November 30, 2009

Regional SuperCities

Reporters have a lot of leeway in how to spin a story by what quote they put at the end, unanswered. For example, the Washington Post's article on white politician Mary Norwood's bid to become the first non-black mayor of Atlanta in 36 years ends with an unanswered (and thus tacitly approved) expression of pure racial animus:
"Atlanta is a black city, a symbol to the world," Houck said. "Putting Mary's face on that picture would be hard for a lot of people to stomach."

In other words, according to the Washington Post it's A-OK for blacks to vote in Tuesday's mayoral election purely on anti-white grounds.

One interesting point in the article:
Atlanta, with a population of about 500,000, saw its black population share decline from 61 percent to 57 percent between 2000 and 2007, according to the latest Census figures. During the same time period, the white population grew from 33 percent to 38 percent.

This reflects a trend I've noticed in competition to be the regional supercity, the acid test of which is attracting a larger white population. For example, Washington D.C. is increasingly white, with African-Americans driven out to loser cities like Baltimore. New York, the supercity of supercities, has had a declining population of American-born blacks since way back in 1979. In our increasingly winner-take-all world, you can expect certain cities in each part of the country to emerge as the winner with rising rents. They will use Section 8 rental vouchers to drive out African-Americans to surrounding loser cities, increasing the disparity between winners and losers.

This makes municipal politics particularly fraught, since victory in a mayoral race (e.g., Rudy Giuliani's victory over David Dinkins in 1993, or Richie Daley's over black candidates in 1989) is often seen as a symbol of whether the city will be friendlier to whites (and become a winner city) or blacks (and become a loser city). Much of intra-black politics consists of struggles between blacks who are willing to make deals with high rent whites versus low rent candidates (e.g., Washington D.C., where the federal government more or less staged a coup to regain control of the capital by arresting the very low-rent black Mayor Marion Barry).

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Reclaiming some of our cities is good news.

    But wow, this is great news:

    - 57 percent! -

  2. Since local governments draw most of their revenue from property taxes but provide services in proportion to population, the best way to balance a local budget is to keep the ratio of the two as high as possible. Because of anti-discrimination laws, municipalities use zoning to create artificial scarcity and hence drive up property values to "price discriminate" low-income people out of their jurisdiction.

    It's a testimony to the priority Americans put on the quality of their neighbors, that housing is the most price-elastic component of the economy whenever it has an expansion or contraction.

  3. Henry Canaday11/30/09, 5:16 AM

    Actually, Marion Barry was an all-rent mayor, or at least tried to be. The renovation of Pennsylvania Avenue and old downtown, which had been a frustrated do-gooder cause for decades, finally got under way under his administration, enriching the moneyed elite and making the city more attractive to ambitious whites. But crime continued to soar, schools failed, the city budget went out of control due to Barry's efforts to provide employment for middle-class and poorer blacks, and Barry himself went out of control on drugs.

    The Barry approach of pleasing everybody, downtown and uptown, was only plausible because of Federal support of the city, and eventually breached even those generous limits.

  4. This could be interpreted also
    as a subtle warfare on small
    towns and cities which may
    already exhibit a high quality of
    life. Supercities have yet to
    be proven a good thing, whereas
    a diverse ecology of towns and
    cities is the nature of Western
    civilization. Super city =
    Spengler's "World City" = End
    of the Line.

  5. Houck ought to settle down. There's always Detriot!

  6. Bob,

    The usual suspects are against your great news.

    Whites are expected to lie down and die. Any resistance is called intolerant, evil...always by the same people.

  7. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/30/09, 7:37 AM

    The minaret vote isn't particularly great, except as proof that the people are willing to give a giant middle finger to the elites and their PC dogma.

    Minarets are simply the most visible symbol of an Islamic presence. Switzerland needs to eliminate Muslim immigration, including chain migration. A large share of Switzerland's Muslim population is Turkish, and Turks in Holland were very fond of bringing in spouses from the old country. The rate, in fact, was at one time nearly 100%.

  8. Minaret moms. The soccer moms of the 2-teens.

  9. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/30/09, 8:17 AM

    I wonder if before a city can become a regional supercity it has to suffer an existential crisis? Do white liberals have to learn locally what they could've learned by way of example - that "diversity" (of the NAM kind) won't work here any better than in the 200 other places it's been tried.

