December 1, 2009

Asian Animated Tiger Woods Crash

At the Business Insider, John Carney writes:
We really don't know what to say except: you really, really want to watch this animated recreation of the Tiger Woods crash. It seems to be some sort of foreign newscast. And it is amazing.

See it here.

I don't really have much to say on the subject, except that Woods is reacting in a very old-fashioned way by not going on Oprah and having a cry about it or going into therapy or rehab or Twittering about it. He's just playing dumb and taking his lumps, probably how his dad, the old Green Beret Lt. Col., did when he screwed up.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Middletown Girl12/1/09, 7:35 PM

    Maybe they can add this to a Tiger Woods-themed videogame. Watch Tiger play golf. Watch Tiger fool around. Watch Tiger go home. Watch Tiger get slapped. Watch Tiger run away from crazy blonde bitch. Watch Tiger ram into a tree.

  2. *Playing* dumb it may be, but dumb it ain't. There's something to be said for the old-style stoicism, and at this point his probable infidelity is pretty much a "Who doesn't?" thing among a jaded public.

  3. Good for him. It's nobody's business.

  4. Chief Seattle12/1/09, 9:52 PM

    I don't know how it will play with the daytime TV idiots, but I kind of like how Tiger's been handling it.

    I've got no trouble picturing my own father's coping skills: "Look, I'll pay for the g*dd**m fire hydrant, now shut the hell up"

  5. Since Tiger is black, we must put as much of a negative spin as possible on what happened. Tiger is playing dumb. His dad did regrettable things. Etc.

  6. Just when the media is getting worried about job losses, suddenly there is a brave new world of journalism - animation.
    Think of the possibilities. Don't have rights to show NFL highlights? Animate them. Imagine what they could have done with the Lewinsky affair.

  7. You are forgetting that NBC, CBS, ABC, and ESPN all desire access to Tiger Woods because all of the networks cover golf tournaments. It is easy for Tiger Woods to demand to be left alone since the networks have to think about the long term.

  8. I don't really have much to say on the subject

    Good for you. Whenever I hear a man discoursing in a Holier Than Thou manner on the behavior of other men, I've just got to laugh. Who the hell are you kidding? The only reason you never got caught up in similar events is because the opportunities never presented themselves to you. Nature embeds the male with the incessant drive to do it, and do it, and do it again.

    This morning I couldn't believe that skank Imus, of all people, having the nerve to hold forth on the subject of virtuous behavior. It's only because this alcoholic creep is now old and wizened, with a body too disgusting to behold, that such options are no longer available to him. Oh, how men can preach once they're out of the loop of sexual danger! Or are they ever out of the loop?

  9. It's just funny how society can be so unrealistic about the behavior of alpha males. In my opinion, alpha males should just never get married in our current society.

    Did anyone really think that Tiger Woods was faithful to his wife?

  10. Why no animation recreating the extramarital sex he had?

  11. Yes, there's something to be said for stoicism, but you can't attribute his behavior to just that is. He's also trying to protect his image in an effort to keep those ad dollars rolling in.

    I can hardly blame him for having strayed. He's a young, healthy billionaire who must face temptation constantly. At the same time, I have to admit to a little bit of smug satisfaction that his heretofore squeaky clean image is now in the process of being blown to bits, what with these other women now stepping forward. No one, not even Tiger Woods, is quite as boringly bland as the public persona he's worked so hard to project.

    Next we can expect a carefully worded statement, vetted by a small army of PR people and lawyers, in which Tiger admits to "mistakes" without actually specifying what those mistakes were, and in which the words "family" and "children" figure prominently.

  12. O tempora, o mores. What a country the US is. In Russia, Italy or China a man like Tiger Woods would be EXPECTED to have a mistress, if not several. Powerful men have always had children by multiple women, it's one of the biological benefits of being powerful. Even in societies where polygamy is not tolerated, alpha men typically have unofficial "wives". Every European politician gets some on the side, and everyone knows about it. The Northern European/Anglo tradition we've inherited of lifelong fidelity has probably had many benefits in terms of social and economic stability , but it's a social strait jacket men are constantly fighting against.

  13. He's an athlete. He could just have decked her. He didn't. Good for him.

  14. outlaw josey wales12/2/09, 8:05 AM

    This episode conclusively proves that no matter how hot a girl is (and his wife is incredibly hot), there's always someone who's tired of screwing her.

  15. Best response:

    My traffic accident was a legal matter, and I'll deal with that with the authorities. My relationship with my wife is a personal matter, and I will deal with that with her. I have nothing further to say at this time.

  16. Next we can expect a carefully worded statement, vetted by a small army of PR people and lawyers, in which Tiger admits to "mistakes" without actually specifying what those mistakes were, and in which the words "family" and "children" figure prominently.

    Here it is

  17. Uh, it was my understanding, not to mention my experience, that subtitles are normally in a language other than the one (that appears to be) spoken in the film (animation).

  18. The Northern European/Anglo tradition we've inherited of lifelong fidelity has probably had many benefits in terms of social and economic stability , but it's a social strait jacket men are constantly fighting against.

    You know we've reached the point of not return when commentators on a conservative blog complain about the straight jackets imposed upon them by "The Northern European/Anglo tradition."

  19. "The only reason you never got caught up in similar events is because the opportunities never presented themselves to you. Nature embeds the male with the incessant drive to do it, and do it, and do it again."

    Not true. The more primitive a man, the more he has been embedded with the "cad" drive. See Rushton.

    Also here is Jason Malloy on Cads and Dads:
    "A CAD mating strategy is directly competitive with other men, while a DAD mating strategy is indirectly competitive with other men. The virtues of a good DAD are signaled to a woman over a long period of evaluation and these include patience, sensitivity, loyalty, dutifulness, stability, and cooperativeness. These traits signal to the woman a man who has the ability to accrue resources and who will share them with her and her offspring, and not defect on her. A prospective mate who fights with other men does not display these traits and is therefore not selected by the woman.

