November 13, 2009

The Return of the Eternally Undead Amnesty Bill

From the WSJ:
Immigrant Bill Is Back on Table

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called Friday for Congress to consider an overhaul of immigration law early next year, a move that could rekindle a divisive debate during an election year.

Ms. Napolitano said the immigration landscape has changed sharply since 2007, when attempts at a comprehensive overhaul failed because many members of Congress lacked confidence in the government's ability to enforce existing laws, she said. Immigration overhauls backed by the Bush administration and some congressional leaders from both parties foundered in part because critics portrayed them as rewarding illegal immigrants with "amnesty" for violating U.S. law.

Since then, government statistics show a 23% drop in the number of illegal immigrants caught trying to enter the U.S. in the past year ... Without congressional action, "what I fear is we will see another wave of illegal immigration" when the economy improves, she said.

Uh, right ...

Look, the rationalization for Obama pushing for amnesty when unemployment is over 10% isn't supposed to make sense to current voters. The goal is to freeze unemployed illegal aliens in the United States so that they will be future voters. Obama doesn't want them to go home to their families in their warm home countries this winter. His message is: Leave America now and you'll miss out on the Amnesty.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Look, the rationalization for Obama pushing for amnesty when unemployment is over 10% isn't supposed to make sense to current voters. The goal is to freeze unemployed illegal aliens in the United States so that they will be future voters. Obama doesn't want them to go home to their families in their warm home countries this winter. His message is: Leave America now and you'll miss out on the Amnesty.

    They have three children each! Their kids are citizens; they can go and come as they please.

    This amnesty nonsense is a distraction. Ending birth right citizenship is all that maters.

  2. This comes out as Obama gets ready to send 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan.

    Invade the world, invite the world indeed!

    If only the anti-war, anti-corporation and anti-immigration majority had just one of the two parties.

  3. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/13/09, 10:30 PM

    "what I fear is we will see another wave of illegal immigration" when the economy improves, she said."

    Then she shouldn't have any problem at all with a bill that deals exclusively with enforcement.

  4. That's not Obama's goal Steve.

    His goal is to push through Congress on a purely Democratic vote legalization of 30-40 million new Democratic voters to create a permanent Democratic majority.

    He will get it too -- Dems with media air cover and much graft/lobbying for the few turned out will pass it.

    To misquote Denny Green, Obama is who we thought he was.

  5. "The goal is to freeze unemployed illegal aliens in the United States so that they will be future voters."

    That is way too complex. 80-year-old John McCain is concerned about future voters? Lindsey Graham thinks the tiny population of illegals will be future voters?

    The simpler answer is they are all whores and the best johns are corporations that hire lots of illegals.

  6. "when the economy improves..."

    you just gotta laugh... america r.i.p

  7. Nothing would put a crimp in their style more than making E-Verify mandatory. Once that occurs the balance of power will tip towards the good guys. It will simultaneously defund the business lobby while making it harder for illeals to make a beach head.

  8. "Lindsey Graham thinks the tiny population of illegals will be future voters?"

    20 million is 'tiny'? Do we have to import the entire population of Mexico before you'll acknowledge their existence?

  9. It may be more basic than that -- Dems may realize that they're not going to be able to ram that stinker through Congress [could barely pass that health bill through and it's not out of Congress yet, cap and trade will likely be dead... want another stimulus bill?].

    But, as you say, it's a signal to try to get illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. Because what happens next year? Oh yes, the Census. And they count illegal immigrants in the apportionment.

    Without illegal aliens boosting the numbers, some of the blue states would be losing seats in the House due to the Census. Can't have that, now can we.

  10. Maybe they're searching for a new football coach for Notre Dame. Bwwwaaaah!

  11. Why not send all 30 million illegal Mexicans in the US to Afghanistan to work in the poppy growing trade? They can make Heroin, get high, start violent gangs, behead their enemies, procreate as they like, and, well, just be themselves.

    And they can directly challenge Islam with their Narco-Catholicism. Maybe the Mestizos will go totally indigenous and bring back human sacrifice. They can crucify their Pashto hillbilly enemies in big public celebrations on El Día de los Muertos.

  12. I think Obama wants the illegals to stay up until the next census, which I believe is in May of 2010.

    He doesn't even need their votes if he can get the redistricting done while they're still here.

    There will be many new districts drawn up with relatively very few actual voters in them.

    Needless to say, these new districts will reliably vote for the Democrats.

    After the census is done, watch for the administration to pretend to get "tough" with illegals in the run-up to the 2010 elections.

  13. I don't understand how granting the current alien criminals forgiveness for their crimes would discourage future waves of Central and South American aliens. Is she even trying?

    Does she mean the future invaders would be legal right after hopping over the border? Like beating your wife, illegal immigration isn't bad because it's illegal. It is illegal because it's bad.

