May 12, 2009

The Obama Family's Personal Financial Strategy

A NY Daily News article by Richard Henry Lee looks over the Obama family's tax returns. In brief, the First Family's personal financial master plan in the 1996-2004 era resembles the business plan of the Underwear Gnomes on South Park. The Obama thinking appears to have been:

1. Borrow against home equity and consume.
3. Get rich!

But, hey, it worked.

Lee writes:

A close examination of their finances shows that the Obamas were living off lines of credit along with other income for several years until 2005, when Obama's book royalties came through and Michelle received her 260% pay raise at the University of Chicago. This was also the year Obama started serving in the U.S. Senate.

During the presidential primary campaign, Michelle Obama complained how tough it was to make ends meet. During a stop in Ohio, she said, "I know we're spending - I added it up for the first time - we spend between the two kids, on extracurriculars outside the classroom, we're spending about $10,000 a year on piano and dance and sports supplements and so on and so forth."

Let's examine how tough things were for this couple using various public records.

In April 1999, they purchased a Chicago condo and obtained a mortgage for $159,250. In May 1999, they took out a line of credit for $20,750. Then, in 2002, they refinanced the condo with a $210,000 mortgage, which means they took out about $50,000 in equity. Finally, in 2004, they took out another line of credit for $100,000 on top of the mortgage.

Tax returns for 2004 reveal $14,395 in mortgage deductions. If we assume an effective interest rate of 6%, then they owed about $240,000 on a home they purchased for about $159,250.

This means they spent perhaps $80,000 beyond their income from 1999 to 2004.

The Obamas' adjusted gross income averaged $257,000 from 2000 to 2004. This is above the threshold of $250,000 which Obama initially used as the definition of being "rich" for taxation purposes during last year's election campaign.

The Obama family apparently had little or no savings during this period since there was virtually no taxable interest shown on their tax returns.

In 2003, they reported almost $24,000 in child care expenses and, in 2004, about $23,000. They also paid about $3,400 in household employment taxes each year. And as Michelle stated, they spent $10,000 a year on "extracurriculars" for the children.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. The "get rich" part for America is......?

    I'm guessing he expects the country to collectively write a best seller.

  2. so what? that seems to me a perfectly rational strategy for a young and ambitious couple whose expected future income was much higher than their current income. Modigliani/Friedman standard consumption-smoothing behavior.
    ok, they got ESPECIALLY lucky, but it is not as if they were borrowing millions against their future royalties (not to count the future income of an ex-president who can give very good speeches). If anything, ex-post they seem to have been quite.. conservative

  3. Well, I've been thinking for the last year or so that Obama probably ends up as America's first billionaire ex-President.

    ...Or maybe he gets hanged in a massive popular uprising.

    Not really sure which...

  4. Agreed with anonymous - it's like pointing at a college kid who, upon graduating, is neck deep in debt.

    They weren't borrowing - they were investing in themselves.

    There is a difference.

  5. "Tax returns for 2004 reveal $14,395 in mortgage deductions. If we assume an effective interest rate of 6%, then they owed about $240,000 on a home they purchased for about $159,250."

    How can Borat Obama tell other Americans not to do the above when he did it himself? Where is his moral authority to tell everyone to live within their means? He got over 80K upside down on a 160K house over things like PIANO LESSONS!!!!!!!!! Hell, even the illegals had stuff like Sea Doos and Bass Boats and Monster Trucks to "show" for their refinanced cash out mortgages.

    Perhaps Borat was thinking that photogenic daughter of his (one of them is quite a cutie) was going to be the next Alicia Keys and make a mint if the presidential run didn't pan out, and a Blagoyovich scandal cost him re-election in la Senata El Norte Unitos?

    This reads like a Tom Wolfe short story...........m

  6. "A close examination of their finances shows that the Obamas were living off lines of credit along with other income for several years until 2005, when Obama's book royalties came through and Michelle received her 260% pay raise at the University of Chicago. This was also the year Obama started serving in the U.S. Senate."

