. Arthur Garrity, whose ruling destroyed the Boston school system.

    It's easy to blame the situation o women when you haven't been laid for five years. But it would be wrong.

  27. milam command4/20/09, 9:01 AM

    I'm a district chief in emergency operations in one of the country's largest fire departments. Promotional exams have been beddy-beddy good to me.

    That being said, I don't believe that multiple choice testing (currently our department's ONLY means for promoting officers for emergency ops) is the best way to choose fire officers. Rather, it tends to reward people with the ability to memorize vast quantities of (mostly useless) information and regurgitate it on a multiple-choice test--not necessarily the type of man best suited for making life and death decisions in the field.

    What type of man makes the best fire officer? I'd say someone exactly like this...


    ...as brilliantly depicted here...


    How do you train, test and promote for that? I'm not sure, but I think the Army, Navy and Marines do a better job of promoting for this than we do, and they use much more than paper-and-pencil tests.

  28. Here is a link to an article about the busing fiasco in Boston, brought upon us by an insane Irish Catholic, W. Arthur Garity:


    Insanity comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and genders.

    It's really sad that a comment line gets hijacked by a maniac like Testing99.

    And by the way, I am responding to his rants with facts. The vast majority of the affirmative action establishment, backed up by street thugs like Sharpton and Jackson, are not women.

    Women do NOT run our society. No society is run by women. Read Steven Goldberg's WHY MEN RULE.

    Crazy, evil, white men who hate working class white guys because the latter are expensive and obstreperous, as Fireman Ricci has shown, run our society.

    Sad sack assholes like Testing99 blame women for the situation because they are weak-minded and because women are a convenient target.

    Dudes - the real culprit here is THE MAN. Who is THE MAN? He is a moniker for the coalition of rich white guys who have you by the balls.

  29. Give me Islam over Liberalism, any day.Jihad Watch.

    Maybe get a clue about what that death-cult religion does to every country foolish enough to let its practitioners in.

    Have you even learned anything from the way they treated Salman Rushdie, or from the Danish cartoon riots? Or did you sleep soundly through all that?

    Anyway, you're free to convert and go live in any of those Arab "paradises".Precisely. Don't plan on changing your mind later, though: The penalty for apostasy is death.

  30. It reminds me of the mental test that Muhammed Ali flunked, temporarily saving him from being drafted. I hope for his sake that he was feigning stupidity. The newspapers got a hold of the exam. It was hilariously easy.

    Of course manpower needs (i.e., Viet Nam) caused the Army to recalibrate the test, elevating Ali to draftable status. No wonder we lost.

  31. "Who would've thought that Ted Kennedy is a threat to the average white guys freedom than Osama bin Laden?"

    Anyone who's been paying attention for the last thirty years.

  32. One more thing.

    I thought you all would enjoy reading these accounts from a "independent" (i.e.,leftie) New Haven website:


    Look at the lead, "Fearing a reversal of civil rights gains...."

    Bias, anyone?

    Also, this is interesting:


    " Instead, Assistant Drillmaster Rene Cordova (pictured), president of the Latino group, said he supports the New Haven 20 in their fight against the city. He said there is no proof that the city threw the test out on account of race; and those who passed the test have the right to a promotion."

  33. Sorry, last comment....

    The New Haven 20 have their own website:


    You can contribute to their legal defense fund. Testing99, put your money where yo' mouth be. Give some money.

    I got it from a sympathetic account about Ricci:


    All this guy ever wanted to do was fight fire. He studied fire science in college.

    Back to the Legal Defense Fund - Testing99 might not want to give because I sense he is a cheap mofo, but also because....


    "Ricci and the other firefighters have been represented by New Haven attorney Karen Lee Torre, a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University and the University of Bridgeport's law school. She has previously won settlements for New Haven police officers in a reverse discrimination lawsuit, among other victories."

    Sounds like a nice working-class Catholic girl from Conn.is up against the biggest SWPL legal brains in the country. Give them some dough.

    Be a man!