    In other news, Steve has yet to comment on Chelsea Clinton's engagement announcement - to a member of the Tribe - or to the cop slayings that will (one hopes) ruin Mike Huckabee's political career.

    Potential Republican presidential candidates keep self-destructing, don't they? Palin, Sanford, and now Huckabee. One might even say that God is on Mitt Romney's side.

  10. Totally off topic, but this piece on socialist eugenicists at the London Spectator may be of interest.

  11. Is Seattle getting more black? On Sunday a crazy black guy shot and killed four white cops in a coffee shop just south of Seattle.

    They don't seem to be talking much about it on CNN. Is four cops being shot at once such a common occurance that it is not important news? The only reason I have heard a lot about it on TV is because we get local Seattle news on TV in British Columbia.

    When four mounties were shot by a crazy guy in rural Alberta a few years ago it was a huge, huge story in Canada.

  12. NYT - "The Swiss government said it would respect the vote and sought to reassure the Muslim population — mostly immigrants from other parts of Europe, like Kosovo and Turkey..."

    Turkey is part of Europe?

  13. > In other words, according to the Washington Post it's A-OK for blacks to vote in Tuesday's mayoral election purely on anti-white grounds. <

    The hostility of blacks is always being ginned up when it isn't being outright manufactured.

    Once was friends with a black stage actress who got this line in a review (paraphrasing): "x's acting is technically perfect, but her paucity of anger in this [black] role betrays a shameful lack of racial committment." When I responded to this by blurting out "Jews like their Negroes hateful," she laughed like a madwoman.

  14. More evidence of the big squeeze that elites and their handmaidens place upon their lessers for the simple crime of being less. What they ought to do is live within the constraints of nature and its reality instead of attempting to sweep it all under the rug or away to some other town. Such a selfish, deluded and brutal clique!

    By the way; that NYT (minarets in Switzerland) article's comments section was a hoot given that so many of the commenters clung tenaciously to their unscrupulous and incontinent round hole - PC-indoctrination - while trying with all their might to envelope the large, sharp-edged, ill-fitting square peg of reality with it.

  15. The Swiss Minaret news is great news. Does every place need to look like Los Angeles in order to please our global elite? Even from a purely economic standpoint, it's a huge win for the Swiss - will tourists go to the alps to see a Turkish landscape? They can go to Turkey and see that for a third of the price.

  16. Somehow I doubt that the WaPo would leave unchallenged a reversed statement: "The United States is a white country, a symbol to the world," Houck said. "Putting Obama's face on that picture would be hard for a lot of people to stomach."

    If 57% makes Atlanta a black city, then 74% would certainly make it a white country.

    The day may soon come when we get a white mayor in DC (the black population should fall below 50 % in the next decade). In fact, it seems that DC mayors are getting lighter skinned with each term.

  17. Middletown Girl11/30/09, 12:06 PM

    Mostly liberal and globalist whites taking over cities is mostly bad for ordinary white folks because many of the blacks are NOT driven into loser cities like Baltimore but to outlying areas--suburbs and smalltowns.

    So, while white affluent liberals in cities like NY get to have the cake and eat it too--drive out blacks but also brag about their progressive inclusiveness--, blue collar and middle-class whites in the suburbs and small towns--folks who can't afford fancyass urban living--get to choke on bitter rice--get accused of 'racism' and also stuck with inflow of criminal black elements from cities ruled by liberals.

  18. Steve, how would you characterize the cities of LA, or San Francisco, or Portland, or Seattle?

    LA is growing, but becoming less Black but far more Mexican. With Mayor Tony at the helm it has seen exploding crime, and particularly the pot dispensary issue as detailed by the LA Weekly, is a "legalized" avenue for organized crime. The city is a mess and increasingly ungovernable, but attracts through Hollywood lots of people, mostly White, and a huge Mexican/Central American immigration (mostly illegal).

    Then there is uber-White SF, which has almost no Blacks now, but is a gentry playground as Victor Davis Hanson noted, no kids or middle class. Portland and Seattle seem variations on that as well.

    Dallas is a regional city but has a substantial Black population not going anywhere, same with Houston. Austin is growing and is mostly White but is entirely based on government.

    I'd say the evidence suggests your model is flawed, rather the flight/presence of Blacks indicates a variety of things: pressure from Mexicans (in LA and Long Beach this has resulted in considerable Black flight to the Moreno Valley and Riverside); economic cleansing due to gentrification; and White influx due to economic booms.

