September 7, 2009

LAT: "Obama is fast losing white voters' support"

From the LA Times:
Obama is fast losing white voters' support

His approval ratings with the crucial bloc have plunged since April. Strategists say the healthcare debate is largely to blame, but that's not the only reason.

By Peter Wallsten

After a summer of healthcare battles and sliding approval ratings for President Obama, the White House is facing a troubling new trend: The voters losing faith in the president are the ones he had worked hardest to attract.

New surveys show steep declines in Obama's approval ratings among whites -- including Democrats and independents -- who were crucial elements of the diverse coalition that helped elect the country's first black president.

Among white Democrats, Obama’s job approval rating has dropped 11 points since his 100-days mark in April, according to surveys by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. It has dropped by 9 points among white independents and whites over 50, and by 12 points among white women -- all groups that will be targeted by both parties in next year's midterm elections.

"While Obama has a lock on African Americans, his support among white voters seems to be almost in a free fall," said veteran Republican pollster Neil Newhouse.

Strategists in both parties blame Obama's decline on growing discontent with his policy agenda, particularly after a month of often-rowdy debate over his proposed healthcare overhaul, in which some conservatives accused him of socialism. Obama's ratings seem likely to rise again if he wins passage of healthcare legislation this fall.

But the drop in support among whites also comes as some conservatives have stoked controversies that have the potential to further erode Obama's standing among centrists -- including some controversies that resulted from White House stumbles.

One such episode came to a head Sunday when Van Jones, Obama’s green jobs czar, resigned after a week of criticism over past inflammatory statements and for signing onto conspiracy theories questioning whether the U.S. government played a role in the Sept. 11 attacks. A White House official acknowledged Sunday that Jones had been vetted less rigorously than other officials. ...

Pew first identified a slippage in white support immediately after a news conference in July, when Obama surprised many by saying that a white police officer had acted "stupidly" in arresting a black Harvard professor.

Still unclear is whether Obama's slide in the polls is due solely to his policies, or questions about his personal background or allegiances.

During the presidential campaign last fall, the nation's economic meltdown swamped any attempts by Republicans to portray Obama as having radical associations with figures such as his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.

Which Republicans? Certainly not John McCain, the losing candidate.
... One black congressman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.), was quoted last week alleging that opposition to Obama's healthcare policies was "a bias, a prejudice, an emotional feeling."

Democratic pollster David Beattie conducted a survey last month in one competitive congressional district that found that more than a quarter of independents believed Obama had not proven his natural-born status. The same sentiment was expressed by nearly 6 in 10 Republican women -- a group that Beattie said would be important for a Democratic victory.

He declined to name the district because the polling was private, but said that such questions about Obama's background seemed to be a "proxy" for voters' growing unease with Obama's ambitious agenda, which has included a potential push to create a government-sponsored health insurance plan.

"We're having an economic culture war," Beattie said.

The basic question in all politics is: "Whose side are you on?" McCain and the media worked together to keep this profound question about Obama off the table during the election, but it inevitably re-emerges when complicated and expensive legislation like health is on the table. Is Obama pushing this 1,000 page bill for your benefit or somebody else's benefit? Whose side is he on?

The various conspiracy theories about Obama are attempts by thoroughly cowed people to raise questions about Obama without mentioning the fundamental one: Does he see his life's work as A Story of Race and Inheritance?

As I wrote last year in

Many wild rumors have circulated about Barack Obama, such as

And finally, the most popular and yet most self-evidently implausible rumor of all, assiduously promoted by Obama’s media handler David Axelrod:

  • that Obama refuses to be defined by his race, that he transcends race, that he’s not interested in race, blah blah.

What do all these assertions have in common?

First, they betray a lack of awareness of the facts of Obama’s life.

Second, they tend to reflect the widespread desire among whites of all political stripes to not think about race anymore, and to imagine that Obama doesn’t either.

In truth, the big secret about Obama is that there’s no secret: as Obama explains at vast length in his memoir, what he himself calls his “racial obsessions” have dominated his life.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. The various conspiracy theories about Obama are attempts by thoroughly cowed people to raise questions about Obama

    The John O. Brennan conspiracy strikes me as about positive infinity times as large as anything that Nixon ever did with the plumbers.

    And Jack Cashill's work on the authorship question should have been the biggest story in American journalism since Whittaker Chambers and the pumpkin patch.

  2. My read of his political appointments and ad-lib comments make me conclude that Barack Obama is an African-American first and US President a distant second, or possibly third.

  3. I'm sitll wondering why anyone with at least two working neurons voted for this commie clown Sotero in the first place...

    Well regarding the questionable (supposedly) birth certificate there is this and the first thing that came to mind was Dan Rather's fake but real documents on George W's Air National Guard service...

    Nice looking pictures though of the affadavit and birth certificate though...

    Lucas Smith Affidavit now filed with the US District Court - Obama Kenyan BC

    Rasmussen Reports has Obama's Approval Index at a -13...

  4. I think Ayers wrote the memoir, and I think that Stanley Anne got passed around the black nationalist circuit, and that Malcolm X was the biological father. Look at the pictures.