    Now we know from where he gets his economic plan. If only he had been able to print money. Oh, that's right - now he can.

    This is a man who knows nothing about actually producing something - anything - of real value. He and his wife are professional parasites.

  7. "For the sake of his political career, Obama had to live in the city, so they spent a fortune on private schools, private tutoring, etc. In contrast, most Chicago professional couples with small children move to an upscale suburb like Wilmette. There, you have to pay a fortune in property taxes, but you get outstanding public schools..."

    You're forgetting the NY Times article about parents who moved to Westchester for the supposedly good public schools, and discovered they sucked compared to Manhattan private schools. (Unfortunatley, I'm having trouble Googling up the article.)

  8. OK, here’s the NY Times article, and my blog post about it.

    From the article:

    "Many parents said they were stunned at how poorly even some well-regarded public schools compared with private schools. They complained about what they considered rigid curriculums, excessive standardized testing and tight budgets that allow for few elective classes and limited foreign language choices. And they said the public schools, powerless to choose who fills the desks, often had less motivated students."

    It’s not surprising at all. The public schools in expensive neighborhoods are only better because of higher IQ students, they still offer up the same indifferent public school education which is dedicated towards mediocrity and worried about those who are falling behind rather than enriching the already gifted

  9. Lucius Vorenus5/12/09, 11:44 PM

    Mr. Anon: He and his wife are professional parasites.

    We hayseeds tried to warn y'all big-city folk about that last year.

    But I seem to recall that y'all was just a bit too enamored of his half-blood-princeliness to pay us no nevermind.

  10. This article about the Obamas may be a good example of why IQ is not correlated with wealth.

  11. "But, hey, it worked."

    There is a reason why blacks in the US and Africa tend towards gaming the political system. If you are in charge of tax dollars there is no need for education, hard work or discipline. You can just skim the cream off other people's hard earned milk.

  12. Where did they come up with the 50k+ for Rev. Wright?

  13. The $50+k the Obama's gave to Rev. Wright's church was in 2005-2007, when Obama was a U.S. Senator and was making about $5 million off his books.

    I only looked at one tax return from the late 1990s. Rev. Wright was the #1 beneficiary of some rather limited giving. Wright's church got something like $1,800 that year.

  14. If The Man had told Barry he was going to the top, that he had been chosen for high office, he would know that finances would take care of themselves.

    Whether as Prez or VP, even as an also-ran his profile would have increased, guaranteeing a higher future income.

  15. Look, Steve, lay off Michelle. Disgustingly masculine arms don't come cheap, buddy.

  16. Have you guys ever seen pics of Michelle O prior to 2007? Very dowdy, I seriously doubt she was spending much on herself. She seems kind of nerdy and shy. I can relate because I am the same way. I hate to shop.

    I can imagine that they spent the money on just the basics while trying to keep up with their peers who came from more upper class backgrounds.

  17. Sgt. Joe Friday5/13/09, 6:57 AM

    "...Or maybe he gets hanged in a massive popular uprising."

    Could be. If Barry lets some of the leftist fringe in Congress have their way, health care benefits will be treated as taxable income to pay for bringing the "uninsured" into the system. Let's not forget, single (i.e. never married or divorced) women, especially those with children, are a big Democrat constituency, and I can't think of anything that would cause them to turn on Obama faster than taking away what is seen as a middle class entitlement.

  18. "Lucius Vorenus said...

    We hayseeds tried to warn y'all big-city folk about that last year.

    But I seem to recall that y'all was just a bit too enamored of his half-blood-princeliness to pay us no nevermind."

    You must have me confused with someone else. I was not one who was enthralled by the enlightened one's magical mystery tour.

    I'm not "big-city folk" neither.

  19. Very well done. This is the type of reporting that would have been helpful if the media with big resources -- the NYT, Wash Post, etc. -- had done it before the election. Unfortunately, they were apparently too busy investigating whether Cindy McCain's shoes were expensive, or whether Sarah Palin's in-laws had ever been arrested, or whether a plumber in Ohio had the kind of financial background that made him a viable candidate for ... uhh, ... wait, he wasn't running for anything?

