September 14, 2009

"The Recession's Racial Divide"

From the New York Times, a new entry in the sweepstakes to put a politically correct spin on the emerging facts about the mortgage meltdown
The Recession's Racial Divide

... Despite the sense of white grievance, though, blacks are the ones who are taking the brunt of the recession, with disproportionately high levels of foreclosures and unemployment. And they weren’t doing so well to begin with.

In fact, you could say that for African-Americans the recession is over. It occurred from 2000 to 2007, as black employment decreased by 2.4 percent and incomes declined by 2.9 percent. During those seven years, one-third of black children lived in poverty, and black unemployment — even among college graduates — consistently ran at about twice the level of white unemployment.

So, maybe importing so many millions of foreigners from 2000 to 2007 to "do the jobs [African] Americans weren't willing to do" wasn't such a hot idea after all? Well, don't ask Ms. Ehrenreich about immigration. She evidently has no opinion on the subject, since it doesn't come up in her long spiel.

...Plenty of formerly middle- or working-class whites have followed similar paths to ruin: the layoff or reduced hours, the credit traps and ever-rising debts, the lost home. But one thing distinguishes hard-pressed African-Americans as a group: Thanks to a legacy of a discrimination in both hiring and lending, they’re less likely than whites to be cushioned against the blows by wealthy relatives or well-stocked savings accounts. In 2008, on the cusp of the recession, the typical African-American family had only a dime for every dollar of wealth possessed by the typical white family.

In other words, blacks weren't as good credit-risks on average, even when incomes were the same. So, why, then, four decades of government effort to change the culture of lending in order to get more mortgage dollars into the hands of minorities? Maybe the old culture had a more accurate view of the creditworthiness of blacks than the new government-nurtured culture?

Racial asymmetry was stamped on this recession from the beginning. Wall Street’s reckless infatuation with subprime mortgages led to the global financial crash of 2007, which depleted home values and 401(k)’s across the racial spectrum.

So, maybe Wall Street shouldn't have looked favorably on lending more to minorities? Is that what you are saying?

People of all races got sucked into subprime and adjustable-rate mortgages, but even high-income blacks were almost twice as likely to end up with subprime home-purchase loans as low-income whites — even when they qualified for prime mortgages, even when they offered down payments.

I call this the "thread-the-needle" part of the new conventional wisdom. It's like Ptolemy's complex system of epicycles intended to "save the appearances" of the theory that all planetary orbits were perfect circles. Our era's Ptolemaic theory is that minorities can only be victims of discrimination, not beneficiaries of discrimination, so the only logical solution is that all those blacks who defaulted on their subprime loans were victims of discrimination: see, they should have gotten prime loans!

As Ehrenreich just mentioned, blacks tend to have an order of magnitude less net worth and fewer relatives to help them make payments during a crunch, so why would anybody think that blacks with low incomes would be just as good credit risks as whites with low incomes? As Laderman and Reid of the San Francisco Fed's study of California mortgages showed, even adjusted for income and FICO score, black borrowers went into foreclosure at 3.3X the rate of white borrowers. And the Boston Fed's study of subprime mortgages in Massachusetts showed that black subprime borrowers have consistently had about 2.3X higher default rates even long before the crash.

In reality, people who defaulted on subprime mortgages shouldn't have gotten a mortgage.

Economists are studying this argument that higher interest rates caused delinquency differences among the races and are finding it very dubious. For example, in "Liar's Loan?" Jiang, Aiko Nelson, and Vytlacil report on 700,000 mortgages from one lender:
Our data suggest that loan pricing is an unlikely explanation for the higher delinquency rates observed among black and Hispanic borrowers. Black borrowers exhibit higher delinquency rates relative to white borrowers, even for bank-originated loans for which we find no evidence of unfavorable pricing. The average (median) unpaid balance on loans among black borrowers is $185,000 ($150,000). Thus, the estimated black-white difference in interest rate among roker-originated loans--10-16 basis points-- amounts to an additional monthly payment of $15-$25 (or $13-$20) using the mean (or median) balance. It is unlikely that such a difference could be pivotal in loan delinquency. Moreover, Hispanic borrowers exhibit the highest delinquency rates in our sample among all demographic groups, although there is no evidence that they face unfavorable interest rates in comparison to other groups

Ehrenreich continues:

According to a 2008 report by United for a Fair Economy, a research and advocacy group, from 1998 to 2006 (before the subprime crisis), blacks lost $71 billion to $93 billion in home-value wealth from subprime loans. The researchers called this family net-worth catastrophe the “greatest loss of wealth in recent history for people of color.” And the worst was yet to come.