  5. Chief Seattle9/7/09, 4:56 PM

    All this media discussion of poll numbers can't be helping Obama. It's almost like he's angered his true constituency - powerful media owners.

    He's not up for election until 2012, so I don't really see why poll numbers matter at this point. Most hardworking people like to see things get done - not endless talking and wallowing in possibilities. If Obama wants to get back on track he needs to get something done, no matter what the immediate poll numbers say.

  6. I heard Obama give a speech today at a Labor Day gathering. I wasn't really listening carefully, but he seemed to be rambling and not near as sharp and focused as usual. Is it possible he had been drinking before the speech? Has anyone every heard that he might have a problem with alcohol?

    On a related note, I think Glen Beck is drinking again. Beck has pushed crazy up to 11 and snapped the knob clean off.

  7. I am a white woman who voted for Obama and I am actually beginning to regret it.

  8. the biggest story in American journalism since Whittaker Chambers and the pumpkin patch

    Or maybe I should have said: "the biggest story in American letters since Whittaker Chambers and the pumpkin patch".

  9. Since when are white voters a "crucial bloc"? Doesn't the LA Times, of all places, know that those stupid crackers will be a minority within the next decade?

    Seriously though, Sailer/Taylor 2012.

  10. The Undiscovered Jew9/7/09, 6:28 PM

    Barack Obama is an African-American first and US President a distant second, or possibly third.

    Well, yes.

    But would Hillary (or any liberal white Democrat for that matter) be doing anything much different if she were POTUS?

  11. Who knows, but...

    The health care debate is really about demographics

    The truth about the healthcare debate is something that cannot be said: a disproportionate share of the (chronically) uninsured are non-white, i.e. Blacks and Hispanics. These same groups are also disproportionately criminal and academic/economic underachievers, something that is not likely to change. Perhaps some Whites have figured out that any form of national health insurance will be nothing more than a huge wealth transfer from them to these non-white groups, i.e. adding insult to injury, the injury being their ongoing demographic dispossession.

    Someone should ask Obama and those who (still) support him and his healthcare agenda how that's supposed to work in the long run (although personally I think something should be done to address the issue of the uninsured -- I'm just not sure what).

    My read of his political appointments...

    There definitely may be some recognition of the whole MOG thing as well.

  12. The Undiscovered Jew9/7/09, 6:48 PM

    To follow up on my last point, its probably harder for Obama to get the leftist agenda through because white voters assumed America would "be beyond race" after we handed the keys to the White House over to a black dude.

    By contrast, if Hillary had won, she would be pushing every single policy item Obama is pushing right now; and she would be driving them through Congress much more easily than Obama is because she is vastly more cunning, ruthless, and has ovaries of steel.

    But whites would be quite a bit less worked up over her lefty policy agenda because she is white and because white women would be in Hillary's pocket.

  13. Donkey Punch9/7/09, 6:51 PM

    Obama probably never saw it coming and now it's hitting him hard and white support is tensing up.

  14. White voters are a "bloc"? When do whites vote for any candidate or issue as a bloc?

  15. Obama, the Mortal

    Where do you think he came from, this friend of Chávista ex-terrorist William Ayers, of PLO apologist Rashid Khalidi, of racialist inciter Jeremiah Wright?

    (a bit of Who/Whom in Obama's favor - white equivalents of Jeremiah Wright aren't "racialist" under the pen of the likes of Krauthammer)

    Obama fancies himself tribune of the people, spokesman for the grass roots, harbinger of a new kind of politics from below that would upset the established lobbyist special-interest order of Washington. Yet faced with protests from a real grass-roots movement, his party and his supporters called it a mob -- misinformed, misled, irrational, angry, unhinged, bordering on racist. All this while the administration was cutting backroom deals with every manner of special interest -- from drug companies to auto unions to doctors -- in which favors worth billions were quietly and opaquely exchanged.

    Who? Whom?

    Obama's Summer of Discontent

    It is odd that American liberalism, in a veritable state of insurrection during the Bush presidency, now seeks political quiescence. These "townhallers" who have come forth to challenge ObamaCare have been labeled "evil-mongers" (Harry Reid), "un-American" (Nancy Pelosi), agitators and rowdies and worse.

    A political class, and a media elite, that glamorized the protest against the Iraq war, that branded the Bush presidency as a reign of usurpation, now wishes to be done with the tumult of political debate. President Barack Obama himself, the community organizer par excellence, is full of lament that the "loudest voices" are running away with the national debate. Liberalism in righteous opposition, liberalism in power: The rules have changed.

    Who? Whom?

  16. ALL blacks are obsessed with race. It is the defining characteristic of their mentality. Blacks filter EVERYTHING through the prism of race.

  17. Appointing a black racist thug as "green czar" (another topic in itself) should leave no doubt about the who/whom of this administration. Hundreds if not thousands of liberal NAMs better qualified for the job had to be ignored to get to Van Jones. I don't think it is easy, even in our current state of cognitive dissonance, for NAMs to overlook the racism in that choice. It will be interesting to see what happens to the polls over the next week or two.