    Strategery-wise, the best way to to turn the left off to the aliens is to emphasize how much they dislike gays. They will not have gay rights and lots of Meso-Americans for long. Well, not with democracy. We won't do that because too much of the right hates faggots more than they love their people.

    I wish we had just one patriot in the IRS or Selective Service Administration. He or she could argue that everyone on earth (or just all Mexicans) has to pay US income taxes or register for the draft. Then the Supreme Court would say, no they don't. They aren't under the jurisdiction of the US government. Bingo! No birthright citizenship.

    Come to think of it, since foriegn nationals aren't required to register with selective service, they already are not subject to the jurisdiction of the fed: there children are not citizens, and never were.

  14. what I fear is we will see another wave of illegal immigration" when the economy improves, she said.

    Cracking down on the employers of illegals, which could be done under current law, would get rid of this "fear".

    But as Steve says, their real fear is that the illegals will go home.

  15. whiskey:He will get it too -- Dems with media air cover and much graft/lobbying for the few turned out will pass it.

    Don't forget that the 'conservative' media is neocon dominated, so they'll also provide cover for an amnesty. So will 'conservative' blogs like Pajamas Media. Republicans like John McCain can also be counted on to support Obama as long as they get their troops for Afghanistan.

    If only the anti-war, anti-corporation and anti-immigration majority had just one of the two parties.

    If the average American gave a damn there would be a party to represent them.

  16. "That's not Obama's goal Steve."

    Steve: The goal is to freeze unemployed illegal aliens in the United States so that they will be future voters. Obama doesn't want them to go home to their families in their warm home countries this winter.

    T99: His goal is to push through Congress on a purely Democratic vote legalization of 30-40 million new Democratic voters to create a permanent Democratic majority.

    How exactly are you guys disagreeing?

    [BTW, do the Scots-Irish always bicker like this when they're in Tel Aviv?]

  17. steve-- i think we can agree taht it's better to be born in the USA than to be born in MEXICO

    you were born here--yet you didn't deserve it.

    they were born there(Mexico)---

    can you understand why they would want to come here?

    and what makes u think you deserve to be here anyway?

  18. "The goal is to freeze unemployed illegal aliens in the United States so that they will be future voters."

    That is way too complex. 80-year-old John McCain is concerned about future voters? Lindsey Graham thinks the tiny population of illegals will be future voters?

    The simpler answer is they are all whores and the best johns are corporations that hire lots of illegals.

    Those two views are not mutually exclusive, instead they are mutually reinforcing.

  19. "when the economy improves"....

    I won't be holding my breath.

    If this thing passes and employment is still above 9 or 10%, there will be riots somewhere.

    -Vanilla Thunder

  20. "20 million is 'tiny'? Do we have to import the entire population of Mexico before you'll acknowledge their existence?"

    What we may miss in the semantics of "20 million illegals" is that for every illegal, there is at least one child. It makes more sense to talk about people whose grandparents were born here. So, anyway whatever number of "illegal aliens" or even immigrants you have, always double that number to account for their kids.

    There is no growth in the population whose grandparents were born here.
    All growth is from immigration.

  21. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/14/09, 8:15 PM

    His goal is to push through Congress on a purely Democratic vote legalization of 30-40 million new Democratic voters to create a permanent Democratic majority.

    It would shock me if that happened. The beauty of the original "new every two" is that you're always close enough to an election to keep House members on their toes. House members would have to be more interested in the long term good of their party than they are in their own political survival, and if they were that selfless to begin with they probably wouldn't be in favor of I.I./amnesty.

    What wouldn't shock me is if the Democrats, after going down to defeat in 2010 for so many other reasons, pass amnesty in a lame duck session as a giant middle finger to the American people. It would not shock me at all.

    "what I fear is we will see another wave of illegal immigration" when the economy improves, [Napolitano] said."

    See now that just proves how stupid she is. The economy is not going to improve anytime soon. We are flat out of money.

    "Lindsey Graham thinks the tiny population of illegals will be future voters?"

    Six more years with that fop. I will never forgive South Carolina for re-electing him. Maybe he'll die of suffocation after a horrible teabagging accident.

    If this thing passes and employment is still above 9 or 10%, there will be riots somewhere.

    I'd give good odds for the offical rate hitting 12% this year. Riots only happen in countries where lots of people have plenty of time on their hands and no 30 year mortgage to maintain the payments on. Oh wait...

    you were born here--yet you didn't deserve it.

    Ted Kennedy was born in a f---ing mansion. He didn't "deserve" it, either - yet no one ever took it away from him. The business lobby deploys this argument while at the same time arguing against the "death tax." They're happy to tax the value of your citizenship to death.

    My ancestors settled, built and bled for this country. Why do I deserve to live here, and not someone from Mexico? That's why.

