October 10, 2009

Obama wins two Grammies


Barack Obama won Grammy Awards in 2006 and 2008.

Here's the list of Best Spoken Word Album Grammy winners for this decade from Wikipedia. See if you can notice a couple of patterns about who wins:
Evidently, you win this Grammy either for being a Democratic politician or for being black, so Obama, as is only right and fitting, has won two. He's like a Venn diagram of SWPL affectations.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve Johnson10/10/09, 9:36 PM

    Can't forget his daytime emmy:


  2. The Nobel Prize for Literature is not limited to fiction. People assume that it is, but it's not. Theodor Mommsen got it for his historical writings. So you know what that means, right? Another one is coming.

    It's not inconceivable that "Dreams" will be made into a movie one of these days. They've just made a hagiographic biopic about Lula in Brazil. Barry could get an Oscar through a screenwriting credit or even by way of a cameo as an older self. If Al freaking Gore got an Oscar, this one is almost guaranteed. Gore is so much less important in that pantheon than Obama that it's not even funny.

    No matter what he does, Barry will probably never beat this guy though.

    Months of the year and whole towns named after him during his lifetime, his face on the currency, a golden statue that turned mechanically to always face the sun - I'm guessing that none of that is in the cards.

  3. Give it a rest Steve.

    You've questioned Obama's black identity for the past two years. The only reason you label him black now is to make a statement about the absurdity of giving the NPP to a "black" man you percieve to be unqualified.

    While he hasn't accomplished as much as the other candidates in terms of peacekeeping, you have no solid proof that his racial background was a factor in the decision. Besides, whether you agree with his proposed policies or not, Obammer is somewhat knowledgeable on foreign affairs and is more diplomatic in his approach than any U.S. president in recent memory.

    It's not like he won the prize for Physics.

  4. a golden statue that turned mechanically to always face the sun

    Straightaway that summoned up an image of the statue frantically and randomly spinning left & right all night trying to find the sun, perhaps with an angry, perplexed expression on its face. It made me smile anyway.

  5. Unbelievable.

    I thought you were just horsing around with this post, but it's true.

  6. In fairness to Quincy Jones, he is a major figure in the music industry, besides having dark skin. As a good businessman, he has capitalized on the sociopolitical fetishization of blackness, but he doesn't strike me as essentially an AA phenomenon.

  7. Right, Quincy Jones's autobiography was probably actually listened to by some Grammy voters, rather than just picked off a list.

  8. So he had two Milli Vanilli moments even before he won the Nobel.

  9. @Anonymous
    "Obammer is somewhat knowledgeable on foreign affairs and is more diplomatic in his approach than any U.S. president in recent memory."

    I guess it depends on what you mean by recent. If you're less than 12 y.o, I'll give you that.
    But there was a guy, Ronald something, president in the 80s who managed to stave off history's only genuine threat to America and western Europe by negotiations and peace talks, rather than wars.
    He seemed to know a thing or two. Unfortunately, he was neither a Democrat, nor black, so was ineligible for all lefty awards.

    ps - the Grammys are the most risible of all major artistic awards, with the possible exception of the Turner Prize.

  10. "is more diplomatic in his approach than any U.S. president in recent memory."

    Totally brosef those are the most diplomatic Predator strikes on random Pakistani villages I've ever seen.

    And who could forget the most diplomatic hysteric vilification campaign against Iran to drag the US into another war.

    I also have no doubt Obama will be sending only the most diplomatic of 40,000 new soldiers to Afghanistan (if we don't want to lose there. Withdrawing? Not diplomatic man, not diplomatic.)

  11. Ronald Howard10/11/09, 3:30 AM


    I thought you were just horsing around with this post, but it's true.

    Hence the expression, beyond parody.

  12. "But there was a guy, Ronald something, president in the 80s who managed to stave off history's only genuine threat to America and western Europe by negotiations and peace talks, rather than wars."

    I think the guy you're referring to was Donald Reagan :)

    I'll concede that he was successful in preventing America and Western Europe from being harmed. But in the process of 'protecting'us from communism, he started wars in Latin America, Afghanistan etc. Although these weren't large-scale wars I would hardly call this approach diplomatic. None of the communist regimes in those country's posed a significant threat to the U.S.

