November 12, 2009

Time for another Beer Summit

We all enjoyed the last one so much, so it's time for the White House to host another Beer Summit featuring a racially aggrieved black Ivy League professor. Here are the perfect disputants to invite.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. steve did you hear about how it was Sgt. Todd who brought down hassan and not white lady munley?

    i love 'em both

    but i bet u wont' write about that now will u??

  2. Why does McIntyre still have a job?

  3. The article gives very few details about the incident other than he punched her. I somewhat doubt that a "firey discussion" on white privilege was what sent him over the edge. The lady probably said something racist.

  4. Urban Survival Guide11/12/09, 3:46 PM

    "The lady probably said something racist."

    Ghetto dweller play No. 1:
    When accused of any violent criminal act against a white person and you are positively identified, make sure to state that they called you a ni**er. It can't hurt and will often help more than a good lawyer.

  5. I would like to open up a "black privilege" list.

    First on the list is the privilege of committing violence against whites if they offend your racial sensibilities. (Most commonly by using the "N word", but clearly other possibilities exist).

    Second on the list would be the the privilege of being able to get into elite Ivy League schools like Columbia with mediocre grades and test scores.

    Third would be the privilege being able to count on the assumption that, because you are black, you automatically understand white people better than they understand you.

    Fourth is the privilege of being allowed, and even encouraged, to blame all of your community's problems on outsiders (i.e., whites).

    Anybody want to add to the list?

  6. "The lady probably said something racist."

    Maybe she claimed that blacks are more prone to violent outbursts than whites.

  7. No doubt the President of the University has already talked to the lady and urged her to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  8. "Ghetto dweller play No. 1:
    When accused of any violent criminal act against a white person and you are positively identified, make sure to state that they called you a ni**er. It can't hurt and will often help more than a good lawyer."

    Dear troglodyte,

    The professor is not a "ghetto dweller" nor is he defending his actions. I said that it is probable that she said something racist during their "firey discussion" because something like that would definitely set me off but I'd walk out of the room, not slug the woman. If the beta male that she was with was man enough to tell her to shut up and let it alone then she wouldn't have gotten punched. And it's not like a white guy has never slugged a woman who ran her mouth in a bar.

  9. Nah, this one calls for beers AND shots. I suggest Red Rocks West.

  10. "Ghetto dweller play No. 1:
    When accused of any violent criminal act against a white person and you are positively identified, make sure to state that they called you a ni**er. It can't hurt and will often help more than a good lawyer."

    This comment is completely unfair to the professor and I'm shocked that it made it past the comment filter. The professor is not a ghetto dweller and he is not making excuses for his behavior. The chances of the woman making a racist comment is pretty high considering what she said riled up the professor enough to hit her. The fact that you make light of such racist language is sad. Just sad.

  11. This comment is completely unfair to the professor and I'm shocked that it made it past the comment filter. The professor is not a ghetto dweller and he is not making excuses for his behavior.

    Well, when was the last time you heard about a "real professor" at an Ivy League punch a woman in the face during some verbal dispute over ideology? Maybe he'd just been doing too much detailed research in "Ghetto Studies", and got a little carried away.

  12. Dear troglodyte,

    The professor is not a "ghetto dweller" nor is he defending his actions. I said that it is probable that she said something racist during their "firey discussion" because something like that would definitely set me off but I'd walk out of the room, not slug the woman. If the beta male that she was with was man enough to tell her to shut up and let it alone then she wouldn't have gotten punched. And it's not like a white guy has never slugged a woman who ran her mouth in a bar.

    You can't buy this kind of publicity.

  13. If the beta male that she was with was man enough to tell her to shut up and let it alone then she wouldn't have gotten punched.

    LOL. What a warped perspective. The alpha thing to do would be to tell Perfesser Lionel MacIntyre the Fourth to calm his bespectacled, besweatered, privileged ass down.

    And failing that, doublefisted grab of the collar, headbutt to the bridge of the nose, and a knee to the jaw as he crumples to the floor.

    Boo yah.

  14. The professor is not a "ghetto dweller" nor is he defending his actions. I said that it is probable that she said something racist during their "firey discussion" because something like that would definitely set me off but I'd walk out of the room, not slug the woman. If the beta male that she was with was man enough to tell her to shut up and let it alone then she wouldn't have gotten punched. And it's not like a white guy has never slugged a woman who ran her mouth in a bar.

    Are you out of your God-damned mind?

    [Or are you being facetious?]

    Seriously - WTF?!?

  15. Comment from hbdbooks:

    "It will be interesting to see the reaction of the campus feminists at Columbia. You would think that any time a male professor cold-cocked a female staff member (whether on or off campus), they would be out in force demanding the guy’s dismissal."

  16. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/12/09, 8:26 PM

    Why does McIntyre still have a job?

    Because he's an Associate Professor, which means tenure, which means he could show to work triple-drunk in his underwear and babble some endless nonsense about white oppression (oh, wait...) for years on end and never get fired. Don't you dare tell a coworker that you think her lesbian marriage is wrong, however.

