July 19, 2009

Steve McNair

Colby Cosh says what I never got around to saying about Steve McNair, the retired quarterback, who has been widely blamed for getting himself murdered in cold blood while taking a nap on the couch.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. McNair the mighty footballhead who lets himself get shot by a woman! How pathetic. He's a cop-loving coward who can't defend himself like a real man, the way he must have "defended" himself in elementary school from the hordes of science nerds.

    Tell me, how often does anything like that happen to a pro golfer?

  2. Mistress, not girlfriend.

  3. Sorry, he definitely brought it on himself. Practically a suicide-suicide.

    Life lesson: do not get involved with tough, coking, boozing, 20 year old girls from bad families.

  4. Also, the poor girl was so naive that she didn't realize that mistresses entitled to gifts. She had to make car payments on the car he "bought" for her. He also praised her for being independent and not using him for money.

  5. He hasn't been denounced at all. Everyone was careful to say "Let's talk about what he did on the field," as if the reason he's dead so young is completely irrelevant to describing his life.

    Swing and a miss!

  6. I always wondered why women care about athletic fame. It's like a woman trying to wrap her head around what breasts mean to men. Baseball is so boring...why is old Madonna obsessing over baseball players? It's almost to affirm her braindead sexual dominance, subconsciously, no?

    But really, the big sexual economy is disgusting, and nobody should be on anybody's side. It's meaningless. If a woman gets old and lonely, there's a celibate dude wanking somewhere, to balance her out. Sorry women get old and unattractive, and always prize male status as subconsciously and idiotically as men perceive beauty. Welcome to life.

    The old pseudo-celibate Victorian world WAS feminism, profoundly. Celibate social mores allowed women to emotionally break men and turn them into husbands who couldn't break the bond. Destroying traditional sexuality favored smart men, mainly. If they could master the inscrutable and irrational attraction triggers of moron chicks. In my experience, the formation of male love is based on not having sexual access, absolutely. I'd like to pretend that's a strange generalization, but I have too much faith in myself.

  7. Emperor Kang Xi commuted the sentence of a woman's boyfriend for murdering her in 17th century China. The reason he killed her was that her husband was threatening to sue him for destroying the marriage.

    In China, at that time, the woman was held responsible for her own adultery.

    This "old Testament" stuff Cosh is talking about isn't really accurate -- we simply have a radical, out of control kind of chivalry that absolves American women of all responsibility for their sexual behavior. It is, in fact, encoded in family law.

    It is a slur against the Old Testament to suggest that it actually condones our feminist regime.

  8. it sucks he got killed. he was a great player. his only problem was that he was injury prone. though that was spun, as always for black players, as him being a "tough warrior!", whereas a white player who got injured that much would have been widely regarded as a brittle wimp.

    was this kazemi person an immigrant? a muslim? she seems to have been an iranian immigrant, though perhaps not muslim, as not all iranians are. though it should not have been a huge part of the story, the media went through great lengths to barely discuss kazemi at all.

    not exactly immigrant shooting syndrome as espoused by vdare, but not far from it. mcnair WAS killed by an immigrant from iran, and nobody even wants to mention that. this stands in stark contrast to other sensational cases, in which the perpetrator's entire life is gone over with a comb, and talking heads on the news pretend they can analyze them after they're dead.

    not one single person on the news who knew kazemi, giving goofy interviews to larry king about how they can't believe it/do believe it/never thought it could happen/always knew it would happen/et cetera?

  9. "But really, the big sexual economy is disgusting, and nobody should be on anybody's side. It's meaningless. If a woman gets old and lonely, there's a celibate dude wanking somewhere, to balance her out. Sorry women get old and unattractive, and always prize male status as subconsciously and idiotically as men perceive beauty. Welcome to life."

    A sensible, philosophically consistent commentator on isteve? What's next the election of Ron Paul to the presidency?

  10. Man kills a woman. He's a monster.

    Woman kills a man. Crowd strains to blame the man. "He got what he had coming to him."

    Even when no fault can be assigned to the man, the woman is pitied. Think of Brynn Hartman. Evil c*nt.

  11. He should have kept away from Middle Eastern women...

  12. Steve, coverage on NFL network has avoided almost entirely the circumstances of McNair's death, and focused on his life on the field. No one wants to talk about it.

    McNair was of course stupid in engaging in that risky behavior, I suspect many of his former fans don't like that sort of flaunting of a mistress when many guys struggle to have one gal. You'll note that the Mannings, straight arrows, have very muted and private relationships with their wives, Favre as reformed bad boy and aging family man gets respect, and Romo's soap opera with Jessica Simpson cost him fans and credibility.

    Most guys like their jocks focused on the field, generally affable, and approachable -- not the bling, mistress and wife oriented types because it rubs in the vast social distance between fan and player.
    Somewhat OT, Ron Paul blasted Sarah Palin for being a "country club Republican" ... laughable since Paul himself belongs to an exclusive Texas Country Club while Palin is a moose hunter who snow-machines, and belongs to none. Paul at least sees her as a rival in 2012.
    I suspect the NFL wishes to forget McNair like they do Michael Vick. Probably most of the fans as well. It's still a very male-oriented league and it's surprising how few fans say a Tom Brady has vs. the Mannings, or Favre, in terms of commercials and so on.

  13. I say this as an anti-women's lib social conservative: men who blame these athletes for taking advantage of women throwing themselves at them are either gay, sterile or religious.

    Men didn't evolve to turn down free sex. Women and society are meant to be the limiting factors.

