November 15, 2009

John Derbyshire's "We Are Doomed"

From my new column:
As the subtitle of John Derbyshire’s new book, We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, suggests, Derb has a serious message for his fellow conservatives in the post-Bush Era:
“Conservatism has been fatally weakened by yielding to infantile temptations: temptations to optimism, to wishful thinking, to happy talk, to cheerily preposterous theories about human beings and the human world. Thus weakened, conservatism can no longer provide the backbone of cold realism that every organized society needs.”

Derbyshire then embarks on a high-velocity tour of the worldview of the emerging Realist Right (also known as the Alternative Right or Indie Right, descended from the paleoconservatism of the 1990s).

And without the George W. Bush millstone around their necks, mainstream conservatives have the opportunity to conveniently check out what has developed in this underground during this decade: a comprehensive, coherent way to think about the world as it is.

This all sounds frightfully serious. But there’s nothing funnier than realism spiced with a little acerbic caricaturization. We Are Doomed, a high-spirited romp through everything likely to ruin our children’ lives, would make an excellent Christmas present for those with a sense of humor.

After all, who doesn’t like a little doom and gloom? Why should Al Gore have all the fun of roaring around the world on a private jet, making a fortune telling us we are ruined due to global warming climate change, when topics like demographic change are so much more alarming that we are not even supposed to talk about them?

In We Are Doomed, Derb does talk about them, mordantly and even gleefully, in chapters such as “Diversity: Nothing to Celebrate,” “War: Invading the World,” “Immigration: Inviting the World,” and “The Economy: In Hock to the World” (using my helpful categories).

Read the whole thing here and comment about it below.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. And without the George W. Bush millstone around their necks, mainstream conservatives have the opportunity to conveniently check out what has developed in this underground during this decade: a comprehensive, coherent way to think about the world as it is.

    Ah, don't worry. No more Bush to hold conservatives back, but Sarah Palin has arrived to fill the role of the globalist who is really "one of us."

    HBD Books reviewed Derbyshire's book here and interviewed the author here.

  2. An earlier commenter posted the depressing statistics showing white americans are already have negative population growth, and of course it is worse in 95% of Europe and all the high-IQ asian countries.

    So yes, the people who built civilization are on the path of extinction.

    At best we can slow things down. I didn't hear much about anything Derbyshire suggested in this vein. Here are my suggestions:

    1. Raise regressive taxes that illegals can't avoid like gas and sales taxes, and lower income taxes on the upper and upper middle classes, which are heavily white and asian.

    2. Strictly enforce "quality of life" laws.

    3. Vote for any and all measures to stiffen prison sentences and law and order candidates.

  3. Steve, typically both you and Derb do a disservice to Bush wrt Iraq both on his faults and merits.

    Reality: nuclear proliferation (which we lack the will but have the means to have stopped) means that the US MUST adopt a strong deterrence policy, by making nuclear opponents in weak, fractured, factional/tribal states afraid. Down to the tribal decision maker. Decades of appeasement and weakness by Liberals (Carter, Clinton) and Conservatives (Reagan) and "moderates" (Nixon, Ford, Bush I) required Bush to do something big in response to 9/11, to make an example of someone. To show that screwing over the US as Saddam did had consequences.

    The problem with both Liberals and Paleos is that they both ignore reality (fractured, tribal peoples can kill Western cities). Denmark has no support for Israel, no Jews, and yet faces constant attack (perhaps even nuking Copenhagen) because of cartoons published in an obscure Danish newspaper. Muslims world-wide through terrorist violence (including nuclear threats) tell Western peoples what they can read, operas they can stage (a number of Mozart operas are no longer performed), and more.

    This requires a Western response that expensive, bloody, and hard. Paleos just as liberals wish to believe (and Derb is as guilty as anyone) that some isolationist utopia can be achieved by simply ignoring threats.

    The point about GWB wrt illegal immigration is sound. But the worst thing about GWB was failing to explain reality to America, that nuclear proliferation requires active deterrence, not Kumbayah hand-holding (nor Derb's fantasy of "rubble does not make trouble" -- which has zero domestic support even after 9/11 -- Joe Biden was calling the bombing of Afghanistan a war crime, in Oct 2001!)

  4. Paleos should also focus on ballot measures. We are 2 for 2 even in California: Prop 187 and 209 eliminated gov benefits for illegal and eliminated public affirmative action.

    I also really liked the Denver ballot measure, though it failed, that required the immediate impound of vehicles without licensed drivers. A slightly less strict version (that would not burden people who just forgot their wallet) would pass in most states and be good for the environment and really hit illegals hard.

    Another car-related measure is to just have a very high registration fee and also raise the insurance requirement.

    It is crazy that NAMs can legally drive when they have no assets and only 15,000 in liability coverage. They are more dangerous drivers and can easily cause much more damage than this and get away with it.

    I am nicely insulated from NAMs in my all white/asian suburb, but I fear them on the roads hurting me or my family in their shitbox beaters, especially the mexicans in old pickup trucks driving 45mph on the freeway with random garbage falling out the back.

    I want to see my local police seize their unregistered/uninsured vehicles.

  5. Derb's book is an easy read, because he style is sprightly. Nonetheless, the book is really quite deep.

  6. Paleos should also support raising the minimum wage. Fewer low-wage jobs means less work for immigrants.

    Given a choice of a white worker for $10 an hour and a Mexican for $6.50, many will choose the Mexican. But if you are required to pay $10, then most employer will prefer to hire the white.

  7. Sarah Palin has arrived to fill the role of the globalist who is really "one of us."

    Could you give a [specific] example or two of Sarah Palin as "globalist"?

