November 10, 2009

Some things we are just not meant to understand

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve,
    I would like to know whether you think there was a clear reason that the MSM is willfully ignoring or you actually mean that no one really knows why Allen Mohammed went on his rampage?

  2. Uh, Anonymous... Did you really have to ask that? The man is lethal with nothing more than a title, ain't he?

  3. It's really unfortunate that his last name wasn't "Smith"... and that he wasn't white...

  4. Oh, by the bye, while we're at it, since it's more or less disappeared down the memory hole, remember that this case more than likely went on longer than it had to, and more victims died, while Chief Charles Moose and his stalwarts of politically correct policing were hunting for Timothy McVeigh-style white nuts in a van. More sacrifices to the strange and blood-hungry gods we worship.

  5. "Understanding" could lead to a backlash against innocent Muslims. Diversity is America's greatest strength and it would be a shame to see our confidence in that diversity be questioned due to the actions of some nut. Exploiting a tragedy such as this for ideological reasons is shameful. Our time would be better spent exploring the root causes of such actions instead of stereotyping and blaming entire ethnic groups or religions.

  6. Yes, just as Muhammad's motivation remains unclear, the tragedy at Fort Hood is incomprehensible.

    How can we hope to understand random outbursts of violence that erupt with no apparent motive?

    If only we could locate just one common thread....

  7. You think someone might have asked him in the intervening seven years what was on his mind. Some insightful, Truman Capote-like writer. Alas, if this was the case, I haven't heard about it.

    Charles Manson got endless attention over decades for his deadly escapades. You would think this new, rather spectacular criminal would arouse a little of the same type of curiosity.

    I wonder if the Fort Hood killer will be treated a similar hush-hush fashion.

  8. Muhammad claims that he is innocent and that there was a plot to frame him because he is black

    Detecting glimpses of humanity in D.C. sniper

    Most of those who will gather at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt readily see the execution as just punishment for the man who masterminded a wave of random shootings that left 10 people dead and terrorized the Washington region for more than three weeks in October 2002. Then there's Sheldon and co-counsel James G. Connell III, who have been working tirelessly to save Muhammad's life.

    They condemn the man's crimes. But during the past three years, they have spent hours talking with him -- in person and by phone -- and they have come to see some humanity in the man many see only as a monster.

    "I perfectly understand the families of the victims want to throttle him. It is hard to get a handle on the amount of damage he has done," Sheldon said. "John Allen Muhammad is absolutely responsible. He's guilty. But there are glimpses of him being thoughtful. People don't want to see that. It's much easier to wrap him up into the thing he did."

    The attorneys said they have come to know Muhammad as someone who can be lucid one moment and delusional the next. Even now, they said, Muhammad claims that he is innocent and that there was a plot to frame him because he is black. He recently told his attorneys that he was having dental work done in Germany when one of the killings occurred.

  9. I remember a Bill O'Reilly segment connecting his Black Panther affiliation to the shootings. That was even dumber considering one of his victims was a 13 year old black kid.

  10. To quote one of the relatives:

    "There are no winners here. We are not celebrating. It was a sad day for everyone."

    Personally, I oppose the death penalty.

    Whatever his motivations were, he didn't just kill Whites.


    After his arrest, authorities also claimed that Muhammad admitted that he admired and modeled himself after Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and approved of the September 11 attacks. One of Malvo's psychiatric witnesses testified in his trial that Muhammad had indoctrinated him into believing that the proceeds of the extortion attempt would be used to begin a new nation of only young, "pure" black people somewhere in Canada.

    Testimony of Lee Boyd Malvo

    In John Allen Muhammad's May 2006 trial in Montgomery County, Maryland, Lee Boyd Malvo, who is serving a sentence of life without parole for his role in the shootings, took the stand and confessed to a more detailed version of the pair's plans.

    Malvo, after extensive psychological counseling, admitted that he was lying at the earlier Virginia trial where he had admitted to being the triggerman for every shooting. Malvo claimed that he had said this in order to protect John Allen Muhammad from the potential death penalty, because it was more difficult to achieve the death penalty for a minor. Malvo said that he wanted to do what little he could for the families of the victims by letting the full story be told. In his two days of testimony, Malvo outlined many very detailed aspects of all the shootings.

