September 27, 2009

FCC Diversity Czar demands more gays in media

From a Washington Times article on Administration official Mark Lloyd:

At another conference, Mr. Lloyd spoke about the need to remove white people from powerful positions in the media to give minorities a fairer chance.

"There's nothing more difficult than this because we have really truly, good, white people in important positions, and the fact of the matter is that there are a limited number of those positions," he said.

"And unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions, we will not change the problem. But we're in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power."

He added: "There are few things, I think, more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men. Here I am."

Wait a minute -- "the need to have more people of color, gays ..."

So, there aren't enough gays in the media?

Who knew?

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. He has a point.

    After all its not like straight, white males invented the printing press, radio, TV & internet or anything.

    And, as Im sure Jared Diamond would like to point out, its a mere unlucky fluke of history - if not the result of actual white malice - that Andean dwelling lesbians or transgendered Kalahari bushmen didnt take a greater role in these innovations. If they coulda just had the breaks, they coulda been contenders...

  2. "And unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions, we will not change the problem."

    Sure and how about getting more Jews in the media as well.

    Starting with Mark Lloyd's boss at the FCC. Oh wait............

    "There are few things, I think, more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men. Here I am."

    I think White men have you trumped in the who's more frightening contest. White Racism seems to be America's Number One Fear and White men seem to be the number one threat.

    But Marky, want to prove you are one fearsome black man? Bring up the Jews the next time you want to talk about media, power and diversity.

    I didn't think so, Uncle Tom.

  3. "There are few things, I think, more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men. Here I am."

    He got at least one thing right.

  4. This got me thinking:

    I'm still assuming that Obama really wrote those two books of his, but even if he didn't, it wouldn't have been because he wasn't smart enough for that kind of prose. I can't imagine Obama ever being as blunt about anything as this Lloyd guy is or as Van Jones was or as Michelle is and so on. He seems to operate on an entirely different plane from these people. He thinks before he talks, he phrases things carefully.

    We can't attribute all of that to his handlers. No matter how hard you try, you can't teach a dumb man to suddenly become smart or careful.

  5. I doubt Mark Lloyd even has an opinion about whether or not there are enough gays in the media. He's throwing them a bone to keep the coalition together.

  6. He seems to operate on an entirely different plane from these people.

    Yeah, he looks at the teleprompter before he opens his mouth. What a f. genius!

  7. Not enough gays? He's never watched 'Bravo' network.

  8. I would settle for more people of color in media if we could ge more
    "real" white people on as well. What is the point of having a bunch of talking white heads on tv if all they do is try and out bit the blacks for political correctness?

  9. We can't attribute all of that to his handlers. No matter how hard you try, you can't teach a dumb man to suddenly become smart or careful.

    You've obviously never seen him when he goes off teleprompter.

    Although, in fairness, guys like Van Jones and Mark Lloyd are probably IQ 95-105, and Obama is probably about IQ 110-115, so there is maybe a standard deviation's difference in there somewhere.

  10. It was nice of Mark Lloyd to elaborate on the "Who Whom?" concept so recently after clarification was requested on this site.

    Mark Lloyd must be a member of the Steveosphere.

  11. After all its not like straight, white males invented the printing press, radio, TV & internet

    Gays -- gay males in particular -- rank very high in the annals of human creativity. Which is exactly why they don't need affirmative action to make it in the media business.

  12. This is straight out of Whiskey's Place. In fact, part of the problem in media is that there are so many gays in creative and executive positions.

    Look at Disney, Rich Ross, President of Disney Channels Worldwide, is likely to be the new head of Disney Studios, taking over from Dick Cook.

    Ross, named by as one of the most powerful openly gay men in Hollywood, has done well in providing Disney Pop Princess fantasies.

    HOWEVER, Ross failed in his Disney XD management to grow any boys in the audience. He's made statements that boys entertainment MUST include girls and women. Disney XD had some audience growth, but all from girls. This in a channel explicitly designed (through help of Kid Whisperer Kelly Pena as detailed here by Steve in April IIRC) to appeal to boys.

    Can gay men understand the competition for girls/women that drives so much of straight male behavior? So far the track record of gay men in making movies or TV shows that appeal to straight men is pretty poor.

  13. I believe this guy is next on Glenn Beck's hit list.

  14. How about more of the autistic spectrum in media?

  15. Excellent points Whiskey.

    They're almost as perspicacious as the ones from your latest post:

    "However, his obvious desire to "never let a crisis go to waste" and create himself as America's Vizier in the aftermath of a nuclear attack by non-state actors on America (or even perhaps an attack by Iran or Pakistan or North Korea) has a serious problem. The US military will NOT obey unlawful, unconstitutional orders. Such as making "insulting Islam illegal," or outlawing Christian and Jewish worship, or making Islam the official state religion, or any number of things Obama would propose as America's Vizier in time of crisis, as opposed to retaliating for a nuclear attack."

  16. I would like to take this opportunity to denounce idea of diversity or AA including homosexuals.

    It's just one more way for whitey to stick it to the black man (no pun intended); every white male homosexual hired via AA another black man who won't be; every white male homosexual is still a white male.

    Blacks sit still for this crap? They should be ashamed.

