July 9, 2009


I'm gearing up for my mid-year panhandling project, which always involves figuring out why Paypal and Amazon aren't working right anymore. Right now, you can make a tax-deductible donation through VDARE.com:

Once they get enough money in, they can put up my article on questions to ask Judge Sotomayor at her Senate hearings next Monday.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Do we get another book out of it?

  2. How much do you make a year as a blogger?

  3. Good call, Steve:


    "Republicans will call two New Haven firefighters to testify in the confirmation hearings of Sonia Sotomayor next week, making clear the GOP's intent to place affirmative action at the center of the Senate battle over Sotomayor's nomination.

    A Judiciary Committee press release lists Frank Ricci and Ben Vargas as expected Republican witnesses...."

  4. Been there, done that.

  5. I suppose that you are panhandling, since you are begging for money in a public manner. However, I think it would be more accurate to term what you do "busking". You certainly put on a good show.

  6. Anonymous asks:

    "How much do you make a year as a blogger?"

    Not enough.

  7. But they don't have New Haven mayor DeStefano on the list.

    The Democrats are calling the mayor of New York. Heck, the Democrats are calling former star pitcher David Cone as a witness!

  8. Tell Peter Brimelow that I will start donating to VDare once he hires a web designer and redesigns that horrid looking website.

  9. I gave last year and all my comments are posted immediately

  10. When I contributed a few months ago (hint intended) I went to PayPal and, knowing Steve's email address, let their computer find him.

    I'll do that when I contribute this time, too (hint intended once again).

  11. sj071,

    can you expand on your comment please?

  12. I'm confused. Why are the contributions tax-deductible?

    And, are only credit card contributions tax-deductible?

  13. Wish I could help you, Steve. Hopefully this economy will improve one of these days.

  14. I'm confused. Why are the contributions tax-deductible?

    I believe Vdare is a 501c3 organization, in this case one designed to be educational, which makes donations to it tax deductible.

  15. Pre-emptive Testy7/10/09, 1:22 AM

    Steve, as usual you are way out of your depth here. Let me tell you what's really going on.

    Single jihadi women are using suitcase nukes to destroy white beta males and then shacking up with black thugs. To prevent this, it is imperative that Israel nuke Iran. If Western Civilization is to be saved, hot shiksa bitches have to sleep with me.

  16. I tried to donate, but stupid Paypal wouldn't let me. :(

  17. Pre-emptive Testy said...

    Thanks for the laugh man, for the life of me I dont know where this testicle 99 gets his thoughts from.
    I just wish one day he gets confused for a jihadi and gets waterboarded.

  18. "Tell Peter Brimelow that I will start donating to VDare once he hires a web designer and redesigns that horrid looking website."


  19. Anonymous asks:

    "How much do you make a year as a blogger?"

    Not enough.

    You could sell adspace, like all those ads in my hotmail sidebar that say, "I made $63K online last year!" Better yet, why don't you--Steve Sailer--click on those ads?

    Speaking of which, about a year ago I got shanghai-ed into attending a pyramid marketing meeting for all the same old products: energy drinks, laundry detergent, vitamin supplements, toothpaste, skin creme, etc. And now, they use the INTERNET! You could end up making $275K a year!

    Unbelievable how that scheme just never seems to die. Last I checked even Amway is still around. Who buys that crap?

  20. This old Cannuck just sends Mr. Sailer a personal check/cheque. Works fine. Also,note,the V-dare tax deduction does not apply in Canada.

    Mr.Sailer's work (and the quality of many/some comments) benefits the universe.


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