  18. Health care is also about sex. If the health care of Obama's chosing is passed it will make permanent adn guaranteed what is already a disproportionate transfer of wealth from men to women. What the blacks and hispanics will have to do is pick through what is left over after the women have eaten their fill.

    If I could ask Obama one question at one of his fake town hall meetings it would be, "Women use a disproportionate amount of the health care during all stages of their lives compared to men. They also live 4 to 5 years longer. What will you do to make sure health care funding is exactly equal and men are not discriminated against".

    Obama reminds me of Raymond, the henpecked black husband who's wife starts speaking loudly in public about Raymonds need for pepto bismal. She brow beats poor old Raymond until he relents, every time. The women's movement so owns the Democratic party and Obama that it is sad.

    The average life expectency of a black man is about 68. A white women is about 81. What this means is that Hilary Clinton's life expectancy is actually longer than Barak Obama's! Yet this guy did not have the testicular fortitude to say boo during the primary's.

  19. The Undiscovered Jew9/7/09, 8:36 PM

    If Obama wants to get back on track he needs to get something done,

    What makes you think he's even capable of getting anything "done"? The man has never had a real job in his entire life.

    In fact, Obama has proven to be so Carteresque that I'm quite pleased Obama is president rather than Hillary.

    Hillary is just as leftwing as Obama, but she's smart enough to get more damaging legislation through Congress and is tough enough that she would have slaughtered any Republican challenger in 2012.

    However, as Obama fails to meet the challenge of governence, it is becoming more and more obvious Obama has "One Term Wonder" written all over him.

  20. "Sailer/Taylor 2012"

    Do it!

  21. But would Hillary (or any liberal white Democrat for that matter) be doing anything much different if she were POTUS?

    But you've forgotten Hillary and Bill have two terms of previous political appointees that they could simply appoint again. While Universal Healthcare would remain a major issue, I sincerely doubt Hillary would have selected Sonia Sotomayor. Its highly probable she would have selected a quick-witted Jewish matron to replace Justice Ginsberg.

    Yet it is an interesting and fun alternate history exercise. Had Hillary been elected, would the American people vote the Republicans into control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and mirror the political\economic dynamic we had from 1994 - 2000? Those were mostly good years.

  22. I made some predictions about Obama's overall strategy back in Nov 2008. Basically I predicted that he would lean Left on politics he would be forced to the Centre on policy:

    On Obama's political alignments:

    Obama comes accross to me as a canny centrist populist politician. Pretty much Bill Clinton without the sleaze.
    Undoubtedly he will swing the US polity to the Left. But he will also remember that the US polity has a fairly large mass of (temporarily submerged) Right-wing ballast. CLinton discovered this to his dismay in 1994.

    On Obama's policy preferences:

    FOr the first term at least, Obama will be more janitor than Messiah...[He] will have his hands full with reconstruction rather than transformation...

    I would be surprised if the Obama govt in its first term committed itself to more than token moves towards grand ideological committments such as universal healthcare and a green revolution....
    Obama will dedicate his first term to paying off his ethnological debts (to black Americans) and performing a few ideological stunts (the kind of “stuff that white
    [liberal] people like”).

    These predictions seem to be reasonably on the money. Although Obama's health-care proposal was more ambitious than I expected. And the Right-wing reaction has been swifter, sharper and more successful than I expected.

    Probably there is a connection between this policy action and political reaction. Health care obviously put a big hole in Clinton's first term strategy.

    My prediction is that Obama will ease off on the grand ideological policy proposals for a bit and work on building political coalitions with disaffected Republican voters. There should be plenty of them, especially those without jobs, health insurance or limbs as a result of Republican incompetence and iniquity.

  23. All that remains is to give SWPLs a doubleplusunracist reason to oppose him.

    It won't be too hard.

  24. ... One black congressman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.), was quoted last week alleging that opposition to Obama's healthcare policies was "a bias, a prejudice, an emotional feeling."

    Yeah, like the attitude blacks generally have towards whites.

  25. "We're having an economic culture war," Beattie said.

    We're having a literary soccer match.

    We're having an engineering beauty pageant.

    We're having a fairy tale science project.

    Try it everybody, it's fun.

  26. I am a white woman who voted for Obama and I am actually beginning to regret it.

    Lara, thanx for being honest, but seriously, why do white women always have this sympathy and longing for foreign men? Isn't there any concept of looking after your own kind, which is considered de rigeur amongst blacks, Jews, Japanese, Chinese and many other ethnics?
    I'd love to hear a white woman who voted for Obama explain her motives and not have to listen to t99's misogynist ramblings about how evil all the tatted chicks are he could not score with.

  27. I must say, I like the posts of the The Undiscovered Jew. I gotta agree with him that Hillary would have been far more damaging to white prospects than Obama is.

  28. Never are they shown how truly awful Africa is and that being poor in America is only a thousand times better than the average African lives.

    won't make any difference. people in Zimababwe are croaking, yet overwhelmingly they support Mugabe's ethnic cleansing of the whites there, even though exactly this cleansing caused misery. Blacks just hates whites and want them out, and in the meantime will shake them down all they can.