    God, I love recessions. My state's facing an $850 million budget shortfall, and where do you think they'll have to get the money from? They sure as hell won't be raising my taxes so long as they're paying for shit like this and this.

  17. "It will be interesting to see the reaction of the campus feminists at Columbia. You would think that any time a male professor cold-cocked a female staff member (whether on or off campus), they would be out in force demanding the guy’s dismissal."

    Will be doubly delicious if he turns out to be gay.

    Nah, guess if that really were the case, he woulda pulled her hair and scratched her eyes out.

    Darn it. I'd love to see some get-down and dirty fightin' among the NAMS, feminists, and gays. Would pay to watch.

    We can hope.

  18. Urban Survival Guide11/12/09, 8:52 PM

    "Dear troglodyte,

    The professor is not a "ghetto dweller" nor is he defending his actions."

    I made my comment in response to your baseless assertion that "The lady probably said something racist." Can't you read?

  19. Comment at HuffPo:

    People..lets not jump to conclusions..this will create a backlash against all black professors. ...the bigger tragedy here is the setback to the cause of diversity in academia and we cannot have that. Everyone knows that working continuously for 9 months out of 12 can lead to tremendous stress, delusion and irrational behavior: all signs of PTSD. He is as much a victim as the lady.

  20. "Anonymous said...

    "Ghetto dweller play No. 1:
    When accused of any violent criminal act against a white person and you are positively identified, make sure to state that they called you a ni**er. It can't hurt and will often help more than a good lawyer."

    This comment is completely unfair to the professor and I'm shocked that it made it past the comment filter. The professor is not a ghetto dweller and he is not making excuses for his behavior. The chances of the woman making a racist comment is pretty high considering what she said riled up the professor enough to hit her. The fact that you make light of such racist language is sad. Just sad."

    The chances that the woman made a racist comment are unknown, by you, me, or anyone else not in the bar. Maybe the guy just has a short fuse. And anyway, a lot of blacks seem to have a rather elastic definition of "racist".

  21. "Jimmy Crackedcorn said...

    God, I love recessions. My state's facing an $850 million budget shortfall, and where do you think they'll have to get the money from? They sure as hell won't be raising my taxes so long as they're paying for shit like this and this."

    I noticed that the "Office for Diversity and Equity" (Equity!), led by Mr. Dr. Professional Hispanic Gentleman is touting an upcoming talk by the known liar and fraud Rigoberta Menchu. Money well spent, I'm sure.

    And that's in white, Mormon-bastian Utah as well.

    We're doomed.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The professor is not a "ghetto dweller" nor is he defending his actions.

    Well, it would be refreshing to hear any man defending his actions after suckerpunching a woman. A drunk on Cops might tell that "she was asking for it" but generally this might be frowned upon in the academia.

    But then again, the professor is hardly showing remorse:

    "It was a very unfortunate event," he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."

    "Event" being his fist teaching the uppity biotch some respek.

  24. "Liberals actually view black folk as children, needy, impulsive, bearing a measure of responsibility for their actions somewhere below that of non-blacks of similar age and circumstance."

    Yes, us liberals could learn so much from tolerant conservatives who refer to African Americans as ghetto dwellers and the N word. Conservatives clearly have the best interests of African Americans in mind when they criticize liberals for being the real racists. Perhaps one day conservatives will realize that compassion has no color barrier.

  25. It was a very unfortunate event," he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."

    I believe the euphemism de jour is "adverse event;" it's a little more stilted, bureaucratic, and ambigous.

    See Nidal Hisan's Powerpoint presentation for examples of proper use.

  26. "It was a very unfortunate event," he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."

    More of what was formerly known to me as "passive voice."

    He didn't do something wrong, he was present at an "unfortunate event." He didn't explode into physical violence against a woman, "it" exploded, in a way he didn't mean for it to.

    In my experience, this is how the overwhelming majority of black people apologize for misbehavior, especially toward whites; "I'm sorry" is said (if it's said at all) in the tone white people usually reserve for "go f*ck yourself."

  27. Sorry, I meant American blacks. I have limited experience with African blacks, and it's conceivable that their culture hasn't purged genuine apology from the lexicon.

  28. I always punch women who say something that hurts my feelings. You object? How sad you are.

    (I'm being facetious)

    Say, maybe the prof.'s behavior was an expression of some of those superior genetic sequences - "risk alleles" (or as I like to call 'em, "orchard quarks") - on which society needs to lavish another x trillion dollars.

  29. "Well, when was the last time you heard about a "real professor" at an Ivy League punch a woman in the face during some verbal dispute over ideology?"

    "Heard about" may be the optimal phrase there.

    "Why does McIntyre still have a job?"

    Did you dumbfucks suddenly forget how to read a calendar?

  30. I'm afraid this situation is beyond the scope of a Beer Summit hosted by Barack. Any future meeting between the two combatants should be a Mad Dog Sit-down refereed by Michelle.

