December 28, 2009

Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?

From the East Bay Express, the latest news from the national drive to eliminate racial gaps in test scores;
Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs
The proposal would trade labs seen as benefiting white students for resources to help struggling students.
By Eric Klein

Berkeley High School is considering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and the five science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to help struggling students.

The proposal to put the science-lab cuts on the table was approved recently by Berkeley High's School Governance Council, a body of teachers, parents, and students who oversee a plan to change the structure of the high school to address Berkeley's dismal racial achievement gap, where white students are doing far better than the state average while black and Latino students are doing worse. [No Asians in Berkeley? Answer: BHS is 8% Asian. This wouldn't be happening if there were more Asians at BHS. Nobody pushes around determined Asian parents. Perhaps Asians already avoid Berkeley High School because of the power of multiculti ideology there.]

Paul Gibson, an alternate parent representative on the School Governance Council, said that information presented at council meetings suggests that the science labs were largely classes for white students. He said the decision to consider cutting the labs in order to redirect resources to underperforming students was virtually unanimous.

Science teachers were understandably horrified by the proposal. "The majority of the science department believes that this major policy decision affecting the entire student body, the faculty, and the community has been made without any notification, without a hearing," said Mardi Sicular-Mertens, the senior member of Berkeley High School's science department, at last week's school board meeting.

Sincular-Mertens, who has taught science at BHS for 24 years, said the possible cuts will impact her black students as well. She says there are twelve African-American males in her AP classes and that her four environmental science classes are 17.5 percent African American and 13.9 percent Latino. [By the way, I've heard that Environmental Science is the easiest science AP test to pass.] "As teachers, we are greatly saddened at the thought of losing the opportunity to help all of our students master the skills they need to find satisfaction and success in their education," she told the board.

The full plan to close the racial achievement gap by altering the structure of the high school is known as the High School Redesign. It will come before the Berkeley School Board as an information item at its January 13 meeting. Generally, such agenda items are passed without debate, but if the school board chooses to play a more direct role in the High School Redesign, it could bring the item back as an action item at a future meeting.

School district spokesman Mark Coplan directed inquiries about the redesign to Richard Ng, the principal's assistant at Berkeley High and member of the School Governance Council. Ng did not return repeated calls for comment.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. There will always be differences between the races in academics because of differences in I.Q.'s.

  2. This wouldn't be happening if there were more Asians at BHS. Nobody pushes around determined Asian parents.

    ...or Jewish parents.

    First thing European-Americans need to do to fight the Church of Diversity? Grow a pair. In the case of Berkeley fathers I'd just recommend ending the estrogen injections.

    And where oh where are all the prominent scienctists on all this? Busy fighting creationists in Kansas I reckon. Because for prominent scientists Kentucky is so much easier to get to than Berkeley.

    Every incident like this wins a few more Americans to our side. The only question is are we winning Americans to our side fast enough? I have my doubts.

  3. Paul Gibson, an alternate parent representative on the School Governance Council, said that information presented at council meetings suggests that the science labs were largely classes for white students. He said the decision to consider cutting the labs in order to redirect resources to underperforming students was virtually unanimous.

    The conservative and libertarian movements did a very effective job of refuting 19th century style Marxism. But they've been floundering when it comes to combating Frankfurt-School-style neo-Marxism, which is the poison coursing through the Wests veins these days. In fact the majority of conservative/libertarian pundits are not involved in this fight and fear to become involved. Heaven forfend that somebody might call them "racist".

    Neo-Marxism is similar to old-fashioned Marxism, but with whites (especially white males) standing in for the evil capitalists and with "people of color" in the role of noble but oppressed proletariat.

  4. Now that health care is on the road to nationalization, will like-minded bureaucrats in DC reduce health care to whites so as to close the racial longevity gap?

  5. Conciously dumbing down white kids is already official government policy in South Africa. The only reason some white kids still get through is coz their parents care and the gov officials/teachers are too busy being corrupt/copulating/drunk to effectively enact the policy.

  6. TranscendHumanity,
    betta not post from the EU or you'll end up in the slammer with your provocative icon.

  7. Wait, what? Racial IQ gaps is a national problem?! Surely not! Everyone knows that outside Berkeley, blacks and Hispanics do just as well as whites. It's only because of our racist high school teachers and their whites-only science labotories that we have this problem here!

  8. Shows you what sort of people try to worm their way onto these school boards. Always an agenda in the background, whether it be loony lefties, creationists, and whatnot. Due to apathy and the let someone else do it I'm too busy syndrome, these types are often successful in imposing their views on everyone else (actually, on everyone else's children).

