July 25, 2009

Testing99's insight

T.K. Farrow wrote:
On Monday, the daily presidential tracking poll for Rasmussen Reports showed that Barack Obama no longer has the job performance approval of a majority of Americans. His overall approval rating was down to an even 50 percent. Released on the same day was a [1] demographic breakdown of that rating: only 41 percent of white Americans approve of the job he’s doing, while 97 percent of blacks approve and 58 percent of all other ethnicities combined approve.

And it hasn't gotten better since.

I think Testing99 has been making a good point in comments about the unfolding political dynamics: Obama's racialism, as demonstrated in Gatesgate, would be okay if he were President of Switzerland, where the President has little power, or President of the U.S. in the 1920s with its minimalist agenda. Yet, as Obama aggressively tries to take control over huge parts of American life through health care and the carbon police, suspicions inevitably arise about the, shall we say, disparate impact of the fine print. For example, the health care legislation appears to mandate racial quotas for medical schools. More generally, there's just a lot of fine print that can be manipulated for Who? Whom? purposes.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Just as one anecdote, I have a sister-in-law who is a public school teacher. She is very proud of the medical insurance she's got. She brags about it all the time.

    She was an Obama voter, but I know that she does not want Obama to mess around in any way with her Cadillac of health insurance.

  2. "Testing99's insight"

    There's a phrase that would have sounded like Swahili two weeks ago. I don't get it - I thought he was a "neocon" (pssst...he means Jew! -ed.) and generally a gadfly/pain in the ass commenter, broadly left wing, now all of a sudden he's making sense. Can someone 'splain?

    "while 97 percent of blacks approve"

    This is outrageous and incompatable with a liberal democracy. Way to prove Lee Kwan Yew right, black people, you can't have democracy in a multi-ethnic state. Either democracy needs to go, or white states need to secede - there are trillions of dollars at stake.

  3. I certainly wish white women fully understood the assault on white men by liberal dogma is going to be against their own prospective sons, brothers, and future husbands.

    Anything that weakens white men will weaken everyone who is white eventually. The dems and their cultural allies have done a good job redirecting spite at social problems toward the group -LEAST- responsible for them, white men.

  4. Harry Baldwin7/25/09, 6:26 PM

    Some commentators have noted that Obama's health care plan does not tackle one of the most obvious causes of rising health care costs--malpractice law suits, the cost of insuring doctors against them, and the unnecessary tests that are administered just so that the doctor won't look like he didn't take every possible precaution if anything goes wrong.

    If Obama plans to push for affirmative action doctors, he'd damn sure better cap those malpractice settlements!

  5. Total births to California Hispanics fell in 2008 compared to 2007:

    Recession leads to drop in birthrates in Silicon Valley, throughout California


    California had 14,570 fewer births in 2008 than in the previous year, a 2.6 percent drop that surprised demographers with its size. It was the first annual decline in births since 2001, when the state was last mired in a recession. While the economy is one likely cause, the migration of young Latinas in their prime childbearing years out of California, and a slowdown of illegal immigration, are ongoing factors that could cut into the state's future population growth if they continue.


    But Latinas gave birth to about 9,600 fewer children in 2008 than in the previous year, according to preliminary data from the California Department of Public Health. Martindale said we could be starting a more permanent slowdown in population growth.


    California women in virtually every significant race, ethnic and age group — including Asians — had fewer births in 2008 than in the previous year.

    There was one notable exception: a 3 percent increase in births to women over 40.


  6. Or his approval rating could be going down because the economic crisis is continuing. I think that's a bigger factor. I'm not a fan of Obama, have voted against him and will again. However, no one could have held above 50% for long with the unemployment rate rising this much on his watch.

  7. A 3% increase in births in women over 40? That's wonderful! More white babies with Down Syndrome!

  8. i have talked to contractors who have bid on construction projects related to the "stimulus", and they say the documents are riddled with racially explicit limitations, worse than ever before.

    these are guys who are used to dealing with the federal government's preference for non-white contractors, and even they say it's almost impossible to meet all of the fedgov's demands on these new jobs.

    although construction is not a major job creating activity, these extensive and very limiting racial clauses are probably part of the reason the "stimulus" is having almost no effect.