  34. I liked testing99's post (the second one on the thread here).
    Though I don't agree entirely, and think his point is a bit over-simplified.
    I think theirs will be a phyrric victory. I am convinced that if they "win" we all lose.
    The Right has merely become a tightly controlled extension of the Democratic Party, as the RNC makes perfectly obvious. It’s only relevance today seems to come in the role of scapegoat.
    For me, testing99's post implied what should be clear to all, ie; that the Left is forcing our hand SO we defend ourselves and they can use that as justification to do what they have been longing to do for ages - finish us off. Just as the many different kinds of Liberal, and Left, and even Neocon, have merged into a Politically Correct Police State, so too have the many different kinds of White men merged into, well, “White men.”
    I think we will get about as fair a hearing, and as just a treatment as that tiny group of people did years ago in Waco, Texas. I am convinced that is what they have in mind for us.
    Still, they ARE fundamentally incompetent, and though I can't launch into a detailed explanation as to why I think that is here in a post, I will say that, as a White man who grew up poor and has never for one second bought into the PC mindset, particularly as it relates to guilt; and, as a White man who grew up in a female dominated family and had nearly all black class mates, lived and work for years in NYC alongside non-Whites, and lived for 10 years in Latin America, I KNOW the demography of what I refer to as the Politically Correct, Multi-Cultural Police State.
    And I am telling you that no matter how it turns out with us, they are doomed to failure.
    They will fail as a system just like they fail all of these exams and the reason is devoid of any complexity.
    The reason is - they are fundamentally, in the deepest marrow of their bones, immature, selfish and dishonest. When they don an intellectual cap they almost never rise above the level of pretentious, self-satisfied blowhard, as a glance at Obama's books should make perfectly obvious. Or even your average article from Shelby Steele.
    In any event, THAT is why they are not interested in us. If you are not merely dishonest, but, constitutionally incapable of grasping a way of life that requires "rigorous honesty" than you are not going to want to be anywhere near the demographic that knows you are full of it! And we know guys like Meyerson and his misled readers, the White women testing99 refers to, and all the rest, are full of it.
    That they are unrepentant, and full of themselves, is beyond question. For this reason, they are going to fail. I think we should focus on this as long as we have breath in our lungs and bring it to the attention of anyone we can. It's certainly better than harping on the doom and gloom of it all.

  35. headache said "Whatever they then say is law." but that's how the law works. the people in power tell you what the law is. it has always been that way.

    some people are under the impression that the white man's modern ideas about a law system that strives to be as fair and impartial as possible, is the "real" law system. no, it's just the contemporary white law system. all other groups would implement a law system as they see fit, and each and every one of them would be just as valid. they will have the power, and they will tell you what the law is, and that's the end of the discussion. objections that "Those law systems are not fair" are ridiculous. only white guys think the law is supposed to be fair, and even white guys only started thinking that within the last couple hundred years.

    fairness is not the "real" law. that's modern white law. a temporary, historical anomaly. the US law system today, which is about as fair as is possible for practical purposes, will be gone forever in a little while, and will likely never return.

    it's not much different than the silly, juvenile idea that many US politicians have today about spreading the republic form of government. as if it's the only "real" kind of government a nation can have, and that all humans secretly want to live in a republic. in this school of thought, iraqis are exactly the same as the good, honest folks in ohio, and were simply waiting for american heroes to come and set up a republic in iraq. to gw bush and the bushbots, there must be something wrong with somebody who doesn't believe that IQ 80 sunni iraqi peasants are not exactly the same as jim bob the methodist farmer in indiana. most ludicrous, i think, were the suggestions that occupying iraq was "just like" occupying germany.

    and so, objecting that a US law system run by mulattos is "not fair" compared to one run by modern european americans, strikes me as a goofy objection. once again, demographics are the single most important thing. all ethnic groups would operate the US law system differently. how can people into HBD not understand this? if the chinese ran things, the US law system would be different, likewise for muslims, likewise for mexicans.

  36. "(New Haven, by the way, is home to the Yale Law School, which enjoys the highest LSAT scores in the country. But punditry by Yale Law professors on this backyard case has tended to be muted. Perhaps they are torn between their liberalism and their desire not to die needlessly due to inept firefighters.)"

    More likely: Yale has the highest percentage of Jewish students in the Ivy League, so if "disparate impact" came up regarding their reliance on LSAT, it is quite likely that the "disparate impact" on admission of non-Jewish whites would be mentioned and we can't have that.