    I want every Caucasoid male at the TOP (not the sorta-top, not the middle, not the bottom) of the federal government, corporate America (Hollywood, Television, and Madison Avenue in particular), academia and NGOs replaced with a non-Caucasoid-male, preferably black males.

    (not kidding if anyone's wondering, not even a little)

    P.S., anyone else have a situation where they go to the Post Office and the only white male working there is a homosexual? Then they go to the DMV and THE ONLY WHITE MALE WORKING THERE IS A HOMOSEXUAL, TOO? WTF?

  17. I would settle for more people of color in media if we could ge more
    "real" white people on as well.

    I'm across the Rubicon and past the gates, I guess. I'd like to turn on the television and see nothing but black (100% black, not mulattoes, and preferably male) newscasters, anchormen, correspondents, pundits, commentators, actors, personalities, hosts, athletes, performers, etc. In case this isn't specific enough, I mean I'd like every single person appearing on teevee to be of as purely sub-Saharan African ancestry as possible.

    This is in addition to, in my mind the more important aforementioned goal of blacks in power at the federal level, and in academia and corporate America.

    Still not kidding, not even a little bit.

    Assuming liberals refuse, who's the racist now?

  18. Also, for the record I'd like to assert that AA-for-homosexuals almost certainly violates "disparate impact" law as open homosexuality is far less common amongst blacks than whites.

    Just another way for whitey to keep the black man down.

  19. The media is one of those places we will never see white guys replaced by People of Color. When they were pushing affirmative action in colleges and in blue collar work they never intended for it to threaten their own positions.

    So look for a lot of clucking about how much farther "we" need to go and how "we" need to "think about this problem" with nothing in the way of concrete steps.

  20. "There are few things, I think, more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men. Here I am."

    I hope he's fully dressed.

  21. In the article his remarks about Chavez are described as "eye-opening", but those about 'removing white people from powerful positions in the media' are, well, more ho-hum I guess.

  22. Gays -- gay males in particular -- rank very high in the annals of human creativity. Which is exactly why they don't need affirmative action to make it in the media business.

    Who are you and why are you impersonating MQ?

    You are absolutely right of course, except for the implication here: "...and gay males in particular..." suggesting that lesbians have historically shown a similar propensity.

    Nothing could be further from the truth; there's never been any indication of higher levels of creativity in lesbians relative to the rest of the population.

    If anything, they tend toward the practical and minimal in aesthetics, fashion and behavior (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    Are you willing to follow this logical trail where it leads, to the reality of disproportionate talents and inclinations, and at least acknowledge that the raft of AA programs and disparate impact-based litigation are mechanisms by which we thwart meritocracy in the name of "inclusion"?

  23. "He's throwing them a bone to keep the coalition together."

    That coalition has to be among the most mercenary motley crew ever assembled. They have nothing in common other than their quest for power.

    It's the main reason they vilify citizens of European descent working in concert on issues of mutual interest is because they know there are more (still) of us than them, and they know we will factionalize based on minor differences as we have historically, like when we could afford to. As Bill Clinton mentioned twice on NBC's "Meet the Press" this weekend, Obama can rule with impunity and force unpopular legislation through if he decides to and not risk losing majorities in congress because:

    "There's no way" that could happen, Clinton said, adding that "the country is more diverse and more interested in positive action."

    How's that for throwing it in our faces?

  24. "every white male homosexual hired via AA another black man who won't be; every white male homosexual is still a white male."

    "In case this isn't specific enough, I mean I'd like every single person appearing on teevee to be of as purely sub-Saharan African ancestry as possible."

    "Still not kidding, not even a little bit."

    Svigor, I think you've gone over the deep end buddy, you're starting to ramble incoherently like those homeless guys who are too far gone to actually ask you for money.

    I long vacation might be in order here, my man, Myrtle Beach isn't far, is it?

  25. The media is one of those places we will never see white guys replaced by People of Color.

    I can't believe NAMs roll over for these guys. But hey, maybe they don't. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, it doesn't make a sound.

  26. MQ said:

    ""After all its not like straight, white males invented the printing press, radio, TV & internet""

    Gays -- gay males in particular -- rank very high in the annals of human creativity. Which is exactly why they don't need affirmative action to make it in the media business.

    Creativity and inventiveness are not the same. There are plenty of gay interior decorators, a good many gay architects, but fewer gay engineers.

  27. Svigor, I think you've gone over the deep end buddy, you're starting to ramble incoherently like those homeless guys who are too far gone to actually ask you for money.

    I long vacation might be in order here, my man, Myrtle Beach isn't far, is it?

    That was deep, even for you.

  28. Gays already have advantages over married men.

    They generally reject children, and so can choose risky or mobile career paths whose demands aren't often compatible with family life. Promiscuous gays have larger social networks - the same network that spreads STDs can also spread economic or political favors.

    There's a vaccuum here for somebody to forge an identity politics to stick up for a married man trying to support a wife and kids.

    That used to be the Democrats' shtick. At present the GOP is too committed to feminism, individualism, and unsophisticated public policy to take explicit advantage of the family man's neglect.

    -A. Nonny

  29. none of the above10/1/09, 5:11 PM

    I wonder if anyone has looked into the informal networks of gays, and whether they look radically different than that of straights. You really could imagine better alliances/coalitions cemented by sex/romantic connections.


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