    -- MattM

  20. "most Chicago professional couples with small children move to an upscale suburb like Naperville or Schaumburg. There, you have to pay a fortune in property taxes, but you get outstanding public schools . . ."

    Fixed that for you Steve. In my experience, most Chicago professional couples with small children want to get the Hell out of Cook County. They head to DuPage, Lake, McHenry, or if cash is tight, Will County and then they try to sneak the kids into Naperville schools. If they must stay in Cook County, they go to, let's say, "less diverse" towns like Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Barrington, Morton Grove, or the previously mentioned Schaumburg.

  21. that seems to me a perfectly rational strategy for a young and ambitious couple whose expected future income was much higher than their current income.Huh? In what way was their "expected future income" so very high?

    Unless you think that they had some resaonable expectation that Barry would go to DC as a Senator and that his wife would get a comically overpaid "job" in order to bribe him into whipping up some earmarks. Perhaps by Chicago Democratic standards that was a reasonable expectation.

  22. Which bar exams did Obama pass, and how many times did he take each exam before passing?

    I was giving the man credit early on for a certain amount of smarts based on my assumption that he passed the Illinois bar exam. But maybe the "Chicago way" means that certain aspiring attorneys pass on the first try no matter how lousy their essays are.

    Dental board exams in Texas used to include the practice of having out-of-state candidates wear colored lab coats during the part of the process in which hands-on skills were evaluated. (In-state candidates wore white lab coats.) The passage rates for students trained out-of-state was always very low compared to the impressive percentage of passes among the in-state-trained and white-lab-coat-wearing Texans. Maybe certain bar exams allow for the fiddling of results.

    Hmmm. . . .

  23. It's a good bet that a fair bit of the excess consumption was on things like political campaigns.

    Wasn't the kids' schooling at the lab school free?

    I'm trying to think of how they could spend the money in Hyde Park. $550 tennis shoes, I guess.

  24. I'm not quite sure Sgt. Friday, that women will abandon Obama. City Journal dubbed him "the National Shaman" and like Oprah or Whoopi on the View, women love that guy.

    Even though Dems will push MASSIVE tax increases: health care, on soda, carbon cap and trade, pretty much everything, the media will never report it (and thus women will never know) and Obama's fingerprints will not be on it.

    Besides, I think most women would gladly give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order to "stick it to the White man" ... this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women. Go to female-oriented forums and observe the casual attitudes there of the overwhelmingly White women posters.

    Or look at commercials. Blacks are far over-represented in commercials, are only 12.%% of the population and make up only 40% middle class or better of that 12.5% -- which is 8.6% of the population.

    There is a commercial for "Go RV'ing" ... narrated by Tom Selleck. There is a series of them, actually, all aimed at women (loving shots of sons experiencing/learning history through travel in the US). One features a series of black kids with the black mother lovingly watching them do activities in stunning settings. Followed by shots of the black father acting like an idiot at a football stadium [with the RV in the background for all the shots.] Tagline: enjoy the outdoors with you kids ... all of them.

    This commercial is not aimed at the 4.3% of the population (assuming even distribution men/women in the 8.6% of the population that is both Black and Middle Class and can thus afford RVs).

    It's obviously not aimed at White middle class men.

    It's aimed at White middle class women.

    Obviously marketers think Blacks have a totemic influence on White middle class women. You see this pattern all the time -- in commercials for Life Insurance (NY Life), middle class consumer products, and more, aimed at White middle class women. By contrast, Blacks have far less presence in commercials aimed at men.

  25. Steve,

    what's your point here?

    i kept thinking you were going to drop some bomb or some accusation that obama had some shenanigans going on, but you present a picture not unlike any other upper middle class couple with small children.

    i mean, he's the president, so his taxes surely warrant investigation, but i'm not sure where the meat of this post is...