    After all, "something" happened in Atlanta to draw in Whites (and also, Middle Class Blacks that formed Tyler Perry's audience during his stage days). That was likely the business boom as Atlanta became the financial and business center of the Mid-South, beating out Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, etc. with lower taxes, less regulations, better trained university workforce (GT, Emory, etc.). Its notable that Atlanta's growth was mostly suburban, until recently.

    I agree that presence/flight of Blacks is a leading indicator of profound economic/political change in a city, but the causes and functions are IMHO far more complex than your model.

  19. "Jimmy Crackedcorn said...

    The minaret vote isn't particularly great, except as proof that the people are willing to give a giant middle finger to the elites and their PC dogma."

    True, but even symbolic votes such as these can be important. Liberals and muslim spokesmen are fond of saying that such measures create a climate of intolerance, and send a signal that muslims are not welcome ("hispanics" say the same things about anti-illegal-alien policies).

    Exactly. The whole point is to encourage out-migration by making them feel unwelcome. Every little bit helps.

  20. on a different topic, I wonder whether Steve is going to comment on the outcome of the Swiss referendum: a majority voted to ban the building of minarets

  21. I don't know if the demographics show that Seattle is becoming more or less black, but it might be relevant that in our most recent election, it was candidates from the Sierra Club or labor unions who won most of the spots.

    There were almost no black candidates for the offices listed in my voter's pamphlet. A black man did win election to the Ports Commission, but he was more a representative of labor interests than of the black community.

  22. Whiskey: San Francisco is not "uber-white". I am one of those unlucky kids who had to grow up in that city. My high school was about 70% Asian, as is most of the west side of the city. The low-class schools are heavily Mexican. According to Wiki, it's only 45% white.

  23. "They will use Section 8 rental vouchers to drive out African-Americans to surrounding loser cities, increasing the disparity between winners and losers."

    This is certainly happening in Illinois. The projects in Chicago were in really expensive areas and the residents were given vouchers to move to smaller, regional cities in the state like Danville or Galesburg, near where I live. They tore down the projects and crime has gone way down in Chicago but way up in places like Galesburg.

  24. "Anonymous said...
    Whiskey: San Francisco is not "uber-white". I am one of those unlucky kids who had to grow up in that city. My high school was about 70% Asian, as is most of the west side of the city. The low-class schools are heavily Mexican. According to Wiki, it's only 45% white."

    Funny, I was in San Francisco for the first time in September. Stayed in North Beach and each morning when I went out to get coffee the school kids were walking to school. Every one of them Asian.

  25. OT.

    Hey, Steve, be careful. It appears that Dennis Mangan's blog has disappeared today. It may be a technical issue or Dennis may have taken an unannounced hiatus from blogging. But it is also possible that his blog was shut down by censors at Google after complaints of racism. Google is no friend of free speech.

  26. I agree with the theory of Regional SuperCities. Certainly there is a correlation between the exit of the black population and the attainment of "world city" status.

    That being said, I'm not sure that crime is a big part of the equation here. There are certainly examples of cities getting more dangerous even as they rise in status, and examples of crime declines not corresponding to enhanced status.

    I personally am a big fan of Larry Auster and View From the Right. That being said, his constant writing about black on white crime strikes me as a little creepy. Fewer than two thousand whites a year are murdered by blacks, but more than ten thousand whites a year are killed by white drunk drivers. I as a white person am more than 5 times more likely to be killed by the drunk drivers, and yet Larry just can't stop harping on the something that is really a comparatively small threat to my life.

    There is so little discussion in the HBD blog-o-sphere about what is going right in America. Is it possible that our country's massive prison construction boom of the last 20 years has permanently improved our safety by locking away so many of the predators? I think so.

    It seems to me that the de facto legalization of pot in Los Angeles is a step in the right direction - empty the prisons of all the pot heads and make room for more violent criminals.

    Locking up more violent criminals and keeping them locked up for life benefits all members of our society, from the poorest to the richest. It is also one thing that benefits our fellow citizens with low IQs just as much as it benefits those of us with high IQs

  27. re: my earler post about San Francisco. I should have said "of Asian descent"

  28. Dennis Mangan11/30/09, 4:08 PM

    Tommy, thanks for mentioning it. I've only just discovered this and Google has not given me any reasons. If this is what I think it is, no one on blogspot should consider their blog safe from instant deletion. I have no back up, it's just gone. We'll see.

