April 20, 2009

Roissy on the Department of Homeland Security

Despite Roissy's stated philosophy of life, he seems to put an awful lot of effort into crafting a fine pseudonymous blog, as demonstrated by his parody of all those recent articles on "Right-Wingers: Threat or Menace?"

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Yes, it is fine parody. Good job, Roissy!

    A lot of his blog is parody of a sort (or satire). The guy's a very talented writer who has a knack for turning over tables.

  2. What makes Roissy even more amusing to read are the absurdly long comments it attracts. I mean, people will write comments that sometimes span five or six lengthy paragraphs, which is rather pointless considering that postings generally attract more than 100 comments a day - meaning that the long, essay-like comments are just going to get lost in a sea of similar ones.

    What Roissy has done is establish a forum where introverted nerds who can't get sex are allowed to vent to their hearts' content. And vent they do, you can rest assured of that.

    As for his "Game" advice, his strategy for getting women, I've long been convinced that it works only for men with clever, witty personalities, who are the sort of men who usually don't have much trouble getting women in the first place. The sort of introverted nerds who really need a helping hand wouldn't be able to use Game with any degree of competence. Another issue is that using Game on a particular woman is useful only when she already has some degree of interest in the man using it.


  3. OT but of possible interest - according to the Irish Savant, James "Gaia" Lovelock has "gone and done a James Watson". (The permalink doesn't seem to work, so follow the link to the main page and scroll to "Oh dear, James, oh deary deary me!", 19 April 2009.)

  4. ironrailsironweights' comment is just the sort that roissy most tends to respond to, and which responses are one of the best parts of his blog.

  5. Roissy is a great writer.

    I also dig his unapologetic rightist (almost reactionary) PoV on daily life occurences and fuck all y'all hedonism.


    Game works for nerds too. It works for everyone. It's just the art of seduction. You should watch some Vids from Mystery or other PUAs, they re-make introverted nerdy boys with all kinds of women-repelling ticks into men with attitude. It's a method for seduction, not relationships.

    Sure, if everyone would use game, we'd be back at square one, because some guys are just better catches overall, but as long as most men don't use it, it will help betas get more women or at least give them a shot at dating.

  6. Steve, did you hear the latest news about Congresswoman Harman?


  7. With respect to the Congresswoman Harman Israeli spy issue, Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic quotes Ron Kampeas saying, "the story's major news is not about her alleged misdeeds, but that the National Security Agency was listening in on her call, and that the CIA boss wanted to get a tap on her."

    So, nothing really to see here folks, as far as spying/Israel is concerned....but did you know that the NSA is listening in on people!?! and the CIA wants to tap,..uh..er..an anonymous, upstanding Congresswoman..a true patriot! My goodness!


  8. Re: Harman, Gonzalez decided not to push an investigation into an obviously illegal act because the Bush Administration needed her support to retain the NSA wiretaps against AQ. Pelosi and Reid wanted to end it, Harman pushed back successfully for it. A position vindicated by Obama who has continued them.

    Now, we see settling of scores, not just Pelosi moving against her rival, but also a purging of pro-Israeli politicos. The Dems love corruption (Obama, Byrd, Murtha, Reid, Pelosi, etc.) but HATE pro-Israeli folks.

    This leak obviously came from the White House which does not like Israel or Israelis. It's part and parcel of the "scandal" of waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed 183 times. [Most Americans would recommend setting him on fire with jet fuel, and dropping him 88 stories like his 9/11 Victims.]

    Somewhat On Topic: Roissy regularly takes apart SWPL mores and actions. What SWPL are Barack Obama, "unicorn liberalism" and their own post-Christian religious dogma. What SWPL HATE are overtly Jewish Jews and particularly Israelis.

    The biggest intellectual failure here of many commenters is that inability to see how most Jews in the US are SWPL yuppies, and act in ways that reinforce their SWPL Yuppie-dom but are hostile to "traditional" Jewish-Israeli interests.

    The reason most Jews support Amnesty is not "it's always 1909 in Ellis Island" but because they are SWPL yuppies and that's what they do. Just as they voted for the most anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli candidate in modern memory, Barack Hussein Obama, by about 75-25. Because being SWPL yuppies was more important than being Jewish.

    Gays do the same thing. You'll see "Queers for Palestine" all the time, despite Israel's toleration of Gays and the Hamas, Hezbollah, and PA regular lynching of gays. That's because SWPL love Muslims and Palestinians.

    Roissy's genius insight is that pretty much MOST of the SWPL stuff comes from competing for women. Single women are the fountainhead of SWPL, in pretty much every attitude. High divorce rates, late marriages, few if any kids just perpetuate SWPL among women (and therefore men) constantly.