  26. This article about the Obamas may be a good example of why IQ is not correlated with wealth.
    Obama's wealth is a no-brainer. They guy was told maybe 10 years ago by WS operatives that he would become a next prez. So he knew the cash was going to roll. Democracy is just crap for the masses.

  27. Lucius Vorenus5/13/09, 1:45 PM

    Steve Sailer: 2005-2007, when Obama was a U.S. Senator and was making about $5 million off his books...

    Anonymous: If The Man had told Barry he was going to the top, that he had been chosen for high office, he would know that finances would take care of themselves.

    headache: Obama's wealth is a no-brainer. They guy was told maybe 10 years ago by WS operatives that he would become a next prez. So he knew the cash was going to roll. Democracy is just crap for the masses.

    $5 million for a second [ghost-written] memoir by an American senator?!?

    That sounds awfully high.

    Remember,<EDITED> turned off the AVS security checks at the Øbama campaign last year - thereby funneling untold tens [or even hundreds?] of millions of dollars of funny money into the campaign coffers.

    I wonder if <EDITED> [Soros, Axelrod, Pritzker, Sunstein, Geffen, et al] were doing something similar in the 2005-2007 timeframe so as to launder money to the Øbamas and set them up for the presidential run in 2007-2008?

    Remember, back in the day, the unions used phony book sales to feed money to Jim Wright.

    PS: I was just googling old DEM corruption, and noticed that it was Eric Holder who took down Chicago's very own Dan "Rosty" Rostenkowski.


    Very, very strange.

  28. i kept thinking you were going to drop some bomb or some accusation that obama had some shenanigans going on, but you present a picture not unlike any other upper middle class couple with small children.__________________


    If the Obama's are "not unlike any other upper middle class couple with small children," then we are going to see A LOT of bankruptcies in the next few years.

    So much so, in fact, that bankruptcy and/or simply baling on your mortgage will lose its stigma.

    --Senor Doug

  29. Obviously marketers think Blacks have a totemic influence on White middle class women. You see this pattern all the time -- in commercials for Life Insurance (NY Life), middle class consumer products, and more, aimed at White middle class women. By contrast, Blacks have far less presence in commercials aimed at men.Nonsense. You'll often see black actors in beer commercials, often as part of mixed-race groups, and beer ads are almost exclusively aimed at men. Come to think of it, black actors often appear in the ads for the most male-oriented products of all, namely limp-d*ck drugs and Flomax.


  30. I think most women would gladly give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order to "stick it to the White man" ... this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women.I feel sorry for you. What a warped perspective!

  31. Chuck said...


    what's your point here?

    i mean, he's the president, so his taxes surely warrant investigation, but i'm not sure where the meat of this post is..."

    The point is that Obama was irresponsible with his own money. This does not bode well for his handling of our money.

  32. "Lucius Vorenus said...

    Remember,_______ turned off the AVS security checks at the Øbama campaign last year - thereby funneling untold tens [or even hundreds?] of millions of dollars of funny money into the campaign coffers."

    Interesting. I hadn't heard that one before. Thanks for providing the link. Does the FEC make a campaign return fraudulent contributions? As they're fraudulent, to whom does one return them?

    I guess the FEC won't be investigating this now. But as you said, the float alone could make them millions - especially if they had a sympathetic banker.

    Wow! A whole new way to buy politicians.

    BTW, on a side note, Chairman Obama is reportedly now considering Janet Napolitano for the vacant Supreme Court seat.

  33. Never would have thought you were a South Park fan, Steve.

    Its a guilty pleasure of mine as well.

  34. Ironrailsironweights said...

    You'll often see black actors in beer commercials, often as part of mixed-race groups, and beer ads are almost exclusively aimed at men.

    Back around Christmas I saw a Miller display that had a picture with about 8 young couples on it, all White. I was expecting to see a few Black or Hispanic couples, or maybe a few mixed race couples, but none were to be found. Of course, this could be because Miller has been bought out by South African Breweries.