  29. Re Chicago:Many of those hi rise residents have moved to other areas in the city,like Englewood,near where I grew up--doing my lessons by writing with a piece of charcoal on a shovel by the fireside...and theyre causing plenty of trouble. Chicago is not becoming a whiter city,its just that better off whites have reclaimed former white w.c. areas like Pilsen and the near south side,as well as a huge move into the downtown area which used to be a shithole after dark. Daley is hugely corrupt because its the only way to shut up the black rulers.The race for Cook County board prez is all about,er,race. The black incumbent represents the blacks who are taking s---loads of money out of the govt. and driving out,of course,businesses and people.He is an idiot,and stands a good chance of winning. Some progressive blacks,like the Obamaish Toni Preckwinkle(female politicians usually dont tend to look so good,but she has taken that to an extreme...)seem to want to be more responsible for the huge massess of govt.dependent blacks,while the main contingent just wants to get the money. We also have a huge Mexican pop. A recent article discussed the jampacked schools on the formerly pretty much white and really really nice NW side. White kids are being squeezed badly if their parents cant afford Catholic schools or cant get them into the better pub schools.

  30. --In America today it is blacks who are the most racially obsessed people. Blacks filter EVERYTHING - EVERYTHING - through the prism of race.--

    I can't imagine that! Oh, wait:

    By GENE JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer Gene Johnson, Associated Press Writer –

    Police canvassed the neighborhood around the Seattle house and fanned out across the city, looking for any sign of Maurice Clemmons, 37. Authorities posted a $125,000 reward for information leading to his arrest in the Sunday morning shooting rampage.

    The manhunt came as authorities in two states took heat for the fact that Clemmons was allowed to walk the streets despite a teenage crime spree in Arkansas that landed him a 95-year prison sentence. He was released in 2000 after then-Gov. Mike Huckabee commuted his sentence.

  31. Totally off topic, but Mangan's is gone -- anybody here have an idea what happened?

  32. Asatru is Lord11/30/09, 4:53 PM

    Perhaps this could be the foundation for city-states in the future following devolution or something.

  33. Atlanta is NOT becoming more white and less black. Steve is looking at the stats from the Atlanta city limits, with a population of half a million. The metro area has 4 million people.

    There has been a population shift within the metro area, where whites moved into the inner city, driving up costs, and so blacks moved out into the suburbs. Mostly they moved into the southside suburb of Clayton County. It only took a few years of black government in Clayton County before their entire school system lost accreditation.

    And, yes, the black community is in a visible state of panic that they might be about to lose control of the purse strings.

  34. That Dennis Mangan's blog has simply disappeared is worrying. Please keep us informed, Dennis (and Steve). If our worst suspicions are confirmed, then organized action should be taken. At the very least, a barrage of complaints and boycotting of blogspot.

  35. Tommy, thanks for mentioning it. I've only just discovered this and Google has not given me any reasons. If this is what I think it is, no one on blogspot should consider their blog safe from instant deletion. I have no back up, it's just gone. We'll see.

    Dennis, if this is not a mistake or something temporary, feel free to contact me to discuss possible theories of legal action.

  36. Stayed in North Beach and each morning when I went out to get coffee the school kids were walking to school. Every one of them Asian.

    The center of North Beach is only a few blocks from Chinatown, so that's not too surprising.

  37. Google's Blogger/Blogspot Content Policy makes clear that Google will not tolerate hate facts:

    Hate Speech: We want you to use Blogger to express your opinions, even very controversial ones. But, don't cross the line by publishing hate speech. By this, we mean content that promotes hate or violence towards groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity. For example, don't write a blog saying that members of Race X are criminals or advocating violence against followers of Religion Y.

  38. "Dennis Mangan said...

    Tommy, thanks for mentioning it. I've only just discovered this and Google has not given me any reasons. If this is what I think it is, no one on blogspot should consider their blog safe from instant deletion. I have no back up, it's just gone. We'll see."

    Dennis. I hope the problem is recoverable. Please keep us informed. Your blog has many fans.

    Best Regards

  39. "Turkey is part of Europe?"

    Small part of Turkey is West of Bosphorus. Do you know where Constantinople/Istanbul is?

    By the way, Kazakhstan is also a European country!

  40. I forget if I've linked it here before, but this is discussed in Ed Glaeser's "The Curley Effect: The Economics of Shaping the Electorate".