  29. When, before the Presidential election, some old friends of mine expressed uncritical enthusiasm for Obama, I hesitatingly said that he was, um, er, ah, "rather underscrutinised". I should have added "except for the efforts of Mr iSteve".

  30. All that remains is to give SWPLs a doubleplusunracist reason to oppose him.

    Remind 'em that he's half white. Obviously the white devil half is in control. SWPLers can call blacks they don't like "Oreos" and "Uncle Toms" unironically.

  31. Lara said

    > I am a white woman who voted for Obama and I am actually beginning to regret it. <

    At least no children are involved.

  32. Why the obsession with Obama's current low standing in the polls? Could it be that someone plans on manufacturing a catastrophe to give the narrative a happy ending?

  33. Absent a DNA test, the only assurance of one's paternity is the virtue of one's mother. Obama has little to work with there. His putative father's almost complete indifference to him does not help his case either.

  34. Melykin,
    I think Beck is a very good guy. He reminds me very much of what Steve always talks about: energy. Glenn Beck has it along with his many other gifts.

    Why does Beck seem a little "crazy"? I won't say, but here's a hint: one must have a comprehensive view of the different religions and then accept that people really do believe and act on their metaphysical beliefs. Liberals (and many others) who are profoundly de-cultured are flummoxed to explain Glenn Beck. In addition, per Charles Murray and "Human Accomplishment", belief in the transcendent, especially Christianity, is an incredibly strong force for activism.

  35. I said, good catch. It'd be more accurate to say that whites are the only swing voters, all other broad demographics being either solidly democrat or following the white vote but shifted to the democrats however many points.

  36. i am the walrus9/8/09, 9:47 AM

    I'm sitll wondering why anyone with at least two working neurons voted for this commie clown Sotero in the first place...

    Obama was The Face and McCain/Bush was The Heel. It was perfectly cut and dry who was going to win.

  37. controversy aside.

    appointing people with little science or engineering background to important technology related jobs has been a problem in national politics for decades.

  38. The issue is the economy. Real unemployment (despite NYT "funemployment" garbage) is over 10%, and the official numbers will get there soon.

    It's a jobless recovery, as corporations reduce costs, jobs, and inventory, to make one-time profit gains. Meanwhile wages for working people stagnate as inflation zooms upward, already.

    Whites would tolerate Jeremiah Wright screaming about Whitey, from the White House as Czar of the Economy, if jobs were plentiful, real wages increasing, and good times rolling. Because none of that is happening, and Obama proposes to put Black Nationalists (and himself, naturally) in charge of every aspect of life through unaccountable and unelected Czar government control, from if your elderly relatives get health care or a pain pill, or your toddler gets treated (Ezekial Emmanuel does not want to "waste" money on toddlers and young children) -- not to mention the light bulb and showerhead police -- it's clear that most voters are now saying "enough."

    Add to that the message Congress had to the people at the townhall meetings: "We are your hereditary ruling class and you work for us." You can see the anger.

    Can Congress stuff Obama's agenda through? Sure. They have the votes. They are betting their gerrymandered districts and ACORN fraud will get them through. However that just makes permanent enemies and unlike Chicago where Whites can flee to the suburbs, there is no where to go -- except take back the WH and Congress in their own populist manner.

  39. belief in the transcendent, especially Christianity

    Christians don't believe in the transcendent.

  40. Lara, thanx for being honest, but seriously, why do white women always have this sympathy and longing for foreign men?

    I am not Lara, and I am a white male. I also voted for Obama and I am also starting to regret it. Has nothing to do with foreign men. I could not (and still can't) stand the McCain/Palin ticket. It was revolting on many levels. Obama was an alternative... So my wishful thinking enticed me to beleive that Obama really is post-racial technocrat who would, more or less in line with Clinton, follow the orders from big businesses all the while pretending to adhere to liberal agenda. So far every indication is that I was duped.

  41. not to mention the light bulb and showerhead police

    and the CPSIA, and the Design Piracy Act, and NAIS

    Steve you STILL won't cover the CPSIA, how come?

  42. Obama's approval rating has gone up with blacks. I saw a poll that said it was 97%. He got 96% of the black vote. Other than being black what does the media think is causing that?

  43. All politics is local. We had a funny incident here in Chicago last week. A black female commissioner had vowed to vote to roll back a much hated county tax increase. At the last minute she changed her mind. She was strongly criticized by the anti-tax guys(white). Next day,in tears,surrounded by a bevy of burly black ministers,she played a "racist" phone call she said she got,in which a man called her"N" and hoped for her early demise.Instantly the attacks stopped,and the white men slunk away,their outrage quashed,their protests,like their testes,instantly withdrawn. Of course,black people KNOW Africa sucks;they KNOW AA is for dodos--thats why they want it so bad! They know latinoes,asians and white women all benefit at the expense of white men,tho AA is supposed to be payback for all the mean anti-black stuff.They just,like Tommie Lee Jones,or like Roissy in a recent post( about,uhm,wait,I think it was the one about how he got in some girls pants...) they DONT CARE! Obv the phone call was faked.But the white men didnt have the balls to call her on it--no pun. Its all who/whom as our beloved Clancy Brothers fanatic Svigor has pointed out. When our betters tell us we're in a multi-racial society,we better listen.