  35. Sgt. Joe Friday wrote:
    "...If Barry lets some of the leftist fringe in Congress have their way, health care benefits will be treated as taxable income to pay for bringing the "uninsured" into the system. Let's not forget, single (i.e. never married or divorced) women, especially those with children, are a big Democrat constituency, and I can't think of anything that would cause them to turn on Obama faster than taking away what is seen as a middle class entitlement" -----------------------

    The tone of this post give me the impression that the writer has a hateful attitude towards the uninsured, and doesn't want to contribute any money to their medical care.

    This impression, combined with the racist tone in many of the post here, makes me think that maybe the reason the USA doesn't have universal health care is because there are a lot of poor blacks. Countries that do have universal health care--all of Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan etc. were mostly racially homogeneous at the time they adopted universal health care. Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society.

    Maybe if the US never had slaves, and was mostly racially homogeneous after WWII, it would have adopted universal health care along with the rest of the developed world. And if Sweden had been 20% black, then Sweden still wouldn't have universal health care.

  36. t99 sed:
    "Or look at commercials. Blacks are far over-represented in commercials, are only 12.%% of the population and make up only 40% middle class or better of that 12.5% -- which is 8.6% of the population."

    This is where your ethnic blinkers show. t99 you are a Zionist. You should know that the ad industry is in their hands. And they have been at the forefront of pushing minorities down the avg. white guys/gals throats. Why, I don't know. You ought to know better than blame this on white women. That's just crap. The avg. white girl is looking for a decent (mostly white) potential marriage partner. Obviously she’s aiming a little higher than her background, but it’s always been like that. When I talk to my (old) mother I hear the same things from day’s way past (100 years ago). Obama got in because the WS-financed media blitz managed to get enough minorities and white liberals to the voting booth. And because McCain just sucked on amnesty. Palin could not make up for McCain sticking his finger in conservative’s eyes for decades. The WS operatives knew why they wanted Barry. They knew the time had come for the big cash-in, and during that fateful weekend end last year, Bernanke and Paulson made their slow, premeditated moves in front of the cameras basically transferred the collective wealth of the US population to their buddies on WS. This is the only real reason why Barry is there and once the job is complete they will toss him into the trashcan like toilet paper, regardless of any beta, alpha, gamma babes or males.

  37. "What does WS stand for?"

    Wall Street. I picked up the abbreviation on iSteve.

  38. "Besides, I think most women would gladly

    give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order

    to "stick it to the White man" ...

    this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women. Go to female-oriented forums and observe the casual attitudes there of the overwhelmingly White women posters."


    Aahh, Testy....

  39. "This article about the Obamas may be a good example of why IQ is not correlated with wealth."

    AT least with respect to Michelle Obama, this demonstrates that prestigious educational credentials plus politically connected relatives (in her case, her husband) results in a very high paying job despite mediocre IQ.

    Yes, her skin color helped her get those credentials, but those schools don't necessarily select for the smartest white people either.

  40. Lucius Vorenus, I take [EDITED] means "the Jews"?

    Well, if they can run this radio station in my brain, they can do anything, can't they?

  41. Testy the Strike-Out King5/14/09, 1:56 PM

    Goddamn shiksas! I despise them and blame them for all our ills and those bitches STILL won't sleep with me!

  42. Captain Jack Aubrey5/14/09, 1:57 PM

    I only looked at one tax return from the late 1990s. Rev. Wright was the #1 beneficiary of some rather limited giving. Wright's church got something like $1,800 that year.

    The irony about the Reverend Wright connection is that Obama by all appearances is perhaps (tied for) the least religious president we have ever had. He didn't even bother to observe the National Day of Prayer. Which makes one wonder why he attended Wright's church. He didn't attend because he was a devout UCCer in spite of Wright's racist hatemongering - he attended because of it.

    Well, I've been thinking for the last year or so that Obama probably ends up as America's first billionaire ex-President.

