August 28, 2009


Would anybody really be so bad at PR as to want to rename Obama's health care initiative after the late Senator Ted? Don't they understand the inevitable power of alliterative K's? (Just ask Krusty the Klown.)

KennedyCare automatically turns into KopechneCare

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Horror writer Dean Koontz speaks of how his crazy alcoholic father once tried to market an electric-powered, self-cleaning litter box for cats under the evocatively initialled name Koontz Kitty Kleaner.

  2. Steve, SWPL folks LOVE Kennedy. It's why you see all these "Mary Jo Kopechne's life was worth Teddy's" articles.

    They can't figure life outside the SWPL bubble.

  3. BTW, Can anyone name a woman who has done more to help this country than Mary Jo Kopechne?

  4. That would be persuasive if I knew how to pronounce Kopechne. Maybe my ignorance is due to never watching tv. Or is her name ever mentioned on tv?

  5. I can see it now-
    " KennedyKare: a blond in every pond..."

  6. Kennedy Kare Kold Kocked Kato Kaelin

  7. KennedyCare is the treatment the late, bloated, pustular senator from Massachusetts got when he discovered he had brain cancer: immediate attention by a team of world class surgeons in an advanced research medical facility. KopechneCare is what we all are going to get: rude treatment by foul mouthed, obese black and Hispanic nurses aides and Iraqi doctors trained at the Acme school of Chiropody clucking their tongues and advising us to take a morphine overdose because Octomom is pregnant again and needs our bed.

  8. Kris Kaldwell discusses the Kaplan method and its effect on the SAT in his Financial Times column this week.

  9. Kevorkian Care? (Al Pacino is now doing a movie about the Doc;shame to see the guy that Diane Keaton,who has banged such specimens as Warren Beatty and Woody Allen-er,OK,such specimens as Warren Beatty, declared was the handsomest of any man she'd ever known,playing this old codger,but thats the way it goes.) Re Kennedy:I heard a radio report this morning where the guy said Kennedy will be mourned in a church in inner city Boston,fittingly in an area that contains many of the social problems he battled...Of course for a split second I thought he was gonna say,"many of the social problems he created..."

  10. Komment Kontrol8/29/09, 9:50 AM

    ...the inevitable power of alliterative K's... KopechneCare

    Kopechne Kare.


  11. "KennedyCare automatically turns into KopechneCare"

    Wouldn't it be funny if people eventually started referring to it as Mary Jo?

    "He was still on his feet when they admitted him - it was Mary Jo that finished him off."

  12. I'd be really interested to know what the opinion is of Kennedy among those in the general public who don't live in Massachusetts and don't have an ideological axe to grind, one way or the other. Was he admired? Hated? Neither?

  13. How about: KennedyKopechneKare: KKK.

  14. KennedyCare = Leaving People to Die

  15. Komment Kontrol8/29/09, 2:11 PM

    How about: KennedyKopechneKare: KKK.

    Folks, we may have a winner here.

  16. Joyce Carol Oates and some gal on Huffington Post are arguing that Kopechne's life was "worth it" for Teddy's Senate Career.

    They just can't get out of the SWPL bubble.

  17. Joyce Carol Oates has already earned a ticket to the innermost circle of Hell already with "Blonde", a fictional account of Marilyn Monroe that makes up the most outrageous things imaginable about the poor woman. Although she did state that it was a work of fiction, you know that if someone did that to Martin Luther King, or any other PC hero, no mainstream publisher would touch it, and a large percentage of people who saw the TV miniseries think it is a factual documentary.

  18. They just can't get out of the SWPL bubble.

    I don't know that this acronym "SWPL" goes far enough to describe the pathologies of their nihilism.

    Komment Kontrol won't allow me to make the appropriate analogies [I know - I've tried], but these people are pure, unadulterated EVIL:

    Katie Kay, guest-hosting for Diane Rehm: Doug, thank you very much. Ed Klein - that's, that's what I'm hearing today, that people are sad at his passing, and yet celebrating this huge life, and his huge long list of accomplishments.

    Ed Klein: I think he'd be the last person who would want us - those he's left behind - to be morose and, and full of bathos. I think he, he -

    Katie Kay: He would come in with a big guffawing laugh and make us laugh too.

    Ed Klein: He would, and, yes, and he - you're so right - he would, and he'd probably have a joke to tell, as well.

    Katie Kay: UNINTELLIGIBLE [???]

    Ed Klein: Well you know he - I don't know if you know this or not, but one of the, his favorite topics of humor was, indeed, Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, "have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?" I mean - that is just the most amazing thing. It's not that he didn't feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.

    Katie Kay: Ed Klein, former foreign editor of Newsweek, and author of a new book on Ted Kennedy. We will be taking more of your questions and comments after this short break. We are remembering the life of Senator Ted Kennedy, who died last night after a battle with brain cancer, at the age of 77. Do stay listening.


  19. What about Kay Kysers Kollege of musical knowledge?

  20. "testing99 said...
    Joyce Carol Oates and some gal on Huffington Post are arguing that Kopechne's life was "worth it" for Teddy's Senate Career.

    They just can't get out of the SWPL bubble."

    Joyce Carol Oates??? Good Lord, color me out of touch but is she still alive? Still writing her melancholy little in-touch-with your-inner-most-self novels?

  21. I've always thought the NRA should adopt as it's slogan:

    Guns don't kill people.

    Kennedys kill people.

  22. Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) may not like it because it may be near trademark infringement, but how about

    Kennedy-Kopechne-Kucinich Health Care Act.


  23. "an electric-powered, self-cleaning litter box"

    If that thing goes off by accident while the cat is in it, the cat will never go back into it again.

  24. "Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage."

    Senator Ted Kennedy - TRAITOROUS LIAR

  25. Steve in Greensboro9/3/09, 1:43 PM

    Instead of KennedyCare, how about "ChappaquiddiCare"?


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