  9. When intelligent design is introduced as an ADDITION to evolution, our children's education apparently suffers. Some companies have indicated they will not open locations in states like Kansas because of the resulting inferior quality of their graduates.

    Now, a large chunk of BHS's science department is to be gutted, and this is supposed to lead to a higher quality education?

  10. Paleo Truth Squad12/28/09, 11:47 PM

    Anyone else read "Harrison Bergeron" in high school? Nice little short story by Kurt Vonnegut that captured the madness of our age while it was just cutting its teeth.

    All I can say about the BHS hand wringers is: Keep up the good work we are all pulling for you!

  11. BHS is a total joke. The NAM dominated school administration loses millions of dollars a year from sweetheart contracts with minority owned businesses, cretinous hiring decisions, and inept budgeting. Shutting down the science labs will save the school a pittance. This is a power play to demonstrate that even though diversity is sinking California, NAMs rule, now and for the foreseeable future.

  12. I'm completely with you guys in hating and opposing developments like this. However, I don't think HBD is necessary to counter these policies. Also, I don't think policies like this are the logical consequence of people not accepting HBD.

    A simpler point is all that's needed to counter those who argue for policies like this: achievement gaps are not a function of school-structure.

  13. Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?

    Try substituting "jewish" or any other racial group into that same question and then ask yourself, why is it that I feel free to say such an asinine thing only about Whites?

  14. people have focussed on this decision as "dumbing down white kids"

    but, more imporantly, it will help reduce the flowthrough of scientists/ engineers, leading to a reduction of the US' scientific and technological capacity

    but this is nothing new. A friend of mine laments that a college she knows of has closed its entire physics department as a savings measure

    yep, neo-marxist, post-modernist theories are a cancer that are eating the guts out of society ...

  15. all hail the social justice machine! this story is a great microcosmic cautionary tale that should be extrapolated to the state of california and the usa and then the western world as a whole....

    the primary directive of the machine is: the white western world has to not only accept dispossession but in fact pay (in goods and resources) for its own dispossession...........

    the machine is of course trying to take this same micro berkeley plan to the macro national level (coast to coast) and the machine will get more unanimous votes from guilt ridden boomer white liberal authorities because the machine is from a pr standpoint all about social justice for now........this can continue at least until whites are sustantially dispossessed in america.......after that point then the machine will be free to dump the entire social justice rubric and embrace full blown tin pot dictator warlord politics such as in latin america and africa.........

  16. i'd like to say more but agent isteve can't stand the hard truth on his own damn blog.......

    btw how are the tech difficulties on the old domain coming along agent isteve? why are you making it so easy for google inc to database every single post and comment on your blog?

    a few years from now will commenters on trial for thought crimes against the new bolshevik people's republic of north america be convicted on the evidence of web postings they made years ago on

    stay tuned........maybe agent isteve will be a reluctant witness for the thought crimes prosecution.......the screenplay could have agent isteve forced against his will into testifying against his commenters.........

  17. here you is a front page headline and article teaser from usatoday:

    Sotomayor keeps community bonds

    Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's community embraced her, and she, in turn, has shown a desire to sustain and celebrate the bonds with her people.

    yeah baby! read those words in context with that berkeley la revolucion.....

    who? whom?

  18. Hardcore title dude! But fair. Sort of related: can we stop calling outright Trotskyists "liberals"? There is nothing liberal about today's left, they are horribly oppressive, anti-science, etc., etc. As one twentieth century statesman noted, the slogan liberty, fraternity, equality is nonsensical; liberty necessarily precludes equality, and as this story shows, equality necessarily precludes liberty.

    Incidentally, here's how the 1789 French Declaration defined equality:

    "Equality, on the other hand, was defined by the 1789 Declaration as judicial equality (art. 6):

    The law "must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in its eyes, shall be equally eligible to all high offices, public positions and employments, according to their ability, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and talents.",_Fraternity,_and_Equality

  19. The next step is to do what Francia (dictator of Paraguay) did and force whites to marry Indians or blacks in order to break up the white upper class.

  20. Let's see the bright side: shutting down the science labs to help NAM kids turns the whole school system into a kind of science lab, right? And if their hypothesis is correct, within a few years test scores should be comparable. I can't wait to see the result!

  21. The Elite don't really want anyone well educated except for their own children, and they have their private schools for that.

  22. Successes should expect to see their funding cut. Money is for spending on failure.

    Since, more often than no, one gets more of what one subsidizes, it's no mystery why things are in a hell of a mess.