    The virtues of a good CAD must be signaled to a women over a short period of evaluation, and these include physical robustness, attractiveness, athleticism, “flashiness” and creative expression (improvisational facility with words, music, humor etc), risk taking, dominance, and popularity with other women. (Traits like social status are obviously boosts for both DADS and CADS, but testosterone signals like, e.g. muscles or good looks, can actually be a handicap for DADS, as they are (accurate) physical evidence the man might not commit)."

    Also, among many things, the "common" stds are far more harmful to women than men. The negatives of promiscuity: possible infertility, shortened lifespan, and lower quality of life for women (and men to a lesser extent), cannot compare to the negative outcome of "frustration" for men. Anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of the good and civilization.

  20. Jimmy Crackedcorn12/2/09, 12:05 PM

    It's the global media behemoth that distributes Tiger Woods's image to the world, allowing him to leverage his ability to hit a golf ball into a 9 figure annual income.

    It's the global media behemoth that creates the market for juicy stories on his sexual infidelity.

    The point is, it's the same market. Is it any of my business who Woods seeps with on the side? Nope. Is it Woods's right to ask that the media that enables him to earn zillion dollar paychecks not get something in return? Nope.

    Love the video though.

  21. Re Victoria: I couldnt agree more!When I hear these guys on the call in shows,I always think to meself the 'B' word.Beta. As for Tiger,isnt it a question of opportunity cost? Lets say you're an average Joe,married to what is prob the most attractive woman you could get. You're biggest op for infidelity is Grandma Johnson down at the local WalMart. You make $40,00 a year and your wife must do with an older car. So you're no Superman. Now look at Tiger. he gives his wife--and her SWPL idiot family-- an obscene amount of money,a life of ultra luxury. He gets offers from "beautiful"(er,I suppose)women all over the place. Should you confine yourself to sex for the ROYL with the same jut-jawed woman? Isnt Average Joe getting a spectacularly better deal out of marriage than you??

  22. I wonder if the PC minions will go after Jack Nicklaus to "get even" :)

  23. I never realized until now that Tiger woods is technically only 1/4 black. Making him a quadroon. When did quadroon fade from common usage in American English?

  24. "Since Tiger is black, we must put as much of a negative spin as possible on what happened. Tiger is playing dumb. His dad did regrettable things. Etc."

    Please. Steve is the biggest Tiger fan and is probably in mourning. No, when a high-profile man runs into trouble as a result of his infidelities, a sizable minority of people here put the blame squarely on the mistresses and offer no sympathy for the wife. When it comes to male infidelity with this group, hbd observations and acknowledgement about variation in behavior goes out the window.
    As a result, even though this is hbd central, it is rarely pointed out that to which you alluded.

  25. Notice that the women he's alleged to be cheating look much more like Woods than Nordegren does. I wonder if jealousy/cheating is a bigger problem in OJ/Nicole relationships.

  26. CAD or DAD, the male is driven by the same impulses embedded in him by Nature, and when the DAD falls from his high perch, and the CAD arises in his place, we get to see just how different they are.

    Anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of the good and civilization.

    What has "saying" got to do with anything? How childish is that? Try "saying" it to Nature.

    ... but testosterone signals like, e.g. muscles or good looks, can actually be a handicap for DADS

    Wow, I'm speechless. So, men who become DADS are lacking in testosterone, have no muscles, and are usually ugly?

  27. I have noticed that in these animated clips, they can never seem to make the teeth look normal.

  28. Jimmy Crackedcorn12/2/09, 1:38 PM

    O tempora, o mores. What a country the US is. In Russia, Italy or China a man like Tiger Woods would be EXPECTED to have a mistress, if not several.

    I'm glad the United States isn't like Russia, China or Italy (birthrate: 1.2 children per woman).

    I never realized until now that Tiger woods is technically only 1/4 black. Making him a quadroon. When did quadroon fade from common usage in American English?

    Would the term "quadroon" be legit only if the other 3/4ths of him were white?

    The virtues of a good DAD are signaled to a woman over a long period of evaluation and these include patience, sensitivity, loyalty, dutifulness, stability, and cooperativeness.

    Men - even good men - shouldn't be pushovers. They should know what they want and expect to get it a reasonable percentage of the time. Sometimes you need to have the element of the jerk in you. Good women don't date pushovers.

  29. I like him even more now. Be strong dude, be a man.

    And I hate golf.

  30. Vic, please don't use Imus as a model for male behavior. He really does believe Dierdre married him because she loves him. Don't disappoint him now.

  31. Think about this:

    Tiger Woods has a wife. And reputedly, three mistresses, including the Rachel Uchitel gal, and two other young women (in their twenties).

    This means, Tiger Woods has like a Muslim man, taken four women off the market.

    As society moves towards the Alpha-Women mores, with Woods being able to have mistresses while married without much social censure (he'll only lose a few sponsors), this creates huge social pressure.

    Society is not making any more attractive women, and the more Alphas like Woods soak up multiple women, the more the rest (who are non-Alpha) have to fight over the remainder. Who are less attractive, less desirable, and require more from prospective lovers.

    This means a race to the bottom in short term "Cad" attributes, and lots of thuggery as the best way to compete. Look at the Black Community. Steve sorta danced around it, but a good deal of the explosion of violence in Black ghettos (far more than say 1910-1965) was the desire to compete with other men by the only way possible: by being an ultra-violent, Chris-Brown-Style Cad.

    You might make less per hour than a McDonald's clerk and take far more risk, but a gangsta can decide at any moment who lives or dies, exercising the ultimate power in the neighborhood. Women find that ... SEXY.

    If women will flock to Alphas and share him (ala Tiger Woods), all men have to compete not by "Dad" strategy (a loser next to Tiger Woods money) but by CAD strategy. For most men, that means Thug, ala British Chav or Black Ghetto variety.

  32. He hasn't taken 4 muslim women off the market though, so being American women they are still on the market.

  33. Antoine Zhang12/2/09, 3:30 PM

    "This means, Tiger Woods has like a Muslim man, taken four women off the market."

    Sigh. Whisky - the only thing more staggering than your inability to fathom the nature of the most basic human relations is the fact that you feel confident enough to expound upon them.