Funny how our politicians and journalists and bankers didn't learn anything from this earlier, smaller-scale debacle with subprime loans to blacks, nor from the FHA debacle of the late 1960s and early 1970s. It's almost as if political correctness makes you stupid.

In a new documentary film about the subprime crisis, “American Casino,” solid black citizens — a high school social studies teacher, a psychotherapist, a minister — relate how they lost their homes when their monthly mortgage payments exploded. Watching the parts of the film set in Baltimore is a little like watching the TV series “The Wire,” except that the bad guys don’t live in the projects; they hover over computer screens on Wall Street.

While they were being egged on by regulators, politicians, and the press for breaking down racist barriers to homeownership.

It’s not easy to get people to talk about their subprime experiences. There’s the humiliation of having been “played” by distant, mysterious forces. “I don’t feel very good about myself,” says the teacher in “American Casino.” “I kind of feel like a failure.”

Well, when you default on a loan, you are at fault. But, if you are black you can always blame it on "distant, mysterious forces," so your crucial self-esteem won't take a hit.

Even people who know better tend to blame themselves — like Melonie Griffith, a 40-year-old African-American who works with the Boston group City Life/La Vida Urbana helping other people avoid foreclosure and eviction. She criticizes herself for having been “naïve” enough to trust the mortgage lender who, in 2004, told her not to worry about the high monthly payments she was signing on for because the mortgage would be refinanced in “a couple of months.” The lender then disappeared, leaving Ms. Griffith in foreclosure, with “nowhere for my kids and me to go.” Only when she went public with her story did she find that she wasn’t the only one. “There is a consistent pattern here,” she told us.


But, pattern recognition is racist, so Americans aren't very good at it these days.

Mortgage lenders like Countrywide and Wells Fargo sought out minority homebuyers for the heartbreakingly simple reason that, for decades, blacks had been denied mortgages on racial grounds, and were thus a ready-made market for the gonzo mortgage products of the mid-’00s. Banks replaced the old racist practice of redlining with “reverse redlining” — intensive marketing aimed at black neighborhoods in the name of extending home ownership to the historically excluded. Countrywide, which prided itself on being a dream factory for previously disadvantaged homebuyers, rolled out commercials showing canny black women talking their husbands into signing mortgages.

Damned if you don't and damned if you do.

... Joel Osteen, the white megachurch pastor who draws 40,000 worshippers each Sunday, about two-thirds of them black and Latino, likes to relate how he himself succumbed to God’s urgings — conveyed by his wife — to upgrade to a larger house. According to Jonathan Walton, a religion professor at the University of California at Riverside, pastors like Mr. Osteen reassured people about subprime mortgages by getting them to believe that “God caused the bank to ignore my credit score and bless me with my first house.” If African-Americans made any collective mistake in the mid-’00s, it was to embrace white culture too enthusiastically, and substitute the individual wish-fulfillment promoted by Norman Vincent Peale for the collective-action message of Martin Luther King.

No comment.

So despite the right-wing perception of black power grabs, this recession is on track to leave blacks even more economically disadvantaged than they were. Does a black president who is inclined toward bipartisanship dare address this destruction of the black middle class? Probably not.

Does anybody dare address the question of how we got into this mess?

In summary, the government and the media worked for 40 years to change the business culture to demonize anyone holding perceptions that minorities tend to be worse credit risks. They succeeded on a vast scale. The debauching of credit standards for everybody, and the creation of a false sense of confidence, which has been promoted by all right-thinking people in the name of minority homeownership, led to a mortgage meltdown which set off a huge recession.

And we still aren't supposed to talk about it.


  1. "The debauching of credit standards for everybody...led to a mortgage meltdown that set off a recesion."

    This reasoning is incomplete without including the relaxing of financial regulations that allowed banks to mega-leverage those mortgages and sell them based on self-interested assurances from credit agencies.

  2. Here's Barbara Ehrenreich's son on immigration: "The Guerrilla War Against Cheap Lettuce."

  3. OK so if it was discrimination that caused so many blacks to lose their homes, then what was the reasoning for whites and Asians who defaulted?

