September 16, 2009

A question

I have a question. If Obama promises both:

A) to block illegal aliens from benefiting from his 2009 health plan, and

B) to legalize illegal aliens in his 2010 immigration plan that he announced last month in Mexico ...

Then who, exactly, is being disingenuous?

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. This is what I've assumed all along. It seems pretty obvious.

  2. Well somebody has to build all the new hospitals for all the new citizens to get treated in.


  3. This is directly equivalent to, "I'm not opposed to gay marriage... as long as they get married to someone of the opposite sex."

  4. What did anybody expect from Obaba. He is Mr. Phoney himself. The man could not say a straight sentence in his life.I'm wondering when the Dem's are going to start talking about the next amnesty, i.e. after the current 20mio. are legalised. Surely that will draw in even more illegals, since it's now the 2nd time it worked (after Reagen). Mega amnesty in 2020?

  5. Of course it's obvious that Jews would be good at finding the loopholes in the Constitution.

    They've been learning how to do that with their holy book for a couple of thousand years.

  6. The good news: Once legal and illegal immigration ruins the U.S by turning it into an overpopulated sewer, no one will want to immigrate here anymore.

    Problem solved!

  7. Slick Shtick9/17/09, 8:56 PM

    Its really quite simple: once the illegal aliens are legalized, they won't be illegal anymore, and then they can legally participate in the new health plan. Any other questions?

  8. A silver lining in this dark, dark cloud is that all those blacks celebrating the election of "one of their own" (yeah, right) will soon have to wait behind long lines of Mesoamericans at the emergency room desk.

    As Mencken said, the people deserve to get what they want... good and hard.

  9. "Slick Shtick said...

    Its really quite simple: once the illegal aliens are legalized, they won't be illegal anymore, and then they can legally participate in the new health plan. Any other questions?"

    Yes, it seems that is exactly Obama's plan:

  10. Wow, it's like saying, "I didn't break the jar because I renamed it a jug."


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