  9. Steve, please do not encourage him.

  10. Worse will be the mobilization of a 'volunteer corps' comprised of disaffected urban youth for whom the prospective green jobs never coalesce. They will rally around Obama as a matter of course. Does this not seem reminiscent of Aaron Burr's scheme for a standing army?

  11. It's time for equality.

    End affirmative action now.

  12. Isn't Gates guilty of a hate-crime?

    He made false and defamatory statements about Crowley based on Crowley's race. All with the intent of enriching himself.

    Surely a crime has been committed here. Surely it was racially motivated. Anyone know if all this amounts to a hate-crime?

  13. That's a dumb post, Steve. Get real. You should avoid blogging about Presidential politics, since it’s clearly…it’s… I mean…


  14. Gentlemen, it's official: Hell has frozen over.

  15. Jody is absolutely correct. I work for the federal government, not in construction but it doesn't matter the racial crap is happening all over.

    Each administration sets certain priorities for what it wants to focus on and the agencies then get told what they're going to fund/*fix*. EVERYTHING focuses on race with this administration. Know why Obama was fine with Biden and Clinton being in charge of foreign policy? Because he doesn't care. His only interest is seeing American blacks get theirs.
    Then we got the interns this year. I have been at my agency 6 years, and the interns in the past were largely white with some Asians. This year a third are black they are minimally qualified and they don't do anything. You think it was accidental competent white college kids got shoved out of well paying internships? A one year fluke?

  16. ---If Obama plans to push for affirmative action doctors, he'd damn sure better cap those malpractice settlements!---

    Over John Edwards's dead body...

  17. "Jody is absolutely correct..."

    The country will just collapse even faster. The wheels are coming off the bus It is going to be a bumpy ride to disaster....

  18. She was an Obama voter, but I know that she does not want Obama to mess around in any way with her Cadillac of health insurance.

    Looks like she's gonna get what she wanted. Too bad.

  19. I wonder if the FAA has affirmative action policies ? Wouldn't love knowing that your plane has just being taken charge of by some AA air traffic controller ? Well, at least you'd know it could be worse, like having AA's in charge of nuclear weapons maintenance. Just kidding, Obama and friends are (hopefully) smart enough to leave in place a sufficient cadre of whites to make sure somebody knows what they're doing, unlike what's happening in South Africa.

  20. I had no idea that the federal government had interns.

    Why the hell does the federal government need interns?

  21. "...97 percent of blacks approve"

    The other 3%: Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Walter Williams.

  22. Thanks for the H/T Steve.

    Anon --

    I'm also Whiskey, and my background is Scots-Irish-German on my father's side, and Irish Catholic (County Donegal) on my Mother's.

    On my mother's side, mostly miners out of Donegal who worked the mills and railroads in PA. On my father's, poor tenant farmers in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa.

    So I'm definitely what you would call "White Trash" i.e. non-elite.

    JW -- that's why Obama's moves are so stupid. Public Employee Unions, the UAW, pretty much everyone (even Susan Estrich came out against Obamacare) loses under his system for poor payout patronage plays for Blacks and Hispanics. Your Sister in Law is not alone. Obama promises higher taxes and less care, with incompetent AA Doctors.

    Steve is exactly right. White Women (the demographic foundation of the Democratic Party) are quite happy to see funding directed to social welfare programs since White female social workers benefit, as do program administrators, lawyers, accountants, etc. But when fundamental aspects of their lives like Health, the Carbon Police, or so on are threatened ... boom there goes Obama's support.