    Just because these women have made their charms accessible to a married man, does not mean that they are off the market. You think the type of women who end up becoming mistresses feel a moral obligation to be faithful to their attached paramours?

  34. Oh, it's a crime for man to go philandrin
    And fill his wife's poor heart with grief and doubt.
    Oh, it's a crime for man to go philanderin'-but
    With a little bit of luck, With a little bit of luck,
    You can see the bloodhound don't find out! With a little bit...with a little bit...
    With a little bit of luck she won't find out!
    With a little bit...with a little bit...
    With a little bit of bloomin' luck!

  35. @ Whiskey - Exactly what is the "quality" of these women Tiger has taken off the market? Except for his wife, who was an au pair, and but may come from a successful /prominent Swedish family, the others are sort of good looking (for now) trampy skanks. Is Tiger going to produce a bunch of brain surgeons with any of these women?

    For once the wife didn't just stand by her man and take it. I love that Tiger's wife kicked his ass and chased him down WITH HIS OWN GOLF CLUB. LOVE IT!!!

  36. For once the wife didn't just stand by her man and take it. I love that Tiger's wife kicked his ass and chased him down WITH HIS OWN GOLF CLUB. LOVE IT!!!

    Hear, hear. If Tiger strays again, I hope Elin divorces him and gets as much of his money as possible.

    Behavior like Tiger's is exactly why I much prefer the so-called "Beta" men who can be counted on for loyalty. I would never date an alpha, even the opportunity were presented to me. But, of course, I married a "beta", so I'm not looking to date anyone else. :-)

  37. As Howard Stern said, what's the point of all this money and fame if it doesn't get you naked women?

  38. An athlete cheating on his wife? Oh man, that's unbelievable.

  39. The Chinese subtitles are for educated Chinese whose command of Mandarin is weak, but who do speak Cantonese or Fujianese or one of the other spoken Chinese languages.

    Nearly all TV broadcasts in the PRC, as well as movies, include Chinese subtitles.

  40. “The links legend's spouse is reportedly being paid a hefty seven-figure amount — immediately transferred into an account she alone controls — to stick with her husband,” Sun-Times columnist Bill Zwecker reported. He goes on to write that Elin demanded and is getting a total rewrite of the couple’s prenuptial agreement.

    Hahahaha. Elin seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She may get emotional with golf clubs sometimes, but when it's important, she's all business.

  41. Whiskey, you're great when you advocate for "social straitjackets" on alpha males. Don't let the detractors bother you!

  42. "This means, Tiger Woods has like a Muslim man, taken four women off the market."

    No, Tiger Woods has taken one woman off the market, the other three see him sporadically and almost certainly have other lovers. They will leave when they get a better offer, what the hell planet are you from?

    "I would never date an alpha, even the opportunity were presented to me. "

    I know where you're coming from PuffsPlus; I would never date a Halle Berry lookalike, no matter how much money I had. I prefer average looking women with a few extra pounds around the midsection who wait tables on the lunch shift...

    ...BAWHAWHAWHAW...I almost got through that one without going into laughter convulsions. OMG my goddamned head hit the keyboard!!!!!

  43. The Tiger Woods brouhaha contains enough elements near to the hearts of the Steveosphere's readers to beome an all-time comment favorite. I just can't stop myself from weighing in.

    He's a young, healthy billionaire who must face temptation constantly.

    That's putting it mildly. They must be constantly coming out of the woodwork and grabbing him. If you have never seen the babe attack swarm that follows pro athletes around then you probably can't comprehend just how brazen it is.

    This episode conclusively proves that no matter how hot a girl is (and his wife is incredibly hot), there's always someone who's tired of screwing her.

    That piece of male folk wisdom is so so true. The most common demotic version goes something like, "No matter how much of a babe she seems to you, some guy somewhere is totally fed up with her bull****." Believe it.

    It's the global media behemoth that creates the market for juicy stories on his sexual infidelity.

    Yep. Tiger is certainly no OJ Simpson, but this has the potential to turn into an ongoing saga like the OJ trial, jump-starting media careers and reviving flagging media franchises.

    I never realized until now that Tiger Woods is technically only 1/4 black.

    Part black, part Thai. Say, would those two groups have any, um, uh, stereotypical reputations in this area?

    ...the others are sort of good looking (for now) trampy skanks.

    Couldn't agree with you more. Reminds me of the skanky chicks Bill Clinton used to do. When you're Prez of the USA/Tiger Woods, isn't there better talent available?

    Nearly all TV broadcasts in the PRC, as well as movies, include Chinese subtitles.

    As does Chinese-language TV in Vancouver and San Francisco.

    No, Tiger Woods has taken one woman off the market, the other three see him sporadically and almost certainly have other lovers. They will leave when they get a better offer, what the hell planet are you from?

    A rare planetary alignment where I find Troof is talking sense. If there are any young innocent geeky guys reading, know this: All half-decent looking young women have a boyfriend in some sense. ALL of them. Your job is to elbow your way to the front of the line.

  44. Jimmy Crackedcorn12/2/09, 8:42 PM

    Tiger Woods has a wife. And reputedly, three mistresses, including the Rachel Uchitel gal, and two other young women (in their twenties). This means, Tiger Woods has like a Muslim man, taken four women off the market.

    Jaimee Grubbs, the California mistress and a twenty-something cocktail waitress, has been carrying on a relationship with him for 31 months - and had intercourse with him 'about 20 times.'

    Less than once a month, in other words. She's also been on a show on MTV(?). You really think she's only been doing Tiger? You really think she hasn't been getting some on the side, too?

  45. Years ago, when I heard that Tiger was hanging around with the older golfer Mark O'Meara, who befriended him early in his career--in fact it was the O'Mearas for whom the young Elin worked and who introduced Tiger to her-- I thought he was on a good path for one destined for glory, a path that might avoid this kind of thing.

    Yes, it's really easy for all us "average" men and women who aren't presented with easy opportunities to say we'd stay on the straight and narrow if we really loved our spouse, but we've not been presented those easy opportunities and we've not faced the easy temptations.