  8. Sarah Palin is George Bush with a ponytail because she's an illiterate, inarticulate, know-nothing idiot. Beyond that everything else is irrelevant.

    And I want to raise the volume on Bob's comment, which suggests the raising of minimum wage, to ask that we tear ourselves away from any and all worship of what's called (and of course isn't the free market. "Conservativism" was stolen from us by the rich and greedy and it's time we take it back. Conservativism aint about making millions and living like that ogre of pus, Rush Limbaugh or that tight sack of fossilized shit, Sean Hannity, with their useless and repulsive luxuries. Conservativism is about hearth and home and recognizing the biological realities that command us as individuals and as societies.

    The silly Capitalism vs. Socialism dichotomy on which we were reared needsa to be put to rest. It never described anything less than a fairy tale and today, as with Bob's example, it lead good men - and the politicians they vote for - to support very very bad policies.

  9. Middletown Girl11/15/09, 9:49 PM

    We need to be positive politically and realistic intellectually. Doom and gloom realism never wins votes. People wanna believe in hope and change. So, we need to campaign with a smiley face and formulate policy with a frowny face.

    The problem with Bush Jr was he literaly believed in the hype of 'compassionate conservatism'. He forgot that it was supposed to be just a marketing tool to win over independent white voters and some Hispanics with the hook that the GOP wasn't 'racist' nor only about rich folks.

    But, it must be said Karl Rove's take on 'compassionate conservatism' and Dick Cheney's take on 'democratic interventionism' were actually based on gloom and doom 'realist' prognostications. They may have miscalculated, but it is wrong to say Rove and Cheney were naive optimists. Rove was troubled by demographic trends and was convinced that Hispanics had to be brought over to the GOP for it to be electorally viable in the future. He may have been wrong about the Hispanic potential, but his reasoning was rooted in gloomy realism about demographic trends than driven by romantic infatuation with Mexicans.

    As for Cheney, the Iraq War wasn't really about spreading democracy and fighting terrorism. For him, it was a geopolitical strategy to secure energy for the developed world by stabilizing the Middle East and to boost American power in the Middle East against the rising powers of Russia and China(and perhaps Iran). His strategy for Iraq may have unraveled, but he didn't push for war over issues of democracy or terrorism. "War on Terror" was essentially a pretext.

    Of course, Bush Jr. may indeed have been dumb and naive enough to think the Iraq War was about spreading democracy and fighting terror; he may have sincerely thought how wonderful it would be for whites and browns(maybe even blacks)to all get together and love one another--if only he kissed Oprah, gave billions in aid to Africa, and procured cheap home loans to everyone.

    Realists like Rove and Cheney used the smiley face of Bush Jr. as a mask behind which to push a starkly realpolitik agenda rooted in pessimism--demographic problems for whites at home and rise of other nations--namely China and Russia--on the world stage.

    What we can say about Rove and Cheney is that they were poor realistic thinkers. In some ways, they were TOO pessimistic and devised bold and risky measures out of desperation... which goes to show that realism must not only be gloomy but controlled and well-measured.

  10. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/15/09, 9:54 PM

    Decades of appeasement and weakness by Liberals (Carter, Clinton) and Conservatives (Reagan) and "moderates" (Nixon, Ford, Bush I) required Bush to do something big in response to 9/11

    I really thought Reagan did a great job of appeasement when he bombed Tripoli. Great job as always, Whiskey/T99.

    Raise regressive taxes that illegals can't avoid like gas and sales taxes, and lower income taxes on the upper and upper middle classes, which are heavily white and asian.

    Raise minimum wages, too - slow job creation for unskilled workers and draw teenagers back into the workforce. Democrats would find it very hard to argue against a minimum wage increase. Hoist them upon their own petard.

    Could you give a [specific] example or two of Sarah Palin as "globalist"?

    Well she can see Alaska from her house!

    But seriously, here's Sarah Palin, in a Univision interview shortly after her VP nomination: "There is no way that in the US we would roundup every illegal immigrant - there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants - not only economically is that just an impossibility but that's not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration."

    Any true conservative is opposed to mass immigration and amnesty, because the result of both is not conservative. Conservatives need to be very careful about who they fall in love with. Many of the candidates who are being offered up to run as "real conservatives" against RINOs are backed by the open-borders Club for Growth and are open-borders themselves - Doug Hoffman was a great example of that.

  11. Second post in thread was me, didn't mean to post as "anon".

  12. CSPAN just had a program on with an author, Peter Schweizer, about his new book which lays the blame on Liberals for the collapse of our economy. He says that the libs allowed poor people to have loans for houses that they could not afford to re-pay.

    We Sailer readers know that GW Bush and Rove were willful participants in this debacle.

    Just wondering if Steve will be checking this book out?

  13. "Could you give a [specific] example or two of Sarah Palin as "globalist"?"

    Palin is another Bush. She made affirmative grunting noises about amnesty late last year after the election. Let's face it, Bush, McCain, Palin, all of them, are professional politicians. Their job is essentially to be a figurehead/salesperson for whatever set of wonks feeds them their lines. For Bush, that was Rove on domestic policy and Cheney and his buddies Wolfowitz, Perle, and Feith on foreign policy. Do you really expect that it's going to be the Realists, who are either old (Derb, Buchanan) and/or completely lacking in any inside influence, who are going to get to Palin before the triangulators and neocons do? Leave messianic politics to the Democrats.

  14. Palin barely graduated from college. She lacks the intelligence to have a coherent ideology.

    As president she'd be W 2.0, under the influence of a succession of charismatic theocon advisers, who are almost invariably immigrants.