    Anon -- Feministing, Jezebel, and other forums are filled with women who because the system rigged against White Men gives them opportunities, will hurt their sons and brothers. Husbands? More and more, they are disposable or don't exist in the first place. Charles Murray reports that single motherhood is rising rapidly among the White working and Middle class. Illegal immigration of course makes a domestic husband non-essential, Rosa the Illegal Alien maid can do what he does, leaving time for "passionate" pursuits like Sandra Tsing Loh, the 'happily married, dreaming of divorce' gal, and so on.

    But bottom line, the short-term seems to outweigh the long-term for most White women, wrt AA. Though Obamacare could certainly change that dynamic. Who wants their mammogram interpreted by an AA hire on basis of race not competence.

  23. "neocon" (pssst...he means Jew! -ed.)

    That's a little simplisitic. I used to buy this line until I thought about it a little more deeply.

    Jewish influence among the neocons is not that different from any other party of consequence. Jews (HYP WASPs, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, etc) are smart, motivated and well-organized and are unsurprisingly over-represented.

    Neocons use this Neocon=Jews meme to silence critics of neocon policy, incompetence, corruption or bald-faced lies. It's not that different from Gates Jr. going on his anti-racists racists rant to shut down Officer Cowley.

    Neocons are particularly dispised because several main reasons having nothing to do with anti-semitism:

    - Neocons are the 'conservatives' in power so to most liberal MSM and elites they are the enemy to be villified (look how insanely nasty the MSM was to BushII)

    - Neocons somehow hijacked the GOP yet are essentially liberal Democrats on the big issues of the day: illegal immigration/open boarders, big government/deficit spending, AA/revese discrimination, etc. This is the main reason neocons are hated as 5th columnist liberal elites inside the GOP.

    - Neocons not only hijacked the GOP, but they were historically incompetent in driving the GOP into the ditch under 8yrs of Bush making way for our current situation. Future prospects for traditional conservatives look just as bleak as long as the neocons have a death grip on the GOP. This is probably the second biggest strike against neocons.

    - Neocons have a very un-conservative outlook on foreign relations. Instead of being tradtionally conservative based upon prudence and experience, they have shown themselves untutored and flaming ideological liberals of the worst sort. They are blank slate world revolutionaries on a mission to turn taliban goat hearders into secular comsumerist world citizens and American carbon copies. These dreamquests are rapidly militarily, politically and financially forcing the decline of America. This is probably the third biggest strike against neocons.

    - While public debate in America has been in a downward spiral, the neocon's seem to be on the leading edge of it. People like Kristol have mentioned the Nobel Lie in passing which explains part of how bright individuals can sound so dumb/evil at times. People like Testing99/EvilNeocon/Whiskey also bring a new level of delusional paranoia to the table as well(Morocco invading Spain via speed boats). Debating with compulsive liars, demagogues and delusionals is pointless unless you're calling out their crap for the public consumption. This is probably a distant 4th on the list since it's not unique to neocons - the radical left and MSM use similar techniques today. However, it's particularly annoying coming from the "right" GOP as it is coming from the MSM today as both used to have some code about the limits of congnative dissonance and how much you could underestimate John Q. Public.

    The only especially "Jewish" characteristic of the neocons is the obession in with ME military intervention focused on Israel. But this is not that different from the traditional Democrats or other Republicans, just more loudly and proudly proclaimed. Israel also has the support of many core GOP evangelicals, so it's not just a Jewish thing. The anti-neocon = anti-semitic more just a dirty neocon debate tactic than grounded in fact.

    One caveat. There do seem to be anti-semites who hate the neocons for this reason, but this seems a selectively uninformed and emotional response. There are many important reasons to oppose neocons that have nothing to do with this exaggerated assocation.

  24. Anecdotally, a friend of mine who's an architect confirms the observation above, that the only work available at the moment is government work, and to bid successfully on that work, your firm has got to have the right ehnic/racial/gender profile.

    Since there are very few black architects, but lots of female architects, what this means is that the women are really cleaning up relative to the men. I believe testing 99 has made the point that that the benefits of AA often go to white female professionals, a class of people whose history of societal oppression (as victims, I mean) is less than entirely convincing. Case in point.