  41. Chris said...
    "Stayed in North Beach and each morning when I went out to get coffee the school kids were walking to school. Every one of them Asian.

    The center of North Beach is only a few blocks from Chinatown, so that's not too surprising."

    Well, it suprised this dope that the tradionally Italian area of North Beach would be sending only Chinese-Americans to school

  42. That being said, I'm not sure that crime is a big part of the equation here. There are certainly examples of cities getting more dangerous even as they rise in status, and examples of crime declines not corresponding to enhanced status.

    I personally am a big fan of Larry Auster and View From the Right. That being said, his constant writing about black on white crime strikes me as a little creepy. Fewer than two thousand whites a year are murdered by blacks, but more than ten thousand whites a year are killed by white drunk drivers. I as a white person am more than 5 times more likely to be killed by the drunk drivers, and yet Larry just can't stop harping on the something that is really a comparatively small threat to my life.

    As someone who also harps on black on white crime a lot too, the reason it drives me mad is liberals want whites to have collective guilt for their past. Surly we should then be able to blame all blacks, or black civilization or whatever, for crimes happening today.

    And the murder number may be small, but the rape number isn't.

  43. North Beach has pretty much been colonized by recent immigrant Chinese as the Italians became successful and moved out into the suburbs with the rest of the whites.

    Lowell High School in San Francisco (the academics magnet) used to have a separate test score requirement for Chinese students. Not Asian - Chinese. Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asian and South Asian students were lumped in with white (mostly Jewish). I'd bet the high Filipino population there is mostly of Chinese or half-Chinese origin, too.

    Anyone who cares about their kids' education and can't get the kid into Lowell moves out or sends them to a private school

  44. "One might even say that God is on Mitt Romney's side."

    The same "God" that torpedoed Jack Ryan in Ilinois?...nah, one's a Repulicrat and one's a Democan; that would NEVER happen!

  45. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/30/09, 9:52 PM

    I don't know if the demographics show that Seattle is becoming more or less black, but it might be relevant that in our most recent election, it was candidates from the Sierra Club or labor unions who won most of the spots.

    Remember that King County (home to Seattle) was originally named for a former Vice President, William Devane King, but the city council amended it a few years ago to honor Martin Luther King.

    This is certainly happening in Illinois. The projects in Chicago were in really expensive areas and the residents were given vouchers to move to smaller, regional cities in the state like Danville or Galesburg, near where I live. They tore down the projects and crime has gone way down in Chicago but way up in places like Galesburg.

    The elite use "charity" as a way to favor their own interests and to stiff the middle class. They do this in any number of ways. Moving the poor into the hinterlands is only one of those ways.

  46. That being said, his constant writing about black on white crime strikes me as a little creepy. Fewer than two thousand whites a year are murdered by blacks, but more than ten thousand whites a year are killed by white drunk drivers. I as a white person am more than 5 times more likely to be killed by the drunk drivers, and yet Larry just can't stop harping on the something that is really a comparatively small threat to my life.

    Well, I think I remember seeing somewhere---probably not in the NYT!---that each year there are around 700,000 violent attacks by blacks against whites in America.

    Now offhand, 700,000 violent attacks per year sounds like a pretty big number to me...but, hey, what do I know...

  47. Dennis Mangan:

    You can access some of your old content through the indispensable Wayback Machine, here:*/

  48. Here's Blogger's Hate Speech policy:

    "Hate Speech: We want you to use Blogger to express your opinions, even very controversial ones. But, don't cross the line by publishing hate speech. By this, we mean content that promotes hate or violence towards groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity. For example, don't write a blog saying that members of Race X are criminals or advocating violence against followers of Religion Y."

    It's easy to see that they might, however unreasonably, judge some immigration-control or HBD commentary to be hate speech. And they're going be the judges.

    But how's Steve gonna survive?

  49. It looks like the Atlanta mayoral race is too close to call, but the black candidate is up by 640 votes with provisional ballots yet to be counted.

    If I understand provisional ballots from the presidential election, most are completed by people with incomplete or late registrations, which as you've noted with respect to magnet school admissions, probably means people from lower income and minority backgrounds, and I'd have assume to they'd lean toward the black candidate.

    They said the turnout was higher in the runoff than in the general election which means the electorate was energized, or polarized, depending on your point of view.