    I wonder how often this frog-voiced witch doctor will lay hands on her if she becomes president:

  15. RKU: So what is your estimate on the number of excess murders, rapes, and drunk driving homicides there are in the USA because of mestizo immigration?
    Much higher than the number of annual US casualties in the the middle east I'd wager.

    As for the price of the war, I expect the higher taxes I pay for the war does not even come close to the higher rent I pay to insulate myself from NAMs, the higher taxes to support their abuse of the safety net, and the higher car insurance I pay because they are reckless uninsured drunk drivers.

    I'd like my people, who conquered this state fair and square, to remain the largest group here (we lost majority status a few years ago). We can survive some misguided wars of choice, but not complete demographic collapse.

  16. The Right won't gain traction until it vehemently denounces Bush's unconstitutional and unjust wars wars, Bush's deficits and inflation to pay for his wars, Bush's socialized medicine (Medicare Plan B Soviet scheme), Bush's torture, Bush's 2010 tax increase (because he stupidly limited his 2003 tax cuts to 7 years), Bush's housing bubble, Bush's wasteful bailouts of Wall Street but paid for by Main Street, and Bush's open borders policy.

    We'll be paying for 8 years of Bush Hell for the next 80 years.

  17. Jimmy Crackedcorn said...

    Raise minimum wages, too - slow job creation for unskilled workers and draw teenagers back into the workforce. Democrats would find it very hard to argue against a minimum wage increase. Hoist them upon their own petard.

    Raising the minimum wage has the effect of pushing teenagers out of the job market, as they find themselves competing with older workers for menial jobs. The federal minimum wage has been rising since 2007, and teen unemployment has shot through the roof.

    Well she can see Alaska from her house!

    Perhaps you meant Russia?

  18. "Sarah Palin is George Bush with a ponytail because she's an illiterate, inarticulate, know-nothing idiot."

    Please, stop praising her! (Not irony.) After the damage done by FDR's brain trust, JFK's and LBJ's best and brightest, and Bush-Obama's Yale and Harvard grads, the United States needs dull, state college grads to fix things.

  19. Its interesting that so many pessimists/realists lived through the Cold War when we really were doomed except it turns out we weren't.

    Haven't they read realist Pinker who says that we are living in a relatively peaceful and getting more peaceful world?

    Of course we're all going to die, but a lot of us will have children so our genes will survive, which is the whole point, HBDers, isn't it?

  20. You know, I get on the Leftists for their overt nihilism all the time, but there is a possibly even more insidious nihilism in you old-school paleocon atheists and your soul-consuming cynicism and pessimism [and, quite frankly, The Derb's nihilism is getting so severe that I can barely even stand to exchange emails with him anymore].

    Yes, it is true that the USA as we knew it is doomed.

    And folks like Sarah Palin may or may not be aware of that YET [although if you'd pay attention to her husband Todd, I suspect that there's more than a little chance that they are indeed very well aware of it ALREADY].

    However, just because the USA [and the rest of the civilized world] is doomed doesn't mean that we ourselves are doomed.

    We are still free to create for ourselves and our progeny whatever future we wish inhabit.

    The only interesting question is when we will decide that the time has come to move on and leave behind this failing enterprise and begin anew with something different.

    And that time is coming.

    Very soon now.

  21. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form11/16/09, 7:04 AM

    "1. Raise regressive taxes that illegals can't avoid like gas and sales taxes, and lower income taxes on the upper and upper middle classes, which are heavily white and asian."

    Nah. Your idea would be exactly counterproductive. Raising gasoline and sales taxes would also have the collateral damage effect of further hurting the few young White, fertile, couples who, because they are young, are struggling. If you hurt the fertile ones, they will have even fewer White kids.

    If we had the political punch to "raise taxes on illegals," we'd have the punch to demand and get them all deported. And if deporting illegals were within our grasp, we could, as part of enforcement and an incentive for them to self-deport, as well as help pay for the deportation, tax all remittances to Mexico at 95%.

  22. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/16/09, 7:37 AM

    We'll be paying for 8 years of Bush Hell for the next 80 years.

    Everything is forgivable, forgettable, or both - except for Bush's idiotic mass immigration/mass amnesty policy. I was saying long before the market collapsed that Bush's policies were part of the Steroid Recovery. We got a short term boost from the cheaper labor and from the population increase. But before laying all of the blame on Bush and the GOP you need to remember that his policies regarding illegal/mass immigration were the same as Bill Clinton's - the two essentially comprised one long 16 year administration with regard to that - and Democrats in congress were far more supportive for amnesty than the GOP was.

    By the way, wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the latest news out of Barack Obama's hometown, that model of Athenian democracy, Chicago, on the murder of the chairman of its school board.

  23. Bob said...

    Paleos should also focus on ballot measures. We are 2 for 2 even in California: Prop 187 and 209 eliminated gov benefits for illegal and eliminated public affirmative action.

    . . .

    I'd like my people, who conquered this state fair and square, to remain the largest group here (we lost majority status a few years ago). We can survive some misguided wars of choice, but not complete demographic collapse.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, perhaps it was another Bob, but I was under the impression from previous comments that your people were jewish.

    Anyway, however long you have been in California you should be aware that the implementation of 187 was largely gutted by Judge Pfaelzer in response to legal pressure funded, at least in part, by the same billionaire grandchild of immigrants who paid the Sierra Club millions to silence it's immigration debate. October 27, 2004: The Man Behind The Land - Immigration Watch Canada:

    "I did tell Carl Pope in 1994 or 1995 that if they ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me."

    Gelbaum said he was a substantial donor at the time but not yet the club's largest benefactor. Immigration arose as an issue in 1994 because Proposition 187, which threatened to deny public education and health care to illegal immigrants, was on the state's ballot.