    According to Ms. Ehrenreich, discrimination, from "mysterious forces", is to blame for failure of individuals to pay their loans. Apparently, it isn't lower conscientiousness, lower future-time orientation, or lower financial discretion (hmm wonder if blacks are worse at these?).

    So if discrimination is the primary reason and the above qualities have little determining power in who will and won't default, then why do some whites/Asians default?

    By giving this absurd argument, Ehrenreich has no answer to that question. She would probably say that ONLY the black/white DISPARITY is explained by discrimination. But then how does she explain the white/Asian gap after, presumably, controlling for recent immigrants? Are the lenders racist against whites?

  4. "Thanks to a legacy of a discrimination in both hiring and lending, they’re less likely than whites to be cushioned against the blows by wealthy relatives or well-stocked savings accounts."

    OK, maybe it's because I'm fed up with this week of Blacks Behaving Badly (all those ACORN employees, Kanye West, Serena Williams, even Michael Jordan to a certain extent), but it is really time for people to stop promoting an attitudinal grievance culture among that subgroup. I am beyond tired of reading about some black engaging in uncivilized/immoral/aggressive behavior, going to the comments section of the newspaper, and reading black after black screaming at whites about how they're racist. Kanye West is a dick to a 19 year old white girl, ruining what probably would have been one of the happiest days of her life? White racism to criticize him. Serena acts like a raging bitch? White racism. Black thugs torture, rape, and murder a young white couple in Knoxville? White racism. Black attitudes and a bad economic crisis are not a good mix. People can more easily brush this sort of thing off when they have a lot to lose, less so when they don't have a job or are afraid they won't.

  5. Reverse-redlining? Is the left so desparate that they're claiming that the only worse than not lending to black people is lending to black people?

    A new catch phrase for reverse-redlining and its ilk: the hard bigotry of high expectations.

    She criticizes herself for having been “naïve” enough to trust the mortgage lender who, in 2004, told her not to worry about the high monthly payments she was signing on for because the mortgage would be refinanced in “a couple of months.” The lender then disappeared, leaving Ms. Griffith in foreclosure

    Couple of things here. The mortgage lender was a black. How do we know? Had she been white, Ms. Ehrenreich would have said so. Second, I'm starting to agree with Lucius that the majority of blacks are not smart enough to apply simple math to everyday life without specific instruction.

    To eliminate the disparate impact of lending standards, indeed standards in general, we need a new government agency. I propose calling it the No, Dumbass Agency" Whenever someone on the dumbass list tries to do something dumb, a friendly official from the NDA will say "No, Dumbass." Problem solved!

    Sailer has mentioned that anti-usury laws were seen as anti-Semitic. They were also paternalistic. The old WASP* elite, whatever their flaws, had some noblesse oblige. But paternalism seemed kinda racist, so it got scrapped. Like Sailer said, the '60's cultural revolution screwed the stupid.

    Not testing99's code for Jews, I mean actual WASPs.

  6. One of the few salutary side-effects of this recession is that it is stripping away a lot of the nonsense.

    If it lasts long enough and is deep enough, commonsense may even reach the people at the NY Times.

  7. Why "no comment?" Didn't they just write that blacks' problem was choosing the notion of individual accomplishment over racial socialism?

    Do you suppose Barbara Ehrenreich could nominate a fitter representative of "white culture" than herself? Why shouldn't blacks assimilate to her culture? She doesn't want to share! She's a racist!

  8. EHRENREICH & MUHAMMAD: In fact, you could say that for African-Americans the recession is over. It occurred from 2000 to 2007, as black employment decreased by 2.4 percent and incomes declined by 2.9 percent.

    The Inequality Taboo
    by Charles Murray
    September 2005
    Footnote #44

    ...Consider the results for the women of the 1979 NLSY cohort, whose childbearing years are effectively over (they ranged in age from thirty-eight to forty-five when these numbers were collected). Using a nationally representative subsample for the analysis, one finds that the mean AFQT score of the black women was 85.7. Sixty percent of the children born to this cohort were born to women with AFQT scores below that average. Another 33 percent were born to women with scores from 85.7 to 100. Only 7 percent were born to women with IQs of 100 and over.

    Did the children do better? A total of 716 of them were tested with a highly g-loaded verbal test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (revised). The mean of the subset of mothers whose children were tested was 83.7. The mean of their children was 80.2. The mothers and children were tested with different instruments, so it should not be concluded that the black mean actually went down in the new generation. But these data certainly give no reason to think it went up....