  44. Toadal said...
    My read of his political appointments and ad-lib comments make me conclude that Barack Obama is an African-American first and US President a distant second, or possibly third.


    U need to squeeze Chicago Machine Cog in there somewhere.

  45. "that Obama refuses to be defined by his race, that he transcends race, that he’s not interested in race, blah blah."

    Just because your life revolves around race Steve-O does not mean that everyone else's does. It's kind of like that buddy you get wary of because he keeps insinuating that everyone else is a homosexual.

    " Barack Obama is an African-American first and US President a distant second, or possibly third."

    What's second, his "radical Muslim status (with his Jewish chief of staff) or his communist status (after he gave your tax money to billionaires)?

    "I think Ayers wrote the memoir, and I think that Stanley Anne got passed around the black nationalist circuit, and that Malcolm X was the biological father. Look at the pictures."

    I think, you've got the brain power of a three-toed Sloth; look at the evidence.

    "All this while the administration was cutting backroom deals with every manner of special interest -- from drug companies to auto unions to doctors -- in which favors worth billions were quietly and opaquely exchanged."

    Wow! It's got to be the first time a politician has ever done that!

    "ALL blacks are obsessed with race. It is the defining characteristic of their mentality. Blacks filter EVERYTHING through the prism of race."

    Wow! I don't think anyone on this website has that characteristic!

    "What this means is that Hilary Clinton's life expectancy is actually longer than Barak Obama's! Yet this guy did not have the testicular fortitude to say boo during the primary's."

    Damn, I forgot, who won the nomination again?

    "Try it everybody, it's fun."

    No, really it isn't.

    Lara, thanx for being honest, but seriously, why do white women always have this sympathy and longing for foreign men?"

    What "sympathy and longing" what "always" and what "foreign?" She voted in a presidential election, she did not star in a Hallmark movie.

    "Isn't there any concept of looking after your own kind,"

    Yeah Sport, it's called "raising children."

    "I'd love to hear a white woman who voted for Obama explain her motives ..."

    Well, I don't exactly fit the demographic, but I'll give it a shot; "I...liked...him...better...than...

  46. "Glenn Beck has it along with his many other gifts."

    You must have been there when he was opening presents for Christmas, because he darn sure doesn't show them on the air.

    "Why does Beck seem a little "crazy"?"

    I wouldn't say crazy, but I am partial to Michael Savage's description; "a hemroid with eyes."

    "appointing people with little science or engineering background to important technology related jobs has been a problem in national politics for decades."

    This is accurate Jody. Lawyers are appointed to just about everything nowadays. I'm proud of you.

    "They know latinoes,asians and white women all benefit at the expense of white men,"

    That seems to go double for white men who can't spell or formulate proper sentences.

    "Obama's approval rating has gone up with blacks. I saw a poll that said it was 97%. He got 96% of the black vote. Other than being black what does the media think is causing that?"

    We're waiting with baited breath for your opinion, oh exhalted one!

  47. josh said...
    All politics is local. We had a funny incident here in Chicago last week. A black female commissioner had vowed to vote to roll back a much hated county tax increase. At the last minute she changed her mind. She was strongly criticized by the anti-tax guys(white).

    Chicago / Cook County is absolutly disgusting.

  48. We're having an engineering beauty pageant.

    C'mmon, I'm not THAT ugly! Though I have to ask myself looking around the office, where are the babez?

  49. Nanonymous sez:
    So my wishful thinking enticed me to beleive that Obama really is post-racial technocrat who would, more or less in line with Clinton, follow the orders from big businesses all the while pretending to adhere to liberal agenda.
    Thnx, that explains your motive. It was a fair gamble then from that perspective. I have to agree that as far as white interests were concerned voting for McPain was pointless.

  50. That seems to go double for white men who can't spell or formulate proper sentences.

    Why do you have this obsession with spelling? Was "Akeelah and the Bee" based on your life story in some way? Was winning spelling bees some big self-esteem booster for you at some point?

  51. The truth is, Obama is the best thing to ever happen to American whites. The Democratic Party has always been the party of blacks and hispanics (they haven't won more than 45% of the white vote in 40+ years), but it has only become obvious now that a black guy is running the show.

    The ironic thing is that Obama is hardly some Black Nationalist but rather is a pretty typical SWPL type liberal. The mere fact that he has black skin, however, makes it possible to (correctly) tar him as an anti-white racist whereas the same would not have been possible with the equally anti-white Hillary Clinton.

  52. Who whom. Exactly. But the Republican party has been screwing the white working and middle class for decades. It's comic to see Steve pretend that Obama is any worse, or that giving blacks some subsidies hurts whites more than the millions of dollars of giveaways to Wall Street we've seen the past 20 years. Explain how my interests are served in any way by a health system that generates millions of dollars of profits for parasitic insurance companies while screwing middle class Americans out of their savings. Yet I'm supposed to be upset at Obama for trying to change that cuz he's a "socialist." I'm supposed to support a GOP that imports Mexicans by the truckload and sends white kids off to die in the Middle East. Who whom indeed - sucking up to big business has never helped the American white worker. Big business has no racial solidarity and will sell an American worker to China as fast as they can. Obama has been pretty mediocre so far, but he's still a vast improvement over the last 8 years.