  14. The day where hos trump bros may have arrived. I'm a little shocked to read the media's reaction as detailed in Cosh's column. The media just can't bring itself to criticize a woman who kills a man in cold blood,even a black man. Not a Cosh fan, but this was a very good column.

    Ditto Arturo Gatti: the latest is that "reports" are saying that he committed suicide. Yeah, he stabbed himself in the back of the neck, then strangled himself with a purse strap. Okay.

    Gosh, I wish I were an Alpha male like McNair and Gatti, scoring hot chicks, that would be soooooo cool.

    Actually I feel worse for McNair, I always liked him as a player. Tough as nails, big, strong, low interception %, a winner, he never turned out to be quite the Air McNair he was billed in Division Z or whatever, but still, heckuva career. I know, he won an MVP, but he wasn't a slinger who would get you 300 yards a game for weeks on end.

    "Sorry, he definitely brought it on himself. Practically a suicide-suicide. "

    *Sigh* Some days, when I feel I am the biggest beta male on Earth, I'm reminded I'm not.

  15. I don't believe in the death penalty for adultery, or for being rich, or talented, or for being an asshole. If strictly enforced, it would lead to our cities being nearly depopulated. Envy doesn't mean we have to justify murder, or somehow believe the victim "deserved it."


  16. Somewhat OT, Ron Paul blasted Sarah Palin for being a "country club Republican" ... laughable since Paul himself belongs to an exclusive Texas Country Club while Palin is a moose hunter who snow-machines, and belongs to none. Paul at least sees her as a rival in 2012.

    He probably is afraid of going up against her in the debates. Can you imagine Ron Paul trying to keep up with Sarah Palin on economics or foreign policy? The Mises Institue Vs. Fox News. He fears her intellect.

  17. Envy doesn't mean we have to justify murder, or somehow believe the victim "deserved it."

    Holy Columbine, Batman!

  18. jody said: "was this kazemi person an immigrant? a muslim? she seems to have been an iranian immigrant, though perhaps not muslim, as not all iranians are."

    When this story broke, I kept expecting some details on who this woman was, where she was from, etc. It was obvious that she didn't have and old American (to use Dennis Mangan's term) name. And yet, the articles that I read offered no mention of her ethnic/religious background, as if NOBODY could be so retrograde as to be curious about anything like that.

    Finally, I googled her name. Turns out her family left Iran in 2000, spent 2.5 years in Turkey, then moved to Florida. They were Baha'i, not Muslim. I'm not saying that this information is inaccessible, but I do think that a lot of editors would view it as sort of de classe to go into the particulars of her background, since we know that culture never has anything to do with an outcome like this.

  19. *Sigh* Some days, when I feel I am the biggest beta male on Earth, I'm reminded I'm not.

    Nice to know Allahpundit reads Sailer.

  20. "McNair the mighty footballhead who lets himself get shot by a woman!..."

    Did this post lose anyone else, or was it just me?

    "why is old Madonna obsessing over baseball players? It's almost to affirm her braindead sexual dominance, subconsciously, no?"

    No, it's to affirm her dominance in the dating pool by "scoring on lots of younger babes" that other broads want. It's simply a game and she's trying to win. She does not get this thrill by dating IT specialists.

    "it sucks he got killed. he was a great player. his only problem was that he was injury prone. though that was spun, as always for black players, as him being a "tough warrior!", whereas a white player who got injured that much would have been widely regarded as a brittle wimp...."

    Goddamn it Jody; you had it for a minute there, but then you lost it! Let me give a you a little hint;

    You don't have to turn every story, a Betty Crocker recipe, statistics on the Russian wheat harvest, a guy getting shot by his girlfriend, into a boring tome on white guy's getting screwed. Really it just isn't necessary: Or remotely interesting.

    "You'll note that the Mannings, straight arrows, have very muted and private relationships with their wives,"

    From my recollection, so did McNair until he caught two to the body and two to the head. Hell, for that matter, when I was a kid so did Steve Garvey until he became a role model for Shawn Kemp.

    " it's surprising how few fans say a Tom Brady has vs. the Mannings, or Favre, in terms of commercials and so on."

    You've taken a poll?

    "Gosh, I wish I were an Alpha male like McNair and Gatti, scoring hot chicks, that would be soooooo cool..."

    Uh...Champ if you were, the only thing you'd be scoring right now is worms crawling through your eye sockets.

    ""Sorry, he definitely brought it on himself. Practically a suicide-suicide. "

    *Sigh* Some days, when I feel I am the biggest beta male on Earth, I'm reminded I'm not."

    I've got to agree with you on that one Dawg. That guy's an Upsilon at best. (if it's my anonymous Buddy, I'm sorry playa' but fact is fact.)

  21. Any relation to Zahra Kazemi?

  22. --In my experience, the formation of male love is based on not having sexual access, absolutely. I'd like to pretend that's a strange generalization, but I have too much faith in myself.--

    So by your reasoning, a man who loves his wife, only loves her so long as other women are not falling over him?

    --Somewhat OT, Ron Paul blasted Sarah Palin for being a "country club Republican" ... laughable since Paul himself belongs to an exclusive Texas Country Club while Palin is a moose hunter who snow-machines, and belongs to none. Paul at least sees her as a rival in 2012.--

    Perhaps, by Country Club Republican, Paul meant that Palin was an idiot who parrots existing dogma. As for 2012, I don't think Ron Paul has a chance. To win, he would need to start campaigning now and introducing novel technologies such as matching Obama's words to outcomes. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the fire in the belly to point out the utter stupidity that is Obama.