    This is why non-SWPL Evangelicals such as Sarah Palin support Israel more than SWPL Urban Jews like say, Sarah Silverman do. The tale of the two Sarahs is explained by SWPL-dom. Which in turn is shaped by constant competition for status/power in a singleton, urban, rich setting.

    Game is of course innately conservative, since it advocates cutting through SWPL placating of women to provide bad-boy excitement.

    If you're not reading Roissy's blog for his insights into how competition for women shape political attitudes you should be.

  9. testing99,

    "The Dems love corruption (Obama, Byrd, Murtha, Reid, Pelosi, etc.) but HATE pro-Israeli folks."

    "This leak obviously came from the White House which does not like Israel or Israelis."

    "What SWPL HATE are overtly Jewish Jews and particularly Israelis."

    "The biggest intellectual failure here of many commenters is that inability to see how most Jews in the US are SWPL yuppies, and act in ways that reinforce their SWPL Yuppie-dom but are hostile to "traditional" Jewish-Israeli interests."

    "The reason most Jews support Amnesty is not "it's always 1909 in Ellis Island" but because they are SWPL yuppies and that's what they do. Just as they voted for the most anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli candidate in modern memory, Barack Hussein Obama, by about 75-25. Because being SWPL yuppies was more important than being Jewish."


    I know. You're right. You win.

    Sorry....I'll shut up now.

  10. testing99:

    unfortunately, roissy doesn't really try to tie game and politics together, although it would be an interesting read.

    the two do overlap though. SWPL tend to take the *diplomatic* route to appeasing women. they believe that being friends is the best way to "win". those with more individualisic ideals realize that you have to stand tall and not take shit, and call a woman's bluff.

    this is the perfect analogy for the arguments for/against UN operations. liberals are always for diplomatic negotiations while conservatives are *usually* more in favor of using more physical tactics.

  11. Lucius Vorenus4/20/09, 1:21 PM

    Outland: It's just the art of seduction.No, it's the art of humiliation.

    Large numbers of women respond very well to being degraded and humiliated - all guys know that - it's no big secret.

    And it's always been a very popular technique among Jewish & Catholic fellows, although traditionally it was foreign [or at least understood to be forbidden] to Protestant guys, which is one of the reasons that [the Scots-Irish] Testing99 doesn't understand it - in the old days, this sort of misogyny wasn't part of the mating ritual which transpired between Protestant boys and girls.

    Of course, we live in an era when teen-aged girls set their cell phones on their bedroom dressers to take videos of themselves boning their boyfriends [and/or carpet diving their girlfriends] - often uploaded to the internet in real time - so goodness only knows what passes for "average" behavior nowadays.

  12. Lucius Vorenus4/20/09, 1:26 PM


    A Rahm Bomb for Jane Harman?James Lewis
    April 20, 2009
    americanthinker.comSome of the pictures that people have posted on the Free Republic thread are enough to make your blood boil:


  13. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  14. Game is of course innately conservative....Playing Game(s) is not part of any Conservatism I know -- nor should it be.

    The problem with the whole Game thing is that it just substitutes one whole set of lies and insincerities for another. Where's the Conservatism in that? :-/

  15. Game proceeds from the conclusion that biology trumps ideology, which strikes me as a conservative idea.

    And I agree with Peter that Game is "polish" for men who are already attractive to women in their weight class.

    --Senor Doug

  16. The blog 'Stuff White People Like' was a godsend for t99.

    You see, American Jews are acting like 'SWPL' WASPs when they agitate for hostile minorities and work to undermine traditional American institutions. Those innocent Jews were lead astray by the mendacious, clannish, and conniving SWPLs, who control the media, politics, and finance.

    The simple, unsophisticated denizes of the Upper West Side are no match for the wily masters of Boulder, Portland, and Burlington.

    And, yes, the Democrats do hate Israel. Always have, always will. Pay no attention to the mensch behind the curtain.

    On topic:

    Roissy is funny. I never read the comments on his entries, most of them are probably like IronRails said.

  17. Jun, Game is conservative because it plays to innate sex differences and what women WANT as opposed to what they say they want.

    Women say they want vaguely gay, metrosexual SWPL yuppies. The "Herbs" Roissy skewers on his blogs. What women really desire, and Game teaches men how to present that aspect of themselves, is a high tesosterone, Alpha male, who is socially dominant.

    It's no different in concept than Cesar Milan, and is popular for the same reason.

    Milan teaches people to control their dogs by acting like a pack leader Alpha dog. Calmly assertive, telling the dogs what they want through body language and attitude.