    He said he was so upset by the idea of "pulling kids out of school" that he donated more than $180,000 to the campaign to oppose Proposition 187. After the measure passed, he said, he donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to civil rights lawyers who ultimately got the measure struck down in court.

    Gelbaum, who reads the Spanish-language newspaper La OpiniĂłn and is married to a Mexican American, said his views on immigration were shaped long ago by his grandfather, Abraham, a watchmaker who had come to America to escape persecution of Jews in Ukraine before World War I.

    "I asked, 'Abe, what do you think about all of these Mexicans coming here?' " Gelbaum said. "Abe didn't speak English that well. He said, 'I came here. How can I tell them not to come?'

    "I cannot support an organization that is anti-immigration. It would dishonor the memory of my grandparents."

    Governor Davis then failed to enforce what was left. He was eventually recalled after proposing to issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

    If you have a problem with illegal immigration it's not because the people haven't expressed their will. It's because plutocrats and their lackeys override it.

  24. >One problem with my coinage “Non-Asian Minorities” is that NAMs won’t be minorities all that many decades longer.<

    Hey, relax. Just as "HMS" can flip meanings depending on whether a man or woman sits on the throne, NAM will mean "Non-Asian Majorities." It's really a very convenient acronym.

  25. Josuah Lawrence Chamberlain11/16/09, 8:53 AM

    I reject Derbyshire's demogaphic alignment. White Americans are not in a demographic coalition with Asians. This is Derbyshire's fantasy which no doubt has something to do with the fact that he is married to a Chinese national and has a son and daughter who are half Asian.

    Where exactly can one find a demograpic "lovefest" between Asians and ordinary White Americans?

    Derbyshire leaves out the fact that more and more towns west of Huntington-Syosset and Hicksville for example-are rapidly becomming homogeneous Asian. Hicksville-once a blue-collar White American town-Billy Joel's hometown-is now referes to as "Little India". Just drive along 106 and 107 in Hickesville.

    Here are the real facts that Derbyshire leaves:there is a rapidly growing Asian population on Long Island,and this rapidly growing Asian population is driving up the cost of housing and property taves for White Long Islanders. As a consequence, White American Long Islanders are fleeing Long Island in droves with every passing year.

    Derbyshire's analysis of the situation in the US is clouded by his own Asian demogrpahic prefence, and as a consequence, Derbyshire misses the fact White Americans and Asians are not hanging out together(Putnam's bowling alone).

    I actually know of a situation in Suffolk County where a White American grandmother lost her home in a tax lien sale to a Pakistani immigrant who gave the house to his twenty one year old son who needed a home so he could start a family.

    Derbyshire is a foreigner who does not have a deep grasp of the demographic situation in the US.

    If demographic diversity is going to be with "us" for a long time,then in a short time, the US will devolve into race-based micro-states. In effect, the US will no longer exist.

  26. We shall quote Hippocrates (in the Latin translation) in answer to Mr. Derbyshire's concerns about our disinterset in contemporary authors:

    Ars longa,
    vita brevis,
    occasio praeceps,
    experimentum periculosum,
    iudicium difficile.

    That being so, I shall stick with the classics rather than spend my declining years sifting through the refuse pile of contemporary literature.

  27. Mr. Whiskey: The Muslims cause trouble in Denmark not just because they are not nice people but because the Danes have allowed them to colonize Denmark. Bombing their fellow Muslims is not going to make them nice. Mozart and other art is threatened by their physical presence in Western countries, not by their existence in their own.

  28. Dutch boy,

    From one Dutch boy to another, never mind Whiskey: He really believes his own BS. Sad but true.

  29. Actually, Tanstaafl's comment to "Bob" seems a little contradictory.

    Offhand, it *does* indeed sound like Bob's people "conquered the state", though I suppose you could dispute the "fair and square" aspect of the original claim.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Tanstaafl:

    No, same Bob, and not Jewish. I am pretty similar to Mr. Derbyshire actually, I am an agnostic of northern christian euro extraction would would describe myself as a philosemite and sinophile.


    ---Raising gasoline and sales taxes would also have the collateral damage effect of further hurting the few young White, fertile, couples who, because they are young, are struggling.---

    The idea is not to raise taxes, but shift them away from taxes that illegals easily avoid.

    I am also thinking more of my own state. California is devoid of "struggling white fertile couples" who have largely decamped to the intermountain west. In extra 50 cents a gallon would barely affect the state's whites who are well off, but it would really hit the illegal population hard. Meanwhile it would raise enough money that other taxes could be cut.

    My ideal is to cut the anti-white income tax to the bone by ballot initiative, which NAMs illegally avoid or are too poor to pay, and have gas/sales taxes partially replace it.

  32. ... chapters such as “Diversity: Nothing to Celebrate,”

    How is it possible to take seriously a person who disdains "diversity," when he is interracially married? When you contribute to diversity, in the most fundamental way, how can you dislike diversity? Why wouldn't it be something celebrated every day? I just don't get it.

  33. Dutch Boy writes: “Mr. Whiskey: The Muslims cause trouble in Denmark not just because they are not nice people but because the Danes have allowed them to colonize Denmark.”

    Dutch Boy, any fool can plainly see how vital it is that we exhaust ourselves in endless wars against illiterate goatherds. Otherwise, some centuries hence the fearsome IQ eighty-something peoples of the Middle East will surely nuke that sexy Little Mermaid from their secret bases in outer space. Other methods--a simple refusal to stamp the Muslims’ entrance visas, say--are as utterly unthinkable as, oh, a decent wardrobe and a gym membership are to those of us who prefer to blog endlessly about how chicks just don’t dig Beta Males. I, a science fiction fan, know these things.

