October 7, 2009

Bill Ayers is enjoying this

From The National Journal:
Who actually wrote Dreams From My Father? The book cover says Barack Obama, but one corner of the right-wing blogosphere thinks Obama had a ghostwriter--and that it was Bill Ayers, onetime Weatherman, current academic, perpetual radical. National Journal caught up with Ayers at a recent book festival where he was exhorting a small crowd of listeners to remember that they are citizens, not subjects. "Open your eyes," he said. "Pay attention. Be astonished. Act, and doubt." When he finished speaking, we put the authorship question right to him. For a split second, Ayers was nonplussed. Then an Abbie Hoffmanish, steal-this-book-sort-of-smile lit up his face. He gently took National Journal by the arm. "Here's what I'm going to say. This is my quote. Be sure to write it down: 'Yes, I wrote Dreams From My Father. I ghostwrote the whole thing. I met with the president three or four times, and then I wrote the entire book.'" He released National Journal's arm, and beamed in Marxist triumph. "And now I would like the royalties." --Will Englund

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. I met with the president three or four times

    We know that's a lie, and that he met the future President on a daily basis.

  2. So is he going to be paid off, or will he be wearing cement shoes in Lake Michigan?

  3. Sounds like you need to add a new chapter to your book.

  4. Well, the guy is clever and has a sense of humor, anyway.

    If you're going to be blown up, might as well be by someone puckish.

  5. Anonymous Asperger's Type10/7/09, 2:17 PM

    I'm confused (in an Asperger's sort-of way).

    If he didn't write the book, why would he lie about in such a way?

  6. As long as everyone is having fun with this, someone should get him to autograph their copy of Dreams and send it to Steve.

  7. I'm loving the fact he got picked up godbless..

  8. Whatever the truth about the book (personally I doubt he had much to do with it), the payoff here is that, for whatever reason, Bill Ayers has decided to cause trouble for Obama. This is significant in and of itself. If it had just been the blogger in the airport I might have thought it a spur of the moment thing, but twice looks calculated.

  9. If he didn't write the book, why would he lie about in such a way?

    He ISN'T lying about it.

    He wrote the book, we know that he wrote the book, he knows that we know that he wrote the book, and now he's just telling the world to kiss his lily-white ass.

    Exactly like he said before: "Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird".

    This guy thinks he's invinicible.

    And who knows - within the confines of modern society [or anti-society], maybe he really IS invincible.

  10. This is silly. He is making fun of the people who believe he wrote it. How do you ghostwrite a book and forget to be paid in money or influence? Yet he asks for royalties in each of these encounters.

    He may or may not have written it, but these statements are a put on of the people questioning him. If he wrote it, he had to have agreed never to reveal it. Would you doublecross the President in present day America? There was a time when you could be as nasty to people in power as you wanted to and if you stayed in the letter of the law the government could not do anything to you. I'm reminded of a cartoon where an onerary old coot on the portch of a shack tells the feds "Nope, where's your warrant". Nowdays you know perfectly well the cops would get some druggie they could lock up for a long time to say he bought something at your house and get a nice no-knock warrant executed in the middle of the night along with shooting your dog and a boot in your face.

  11. Anonymous said: "He ISN'T lying about it."

    Ok. That was my take on it, too.

    I just wondered that *if* he hadn't, why would he lie in this way. I thought that, given my Asperger's-ness, I might be missing something that an "NT" might do.

  12. Exactly. "Guilty as Hell, and free as a bird."

    That says everything you need to know about this insufferable dipsh*t.

    Anyway, other than to further confirm what we've known all along (that Barack Obama is an affirmative action cipher of very small accomplishment) what could possibly come from learning conclusively that Ayres ghostwrote Dreams, even if it were trumpeted on the front page of the NY Times?

    Politicians use ghostwriters all the time. Politicians lie all the time. Politicians have shady friends.

    Most Americans will just shrug their shoulders and move on, and Barry O, will still be president, maybe with a small ding in his aura of super-genius intellect.