    Game conceptually operates on the same level, and blows through SWPL yuppie myths about how the sexes operate in and around each other.

    By acknowledging hard-wired biological reality, it's as conservative as the Dog Whisperer. No, neither guy has a ten point plan on reforming the economy.

    But once you acknowledge that deep biological differences apply, that dogs are not humans no matter how much we love them, and that women and men operate very differently, no matter how much we love each other, well ...

    That's conservative. It's the opposite of SWPL lies about reality.

    And once down that road, many conservative truths about the imperceptibility of mankind, some social systems working better than others, innate sexual and other differences, become clear.

  18. Lucius Vorenus4/20/09, 3:36 PM

    Oh come on, Steve, please don't tell me that my comment about "game" was censored.

    I'm really getting sick of this nonsense.

  19. testing99 said: Jun, Game is conservative because it plays to innate sex differences and what women WANT as opposed to what they say they want.I understand that there are innate differences between men and women and all that. [I probably wouldn't be hanging around here so much if I didn't. ;-) ] And even that many women (I'll even go so far as to say most people) don't say what they really want and probably aren't even aware of it themselves most of the time.

    What I don't get is why Roissy or you or any truly Conservative guy (who believed in Conservative values, and I'm not necessarily talking about any religious values) would be interested in **playing** to innate sex differences using the tactics of this **Game**.

    Why not just be straightforward and be yourselves -- MEN g*dd*mnit! Most silly women who are into playing games will quickly stop playing them if men would stop feeding into those games. (And, anyway, I don't think any amount of following Game or any other tactics will really turn awkward geeks into Alpha males -- I certainly hope not anyway!)

    I hated "The Rules" when they were in vogue -- and I can't stand all these women who live their lives as though they're in an episode of Sex in the City.

    I hate "Game" for the same reason: it's based on being dishonest and manipulative and fake.

    If you really want to get power away from Whiter women, quit mating with them! Or trying to mate with them. You're just enabling their power -- and their gene lines -- by dogging after them.

  20. Ah, what would isteve be without our two favorite agents provocateurs, testing99 and Truth?

    It would be too funny if they turned out to be the same person.

  21. Lucius,

    I don't know about your specific post, but Blogger.com does lose comments every now and then.

  22. "Why are there so many anti semites at iSteve this week?"

    This week? You haven't been reading isteve for long, have you?

    After a while, you learn to sniff out which comments to ignore before they infect you with their ugly spirit.

  23. One site I've really gotten to like is The Art of Manliness. It's a guide to manly behavior and knowledge, written from a mature rather than infantile perspective.


  24. "James "Gaia" Lovelock has "gone and done a James Watson"

    OH, He was surprised by the results of his DNA test?

  25. It would be too funny if they turned out to be the same person.Indeed. Plus, the "African-American Scots-Irish" blend is something you can't get at ... well, Starbucks.

    Can you?

  26. Oh come on, Steve, please don't tell me that my comment about "game" was censored.

    I'm really getting sick of this nonsense.
    Ditto. Guidelines for posting would be appreciated. My posts are generally of a piece stylistically, yet are moderated in an exasperatingly uneven manner. I can never tell whether it was a turn of phrase or an idea that was the offending item.

    Accordingly, I post less since I'm never sure if a post will get through or not.

    Usually, intermittent reinforcement is the best schedule, but here you're extinguishing the response wholesale.

  27. Roissy is pulling a hoax on all of you. He caters to your romantic insecurities and frustration, and, being gullible, you believe he has the answers. Truth is that Roissy is a joker that is playing you guys for chumps. He's an entertainer, not a someone that can give you good advice.

    I don't even understand how people could believe Roissy could seduce as many women as he claims, on top of blogging all the time and holding down a job.

    Let me tell you that there's no such thing as "game." Women date men that they find commonality and enjoyment with, and also find at least mildly aestheically pleasing and financially self sufficient. If you socialize with women that are similar to you and strike up friendships, you can find a girlfriend or wife. Men have been successfully dating and marrying for millenia without "game" and don't need it.

    My advice to you: get a decent paying and respectable middle-class job, rent an apartment, lease a car, dress normally, keep fit, act normally, and be social with everyone you meet. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. If you want a gf now, try online dating or ask a friend to set you up.

    Or else you can continue to hang out with the "Alpha male, beta male, blah, blah, blah" weirdos that frequent Roissy blogspot.

  28. In some cases I can figure out what Steve might have disliked about a post I've submitted but which didn't get published. But most of the time I think it just disappears into blogspot's black hole without Steve even being aware of it.