  53. "Why do you have this obsession with spelling?"

    I don't have an obsession with spelling. I never spelling flame unless the recipient deserves it, however a white man who whines about affirmative action and writes like a runaway slave is probably fair game, don't you think?

  54. "The Democratic Party has always been the party of blacks and hispanics (they haven't won more than 45% of the white vote in 40+ years), but it has only become obvious now that a black guy is running the show.

    Oh come on, sweaty Otis. Get out of the sun so you can think straight. He's not "running" the show. No president really does, but especially not this one. As we've seen in his mediocre and awkward repartee (when not teleprompted) he's not much of a thinker or logician; no wit at all, just ugly jokes about handicapped kids. He's pathetic.
    The same old same old (Gentile and Jew, btw) are "running the show", believe me; and on the national front, hardly any are black.

  55. Nine-of-Diamonds9/9/09, 12:59 PM

    "That seems to go double for white men who can't spell or formulate proper sentences."

    Followed by "hemroid" [sic] and "baited breath" [sic].

    Simply beyond parody. Oh, and I loved the Troofer's sexual anxiety a week or two ago about white females (typical of negrochauvanists), but let's take that up another day.


    "The ironic thing is that Obama is hardly some Black Nationalist but rather is a pretty typical SWPL type liberal."

    I don't think so. Dear Leader was probably a conventional far-left radical up until his involvement in Chicago politics deepened - at which time he realized that the support of white Parlor Pinks (Ayers, etc) just wouldn't cut it. Hence deliberately selecting Trinity Church, breeding with an Angry Black Wife, and giving vast financial grants to Chicago's afrocentric "educators". His chief skill is aligning himself with the right types of libs at the right time - alienated Lefty Jews early on to build up a war chest, resentful minorities to gain street cred, and finally moderate-to-liberal SWPL's circa 2007-2008 in order to win the election. Think of Soetero as a lib chameleon, instead of a lib who can be classified w/in some fixed lefty subtype.

  56. I know it's popular to say it every time an election rolls around, but we were really, really screwed last time. It was a choice between terrible and really terrible.

  57. "Peter A said...

    It's comic to see Steve pretend that Obama is any worse, or that giving blacks some subsidies hurts whites more than the millions of dollars of giveaways to Wall Street we've seen the past 20 years. Explain how my interests are served in any way by a health system that generates millions of dollars of profits for parasitic insurance companies while screwing middle class Americans out of their savings. Yet I'm supposed to be upset at Obama for trying to change that cuz he's a "socialist." I'm supposed to support a GOP that imports Mexicans by the truckload and sends white kids off to die in the Middle East."

    You must be new here. There aren't many doctrinaire Republicans here. Steve isn't exactly a fan of the republicans or their recent wars. He wasn't a big fan of G.W. Bush either, of whom he never had much good to say. And I can't remember Steve ever writing anything favorable about John McCain.

  58. "He's not "running" the show. No president really does, but especially not this one."

    Maybe not, but he is atleast nominally in charge. He is committed first and foremost to blacks and hispanics just like all Democrats (and many Republicans), but the fact that he is black makes it possible for middle of the road American whites to see where his loyalties lie in a way that they were not able to with somebody like Bill Clinton.

    I didn't vote for Obama, but these past 8 months have made me wish that I did.

  59. And I can't remember Steve ever writing anything favorable about John McCain.

    Only one person round here ever has/had anything good to say about McCain! I need say no more...

  60. my wishful thinking enticed me to beleive that Obama really is post-racial technocrat who would, more or less in line with Clinton, follow the orders from big businesses all the while pretending to adhere to liberal agenda.

    That's wishful thinking all right, since you seem unaware that the liberal agenda and the big business agenda are essentially the same.

  61. Hillary is just as leftwing as Obama, but she's smart enough to get more damaging legislation through Congress and is tough enough that she would have slaughtered any Republican challenger in 2012.

    And yet she was not smart enough and tough enough to win the Democratic nomination. People on the right attribute near-mythical powers to her for some reason. Her main accomplishment in life was getting married to Bill.

  62. Think of Soetero as a lib chameleon, instead of a lib who can be classified w/in some fixed lefty subtype.

    That's a pretty astute observation. I suppose you have to be like that to some degree if you want to be president.

  63. "I never spelling flame unless the recipient deserves it, however a white man who whines about affirmative action and writes like a runaway slave is probably fair game, don't you think?"

    Whites would complain a lot less about AA if the blacks who received it weren't so medicore in their achievements. You know this is true and since you cannot deny this fact you resort to correcting the spelling and grammar of some anonymous cracka on a blog in order to level the playing field or whatever.

    The whining about AA may annoy you but the onus rests on you, not us, to justify it. Please justify that walking medicority Michelle Obama's free ride to an Ivy League education. Please justify the billions whitey has poured into programs benefitting blacks only to get reviled for it later. Please justify why whitey should put up with horrific crime rates from blacks. Please justify why whites should always take black accusations of racism seriously. Please justify how whites who believe in HBD are treated like Klansmen by blacks and yet we are supposed to tolerate blacks who attend anti-white churches.