  23. The 20-year-old was part of the Bahai religious minority in Iran, which is one of the wealthy ones.

  24. Richard Hoste is absolutely right.

    You don't sweat and suffer through the innumerable sweltering August two-a-days, the workouts, the weightlifting sessions, the conditioning sessions, the games, the hours of studying tape, the concussions, the almost certain brain damage and permanent injuries, etc., in order to refuse opportunities to get involved with women.

    After all, if he did refuse those kinds of opportunities, what exactly would he be upholding? The great American tradition of serial monogamy? And does anyone seriously think his wife married him because of his personality, character, true love etc.?

    Boys dream about becoming quarterback because they know it gets them the girls. Not because they want to be passrushed by 300 lb men and risk paralysis.

    In a time and place where men without children are jailed for failing to pay child support (http://ramzpaul.blogspot.com/2009/07/man-without-children-in-jail-for.html), it's amazing to hear people on and off this thread give this guy sh*t.

    Where's Taki when you need him?

  25. Let's all ignore his adultery and continue on; while praising a man we will never meet. Such is the life of a celebrity.

  26. Whoooooo caaaaaaares?

    Honestly. Don't we have more important things to worry about?

  27. I think that the media coverage and reaction to it just confirm that most people have no principled approach to justice.

    Consider how people react to various news stories:

    * A man is unfaithful to his wife and makes a foolish decision to make a neurotic Iranian his mistress. He dies as a result.

    * A vandalizing boy is found by the police. He runs. The officers mistakenly believe that he is armed by his erratic actions. He is shot and killed.

    * A young woman goes out on the town alone. She gets terribly intoxicated at a bar. The bar owner asks his employee to escort the woman home. The employee instead rapes and kills her.

    * A john has sex with a prostitute who (herself) knows that she has HIV. The john contracts a deadly disease.

    * Another young woman decides to go jogging in a public park at night. She is ganged raped and killed.

    In each of these stories -- which happen to be real stories -- the victim makes stupid mistakes that lead to his death. However, none of the circumstances justifies murder. No one "got what was coming to him." To assert such is to condemn anyone guilty of any vice or stupidity to death.

    If one is an adulterer, one deserves a nasty divorce. Unless we wish to make adultery a capital offense, then one does not deserve death.

    Neshobanakni's comment above is spot on.

  28. I say this as an anti-women's lib social conservative: men who blame these athletes for taking advantage of women throwing themselves at them are either gay, sterile or religious. Men didn't evolve to turn down free sex. Women and society are meant to be the limiting factors.

    Yes, gay, sterile or religious, or downright embittered. For women to be outraged by what they consider "fickle" male behavior is understandable, since the jealousy factor is an inevitable emotion. But I have to laugh at men denouncing other men for lacking the ability to put reins on the incessant drive that Nature has built into the male. He is built to be a predator, and it is only outside conditioning by society that helps him to hold himself in check. As the King of Siam said, Nature designs men to go from flower to flower to flower -- leaving his sperm all along the way, as frequently as possible.

    At a certain point in a "civilized" society, a man rejects this natural role that has been assigned to him, and chooses one woman to bed down. In so doing, he might have every intention of keeping those unnatural, strange marriage vows that compel him to fight his nature. The fact that he does not always succeed does not make him a turd or someone worthy of death.

    How easy it is for men who have aged and are now in better control of their urges (along with no longer being physically desirable, if they ever were), to mock men who fail to control their normal drives. These undesirables relish being able to point the finger at men like the Sanfords, Ensigns, et. al., who are still considered attractive and desirable. For many of the average Joes, it's just rotgut jealousy, since they barely got one woman to marry them and, even then, she probably was a third or fourth choice. Most of them were not able to land their first or second choices, over whom they salivated, but never got close to. So, they wind up angry as hell at those men who get to flaunt their power over not only a wife, but an adoring mistress or two.

  29. "Richard Hoste said...
    ... men who blame these athletes for taking advantage of women throwing themselves at them are either gay, sterile or religious."

    Well, I'm religious, so yes there is a constraint on free sex. The defining difference between civilized persons and barbarians is that civilized persons follow norms which regulate their personal choices and make society livable and build trust. Last time I checked that trust was one of the main reaons why the West used to be doing better than say Iran. Of course for Christians these norms are not regulations in themselves but part of their salvation. Ultimately taking advantage of free sex is not much different from what the financial moguls are doing on WS. They are taking advantage of what they perceive as “free money”. This means society becomes a place where the Roman saying HOMO HOMINI LUPUS governs. It was this type of barbarism [still widespread in the ME] which Christianity overcame, but is unfortunately creeping back into the West, as we become cooler, more liberal, more hedonistic and more permissive (tolerant).

  30. "*Sigh* Some days, when I feel I am the biggest beta male on Earth, I'm reminded I'm not.

    No sir, you are. The entirety of your comment is beta. The jealous ones who revel in McNair's death (whoever the f*ck he is) are at least slightly healthy inasmuch as they begrudge all of the girls that he got and are pleased to see some (of what they self-congradulatory consider) commupence for his carefree haremesh lifestyle. You however, a self-described beta who also aint gettin much, don't even have the balls to stand up for yourself by hating McNair and his ilk for getting so many of the delights that you wish you had. In fact, you rush with your tiny malnourished phallus to defend him from your very colleagues!

    THAT, my friend, is Beta behavior in its purest form.

  31. WASP-Harvard-Mafia7/20/09, 1:02 AM

    Well, looks like our friend-of-many-handles, Mr. Testy the 'Tester' himself, is now posting as 'Whiskey'.

    Speaking of whiskey, I think we all are going to need a couple of shots :-(!