  50. Diversity is our greatest strength. Except where it counts.

  51. Turkey is part of Europe?"

    Small part of Turkey is West of Bosphorus. Do you know where Constantinople/Istanbul is?

    By the way, Kazakhstan is also a European country!

    I'll assume you're being sarcastic. In re the earlier post, calling Turkey a European country is just like calling the USA a black country!

    Is Seattle getting more black? On Sunday a crazy black guy shot and killed four white cops in a coffee shop just south of Seattle.

    Tacoma is the "loser city" or "armpit" of Seattle, in much the same way Baltimore is for D.C., Camden for Philly, and Newark for NYC.

  52. Fewer than two thousand whites a year are murdered by blacks, but more than ten thousand whites a year are killed by white drunk drivers.

    One of these things is a deliberate act, and one is an accident. I don't see the point in pretending they are identical. You might as well say "I'm far more likly to die of cancer than from a car crash. Why all this attention being paid to car crashes and drunk driving?".

  53. It seems to me that the de facto legalization of pot in Los Angeles is a step in the right direction - empty the prisons of all the pot heads and make room for more violent criminals.

    The idea that the prisons are full of harmless potheads is a myth. Even those people in jail who are formally there for drug possession are also violent criminals. In many cases they simply cop a plea to possession and the courts accept it rather than go through a big trial on other crimes. That's the way the system works.

  54. Re: the purported "creepiness" of Lawrence Auster's attention to the problem of black violence.

    There are a number of problems revolving around this that need to be unraveled by analysis. For now, I will only treat of one: the unavoidable fudge factor involved with statistics.

    This problem is whether, or not, the problem of black violence attains a threshhold of sufficient magnitude to warrant a significant modification of the current status quo in terms of law enforcement and laws. There is an unavoidable factor of subjectivity here, where one person might think that threshhold has not been attained, while another thinks it has -- both persons aware of the same statistics. Evidently, the magnitude of black violence is not so catastrophically high that it becomes generally persuasive.

    I happen to be a person who thinks it is too high and that the threshhold has been attained, and I welcome rhetorical efforts to try to persuade the larger public; however, if such rhetorical efforts employ certain tactics, they may end up becoming counter-productive. One such rhetorical tactic is Auster's use of the term "intifada", whose obvious paradoxicality in this context Auster often underscores by qualifying with the adjectival "low-level". A "low-level intifada", however, is sort of like a "quasi-war" or a "partially pregnant woman". The whole point of the term "intifada" as it is classically, and appropriately used -- referring to the Muslims regional to Israel waging against Israelis a Qital through a relentless campaign of various types of razzia based upon a clear blueprint, in the Islam they fanatically follow, for military supremacist expansionism tied to an inimical hatred for Jews and for Unbelievers in general -- is that it is:

    a) concerted & organized among the perpetrators


    b) following a blueprint.

    Outside of some limited instances in a certain delimited time period (1960s into the 70s with the Black Panthers), there is no evidence that black violence comports with this definition of an intifada. At best, one can adduce a highly amorphous complex of psychological animus on the part of many blacks against whites, ranging from alienation, to resentment, to hypersensitivity, to contempt, on up to hatred and racism against whites.

    Closely related to this inappropriateness of using the term intifada to describe the problem of black-on-white violence, there is another way that this problem fails to sufficiently resemble our problem of Muslims: With Muslims, there is far more evidence that the "moderate Muslim" who supposedly means us no harm and is a nice, polite, productive contributor to Western societies is in fact a myth concretely dissembled through the culture of taqiyya -- the very real and prevalent tactic of lying and deception used by Muslims when they perceive themselves to be too weak for outright conquest. We have seen, time and time again, too many instances where supposed "moderate Muslims" turned out to hold extremist views, and even turned out to be actively aiding and abetting terrorism (if not even in too many cases involved in planning and/or perpetrating terrorism). Not only do we not see this degree of duplicity among blacks, we also have experience of countless blacks among us who are fine people. The "tiny minority of extremists" trope used by PC MCs to whitewash the problem of Islam would, in fact, be appropriate to describe the problem of black violence -- with perhaps the caveat of adjusting that "tiny" to a slightly larger minority -- but still not sufficient to justify treating that problem on a par with the problem of Muslim violence -- which, unlike black violence, is, again, concerted, organized, follows a blueprint for conquest (indeed, an ancient blueprint developed and put into practice for some 1,400 years), and in addition is global, causing mayhem in dozens of countries around the world.


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