July 30, 2009

What's missing from this picture?

Dear White House Staff:

We've come up with a breakthrough concept for attaining comfort while drinking beer outdoors in July in Washington D.C. while dressed in formal business attire.

We call it "shade."

As part of the implementization, the staff is working on shade-generating technologies, such as "umbrellas," "awnings," and "trees." We'll get back to you about potential deliverables when we have all the focus group reports pulled together.

Trust us, though, "shade" will be huge.

Best wishes,
The Marketing Department

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Black people know they can take the heat better than whitey...

  2. "What's missing?"


  3. I thought the same thing. Surely there must have been a patch of shade somewhere. What were they thinking?

  4. Harry Baldwin7/30/09, 8:08 PM

    You know what would have been great? If while Sgt. Crowley and Skip Gates were drinking their beer, Gates' house got broken into again.

  5. It was meant as a photo-op. Maybe the PR person who arranged it was worried about proper lighting.

    "Black people know they can take the heat better than whitey..."

    I've heard that from blacks more than once.

  6. "Beer summit". What a joke. How pathetic it all is. Can one imagine this happening in a country like Japan? Could it be that homogenity and not diversity is strength?

  7. "I've heard that from blacks more than once."

    As a Sicilian, I call BS.


  8. Three of those guys look pretty shady to me.

  9. What were they thinking?
    Natural light for quality photographs, what else?

  10. -Can one imagine this happening in a country like Japan?-

    Duh, they drink sake.

  11. Has anyone ever heard of an arresting officer and a perp having a meeting with the president and VP?

  12. They wanted a good pic--shade might have compromised the pic quality for all us Lookey-Lous.

    Pure photo op. Having Biden there was to avoid showing a scene in which there were two black guys vs. one white guy.

    The whole thing is utterly stupid. I was glad that Sergeant Crowley spoke as well as he did after the thing, but I think the "future meeting" is pure crap.

    The professor is in the process of rehabilitating himself and gaining some fame along with it. I don't see what Crowley has to gain or what the cops he represents have to gain by his talking with Skippy again.

    God, you don't think that Skippy will get a tandem tricycle for the two of them, do you?

  13. "Can one imagine this happening in a country like Japan?"



  14. Steve Sailer, like most of his neighbors, is obsessed with climate and the idea that L.A. is the only habitable spot in the known universe.

    Forget about what's missing. Why is Biden even there?

  15. Idiocracy.

    I expect crime, inefficiency, a polarized country and AA due to "diversity." Can we do without all the corny photo ops, the "dialogues," the "healings," and the "we're not there yets"?

  16. "I've heard that from blacks more than once."

    As a Sicilian, I call BS.

    BS that blacks have been heard to claim they can take the heat better. Or BS that they can take the heat better?

  17. "Has anyone ever heard of an arresting officer and a perp having a meeting with the president and VP?"


  18. What's missing?

    Well the frame could be shifted to the right: less Biden and more not Biden.

    A perfect propaganda setpiece:

    - A boarderline exasperated Prof. Gates emphatically teaching with his hands because words alone will not penetrate the neanderthal skull of Crowley.

    - Pres Obama helpfully leaning into Crowley to translate the wisdom of Gates into KKKrackerese.

    - Crowley obviously the most uncomfortable (guilty conscious), lips pursed, looking every inch the recalcitrent racists he has been in the press.

    - Biden looking like another ignorant cracker who can't chew beer nuts and understand the profoundity of the good Prof. at the same time. He's also there as a useless but balancing sprig of human parsley, so it doesn't look like two brothers ganging up on whitey.

    The picture clearly prove where blame lies. Now we need a caption contest. First cut:

    Gates: "Now listen here you ignorant Cracker, let me go over it once more for you slowly."

    Obama: "Pay attention son, this is a teachable moment."

    Crowley: "Gurgle" (drooling)

    Done and done.

  19. Has anyone ever heard of an arresting officer and a perp having a meeting with the president and VP?

    It's the priviledge of black skin in this country after nearly half a century of increasingly oppressive Jamal Crow laws.

  20. A photo is only a fraction of a second in time but..
    Three of these guys are sitting reasonably straight up and Mr. Obama is round shouldered and somewhat stooped. Can a body language expert make anything of that!

  21. The lighting was arranged by the photographers. Have you noticed that the skin color of all the four look the same?

    Anyway, the distance between the drinkers suggest formality, not friendship. It is so fake.

  22. Maybe I've been in Europe too long, but those are pretty scanty looking beers. Is there even 12 oz. in those mugs?

  23. Amazing how Obama gets stuck into the thickets of race relations. I wonder what the press would have sed of Bush had invited a white victim of a black cop misbehaving. The black establishment and media in their self-indulgent hypocritical glory. At least they made sure to not sit under a tree. When the PM of Zambia or some other basket case was holding a press conference below a tree (presumably their sunshades go swiped), a monkey pissed on him.

  24. Under the canopy of a magnolia tree in the early evening, Obama joined the other players in a story that had knocked the White House off stride. Vice President Joe Biden joined them for drinks and snacks.

    A little bit of preidential profiling, Steve?

    Richard Holmes

  25. The 2 supreme intellectual representatives of black cultcha sitting with intellectual peers from white cultcha. Usually people with similar intellect voluntarily talk to each other for more than 5 seconds. What a f. joke. The prez. of the US is just degrading his office before other cultures with more competence and self-esteem. Russians, Chinese and even Muslims must be laughing.