    Nonetheless, his foreign policy was more efficient, IMO, than either of the Bush's and even Clinton. His ability to avoid international conflict allowed his administration to concentrate on fighting his domestic wars, against drugs and labor.

  13. Did nukes in Cuba pose a threat to the US?

    So then why should we have let the Soviets take over more countries in our immediate vicinity?

    I have no doubt you Chomsky bots would cry foul if the US had drop shipped crates of M16s to Poland.

  14. I have listened to Quincy Jones' autobiography and it is amazing. I highly recommend it. Also, Bill Clinton's "My Life" is great just to hear the charisma ooze out of your stereo.

  15. He's like a Venn diagram of SWPL affectations.

    That's the first LOL I've had from isteve in a long time.

  16. "But there was a guy, Ronald something, president in the 80s who managed to stave off history's only genuine threat to America and western Europe by negotiations and peace talks, rather than wars."

    And you really believe this?

  17. the grammy awards have become irrelevant, like the academy awards, so it's not that big of a deal.

    i mean, they awarded the 2008 prize for album of the year to herbie hancock. that was utterly ludicrous and goes far beyond SWPL. not only did literally almost nobody on earth hear that album, almost nobody on earth even knew it existed.

    that was probably even worse than the dark knight not getting an academy award nomination for best film. well, maybe not, since american music has gone way downhill, while film continues to improve at steady pace. a SWPL takeover of the grammy process is less insulting, since there is now a lot less good music for them to deliberately ignore than good film.

  18. Anonymous:

    You've questioned Obama's black identity for the past two years. The only reason you label him black now is to make a statement about the absurdity of giving the NPP to a "black" man you percieve to be unqualified.

    False premise. "We now have a black President and black Attorney General vowing to use the power of the Department of Justice to advance black interests."

    To understand why people do certain things, you often have to adopt their perspectives. To most of the world (including the man himself and likely the Nobel committee), Obama is a black man.

    somewhat knowledgeable on foreign affairs and is more diplomatic in his approach ...

    You get an A for effort. Keep it coming.

  19. Obama's prescription for America, as "just another country" with no special role or powers, is total SWPL and ironically, believed by Paleos who want America to be akin to Finland or other small nations at the beck and call of larger and more powerful neighbors.

    Obama, far from doing anything about Iran cannot wait to hug Nutjob and "celebrate" his nukes -- while canceling Missile Defense bases, airborne measures, naval systems, and more. Obama, far from actually pushing a military defeat of the Taliban and AQ in Afghanistan, cannot wait to run away, handing AQ a tremendous victory, and inevitable control over both nuclear Pakistan and Afghanistan, safe havens for attack planning. Obama, far from beefing up the CIA's ability to detect and quash plots, is conducting a jihad against the CIA, to the point where Seven Former CIA Directors have sent Obama a letter begging him to stop, arguing it endangers national security. This from those who served under Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, Bush I, and Bush II.

    In both cases the same delusion happens -- SWPL and Paleos believe that the US has no real enemies just friends it has not hugged enough, and no real damage can be done to the US through surprise attacks.

    Obama would never have won his Grammys had he been a US Marine vet who make spoken-word recordings about experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. Too much uncomfortable reality -- that globalization and nuclear proliferation gives tribal rabbles the ability to kill US cities, let alone knock down US skyscrapers with impunity.

  20. "But in the process of 'protecting'us from communism, he started wars in Latin America, Afghanistan etc. Although these weren't large-scale wars I would hardly call this approach diplomatic."

    Reagan didn't start those wars, he just helped out the anti-Soviet sides in those wars. And the whole point of fighting those small proxy wars was that they obviated the need for large-scale wars. Would it have been better to cede all that ground to the Soviets and risk a ground war between us and them? Of course not. Better to grind it out at the margins, via proxies.

    We have been taking the opposite tack recently: fighting costly, large-scale wars against small time enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Reagan approach of arming and training local proxies would make a lot more sense here.

  21. You know it would be wild if Steve Sailer than acknowledge to being Barack Obama's older white half brother. With Obama now having two grammies, a nobel peace prize, the Havard Law Review, the U.S. Presidency, and a daytime emmy, it would not be mind blowing to find out that Sailer and Obama are half brothers.