    Nevertheless, some people are better than others at making a conscious decision to avoid the kinds of circumstances that might lead to this kind of thing. For the last several years, Tiger has kept the kind of company that *does* lead to this kind of thing and it doesn't surprise me, not just because he's a man, not just because he's a wealthy man with women chasing after him, but because he really did marry too soon and didn't play in the ocean too much before settling down. Consider his youth.

    The kid Tiger was no alpha male except on the golf course, and that counted for little to females in junior high, high school and even college. Young women aren't impressed by impressed by golfers, especially ones that looked as he did back then--big-time nerdy. You remember the pictures of him. You could say he had more than his fair share of the "awkward years." Really skinny, bespectacled--no alpha male he. Even the first year at Stanford, Tiger didn't give off the kind of vibes that make women chase.

    He grew into a handsome young man, working hard to build that impressive physique. He shed the glasses and voila--there was a physical transformation to go along with all that talent and then fame and fortune.

    Unfortunately, he really hadn't given himself a chance to be a Derek Jeter sort who enjoyed years of bachelorhood. By the time Tiger had become that alpha male, he was going with Elin, then married her, settling down before he really should have since I rather doubt he had sown his share of wild oats at a younger age. Too bad.

    His arrogance (fame and money will do that) to even conceive of the possibility that a woman who physically screwed him might do so not because he was so wonderful, not because she was in love with him, but because she was saving her evidence for just the right time was something that escaped him because of his hubris.

    He and others like him are the suckers. In listening to that voicemail he sent the waitress, I actually found myself happy he had been caught....because his words communicate no glimmer or suggestion that he thought she'd not cover for him. He just assumed she would. He probably figured the waitress was crazy about him and would cover. His only concern seems to be that she do it fast enough.

    That he seems not to have figured out at that point that he had been played (after all she SAVED all their communications) shows him as not just a cad but a schmuck--bad combo.

  46. I forgot one other point that doesn't sit well --the waitress affair has lasted through the two pregnancies of his wife.

    The women who attend the golf tournaments, and trust me, women are a large part of the crowds, especially majors, will not root for him, not that I expect that to concern him.

  47. PuffsPlus said: "Behavior like Tiger's is exactly why I much prefer the so-called 'Beta' men who can be counted on for loyalty. I would never date an alpha, even the opportunity were presented to me. But, of course, I married a 'beta', so I'm not looking to date anyone else. :-)"

    Ditto from me! :-)

    The problem with alphas (apart from the fact that they're full of themselves) is that they don't want to *date* anyone anyway. They just want to *hook up* with as many women as possible -- no commitment. What girl in her right mind would want that?!

  48. Whiskey said,

    "You might make less per hour than a McDonald's clerk and take far more risk, but a gangsta can decide at any moment who lives or dies, exercising the ultimate power in the neighborhood. Women find that ... SEXY."

    Nope. Most don't really think that behavior is sexy, but black girls have limited choices. The supply of black male teens is low. Many don't go to school. Many are already in the criminal justice system. Most white boys don't date the black girls so those girls have little to chose from. Great demand, short supply.

  49. Whoops, correction--I said Mark O'Meara and wife introduced Elin to Tiger. This article reminded me that while Mark is/was Tiger's pal and mentor, it was Jesper Parnevek and wife who were responsible for the love connection.

    Good for Jesper--I love what he says:

    "Parnevik, 44, who is playing at the PGA Tour's qualifying tournament in West Palm Beach, Fla., told the Golf Channel on Wednesday that 'I really feel sorry for Elin,' in light of reports that Woods has been unfaithful.

    "Nordegren, 29, began working for the Parneviks as a nanny in 2000. She was first introduced to Woods at the 2001 British Open and they were married in 2004.

    " 'I would be especially sad about it since I'm kind of -- I really feel sorry for Elin -- since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him,' Parnevik said. 'We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron. ' "

    Them's strong words!


  50. "Nevertheless, some people are better than others at making a conscious decision to avoid the kinds of circumstances that might lead to this kind of thing."

    Yeah, they're called "poor people."

  51. " 'Yeah, they're called 'poor people.' "

    Nope--they're called "smart people." After all, they've managed to hold onto their privacy, something Woods, with all his bucks and bodyguards, thought he could buy, something he still professes to prize. HA! Fat chance. It really is true money can't buy everything.

  52. For once the wife didn't just stand by her man and take it. I love that Tiger's wife kicked his ass and chased him down WITH HIS OWN GOLF CLUB. LOVE IT!!!

    Really. And if she had screwed around on him and he'd beaten the shit out of her, you'd have just loved that, too? Revolting hypocrisy.

    Adultery doesn't get you arrested. Spousal abuse does. Tiger's wife is clearly abusive, and his tolerance (and protection) of it seems more linked to his personality than his need to protect his image. That's pretty sad. He might be a hound, but she's clearly a monster.

    And Steve, I'm surprised that you've fallen for the myth. "Take your lumps" Earl planned and created every single bit of Tiger's persona, until the moment he turned it over to Tiger's marketing agency. He's the guy who yammered endlessly about Tiger's ability to heal the world and make the world a better place, ending racism and bad golfing all at once. The guy created the Big Lie that plays to the whims of the Oprahs who love soap opera--and dumped a wife and three kids to do it. He was hardly a straight up, take it on the chin kind of man.

    Yes, there's something to be said for stoicism, but you can't attribute his behavior to just that is. He's also trying to protect his image in an effort to keep those ad dollars rolling in.

    Now there's something closer to the truth. And lord knows, people believe the myth. Evidence Steve's comment about Daddy and this one of several kneeslappers from one of the various anonymouses here:

    Unfortunately, he really hadn't given himself a chance to be a Derek Jeter sort who enjoyed years of bachelorhood.

    Let's all laugh, shall we? Tiger slept with every woman who offered, and every woman offered. He might not be at Wilt Chamberlain's count....yet.

    It's not that he married this bimbo too soon, it's that he married her precisely because it was good for his image to be a family man--an image that is a complete lie.

    It's sad that Tiger participates in the lie. But it doesn't make him deserving of an abusive wife.

  53. "He's a young, healthy billionaire who must face temptation constantly."