  34. "How is it possible to take seriously a person who disdains 'diversity,' when he is interracially married?"

    The topic at hand is John Derbyshire's book and the ideas found in its pages, not his personal life. Would his work be more valid if he he had married someone else, "Victoria"? How is it possible to take your question seriously when you obviously have such a drab and narrow mind?

  35. Derb =
    Married non-white
    Very Anti-Christian
    Writes public blogposts about his b.m.s being in sync with his dog's
    Thinks Playboy is conservative
    Sends kids to public schools

    Yeah, he is a real champion of conservatism.

  36. Victoria,

    Aren't you black?

  37. "Jimmy Crackedcorn said...

    But seriously, here's Sarah Palin, in a Univision interview shortly after her VP nomination: "There is no way that in the US we would roundup every illegal immigrant - there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants - not only economically is that just an impossibility but that's not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration.""

    Merely that she gave an interview to Univision disqualifies her as a conservative in my eyes.

    Sarah Palin seems like a nice lady, completely out of her depth, who will inevitably just become another liberal Republican if elected to high office.

    In related news, Newt Gingrich, that odious little toad, is now proposing a Contract with America II. Gingrich, Palin, Romney, Pawlenty, Jindal, Steele - the whole Republican bench - all of 'em are no damned good. What we need is a brand new party - a party of flinty, steely-eyed pessimists (much as Mr. Derbyshire describes) who are not afraid to be divisive, offensive, and mean.

  38. Derb said: “Absimilation seems to be rather common, though you don’t read much about it. I noticed it years ago in England. The first generation of black Caribbean immigrants to my native land strove to be as English as possible. … It was dismaying, in the 1970s and 1980s, to see a large piece of the second-generation cohort break off and slip into crime, idleness, and social dysfunction.”

    Regression to the mean? And not just in terms of IQ, but also in temperament (like Big 5 personality traits)?

    Same with Mexican immigrants to the States, of course. And second-generation Muslims in Britian/rest of Europe.

  39. Whiskey has a point about Reagan. He bombed Tripoli, but Clinton had plenty of bombings too. Reagan pulled out of Lebanon, which was the smart decision in my view.

    John Mueller, author of "Atomic Obsession" and inspiration for Steve's dirt theory of war, argues that nukes don't really matter that much here.

  40. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/16/09, 10:05 PM

    Please, stop praising her! (Not irony.) After the damage done by FDR's brain trust, JFK's and LBJ's best and brightest, and Bush-Obama's Yale and Harvard grads, the United States needs dull, state college grads to fix things.

    Palin hasn't demonstrated the mental fortitude to remain intellectually independent of her handlers/aides. State U is just fine, perhaps even preferable, but that does not mean any State U alumnus.

    She's a decent enough woman. I have nothing against her. If she were my neighbor I'd be absolutely thrilled, but she is not qualified to be president. I find it absurd that so many Republicans are going crazy for her, but then after choosing Yosemite Sam McCain over Mitt Mormon nothing about my own party surprises me anymore.

    Raising gasoline and sales taxes would also have the collateral damage effect of further hurting the few young White, fertile, couples who, because they are young, are struggling. If you hurt the fertile ones, they will have even fewer White kids.

    I'm not sure there's a tax you can raise that would hit illegal immigrants harder than the young white middle and working class. Gas taxes affect people the most who, by choice or not, have to drive the farthest. That would include whites who have been forced to the burbs by misbehaving NAMs as well as whites who live in rural areas.

    How is it possible to take seriously a person who disdains "diversity," when he is interracially married? When you contribute to diversity, in the most fundamental way, how can you dislike diversity? Why wouldn't it be something celebrated every day?

    There is small "d" diversity, and then there is big "D" Diversity, who is the god of our new state religion, Multiculturalism.

  41. the sooner sarah palin goes away, the better for everybody. she has no business on the national political scene.

    are americans stuck with her? a permanent fixture in her field, a la britney spears? a woman who does nothing important or relevant, yet appears in the national news every few months?

    was selecting her as vice president basically the same as selecting unknown louisiana teenager britney spears to sing your commercially produced, star making pop songs?

    at least third rate actors on major television shows have the grace to disappear once they are not important anymore IE once the show ends and nobody is writing them into a highly rated show. let's see them try to demand 1 million dollars an episode when they get their next gig.

  42. What the Alternative Right really needs is for an intellectually deep alternative rightist to do with a relatively smart politician what Steve did with the relatively smart academic Steve Pinker in the run up to the writing of 'The Blank Slate':

    Turn him into his more mainstream sounding mouthpiece.

    Are you listening, intellectually deep alternative rightists?

    I guess the one problem is that Steve was able get Pinker partly thanks to him being a scientist and scientists being to some extent interested in something called "reality".

    Finding a politician interested in reality would be a long hard slog.

    But still I think you could find a politician interested in getting elected, no?

    The thing is that it would be easy to win elections just by listening to Steve.

    Look what happened with George H.W. Bush in 1988. Sadly, he only went through with the first half of general Sailer plan of mentioning policies that needlessly make life more harrowing for whites and then proposing a practical solution, and yet he still beat his opponent easily.

  43. Jimmy Caracked corn, I think you are romanticizing Mitt. Mitt was governor of Massachusetts, and in order to be the governor of that state he would have to have morally compromised himself morally, such as by allowing the state schools to promote homosexuality.

    You also have to look at Mitt's father George Romney, who was governor of Michigan and prior to that an executive at American Motors.