    I've been saying that, too! It's not exactly going out on a limb. Obama is way more popular than Clinton or Gore, and those 2 were worth $50 and $100 million, respectively, within 6 years of leaving office. It doesn't matter if Obama completely ruins the country. Liberals never blame their leaders for the damage they do. And so long as there's something left of America to pillage, there will be people, foreign and domestic, willing to pillage.

    However the downside for Obama is that he does not come from a family with good genes in regards to longevity. His mother lived 53 years and his father only 46 years - and Obama smokes. OTOH, Obama, unlike prior presidents, doesn't appear to be one who'll get too stressed out by his job, no matter how miserably he messes up. The USA is someone else's toy, and if he breaks it he'll just toss it over his shoulder and move on. Even W seems to feel a bit guilty about the damage he did. Obama, in contrast, will leave office seeming as young (or younger) as he was when he entered office. I guarantee it.

    As for Michelle Obama, she's the sort of person who, if she were a rock star, would have a 100 person entourage following her every move and would be worth $50 million today and (less than) nothing tomorrow. It's the African way.

    They weren't borrowing - they were investing in themselves. There is a difference.

    I can't think of absolutely any reason why anyone would need a personal trainer 4 days a week if they aren't an actress, a model, or a professional athlete. 4 days a week? Get real.

  43. Lucius Vorenus5/14/09, 2:20 PM

    Yeah, on the first go-round, Komment Kontrol objected to calling <EDITED> The <EDITED> [or so I theorized], so the post was re-submitted mutatis mutandis.

  44. Lucius Vorenus5/14/09, 2:27 PM

    Melykin: ...maybe the reason the USA doesn't have universal health care is because there are a lot of poor blacks. Countries that do have universal health care--all of Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan etc. were mostly racially homogeneous at the time they adopted universal health care. Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society. Maybe if the US never had slaves, and was mostly racially homogeneous after WWII, it would have adopted universal health care along with the rest of the developed world...

    Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!!!

    Gallows humor is teh r0x0r.

  45. Lucius Vorenus5/14/09, 2:35 PM

    Captain Jack Aubrey: He didn't attend because he was a devout UCCer in spite of Wright's racist hatemongering - he attended because of it.

    Yeah, we hayseeds tried to warn all y'all big-city sophisticates about that one, as well.

    Fat lotta good it did - deaf ears & whatnot.

  46. A personal trainer 4 days a week.

    Michelle My Belle need plenty strokin' or she splode.

  47. Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society.

    Racially diverse societies certainly tend to be a lot poorer. But I suppose that's not what you had in mind.

  48. Lucius Vorenus, either learn dialect or use standard English.

    "You big city folks" is proper, not 'y'all [sic:you all] big city folks".

    Furthermore, y'all is plural, not singular, so "y'all was" is wrong as well. "Y'all are" is proper.

    Just to keep you out of any further linguistic trouble, the word "victuals" is pronounced "vittles". It is not spelled "vittles".

  49. Melykin said...

    This impression, combined with the racist tone in many of the post here, makes me think that maybe the reason the USA doesn't have universal health care is because there are a lot of poor blacks. Countries that do have universal health care--all of Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan etc. were mostly racially homogeneous at the time they adopted universal health care. Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society.

    Malykin, the US has universal health insurance right now. Anyone not covered by a private plan who is too poor to afford insurance can sign up for free government insurance. The uninsured here in America consist of two groups:

    1. Illegals.
    2. people who can afford insurance but choose to go without it.

    The federal government has been looking after the health needs of Blacks since at least the Roosevelt administration, if not longer. During the 1960's the federal government sponsored rural medical clinics for Southern Blacks so that they could have affordable medical care in their counties. We are already paying for them to be cared for, so your accusation that America is too racist to care for its Blacks is false. The problem is that there is a massive Black crime wave aimed at us, and we are discriminated against in our daily affairs in order to give opportunities to unqualifies Blacks, its called affirmative action.

    The tone of this post give me the impression that the writer has a hateful attitude towards the uninsured, and doesn't want to contribute any money to their medical care.

    You are making judgments about us based on emotion and not reason.