  32. An exhibit of one of Steve's few blindspots -- adoration for black athletic stars.

    I suspect if McNair was a failed JuCo quarterback gunned down by a Latina mistress, leaving 4 children by 2 women behind, and if somehow his story made the press, I'd bet Steve would characterize the guy's behavior as typical of black males. McNair's money and success may mitigate the social damage -- we aren't paying to raise his kids -- but the behavior is typical.

    And seriously, can anyone imagine Joe Montana getting himself in this situation?

  33. Off topic, but today is the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing.

    I can't help but imagine how the current media would react if we lived in an alternate world where aviation had progressed more slowly, and three white males were today completing humanity's first voyage to the moon.

    I'm worried that instead of celebrating an epic triumph, more than a few pundits would be upset about the lack of diversity among Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins.

  34. Why does anyone care what sporswriters think? They're idiots.

  35. The sanctimonious neo-puritans blaming Mcnair are probably motivated more by envy than anything else. A lot of little men are happy to see a big man brought down.

  36. Modern America:

    Self Righteous
    Holier Than Thou

  37. Sahel Kazemi saw McNair with ANOTHER WOMAN, and this is probably what sent her over the edge.

    Kazemi was making payments on her Kia AND the Cadillac Escalade that McNair made the downpayment for, plus her roomate was leaving at the end of the month. Her apartment was near Percy Priest lake in Nashville, which probably runs around $800 for 2 bedrooms. She had tried to sell the Kia without being upside down on it, but in this economy that was difficult.

    So we have "Jenny" Kazemi here with two car notes ($5-600 a month?), rent ($800 a month), while she is a high school drop-out working as a waitress.
    THEN SHE GETS A DUI, while driving around an also-drinking McNair downtown.

    She knows she will probably lose her driving permit. She knows McNair is sleeping with someone else who is not his wife, "Mechelle" (why do people intentionally mispell their kid's names?). She has probably figured out that McNair isn't going to leave his wife and four sons and has been blowing smoke to her (Kazemi) all along, while enjoying her company in his downtown gated condo. She had been seen arguing with McNair by her neighbors in the Priest Lake area.

    Kazemi knows she is probably about to be "dumped", is in debt, can't get to her waitress job because her driving permit is going to be yanked, and will have a choice to make...................go back to Florida and live with her family like a boring good girl, or become a stripper cabbing back and forth from Deja Vu.
    She, like a large percentage of other women, simply "blamed it all" on McNair and shot him. She had bought the gun over a day beforehand, so this was done with malice aforethought. Her pride was no doubt hurt also (never underestimate the pride of a pretty young gal, who deeply believes she is "her own special snowflake").

    If McNair had given her enough cash to pay off her Kia or had bought her a used Chevy SUV for about 10K, he could have probably had her "on the side" for the price of a dinner nightly for years. She'd have delayed marrying any other guy, and always kept a night or two free every week so he could have hooked up with her. He played it wrong, and gave her the idea that it was more than what it was, which is a bad thing to do with a tempermental young gal.

    They really do need a NFL "playas" handbook so the boys know how to do these things. If only McNair had been reading Roissy, these tragedy would have probably have been avoided.

  38. "I always wondered why women care about athletic fame. "

    The reason why they obsess over it is because you lot obsess over these men. If you guys stopped attaching so much importance to these neanderthals that run around with a ball for a living and instead did something productive in that time, it might actually enhance your own reproductive fitness rather than someone else's.

  39. I have to agree with another commenter: who cares about this story?

    It seems the only lesson that can even be learned from this story is that if you are going to cheat on your wife, don't do it with some crazy Iranian woman.

  40. Lucius Vorenus7/20/09, 5:37 AM

    God in Heaven, it's depressing to read you Darwinian nihilists talk about relations between the sexes.

    Why the hell do you people even bother to get up in the morning?

    Why not just swallow a bottle of sleeping pills and wash it down with a fifth of vodka?

  41. "The jealous ones who revel in McNair's death...are at least slightly healthy "

    Revelling in murder is healthy now? F*ck, this alpha/beta stuff is really confusing.

    Try this: I played football for many years - and not a faggot position like QB, I played linebacker, nose tackle, and O-Line (both ways, back in the day) - and this would explain some of my admiration for him. You, a fag who doesn't even know who Air McNair is and played no contact team sports as a child, could not possibly be more beta.

    My sympathy for him is tempered by the fact he was married, had four kids, and the skank was a skank. But to revel? Err, no. My sympathy is also limited in the case of a skank who hooks up with a star athlete knowing he can pull poon - that's actually a big attraction for them, to get the guy the rest of the girls want. They could have hooked up with Joe Propellerhead if a monogamous relationship were that important to them.

    You don't think Hillary Rodham knew Bill Clinton was a dog before she married him? No, that was part of the attraction. She could have married a guy who attracted less women and was less obviously a player, but she didn't; she willfully married a guy she knew to be a horndog, and it was his horndoggedness that was the selling point.

  42. According to Wikipedia, 15 percent of men in the US have paid for sex at least once in their lives. I wonder why it isn't much more common. If it's the legality issue, people make trips to Amsterdam to legally smoke pot. Sex should be worth at least a trip to Nevada. Are cultural sanctions against going to a prostitute worse in America than other places?

  43. Yeah, Whiskey, Tom Brady has no fans. That's why there are more paparazzi following him around, and have been for years, than all the other NFL QBs combined.

    It cracked me up when Brady was staying at his girlfriend's place in NY while she was in Milan being paid millions of dollars for walking around in her underwear, and the photogs and reporters were camped out on the sidewalk every morning to take pictures of him when he walked her dog while going for coffee in the morning. The meme was that he was some sort of weenie gofer beta boy for walking the little ratdog.