    Part of his testimony concerned John Allen Muhammad's complete multiphase plan. His plan consisted of three phases in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore metro areas. Phase one consisted of meticulously planning, mapping, and practicing their locations around the DC area. This way after each shooting they would be able to quickly leave the area on a predetermined path, and move on to the next location.

    John Allen Muhammad's goal in phase one was to kill 6 white people a day for 30 days (180 per month). Malvo went on to describe how phase one did not go as planned due to heavy traffic and the lack of a clear shot and/or getaway at different locations.
    Phase two was meant to be moved up to Baltimore. Malvo described how this phase was close to being implemented, but never was carried out.

    Phase Two was intended to begin by killing a pregnant woman by shooting her in the abdomen. The next step would have been to shoot and kill a Baltimore City police officer. Then, at the officer's funeral, they were to create several improvised explosive devices complete with shrapnel. These explosives were intended to kill a large number of police, since many police would attend another officer's funeral. The last phase was to take place very shortly after, if not during, Phase Two.

    The third phase was to extort several million dollars from the United States government. This money would be used to finance a larger plan. The plan was to travel north into Canada. Along the way they would stop in YMCAs and orphanages recruiting other impressionable young boys with no parents or guidance. John Allen Muhammad thought he could act as their father figure as he did with Lee Boyd Malvo. Once he recruited a large number of young boys and made his way up to Canada, he would begin their training. Malvo described how John Allen Muhammad intended to train all these boys with weapons and stealth, as he had been taught. Finally, after their training was complete, John Allen Muhammad would send them out across the United States to carry out mass shootings in many different cities, just as he had done in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.[16][17][18]

  12. Diversity is America's greatest strength

    Just once I'd like to hear someone back up that claim with data. Liberals don't pose questions, they pose excuses; they don't make statements, they make accusations.

    What's interesting is that right now, in one week, we have 3 major crime stories in the news - the Richmond gang rape, Ft Hood, and Muhammed - that should put the focus on the benefits (or lack thereof) of diversity. Are people paying attention? Have they noticed? Even a few of them?

    One hopes.

  13. His motivation was racial and religous hatred. Not hard to understand, just hard for the MSM to say.

  14. "Diversity is America's greatest strength".....

    How so? In what way? Imagine there was another America - absolutely identical to this one in every way but one, its population was all-White - which would be "stronger"?

    I know where I'd put my money...

    Are countries like Japan or Poland "weak" because they are NOT diverse? Would Poland be "stronger" if it was only 90% Polish? 80%? 70%?

  15. John Allen Muhammed was psychotic. He had brain damage, possibly from his time in the Gulf War. Filtering out the subjective opinions of experts and just looking at the physical facts:

    "Magnetic Resonance Imaging revealed that John Muhammad’s brain had serious abnormalities, including a shrunken cortex, indicating a loss of brain tissue likely to have been caused by a severe injury to the head. Another abnormality found in his brain is sometimes associated with schizophrenia"

    Amnesty International's statement

    It is routine that American soldiers come home violently psychotic. It is also routine that American media ignores or downplays this angle because of their intense desire to "support the troops".

  16. You lie!

    WaPo gave a perfectly plausible explaination for Muhammad systematically terrorizing the area:

    "Muhammad's ex-wife, who lived with his children in the Maryland suburbs, where many of the shootings occurred, has speculated that he did it to frighten or even kill her."

    Which is odd since she supposedly didn't know it was her husband who was the sniper (or else she would've been charged as an accomplice).

    But wikipedia backs up WaPo on the motive:

    "Investigators and the prosecution at trial suggested that Muhammad intended to kill his ex-wife Mildred, who had estranged him from his children. According to this theory, she would appear to be just another random victim of the snipers. Muhammad frequented the neighborhood where she lived during the attacks, and some of the incidents occurred nearby. Additionally, he had earlier made threats against her. Mildred herself made the claim that she was his intended target. However Judge LeRoy Millette Jr. prevented prosecutors from presenting that theory during the trial, saying that a link had not been firmly established."