    Actually he still has a long way to go before officially becoming a billionaire. Forbes estimates his net worth to be only $600 million.

    It's true that he's earned a billion dollars over the course of his career, but considering that 50% of such income goes to taxes, he must earn over $2 billion to net $1 billion. This scandal may derail his chances of ever becoming the first billionaire athlete.

  54. I'm the "anonymous" who made the comment about Jeter.

    I don't think it at all unusual for a guy like Tiger to have fallen for a woman like Elin; he thought he could handle being loyal only to discover he couldn't...or didn't want to.

    I don't believe for a minute that he married her because Nike wanted him to settle down. Nike's brand never was about a "family man" and as for the family brand Buick--Tiger didn't have to sign with them. There were plenty of other suitors.

    No one who knows Nordengren would consider her a "bimbo."

    BTW, clue me in if I am wrong, but so far there appears to be no evidence that Nordegren pummeled Tiger. Seems more likely she took baseball swings at the back of the SUV. Big deal.

  55. Mitch:
    Really. And if she had screwed around on him and he'd beaten the shit out of her, you'd have just loved that, too? Revolting hypocrisy.

    Nordegren didn't "beat the shit" out of her husband. It sounds like she slapped him a few times and chased after his SUV with a golf club.

    If she had indeed "beaten the shit" out of Tiger, I would feel sorry for him, yes. But that's not what happened.

    Also, keep in mind that Tiger with his finely gym-honed physique probably could have defended himself just fine had Elin decided to attack him physically, with or without golf club. That's why men beating women is a more common and dangerous occurrence than women beating men (assuming the women aren't using firearms in doing the beating, that is).

  56. > If he was going to cheat on his wife, he could have done it [with] classier women <

    Yeah, classy women are the f-buddies of married men all the time.

  57. Carolyn said...
    For once the wife didn't just stand by her man and take it. I love that Tiger's wife kicked his ass and chased him down WITH HIS OWN GOLF CLUB. LOVE IT!!!

    Hmmm...I wonder if you'd still love it if the genders were reversed and a cuckolded Tiger chased down his cheating wife and beat her unconscious with a golf club.

    Why do I suspect the street doesn't go both ways with you?

  58. Anonymous opined:
    Hmmm...I wonder if you'd still love it if the genders were reversed and a cuckolded Tiger chased down his cheating wife and beat her unconscious with a golf club.

    Is anyone claiming Elin beat Tiger unconscious with a golf club? If so, [citation needed] please. If Elin indeed managed to do that, then that was clearly wrong and abusive. But given Tiger's muscularity, do we really think it's likely that Elin was able to beat him up, with or without golf club?

    If Tiger had been cuckolded via multiple men and had slapped his wife in anger over that cuckolding (assuming it wasn't a hard enough slap to bruise, draw blood, or loosen teeth) and then had chased after his wife's car with a golf club, then I wouldn't have had a problem with his actions.

  59. "Hmmm...I wonder if you'd still love it if the genders were reversed and a cuckolded Tiger chased down his cheating wife and beat her unconscious with a golf club"

    What an absurd argument. Men are twice as strong as women so men who beat up women are clearly bullies. By contrast, women who beat up men have generally figured out a way to defeat & much bigger & stronger opponent & thus are not bullies, but the men they beat up look especially bad.

  60. Jimmy Crackedcorn12/3/09, 8:49 AM

    Really. And if she had screwed around on him and he'd beaten the shit out of her, you'd have just loved that, too? Revolting hypocrisy.

    Hypocrisy, or the belief that men and women aren't really the same? I'll go with the latter. Exact equality is the bullshit of leftists. Since when did we start buying their arguments?

    Tiger is a moron for consorting with these dumb cocktail waitress skanks. If he was going to cheat on his wife, he could have done it classier women who wouldn't have sold their story to the tabloids.

    Those women generally don't shag married men to begin with. When they do they keep it private, either to protect the man, to protect their own reputations, or both. Yes, those kind of women tend to have good reputations, and they like to keep it that way.

    An example of a "classy" adulterer would be John Kennedy's mistress (one of them), Mimi Beardsley Fahnestock, whom the president met while she was still in high school and whom he hired as an intern. (Would Ronald Reagan survive the media assault on his rep if it were discovered that he'd been shagging an 18-year-old while in office?) Fahnestock was only outed 40 years later when the 60-something grandmother of 4 still managed to look pretty damn good.

    What's more, whether you think the public has any business talking about Tiger's private life, and whether you respect women like Jaimee Grubbs or despise them for selling their stories to the press, you have to admit that at least one result of their chattiness has to be to keep famous men at least a little more honest. Can that really be all that bad a consequence? I have to believe that a lot of the people writing that it's no one else's business are saying so because they like to cheat, too.

  61. contra whiskey, I don't think Woods is taking hot women off the market...the women he cheated with all look like sub-par Vegas skanks...he was stealing the "rode hard, hung up wet" girlfriends of bouncers and food service professionals (I know one of them is a socialite or something but even so)

  62. also, come off it you nerds, every woman has the right to throw a few swings and the odd vase at her cheating is called equalizing...that's why a man should never go beyond a slap or a shove (anything that leaves a mark) flash, men are stronger and more aggressive than women

  63. For all you idiot men whining about Elin's "spousal abuse" do you really think a woman hitting a man is the equivalent of a man hitting a woman? Are you going to hide behind political correctness for this one instance but in all others post about alpha-this and beta-that like you actually know what you are talking about when in reality you are men-children too immature and emotionally stunted (not to mention financially) to find a decent woman and raise a family? Are you all such wimps (betas) you couldn't take a couple of well-deserved slaps from your wife/girlfriend if you cheated on her? From Tiger's injuries, do you think Elin did more than slap him a couple of times and maybe scratch his face? What do you think she weighs? About 112, tops? Do you think she generated that much force? She only used the golf club on his car, not him. She was pissed but not homicidal. That is why in the real world, and not some utopian pc-fiction where men willingly do 50% of the housework and claim spousal abuse if their wives slap them a couple of times when caught cheating, the incident is rather funny.