    I was always waiting for him to finally get sick of it and say, "Hey guys, you're out here in the cold waiting for the 3-time Super Bowl winning, supermodel-banging, all-time touchdown pass in a season throwing, jersey already being measured for Canton Ohio quarterback. In 2 weeks the highest paid model in the world will be back, and she'll be nibbling on my various and sundry body parts that she's missed so much, and you'll still be out here in the cold. Who is the real dope here?" But being the alpha dog means never having to explain your ways to the rest of the pack

    Tom Brady has infintely more fans than either Manning simply because of women. Brady never had to deal with the attractive sluts or crazies because, unlike the Mannings, etc., he's usually the best-looking guy in the room as well as the best QB in football, so his conquests are at the very top of the female food chain. Let's just say that none of his girlfriends ever sweated the car payment. I'd be willing to bet that there are more women wearing Brady jerseys than any other. And the pictures in the press of his son with the other model/actress holding his hand on the Boston Common or clinging to his stepmom at the beach are 180 degrees from the McNairs of the world that show the usual "family" behaviors in pro sports.

    AS far as advertising goes, I've read that Brady is very protective of his "brand", as well as not being quite the commercial whore that Peyton Manning is.


  44. "I suspect if McNair was a failed JuCo quarterback gunned down by a Latina mistress, leaving 4 children by 2 women behind, and if somehow his story made the press, I'd bet Steve would characterize the guy's behavior as typical of black males."

    I suspect that if "ifs", and "butts" were candy and nuts...I'd bet every day would be Christmas.

  45. Are there any stats on the number of black males killed by black females who discover the male is cheating? Are there numbers on cheater killings by other races?

    Then the results can be released as a public service announcement to prospective philanderers.


  46. can't believe my eyes7/20/09, 7:39 AM

    "The 20-year-old was part of the Bahai religious minority in Iran, which is one of the wealthy ones."

    The Baha'i religion forbids premarital sex, adultery, alcohol, drugs, murder and suicide. All these things are bad, bad, bad, though the last two would be considered worse than the previous. After a child reaches 15, they must formally declare their acceptance of the faith if they are to be considered Baha'is. Considering her lifestyle, I suspect Kazemi did not "declare." There is also a deep injunction against idle, malicious backbiting. They also believe in complete equality of the sexes and teach that men and women (like science and religion) are like the wings of a bird. One wing cannot be weak, but each operates with equal importance in its own way.
    As far as Baha'is being "wealthy", that is because the first ones to come to America were wealthy. The poorer ones couldn't get out though they were being persecuted. Then Iran forbade Bahai's to go to university and more of the refugees were working class. Many of the ones I knew worked as mechanics, and very good ones. Because they encourage education and achievement in daughters as much as sons, they have long been very progressive. The education of daughters is considered especially important because they become mothers who will have a great impact on the early moral development of their children. Generally they were known for being honest, in a country where the lie is an honored art form.
    So the girl had fallen and those who fall tend to drag others with them sooner or later. Muslims in some countries might have killed her for their "honor" but Bahai's would never do such a thing. All they could do was pray she'd get it together.
    As far the media treatment of McNair--I don't get the "he deserved it" stuff. If women don't "deserve" rape and murder just for being alive and making mistakes that only hurt themselves and their loved ones, men don't either.

    Adultery is not a capital offense among Iranian Bahais or any kind of Americans.

    It's interesting that some people think that men who kill are portrayed as "monsters" while women as having some sort of "reason." That's a current convention. It also was sometimes employed in the Victorian era if the woman had a virtuous reputation. But women who kill have always had a greater aura of "monstrosity" about them. One of the most bizarre things about the human race is the way people -- men mostly -- are expected to kill on demand in various forms of warfare when necessary, against all laws of common sense, self-preservation, decency, religion and polite society. There is always the expectation that he will have honorable reasons for killing, sometimes quite large numbers of people. It's normalized, boot camp and bayonets.
    Probably the only normalized murder for women is killing to protect her "honor." So sometimes bullshit flies in such cases.
    The laws of England stipulated burning alive for exactly two offenses: treason, and killing one's husband. Not wife--husband.
    This was rarely carried out, but it was on the books.

  47. "They really do need a NFL "playas" handbook so the boys know how to do these things."

    GREAT post, but you left out one of the things that intrigued me most, her family and friends said that her greatest desire was to be famous.

  48. What is a "quarterback"?

  49. Well, looks like our friend-of-many-handles, Mr. Testy the 'Tester' himself, is now posting as 'Whiskey'.

    Thats good, a bit of cross-platform consistency. He was always Whiskey on his own blog.

  50. She knows McNair is sleeping with someone else who is not his wife, "Mechelle" (why do people intentionally mispell their kid's names?).

    Maybe it's not even intentional?

    Jordin Sparks, thats one I noted the other day, really was that deliberate Ms Sparks snr? I'm guessing there was no Mr. Sparks.

  51. In fact, you rush with your tiny malnourished phallus to defend him from your very colleagues!


    In fact that reminds me of a friend of mine. He is always ready to defend the post 60s society of unlimited sex from the always about-to-take-over puritans (you know, the same ones who are going to enforce creationism any time now). His right to have sex at the drop of a hat, watch porn etc.

    Hasnt touched a woman (or rather, they won't go near him) in years...

  52. A lot of the "he had it coming" sentiments come from his age and career. After a long career as an NFL legend he's surely been having affairs like this for years. Everything about this girl screamed bad news yet he didn't notice any of the warning signs. It's a shame he's dead, though, and guys who want to run around with psycho chicks (and many of them do) need to approach with caution.