  37. Kurt Vonnegut was prescient. Remember the opening of his short little satire, "Harrison Bergeron"?

    "THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General."

  38. The friction on the economy caused by all the regulatory bullshit must be larger than friction on a certain other economy by now. They also have the venefit of a generally more intelligent worker base and lots of consumers.

  39. There is a serious problem here, but it isn't with the test, and it isn't with blacks' inherent intelligence.

    We already know that illegals have been taking the entry level jobs which should have been going to Americans. And we already know that approximately one-third of the poorest young Americans are either in jail or on probation or parole.

    The problem with black incarceration is the same as the problem with black under-performance on tests. These kids grow up in households and neighborhoods where few of the adult men have jobs. So there's no one to tell them that they have to work hard in order to have a future. In fact what the kids learn is that the system is stacked against them. I've taught these kids. By the time they're freshman in high school, they're already defeated, because there's been no guidance at home. So whether it's college entrance exams or firefighters promotion exams, the result is the same.

    Secretary-General Obama isn't going to face up to this, because doing that would require him to acknowledge that it would be wise public policy to prepare blacks for jobs in the trades. If he were to do that, it would quickly become obvious that we can send several million Mexicans right on back to Mexico.

    So around and around it goes. Blacks don't qualify because they're not prepared; they're not prepared because there were no adult males capable of guiding them and pushing them; the solution - and the only one which will work long term - is to get the adults into jobs for which they are qualified.

    Strictly speaking becoming an apprentice in the trades requires only a willingness to work and an employer who's willing to train. One semester of vocational education would make people desirable candidates for an apprenticeship. Combine that with pressure to hire newly trained Americans, and black adult males will believe that

    It really is that simple, but doing that would mean that Secretary-General Obama wants to put Americans first in this magnificent country. Don't hold your breath.

  40. This article on female fire fighters prompts me to ask what they are like as front-line troops?

    I suspect it would be a case of bug-out boogie for most of them.

  41. Nah, T99 is on to something about gender. White women are a huge voting bloc and they favor feel good fuzzy redistributionist and hyper regulatory politics. They are easily larger in number than the black and Hispanic voting blocs combined.

    There is a big difference between figurehead politicians and the actual voting blocs. Bill Clinton is a white male who got the black vote hands down. Sarah Palin is a white female who got some of the conservative leaning white male vote hands down. It's a separate issue from who those voting blocs are and why they support a given politician.

    Closer to the root of this problem is that the US economy no longer supports single earner households where a woman can marry a dorky beta guy and settle down to domestic life watching Oprah. That's harder to come by these days, so women would just assume work themselves and not deal with men. These single women secretly have a grudge against white guys too for not marrying them and supporting them as stay at home moms too and will vent that in their voting choices.

    Something I think T99 understands but doesn't say is that sexually frustrated beta males are historically the bread and butter of successful military campaigns.

    People who think T99 is a frustrated bachelor who can't get laid are just way off. It just tells me people on here are unable to gauge the caliber of people they encounter. Machiavelli once said that something along the lines of this: the man who sees the big picture in some way can always manipulate smaller selfish minded men to his advantage.

  42. Lucius Vorenus4/20/09, 2:00 PM

    But many of them have figured a way around the mess, often with the help of their Christian faith. You see, eventually blacks destroy themselves, and white guy's can figure out how to fix a broken pipe... What will happen when the black government collapses under its own inefficiency, corruption and nepotism? Then these guys are going to laugh big time. It’s already starting to happen in South Africa...

    I don't understand why the white folk in SA don't just pursue their own secessionist agenda - divide the country in two, give the blacks everything in the [urban, "industrialized"] east, and keep the agricultural stuff out west for themselves.

    Seems like the perfect solution to me - the blacks get everything they covet, and, once on their own, they can be allowed to cannibalize themselves right out of existence [which will then be no one's fault but their own].

  43. White women are a huge voting bloc and they favor feel good fuzzy redistributionist and hyper regulatory politics.

    Uh, no. Single white yuppie women generally fall into that category. The rest generally do not.

  44. "'Who would've thought that Ted Kennedy is a threat to the average white guys freedom than Osama bin Laden?'

    Anyone who's been paying attention for the last thirty years."