  25. "Released on the same day was a [1] demographic breakdown of that rating: only 41 percent of white Americans approve of the job he’s doing, while 97 percent of blacks approve and 58 percent of all other ethnicities combined approve."

    So, in other words, his approval ratings are almost exactly what they were on election day.

  26. I don't know why Steve is getting excited about Obama's diminishing poll ratings.
    After all, were he to lose in 2012, who would win?
    Romney? Palin? Giuliani? Bush 3?Or any other open borders/bomb Iran/bailout-supporting Republican? Paul and Sandford are the only GOPs worth a pinch of proverbial and we all know they have no chance vs. the media.
    Real social and political change does not occur at the ballot box. Election outcomes are symptoms, not causes.
    The fight that must be won is in the court of public opinion. The culture of entitlement, blame and hubris must be utterly eradicated. Only then will real change be effected.

  27. Merely returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, folks:
    The Non-productive.

    ACORN's got 4 Billion and counting.
    Funding will certainly not be a problem.

  28. Steve, The big problem is that, to put it politely, American culture does not value meticulousness (something that is desirable when crafting laws).

    Therefore these omnibus bills that are cooked up by staff after midnight are sloppily written, perhaps, half intentionally. The 300 page amendments are worse. No one reads them so there is no telling what time bombs are included; because of the extreme sloppiness, not even the authors know what will be the consequences.

    I doubt that there is a cure for this, aside from voting "NO".

  29. Over John Edwards's dead body...

    John Edwards is politically dead. But the Obamadroids still won't do anything about the ambulance-chasers. Too rich a source of campaign funds.

  30. I would part with T99 on the wymyn prism. Once these gyrls get a heady whiff of Black nationalism, a good percentage will peel off from the Messiah's support base. Gone for good then. Another piece of history, slotted into place.

  31. I think a lot of people who voted for Obama were shocked by the "police acted stupidly" comment. As Jon Stewart said, Obama handled that question...what's the word...STUPIDLY

    See July 23, 2009 episode, Clip 1 of 4, starting about 06:35


  32. WASP-Harvard-Mafia7/25/09, 11:31 PM

    You are a LEGEND on this site, Testing99!!

    Glad you took my advice and decided not to use the 'Whiskey' handle in the Steve-O-Sphere, since Mr. Testy is what we all know and love ya as!

    Now, speaking of whiskey, your buying the first round here tonite. Steve can buy all the subsequent ones. :-)

  33. "a good percentage will peel off from the Messiah's support base."

    No they won't, and please stop calling him the Messiah. Try calling him Ungrateful Affirmative Action Scrub, it's a much better description.

    My life savings for whoever delivers irony's head on a platter to me.

  34. "So, in other words, his approval ratings are almost exactly what they were on election day."

    More like a racial head count.

  35. "I don't know why Steve is getting excited about Obama's diminishing poll ratings.

    "After all, were he to lose in 2012, who would win?"

    At the rate were going Tom, do you even think we are going to see a '2012 election'??

    Seems as if some kind of dictatorship is just lurking 'round the corner.

  36. Regarding Testing99 on women...

    You need to remember that the categories of "women and minorities" is overlapping. For example, white women, minoriies and SWPL does not a mjority make.

  37. Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?

  38. testy made the bigtime!!

  39. "while 97 percent of blacks approve"

    People always wonder why Zimbabweans (whatever that is) put up with Mugabe. In many European or Latin-American countries there have been coups for far lesser outrages committed against the population. The thing is that blacks intrinsically stand to their own race. If Mugabe were thrown out of office, then the whites before him would be indirectly acknowledged. This is anathema to blacks. They would rather starve, literally, than give whites an iota of credit, even if everything they have was pilfered from whites. The loathing and hatred towards whites goes beyond reason.

    Obama can screw up as much as he likes. The fact that he is black will mean 24/7 black approval north of 90%.

  40. "So, in other words, his approval ratings are almost exactly what they were on election day."

    More like a racial head count.