  53. "not one single person on the news who knew kazemi, giving goofy interviews to larry king about how they can't believe it/do believe it/never thought it could happen/always knew it would happen/et cetera?"

    The girl wasn't surrounded by fame whores, which seems to be the only thing she had going for her.

  54. Kevin:
    You don't sweat and suffer through the innumerable sweltering August two-a-days, the workouts, the weightlifting sessions, the conditioning sessions, the games, the hours of studying tape, the concussions, the almost certain brain damage and permanent injuries, etc., in order to refuse opportunities to get involved with women.

    Ohhhhh, life is volcanic hell for superjocks.

    Do superjocks ever need to do any serious mental work? (other than "hours of studying tape")

    Do superjocks have to put up with non-stop bullying at public school the way that almost all future advanced degree holders do?

    Do superjocks have to risk getting killed on the job, the way that soldiers and policemen do?

    So superjocks have to carry bags of cement on their backs, and risk permament injury from having to do it so often, the way that construction workers do?

    Do superjocks have to stare at the road for hours and hours on end, manuevering a huge vehicle, with the possibility of fatal collisions, the way that truck drivers do?

    Do superjocks have to put up with dishonest, unstable, and perhaps violent passengers, like bus and cab drivers have to?

    Life is tough all over.

  55. "never underestimate the pride of a pretty young gal, who deeply believes she is "her own special snowflake"

    That's fairly reasonable considering how men treat her.

  56. The Anon. who commented on HOMO HOMINI LUPUS is precisely right.

    "A lot of little men are happy to see a big man brought down."

    How was McNair a big man? An adulterous moron who lives "da lifestyle" and gets capped is a big man? The Africanization of America proceeds apace.

    Both McNair and his murderer were trash. That is the hard truth.

  57. Add the Darwin Award to McNair's trophy room.

  58. What the f is wrong with you people? Civilized society demands devotion to one woman after marriage....how do you think we came this far? You people need to get religion (I recommend Christianity)....

    Victoria- you are selling your sisters out

    McNair was a great dude that was so likeable...too likeable in fact....be careful of crazy bitches....looking at kazemi's facebook pics- it was obvious she was one...

    he was the worst qb in the league when he played for baltimore though....bizarre they let him start in the playoffs- Ravens would have won it all three years two years ago if they played Boller- and that's the real tragedy of it all

    Jody -tell us again how his death is a cautionary tale showing us Blake Ezor should be the starting rb for the Chicago Bears

  59. whereas a white player who got injured that much would have been widely regarded as a brittle wimp.

    I hear this a lot, but sounds like BS. Steve Grogan, the Patriots QB in the 70s-80s, had a very similar career to McNair - and got hurt all the time. Grogan was always praised for being tough. Tony Eason was the brittle wimp.

  60. Mcnair may have been a dog but he didn't ask to be murdered. I don't begrudge anybody due their spoils, but the mess that Sanford caused when he dashed down to South America for an Argentine tango demonstrates his unsuitability for office more than his cheating did.

  61. Steve, McNair wasn't "murdered in cold blood". No one who kills in cold blood turns the gun on herself.

  62. Well, looks like our friend-of-many-handles, Mr. Testy the 'Tester' himself, is now posting as 'Whiskey'.

    T99 never denied being Whiskey and even mentioned it in several of his posts. He still denies being Evil Neocon, though.

  63. Jordan Sparks's dad Phillipi played cornerback for the Giants for 5-6 seasons- good famil, I think

  64. In Tom Wolfe's "I Am Charlotte Simmons" the athletes have women coming to their hotel rooms and asking to have sex with them. A basketball forward tries to get to sleep one night and has a woman come in and maul him.

    Did anybody have athletes in their social circle in college? Anybody play division one basketball or football? I'd like to know to what extent Wolfe was exaggerating if at all.

  65. Danindc - Jordan Sparks's dad Phillipi played cornerback for the Giants for 5-6 seasons- good famil, I think.

    OK I stand corrected re her dad.

    However you missed my main point. Her name is Jordin, you assumed the correct spelling, but her parents didnt.

  66. "Did anybody have athletes in their social circle in college? Anybody play division one basketball or football? I'd like to know to what extent Wolfe was exaggerating if at all."

    I played hockey at the collegiate level at an Ivy. No lack of attention.

  67. Note to self: Break up with Kalila...now!

  68. David Davenport7/20/09, 5:58 PM

    Do superjocks have to put up with non-stop bullying at public school the way that almost all future advanced degree holders do?

    Why didn't you fight back?

  69. "Did anybody have athletes in their social circle in college? Anybody play division one basketball or football? I'd like to know to what extent Wolfe was exaggerating if at all."

    I didn't read the book, but it sounds a little sensationalized yet probably pretty accurate on the whole. Basketball and QB's especially, because they are so visible to the public.

  70. "The laws of England stipulated burning alive for exactly two offenses: treason, and killing one's husband. Not wife--husband.
    This was rarely carried out, but it was on the books."

    What period? Could you provide a reliable source on this? We burned heretics during the Tudor period, but the old (very old) punishment for treason was being hanged, drawn, and quartered.

    "What is a "quarterback"?"

    I gather it's some sort of elongated flyhalf.

  71. Richard,

    I graduated 2 years ago from a college with a major sports program and solid academics/prestige as well.

    Wolfe pretty much nails it on the head. Girls do throw themselves at athletes like that. Though the socially dominant and wealthy guys (who overlap to some extent) can compete pretty well against the athletes as far as having girls throw themselves at them is concerned.