    Oh yes, please. I'd love to live in a society where my daughters could be executed for "adultery" if they were raped.

    Get a grip. For crying out loud.

  45. Concerned: Women do NOT run our society. No society is run by women. Read Steven Goldberg's WHY MEN RULE.

    Crazy, evil, white men who hate working class white guys because the latter are expensive and obstreperous, as Fireman Ricci has shown, run our society.

    Sad sack assholes like Testing99 blame women for the situation because they are weak-minded and because women are a convenient target.

    Dudes - the real culprit here is THE MAN. Who is THE MAN? He is a moniker for the coalition of rich white guys who have you by the balls.
    You'd think it'd be obvious, but no. Women are followers. They follow men. Men compete against other men, eunuchs spend their lives in some weird, impotent agon with women, sitting around on the internet telling each other what badasses they are for, get this, challenging girls. (Hey, remember when Crazy Evil White Guy Larry Summers was the big hero, 'cause he made the feminist girlies cry? - and all the while Larry Summers was reaming you and your kind, and is still reaming you, with all his CEWG cronies.)

    Anonymous: Second, it does not matter if white guys are the ones screwing other white guys over. The majority of women put these guys in office. The are the ones with the balance of power. Deprive women of their ability to vote, and the problem goes away.Not even necessary. Repeat: Women are not leaders. They vote for the crazy evil white guys not because their propaganda appeals to women's "compassionate natures", but because the CEWGs act like they're in charge (where all those alpha moves really matter) and are, for all practical purposes, unchallenged by the white guys they're sitting on. Women intuit, even if they don't consciously acknowledge, that the kicked around white guys are still timid, still cowed by accusations of "racism", still not standing up and fighting other men. Women will not follow men like that.

    You are fighting (or rather, just sitting around and bitching about) women. That's pathetic. And anyway, genius, if women have all this mighty electoral power, how, exactly, are you going to deprive them of the franchise, especially when the CEWGs want them to have it to maintain their own power, and you won't fight the CEWGs? What a joke. Yeah, that's the ticket - we just get everyone to convert to Islam, and take the vote away from women, and we won't have to go toe to toe with those big, scary CEWGs. (And btw, re Islam? Yeah, like I'm going to spit on my forefathers' graves to improve some tosser's chances to rope in some women.)

  46. I don't think that women should be executed for adultery if raped, but I'd like to see society move in that direction.

    That is to say, I'd like to see society move from the matriarchy in which it's now situated to a patriarchy.

    The Saudi model would be a good model to aim for with the intention of falling short.

    T99 complains about the institutional power of women, and his critics say, "Well, he just can't get laid', which is a "poisoning the well" tactic.

    Some of those critics are probably the same people who talk about Jewish influence in Hollywood and in the foreign policy establishment.

    Should those critics be accused of lusting in their hearts after Steven Spielberg and David Frum?

  47. Rohan Swee, you are already spitting on your forefather's graves.

    You seem as comfortable "sitting around the Internet" as are the men that you would destroy.

    The eunuchs aren't the ones who are "sitting around the Internet" complaining about women.

    The eunuchs are the ones who are "sitting around the Internet" pandering to them.

  48. Captain Jack Aubrey4/20/09, 10:54 PM

    Sotomayor was nominated on November 27, 1991, by President George H. W. Bush to a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York vacated by John M. Walker, Jr. (the president's cousin). She became the first Hispanic federal judge in New York State.So Sotomayor was first nominated by the first President Bush. The Bush Family has been pushing the "Hispanics are natural Republicans" meme for a very long time.

    I've mentioned this before but in the summer before the '92 election I worked for Richard Wirthlin's polling company (Wirthlin was Reagan's pollster). We did a survey for Bush calling Mestizos asking them if they knew that Bush's surgeon general (Antonio Novello?) was Mestizo, just like them! 99%, over the sounds of crying babies, asked "who?"

    What's with the GOP anyway - Craig, Foley, the distinguished (and fabulous) Senator from South Carolina - does GOP now stand for Gay Old Party?Saw Lindsey on the other day talking about the Tea Parties, and he was sounding even gayer than usual. Maybe it was the memories of all those tea parties on Fire Island. Maybe having squeezed past his re-election campaign he was just letting all the gay out.

