April 14, 2009

The Pew Hispanic Center

The Pew Hispanic Center, which I've long admired for doing good statistical analyses without all that much political correctness, has a new report out on illegal aliens (or "Unauthorized Immigrants," as Pew terms them). It was written by Jeffrey S. Passel and D'Vera Cohn. As I started to read it, this slab of boilerplate caught my eye:
The Pew Hispanic Center is a nonpartisan research organization that seeks to improve public understanding of the diverse Hispanic population in the United States and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the nation. It does not take positions on policy issues. The center is part of the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan "fact tank" based in Washington, D.C., and it is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, a Philadelphia-based public charity. All of the Center’s reports are available at www.pewhispanic.org. The staff of the Center is:

Paul Taylor, Director
Rakesh Kochhar, Associate Director for Research
Mark Hugo Lopez, Associate Director
Richard Fry, Senior Research Associate
Jeffrey S. Passel, Senior Demographer
Gretchen Livingston, Senior Researcher
Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, Senior Analyst
Daniel Dockterman, Research Assistant
Mary Seaborn, Administrative Manager

This list of names says a lot about why East Coast elites don't feel that massive Hispanic immigration provides any noticeable competition that might hinder their kids from getting ahead in their careers. Here are nine nice, respectable office jobs at the Pew Hispanic Center, and they could only find Spanish-surnamed people to fill two of them.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. The Hispanic-named folks have more in common with Matthew Yglesias than with Julio the guy who uses the leaf blower on my neighbor's driveway.

  2. Isn't this a pretty silly sort of comment.

    After all, if that Pew Center group had mostly Hispanic names, you'd probably be denouncing them on that basis instead, claiming they were "divericrats" or something.

    Also, Asian immigrants provide *massive* competition to whites in lots of fields such as science and technology, yet the whites in those fields tend to be very "pro-immigrant" anyway, partly because so many of their friends and colleagues are Asians.

  3. Elites don' feel economically threatened by Hispanics anywhere - not on the West Coast and not on the East. RKU, they don't feel threatened by Asians, either, because Asians mosty like to take boring scitech jobs, not the exciting stuff in law, politics, advertising or whatever.

  4. Also, Asian immigrants provide *massive* competition to whites in lots of fields...Not in politics. Asians are about 5% of the US population, but there are currently only 9 Asians in Congress (<2%): 3 from Asian-majority Hawaii, 2 from California, and 1 each from Louisiana, Oregon, and Ohio. Outside of Congress there's only 1 politician of note: Louisiana's Bobby Jindal. The white elite isn't exactly living in fear of them.

  5. The exciting stuff in law? Did I read that right?

  6. The exciting stuff in law? Did I read that right?Well, you know....

    It might not be exciting, but it's certainly important.

    Speaking of Pew: there are now 4 million children of illegal immigrants who are native-born citizens.

  7. From the Pew article:

    "The number of US-citizen children born to illegal immigrants has dramatically increased over the past five years from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4 million in 2008, according to a study released yesterday.

    "The report by the nonpartisan, Washington-based Pew Hispanic Center also found that more than a third of such children were in poverty in 2007, compared with about 18 percent of those born to either legal immigrants or US-born parents. Similarly, 1 in 4 US-born children of unauthorized immigrants went without health insurance in 2008, compared with 14 percent of those born to legal immigrants and 8 percent born to US-born parents.

    "The findings suggest that the impact of the unprecedented spike in illegal immigration over the past three decades will continue to be felt for years to come, even as the size of the illegal immigrant population itself appears to have leveled off since 2006 at about 10.4 million adults and 1.5 million children...

    "The study, which analyzed census statistics, found that US-born children now account for 73 percent of all children of illegal immigrants. And children of illegal immigrants - including those born overseas - now account for 6.8 percent of elementary and secondary school students nationwide and more than 1 in 10 students in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada and Texas...

    "The spike in births to unauthorized immigrants is largely due to their relative youth compared with the general population, while many of the challenges faced by their US-born children can be explained by the parents' far lower rates of education and lack of access to jobs where legal status is stringently checked. According to the study, among unauthorized immigrants ages 25 to 65, nearly a third have less than a ninth-grade education compared with 13 percent of legal immigrants and 2 percent of US-born residents.