    I know it is not possible, but come on, it whould fit nicely with all the craziness that has happened recently. It would explain Steve's Obama fetish as being sibling rivalery than a secret gay crush. Even though, secret gay crush seems to be more likely the reason why Steve hates Obama.

    In truth, all of the Steveosphere likely has a secret gay crush on Obama. The reason being is that most of the Steveonauts are single white men who have lots of cats, and love the "Lord of The Rings" trilogy, which are all common traits of gay nerds. Also they are usually obessed with grammer and spelling, which is the most noticiable trait of a gay nerd. Secret gay nerd lust for Obama is the reason that most Steveonauts hate Obama.

    O'yes, Steveonaut is the term that I use for HBD bloggers.

  22. Ronald Howard,

    Hence the expression, beyond parody.

    Straight from the horse's mouth.

  23. So the producers are getting their own credit - so does that mean Obama and Bill Clinton self-produced these efforts? If so, it means they received the lion's share of any royalties these efforts generated - and I doubt the Grammies hurt these recordings' profits.

  24. But there was a guy, Ronald something, president in the 80s who managed to stave off history's only genuine threat to America and western Europe

    Actually he aided and abetted the "only genuine [recent] threat" by, among other things, signing a bill in 1986 called the Simpson-Mazzoli Act.

  25. Sorry, but a measly Nobel and two Grammies are not enough for Obama.

    I hereby suggest that we elect Obama the new Jesus.

    Long enough has some long-haired white dude usurped Obama's rightful claim to Jesusship and Messiahhood.

    Jesus claims he is God's son, but even the simplest analysis shows this claim to be false.

    First of all, Obama is half-black. How then can his son, Jesus, be all white?

    Riddle me that you racist agitator rednecks.

  26. he started wars in...Afghanistan

    What? Citation needed.

  27. Anonymous said...

    It's not like he won the prize for Physics.

    Give it time, give it time...

  28. The pattern you speak of...

    You can look at it two ways: the first is a cabal, or a conspiracy, or maybe a simple bias. The second possibility is that the list is what it is - deserving recipients. You might want to listen to a few. You sort of owe it to us that you do. I'd be curious what you have to say.

    It can pay to look at alternative explanations. For instance, most people would be happy to hear a report that the pay of the average worker increased by 15%.

    They might not be so happy to find out that was achieved by laying off the lowest paid workers.

    A seemingly positive statement that implied everyone gained in reality meant nobody gained, and many lost.

    Always keep your eyes wide open.

  29. How about Bush 41 negotiating the agreement to send Kazakhstan's, Ukraine's, and Belarus' nukes to Russia... Surely, without that timely and successful negotiation we would today be facing a much more nuclearized world.

  30. "Secret gay nerd lust for Obama is the reason that most Steveonauts hate Obama."

    OK, you seem to be a big fan of Mr. Obama, you hate the people who post here, and the worst insult you can find for us is that we're gay? You think homosexuality is so bad that it's an insult in itself? But isn't Barack Obama a big defender of gay rights? What would your big hero, your idol think of you? Tsk, tsk.

  31. Sarah Silverman burbled like an idiot on the last Bill Maher show that she now understands "blind faith" and that it's "kinda fun" because she has blind faith in Obama. Even the leftist panel and audience were nonplussed. She was not being ironic.

  32. I hereby suggest that we elect Obama the new Jesus.


    No, better yet give Obama a role on "Mad Men". He is losing ground with some SWPLs, being on their television show of choice will help him in the poll numbers. Also Obama should have a role on the "Office". Imagine Obama and Dwight getting into fights over staplers and pens. That would be so cool, since Dwight looks like most Steveonauts anyway. Hell, Obama could also be on an episode of "Lost" where Kate and Jake meet God, who is coursed played by Obama. Obama could also star in a remake of "Deep Impact" with him in Morgan Freeman's role of course.

    Hey, maybe when Obama is on holiday, Morgan Freeman can stand in for him at the White House. Actually Danny Glover, who is going to play a black president in the movie 2012, could also fill in sometimes. Glover would be an awesome substitute for Obama, since he knows Hugo Chavez as a friend. Chavez could give Glover advice into ruling a country,with Glover giving Chavez nuclear secrets. By that time, we will not even be thinking about the Onion anymore, let alone debating its use.

