October 18, 2009

City of God and Olympics

From the Guardian:
Two weeks after Rio de Janeiro celebrated winning the 2016 Olympic Games, the Brazilian city was tonight bracing itself for a further night of violence after an intense gun battle erupted in one of the city's favelas and a police helicopter was shot down, killing two officers.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. The police can deal with the gangs for a special occasion like the Olympics.

    Another Brazilian film "Tropa De Elite" (Elite Squad) shows how in anticipation of a Papal visit back in the late 1990s (when the Pope had inconveniently chosen to base himself near the city's poor) Rio's crack police squad helpfully killed all the drug dealers in the Favella's neighbouring the Pope's hotel in the weeks leading up to the visit.

    I'm sure they'll do the same in the run up to the Olympics.

  2. Like the Salvation Army, Rio had a friend in Jesus; Chicago could only muster a false messiah.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They were just celebrating diversity.

  5. Speaking of which, "City of God" is a really terrific movie, if not for the squeamish.

  6. Thus it's going to be the most fun Olympics to watch - ever.

  7. Steve, you ignorant racist! Spouting bigoted hatefacts like these is the only true cause of violence.

  8. Speaking of which, "City of God" is a really terrific movie, if not for the squeamish.

    Have you ever seen Apocalypto?

    I stumbled upon it late one night as I was lying on the couch, flipping through the channels, and I couldn't believe what I was watching.

    Only afterwards did I come to learn that Mel Gibson had financed it.

  9. Riots, gun battles, downed choppers, bullet-riddled cops--we're talking ratings gold. All they have to do is change the name from "the Olympics" to "Deathrace 2016."

    First prize is a gold medal, and second prize is a silver medal. Third prize is you're immolated.

  10. Santos promised that things would improve before the Olympics. "We have a lot of time before the World Cup and the Olympics, and before then we will certainly arrest a lot of criminals," he said.

    Not going to be easy if the gangs really do have modern weaponry and decide to fight their own little guerilla war.

    On a similar subject, WC 2010 is less than a year from now. Does SA police have time to arrest "a lot of criminals"?

  11. @ rast:

    Can you expand on that? What exactly is hate facts about Steve's site?

    Or is this just a clever HBDer mocking the liberal creationist trolls?

  12. OneSTDV: No one says "hate fact" seriously. It was a word invented by someone on VDare (iirc) to point out what most "hate speech" really is.

  13. "Or is this just a clever HBDer mocking the liberal creationist trolls?"

    -So Louis, what is Jazz?

    -If you have to ask, you'll never know.

  14. The winter Olympics in Vancouver is just a few months away. No police helicopters are being shot down in Vancouver, but a rusty freighter with 76 uninvited men from Sri Lanka just showed up in the waters off Victoria. They were escorted into harbour and given a bus ride to an undisclosed place in Vancouver. No doubt they will soon all be given free lawyers to argue their refugee claims, and let free in the community on their own recognizance, whereupon most of them will just disappear.

    They should have never let them make landfall. They should have given them fresh food and water and escorted them out of Canadian waters. See--I've turned into a conservative redneck. I swear to God I'd vote for Harper in the next election if he would chase that boat away from our shores and send it packing (and I have never voted Conservative in my life).

  15. "On a similar subject, WC 2010 is less than a year from now. Does SA police have time to arrest "a lot of criminals"?"

    It really blows my mind that the next World Cup will be held in S. Africa. It's a month-long event usually involving a dozen or so stadiums, thousands of support personnel and 32 national teams. All of these people will have to be put up in hotels and moved to venues safely and on time. The host nation gets a free spot in the tournament. The S. African team will almost certainly lose all of its first round games. How will the home fans react?

    Normally many thousands of foreign fans travel to the country hosting the World Cup to see the matches. Obviously, fewer will show up this time. Does that mean that most of the people in the seats will be locals? Soccer fans are a rowdy lot even in tame, disciplined societies. And who will be providing security at the stadiums? Are these stadiums structurally sound? There have been high-profile collapses in shoddy stadiums triggered by large crowds in the past.