    However, in another section on Malvo's testimony, wikipedia gives this away:

    "A series of trial exhibits indicated that Malvo and Muhammad were motivated by an affinity for Islamic Jihad.[32]

    Exhibit 65-006: A self-portrait of Malvo in the cross hairs of a gun scope shouting, 'ALLAH AKBAR!' The word 'SALAAM' scrawled vertically. A lyric from Bob Marley's Natural Mystic 'Many more will have to suffer. Many more will have to die. Don't ask me why.'

    Exhibit 65-016: A portrait of Saddam Hussein with the words 'INSHALLAH' and 'The Protector,' surrounded by rockets labeled 'chem' and 'nuk.'

    Exhibit 65-043: Father and son portrait of Malvo and Muhammad. 'We will kill them all. Jihad.'

    Exhibit 65-056: A self-portrait of Malvo as sniper, lying in wait, with his rifle. 'JIHAD' written in bold letters.

    Exhibit 65-067: A suicide bomber labeled 'Hamas' walking into a McDonald's restaurant. Another drawing of the Twin Towers burning captioned: '85 percent chance Zionists did this.' More scrawls: 'ALLAH AKBAR,' 'JIHAD' and 'Islam will explode.'

    Exhibit 65-103: A lion accompanies chapter and verse from the Koran ('Sura 2:190'): 'Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and slay them wherever ye catch them.'

    Exhibit 65-109: Portrait of Osama bin Laden, captioned 'Servant of Allah.'

    Exhibit 65-117: The White House drawn in crosshairs, surrounded by missiles, with a warning: 'Sep. 11 we will ensure will look like a picnic to you' and 'you will bleed to death little by little.'

    Exhibit 65-101: Malvo's thought for the day: 'Islam the only true guidance, the way of peace.'"

  17. Maybe this type of MSM misinformation is designed to protect you and minimize societal discord.

    If this was reported as the anti-Western murderous Jihad with racial undertones as it is, what good would come of it? It would likely only serve to inspire some young, impressionable and aspiring future John Mohammed or make middle class white voters feel targeted.

    Recall that Mohammed himself was purportedly inspired as a child by the anti-white, anti-police murders committed by Mark Essex

    Don't worry, we elites have your best interests in mind.

  18. Phase one didn't go as planned due to 'heavy traffic' --someone tell The Onion!

    And we're worried about these guys?! Like strategically militarily worried about these guys?! We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here and they're... stuck in traffic!!?! Who is more insane?

  19. Note the passive voice: "10 died."

  20. "Diversity is America's greatest strength" and variations on same, is not a claim, it is a slogan, a rationale for favoring certain groups over others. I find it kind of scary to have a political discussion with a really committed liberal, and to discover that the person does not require a reasoned justification for their position on an issue like "diversity"; it is enough for them that this is the correct position to take. The parallels to religious belief are obvious and have been stated here before.

  21. I remember a Bill O'Reilly segment connecting his Black Panther affiliation to the shootings. That was even dumber considering one of his victims was a 13 year old black kid.

    No it wasn't. Black Panthers hate black cubs.

  22. " Imagine there was another America - absolutely identical to this one in every way but one, its population was all-White - which would be "stronger"?"

    I like that. I plan to use that. But even so, I know it's heresy, & that I'm a bad bad person for even having such an evil bad thought.

  23. "Would Poland be "stronger" if it was only 90% Polish? 80%? 70%?..."

    Well, it is something to think about. The Germans must have had some reason for making all of those jokes.

  24. "he didn't just kill whites."

    These people, Indians from India, are dark skinned Caucasians. Any blacks among the victims?

  25. "Understanding" could lead to a backlash against innocent Muslims. Diversity is America's greatest strength and it would be a shame to see our confidence in that diversity be questioned due to the actions of some nut. Exploiting a tragedy such as this for ideological reasons is shameful. Our time would be better spent exploring the root causes of such actions instead of stereotyping and blaming entire ethnic groups or religions.

    Okay, that was sarcasm, right?

    I honestly can't tell anymore.

  26. Harry Baldwin11/11/09, 9:35 AM

    According to the reigning CW, violence falls into two categories: that which reveals disturbing truths about our society, and that which is random, senseles, incomprehensible.