  29. "The reason most Jews support Amnesty is not "it's always 1909 in Ellis Island" but because they are SWPL yuppies and that's what they do..."


    "I know. You're right. You win.

    "Sorry....I'll shut up now."


    Ah ha ha ha ha! You guys R 2 much!

    Yes, vintage T99!

  30. What a bunch of pussies you are complaining about Steve's comment filter. It's his damn website. You should be grateful to get a comment posted here at all. Steve gets major traffic and vast majority don't come here to read the peanut gallery comments.

    Myself I've had literally tons of posts deleted and the common element in all was venomous hatred of my enemies. I happen to believe hatred is a legitimate and indispensable human emotion. While Steve is much more a forgive your enemies type. And that's just the way it is in the isteve universe.

  31. Steve,

    Here is 300 pages of Tyler Durden's Usenet archive,


    That is a guide on how to take a guy's girlfriend away from him, get a woman to cheat on her boyfriend, how to make women who are totally uninterested in you to chase you, how to "frame" an interaction to make HER push it towards sex, how to become the "alpha male" of a foreign group (AMOGGING), you name it.
    Durden would have never have let that out, and somebody simply compiled all his old posts. If you have read the Mystery Method, a lot of it will seem less foreign.

    Its worth your time to understand the phenomenon of using PSYCHOLOGY to attract and seduce and procure females to read it fully in about 2 hours Steve. Then you won't be wondering what the buzz is about. Psychology works Steve. Liberals use it all the time in entertainment (denigrating the history of this nation with junk like Mad Men and Deadwood) to INFLICTING guilt on whites through education so that they wont resist the Marxicising of the republic through demographic transformation. "Seduction" is just a large set of psychologcial applications to achieve an end. The means are dirty, just as politics and social engineering are dirty. Durden didn't hint on the really "dirty" stuff like anchoring, mirroring, and various other mind-psych jobs all that much, but most of its there.

    Ive heard some authors state that Durden's techniques "in the field" were the most devastatingly effective out there, but others contend that they are not. Irregardless of what you may think of the guy...................that archive is worth the read.

  32. Lucius Vorenus4/21/09, 9:09 AM

    Me: No, it's the art of humiliation. Large numbers of women respond very well to being degraded and humiliated - all guys know that - it's no big secret. And it's always been a very popular technique among Jewish & Catholic fellows, although traditionally it was foreign [or at least understood to be forbidden] to Protestant guys...Anonymous: Why are there so many anti semites at iSteve this week?Anonymous: Then you won't be wondering what the buzz is about. Psychology works Steve. Liberals use it all the time in entertainment (denigrating the history of this nation with junk like Mad Men and Deadwood) to INFLICTING guilt on whites through education so that they wont resist the Marxicising of the republic through demographic transformation.So I'm the anti-semite?

    Deadwoodimdb.comSeries Creator: David MILCH
    Directed by: Davis GUGGENHEIM, Gregg FIENBERG, etc etc etc
    Series Writing Credits: David MILCH, Elizabeth SARNOFF, etc etc etc

    Mad Menimdb.comSeries Creator: Matthew WEINER
    Directed by: Andrew BERNSTEIN, Phil ABRAHAM, Lesli Linka GLATTER, etc etc etc
    Series Writing Credits: Matthew WEINER, Robin VEITH, etc etc etc

    PS: Have any of you seen this Time Magazine piece?

    How Obama Is Using the Science of ChangeBy Michael GRUNWALD
    Thursday, Apr. 02, 2009
    time.com...The existence of this behavioral dream team - which also included best-selling authors Dan ARIELY of MIT (Predictably Irrational) and Richard THALER and Cass SUNSTEIN of the University of Chicago (Nudge) as well as Nobel laureate Daniel KAHNEMAN of Princeton - has never been publicly disclosed, even though its members gave Obama white papers on messaging, fundraising and rumor control as well as voter mobilization...This psychological bullsh*t that you PUA lepers are infatuated with isn't clever or insightful or even "neat" - it's f*cking EVIL INCARNATE.

    It's the antithesis of Reason - it's what The West was created to oppose.

  33. "That is a guide on how to take a guy's girlfriend away from him, get a woman to cheat on her boyfriend,"

    I wonder if Ruston would put this under K or r?

  34. My advice to you: get a decent paying and respectable middle-class job, rent an apartment, lease a car, dress normally, keep fit, act normally, and be social with everyone you meet.
    Act normally?How about act, dress, etc., like yourself instead of trying to "fit in" like an ant-brained communist whore. When I tried to act "normally" (i.e. like a lying hypocritical asshole), that never worked. I realized that I could only be myself in all honesty. Not only did that work, but I have been happily married for over a decade.