  31. I suppose nobody else wasted their time watching the video of McIntyre speaking on the NY Post site. It's from some promotional "urban planning" thing.

    He sounds like an absolute idiot. Grammatical errors, poor diction, the whole works.

    Apparently at Columbia there is a department of Architecture, and a separate department of "Architecture, Planning, and Preservation," where McIntyre is the "Nancy and George Rupp Associate Professor in the Practice of Community Development."

    So his field is doesn't appear to be anything rigorous like architecture. His specialty is the "community development" which I imagine to be like community organizing, mau-mauing, etc.

  32. his fist teaching the uppity biotch some respek.

    Talk about a teachable moment!

  33. I don't think this is what Eric Holder had in mind when he suggested America start a new dialog on race.

  34. Lawful Neutral11/13/09, 3:00 PM

    Sorry to pile on, Anonymous, but your comment is priceless. According to you, the very fact that the distinguished professor slugged this woman proves he was justified in doing so. After all, he wouldn't have hit her if she hadn't provoked him, right? Remind me, who's the privileged one here, again?

  35. Googling this story, I ran across a website called Black Voices, on which a Syracuse University professor of Management weighs in on the McIntyre incident. Some highlights:

    1) Call me crazy, but I understand how Lionel McIntyre felt. I would never punch out anyone from the frustration I've felt when dealing with white privilege, but then again, that is probably why I chose not to drink alcohol, since I am genuinely concerned about how I might react to the stinging pain of consistent racism. . . . If any black Ph.D. student or professor says they haven't thought about jumping over someone's desk and "whooping ass" at least once, they're telling a lie. Some of us hold in the frustration until we die of heart disease. Some of us submit ourselves to the system and become groveling Sambos, while many black scholars simply leave academia altogether. Either way, there is as much frustration for black scholars in America as there is within nearly every other profession dominated by whites. So as the comedian Chris Rock once said in a skit about O.J. Simpson, "I'm not saying he should have done it, but I understand."

    2) Academic imperialism affects us all. One of the great challenges of being a black scholar is what my colleague Christopher Metzler refers to as "academic imperialism." It is the belief that black scholars must be "trained" to behave like their colleagues and that scholarly activities that involve the black community are typically considered second rate, worthless and "unscholarly." . . . So Lionel McIntyre wasn't just punching a colleague at Columbia; deep down, he may have been throwing a blow at his academic slave master. McIntyre certainly went overboard, but no one enjoys the plantation.

    3) While no one needs to be punched, there certainly needs to be a conversation. When I reached out to a friend in the Obama administration to encourage a national conversation on race, that was one of the few e-mails that he did not return. When I talk to my campus about having an honest racial dialogue, feet start shuffling and eyeballs turn toward the ceiling. America has a festering racial sickness, and we don't want to treat it. . . . I can at least give professor McIntyre and Camille Davis (his victim) credit for discussing race relations at all.

    The website is here:

  36. No doubt she was trying to head but the good Prof and he put up his fist in self defense.

  37. The Post referred to him as an "architecture professor". Here is his CV:

    Apparently, he is an architect only in the same sense that George Costanza is an architect.

    His academic specialty seems to be mau-mauing.

  38. Barack Hussain Obama11/13/09, 8:03 PM

    Working at an Ivy League in Manhattan, I doubt the white lady used overt racist language.

    What is not in doubt is that she acted stupidly.

  39. From McIntyre's CV:

    "From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, Professor McIntyre worked in civil rights and labor organizing in the deep South. His international experience began with travel abroad in 1972 as co-liaison for the first "People to People Friendship Delegation" to the People's Republic of China and conducted a subsequent study tour in 1979. Other experiences in the international community have included planning studios in Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and South Africa. He also served as director of planning for the Harlem Urban Development Corporation from 1989 to 1994 and advisor to the president of Columbia University on community development and the Empowerment Zone. He created the organizational structure for the preparation of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone (EZ) application and co-authored the strategic plan for Harlem's EZ."

    What's funny is that McIntyre's career has been in the same industry as Obama's career before he became a politician. And as far as the "community organizing" industry is concerned, McIntyre's resume is much more "impressive" (or at least busy and substantial) than Obama's

  40. "Professor McIntyre received his BA from Dillard University in 1987 and his MS in urban planning from Columbia in 1988."

    "Currently, Professor McIntyre teaches courses in community development."

    What exactly are the "disciplines" of "urban planning" and "community development" anyway? What kind of courses could possibly be offered in them?

    "Other experiences in the international community have included planning studios in Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and South Africa. He also served as director of planning for the Harlem Urban Development Corporation from 1989 to 1994 and advisor to the president of Columbia University on community development and the Empowerment Zone."

    I would think one would want to avoid revealing one's personal involvement in "planning" anything in or related to Third World hell holes and inner city dumps such as those above.

  41. The comments Anonymous linked to above sound like something a white nationalist would quote to illustrate the need for separate ethno-states.

    Evidently we *can't* all necessarily get along.


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