    Of U.S. Children Under 5, Nearly Half Are Minorities
    By D'Vera Cohn and Tara Bahrampour
    Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    Whites will be minority group by 2042, Census predicts
    Kat Glass
    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    ...Non-Hispanic whites will drop below 50 percent of the population as early as 2042, according to U.S. Census Bureau projections to be released Thursday. That's about 10 years earlier than demographers previously had predicted, said Grayson Vincent, a demographer for the Census Bureau...

    The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Households to the U.S. Taxpayer
    by Robert Rector, Christine Kim and Shanea Watkins, Ph.D.
    April 4, 2007

    ...the average low-skill household had a fiscal deficit of $22,449 (expenditures of $32,138 minus $9,689 in taxes)...

  9. Steve, you are the essential laugh track to the Age of Obama. Without your blog I'd probably go nutty.

  10. This is Ehrenreich's shtick. She wants us all to believe that we are just one pay check away from never working again. And it's always due to evil Republican Corporations (which curiously seem to have board of directors supporting Democrats), not due to wage and job competition from the 80 million immigrants living in this country. She is a fool.

  11. If you have a 100 whites, 100 blacks, 100 Asians, 100 others, all who are equally credit unworthy, what is the likelihood of each group being willing to accept ridiculous credit terms just because they can?

    Basically if a WHAM and a NAM have the same equally crappy credit worthiness, are they equally willing to go into debt?

  12. Steve, just wanted to tip you to this interesting post about the whole Chicago politics clusterf*ck brewing over the recent (apparent) Chris Kelly suicide: "Will A Routine Death Investigation Destroy The Obama Regime?"

  13. Has President Obama announced any enquiries into the causes of the Global Financial Crisis?

    Of course, they should be run by someone like Richard Feynman, ie extremely intelligent and without a pre-existing conclusions.

  14. Steve,

    Thanks. You actually make the NY Times palatable. The mental gymnastics employed in the article are truly olympic caliber. Isn't this the same woman who wanted to do away with marriage?

  15. My wife and I (and our five kids), first-time home buyers, were offered no-doc loans for amounts we knew we'd have trouble repaying. But we lived in California and needed a large house. So, rather than accept a mortgage we knew we couldn't afford, at terms that didn't quite make sense, we bit the bullet and moved from Southern California to Central Texas, where we received a loan for a large, beautiful home at terms we could afford. If we had bought the homes they were trying to get us into in California (back in the fall of 2006), we'd have royally screwed ourselves. Of course, if we had taken the loans, and if we happened to be black, we could have blamed someone other than ourselves.

  16. ...blacks had been denied mortgages on racial grounds,...

    That's right, the same banks that are now falling all over themselves to make money off (almost completely non-white) illegal immigrants decided they wouldn't try to make money off Blacks just because they were black.

  17. Babs is an old school nut. She's written articles claiming divorce was promoted by big business cause then they can sell 2 x the toasters and another one bitching about breast cancer awareness campaigns being too hokey for her taste.

    She's a beat. Exactly the type of elite Republicans made their living off of rebuking back in the day.

  18. I wish people like Ehrenreich would put their money where their mouths are and just fund all the NAM mortgages themselves or STFU. But of course these types make damn sure they are financially and socially as far as possible away from the subjects they like to fawn over in order to take just another swipe at whitey. This has become such a f. standard repertoire of the MSM that you can clock it with the rising sun.

  19. Matt G: No... the woman who called for the end of marriage (assuming we're thinking of the same one; they're numerous) was Sandra Tsing Loh...

    One of Barbara Ehrenreich's most famous pieces was "Nickeled and Dimed", in which she chronicles her experiences in blue-collar jobs.

  20. I'm a little disturbed by how Ehrenreich portrays even college-educated blacks as too stupid to do something simple -- like buy a house -- without screwing it up. Her assumptions almost seem ... racist.

  21. "It's almost as if political correctness makes you stupid."

    "As if?"

  22. "Of course, they should be run by someone like Richard Feynman, ie extremely intelligent and without a pre-existing conclusions."

    Interesting, but I don't know if there is a Feynman of finance or economics. Who in those fields comes without pre-existing conclusions?

  23. Recessions are caused by the inventory cycle, depressions by bad debt followed by a collapse of credit. This economic mess smells of depression to me. The minority mortgage meltdown is an incident in the collapse but by no means the only factor. Bad debt has been accumulating for years in every sector of our society (government, corporate, personal).