    Don't forget that the 'conservative' media is neocon dominated, so they'll also provide cover for an amnesty.

    After all the wasted trillions, the health care debacle, 11% unemployment, and the general anti-American recklessness of the Obama Administration, the conservative backlash against an amnesty will be far, far more dangerous than those in '06 and '07. Fox News will not be allowed to get away with its neocon position this time,and the Dick Armey/FreedomWorks attempt to hijack the Tea Party movement will come up short.

  22. "you were born here--yet you didn't deserve it. . . . and what makes u think you deserve to be here anyway?"

    I don't think this even constitutes an argument. "Deserve" suggests that what happens to you is a moral consequence of your own actions. In what sense can one be said to "deserve" anything prior to one's ability to DO anything -- good, bad, or indifferent. In other words, people are simply born where they are born, nobody particularly deserves to be born anyplace.

    I suppose that if you believe in karma and past lives, you may take a different point of view.

  23. This is all a bit like the EU elections. A country votes NO and another election is held, then another, until the country votes YES. Then the elections stop. It's called liberal democracy.

    I believe that we can hold an amnesty back in 2009-2010; but, while we have to win every time, they only have to win once....

    And you can't repeal people. If 20 years down the road, wiser people turn up in Congress and the WH, they can't say, "We made a BIG mistake back in 20XX. You folks just gotta go back to where you came from!"

    And as somebody noted there are those children......

  24. you were born here--yet you didn't deserve it.
    Our ancestors fought, bled and died to build this country into a First World superpower. They often didn't live long enough to enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices, so what exactly were they doing all that hard work for? (An example My great-great grandmother died on a pioneer trail at 31 after giving birth to six children; her son, my great-grandfather, died in his mid-40s after ruining his health fighting in the US Civil War for all four years.) They did it all for us, their descendants. They didn't do it for the descendants of Nigerians or Mexicans or Sri Lankans.

    When anyone plays that line on me I always say that my name is specifically written in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States. As a descendant of original Dutch and English colonists, the "posterity" noted therein is quite literally, me. As long as the Constitution stands then yes, I have a greater right to be here than someone who squeezed over the border five days ago.

    Your argument basically states that people don't have a right to pass along their inheritances to their descendants. An immoral argument, and completely against human nature. Humans will always want to sacrifice to build something good for the sake of their descendants, but not very often for the descendants of someone else.

  25. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/15/09, 10:58 AM

    "Deserve" suggests that what happens to you is a moral consequence of your own actions. In what sense can one be said to "deserve" anything prior to one's ability to DO anything -- good, bad, or indifferent. In other words, people are simply born where they are born, nobody particularly deserves to be born anyplace.

    Well said. I'd add that while perhaps Americans don't "deserve" to be born in America, we deserve to live here, as Mexicans deserve to live in Mexico. The Mexicans who are coming here illegally weren't born yesterday. The country in which they live has been shaped by themselves. They created it, including all of the undesireable aspects. If Mexicans and Americans simply switched geographical locations which country would be the desireable one? The geographical expression now known as Mexico, that's which.

    Anglo-Saxon culture has been remarkably resilient wherever it has taken root - places as different as America, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and, until the betrayal, South Africa. They have made countries sought out by everyone not because of their mineral wealth, but because the behaviors and culture and productivity of the people made them desireable.

  26. Why not send all 30 million illegal Mexicans in the US to Afghanistan to work in the poppy growing trade? They can make Heroin, get high, start violent gangs, behead their enemies, procreate as they like, and, well, just be themselves.

    And they can directly challenge Islam with their Narco-Catholicism. Maybe the Mestizos will go totally indigenous and bring back human sacrifice. They can crucify their Pashto hillbilly enemies in big public celebrations on El Día de los Muertos

    OK, that was really funny.


  27. In other news, the Mexican government is 'pleading' for UN troops to come and put down the drug war which is still raging on the border -

    "Mexican business leaders have appealed to the United Nations to deploy peacekeepers just metres from the US border to help stem the rampant violence of the country's drug cartels.

    The request from business groups in the border city of Juarez raises the prospect of blue-helmeted UN soldiers patrolling the US border.

    It follows the failure of more than 8500 Mexican soldiers and special forces police to bring the bloodshed under control..."

  28. > you were born here--yet you didn't deserve it.

    they were born there(Mexico)--- <

    We were born here, and so were our ancestors. We made something of the place.

    The Mexicans you're talking about were born in Mexico and so were their ancestors. They made something of Mexico.

    Yes, I can see why they would want to come here. To get the things we made, the things they did not make.

    And this commenter talks about who's "deserving" and who isn't?

    (Not to mention also getting free emergency room, education, EBT, Section 8, welfare, set-asides, etc.)


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