May 31, 2009

To all the people flabbergasted by Obama's non-postracial Supreme Court pick

You should buy my book. Then you won't be stunned the next time.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Anyone who was flabbergasted by this nominee is a moron. Personally I was expecting a black female lesbian, but close enough.

  2. I note, again, how fast the left media machine is at work againsy anti-abortionists, Christians. conservatives and Republicans. I wonder why members of those four groups can't use the same tactics as successfully as the lefties? Are they really smarter than we are?


    Oddly enough, she could easily claim white. The photo with her parents is about the middle of the slideshow. Her father looks totally white. Her mother looks mestizo or mulatto, but likely 3/4 or more white. The average Puerto Rican is 29% Native American and 12% black, but I would say she is a lot less.

  4. The impression I get from your analysis of Obama's bio (not that I've read the book, just yoru online stuff) is that he's devoted to helping out blacks, not other identity groups (such as feminists). Sotomayor is not black, so this would be more in keeping with his realpolitik than his ideals.

  5. Steve,

    I am just curious: How have the book sales been?

  6. I wasn't stunned. I have your book. The leopard isn't going to change his spots no matter how vigorously the SWPL posse clings to its in-group sophistries. Note to White affirmative action gals - your comedown beckons.

  7. "You should buy my book. Then you won't be stunned the next time."

    That's great. No better way to sell yourself than by scolding readers who already lap up your every word.

    Moping around as the Resentful Unappreciated Salaryman only gets you more of the same.

  8. Great book. I couldn't stop reading it. I'm sure almost all Obamabots would call it racist, but here's the brilliant part about your book. Almost every single thing you say is supported by a direct quote from "Dreams" or a Wright sermon or a Michelle speech.

    But then again, these leftist creationists can ignore any evidence, no matter how solid.

  9. Somebody should ask her if she is an Iyalorisha (Santeria priestess).

  10. Paranoid Bitchy Incessant Whiner6/1/09, 10:58 AM

    A little off-topic, but is there any chance that we could convince you to move off this software package and onto something more modern [and less buggy]?

    I know there are a lot of computer geeks on this board - would you be interested in some of us setting up a server for you, with maybe some more modern-ish forum software which wouldn't require that you waste quite so much time in moderating?

    Speaking of which - being a stats guy, do you have a rough idea of numbers such as the following ratio:

    [approved & published comments] / [received comments]

    On the other hand, I often suspect that "received comments" might be substantially smaller than "submitted comments" - I get the feeling that [for whatever reason] many of the comments submitted to you never actually make their way to you [for approval or denial] - it feels as though many comments just get lost in the ether [or else eaten by the Google elves].

  11. Where have you gone, Steve Sailer? Your commenters turn their lonely eyes to you.

  12. "and conservatives - though some are publicly grumbling about her past racial comments - will still happily take her over some dashiki wearing black nationalist or bitter Jewish lady like Ruth Bader Ginsburg,"

    Exactly my thinking as well. If you're going to have a liberal, better have a stupid one than an intelligent, viciously motivated racist.

  13. If the Republican Senators weren't totally gutless they could make the hearings about La Raza.

  14. Lucius Vorenus6/1/09, 3:19 PM

    Anonymous: better have a stupid one

    Careful - Truth will soon come around to insist that Debi Thomas must be a better skater than Katarina Witt because Thomas wrote her undergraduate thesis at Princeton on Luis Muñoz Marín and graduated Summa with the Pyne Prize.

    rast: a black female lesbian

    I think there is a very strong possibility that Sotomayor is herself a PowerDyke.

    Speaking of which - to the extent that Foggy Bottom ever had any secrets to begin with, wanna take a wager as to how many of them are now pwned by Saudi intelligence?

  15. Yargh, I can't stand this new moderation, it makes it hard to build substantive threads where people are actually responding to one another.

  16. "Exactly my thinking as well. If you're going to have a liberal, better have a stupid one than an intelligent, viciously motivated racist."

    Well, I don't know about stupid. My impression of Sotomayor is that she "wants hers" for the Hispanic crowd. A little bit of affirmative action is something I can live with. I don't get the impression that she's someone who wants to stick her finger in the eye of average middle class Americans with debased social policy pronouncements, which is what I get from Jewish liberals like Ginsburg as well as even the more puerile WASP liberals that think they're Jews like Souter.

