November 12, 2009

Major Hasan Headlines

Iowa Hawk has a round-up of all the Fort Hood headlines. Well worth checking out.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. After this one, yet another secret reader.

    You steal Steve's sparkling wit and translate it into the dullest rambling op-eds.

    How much did you send him?

    Frankly, were you guys fully skinned, you would hardly expect to be hired, much less published.

  2. Is there some kind of formula to determine if it's too soon for me to laugh at this?

  3. The NPR one is spot-on hilarious!

  4. Incorrect bemusement steeped in tea.
    Interesting, all non-profits except BBC, NPR...

    Apparently the former state writers aren't faring well since the advent of the blogosphere's samizdat, a turning away when the gatekeeper walls came tumbling, tumbling...

  5. Ann Coulter has trumped them all:


  6. Those aren't headlines.

    The author of the blog made up most of the "headlines".

  7. rightsaidfred11/12/09, 9:27 AM

    It's good to see parody is still possible. I don't know for how much longer.

  8. I think you're all confused. Those headlines aren't real. In fact if you use the really expensive software I used for the making of "Zeitgeist" you'll see that some of those pictures are actually doctored to look like him but really aren't, like with the famous pictures of Oswald and Booth as well as with the supposed moon landing and sightings of Mexicans in California.

    I think you guys are just so far gone in your racism of Muslims and others who are less white skinned than you that you're just willing to believe anything. You should get a clue because the era of old short fat bald white christian straight male hegemony is over.

    Don't believe everything you read.


  9. In related news, the left is outraged by Rep- Steve King's casting of aspersions on the fine government of the City of Chicago:

  10. Anonymous said...
    Those aren't headlines. The author of the blog made up most of the "headlines".

    Oh Anonymous, what would the world be like without morons?

    think you guys are just so far gone in your racism of Muslims...

    Muslims are not a race. People chose to be Muslims. Did you really not know that? Though you might be parodying, if parodying were a word.

  11. Those aren't headlines. The author of the blog made up most of the "headlines".

    I think you're all confused. Those headlines aren't real.

    LMAO. What gave it away? Was it the ESPN rivalry headline, Ozriel, or the twinkies? It certainly couldn't have been the photoshops or the over the top satire.

  12. First anonymous comment is good except for the confusing use of the collective "you".

  13. "Muslims are not a race. People chose to be Muslims. Did you really not know that? Though you might be parodying, if parodying were a word."

    Islam is not a race but the majority of Muslims are not white. So, unless the iSteve posters who have problems with Muslims are Qur'anic scholars, then it's not a stretch to suggest that there is a racial element to the attacks on Muslims on this site.

  14. Oh Anonymous, what would the world be like without morons?

    I had the odds of his post being "meta-irony" at better than half. Or is that just my mutant SWPL gene talking? It can be so hard to tell around here.

  15. Islam is not a race but the majority of Muslims are not white. So, unless the iSteve posters who have problems with Muslims are Qur'anic scholars, then it's not a stretch to suggest that there is a racial element to the attacks on Muslims on this site.

    Pot, kettle etc

    Thus it's not a stretch to suggest that there is a racial element to the attacks by Muslims.

  16. Islam is not a race but the majority of Muslims are not white. So, unless the iSteve posters who have problems with Muslims are Qur'anic[sic] scholars...

    One cannot be racist against a non-race, unless... Perhaps we dislike Muslims because we don't like homo-sexuals. Yes. I prefer that. I am homophobic against Muslims.

    I am in no way required to read the Koran (in English, we use English words) to tell that people who believe it behave badly. Nor do you need to read Mein Kampf to dislike Nazis. Similarly, I can tell Scientologists are 'tards without reading Dianetics.

    If Mr. Hasan had murdered his fellow non-White Muslims, I could accept an explanation that did not include "race" and religion. But he didn't do that, so it looks like a hate crime: He targeted white non-Muslims.

  17. In theory people choose to be Muslims, Catholics, Hindus, etc. But the reality is that people are born into some religion or other, and that most people follow the religion of their birth, family, society, and region.

    For Muslims that is especially true. Islam is not a religion of personal choice in the same way as Catholicism (or any other Christian faith). Muslims don't seek personal converts after a certain age. The standard MO for Islam is not to have people come to them, but to go out and invade other lands, and outbreed the natives.

  18. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/13/09, 8:55 AM

    If Mr. Hasan had murdered his fellow non-White Muslims, I could accept an explanation that did not include "race" and religion. But he didn't do that, so it looks like a hate crime: He targeted white non-Muslims.

    Yes, I'm sure that if Hasan had only murdered some fellow Muslims it would've had nothing to do with hate.

  19. > it's not a stretch to suggest that there is a racial element to the attacks on Muslims on this site. <

    It's even less of a stretch that there is a racial element to the attacks of Muslims on non-Muslims worldwide.

    "Religious" wars are but false faces for racial/ethnic competition and conflict. Remember that the next time you visit Paris and your Fiat is torched by North Afric-- er, Muslims of any color.

  20. Quote "Religious" wars are but false faces for racial/ethnic competition and conflict. Remember that the next time you visit Paris and your Fiat is torched by North Afric-- er, Muslims of any color. unquote

    I do not think that is true. The really striking thing about Europe is Protestant/Catholic wars were among very similar people. In England and Chezk Republic sometimes fellow countrymen. I don;t think religious tension in Indonesia is predicated on differing races.

  21. Then why is it that Sunni and Shiite Muslims blow each other up every day in Baghdad? You can't tell who is whom by looking at them.


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