    The first type must be extensively covered, analyzed, and brought up again at every opportunity, such as the murders of Matthew Shepard, and James Byrd; the Oklahoma bombing; the Howard Beach case; the "rapes" of Tawana Brawley and Crystal Gail Mangum; the nooses of Jena, etc. (It is not that important if they turn out to be hoaxes because the greater truth of them is what matters.)

    The second type have no discernible pattern and therefore are barely worth covering and should be forgotten about as soon as possible since thinking about them only makes a liberal's head hurt. These include the Wichita torture-rape killing, the zebra killings, the DC sniper, the Colin Ferguson mass murder, the Richmond gang rape, the Fort Hood massacre, and countless others.

  27. Here is a great article by Mark Steyn on the killers' movitves and the MSM cover up.

  28. "remember that this case more than likely went on longer than it had to, and more victims died, while Chief Charles Moose and his stalwarts of politically correct policing were hunting for Timothy McVeigh-style white nuts in a van"

    Shades of the Atlanta child murders of 1979-early 1980's. When the FBI profiler John Douglas was sent to scope things out, he came up with a profile that said - among many other things - that it was a black man. NoNoNoNoNo, said the locals including the local police. "It's a white guy acting out of pure racism - sort of a modern KKK." Douglas took some heat on this but stuck to his guns, pointing out that a white guy would stand out like a sore thumb in the all black ghetto communities that these children were disappearing from. Somebody would have noticed him. Nobody ever saw a suspicious white man.

    It turned out to be Wayne Williams, a middle-class black man who also might have stood out in the affected communities IF the police hadn't been looking for a white man or white men.

  29. "Diversity is America's greatest strength".....

    How so? In what way?

    Diversity is big gubbmint and McWorld's greatest strength.

    It's also hands down "America's" most unassailable value. Question anything you want about "America's" values, anything at all, and you're welcome in the "mainstream"...except for diversity.

  30. The attorneys said they have come to know Muhammad as someone who can be lucid one moment and delusional the next.

    Non-Islamic readers of the Koran said they have come to know Muhammad as someone who can be lucid one moment and delusional the next.

  31. Part of his motivation was to get back at his ex-wife. He'd gone looking for her and tried to murder one of her divorce allies (got her niece instead) here in Washington State before going on the rampage in DC, where she lived.

  32. "Diversity is America's greatest strength".....

    How so? In what way? Imagine there was another America - absolutely identical to this one in every way but one, its population was all-White - which would be "stronger"?

    I'm pretty sure the OP was satirical, and brilliantly so. The best satire shows not a crack of smile at its own absurdity.

  33. Note the passive voice: "10 died."

    That's actually the active voice.

    Are you sure you're a WASP, like you always claim, and not some Slav?

  34. I believe that Obama said in a televised speech that "Diversity is our strength".

    "Diversity is Divisive" might be a more accurate slogan; I'd say even bumper-sticker material, but no one wants their car keyed.

    Fine, 10 were murdered is grammatically passive but "10 died" is, de facto, more passive as it describes neither the perp nor the fact that the deaths were caused by murder. So I give Svigor a pass.

  35. That's actually the active voice.

    Are you sure you're a WASP, like you always claim, and not some Slav?

    Sorry, then I don't know the term for it. I just know that 10 "died" not "he murdered 10" is not accidental.

    Why not use a handle, so we can all know who this fellow is, who's so much smarter than me?

  36. Anonymous said...

    I remember a Bill O'Reilly segment connecting his Black Panther affiliation to the shootings. That was even dumber considering one of his victims was a 13 year old black kid.

    Yes this makes sense because the Black Panthers have never killed black people. Muslims never kill other Muslims. We're just like ducks in a noose trying to figure this out. Maybe we should look for the real white killers?

  37. "I believe that Obama said in a televised speech that "Diversity is our strength".
    "Diversity is Divisive" might be a more accurate slogan."

    Presiden Obama was much more forthcoming than expected when he said:'Diversity is Our strenght.'

    He did not say 'Diversity is an American strength' or 'Diversity makes USA strong.'

    Did he?

  38. "Fine, 10 were murdered is grammatically passive but "10 died" is, de facto, more passive as it describes neither the perp nor the fact that the deaths were caused by murder. So I give Svigor a pass."

    I think Michelle O. made that mistake once in her dissertation.