  64. It's true that he's earned a billion dollars over the course of his career, but considering that 50% of such income goes to taxes, he must earn over $2 billion to net $1 billion.

    If Tiger Woods hasn't incorporated and thereby ceased to pay income taxes altogether, then he's an even bigger fool than we already realize.

  65. "Hmmm...I wonder if you'd still love it if the genders were reversed and a cuckolded Tiger chased down his cheating wife and beat her unconscious with a golf club."

    Don't you get it? She didn't "beat him unconcscious" with a golf club. Not even close. Would probably have been pretty funny to watch even if it had been the other way around with the same outcome.

  66. "No one who knows Nordengren would consider her a "bimbo."

    So you know her? I mean, you're probably right, after all, she did chose the intellectually demanding discipline of "nanny" for her previous career.

    "but so far there appears to be no evidence that Nordegren pummeled Tiger. "

    they're not saying, so there is no evidence that he was not either.

    "Hmmm...I wonder if you'd still love it if the genders were reversed and a cuckolded Tiger chased down his cheating wife and beat her unconscious with a golf club."

    That's a very good question; women's lib and all that.

    "By contrast, women who beat up men have generally figured out a way to defeat & much bigger & stronger opponent..."

    It's not overly difficult when the opponent is not fighting back, there Royce Gracie.

    "For all you idiot men whining about Elin's "spousal abuse" do you really think a woman hitting a man is the equivalent of a man hitting a woman?"

    I believe that attacking someone with a golf club (if that is indeed what happened) is felony assault and battery. Oh, wait that's just when a black person does it, I forgot to read the rules.

    "She only used the golf club on his car, not him. She was pissed but not homicidal."

    Another eyewitness account, has TMZ called you yet?

  67. Like any man loaded with money, there'll always be women who'll be glad to romp around with him, and I guess such guys know that it IS their money and fame that those kind of women are drawn to. They DO know that, don't they? I mean groupies don't seem to care at all about the attractiveness of these athletes. The ugliest of pro athletes still have a flock of these women willing to bed them.

    However, I would imagine that while these guys know what is really attracting such women to them, they also con themselves into believing they are physically attractive, even irresistible.

    On that point I'd like to add a woman's perspective on Tiger--his best looking days are over. He peaked pretty early He's losing his hair rapidly now and his chin, which has always been a weak one, is sagging very early indeed. Catch him in a tournament in profile--looks like a double chin which is odd for one who is young and not fat. Good bod, though.

    At 34, he looks very much like his dad at a later age. Of course, he can always get plugs and he can have surgery on the double chin. Surely in another few years, he will have to know his allure lies with his fame and his money because his looks are fading fast.

  68. Concerned Netizen12/3/09, 5:01 PM

    Wow, some of you guys will always find a way to keep the little woman in her cage. Elin is the wronged party here.

    "O tempora, o mores. What a country the US is. In Russia, Italy or China a man like Tiger Woods would be EXPECTED to have a mistress, if not several"

    Bullshit. He didn't have ONE discreet mistress - he screwed around with a bunch of sluts.

    BTW, his wife is European, so she should have "enlightened" views on the subject. Good for her, she didn't enjoy being humiliated serially.

    I hope that she, like Robyn Gibson, formerly married to another 1st class fraud, gets half the assets.

    For your information, Tiger Woods doesn't get paid endorsement bucks to play golf. He gets paid to be Tiger Woods, Mr. Clean. Well, now it turns out he's got some dirt on his driver - so tough noogies, he'll have to eat some crow to rehab his image. Meanwhile, my heart goes out to Elin and the kids, and I'm enjoying seeing this fraud get his well-deserved comeuppance.

    As for his avoiding Oprah and not twittering, he's just figuring out what he's going to do next. This isn't old-fashioned stoicism. Rest assured he'll appear on television properly contrite at the right moment.

  69. If you have never seen the babe attack swarm that follows pro athletes around then you probably can't comprehend just how brazen it is.

    Following up on that, I heard a couple DJs on the radio this morning discussing this whole brouhaha. They said this affair really exposes the hypocrisy or double standards of women. Many women are now dissing Tiger as "a dog" or "trashy", but how many of those women, if they saw him in a bar would say, "Yeah, I need to go talk to him. I need to get some of that!"?

    -Vanilla Thunder

  70. "So you know her? I mean, you're probably right, after all, she did chose the intellectually demanding discipline of "nanny" for her previous career."

    No, I don't "know" her. I do enjoy reading about and discussing HBD and IQ as much as others who frequent this blog (crap, I actually have something in common with you), and I know that being a nanny doesn't suggest she's a bimbo.

    I'd think a person like you who presumably reads about HBD would appreciate that many of the female of the species love kids and do a heck of a good job raising them; after all, we've evolved to do that, right, yet you imply that any woman who enjoys taking care of kids, those of others or her own, is empty-headed. Guess that's your view of your momma, huh?

    Well, on second thought, maybe yo momma *was* a bimbo cuz she raised a cretin.

  71. Jimmy Crackedcorn12/3/09, 9:50 PM

    It's not that he married this bimbo too soon, it's that he married her precisely because it was good for his image to be a family man--an image that is a complete lie.

    Well - then why not make that part of the arrangement? "Look, baby, you're hot and all. But a man like me needs some on the side."

    He was a rich, famous, handsome and athletic man. He was all that before he met her. Surely he could've found a woman to oblige. Maybe she did, then changed her mind. Or maybe he lied.

    she did chose the intellectually demanding discipline of "nanny" for her previous career.

    Yes, for a successful golfer...who wound up introducing her to Tiger Woods. Either a lazy career choice or a very shrewd one. Given her alleged $300 million pre-nup, and her supposed renegotiation of it after Friday I'm going with "shrewd."

    If you have never seen the babe attack swarm that follows pro athletes around then you probably can't comprehend just how brazen it is.

    In any given town during a particular athletic event, 99.99% of the women in that town are not out chasing pro-athletes. It's a little bit much to judge all women by the handful who do.