    Nothing new here. In South Africa elections have just been an expensive demographic survey. Same pattern in all other multi-racial countries. This was why I could never understand that members of a racial majority pushed for the multi-cult. It is so depressively boring and destructive.

  41. I believe testing 99 has made the point that that the benefits of AA often go to white female professionals

    Because nobody was aware of this fact until t99 said it, right?

  42. "The country will just collapse even faster. The wheels are coming off the bus It is going to be a bumpy ride to disaster...."

    Yeah, but i'm looking forward to it, it was so damned funny when it happed to the Keystone cops!

    ""...97 percent of blacks approve"

    The other 3%: Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Walter Williams."

    Now math was never my best subject, but I think your calculations may be just a little bit off.

  43. "For example, the health care legislation appears to mandate racial quotas for medical schools."

    Cite? This is relevant to my interests.

  44. Therefore these omnibus bills that are cooked up by staff after midnight are sloppily written, perhaps, half intentionally. The 300 page amendments are worse. No one reads them so there is no telling what time bombs are included; because of the extreme sloppiness, not even the authors know what will be the consequences.

    The same thing is happening in the EU with its risible 'constitution'. One of the longest, most boring, unreadable documents ever written. I say that but I dont really know - I havent read it, but then nor has any other human being.

    I presume some of the significant democracy killing sections have been written more carefully but the rest is just so much legal chaff, designed to sap one's will to live.

  45. "His only interest is seeing American blacks get theirs."

    You mean, "ours," don't you?

  46. Well, at least you'd know it could be worse, like having AA's in charge of nuclear weapons maintenance.

    This was a problem in the former Soviet Union too. I used to manage a team of programmers at a software devlopment company made up of former Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. I was the only American on the engineering floor.

    Most of the software engineers were good. A few were brilliant. But there was one guy - I'll call him Boris - who was a total fool, completely incompetant. He had been a party member. He had been a major in the KGB. He had been in charge of siteing the nuclear warheads onto American cities.

    My boss Dimitri from Moscow who had defected first to Canada and then the US, told me he had always worried about nuclear attack until he learned that Boris was involved. With Boris in charge of the attack, he knew he could sleep safely.

    Rather than keep important and dangerous jobs away from those who have advanced only through political favoritism, the Affirmative Action mentality will insist that they be given preference.

  47. "In many European or Latin-American countries there have been coups for far lesser outrages committed against the population."

    Yeah, um, how long were Ceausescu, Stalin and Hitler in power. And as far as I know, the old man is still there in Cuba.

  48. "Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?"

    Actually, U want the truth -


  49. "... In South Africa elections have just been an expensive demographic survey. Same pattern in all other multi-racial countries." [...]

    Oh that is so rich!

    And well put!

  50. "After all, were he to lose in 2012, who would win?
    Romney? Palin? Giuliani? Bush 3?Or any other open borders/bomb Iran/bailout-supporting Republican? "

    It should be noted that the TARP was railroaded through the congress by Democrats. 2/3 D's supported it, 2/3 R's opposed.

    Remember when it failed the first day, because R's blocked it, and the media absolutely eviscerated them? If you do, your memory hole may be out of order.

  51. "Anonymous said...

    ""I believe testing 99 has made the point that that the benefits of AA often go to white female professionals""

    Because nobody was aware of this fact until t99 said it, right?"

    You are quite right - that AA applies as much to women as to blacks has been known for a long time - it is not an original insight of Testing99's.

    Perhaps, Steve will soon be publicly praising that 20 year old Seiko watch in his dresser drawer - the watch which, despite no longer having a battery, tells the correct time twice a day.

    And while we're on the subject of boosting our own pet views in the hopes that Steve will take it and run with it - I'll once again sound one of my tired old alarms:

    Title IV is coming to university science faculties.


    This means that in future, half of all grad-students (and eventually professors) will be women - by federal fiat. And after all, why not? Women make such good scientists, don't they? Imagine what effect this will have on scientific progress - which has been the prime mover of our industrial civilization.