  33. How about Bush 41 negotiating the agreement to send Kazakhstan's, Ukraine's, and Belarus' nukes to Russia... Surely, without that timely and successful negotiation we would today be facing a much more nuclearized world.


    Bush 41 was pretty cool, it is sad that his son's legacy will surpass his own.

  34. "The (Obama) speech CD and its accompanying book have been a resounding success, selling 200,000 copies since its release in January. A compilation of President Barack Obama’s speeches has done even better, selling half a million copies since November"


    O no! The contagion has spread Eastward!

    Obviously, the Japanese too have terrible guilt for their treatment of American blacks.

    What else could explain Obama's appeal to the them? After all, it is inconceivable that it might be his charisma, earnest idealism, and hopeful message.

    While I do not believe that such qualities warrant a prize ostensibly for achievement, one need not thoughtlessly ascribe race as the primary motivation behind the decision.

    But I'm sorry to intrude on the fun you all are having. A suggestion-perhaps if one of you can find a paper written by one of the nobel committee members in third grade you can figure out their IQ. That may also have a lot of explanatory power.

  35. Obama has children. Therefore he is a father.

    Obama has a father. Therefore he is a son.

    Obama can disappear and materialize at will, walk through solid objects, float, heal the terminally ill by merely touching them, and his presence disperses all evil in the area. Therefore he is a holy ghost.

    Conclusion: Obama is a one-man holy trinity.


    Obama's possible plans for successfully ending the war on terror: He will convince the muslim world that he is the second coming of prophet Mohammad and Allah as well, causing them to disarm and submit immediately.

  36. "Sarah Silverman burbled like an idiot on the last Bill Maher show that she now understands "blind faith" and that it's "kinda fun" because she has blind faith in Obama. Even the leftist panel and audience were nonplussed. She was not being ironic."

    Green Mamba

    Will I guess Sarah Silverman has finally found religion now. She obstensibly was once a liberal jewish atheist, who enjoyed the popular liberal jewish atheist pass time of trashing the Vatican.


    It is also ironic that Bill Maher, also obstensibly a liberal atheist of jewish, did not question her new found faith in Obama, maybe he is now a Obamalim too.Which that gives me thought,from now on, all fantical Obama supporters will be called Obamalims, and their religion will be called Obamalam.


  37. The first passage from the Obamaran, the holy book of Obamalam.

    In a time of war and economic depression, a humble and dark skinned man named Obama would announced to the world.

    " My fellow children of the great mother goddess, you have suffered for eons due to the evil of white devils created by the scientist Yakub. You have dreamed many nights that a Messiah would come to save you. You have cried to heavens, demanding a champion that will defend you. You have prayed for the day when a dark knight would come to save you. Fellow children of the great mother goddess, I'am the dark knight you have been praying for. I'am champion you have been waiting for. I'am Messiah you have been dreaming for. I'am OBAMA!!!"

    Soon the world wept and danced for joy at the arousing speech that Obama gave. For Obama could move mountains and rivers with his speeches. His speeches could heal and feed the multitudes at his will. Obama speeches could enter the very souls of men and women, change their hearts with its rock hard truths. When Obama spoke, his will was to be reality, and not to be denied for an eternity.

    Passage 1:1 of the Obamaran.

  38. Give it a rest Steve.

    You've questioned Obama's black identity for the past two years. The only reason you label him black now is to make a statement about the absurdity of giving the NPP to a "black" man you percieve to be unqualified.

    While he hasn't accomplished as much as the other candidates in terms of peacekeeping, you have no solid proof that his racial background was a factor in the decision. Besides, whether you agree with his proposed policies or not, Obammer is somewhat knowledgeable on foreign affairs and is more diplomatic in his approach than any U.S. president in recent memory.

    It's not like he won the prize for Physics.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to teach a few of the rules of leftist rhetoric:

    *feign (or embody) obtuseness:

    You've questioned Obama's black identity for the past two years. The only reason you label him black now

    (The question of Obama's black identity is not binary)

    *demand "solid proof"

    ("solid proof" only ever matters to leftists in this context)

    *Change the subject (Bush is currently the Holy Grail for this technique):

    Obammer is somewhat knowledgeable on foreign affairs and is more diplomatic in his approach than any U.S. president in recent memory.

    ("Solid proof"? What's that?)