    Be social with everyone you meet?Are you a teacher or educrat at a government school by any chance? My advice is to be social only with those who deserve it.

  35. Women say they want vaguely gay, metrosexual SWPL yuppies. The "Herbs" Roissy skewers on his blogs. What women really desire, and Game teaches men how to present that aspect of themselves, is a high tesosterone, Alpha male, who is socially dominant. this is bullshit. Women like all sorts of men. Vaguely gay metrosexuals can clean up with women ("herbs" are a different group entirely, and can do well too, although more as monogamous types than seducers). To be a seducer, you need smooth social skills, total confidence in who and what you are, a bit of swagger, and some polish. All kinds of types of men can have that. Certainly including metrosexual types. And all kinds of guys can lack it.

  36. Lucius Vorenus4/21/09, 2:08 PM

    Wow, the HTML parser bug is getting out of hand - now it's eating not just one carriage return but two carriage returns [and probably all of them].

    It's getting to the point that we won't be able to use any markup until they fix it.

    TEST - Italics followed by five carriage returns:


  37. I love Roissy's blog. Reading his posts' comments sections I laugh, I cry, I utterly despair of humanity.

    -Vanilla Thunder

  38. this is bullshit. Women like all sorts of menbut Roissy readers don't like all sorts of women. They like very young girls who go to clubs and wear revealing clothing; don't have a lot of street smarts or common sense; and don't possess sexual agency.

  39. Lucius, where is your blog? If you don't have on, why not?

  40. "Why are there so many anti semites at iSteve this week?

    "What a foolish, pathetic bunch."


    "This week? You haven't been reading isteve for long, have you?

    "After a while, you learn to sniff out which comments to ignore before they infect you with their ugly spirit."


    Implicit in this type of (seemingly constant) critique is the assumption of 'superiority'; in other words, if it was any other group, then it would be just criticism;

    When its for 'special' people however, its 'ugly' 'gross' 'pathetic' and (best of all) 'hateful'.

    How utterly condescending and hypocritical!

    I mean, just imagine the extraordinary HUBRIS that one must have to think this way!

    For that matter, isn't there other sites (like, say a million of them)that you could could find that suits your megalomania, instead of being sneaks here?

    Know what, maybe relations between Jews and Europeans/European Americans (and others) would (vastly) improve if the haughtiness was discarded, or at the very least toned (way) down.

    A 'superiority complex' is often a compensation for an 'inferiority complex', and no civilized and decent person should wallow in either.

    Remember also the duality that exists between the two; they are essentially flip sides of the same shekel.

  41. ""Why are there so many anti semites at iSteve this week?"

    Actually, after the word "anti-" one could just leave a big blank to be filled in at leisure.

  42. Lucius Vorenus4/22/09, 2:07 PM


    Well, I guess that settles it - the bug is now eating ALL sequences of carriage returns after a closing tag [at first, it would eat only the first carriage return but respect the second carriage return].

    Is anyone at blogger/blogspot paying attention to this stuff?!?

    Does anyone care?

    Was code maintenance outsourced to Bangalore?

  43. Lucius Vorenus4/22/09, 2:26 PM

    Okay, let's see if we can defeat it by using a single space [ASCII 32]:



    Let's also try another technique - pulling the final punctuation mark out of the italics:



  44. Lucius, it's official;
    I think you need a hobby.

  45. Lucius Vorenus4/22/09, 3:46 PM

    Well it looks as though a space [ASCII 32] after a closing tag will defeat the bug.

  46. Stop clogging the posts with your computer problems, Lucius!

  47. Actually, after the word "anti-" one could just leave a big blank to be filled in at leisure.Yep. As the comment directly to yours points out, only one kind draws the anti-anti-___s. And their attitude is entirely different.

  48. i''m sorry Svig, but I think you lost me again.

  49. Lucius Vorenus4/23/09, 7:36 AM

    Anonymous: Stop clogging the posts with your computer problems, Lucius

    Are you not seeing the bug in the blogger/blogspot HTML filter which eats the carriage returns after the closing tags?

  50. "Are you not seeing the bug in the blogger/blogspot HTML filter which eats the carriage returns after the closing tags"

    No, but I do have an imaginary friend named Harvey who plays in my box-fort with me after Mommy turns off the lights.

  51. "Are you not seeing the bug in the blogger/blogspot HTML filter which eats the carriage returns after the closing tags?"

    I'm seeing it, too, Lucius. It's annoying but not worth endlessly posting about.


Comments are moderated, at whim.