    "teacher.paris said...

    Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?"

    Nope. Never. I don't see any impending group revelation on the part of white women concerning its effects on whites in general. They still seem quite happy to stick the knife in.

  52. "Nope. Never. I don't see any impending group revelation on the part of white women concerning its effects on whites in general. They still seem quite happy to stick the knife in."

    Women in general are less racially and ethnically conscious than men. Nationalism of all stripes is much more attractive to men the world over and although women sometimes get involved if men do it is rarely something they do on their own. Also the kind of white racial consciousness that you guys promote is a social handicap which all but guarantees that it is unpopular with women. That, not affirmative action, and the belief of most white women that life isn't that bad yet, keeps them from soldiers for the Aryan race.

    Still it's hard to say how long affirmative action for white women will be around. Many black women, especially middle class black women, are resentful towards white women for taking all their good black men as well finding husbands of whatever race (which many black women never do) and just being treated better by men in general. Black men tend to see their struggle or competition as being primarily with white men and are as such indifferent to AA for white women but if liberalism splinters enough by ethnicity someone might get in power who will decide white women don't need AA and junk it.

  53. Former Marine '69 '727/26/09, 1:56 PM

    Anonymous said...SAID...

    Women in general are less racially and ethnically conscious than men.

    Soooo, what you are saying IS white women are marring black men because white men are racists!?


  54. teacher.paris said...
    "Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?"

    Testing 99 makes many interesting points on this blog but he's much maligned for two reasons. The first is that he seems to be much younger than the average commenter here. Testing's observations apply mainly to men and women under 40, people whose social world little resembles that of many of the babyboomer commenters here. Second, Testing takes a hardline perspective toward military action in the Middle East, often championing Israel and its interests, which triggers the unfortunate kneejerk anti-semitism of many other commenters on this blog.
    I would suggest that Testing is a very valuable poster although I disagree with many of his ideas, and others of his ideas seem too extreme for my liking. Even if he's something of a monomaniac, he deserves to be heard, and, as a younger commenter who often witnesses the social interactions between men and women of which Testing writes, I can attest that not all of his ideas are as crazy as many here would like to believe.
    --white UC Berkeley student

  55. One anon or another is right about white women and AA. At minimum, in feilds and levels where women have acheived parity (or more) AA should expire. Just today, one of the black studies clowns had a NYT letter criticizing O'Connor for wanting a deadline on AA for blacks but not for women.

    Oh yes, we tend to call blacks like Gates or Sharpton 'hustlers' or 'poverty pimps', but those occupations are respected by huge numbers of blacks. Call them clowns, no one respects clowns.

    And testing, are you willing to admit that your predicted 4th of July missile test didn't happen?

    Surely now that Sailer has finally scratched your head, you confidence to own a mistake.

  56. Former Marine '69 '72,
    White women marry black men because they believe a black man is as likely as a white man of the same education level and income level to be a gainfully employed, responsible, family oriented and faithful husband. And if anyone warns them about the reality of black men's on average willingness to perform the male role the good Samaritan will be rejected as a racist.

    However, I have a (white) friend who has a black husband and he treats her and their baby reasonably well. So there are some good black men out there but the overwhelming majority aren't worthAnd if you go over to Roissy's you'll see plenty of white men who have the same disgusting habits.

  57. Surely now that Sailer has finally scratched your head, you confidence to own a mistake.

    Durr, meant you have confidence to own your mistake.

  58. Off-topic, but I see that Steve referred to the Obama/Gates/Crawley episode as Gatesgate. I have seen it referred to as Stupidgate as well.

    Maybe this is a teaching moment... can everyone agree that the GATE thing is STUPID?

  59. "Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?"

    Most whites don't know how much AA there is.

    People are told what the issues are based on what the media and politicians talk about. If nobody's talking about something, it doesn't exist.

    I've tried to explain the extent of AA to people and they simply don't believe me. If this was such a problem, why don't even the supposedly racist Republicans talk about it?

  60. "Mr. Anon said...