  24. Of U.S. Children Under 5, Nearly Half Are Minorities

    A little peek into your future and your children's future and your grandchildren's future:

    Tape shows beating on bus of Belleville West student
    By Leah Thorsen

    Drudge is [rather courageously] fronting the story right now.

  25. you know really taking a no doc loan during the housing bubble was perfectly rational if your poor.

    you make 20K a year if the bubble continues you can make between 100-200 k in equity on a cali house if the 30-40% gains continued.

    If you lose... guess what? It's mostly the lenders problem. Once the lender repos the house they have no further claim on you regardless of the value of the house.

    Moving expenses suck of course. But you could buy yourself a highly leveraged call option on housing during the boom for free regardless of your financial position. And if you lose someone else pays. What gambler wouldn't take that bet?

  26. Another way we could make lending equal would be to require transparent prudent lending standards for everyone (20% down, good fico scores, good work history)and then make a public commitment to bring blacks up to the standard rather than what we are doing now which is the other way around. The problem with this approach is that blacks don't form families, save money, pay their bills on time, etc. Furthermore, they are not going to. The path to success is clear.

  27. Ehrenreich signed a letter along with other feminists, radicals, and educators calling for the US DOJ to recognize polygamy, polyamory, and gay marriage together. She's often written about redefining marriage as "chaotic, short-term, passionate relationships" where women experience "torrid romance" and other people "take care of children in an amorphous, free-floating structure."

    In other words, Ghetto culture of single motherhood, or the poverty generator.
    Ehrenreich's piece is part of a coordinated campaign to use federal and state money (such as there is of the latter) to spend almost entirely on Black patronage organizations, such as ACORN, PUSH, the Urban League, etc. The idea being to guilt SWPL Yuppie elites into making the spending decisions, while ordinary Whites get a huge crush o their incomes in a dual-pincer movement.

    The first, declining jobs, wages, and economic stability. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 216,000 job losses in Aug 2009, with male unemployment around 10.1, significantly higher than men, threatening to make women for the first time, the majority workforce. State and Local officials fired about 86,000 men in the government workforce (most of them road crews) but added 167,000 women to the payrolls.

    Meanwhile White wage earners face punitive cap and trade taxes, ObamaCare taxes, and the like (as do, Blacks and Hispanics and Women). But without preferential hiring by government.

    If all politics is spoils politics, the current battle over spending priorities and patronage is likely to be huge. Can Ehrenreich and disconnected elites push through spending on Blacks, Hispanics, and Women? Probably. But the counter-reaction from people who cannot "move out of America" is going to make the Tea Parties and Town Hall protests look like a Sunday picnic. That stuff worked in Chicago because middle class Whites could flee it. No one can flee America, there is nowhere else to go.

  28. " make a public commitment to bring blacks up to the standard "

    If you haven't noticed, the country has been trying to raise up blacks for more than 40 years now. With little or no success.

    How exactly would you get blacks to start acting responsibly? Just about anything you can think of has been tried already.

  29. Ehrenreich is very much in favor of making the State the primary father figure / provider for women. She constantly pisses and moans in favor of progressive income taxes with full knowledge that they disproportionately land on men. She likes to couch her arguements as a pseudo-populist when really what she is is a radical feminist. She supports free health insurance, higher social security benefits and better welfare and unemployment benefits once again with the understanding that women will benefit more.

  30. let me outta here9/15/09, 5:24 PM

    "(all those ACORN employees, Kanye West, Serena Williams, even Michael Jordan to a certain extent),"

    Kids stuff. I'm more freaked by the blacks who text while driving metro trains and crash them (they claim the woman who crashed the train was not texting and used the brake, but I'm not convinced, having ridden these trains for decades),2933,530677,00.html, killing good citizens; and blacks in the air control field who joke on the phone about barbecuing cats allowing a helicopter to collide with a plane and killing many people And I haven't even gotten to the kitten-burner and the dog-fighter "sportsman", and the and all those Obama people. And the crime, perfectly-good-neighborhood-until it became more than 15% black, destroying crime that "they" never allow to be discussed in public discourse.

    These are real and these are metaphors. Yeah, whites do this stuff. But no where near as much, no where near.