    Please justify all of the above and whites will stop complaining about AA. Sounds fair, don't you think?

  64. "Whites would complain a lot less about AA if the blacks who received it weren't so medicore in their achievements."

    Let me correct this for you:

    Dumb whites would complain a lot less about AA if they were competent enough at what they did, and not so mediocre in their achivements that they did not have to worry about it, after all the "smart" whites still own 95% of everything.

    "since you cannot deny this fact you resort to correcting the spelling and grammar of some anonymous cracka on a blog in order to level the playing field or whatever."

    You can thank me anytime.

    No, I "corrected the spelling and grammar of some anoymous cracka" because he seems to be fuzzy as to the source of his own lack of achievement; misspelling "that's", "Latinos" and "though" and well, neglecting to leave spaces after words, might be a bigger part of this young man's problem than Tyrone from Florida A&M.

    Of course I may be wrong. Maybe a white guy is supposed to hire Mr. Josh just because he's white.

    "Please justify that walking medicority Michelle Obama's free ride to an Ivy League education."

    How do you know that she's a "medicority?" She did pass to US Bar exams. Also, you did not have samples of her classmates work with which to compare what she had written.

    "Please justify the billions whitey has poured into programs benefitting blacks only to get reviled for it later."

    "Whitey" has poured billions of dollars into Wall Street also, but prices keep going up and salaries don't, don't they?

    "Please justify why whitey should put up with horrific crime rates from blacks."

    Most white victims of violent crime are victimized by whites.

    "Please justify why whites should always take black accusations of racism seriously."

    You really narrowed that one down there Sport.

    "Please justify how whites who believe in HBD are treated like Klansmen..."

    Who is treating you like a Klansman?

    "and yet we are supposed to tolerate blacks who attend anti-white churches..."

    You mean the ones you treat like Klansmen?

    "Please justify all of the above and whites will stop complaining about AA. Sounds fair, don't you think?"

    Sure, if you guys will learn to write properly in English also.

  65. none of the above9/10/09, 8:30 PM


    Hillary just isn't automatically likeable. She doesn't have whatever it is that her husband, Ronald Reagan, and Obama all share, that lets them get up and give a low-content speech and have the audience all feel warm and fuzzy inside. I think someone here compared her to George Bush Sr or Richard Nixon--competent but uncharismatic politicians who have a hell of a time competing with someone with that extra bit of appeal.

  66. none of the above9/10/09, 8:45 PM

    Healthcare reform has, as far as I can see, no relevant relationship with race. It's kind of a bizarre stretch to get there. Democrats have been wanting some kind of reform here for a hell of a long time, and the Republicans so weakened and discredited themselves that it looks possible to get it. Any Democrat in office now would be pushing for the same thing. And any Democrat in office now would be suffering the same pushback, largely from the existing players in healthcare, who really don't want to see the endless stream of money dry up.

  67. Healthcare reform has, as far as I can see, no relevant relationship with race. It's kind of a bizarre stretch to get there.

    As ever, whites will be over-represented as payers, and blacks will be over-represented as recipients. So on one obvious-but-unmentionable level, it will constitute a wealth transfer from whites to blacks. Relevant, or bizarre stretch?

  68. It's comic to see Steve pretend that Obama is any worse, or that giving blacks some subsidies hurts whites more than the millions of dollars of giveaways to Wall Street we've seen the past 20 years.

    So, because I've been shot, you get to stab me? This has logical fallacy written all over it, but I'm not going to look up the particulars.

    Explain how my interests are served in any way by a health system that generates millions of dollars of profits for parasitic insurance companies while screwing middle class Americans out of their savings. Yet I'm supposed to be upset at Obama for trying to change that cuz he's a "socialist."

    It's going to be a wealth transfer from whites to blacks, regardless of what you call Obama.

    Some neocon radio talker today stated that the insurance companies made 12 billion in profits last year (IIRC), and Medicare fraud cost taxpayers 60 billion.

    I don't know if his figures are right, but if they are...

    Who? Whom?

  69. "So, because I've been shot, you get to stab me? This has logical fallacy written all over it, but I'm not going to look up the particulars."

    The difference is that when you were shot, you bent over and shined the assailants shoes, then washed his car and offered him your wife.

    Now, you are making a huge show about calling the police; and it's just a flesh wound.

  70. Truth, the English scholar!

    >She did pass to US Bar exams. Also, you did not have samples of her classmates work with which to compare what she had written.<

    Two, not to. Classmates should take the possessive, thus: classmates'. "With which to compare what she had written" is tortured syntax, besides being unjustified: why assume the students were, or should be, judged on a curve?

    Wait for the flip-flop. We will be reading soon that English perfection is irrelevant to the real world of business.

  71. That's wishful thinking all right, since you seem unaware that the liberal agenda and the big business agenda are essentially the same.

    That, to me, is the triumph of the current elites. Everywhere in the west leftists have been totally neutralized, not just neutralized but harnessed to the globalizing strategy. All the time while having their transgressive egos stroked.