    But no, there's nothing wrong with "it." If Graham changed his views on immigration I'd do...well naughty things to him.

    Oh yes, please. I'd love to live in a society where my daughters could be executed for "adultery" if they were raped.Sorry, but for the last 40+ years Ted Kennedy and his friends and allies have been working from inside the system to destroy it. Bin Laden and his psycho pals can fly a few planes into a few buildings and that sucks, but Ted Kennedy has been actively working to detsroy any meaningful definition of the word "American" and has supported every policy that would harm middle class whites.

    To paraphrase Toynbee, when a great civilization dies it's usually suicide, not murder.

    Of course the great thing is that the cult of Kennedy is mercifully winding down. There was no Governor Kennedy from Maryland. There will be no Senator Kennedy from New York. There will soon be no Senator Kennedy, period.

  49. "Oh yes, please. I'd love to live in a society where my daughters could be executed for "adultery" if they were raped."

    Two can play at that game.

    I'd love to live in a society where my daughters could be encouraged to think that it's cool to pretend to be gang-raped on video for fame or money.
    I'd love to live in a society where my 13-year-old daughters could abort my grandchildren, without my consent and even without my knowledge.
    I'd love to live in a society where my daughters are taught to hate America, religion, a work ethic, by teachers who are paid for by my taxes.

    I could go on all day.

  50. Wow. I sincerely hope the people here wishing aloud for a Taliban take-over of the United States are just being satirical. Please tell me you're being satirical.

  51. I'd love to live in a society where my daughters are taught to hate, fear, and feel guilty for themselves; where they are persecuted for their natural intelligence, creativity, goodness, and love of life; where they are forced to follow Kafkaesque and Orwellian moral codes based on psychopathic social dominance; and where all roads end in suicide.

  52. -----I'd love to live in a society where my daughters are taught to hate, fear, and feel guilty for themselves; where they are persecuted for their natural intelligence, creativity, goodness, and love of life; where they are forced to follow Kafkaesque and Orwellian moral codes based on psychopathic social dominance; and where all roads end in suicide.-----

    YOU'D love to live in that society?

    Man, I'D be ECSTATIC!

    Who are all these people using their "daughters" as some sort of rhetorical human shield?

    What sort of life do your SONS have in the matriarchal society that we live in now?

  53. Apparently, according to the posters here, Western Civilization has two and only two choices: succumb to self-hating liberal rot from within and eventually be overrun or join the future invaders by enthusiastically embracing their hostile foreign totalitarian-religious ideology.

    If that's the case, Western Civ (and mankind in general) is doomed.

    Still, I would have thought that the brave keyboard warriors of isteve would want to put up at least a token fight for our civilization before totally capitulating to al Qaeda. I guess all you gotta do is promise them some pussy and they'll sell out faster than a waterfront hooker.

  54. "Capitulating to Al Qaeda" is an invention of yours.

    And at my age, I wouldn't give two thin nickels for "pussy".

    Revenge, on the other hand would be priceless.

  55. Grizzlie Antagonist said...
    "'Capitulating to Al Qaeda' is an invention of yours."


    Anonymous said...
    "To expand on the Islam point, it seems that the best solution is to import as much Sharia law and Jihad as possible."

    But yeah, you're right, I guess we could import Shia jihad instead of al Qaeda's Sunni jihad. Thank you for that important distinction. Don't know how I could have overlooked it.

    Grizzlie Antagonist said...
    "And at my age, I wouldn't give two thin nickels for pussy. Revenge, on the other hand would be priceless."

    So, you're driven by blind, impotent spite instead of sexual frustration. I'm sorry I ever suspected you of dishonorable motives.

  56. HAHA!

    testing99 thought he'd stir up the misogyny latent in most of Steve Sailer's fans and then magically convert it into pro-Israel neocon sentiments. But all he ended up doing is bringing the Jihadi sympathizers out of the woodwork.

    Oh, the irony!

    *falls down laughing at testing99*

  57. Richard Hoste4/22/09, 6:46 AM

    Looks like the Taliban is on the march. For my fellow Sailerists, does this rank up there with the recent victories in Austria and Italy?

    Remember, it was Bush who forced out Musharraf. I believe Testing99 considered W. an opponent of the spread of Muslim extremism, no?