  39. "kinda fun", Obama, "blind faith" Sarah Silverman

    Yeah. I'm sure she wasn't being ironic. She's probably an idiot, so it's inconceivable she could intend irony.

    I just wanted to point out that I am being ironic. You might not see it, but I am intentionally pointing out that I am being ironic.

  40. Obama's prescription for America, as "just another country" with no special role or powers, is total SWPL and ironically, believed by Paleos who want America to be akin to Finland or other small nations at the beck and call of larger and more powerful neighbors.

    Standard neocon conflation. Paleos are nationalist, try again.

  41. Hey guys, stop talking about me on my white half brother's web blog. And half bro, I won that award fair and square, because I'am Barack Obama, have always been better than you. You have nothing on me, Beotch.

    O'yes I read your book half bro, and man it sucked ass. My two books were cooler and won grammies, beotch. I wish I could write longer, but I got to go and discuss with Rahm about AIPAC's war plans for Iran. Peace Out, half bro and beotches.

  42. earnest idealism

    An earnest idealist would've turned down the Nobel. That ship has sailed.

    The pattern you speak of...

    You can look at it two ways: the first is a cabal, or a conspiracy, or maybe a simple bias. The second possibility is that the list is what it is - deserving recipients. You might want to listen to a few. You sort of owe it to us that you do. I'd be curious what you have to say.

    If the list shows that the award only goes to lefties and blacks, that's a giant blinking neon sign that reads, "don't waste your time!" Persuading people to waste their time requires a better performance than you've given us. Not to mention the fact that your former explanation is far more convincing than your latter.

  43. Sarah Silverman burbled like an idiot on the last Bill Maher show that she now understands "blind faith" and that it's "kinda fun" because she has blind faith in Obama. Even the leftist panel and audience were nonplussed. She was not being ironic.

    It's nice to have that out in the open. I've been saying it for a while now. SWPLs love Obama because, as a mulatto and therefore recipient of Numinous Negritude, he represents an escape hatch from the leftist cultural prison (irony, nihilism, sarcasm, iconoclasm, irreverence, etc.). They can finally go all Fearless Leader without the aftertaste.

    Pretty funny and creepy, all at the same time.

  44. "But what about Mitch Daniels, the Republican governor of Indiana and a potential 2012 Presidential candidate? Is the blue-eyed Daniels an Asian? After all, he is of Syrian Christian descent, and Syria is in Asia."

    Speaking of Arabs with European features. Go to the link at the bottom of this comment, Sailer. There is a video on the link's webpage that shows a red-headed muslim cleric from Yemen.I wonder if his hair is natural.


  45. In reply to Steve's recent Vdare article.

    Well Hmongs may be one asian minority that will likely not vote Republican in the future. I live in a city with many Hmongs and Vietnamese.The differences are amazing between the two groups.

    The Vietnamese are pretty prosperous even at a working class level of income, which I mean is that even poor they live well. Most of the asian resteraunts and other buisnesses are usually Vietnamese owned. The local high school's valedictorians have been always Vietnamese in recent years.

    The Hmongs, however, attend to form most of the criminal asian gangs in our city. Many drug dealers who live close by me, have a propensity to being Hmong. The Hmongs will rob Vietnamese buisnesses quite often, and nobody else. Hmongs are literally Asian Nams.


  46. "It is also ironic that Bill Maher, also obstensibly a liberal atheist of jewish,"

    It should be "of jewish ancestory".

  47. Good night and good luck, Sailer. Thanks for allowing my comments to be published on your blog. See you manana.

  48. "Will I guess Sarah Silverman has finally found religion now."

    Well, that is sort of what I was getting at. Belief in Obama has become a sort of ersatz religion for some people who have no clue about religion.

    "It is also ironic that Bill Maher, also obstensibly a liberal atheist of jewish, did not question her new found faith in Obama"

    Maher is an Obama jockey too, albeit one who occasionally chides the master for not being more aggressively leftist. Like I said, he didn't quite know what to do with the little sister's all-out Obama worship.

    Btw, it's funny how a supposed iconoclast like Sarah S. can go all gaga over the right kind of authority figure. Riossy would probably have something to say about this.

    I turned off the sound when they showed her unfunny video trashing the Vatican. (She's easier to take with the sound off.) I'm a person of Jewish descent, but when I see people like her carrying on in the most brazenly offensive manner possible with regard to white Christian culture, I start to understand anti-semitism.