  39. Why not use a handle, so we can all know who this fellow is, who's so much smarter than me?

    Yeah, because you're really putting yourself out there by posting as "Svigor" and linking to Majority Rights.

  40. Michele Obama’s Ivey League dissertation apparently has the same grammatical requirements as chatting on the internet. How dare anyone question Queen Michele! Truth cries himself to sleep every night because of the endless injustice of us not recognizing Michele’s brilliant mind. After all, she went to Princeton AND Harvard!

  41. Well, actually, can you tell me what his motivations were?

    He didn't make a speech before he was, delightfully, executed.

    Other than he's black and named Mohammed, is there anything more than that? If that is it, I can see why headline went the way it did.

  42. "Michele Obama’s Ivey League dissertation apparently has the same grammatical requirements as chatting on the internet."

    Uh, "Michelle" is spelled with two "l"s there, Benjamin Bradlee.

  43. "Michele Obama’s Ivey League dissertation apparently has the same grammatical requirements as chatting on the internet."

    I think you mean Ivy League, Sport.

  44. William1066, check out my diversity merchandise HERE.

  45. "Michele Obama’s Ivey League dissertation apparently has the same grammatical requirements as chatting on the internet."

    It wasn't a "dissertation", which is written for a PhD. It was an undergraduate thesis.


  46. Yeah, because you're really putting yourself out there by posting as "Svigor" and linking to Majority Rights.

    You miss the point. Having a consistent (and unique) handle means you have to answer for your positions and statements. There's being anonymous, and then there's being anonymous...

  47. Harry Baldwin, part of the trouble is that every white person was force-fed _To Kill a Mockingbird_ (et al. ad inf.) in school, while no equivalent exists on the non-communist side.

    The patterns most people look for are the ones they are taught to look for. Everything depends on who washed their brains between ages 8 and 18. Afterwards they are essentially unteachable and unreachable.

    People go by Myth, and the Myth is usually imposed on them from the outside, it's the "given." The American Myth since the 1940s has been: blacks are victims of an evil racist society - this is the pattern to look for, this is what makes sense out of life. Of course it's true, haven't you seen "Mississippi Burning"? Why, I cried for days after I saw it... And my heart went out when my teacher described Emmett Till...

    The Myth is not to be updated with contrary information, like the Knoxville torture rape murders. That doesn't fit the Myth - worse, it seems part of a different Myth, an alien Myth, a "Nazi" Myth. Reject it!!! Or if you must acknowledge it, say "it has nothing to do with race." What is meant is: "It has nothing to do with the Myth I was given regarding these matters. Atticus Finch is nowhere in evidence."

    We are dealing with the essential boneheadedness and blue-eyed gullibility of the mass white public, eternal suckers for any abstraction taught to them.

  48. "Having a consistent (and unique) handle means you have to answer for your positions and statements."

    True dat. Which is why I'm a shape-shifting coward.

    Then again, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds".

  49. "I think you mean Ivy League, Sport."

    Ivy spelled with an "e"?

    How in the hell could I miss that low-hanging fruit?

    I must be getting old, my draw isn't what it used to be, kind of like Ali cerca 1979 or Steve Carlton getting his slider raked in with the Twins.

    I guess I have to face it; soon, it's going to be time to hang up my poison keyboard and move over for a younger, hungrier Snark-Marshall to patrol this territory.

    I'm thinking I have 10-12 more years here tops.

  50. Emmerson was speaking of attachment to dogma.

  51. "I'm thinking I have 10-12 more years here tops."

    I hope you stick around longer than that. Some of us really enjoy your posts. It's more interesting to read than white men complaining about affirmative action and furreners 24/7/365.

  52. "Would Poland be "stronger" if it was only 90% Polish? 80%? 70%?..."

    Is Poland strong now? Was it ever a first world country? Did the Germans and Jews who used to live there drag it down?

  53. Thanks my friend, I truly appreciate that.

  54. Is Poland strong now? Was it ever a first world country? Did the Germans and Jews who used to live there drag it down?

    No, but the Russians who lived in Poland and carted off its wealth to Russia for 45 years really dragged it down.

  55. Truth, you make fun of peoples' spelling and then write "Emmerson". You silly man.


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