    If there's one thing I learned in college, it's that quietly grinding it out in a respectable profession looks more and more like a sucker's deal these days. It's like you have to swing for the fences and achieve fame and/or mega wealth, then you're golden with the ladies.

  72. Danindc wrote:
    Civilized society demands devotion to one woman after marriage....how do you think we came this far?

    Civilized society demands that men keep up the front of "devotion to one woman after marriage," so that such cultural norms are transmitted to the next generation. It does not demand that men, in reality, fail to surreptitiously answer the call of Nature. Our system of serial polygamy (or call it serial monogamy) proves this, since the relationship with the next wife is usually underway before the culmination of relations with the previous one.

    Danindc wrote:
    Victoria- you are selling your sisters out

    So I should take some false, protective position, in order to be true to women, my "sisters," even though I don't believe in fantasy?

    Hoste wrote:
    According to Wikipedia, 15 percent of men in the US have paid for sex at least once in their lives.

    Did it fail to say that the other 85% paid for sex more than 10 times in their lives?

  73. "Try this: I played football for many years - and not a faggot position like QB, I played linebacker, nose tackle, and O-Line (both ways, back in the day)."

    Gordie Luckbaum, is that you?

    "Ravens would have won it all three years two years ago if they played Boller- and that's the real tragedy of it all."

    Wow, the first Kyle Boller apologist I've ever met. DaninDC must be Brian Billick.

  74. Paul is pretty stupid to charge someone for being a Country Club Republican when it's laughable and he is in fact a member of a Country Club.

    Moreover, a charter member of incumbentstan for what, 30 years? That's Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden Territory.

    Paul had one good idea (Gold standard to prevent currency printing which is now out of control, monetary growth has reached proportions never seen before). And numerous non-starters and nutty ones.

    I don't have to take a poll. Both Mannings are all over NFL Network and ESPN hawking all sorts of things. Peyton is the chief pitchman for Sunday Ticket on Direct TV. I have not seen a SINGLE Brady Commercial on TV since 2005 IIRC (the John Madden "new favorite receiver" commercial and the one for Mastercard).

    Papparazi does not equal fans. That Jon guy from the reality show has papparazi. In fact, the more papparazi, the more likely the guy/gal is of the female-fan variety: Jennifer Aniston, the Jon and Kate folks, etc.

    Yes I am T99 -- it's a stupid name for a blog. I can post either way. Shrug.

    Brady can't get commercials -- guys don't like arrogant jocks. Look at the guys who are successful post-NFL: Bradshaw, Howie Long, being the stand-outs. No arrogant, "I'm better than you" stuff. Even Deion Sanders had to tone down his stuff to be part of NFL Network. Why is Favre all over the place with the jeans commercials? Because guys like him.

    Guys don't like papparazzi drawing fashion plates, who generate "controversy" (see TO, Chad Ocho Cinco, etc.) and those guys don't generate much post-career endorsements. Guys don't rush out to see Brad Pitt, or George Clooney movies either and those guys are paps draws even bigger than Brady.

    The best earning jocks suggest that if you had "just a bit more" talent, discipline, strength, height, etc. you could be them. It's a very deliberate illusion that makes a lot of money long term. Joe Montana is probably one of the greatest if not the greatest QB ever. His commercials are few and far between, because he can't do that and Peyton can.

  75. "You'll note that the Mannings, straight arrows, have very muted and private relationships with their wives,"

    From my recollection, so did McNair until he caught two to the body and two to the head. Hell, for that matter, when I was a kid so did Steve Garvey until he became a role model for Shawn Kemp.

    Not bad!

  76. If there's one thing I learned in college, it's that quietly grinding it out in a respectable profession looks more and more like a sucker's deal these days. It's like you have to swing for the fences and achieve fame and/or mega wealth, then you're golden with the ladies.

    Which is why the respectable professions are going to immigrants.

  77. " it's surprising how few fans say a Tom Brady has vs. the Mannings, or Favre, in terms of commercials and so on."

    In the words of the great Lee Corso...well, you know what Lee Corso says...

  78. I wish Steve would do a podcast like Derbyshire? He could be a shock pundit.

  79. It's sour grapes. All those sports journalists are just angry they can't bag 20-year-old babes the way they dreamed they'd be able to when they were big jocks in high school.

  80. Has Roissy done a post yet on dealing with psycho-bitches?

    Even putting aside outright murder, it's frighteningly easy for a girlfriend or wife to get rid of a guy with a false accusation of rape or domestic violence.

    In the same way that colleges now offer seminars in "self-defense for women," there should also be seminars in "self-defense for men"

  81. can't believe my eyes7/21/09, 5:04 PM

    "The laws of England stipulated burning alive for exactly two offenses: treason, and killing one's husband. Not wife--husband.
    This was rarely carried out, but it was on the books."

    What period? Could you provide a reliable source on this? We burned heretics during the Tudor period, but the old (very old) punishment for treason was being hanged, drawn, and quartered."


    As far as the period: don't know when the punishments were first codified. Early middle ages probably. I think the last burning took place in 1763, of a wife who killed her husband. The newspaper reporter assured the good readers that the woman was first strangled before the flames were set.
    Apparently they didn't hang and draw women. Nudity would have been unacceptable, though I should have thought that'd be the last thing anybody would be shocked by in such a execution.

    In most hanging and drawing, as in burning, the condemned was often killed first. When some traitors were done this way in the 1550s, the good English crowd was so horrified, that to avoid revolt, the executioners sought royal permission the next day to first kill the next set of condemned before the full sentence was carried out.