    In the early 1960's George oversaw a constitutional convention in Michigan that eliminated that the elected township justices of the peace with a centrally controlled state system of nominating small claims judges. Such a preference for centralized solutions over local solutions probably was passed down to his children.

    Second George Romney was governor of Michigan during the destructive Detroit riot that marked the beginning of the end for Detroit, and for all of Michigan. George was unable to react to the riot properly, and I suspect if there were a minority outbreak in the US during a Mitt Romney presidency, Mitt would mishandle such a situation. Imagine if Mexico melted down and millions of Mexicans flooded north, how would Mitt react?

    But back to Mitt himself, no one who has been an elected official in Massachusetts should be considered for high office - no one.

  44. Josuah Lawrence Chamberlai11/17/09, 4:55 AM


    You nailed it right on the head. I was actually going to write something very similar about Derbyshire in my post.Derbyshire is patently an Asianphile.

    He would feel very comfotable if the Town of Huntington became majority Asian. In fact, if I recall correctly, he wrote a few years back that he would have no problem if the town he happened to be living in was racailly transformed into a Asian majority.

    All along Deer Park road-Town of Huntington-Pakistani immigants have moved in-large numbers of them. At this point in time you as well call Deer Park Road little Pakistan.

    On Long Island increasingly, the fate of White Long Islanders is in the hands of Asians. They are a very powefull electoral force in the towns they live in.. They overwhelmng vote to increase property taxes every year. The increase is exponential and unpayable.Asians can deport White Americans out of towns they have been living in for years and throw them out of homes -with mortgages payed off-every time they vote for tax increaes.

    Just before I and several members of memeber family fleed Long Island,I heard the following from an Inidan immigrant in a store::"oh its so wonderfull...our students win all the science our home values will increase and we can have more money for excellent teaches". This of course means that the departure of White Long Islanders will accelerate. It should be seen for what it is:demographic warfare waged by foriegners of a different race against White Americans.

    Derbyshire snuck into the US with his Chinese National wife and fantasizes about a White American-Asian demographic coalition against Hispanics and Blacks. It's not going to happen.

    Drive past Suny Stony Brook-a university paid for and built by White New Yorkers many, of them vetrans of WW1,WW2 and the Korean will never see a White American student..but you will see lots of Asian students walking across 25A..This is John Derbyshire's White-Asian demographic coalition. The country of my ancestors has been robbed from my chidren and John Derbyshire's favorite immigrant group...the Asians.

  45. The topic at hand is John Derbyshire's book and the ideas found in its pages, not his personal life.

    I have never been able to take this guy's discussions on race or demographics seriously, or anyone else who is interracially married. "Drab and narrow mind?" Well, I guess so.

    Victoria, Aren't you black?

    Yes. And your point is? ....

    There is small "d" diversity, and then there is big "D" Diversity,

    Oh, I get it now. Thanks for the clarification.

  46. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/17/09, 7:28 AM

    Imagine if Mexico melted down and millions of Mexicans flooded north, how would Mitt react?

    No worse than any of the other clowns who are likely nominees. Would he do worse than Palin? Worse than McCain? Worse than Huckabee? We know what their positions on the issue are.

    In such an unlikely situation, President Romney would at least have to contend with a GOP base that would be far unhappier about millions of new Mexican "refugees" than the Democratic base. He would also have to contend with the likelihood of losing Texas and Arizona in a re-election bid. So, of course, would any other Republican president - but Romney would be far more pragmatic about it and less likely to give his own voters the middle finger.

    Jimmy [Crackedcorn], I think you are romanticizing Mitt. Mitt was governor of Massachusetts, and in order to be the governor of that state he would have to have morally compromised himself morally, such as by allowing the state schools to promote homosexuality.

    You're right, damnit! We should select our nominee from the compost heap of Republican politicians from conservative states who didn't have to take leftist positions to placate a more liberal electorate but chose to anyway. Mike Huckabee is from Arkansas. He didn't have to coddle illegals, but he did. John McCain is from Arizona. He didn't have to coddle illegals, but he did. Sarah Palin is from Alaska. She didn't have to coddle illegals, but she did. Romney, OTOH, whatever his true personal feelings on the matter, is from liberal Massachusetts, and has never made noises supporting illegal immigration - at least not to the degree of those three.

    You go to war with the army you have. If I could design my own candidate would I design one like Mitt? Probably not. But he's a lot closer to the one I would design. He's undeniably smart which, given the dumbos the GOP seems lately enamored with, can't hurt the GOP with educated whites and Asians; and he's also the most conservative potential winner we have.

    And by the way - where in my initial post did I "romanticize" Romney?

  47. Derbyshire (pr. Dawbysha per the Derb himself) has a cure that's worse than the disease because he himself is spiritually diseased. The true Christian view of life is both pessimistic and optimistic. Pessismistic because sin entered the world and has colored everything in it - thus making the utopian society of the right or left-wing dreamers impossible. Optimistic because God is in Heaven and offers forgiveness and salvation to those who will accept it (alas, many are called but few are chosen). A conservatism that is based on those truths is a far cry from the stuff peddled by the Republicans (a combination of The Big Rock Candy Mountain, militarism and Israel Ueber Alles).

  48. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form11/17/09, 8:17 AM

    "The idea is not to raise taxes, but shift them away from taxes that illegals easily avoid."

    Regardless of the idea, the reality is, gasoline and sales taxes (along with property taxes) are exactly the kinds of taxes that hit young White couples who would like to have children the hardest, therefore further discouraging them from having children.
    Meanwhile, old, retired Whites, who are NOT fertile, are not the demographic trying to buy cars(with its comcomitant big sales tax expense) and the gas to commute the long distances from their homes in the exurbs (due to high prices of houses, which the White elders are not buying) to work to try to get together the money to buy the large amounts of groceries needed to feed growing kids. The retired Whites, who are not the ones we need to encourage to have kids, are the only ones who can avoid your taxes on "illegals."
    The ONLY solution to illegals is deportation.