  17. that she is an intellectual lightweight, seems to be a reason that some conservatives do not want to oppose the nomination too much.

    better to have an openly racist racist who is not very smooth about it, than to have a smart, persuasive one.

    apparently a lot of sotomayor's decisions are laughably minor league, written as if she were an undergraduate in sociology.

    the entire enterprise is intellectually bankrupt, as she'll be clobbered by the mental heavyweights on the supreme court, yet her relatively low intelligence opinion will still carry equal weight.

  18. that she is an intellectual lightweight, seems to be a reason that some conservatives do not want to oppose the nomination too much.

    better to have an openly racist racist who is not very smooth about it, than to have a smart, persuasive one.

    apparently a lot of sotomayor's decisions are laughably minor league, written as if she were an undergraduate in sociology.

    the entire enterprise is intellectually bankrupt, as she'll be clobbered by the mental heavyweights on the supreme court, yet her relatively low intelligence opinion will still carry equal weight.

  19. "Are they really smarter than we are?"

    No, they aren't, But they control the media, the gov't and educational systems. And have for decades. They have no shame and have no problem with lies. But like I said, they aren't that smart. Take a look around. The Left has managed to destroy the US, it is falling apart. They got the wealthiest, most advanced nation in the history of ever and are now proceeding to drive the bus right off the cliff while singing Kumbaya. They're killing the goose that lays their golden eggs.

  20. >No better way to sell yourself than by scolding readers who already lap up your every word.

    no lapping by me. i say steve has missed or deliberately ignored the kernel of this whole affair: what a great victory for the marxist culture cracking left to get sotomayor on the supreme court with an open public record of la raza race based white male bashing.......that is a sweet sweet victory for the gramscian leftist haters and a great precedent for the legitimization of further open public white male bashing and the institutionalization of white male bashing in the future....

    the 'treason against the white race is loyalty to humanity' noel ignatiev crowd will be doing backflips over this woman's confirmation........the whole affair is pure bolshevik frontal assault on the majority culture.......

    who? whom?

  21. Actually, I get the sense that Sotomayor's life and career has been vastly more "post-racial" than poor Obama's.

    Except for a little ethnic-activism back 35 years ago in college, I get the impression that her life and circle of friends have mostly been entirely mainstream and post-racial, though obviously with a liberal tilt.

    Her husband (and Catholic H.S. sweetheart) was named Kevin O'Noonan or something, and her nieces and nephews look at least half-Asian.

    That conservative Republican Italian-American former law clerk who wrote the big op-ed about her had very positive things to say, the only negative being that she was much more liberal than he was.

    Trying to turn one sentence in one speech in which she describes herself as a "wise Latino lady" into the equivalent of Rev. Wright's endless racial rants is just totally ridiculous.

  22. SF said...

    Oddly enough, she could easily claim white. The photo with her parents is about the middle of the slideshow. Her father looks totally white. Her mother looks mestizo or mulatto, but likely 3/4 or more white. The average Puerto Rican is 29% Native American and 12% black, but I would say she is a lot less."

    That is not necessarily a good thing as unfortunately it is the lighter skinned non Whites who tend to be the most anti-White.
    For example the Kabyle berbers ( of Algeria are fair and most of them can pass as Europeans but they were among the most anti-French when Algeria was part of the French Empire and played the biggest role of any group in Algeria in the Algerian resistance. The European looking Nuristanis of Afghanistan ( gave the toughest time to the White Soviet forces during the Soviet rule of Afghanistan. Some of the fiercest battles the Soviets fought were with the White like Nuristanis.
    Similarly during the days of the British Raj in India, the fair skinned upper caste Brahmins dominated the anti-British Indian National Congress. Here is a drawing of Bhagat Singh who was arrested and hanged by the British Imperial authorities for anti-government activities . The Konkanastha Brahmins of Western India are very fair and many of them posses light coloured eyes. But guess what many of the most anti-British revolutionaries came from this community. Indeed leaders of the darker skinned Dalits such as Mahatma Phule ( had a very favourable opinion of the British Empire.

    Probably light skinned elites of brown skinned peoples look to Whites of European descent as competitors for their rule over the darker skinned masses.

  23. The impression I get from your analysis of Obama's bio (not that I've read the book, just yoru online stuff) is that he's devoted to helping out blacks,

    That's only half of it. The other half is beating whites.


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