  50. "Besides, I think most women would gladly

    give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order

    to "stick it to the White man" ...

    this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women.

    Go to female-oriented forums and observe the casual attitudes there of the overwhelmingly White women posters."



    How do you seem to manage to work this into EVERYTHING you say and post?

    Where is the evidence for this never-ending claim of yours??

    C'mon man, step up to the plate and provide some back-up to what you are constantly alleging --

    ...don't just take a proverbial dump and expect others to understand what you are trying to say -- and to clean up the mess you made.

  51. T99 Im sure you are aware of the Big Brother reality show.

    Here, in the UK, its very popular - with women, and most women in the UK are white.

    Although the contestants are split more or less 50/50 male/female, the producers seem anxious to front-load the show with all manner of non-whites, gays, lesbians etc.

    In spite of this the winner (decided by a phone vote) is, on average, more likely to be a youngish white straight male. Exactly the sort of man the majority of the audience is attracted to.

    Given the choice of sticking it to various vibrant sub-groups or the white male, the female voters choose to stick it to the vibrant sub-groups.

    What I need to do is work out how to use this as part of successful betting strategy when the next series starts.

  52. "Besides, I think most women would gladly

    give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order

    to "stick it to the White man" ...


    Oh yeah, can just see it now with those White 'soccer mom's' and the kiddies -

    trading fine restaurants for 'Macky D's'...

    relinquishing their health care for Medicaid...

    moving out of middle-class suburbia for a hut in the 'hood, so they can send the kids to an 'inner-city' "school"....

    ALL so they can show their "solidarity" with Obama

    & "stick it to the White man" ...


    Where U drinking when you wrote this?

  53. I can't think of absolutely any reason why anyone would need a personal trainer 4 days a week if they aren't an actress, a model, or a professional athlete. 4 days a week? Get real.

    Zero motivation/discipline. That, or the trainer was some kind of status thing which I doubt (doesn't make much sense).

  54. This is the only real reason why Barry is there and once the job is complete they will toss him into the trashcan like toilet paper, regardless of any beta, alpha, gamma babes or males.

    No, there is no ruling elite, that's a figment of your imagination. There is only the Swipple.

    Now go beat a white woman.

  55. Melykins:

    "Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society."

    Right you are. You may be aware of Steve's definition of race: Race is a partially inbred, extended family. People are more willing to do unselfish things for relatives. The less relatedness, the less unselfish people are willing to be.

    But it's not the blacks that's the universal health care deal-breaker. It's the illegal aliens from Mexico. 70 million in Mexico, and most of 'em want to come here. Free universal healthcare is just one more magnet.
    So, 100 million people of Mexican extraction in U.S., of low earning capacity, on average, all accessing their free healthcare, versus 200 million White taxpayers paying the bills -- that ratio cannot work.

    Are you new here?

  56. Captain Jack Aubrey5/14/09, 10:17 PM

    This impression, combined with the racist tone in many of the post here, makes me think that maybe the reason the USA doesn't have universal health care is because there are a lot of poor blacks. Countries that do have universal health care--all of Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan etc. were mostly racially homogeneous at the time they adopted universal health care. Maybe there is something about human nature that makes it more difficult to change to universal health care in a racially diverse society. - Melykin

    Hmmm. Now change the initial values. Instead of 87% European and 13% african, say the US was 87% European and 13% Asian back in 1950. We would have been just as likely to have universal health care as if we had been 100% white. It's not simply the racial diversity, it's the fact that blacks are an overwhelmingly parasitic population. What percentage of the black population is non-working? What percentage of the working black population is in civil service government jobs from which they practically cannot be terminated? What percentage of the black population receives means tested government benefits, such as WIC, Section 8, Medicaid, food stamps, ad infinitum? A very, very, very high percentage.

    The fact is that blacks, like radioisotopes, are highly visible examples of the underclass and its causes. In most Western societies in the last few centuries, being underclass has been seen as a sign of someone who fell on hard times through no fault of their own. The large black underclass, criminal, drug addleed, and illegitimate, reveals that the underclass perpetuates itself, especially when subsidized by the government.