    "In the United Kingdom, the traditional punishment for women found guilty of treason was to be burned at the stake, where they did not need to be publicly displayed naked, while men were hanged, drawn and quartered. There were two types of treason, high treason for crimes against the Sovereign, and petty treason for the murder of one's lawful superior, including that of a husband by his wife.

    In England, only a few witches were burned, the majority were hanged, possibly as a cost saving exercise and possibly because of the risk that the general public would not tolerate frequent use of such a barbaric punishment."

    They did burn more frequently in Scotland, and it was standard execution in German territories for witches and heretics, although even these were often strangled first, even in Germany. Interestingly, almost no 'witches' were executed in Ireland, Spain, or Italy, the most Catholic countries. Mostly in German speaking territories. Don't know what it is about the Germans.
    The methods of execution and torture in the German areas, influenced by Turks (as was Dracul the Impaler), were particularly horrible.
    In the hierarchy of the day, a wife owed fealty to her husband not the other way around. Therefore while he could be condemned to death for murdering her, he wouldn't get the ultimate pentalty because it was not treasonous.
    The psychology of the time seemed to emphasize loyalty and submission to an authority and the ultimate punishment was accorded those who disputed such loyalty.
    And this was in England, where the "right of kings" was much, much more moderate than elsewhere.

  82. "Has Roissy done a post yet on dealing with psycho-bitches?

    "Even putting aside outright murder, it's frighteningly easy for a girlfriend or wife to get rid of a guy with a false accusation of rape or domestic violence. ..."

    'Roissy' is a DELUSIONAL lounge lizard, let's face it.

    Does anyone really think with the time he spends on that blog of his, he has anytime for much of anything else outside of that fantasy life, including, especially, a full-time job??

    I mean, HOW does he pay for his 'bitches', after all?

    He, like so many others from that sub-culture, seem a bit, or a little too knowledgable -- and obsessed -- with female APPROVAL to be real "alphas".

  83. Evil neocon/T99/whiskey, is, as usual, dishonest about those he disagrees with.

    Ron Paul has had three stints in congress, for a total of 20 years out of the past 34. The rest of the time he was working productively in the private sector, something most congressmen from both parties have no conception of. RP keeps getting re-elected because he is a great small-government conservative whom the good voters of Texas justifiably love.

    Ted Kennedy, on the other hand, is an alcoholic adulterer who killed a young woman and got away with it. He has spent 47 out of the last 47 years in the Senate because the voters of mASSachusetts are morons.

    Similarly, Joe "105" Biden was elected at the minimum age of 30; his 36-years in the senate were exactly as distingushed as Obama's 4-year career there (that is, both are worthless).

    and BTW T99, have you figured out yet how to spell "Buchanan"?

  84. Peyton is the chief pitchman for Sunday Ticket on Direct TV. I have not seen a SINGLE Brady Commercial on TV since 2005 IIRC

    Maybe Brady has some pride and doesn't want to look like a clown as Manning does in ALL his commercials. I've seen him in ads for fancy watches but he doesn't talk in them. That's good.

  85. OK, it took me 2o seconds to do a google search.

    Brady endorsements

    Darren Rovell in 1995:

    He is admired by some and adored by others. He has basked in social spheres ranging from politics in Washington, D.C., to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. He is on the cusp of becoming the youngest quarterback to lead his team to three Super Bowl titles.

    But good luck trying to sign Tom Brady to an endorsement deal.

    When a company executive calls the offices of Don Yee and Steve Dubin and asks about their client's availability for its next marketing campaign, Yee and Dubin often do their best impression of David Spade in that Capital One commercial. In how many ways can you really say the word "no"?

    Tom Brady's representatives have arguably turned down more potential seven-figure deals than anyone short of the Goodwin brothers, whose client is Cleveland Cavaliers phenom LeBron James. And it has paid off.

    The two agents are reluctant to discuss specifics; they won't even comment publicly on any future business strategy. But sources say the Patriots quarterback, despite his selectivity, is the second-highest off-the-field earner in the NFL, behind Michael Vick and ahead of Donovan McNabb, Peyton Manning and Brian Urlacher. And if Brady wanted to, he could have earned more this year off the field than the $5.5 million the Patriots paid him.

  86. To all those here who, for the strangest of reasons, think misogyny and adultery are OK and acceptable ...


    ... to those who think chasing whores is somehow 'manly' (often going broke in the process and destroying your lives and ESPECIALLY your families) here is some ancient wisdom to ponder -

    "Although Democritus is best known as the propounder of atomism, most of his extant fragments actually relate to the field of ethics. The excerpts are notably fragments quoted by other authors (mostly Stobaeus) and attributed to Democritus. Among numerous examples some include:

    "Disease occurs in a household, or in a life, just as it does in a body." (DK 68 B 288)

    "Moderation increases enjoyment, and makes pleasure even greater." (DK 68 B 211)

    "Nature and instruction are similar; for instruction transforms the man."(DK 68 B 33)

    "He who chooses the advantages of the soul chooses things more divine, but he who chooses those of the body, chooses things human." (DK 68 B 37)


    "The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures. There are some men who are masters of cities but slaves to women." (DK 68 B 214)

    Let's restate this once more, for it bears repeating:

    "The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures. There are some men who are masters of cities but slaves to women." (DK 68 B 214)


    "If any man listens to my opinions, here recorded, with intelligence, he will achieve many things worthy of a good man, and avoid doing many unworthy things.(DK 68 B 35)

    SO, the moral of the story, for real men, is don't be an {A}pproval {S}eeking {S}upplicant!

    *Wisdom to live by*


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