  31. Barbara Ehrenreich said:
    Racial asymmetry was stamped on this recession from the beginning. Wall Street’s reckless infatuation with subprime mortgages led to the global financial crash of 2007, which depleted home values and 401(k)’s across the racial spectrum.

    Our Barbara Ehrenreich and Zimbabwe's Arikana Chihombori have a great deal in common in their efforts to shakedown one end of the racial spectrum to financially benefit another.

    In distant Zimbabwe, as Abigail Mphisa describes , the mechanism of racial asymmetry deepens the peoples economic and political woes. But its not the asymmetry of one group having a more distant time horizon, greater mathematical aptitude, or better negotiation skills than another, but the perception that a tiny persecuted group can mysteriously sabotage a much larger group.

    In Zimbabwe thousands of black farmers are failing due to fewer than 400 remaining white farmers paying higher wages than black farmers can afford. Arikana Chihombori "is incensed that white farmers are paying higher wages than those paid by black farmers, arguing they are only doing so in order to ensure that the black farmers fail." Besides the audacity of paying higher wages, white farmers also provide protective clothing and work clothes to their black workers. Workers on black farms work barefoot and wear tattered and torn overalls. When Zimbabwe elite are asked to comment why black workers are treated so badly by black farmers, they simply shrug their shoulders and comment “That is the African way”.

    The lovely Ms Mphisa of the Zimbabwe Times puts it succinctly, "I know that as a nation one of our favorite pass times is looking for excuses for our failure. We tend to be very fond of bringing into the mix racial issues as a very quick and often effective way of neutralizing criticism. We either fail because of the effects of colonialism, sanctions, the drought or outright sabotage by the West – never because we are just incompetent."

  32. Without bothering to google, the question is whether Ehrenreich is hot or not. If she wants polygamy and hot romance, and other's have to look after the kids, she has to at least bring looks to the plate. Otherwise, why should anyone bother, right?

  33. Ive been checking Barbara Ehrenreich's pictures.

    No, she wont be giving Scarlett Johansson any competition. Probably not even Susan Boyle, and at least Susan can sing.

    (Maybe when she was much younger but I suspect not.)

  34. Without bothering to google, the question is whether Ehrenreich is hot or not.

    Epic Fail.

    Compare Rush Limbaugh's Undeniable Truths of Life #24.

  35. But in his Footnote #44, Murray indicates that only 7% of all American blacks are born to mothers with IQs of 100 or higher [and gives some disturbing evidence that the 7% figure is probably declining over time]

    A little off topic maybe, but in reading about Chuck Bednarik and the pre-platooning era in football, I got to looking at Jim Thorpe's Wikipedia page, and I followed it over to the Wikipedia page for Carlisle Indian Industrial School [wondering to myself, "Who was Carlisle, and why were they playing Harvard in football?"], where I noticed this:

    Richard Pratt had served in the Civil War. After the war, Lt. Pratt led the 10th Cavalry Regiment, who became known as Buffalo Soldiers, in the southern plains of the United States. One of Pratt's jobs was to command Native Americans who were enlisted scouts for the 10th Cavalry...

    Pratt believed a model similar to Hampton Institute would be useful for educating Indians, and worked to gain support for that purpose. The "industrial school", which included trade and farm skills, was seen as more practical for mass education than the classical academic college...

    Pratt experienced conflict with government officials over his outspoken views on the need for Native Americans to assimilate. In 1904 he was forced to retire as superintendent of the School...

    By the time the "noble experiment" at Carlisle ended, nearly 12,000 children had been through the school. Students came from 140 tribes from all over the United States. Less than 8% graduated, while well over twice that percentage ran away...

    And I thought that the similarity between Murray's figure of 7% and Carlisle's figure of 8% was rather striking.

    I have long thought that American Blacks and American Aboriginal peoples have remarkably similar IQs, with means no higher than about 80, and with standard deviations such that at most only high single digits' worth of them have IQs at or above 100.

    The similarities in their modern high school graduation rates are certainly remarkably similar [and that's with a watered-down curriculum which generally doesn't even require basic literacy for graduation, and which probably couldn't hold a candle to the standards that Pratt was trying to enforce at Carlisle]:

    How Minority Youth are Being Left
    Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis

    Orfield, Losen, Wald, Swanson, et al
    Revised: March 11, 2004

    Page 2, National Graduation Rates By Race and Gender

    Hispanic Total: 53.2
    Black Total: 50.2

    Hispanic Female: 58.5
    Black Female: 56.2

    Hispanic Male: 48
    Black Male: 42.8

  36. this minority mortgage meltdown, as you call it, is all the outcome of the propaganda push started by elite-funded nonprofits such as the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations decades ago. Racial integration, multiculturalism, integration of racial, cultural and foreigners into the American mainstream HELPS Capital and HURTS Labor. Divide et impera, as Madison wrote in a letter to Jefferson, is the way that the aristocrats can rule america.

