December 1, 2009

Whooping cough, whooping cranes: what's the difference:

From the Washington Post website, confirmation of my theory that nobody ever looks at the last half of the letters in a word:
Cultural Rewind: No more Swedish minarets?

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. On behalf of Muslim immigrants in Swaziland, I am outraged.

  2. Wait, so they're not building the new minaret at Swarthmore?

  3. So the Muslims in Switzerland will have to make do with the Swiss minuets already available to them.

    Frankly, I don't see that as particularly newsworthy.

  4. I have recently, at age 49, noticed myself skipping letters in words, extrapolating the meaning. Spot on observation there, Mr. Sailer!

    Oh, and Tiger, just say it, "I did not have sexual relations with that golf club!"

  5. Minuet seems an innocuous dance to me. A little old-fashioned, but what's the big deal?

  6. Swabians united!

  7. Sweden, Switzerland - whatever. The Washington Post is too important to concern itself with details - they are too busy providing the kind of thoughtful, nuanced journalism that their sophisticated readers demand.

  8. Plastic Snoopy12/1/09, 11:13 AM

    I do, and I usually catch tons of typos, even in supposedly proofread nonfiction bestsellers. The standards in some of the first-run copies (you know, with the ragged pages) are simply appalling.

    I am also an extremely slow reader.

  9. And guys can get fired when people don't look at the last half of "niggardly". =)

  10. Robert61:

    You've got it backwards--it's the last portion to which people pay no attention. (On further thought, it occurs that, if you're dyslexic, you're OK--just fine--with that comment!)

  11. The attitude broadcast by the media, and echoed in many reader comments, is that the Swedes/Swiss/whoever have done something completely unnecessary and superfluous gesture, as "only" 400,000 of a population of 7,500,000 are muslim aliens who haven't made many minarets, yet, and don't yell from them, yet. This who-cares attitude is also completely at odds with the other attitude that's coming through loud and clear, which is that this is an unthinkable violation of "international human rights" and won't be permitted to stand.

    How long until NATO bombs Sweden/Switzerland/whoever?

  12. They're building a miniature golf course for swarthy blackamoors?

  13. Sweden,Switzerland...which one is Tiger's wife from again? Maybe HE confused them and thats why his wife went ape! Apropos of nothing,but,when I was younger, boy did I have a thing for Liv Ullman! Did any of you? Steve? She made one "film" with a de rigueur lesbian scene...whoa. Oh! Sorry! What were we discussing again? Minarets? All for 'em! So vibrant...and scarey!

  14. The weird thing about the ban is that it's actually about architecture. You can still build a mosque in Switzerland, you just can't put minarets on it. What do the Swiss muslims expect? It took me four years to get the plans for my tiny summer cottage approved and it didn't even have minarets.

  15. The weird thing about the ban is that it's actually about architecture.

    Really? Did they ban steeples?

    It's about Muslims, not architecture. A win's a win, damnit.


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