  72. This is just more evidence that it is a mistake for men to get married.

  73. What is disappointing here is that Tiger is acting like such a wimp. He should press charges against his wife, dump her, and tell the media to go to hell. Then I could respect him.

  74. Have you heard about the "snoring"? In his statement to police, the neighbor who came upon Tiger to aid Elin, said they tired to make him comfortable until the ambulance came, covered him with a blanket, etc. When asked by police if Tiger said anything, he said that no, Tiger was snoring. Can't help it--it's a funny image, Tiger snoring after all this.

    Add to the snoring tidbit that in one of his steamy text messages to his girlfriend, Tiger said that he had a dream in which he found her having sex with both Derek (Jeter) and some actor at the same time. He said he suspected that some part of her would like that and added that after his dream, he couldn't sleep, that he should take some Ambien.

    I am getting the feeling that Tiger was indeed sedated from something other than a conk to the head when he ran over that hydrant and into that tree.

  75. Once saw something similar about a year ago. I heard a black guy yelling outside my apartment window around 1 or 2 in the morning. I peered out. In the lot was the guy standing in front of a pickup truck that was running with its lights on. He was a tall, lithe, sinewy type. Alone inside the truck, clutching the wheel in frozen terror, was his wispy white SWIPPle girlfriend. (Both of them local college students and visually conspicuous residents in the complex; though near campus, this is still Tennessee, after all.) Dude was hollering like Rev. X ("I come in the da name of Jesus!") at the top of his lungs, complete with extravagant hand gestures, drunk. She kept backing up bit by bit to get into position to drive around him. He was having none of that: he kept aggressively stepping forward like the dude from Tiananmen Square, keeping his waist pressed on the front bumper while continuing his extravagant tirade. I gathered her doors were locked so he couldn't come in, since he was blocking her from driving off. At last she got so terrified that she floored it. That truck leaped forward with the eagerness of a tormented Pit Bull finally freed. BOOM! Dude goes sailing over the hood, the roof, and the bed too, falling down behind where the truck had been. He must have soared 7 or 8 feet in the air. Came down hard on the pavement. She never paused, just roared out of the lot and vanished into the (finally!) quiet night. Dude was just lying there. Not moving. I thought about calling 911 but waited for the next act. After about 20 minutes, dude strirred. "He's alive," I whispered, shrugging and climbing back into bed. Later, I heard someone talking, talking, talking. When I looked out, it was the girl again. She had returned and they were sitting on the sidewalk together and she was begging, begging his forgiveness. He said absolutely nothing. He loped back toward their apartment, all silent, while the girl tagged his footsteps.

    Never saw anything like that in my life.

    Just another tale of diversity from the street instead of from our elites.

    I never saw them again. I wonder if she's okay now or even alive.

  76. Carl Talbot said:
    This is just more evidence that it is a mistake for men to get married.

    No, I'd say this is just more evidence that married men shouldn't cheat on their wives.

  77. "and I know that being a nanny doesn't suggest she's a bimbo."

    I never said that it does, the point is that it does not dispel any notion that she is. People with advantages have a tendency to gravitate toward fields in which they feel stimulated.

    "I'd think a person like you who presumably reads about HBD would appreciate that many of the female of the species love kids and do a heck of a good job raising them"

    I understand that, and again there is not way to discern her bimbo status through her job, it would however be fairly easy if she were a doctor (like Debi Thomas, eh Lucius?).

    "Well, on second thought, maybe yo momma *was* a bimbo cuz she raised a cretin."

    It's always nice when a street-level African-American joins the discussion, please check back periodically.

    "Given her alleged $300 million pre-nup, and her supposed renegotiation of it after Friday I'm going with "shrewd."

    From what I've read, the original prenup was $20mil. she has now "re-negotiated" to $55. And Michelle Obama called, she said that she appreciates the compliment, shrewd is one of her favorite terms.

    "Once saw something similar about a year ago..."

    This is similar to the world's richest athlete allegedly being struck in the head with a golf club was his irate wife, exactly how?

  78. ...Oh, in each situation there was a white person and a black person involved; yep, practically a xerox copy.

    I had to read your charming little anecdote four times to see the connection there, Sport.

    You guys have no idea how lucky you are to have such high IQs.

  79. Concerned Netizen12/5/09, 11:27 AM

    Carl Talbot:

    It would be a mistake for YOU to get married. To a woman.

    Getting married didn't seem to hurt Jack Nicklaus' career. But that's what you call a man, something little boys like you wouldn't recognize.

    The whole story may be garbage, anyway.

    Latest is that Tiger was found snoring.

    And he's not handsome. He looks like a Thai who's been exposed to gamma rays in a black body. Not handsome.

  80. > This is similar to the world's richest athlete allegedly being struck in the head with a golf club was his irate wife, exactly how? <

    Black dude winds up unconscious on street thanks to his white chick.

    Dunno who provoked whom in that situation, but in Tiger's case it was he.

  81. I thought this was a really good comment from Larry Auster's site.

    "It's not a mystery. People want different things. He wanted to be married. But when he's on the tour, a demi god surrounded by worshipful people including beautiful women throwing themselves at him, and he's playing a tournament, at the top of his game, and he's on top of the world, does he just go back to his hotel room at night alone? Infidelity would have to be seen as the default behavior for a person in that situation, and resistance to infidelity as heroic. I think the coverage and condemnation of Woods have simply not considered the staggering temptations to which a man in his situation is exposed. It's so crazy, we have this ultra sexual liberated society, but then suddenly if a star commits adultery, the society begins condemning him. That doesn't make the adultery right. But if want men to be faithful to their wives, then we need to foster a culture in which sexual restraint rather than sexual freedom is made the standard.

    "A female friend suggested that if Woods wanted to avoid infidelity, he might have thought of bringing his wife with him when he was traveling. But that may not be practicable.

    "Slightly off topic, I'm told that Billy Graham was never alone with a woman not his wife. He would always have a third person present so that not even a suspicion of infidelity could arise."

    It's prolly not possible for his wife to accompany him on tour as they have two small children.