    What is a good way to divide a nation, a city, a workplace? Increase the number of factions in that nation, city or workplace. Bring in women, blacks, mexicans, etc. The more factions, the less unity among the electorate, among the workers.

    The less unity, the less organized the voters are, the less they are able control their own govt. This is the fundamental principal of the American federalism as outlined by Madison in the Federalist papers and the constitutional convention (see Dr Woody Holton's writings and Dr Jerry Fresia's writings).

    The same principle applies to the workplace. The less unity, the lower wages will be over time.

    The civil rights movement was the beginning of the effects of this elite funded propaganda which actually began in the elite univeristies and think tanks and foundations (see Dr Joan Roelofs book THE MASK OF PLURALISM).

    Now, decades later, it has snowballed, cargo cult style, and is now a fundamental plank of our culture. Just as the elite "elected" a new people via immigration and the privatizing of the immigration debate, they have also built a new culture by molding the minds of the young, starting at the elite univerities decades ago.

    That racial/cultural integration/multiculturalist culture, started in order to disunify voters and labor, led to the minority mortgage movement and many other changes in the american infrastructure.

    It was really all about Capital controlling Labor. This is the age-old story of america. America literally began as a place to create cheap labor by exploiting the poor of the British Isles (see Goad's REDNECK MANIFESTO).


  37. We are into this mess because finance lobbyists worked to get their regulation loosened in order to push rotten loans on people who didn't bother to do enough research. Bank managers and finance salesmen made a killing while everyday people (both black and white)were screwed over by these distant forces on wall street.

  38. "I'm more freaked by the blacks who text while driving metro trains and crash them (they claim the woman who crashed the train was not texting and used the brake, but I'm not convinced,"

    Well of course you aren't Sport, that's how your kind operates. You are "when the official findings agree with your viewpoint" and "not convinced" when they don't.

    "Compare Rush Limbaugh's Undeniable Truths of Life #24."

    Maureen Down and Naomi Wolf are feminists.

    "Students came from 140 tribes from all over the United States. Less than 8% graduated, while well over twice that percentage ran away..."

    You mean student who's parents couldn't speak English, justifiably held deep hatred for the power structure that established the school, and had never learned addition and subtraction, used running water or electricity or lived in a building with a foundation struggled in school?

    No, you've got to be kidding me!

    "What is a good way to divide a nation, a city, a workplace? Increase the number of factions in that nation, city or workplace. Bring in women..."

    Oh yeah, can't have women in a nation, that causes division LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE.

  39. one more thing: I don't argue with disingenuous nitwits.


  40. -These are real and these are metaphors. Yeah, whites do this stuff. But no where near as much, no where near.-

    Just check out FBI crime stats based on race...

  41. You mean student who's parents couldn't speak English, justifiably held deep hatred for the power structure that established the school, and had never learned addition and subtraction, used running water or electricity or lived in a building with a foundation struggled in school?

    C'mon, Truth - iSteve is HBD central.

    When n = 12,000, the children will be capable of learning addition and subtraction if and only if the parents would have been capable of learning addition and subtraction.

    And my guess would be that those 12,000 were probably heavily weighted towards being the children of chiefs and brigadier chiefs and vice chiefs and rear chiefs - I doubt that very many enlisted braves sent their kids all the way back east, to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, for their edumakashuns.

    Probably the best thing that a school like Carlisle did for the aboriginal peoples was to teach the girls to comport themselves like ladies so that they'd maximize their chances of marrying a paleface [or at least maximize their chances of making a few illegitimate babies with a paleface].

  42. rob said

    > the only [thing] worse than not lending to black people is lending to black people? <

    When you hate a person, nothing he does is right. Nothing. The way it applies in this situation is this: the non-black Power (of whatever ethnicity, including white) is always wrong. If I get my goodies, it corrupted me. If I don't get my goodies, it stole from me. If no goodies are in existence, it abandoned me. It is always wrong.


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