    "Title IV is coming to university science faculties."

    Correction - I meant title IX, not title IV.

  61. "Anonymous said...

    Testing's observations apply mainly to men and women under 40, people whose social world little resembles that of many of the babyboomer commenters here."

    I am willing to concede this point. Even at 45, I already feel like an old fogey, often out of touch with you youngsters. For us, the present is a foreign country.

    "Second, Testing takes a hardline perspective toward military action in the Middle East, often championing Israel and its interests, which triggers the unfortunate kneejerk anti-semitism of many other commenters on this blog."

    Perhaps, but it is not just knee-jerk anti-semitism which makes some of us hostile toward T99's views. One need not be an anti-semite to recognize that the U.S. and Israel are separate nations with different interests, and that what may be good policy for one is not necessarily good policy for the other. As an American, I want my country to do what is in our interest, not to carry Israels water for it. I don't wish them ill - in fact I wish them well - but thier problems are their problems.....not mine.

    Also there is this fact: the aggressive and intrusive foreign policy that T99 advocates has been pretty much our default policy since the end of WWII. What has it done for us, really? It has brought us an empire (I don't care if neo-cons bristle at the use of that word - an empire is what it is) and all that always goes with an empire: bankruptcy, dysgenic wars, and waves of foreign refugees (many of them previously our enemies) who now feel entitled to live here. It hasn't worked out for us - in fact, it's destroying us as no foreign invader could. So let's try something different for a change.

  62. Women in general are less racially and ethnically conscious than men.

    Soooo, what you are saying IS white women are marring black men because white men are racists!?

    This myth will die one day, I suppose.

    NO, women are far more ethnocentric in mating choice than men. Black women are the most particularist, followed by white women, then yellow women. Men of all races are less ethnocentric in choosing mates than females of any race.


  63. Some of us dislike the man of many names because we've read him long enough to suss out a pattern that screams "liar!"

    He's full of shit - not too complicated, really.


  64. "Men of all races are less ethnocentric in choosing mates than females of any race."

    What type of women do you prefer?

    (taking liberties here in assuming your sexual preference Bud, no offense if you like dudes.)

  65. Mr. Anon - waves of foreign refugees (many of them previously our enemies)

    I agree with your whole comment but that "previously" may be redundant.

  66. I think T99 is onto something with his women, AA, Sex n the City stuff.

    I disagree about the knee-jerk anti-semitism in response to his comments.

    I used to be a pretty pro-Jewish, pro-Israeli type. Once had a Jewish girlfriend, am probably partly Jewish myself. But, over time, Ive come to reflect on the state of the world and politics etc and I feel that Jews are going to have a lot of explaining to do one of these days...

    Where I really part company with T99 btw is with all that Israel as aircraft carrier thing and staunch US ally, it just does not hold water. We've seen it taken apart here more than once.

  67. Perhaps, Steve will soon be publicly praising that 20 year old Seiko watch in his dresser drawer - the watch which, despite no longer having a battery, tells the correct time twice a day.


  68. Have any of you met a college educated white woman under 50 who gives a damn about how affirmative action is harming their brothers or their sons or their nephews or their cousins?

    I think part of the problem is youth. The SWPL types generally are young and think more emotionally (and are encouraged to do so). Its more pronounced among women.

    Younger guys, they just know they are going to be such high fliers that AA wont impinge on them, thats for the also-rans. Not gonna affect them.

    As their life unfolds along less than stellar lines they begin to have a more realistic views.

  69. "Anonymous said...

    Steve, The big problem is that, to put it politely, American culture does not value meticulousness (something that is desirable when crafting laws).

    Therefore these omnibus bills that are cooked up by staff after midnight are sloppily written, perhaps, half intentionally. The 300 page amendments are worse. No one reads them so there is no telling what time bombs are included; because of the extreme sloppiness, not even the authors know what will be the consequences.

    I doubt that there is a cure for this, aside from voting "NO"."