  82. And the inevitable

    Tiger saga widens his distance from blacks

    As for the Swedish chick, an unfortunate mistake from my point of view. A unique beauty, now gone in the next generation -- the little are cute enough, but in that uninspiring, mixed race way.

    Interesting to note that Mrs. Woods is the daughter, not only of a left-wing Swedish female politician, but one that was 'integration' minister. No doubt the little girl got plenty of mestisage propaganda at home. Obviously Tiger is worth a lot, but I still think without a lot of propaganda, that your intelligent white women prefers to reproduce with the white man.

    These other women seem to be low-IQ tramps (I use that in the best sense of the word), or serious head cases (Uchitel) or both.

  83. But when he's on the tour, a demi god surrounded by worshipful people including beautiful women throwing themselves at him, and he's playing a tournament, at the top of his game, and he's on top of the world, does he just go back to his hotel room at night alone?

    New allegations suggest it wasn't just happening when he was on the Tour. A waitress at a Perkins restaurant near Tiger's house says she used to go back to his house to have sex all the time. She claims he used to ogle her at the restaurant while his wife was right there.

    I wonder what the social effect of the Tiger Woods revelations will be. Will men become more promiscuous, because every powerful man does it? Will white women become more guarded about dating and/or marrying black men?

  84. "Obviously Tiger is worth a lot, but I still think without a lot of propaganda, that your intelligent white women prefers to reproduce with the white man."

    No, that's just not the way it works, my friend. I would estimate that 99% of the white women in the world would choose to reproduce with the world's richest most famous athlete, over you.


    And as far as infidelity goes, I think Chris Rock explained it best:

    "Any man can learn to stop chasing women...The hard part is learning to run away from them when they start chasing you."


  85. No, that's just not the way it works, my friend.

    I think we've discovered that Twoof is really John McCain's sock puppet.

    But seriously...I mean, look at these three -- back in my day you any schmo could get this sort of quality at the Hot Wings n Shooters night at the Black Angus. If this is the best the worlds richest, most famous athlete can do -- well...

    BTW anybody notice that Beckham has never once been, to my knowledge, been accused of straying on Posh. Maybe I missed something ... but there is a guy who really could get some quality strange.

  86. I'm surprised the 'roid issue hasn't come up yet ... didn't Steve speculate Tiger had 'roided up in the last couple of years. Maybe this is all due to better living through chemistry.

  87. Christmas has come early this year. Never in my life have I felt schadenfreude like I do today. The carefully constructed image of the media's poster child for miscegenation has been ruined.

  88. "BTW anybody notice that Beckham has never once been, to my knowledge, been accused of straying on Posh."

    Uh; no.

  89. "No, that's just not the way it works, my friend. I would estimate that 99% of the white women in the world would choose to reproduce with the world's richest most famous athlete, over you."

    Truth, no offense intended, but it seems you don't understand women well at all...or perhaps more specifically, you understand only one type of woman.

    You need to get out more.

  90. Tiger Woods is a rich celebrity athlete. No doubt he's a good looking athletic guy and probably charming, but let's be realistic. He wouldn't be getting these girls without the fame, starpower, and popularity that he got playing golf. He's 1 in 100 million. If he were a regular guy without mad golf skills, he'd be lucky to have a single attractive girlfriend/wife.

    Unfortunately, the side affect of all this celebrity is that there's quite a bit of pressure and temptation. Not to mention you're prone to narcissistic behavior. You also have to deal with all sorts of people trying to drag down your name and ruin you. Privacy is non existent too.

    Celebrity has its pros and cons. All in all though, it doesn't seem like celebs are happy people.

  91. "Truth, no offense intended, but it seems you don't understand women well at all..."

    You mean women don't prefer famous, muscular multi-millionaire athletes over $40,000 a year, HBD computer programmers?

    Thanks, you learn something every day.

  92. "You mean women don't prefer famous, muscular multi-millionaire athletes over $40,000 a year, HBD computer programmers?"

    Once again, Truth, you don't get women, most women, that is. I am growing concerned that you've not left the ghetto. Do you EVER get out? Meet decent women?

    To them, Tiger isn't a catch. While he's not ugly, he's certainly not more than average looking. While he may have had intellectual potential, he certainly hasn't chosen to develop it. All he does is golf, work out, screw, and play video games--a boring guy from a woman's point of view. Oh, yeah, and he hangs out a lot with other dumb jocks like Jordan and Sir Charles. (Maybe he's bisexual?) Yeah, he's a reeeeal stimulating guy. Oh, and I hear he loves telling off-color jokes--yeah, that really impresses attractive, intelligent women.

    As for money--hey, don't computer programmers make more than teachers? The teachers in my district start at $42,000 and top out at $83,000, not including all their benefits. Not great money, no, but not the $40,000 you mentioned.

    Try hanging around some places where you can meet a...nice girl.

  93. I've met plenty of them, and most of them would leave me for Tiger Woods, had they a chance to get a 55 million dollar prenup.

    That's just reality, Sport. I didn't invent it I just have to live with it.

  94. Truth is right: any woman in the world would prefer a celebrity athlete to a computer nerd. But most woman can't get athletes, so they SETTLE for nerds.

    When a woman marries a nerd, she is settling for what she can get after having resigned herself to not being able to get what she wants. That's why women who marry nerds are almost always at least in their late 20's if not older. Her looks are rapidly declining, so she figures she'd better grab what she can get before it's too late.

    The nerd, of course, is happy to tell himself that he's finally found a "quality" woman. He doesn't want to believe that his bride is a "good girl" mainly because she is no longer young enough to attract the kind of men who excite her. This sort of self-deception seems to be necessary for most people's happiness, which is probably why it is so common.

  95. Truth and Jack Sprat...

    How the heck old are you guys. In what country do you live? If the US, what part? Because you certainly don't know what's going on in my neck of the woods.

  96. Truth is 100% right about this. You guys just don't want to admit it. Maybe because you know that you, like the young women we're discussing, wouldn't be able to resist a certain level of temptation (like the level Tiger is - or was - on) yourselves?

    I'm not bitter about female (or male) sexuality. Just realistic. And of course there's more to a relationship than what makes the naughty bits tingle. But let's not deny reality.


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