    Although, at this point, I'd say Barry's doing a fine job de-aura-izing himself without any outside help.

  13. Some people yesterday were questioning whether or not Backyard Conservative was telling the truth the whole truth yadda about meeting Ayers at Starbucks. This strongly tends to indicate that she was.

  14. Makes sense. Dreams is just that - a concocted fantasy consisting of every virtue white liberals heap on blacks. Who else but a white liberal would be interested in furthering that fiction?

  15. Kennedy didn't write Profiles in Courage either, and he got the pulitzer (I think) for that. The Dems don't care about this stuff.

    Though to be fair, you seem excessivly hung up on it Steve. Not writing your own stuff isn't exactly new.

  16. Has anybody asked President Obama if Ayres had anything to do with writing the book? If it is true and Obama denies it it will raise Ayres leverage and if he admits it he's toast. Also, arn't there computers that can figure out who wrote the book? There was a book called Primary Colors that written anymously by Joe Klein that if I am not wrong was outed with a computer.

  17. "Bill Ayers is enjoying this"

    Take it from me and Bill, even sex does not compare with with yanking the chains of stupid people.

  18. Yanking the chains of stupid people must be a rare pleasure for you, Trooty.

  19. Why so serious?

  20. the payoff here is that, for whatever reason, Bill Ayers has decided to cause trouble for Obama. This is significant in and of itself. If it had just been the blogger in the airport I might have thought it a spur of the moment thing, but twice looks calculated.

    My thoughts exactly. I've always thought it likely he ghostwrote it, but either way, there's no way this isn't intended as a poke at the big O.

  21. This is silly. Obviously Ayers is just messing with people dumb enough to believe that a self-indulgent PC hack like Obama couldn't have written a self-indulgent PC autobiography about himself. I'm sure he's getting a real kick out of all the blog comments this is spawning.

  22. general torpor10/9/09, 6:26 AM

    "Obviously Ayers is just messing with people dumb enough to believe that a self-indulgent PC hack like Obama couldn't have written a self-indulgent PC autobiography about himself."

    No. BO could not have written even this dreck. He doesn't have the discipline for it (it does take some, in order to keep the story lines straight), and he didn't have to. Too many others were there at the ready. That's what hackhelpers are fo.
    In any case, he has contradicted his own autobiography so often, it is apparent he doesn't know most of what's in it.

  23. general torpor: he has contradicted his own autobiography so often, it is apparent he doesn't know most of what's in it

    Serious question: Do you have any links for that?

    I'd be very, very interested in documentation of it.


  24. general torpor10/11/09, 3:11 PM

    general torpor: he has contradicted his own autobiography so often, it is apparent he doesn't know most of what's in it

    Serious question: Do you have any links for that?

    I'd be very, very interested in documentation of it.


    Where to begin? How about which hopsital he was born in. How about the claim that he was the victme of racism in Hawaii when testimony of his classmate affirms he was not unpopular and race relations among the Hawaians was laid back. His friends even accused him of making a big deal out of something the other kids were paying no attention to. Link? I read it recently, on a news site with names stated. You could probably google some pertinent keywords. Obama claimed he was the victims of racism in Hawaii when it appears that was not the case. He claimed he experienced no racism among Indonesians when, in fact, Indonesians were more racist towards blacks and didn't hide it, generally. Again--that story was in the mainstream press during the campaign, but like so many stories that don't back up his mythos, it sort of disappeared.
    His claims of being a community acitivist, helping blacks, when he was involved with the criminal organization called Acorn, and buddies with a slum landlady called Valerie Jarrett.
    If you want some painful truths about Obama by a reputable historian, I would check out Webster Griffin Tarpley. He's written a couple books in the past years. Not all of Tarpley's politics are my cup of tea, but his brillians as a political analyst and historican are acknowledged even by mainstream media. I believe his bio of Bush was a best seller.
    Other than a handful of Obama-critical web sites like No Quarter (Hillary supporters, but they don't talk much about her now.); Citizen Wells blog, Obambi. You'll get the picture.


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