  49. To those who were so interested in my comment, why no remarks on the very eloquently put words of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain (a few comments above), who wrote:

    This is Derbyshire's fantasy which no doubt has something to do with the fact that he is married to a Chinese national and has a son and daughter who are half Asian.

    Pardon me if I don't expect objectivity on racial matters from anyone, be they black, white or whatever, who is involved in reproducing mixed offspring. They are understandably defensive and protective, but objectivity does not enter into it. I prefer to take such information from other sources, i.e., people who have no subterranean need to skewer facts, since they're generally not aware of doing so.

    Considering the inordinate mixing that has already gone on in this country for centuries, I respect those who have an interest in preserving what's left of their own groups. And, considering the ongoing and speedy demise of the white race, which will never come round again, I greatly respect those whites who are conscious of these facts.

    About that "little d" and "big D" business, don't all those little "ds" eventually lead to the big "D"?

  50. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form11/17/09, 8:38 AM

    "am also thinking more of my own state. California is devoid of "struggling white fertile couples" who have largely decamped to the intermountain west."

    Problem here is, "As goes CA, so goes the nation," still applies. Illegals, also fleeing the CA catastrophe, are now beginning to show up here in the intermountain west, too.
    So Utah, Idaho, all the places the young, struggling, fertile Whites have decamped to are maybe 5 years from the CA catastrophe, themselves.
    Meanwhile, the now high-earning CA Whites who vote Democrat, being in their 40s, 50s and 60s, and who, thus, already got theirs in the
    '70s and 80s, who are not now fertile, are in large part responsible for voting for the politicians who created the situation today that the young, fertile Whites cannot afford to have kids. Those bast####s would be the ones to benefit from lowering income taxes.
    Meanwhile, the illegals who you wish to tax hard will decide to leave. Question is, where? Back to Mexico? Fat chance. Intermountain west will be their destination. Thanks a lot.

  51. Middletown Girl11/17/09, 2:57 PM

    Who came up with "alternative right"? It sounds gay or flaky.. like 'alternative rock'?

    Besides, many groups within the so-called 'alternative right' are united mainly for 'enemy of your enemy is your friend' reasons.
    Most of the alternative right are against neocons and RINOS.

    Even so, hostility against the neocons is not necessarily because they are fake conservatives or particularly evil but because they've become the most powerful element in the conservative movement.
    Indeed, if the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson took over the conservative movement, many of us would side with neocons against the Christian Right. If Buchananites took over the movement, many of us would side with libertarians and neocons against the Buchananites. If Libertarians took over the movement, many of us would side with neocons, Buchananites, and the Christian Right against the Norquisters, Ron Paulers, and Ayn Randers.

    The 'alternative right' has libertarians, national capitalists, rightwing socialists, religious right, secular right, anti-Darwinians like Buchanan, pro-Darwinians like Jared Taylor, etc.
    Heck, the so-called alternative right people who comment on the Sailer blog disagree as often as they agree.

    Generally, those without power unite against that which has power. Once, neocons were not all-powerful and were welcome as allies against both the left and stupid reactionary right. But, neocons became most powerful on the right and bullied other elements and came up with a risky foreign policy, etc. Many of us came to blame the disastrous Bush yrs with neoconservatism. (To be fair, Bush's stupid social policy--pandering to the Southern Christian Right, opposing stem-cell research, and promoting nonsense such as Intelligence Design--had more to do with Paleoconservatism than Neoconservatism. As for abortion, we should offer it for free to all poor people. Would you rather pay for a poor stupid woman's abortion or pay endless amounts of taxes to feed, clothe, house, educate, and/or imprison all the stupid children she might have? Would it have been so wrong if Obama's mother had aborted Barry?)

    So, at the very least, we should speak of alternative rightS, not one and only alternative right.

    Of course, there is a certain cache to adding 'alternative' to the 'right'. Since the 60s, we've all been affected by the idea of being cool, radical, underground, hip, and etc. Even many conservatives don't want to be associated with the 'bland' and 'lame' mainstream. They wanna a touch of the avant garde to their conservatism. Thus, ALTERNATIVE right.

  52. "The topic at hand is John Derbyshire's book and the ideas found in its pages, not his personal life."

    What you are shouts so loudly in my ears I cannot hear what you say.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "Interesting because most blacks don't hold that position"

    So you know most blacks? Maybe you should change your name to Methuselah.

  53. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/17/09, 9:34 PM

    To get back to the whole point of this post, which is Derb's book We Are Doomed - I have yet to read it all. I purchased it a few weeks back but it sits at the bottom of a long list of more essential reading. But it's here on my desk and every so often I pick up the thing and open to some random page, and frankly it seems superb - well researched, witty, blunt. I love his columns and blog posts on NRO but I never thought he'd do as well in book form. Gratefully I was wrong.

    Get the book.

  54. >What you are shouts so loudly in my ears I cannot hear what you say.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson<

    Emerson also said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." That shouldn't take you very long.

  55. >You're right, damnit! We should select our nominee from the compost heap of Republican politicians from conservative states who didn't have to take leftist positions to placate a more liberal electorate but chose to anyway.<


    What about someone from a conservative state who has taken conservative positions on the issues?

    I speak of John Thune of South Dakota, who is tall, who I can't ever recall saying something stupidly PC, and most importantly who has the 3rd best ranked Immigration Voting Record in the Senate according to (behind only Bob Corker of Tennesse and Jeff Sessions of Alabama).