  72. "Two, not to. Classmates should take the possessive, thus: classmates'. "With which to compare what she had written" is tortured syntax, besides being unjustified: why assume the students were, or should be, judged on a curve?"

    I really don't have a great deal of time to spend on such childishness, but "two" is a numerical value like "three" or "four" and is not a conjunction, so what in the hell are you talking about?

    Additionally, I said nothing about grading on a curve, I what I am saying is that her work may or may not have been what is considered acceptable at the school she attended, and the only way to know this would be to see what her classmates have turned in.

    This sort of thing really is for adults, Sport.

  73. Lara, thanx for being honest, but seriously, why do white women always have this sympathy and longing for foreign men? Isn't there any concept of looking after your own kind, which is considered de rigeur amongst blacks, Jews, Japanese, Chinese and many other ethnics?

    You should reconsider what you are asking here of feminine women - you wish them not to choose masculine men. You selfishly want to cheat them out of their choice of what is good for them. And with you being an undesirable (you said it). It's like asking us men to go for the ugliest women instead.

    Think about how you come across.
    A masculine man wouldn't be mewling like this. I think I know what the problem is.

  74. "Additionally, I said nothing about grading on a curve, I what I am saying is that her work may or may not have been what is considered acceptable at the school she attended, and the only way to know this would be to see what her classmates have turned in."

    Michelle Robinson's senior thesis was riddled with grammatical errors. Truth, she though thank you used a hyphen.

  75. "Hillary just isn't automatically likeable. She doesn't have whatever it is that her husband, Ronald Reagan, and Obama all share, that lets them get up and give a low-content speech and have the audience all feel warm and fuzzy inside."

    Uh, half true--Hillary doesn't come across like her husband or Reagan, but I have to take issue with your inclusion of Obama with those two. Obama is cold, not warm. Peggy Noonan's last column about him is on target.

  76. The Ultimate Alpha9/12/09, 6:41 PM

    You should reconsider what you are asking here of feminine women - you wish them not to choose masculine men. You selfishly want to cheat them out of their choice of what is good for them. And with you being an undesirable (you said it). It's like asking us men to go for the ugliest women instead.

    Think about how you come across.
    A masculine man wouldn't be mewling like this. I think I know what the problem is.

    Precisely. Every alpha knows how alpha it is to let the enemy overrun you. Only betas man the barricades, and I use the term "man" loosely.

  77. "She doesn't have whatever it is that her husband, Ronald Reagan, and Obama all share,"

    Obama? With those dead eyes, that whining scolding way he's been shown to display? The winging apologies he delivers to the world on behalf of his "fellow Americans?"
    When has he ever cracked a joke or attempted a witticism that didn't fall sour and wrong and embarrasing? I mean w/out the teleprompter?
    There is nothing likeable about him. He one of the most charmless people imaginable.
    It's just barely understandable to me (granted, I'm more perceptive than most) that even white people may have thought him likeable and charismatic a year ago. The fact that almost none do now (other than political hacks) tells me the "glow" was totally manufactured, whereas in the case of the some other presidents, including some that did a lot of harm, the charm was real enough. I'd say Kennedy, Carter (I know, I know, personal opinion), Reagan and Clinton fall into the category of genuine charmers. They said when JFK talked to you, you felt as if you were the only person in the world and he was absolutely fascinated by you. I think Clinton had the same effect. Reagan's bonhomie was of a different nature.
    Nobody is going to recall Obama for his charm, warmth,or wit.

  78. I think I know what the problem is.

    What then is the problem?

  79. You should reconsider what you are asking here of feminine women - you wish them not to choose masculine men. You selfishly want to cheat them out of their choice of what is good for them. And with you being an undesirable (you said it). It's like asking us men to go for the ugliest women instead.

    Think about how you come across.
    A masculine man wouldn't be mewling like this. I think I know what the problem is.

    Ugh, I didn't realise Obama was supposed to be masculine. He seems more feminine (SWPL) to me, unless masculinity is synonomous with power, which doesn't make sense in the feminized west.

  80. I said

    > Wait for the flip-flop. We will be reading soon that English perfection is irrelevant to the real world of business. <

    Truth is right on schedule:

    > I really don't have a great deal of time to spend on such childishness <

    And every one of my corrections went over his head.

  81. > Nobody is going to recall Obama for his charm, warmth,or wit. <

    Well, he's GQ-magazine slender. People like their heroes metrosexually trim today. Every fatso in America has at least a sneaking admiration for him. If he weighed 300 pounds, all of us would be reporting to La Clinton. Moral: keep smoking.

  82. "And every one of my corrections went over his head."

    I think "under his feet" would be more accurate.

  83. lucky charms9/14/09, 5:17 PM

    "Well, he's GQ-magazine slender. People like their heroes metrosexually trim today."

    yeah, that's true. Well, perhaps off topic, gay men do rule the runways and what goes down on them (the runways.)
    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  84. I think "under his feet" would be more accurate.

    No, he had it right the first time. It was obvious to everybody who knows one can't pass "to" Bar Exams. Sad thing is you're probably on the right tail of your Bell Curve.


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