    "testing99 thought he'd stir up the misogyny latent in most of Steve Sailer's fans and then magically convert it into pro-Israel neocon sentiments. But all he ended up doing is bringing the Jihadi sympathizers out of the woodwork."

    Yes, T99 is a treat.

  58. -----Grizzlie Antagonist said...
    "And at my age, I wouldn't give two thin nickels for pussy. Revenge, on the other hand would be priceless."

    So, you're driven by blind, impotent spite instead of sexual frustration.-----

    Just by blind spite. You have a dirty mind.

    -----I'm sorry I ever suspected you of dishonorable motives.-----

    Apology not accepted.

  59. Ugh!!

    People...I don't understand why this is such a problem.

    I am not a Jihadi sympathizer. I don't care for Islam. I am not misogynistic.

    All I am doing is recognizing that liberalism is the enemy. I am suggesting a method to fight it.

    Does anyone have an alternative?

    As I've written before, Liberalism's purpose is to turn every white guy who has no money and no political connections into a second-class citizen. In essence, liberalism, and its practitioners, seek to destroy you (look at the way that CNN reporter spoke to that guy at the Tea Party.) What do you do to such people? How can you have anything credibly called "Western Civilization" with liberals around?

    The only real way I see to fighting them is to take advantage of their weaknesses. Their primary weakness is the elevated position they give to the "Other"...in this case, Islam. Liberalism is helpless before the power of Islam. Let's use Islam to destroy it. We can then deal with Islam later once their primary enabler is gone.

    Otherwise, we will remain in the absurd position of sending Republican, red-state soldiers to die on behalf of Democrat blue-state civilians every time some SWPL tower gets taken down. We can go to "conservative" lectures and hear pious stories by Ayaan Hirsi Ali about the plight of women in Islamic countries, or how gays are treated, or some other nonsense. We can watch the Republicans turn the War on Terror into another left-wing social program.

    Geez...what's next? Are you going to argue with me over whether the majority of abortions are committed by Democrats?

  60. Watching CNN talk about the test is hilarious. They're acting like this is completely unprecedented and it's shocking that they would throw out a test

  61. "Riiiiiggght. Because there are only two choices available: militant Islam or self-hating liberal rot. Because it's not possible to oppose more than one thing at a time. And of course because overthrowing the Islamic theocracy you've installed would be a piece of cake after removing spineless liberals from power."

    Sure...there are other ways. We can have a secessionist movement and split the country in half. We can wait for the liberal low birthrate to eventually reduce their ranks to nothing. We can allow Hispanics to take over the Democratic Party and purge the white liberal from power. We can have a civil war.

    What we can't do is have an open dialogue about the problems affecting the country. We can't discuss any of these issues with neighbors or co-workers or other people we see on a daily basis for fear of losing our jobs. We can't have open debate in the media because it is largely controlled.

    Liberal rot needs to be excised from the body politic. How else is that to be done?

    We need to be creative, ruthless and malevolent.

  62. Ok...more solutions.

    1) How about price-controls on university tuition to starve liberal universities of funds?

    2) How about going after liberal commercial interests like Hollywood and Wall Street and the software business?

    3) How about legalizing peer-to-peer file sharing networks so liberal businesses can't make money?

    4) How about ending immigration and off-shore outsourcing?

    You can back all of these arguments with a populist rhetoric that will broadly appeal to a lot of people.

    Is that better?

  63. Anne Althouse (a lawyer) is blogging about this.


    "The test was validated by independent experts, as federal law requires, to ensure that it focused on job-related skills rather than purely cognitive ones. ....Frank Ricci, a sympathetic 34-year-old white man. Ricci, who is dyslexic, spent more than $1,000 buying the study guides recommended by the city and paying an acquaintance to record them as audiotapes, which he listened to as he drove to and from work."

  64. "Truth(er) said...

    What do you do to such people? How can you have anything credibly called "Western Civilization" with liberals around?"

    How much western civilization is left in Syria, Egypt, and Turkey - all of which were part of the Hellenistic world before the 7th century? Not much to start over with, is there?

    Trying to kill the roaches in your house by turning loose scorpions isn't a good idea.

    I agree with the previous anonymous poster. You're a nut.