    Conclusion: we'll be hearing a lot about the long-term effects of apartheid next summer.

  16. Rast is joking. Hatefact is (at the moment anyway) used only ironically by our guys.

  17. Ain't it great that Chicago lost out?!

  18. On a similar subject, WC 2010 is less than a year from now. Does SA police have time to arrest "a lot of criminals"?

    Oh yeah, easy. The real trouble is that then you have to arrest all the crooked cops.

  19. As a Brazilian, let me second Ross and recommend "Tropa de Elite" (Elite Squad), especially if you saw "City of God".

  20. helicopter down! brazilians are breaking out the heavy artillery, district 9 style.

  21. a rusty freighter with 76 uninvited men from Sri Lanka just showed up in the waters off Victoria. They were escorted into harbour and given a bus ride to an undisclosed place in Vancouver.

    Tamils launch a nasty civil war. Sri Lankan government defeats them. Now Tamils flee, proclaiming persecution and potential genocide.

    Hmmm, and anyone wonders why we should give a shit?

    These "refugee" Tamils took a freighter all the way from Sri Lanka to British Columbia. What's that, about 10,000 miles or so, at least?

    There's a nation not far from Sri Lanka. It's all of about 20 miles away, off Sri Lanka's northern coast. It is home to over 60 million Tamils and even has a state called Tamil Nadu. It could easily absorb the 2-3 million Tamils who are allegedly being threatened with genocide (thanks only to a war that they started).

    And we're supposed to take these "refugees" seriously?

  22. Interesting that people are comparing the Rio Olympiad and the South African World Cup. The comparison really doesn't hold.
    Rio is beset by criminals opposed by a state that seeks to retain its monopoly on force. SA is beset by criminals aided by a willfully incompetent, anti-white regime that uses crime ala Sam Francis's "anarcho-tyranny model to cow a white minority into an ever more supine mass of tax slaves. The practical difference will be that Rio will make a robust and probably successful effort to ensure a safe and enjoyable Olympics in 2016 and South Africa will do nothing and brand any account of rampant crime against WC2010 fans as demonstrable racism.

  23. Interesting that people are comparing the Rio Olympiad and the South African World Cup. The comparison really doesn't hold.

    I don't think anyone here really thinks that the 2016 Olympics will be anything near as disastrous as WC2010 will be. We're all just looking at Rio as a model for what future Olympics in the US will be like.

  24. South Africa has already staged both cricket and rugby World Cups without major bloodletting so I'm sure they'll pull this one off too. In fact, with full police and army mobilisation for the duration of the event, and the two weeks before and after, even your average citizen will feel safer walking the streets.

  25. Forget golf. How 'bout:

    Dodging bullets

    Leaping over dead bodies

    Payola races

    Bomb put


    Beat downing

    Police brutality triathon and decathalon


  26. Have you ever seen Apocalypto?

    You must be new here. I'll bet half of Steve's regular readership saw it on the opening night!

  27. Riots, gun battles, downed choppers, bullet-riddled cops--we're talking ratings gold. All they have to do is change the name from "the Olympics" to "Deathrace 2016."

    That was LOL funny, but I think The Running Man is still a better choice. Okay, The Running Person.


  28. I swear to God I'd vote for Harper in the next election if he would chase that boat away from our shores and send it packing (and I have never voted Conservative in my life).

    Yup, immigration seems like the most popular issue with the voters.

    So, which party is going to "reach out" to the 80% of voters opposed to irrational immigration policy?

  29. " Kreskin said...
    South Africa has already staged both cricket and rugby World Cups without major bloodletting so I'm sure they'll pull this one off too. "

    Rugby and Cricket are not as popular among the black majority and the events were ignored by them. Rugby and Cricket are White man's sport (Cricket may have many Indian fans) in South Africa. Football is the sport of the black majority.

  30. Rugby and Cricket are not as popular among the black majority and the events were ignored by them.

    I was talking about the general crime problem for tourists not a bunch of marauding Zulus upset about an offside decision.


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