    I agree. I'm all for voting "NO" - on everything. I (almost) always prefer to err on the side of doing nothing than of doing something which will make a problem worse. Periods of revolution are harder to undo than periods of reaction.

    At the very least, there should be a constitutional amendment requiring every Congressman to have actually read every law that comes up for a vote. Every page should be signed by him and notarized, and if he is found to have lied, and not read the bill, he would be stripped of his office and his pension. This would also make for shorter, more concise laws.

    If that worked out, maybe we could then require that our Congressmen actually write the legislation they are charged with enacting, rather than leaving it to lobbyists and staffers (same thing really - todays staffer is tomorrows lobbyist).

  70. "And as far as I know, the old man is still there in Cuba."

    You seriously don't want me to discuss Hitler. Of course the communist cases you mentioned were all Cold War, when challenging a dictator was virtually impossible because it meant instant invasion of 50000 tanks and if the US had gotten involved, a nuclear exchange. But you know that. It was just another cheap swipe, your typical style.

    Yeah, Castro should be your domain. Nice seeing you are tacitly supporting Mugabe. I figured you would.

  71. Blue Dog Dems are a non-diverse group of white men because they're haggling over the insurance bill. This is how it's going to be from now on in 'post-racial' America.


  72. Count up the number of female voices/announcers on NPR v. the number of male same.

    Count the number of women in your office. Compare to the number of men.

    Disparate impact? Isn't the general population about 50/50?

    Why is the boss at work usually a woman these days? Do boys and men have a future?

  73. David Davenport7/27/09, 11:34 AM

    Count the number of women in your office. Compare to the number of men.

    Disparate impact? Isn't the general population about 50/50?

    Why is the boss at work usually a woman these days? Do boys and men have a future?

    Their future is in doing men's work. Most "service industry" office jobs are not men's work.

  74. "Steve, The big problem is that, to put it politely, American culture does not value meticulousness"

    Shouldn't that be a semi-colon after Steve? And no comma after that?

  75. Truth said: "Shouldn't that be a semi-colon after Steve? And no comma after that?"

    Wrong; on both, counts.

  76. "Their future is in doing men's work. Most 'service industry' office jobs are not men's work."

    Anyone who works in an office - broker, salesman, physicist, college dean, Steve Sailer - should be female? What if a guy doesn't have a strong back? Guess we could be truck drivers or soldiers then.

  77. "Truth said: "Shouldn't that be a semi-colon after Steve? And no comma after that?"

    Wrong; on both, counts."

    So much for my theory, then, that he's a mobying "neo-con" (psssst...he means Jew! - ed.), "neo-con"s aren't that illiterate and think we're too stupid for him to have bothered to have made that mistake deliberately. And yet (since when do we Anglo-Saxons begin sentences with conjunctions, Split Infinitive Boy? -ed.) we know that there are no black people on the internet...hmmm.

    Ah: Truth is a woman! Ha! Gotcha!

  78. "Also there is this fact: the aggressive and intrusive foreign policy that T99 advocates has been pretty much our default policy since the end of WWII. What has it done for us, really? It has brought us an empire (I don't care if neo-cons bristle at the use of that word - an empire is what it is) and all that always goes with an empire: bankruptcy, dysgenic wars, and waves of foreign refugees (many of them previously our enemies) who now feel entitled to live here. It hasn't worked out for us - in fact, it's destroying us as no foreign invader could. So let's try something different for a change."

    From experience (I'm British) the money loss and 'waves of foreign refugees' tend to come at the end so get ready for a fall...

  79. "This myth will die one day, I suppose.

    NO, women are far more ethnocentric in mating choice than men. Black women are the most particularist, followed by white women, then yellow women. Men of all races are less ethnocentric in choosing mates than females of any race."

    Women tend to prefer their own race but banding together to wage race-based battles over dominance is something that appeals very little to women unless their community is under seige. And unless the man in question is her husband it's hard to see why it would be worth a woman's trouble to get involved in a man's struggle for dominance. If her man's status drops too much she can just find a new one.


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