  26. I wonder what Biden is really thinking on subconcious level. I mean if you spend so much time with these bloviating puffed up race hustlers, you have to start thinking something right? And then there is a normal cop to compare these primadonnas with.

  27. You realize this mistake would never happen if we still had Texans running the White House.

  28. My long job forces me to stay indoors so much that if I was out there, I'd prefer to be without umbrella, maybe just sunglasses on.

  29. Martin Regnen said:

    "You realize this mistake would never happen if we still had Texans running the White House."

    Like Lyndon Johnson?

  30. What's up with Biden's not drinking -- haven't heard that one before.

    Oh, and I was really disappointed to find out that Crowley's Blue Moon beer is an 'astroturfed' 'craft' brew -- from Coors or some such. He's lost SWPL points.

  31. can't believe my eyes7/31/09, 6:45 AM

    Their IQs are probably all about the same. This is a smart cop. So-so, pedestrian "intellectual" professor, "president" who can't talk sense without a teleprompter, or even with one. Similar IQ is necessary for extended voluntary conversation, but does not ensure it.

  32. "Anonymous said...
    What's missing?"

    Interesting observations and a good laugh! I'd say the picture was taken to center Gates. Even Obama has a shoulder cut off. I agree though that Cowley was almost left off the picture to make him look unimportant and stupid, being lectured to.

  33. I wonder what the mullahs in Iran think about this.

  34. "You realize this mistake would never happen if we still had Texans running the White House."

    Which hasn't been the case since '68.

  35. "Could it be that homogenity and not diversity is strength?"

    "Homogeneity is Strength" - sounds snappy. But no, I don't have balls big enough to wear that on a t-shirt.

  36. I myself am a fam of Dinkel Acker, Löwenbräu, and essentially any other gem from a Bayern (Bavarian) brewmeister! :-)

  37. Please indulge me. I feel compelled to offer a teaching moment.

    Beer isn't American except that German immigrants brought their brewing expertise to America. Ultimately beer is probably Eqyptian.

    The Jamestown colony was failing except for two native American crops - tobacco and sasafras. The real American drink is Root Beer.

    And Obama could light up a cigarette if he wanted to be even more patriotic.

  38. Anonymous wrote:
    "Can one imagine this happening in a country like Japan? "
    Nope. They are too busy slaughtering dolphins.

  39. "I agree though that Cowley was almost left off the picture to make him look unimportant and stupid, being lectured to."

    Yeah, I noticed that; and if you look really closely, the right pinky finger on the president's beer is pointed toward the ground at an exactly 196 degree angle. This is an ancient satanic symbol of the freemasons...

  40. WASP-Harvard-Mafia7/31/09, 5:32 PM

    "Yeah, I noticed that; and if you look really closely, the right pinky finger on the president's beer is pointed toward the ground at an exactly 196 degree angle. This is an ancient satanic symbol of the freemasons..."

    Would this be a symbol of the Black Prince Hall Masons, Truth?

    *Speaking of beer, go have a few and relax a bit, "Sport".

  41. What immediately struck me as missing was talent on the photographer's part. This has got to be one of the worst PR photos I've seen - off center, cropped heads, backs turned, bad posture, terrible composition, etc.

    Then I realized - this was the best photo they could get portraying Skip as Moses the Law Giver. Obama and Biden are no ties, coats and rolled up sleeve to Skip's eveningware and both are in rapt attention. Crowley is equally suited up and skeptical which is why he's been mostly cropped out of the photo.

    This is a sad admission of how badly this beer summit failed to reconcile the two. I'm sure the propagandist were hoping for beaming Gates and Crowley locked in a double handshake with Obama smiling over them, hands on both their shoulder (a la Begin-Sadat w/Carter). This fell far short.

    My guess is also the photograpers are AA or Chicago machine dummies for this pix to be the shot they had to settle for out of 100s. The only good thing about this shot is they can use Skip's profile for his $3 bill to be comissioned by Obama celebrating great African Americans overcoming institutional racism.

  42. Chief Seattle8/1/09, 12:56 AM

    Gates' beer looks quite a bit more amber - some sort of high-falutin microbrew - than Biden's or Obama's which look more like coors light. I was wondering how they would defeat the classist microbrew angle. If Crowley ordered a Bud Light, and Gates ordered a Fat Tire, that's not going to send the message they want. But they can't just serve the same beer for everyone without someone getting the short end of the stick. Serving in mugs bypasses a lot of that, although it must strike someone as strange, since no one sits in the hot sun drinking beer in mugs.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that real reconciliation would be furthered much better by shots of whiskey. In the bowling alley. With Biden pouring.

  43. What's missing?

    All the hair on Biden's head except where the hairplugs were inserted above the temples 20-odd years ago.

  44. What's wrong with this photo?

    Time? I'm thinking it was taken about two weeks too late.

    Shade? Shoulda been taken indoors.

    Subjects? Obama and Biden shouldn't be there.

    Location? Cambridge, not D.C.

    Hands up? Only Sgt Crowley's, refusing the offer of beer from Gates because "I'm still on the clock."

    It should've happened in Gates's home, with Gates showing enormous gratitude to Crowley and "the black officer" for doing their jobs. Because the next time around the person forcing his way into Gates's home just may not have a right to be there.

    What an ass.

  45. nice article thanks for sharing, wish you continued success

  46. It would be funnier if Gates and Crowley were there too. BILL Gates and ALEISTER Crowley (his spiritual essence properly channeled).


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