  65. "Let's use Islam to destroy it. We can then deal with Islam later once their primary enabler is gone."

    Hey it worked great when Regan did it with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

  66. "1) How about price-controls on university tuition to starve liberal universities of funds?"

    Well isn't someone a little socialist here. I thought the idea was to let the market sort itself out.

    "2) How about going after liberal commercial interests like Hollywood and Wall Street and the software business?"

    I said socialist, wait, I think I meant commie. Besides, what will happen to all of the "conservatives" who sell the DVD's own the movie theaters, distribute the software, etc.?

    "3) How about legalizing peer-to-peer file sharing networks so liberal businesses can't make money"

    How about changing the U.S. copyright and trademark codes so that no-one can protect intellectual property any more? How about I open a fast-food restaurant and call it "McDonalds." That's what peer-to-peer sharing is, yet another communist response to defeat socialism.

    "4) How about ending immigration and off-shore outsourcing?"

    Great, when are you going to start picking lettuce?

    Are you ready to pay $75,000 dollars for your next sub-compact automobile, because EVERY COMPONENT OF THE CAR is made in an American factory where the worker is making roughly THIRTY TO FORTY TIMES what the equivalent worker makes in China?

    There's a reason, Truth(er) (gag) why there is so much money and prestige associated with jobs in politics, because they are quite complicated.

  67. Ok "Truth" and "Mr. Anon"...what's your solution?

    Forget about calling me a "commie" or a "nut."

    We live in desperate times. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    All I am asking is for a little political jiu jitsu to be applied to our enemies. Instead, you are doing...what? Giving me counterfactuals about $75,000 cars, foreign pickers and whether some guy can open a McDonalds?

    The Left has applied every technique that I am suggesting we use against them. As a result, they now control the government that pushes us around, the media that filters our communication and the schools that indoctrinate your children. And all you care about is whether some dips**t can push DVD's?

    Yes, yes...politics is so very complicated. Like this:


    These are the kind of people you are dealing with. Doesn't seem complicated at all.But no...let's just make sure the Chinese can build the cheap cars.

  68. Truth(er) said...
    Ok...more solutions. 1) How about price-controls on university tuition to starve liberal universities of funds? 2) How about going after liberal commercial interests like Hollywood and Wall Street and the software business? 3) How about legalizing peer-to-peer file sharing networks so liberal businesses can't make money? 4) How about ending immigration and off-shore outsourcing? You can back all of these arguments with a populist rhetoric that will broadly appeal to a lot of people. Is that better?

    Yes, that's better than living under a Taliban-style theocracy.

  69. Well Truth(er), seeing as how my knowledge of economics and world affairs far exceeds yours, I think the answer is quite simple. To solve our current problems, we need to

    Levy strict and unforgiving price-controls on university tuition.
    This would starve those liberal university bastards of funds before they had a chance to brainwash our youth. After that, I would impose laws that would culminate in strict oversight of liberal commercial interests like Hollywood and Wall Street and the software business.

    Then to get those bastards where it really hurts I would legalize
    peer-to-peer file sharing networks so the ponytail wearing tie-die lawyer pricks wouldn't have access to all of that money!

    Finally, I stop ALL immigration, and impose HEAVY tariffs on American business who have gone overseas to take advantage of cheap labor.

    Now that wasn't so hard, was it buddy?

  70. Hmmm. Did someone forget which persona he was posting under?

  71. Truth,

    Uh...that's what I said.

    Are you mocking me?

  72. "Are you mocking me?"

    Oh my God...I just had an aneurysm that has casued a severe rupture to a blood vessel in my brain and paralyzed me from the fingertips down as I read your response...

    ...I live in Albuquerque, would someone please call an ambulance.

  73. I shouldn't poke fun at you Truth(er) I'm sorry.

    Please accept my apology.

  74. Ha ha...

    Very funny.

    We'll which of our world views win out.

  75. Hmmm. Did someone forget which persona he was writing under and then try (very clumsily and unconvincingly) to cover his tracks?

  76. "Hmmm. Did someone forget which persona he was writing under and then try (very clumsily and unconvincingly) to cover his tracks?"

    (That's interesting, could he be onto something?)

  77. Nice sock-puppetry there, Truth.

    (Note to self: Never again take seriously anything Truth says.)


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