  49. Schmendrick P. Gerbilstein10/12/09, 12:36 AM

    So Ralph Nader, Neil Sedaka and Paula Abdul are Asian? Whoda guessed?

  50. Twoof: "And you really believe this?"

    And you don't? Ronald Reagan wasn't all carrot and no stick, you know. It was Bush the Lesser who drank the Neo-Con Koolaid, not Ronald Reagan.

  51. Twoof: "And you really believe this?"

    That should be "Ronald Reagan wasn't all stick and no carrot" in case I got it backwards on my initial post.

  52. @Truth
    And you really believe this?

    Take it as read, if I say it I believe it.
    Tends to expedite the exchange of opinions.

  53. Barack Obama "Gun Salesman of the Year" 2008


  54. "Well, that is sort of what I was getting at. Belief in Obama has become a sort of ersatz religion for some people who have no clue about religion."

    Helps you understand how ancient elites got their masses to worship their kings and emperors as gods.

    Same old same old.

  55. Steve, it seems you are finally important to enough to have DNC operatives actively trying to subvert your blog comments. Leftists try to employ this tactic all the time at any intellectually sophisticated conservative blog. They've been cloistered for so long that they are actually shocked when someone displays any sort of intellectual heft outside of their carefully controlled organs of dissimulation.

    If he were merely printing racist blather -- why are you reading him? Paying attention to him? That's not one does to unsophisticated heresy; only to dangerous anathema.

  56. There is a video on the link's webpage that shows a red-headed muslim cleric from Yemen.I wonder if his hair is natural.

    The genentic mutation that leads to red hair probably predates the human exodus from Africa ca. 50k-7k years ago. It can be found in populations the world over, even though it is most common in Britain and Ireland.

  57. @Stevonaut: two words: Gran Torino

  58. I wonder if his hair is natural.

    Sight unseen, don't lots of middle easterners have a thing for henna?

  59. "Steve, it seems you are finally important to enough to have DNC operatives actively trying to subvert your blog comments.

    It is to Steve's credit that he allows through comment control, without reaction, such ugly invective from the likes of "Steveonaut."

    Let the drooling Kos-nauts expose themselves as the mental midgets they are.

  60. "Whiskey said...

    Obama's prescription for America, as "just another country" with no special role or powers, is total SWPL and ironically, believed by Paleos who want America to be akin to Finland or other small nations at the beck and call of larger and more powerful neighbors."

    Nonsense. We want to be Finland........but with nuclear missile submarines.

    Big diffence.

  61. "If the list shows that the award only goes to lefties and blacks,"

    lefties AND blacks? Were Ward Connerly and Alan Keyes nominated?

  62. "Hmongs are literally Asian Nams"

    How is it possible for a Hmong to literally be an Asian non-Asian minority?

  63. "Steve, it seems you are finally important to enough to have DNC operatives actively trying to subvert your blog comments.

    It is to Steve's credit that he allows through comment control, without reaction, such ugly invective from the likes of "Steveonaut."


    "Let the drooling Kos-nauts expose themselves as the mental midgets they are."


    Actually anonymous & Billare, I consider myself a believer in human biodiversity and a conservative. It is just that I have sense of humor that is self-critical. I made fun of myself in a lot of those comments. That is why I call myself the "steveonaut", because for better or worst, I'am like you, anonymous & Billare, in many ways. I also made fun of Obama and Sarah Silvermen. You should read all my comments, not cherry pick what suites you both. People like you are why many conservatives are such bad comedians. I myself being example of a bad comedian with conservative leanings.

  64. Speaking of Arabs with European features. Go to the link at the bottom of this comment, Sailer. There is a video on the link's webpage that shows a red-headed muslim cleric from Yemen.I wonder if his hair is natural.

    Mohammed had red hair.

  65. "Hmongs are literally Asian Nams"

    "How is it possible for a Hmong to literally be an Asian non-Asian minority?"


    HA HA HA, that is true, my bad.

  66. "Speaking of Arabs with European features. Go to the link at the bottom of this comment, Sailer. There is a video on the link's webpage that shows a red-headed muslim cleric from Yemen.I wonder if his hair is natural."

    "Mohammed had red hair."

    Cool, I did not know that.


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