    Maybe, just maybe, if we ask him really nice he'll run in 2012.

  56. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/18/09, 1:02 PM

    What about someone from a conservative state who has taken conservative positions on the issues?

    That person will be given all due consideration. But Thune has not presented himself as a potential candidate, nor have so many other hypotheticals. The real point is that, as of right now, it's basically Romney v. Huckabee v. Palin. For so many reasons, but illegal immigration being the first, I'll take Romney. Romney is far more successful (and intelligent) than Obama, and the Left cannot characterize him as being yet another amiable dunce, as are Huckabee, Bush and Palin. (McCain was an unamiable dunce.)

  57. "speak of John Thune of South Dakota, who is tall, who I can't ever recall saying something stupidly PC.."

    Be careful for what you wish for, grasshopper! There's a very good chance you're going to get what you want.

    Thune was showcased to run in 2012 as was another obscure Chicago politician; Thune, when the Republicrats threw millions of dollars his way to run against the standing senate leader, Obama when the Demicans asked him to make a rousing speech at the convention.

    IMO, the original plan was to have Barry be VP under Hillary, destroy her credibility through scandals and have Barry run against Thune in 2012. I don't think that the puppet-masters believed in a million years, that the U.S would "fairly" elect a black man as president.

    They were tickled pink, and abruptly changed plans upon discovering that a black man creates much more strife, division and controversy than a white woman. Those exact qualities are, in great reality, why puppetdents are (S)elected.

    They also learned that one can get a black president elected, provided you put two complete goofs in the opposing chairs.

    Thune has done practically nothing in three terms on the House and one in the Senate. As a lifetime politician who has never had a private sector job, he is, of course owned lock, stock and barrel by now. But hey, have fun with that!

  58. Truth,

    Do have evidence that the same people who funded Thune against Daschle funded Obama against that guy who was married to Jeri Ryan?

    The scheme you've outlined seems rather elaborate.

    Anyway, Thune might not be so easy for Obama to beat in 2012 as you think.

    I admit his lack of doing anything interesting in the House and Senate might be construed as a negative.

    Though one thing that does mean is that he hasn't done anything interesting that has been destructive, and that puts him ahead of most politicians in this Country.

    We should be so lucky as to get a President who does next to nothing, like so many of our Presidents did before FDR established the modern template of the Imperial Executive Tyrant.

  59. > there is a certain cache to adding 'alternative' to the 'right'. [...] Even many conservatives don't want to be associated with the 'bland' and 'lame' mainstream [of conservatism]. <

    Why perfume something that doesn't stink?

    As for "bland," embrace it! "Straight" "healthy" "white" are positive synonyms. Don't laugh, look at what the other side did by adopting "vibrant."

  60. Middletown Girl11/19/09, 12:14 PM

    cachet, not cache. Been awhile since I took spelling.

  61. There is no real "proof" just open eyes. The thing to understand is that there are not two parties in this country, there is one party with two wings and defined interests. The interest is in pushing both parties toward a virtually identical centrist ideology...and yet keep the the "conservatives" and the "liberals" sniping at each other about who is "taking over".

    The whole Jack Ryan thing was strange, but what is stranger is that the first Republican candidate for the seat fell out in a sex scandal also, and stranger yet is that NOT ONE PROMINENT STATE OR CHICAGO CITY REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN WANTED TO BE A U.S. SENATOR. Obama was, remember at the time, a basically obscure state senator in a district with very little influence.

    After Ryan dropped out the first person they asked to run was Mike Ditka (?). The second guy that the so-called-Republicans nominated was an unpopular, carpetbagging, loser of a politician from Maryland.

    Most important thing about Keyes; he was also black; and dark skinned at that. The Republicans seem to have left nothing to chance as far as Obama losing an election, which he probably would have against a white guy of his own stature in a state with an average black population.

    So the RNC weakly concedes the seat in IL while spending millions to get another empty suit elected in SD in the same election?

    Explain it to me.

  62. I admit that there were strongly pro-Obama elements in the highest echelons of the Republican Party structure. This was clearly demonstrated by the Party's too stupid not to be on purpose handling of the Illinois Senate election.

    Whether these elements were behind Thune's successful challenge against Senate Majority leader Daschle is more doubtful, though I must admit such a thing is possible.

    Nontheless I have a feeling that if the Party that nominated John McCain had put its mind to it, it could’ve come up with a far more pathetic future nominee than Thune to set up for a future run.

  63. Truth, there is a good chance that the RNC has simply conceded most of the state of Illinois, with the exception of HoR seats in the southern part. Since all senators have one vote, the RNC probably thought that a seat in SD could be purchased far more cheaply than one in IL.

    It worth noting that the GOP has been a token opposition party to Democratic interests even when it has had a majority in Congress. For a few months I tried to find a list of the members of the 1998 Republican National Committee to see what they might have had in common when they rammed the chosen son through the GOP primaries and into office. I still cannot find a list of names for that year for what is one of the most important committees in America. It's like trying to find a membership list to the Illuminati.

    I did find posted on Wikipedia a list the 2008 members of the RNC and I have been putting in a half assed effort to sort mark the name on the list by religion. You can view the original table of members here and my copy of it here in list form with some religious affiliations attached.

    I did find out two amazing things about the RNC in the process of researching this. Every state party must nominate one committeewoman, one committeeman and send their state party chairperson to the RNC, so at least one woman is required to be sent form every state. Second, American Samoa is listed in the RNC table as having three voting members on the RNC, just like Texas, Arizona or California.


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