    "The findings also reinforced the unprecedented geographic dispersal of illegal immigrants since 1990 across southeastern states with little prior history of immigration...

    "About 4.3 percent of the state's labor force, or 140,000 immigrants, are undocumented, compared to with the national average of 5.4 percent."

    Thanks W!!!

  8. I am Lugash.

    The entire housing bubble could have been avoided if every member of Congress read the Pew Center's annual report on just how dirt poor Hispanics and blacks are compared to whites.

    I am Lugash.

  9. ATTENTION: As most of you are probably aware, the Obama administration is preparing to start pushing amnesty for illegal criminal aliens.

    The SPLC was on NPRs "On Point" this morning rabble rousing about "hate." Andrea Mitchel (of NBC) cried on MSNBC the other day becuase Buchanan called the illegals "aliens." (note: Despite Mitchel's "concern" for illegal immigrants she has no problem calling poor white people "rednecks"(1))

    The left appears to be organizing for a new campaign of hate against people who don't agree with their policies. They know if they can add 30 million Hispanics to the voting roles that the Democratic party will never loose an election for President ever again.

    What makes this campaign different is that its fully organized from the Whitehouse, through the MSM, and down to its violent criminal thug organizations in the streets(ie ACCORN).


  10. What makes this campaign different is that its fully organized from the Whitehouse, through the MSM, and down to its violent criminal thug organizations in the streets(ie ACCORN)..

    Remember that Culture War you've been hearing about for the last 17 years? It's about to go from cold to hot.

  11. Can't take 'em seriously.

  12. And children of illegal immigrants - including those born overseas - now account for 6.8 percent of elementary and secondary school students nationwide....Someone doesn't seem to know what a "sea" is.

  13. Also, Asian immigrants provide *massive* competition to whites in lots of fields such as science and technologyHigh IQ whites are fine with other high IQ individuals of just about any race. High IQ people like each other and hang around with each other. When tenured professor Smith has tenured professor Wang over for a barbecue it's practically like family. In spades actually, because Jones will be falling all over himself to be friends with Wang and burnish his SWPL credentials with other whites.

    Also, as was pointed out, whites tend to go for the more generalized, socially gregarious occupations. And high IQ white technophiles still do fine, because their generally broader focus and people skills give them a leg up. Asians pose no threat to whites.

    Of course, when these naive fools suddenly realize there are 20 million low IQ pan-Hispanic nationalists in the country averaging slightly more than two new little US citizens each, it will be too late.

    --Senor Doug

  14. Pat Buchanan called it right: we should start DEMANDING that anyone who advocates 'diversity' start by giving up THEIR positions.
    For example when Robert Reich worried about stimulus jobs going to white males he should have SET AN EXAMPLE by resigning and suggested a person of color to take his place.

    Of course we all knew he meant white GENTILES, but you get the point.

  15. "Here are nine nice, respectable office jobs at the Pew Hispanic Center, and they could only find Spanish-surnamed people to fill two of them."

    Well, there are some jobs that Mexicans just won't do. Nobody disenfranchises whites better than other whites.

  16. none of the above4/16/09, 10:32 PM

    I wonder how much of the amazing birthrate of illegal immigrants is due to the incentive provided by birthright citizenship.

    Is there some other explanation? Perhaps birthrate was being kept down in El Salvador by the whole Malthusian calculation of "if I have more kids, we'll starve," and now that you're poor in a very rich place instead of poor in a very poor place, the kids won't starve?

  17. I wonder how much of the amazing birthrate of illegal immigrants is due to the incentive provided by birthright citizenship.I think that their birthrate is higher than the White rate, but not as high as is normally reported. I think that the Census is radically undercounting the population of illegals in the US, therefore driving up the reported birthrate.

  18. because Asians mosty like to take boring scitech jobs, not the exciting stuff in law, politics, advertising or whatever.Boring = based in autistic objective reality, with objective laws and principles (e.g. gravity).

    Exciting = based on psychopathic subjective fantasy (e.g. glamour) with subjective changeable laws governed by capricious whims.


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