    It doesn't matter. Even if we get universal health care it won't last long. The middle class will revolt. The government won't be able to maintain the payments. The influx of tens of millions of Mestizos and Africans to take advantage of the newly expanded welfare state will make it even harder to do, and the government will collapse under the burden.

  57. Captain Jack Aubrey sed:
    Even if we get universal health care it won't last long. The middle class will revolt. The government won't be able to maintain the payments.

    Mmm, I wish you were right. Case in point: South Africa. Government welfare to 40mio blacks making up 95% of the population. Off a tax base comprising whites and some Indians, collectively max. 5% of the population. The government down there has practically invited the rest of Africa to join them at the table. Guess what's up for dinner: remaining whites, EU/US/UN funding, foreign businesses. They just keep squeezing out the whites until there is practically nothing left. The end game is Zimbabwe. Even if you somehow managed to survive the beatings, crime, killings, confiscations, starvation, diseases and infrastructure breakdown, would you want to live there? Is there a turnaround? Not really.

  58. "Besides, I think most women would gladly

    give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order

    to "stick it to the White man" ...

    this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women."

    Can anyone explain what this means?

  59. The Obamas have ZERO investments?? How weird. That's impossible. He's worth over $1.3 million, per So he keeps $1,300,000 in cash under his matress?

    As a white-collar working adult, I have Classic and Roth IRAs and a 401(k). Ten years ago, I had a 403(b). I also have a SEP (simplified employee pension) for my self-employment income.

    If the president's investments were in a blind trust, would its existence be disclosed in his tax return?

    What's in his blind trust? I speculate that he's making money holding stocks of gun makers at my blog:

  60. "Oh yeah, can just see it now with those White 'soccer mom's' and the kiddies -
    trading fine restaurants for 'Macky D's'...
    relinquishing their health care for Medicaid...
    moving out of middle-class suburbia for a hut in the 'hood, so they can send the kids to an 'inner-city' "school"....
    ALL so they can show their "solidarity" with Obama
    & "stick it to the White man" ..."

    Just one problem, it was not the white soccer moms who went for Obama, it was single women.

  61. Lucius Vorenus5/15/09, 11:05 AM

    Maybe I shoulda done said, "all y'all big city grammar nazis".

  62. "Can anyone explain what this means?"

    It means Testy is always getting shot down in flames by the hot blonde shiksas at the fashionable nightclubs he frequents. He's angry at women and is projecting his frustration onto the entire social/political/economic scene.

    I propose we all chip in and pay a hot blonde call-girl to pretend to be Testy's girlfriend. It'll be worth the expense just to shut him up for a while.

  63. "---Just one problem, it was not the white soccer moms who went for Obama, it was single women.---"


    Well, the 'T-Rex' did say even White mothers also [sic] purportedly feel this way:

    ""Besides, I think most women would gladly

    give up middle class entitlements,

    ----even for their kids,----

    in order to "stick it to the White man" ..."

  64. "I propose we all chip in and pay a hot blonde call-girl to pretend to be Testy's girlfriend. It'll be worth the expense just to shut him up for a while."

    It's a good idea, but I would't isteve to be busted for solicitation.

  65. dc watcher said...
    "I propose we all chip in and pay a hot blonde call-girl to pretend to be Testy's girlfriend. It'll be worth the expense just to shut him up for a while."

    It's a good idea, but I would't isteve to be busted for solicitation.
    try craigs list

  66. Richard Hoste5/17/09, 11:57 PM

    "His mother lived 53 years and his father only 46 years - and Obama smokes."

    His dad's early death was the result of a car crash, it was due to his genes only to the extent that he the genes for being a reckless alcoholic.

    His paternal grandfather lived 84 years. I couldn't find out about his paternal gradma.

    His maternal grandma lived 86 years and maternal grandfather 74.

    The only early death attributable to genes is his mother.


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