    A successful academic program operates somewhere? There is only one thing to do, kill it.

    And yeah, it sure looks like those administrators are saying science is a white thing. Right now, Svigor is probably roaring with laughter between his teardrops, like Canio in Pagliacci. (Much love, Svig.)

  23. > Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer? <

    Don't give them any ideas, man.

    Homeschool. Homeschool. Homeschool.

  24. Sure this is a travesty and all, but remember......this is Berkeley. Those science teachers about to get the chop are undoubtedly all good little pinkos who read the right books, and vote for the right people, and think the right thoughts. I say to hell with 'em - serves 'em right.

    The white pupils will suffer some, and that's a shame. On the other hand it will be an object lesson for them in the joys (and realities) of multi-culturalism. And their parents (most likely all good liberals) will get to experience what diversity means to the rest of us - ever higher taxes and mortgage payments with less and less return for our dollar.

  25. Chief Seattle12/29/09, 7:28 AM

    Maybe the answer is to divide the town into Berkeley and the Berkeley Hills and let Oakland take the former. Then NAMs wont have to deal with troublesome white/asians and their fancy education and lack of crime.

  26. Hitting white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer would indeed [help] eliminate those pesky racial gaps in test scores.

    As an added benefit, the blunt force head trauma and resulting loss of impulse control would help close that other pesky gap in black-white violent criminal behavior.

  27. David Davenport12/29/09, 8:07 AM

    Standardized testing causes terrorism:

    ... The Washington Post reviewed 300 online postings under the name "farouk1986" (a combination of Abdulmutallab's middle name and birth year). The postings mused openly about love and marriage, his college ambitions and angst over standardized testing, as well as his inner struggle as a devout Muslim between liberalism and extremism. ...

    ... Farouk1986 wrote often of the college admissions process, once describing his plans to study engineering at Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley or the California Institute of Technology. But he also wrote of his disappointment in scoring a 1200 on the SAT. "I tried the SAT," he wrote in March 2005. "It was a disaster!!!" ...

  28. If I recall correctly, wasn't the Berkely public school system the first in the nation to implement an official afro-centric curriculum? Yet the racial achievment gap persists and even widens. To paraphrase Gore Vidal, it's not enough to fail, others must fail too.

  29. What percent of the student body is white?

    If a majority of the students are black and latino, then it makes sense to spend more money on them.

    This is the reality. It makes no sense to keep the science labs open if it only benefits a small percentage of the student body.

  30. This is nucking futs.

    Next they'll want to lobotomize the white and Asian kids.

    We should probably all be learning Chinese.

  31. Nice little short story by Kurt Vonnegut that captured the madness of our age while it was just cutting its teeth.

    Okay, can we put this to rest? It drives me crazy. Vonnegut wrote Harrison Bergeron in 1961, long before the affirmative action debate kicked in.

    Vonnegut's sympathies were with the Handicapper General. It's not a satire against affirmative action, but one against meritocracy. There's a well-researched article on this that I assumed most people had read by now: Politics of Harrison Bergeron with a letter by Vonnegut that makes his sympathies clear. Moreover, in 2005, anti-affirmative action lawyers used the story in their case, and Vonnegut objected to the purposes to which the story was used, as it wasn't his intent.

    On this story: No one is more annoyed at taking from bright kids (whatever the race) and feeding it into the maw of low test scores, and no one is less sympathetic to BHS than I am, but this fuss has just been egregiously misrepresented. Many schools--really good ones--offer no lab time for AP science courses. The budget crisis has called for huge cuts. The AP science labs which, again, are not commonly offered, are still available. BHS is just not going to pay teachers extra to offer labs before and after school.

    Will that make it tougher? Sure. But why should science get so much extra funding anyway? Again, many other excellent Bay Area schools don't give this extra time. If you're going to give more time for AP Science, why not for APUSH, or AP English Lit?

    It's a pretty ordinary budget cut that hasn't really done any major damage. The science teachers are whining because they aren't going to get their stipend any more.

    Again, I have no sympathy for BHS, but this is only playing well because the idiots put a "social justice" spin on what was nothing more than a perfectly logical slice of an extra that isn't affordable right now.

  32. The article says that whites outscore the state white average and blacks and Latinos underscore their state averages, but doesn't give numbers (as usual). Does anyone know what they are?

    The fact that the article was published at all is heartening. I'll bet the school did not expect it.

    Note that the vote was taken not by the board, but by a body of parents, teachers and students that apparently operate the school day to day. Truly, the inmates are running the asylum.

  33. John Mansfield12/29/09, 8:59 AM

    "At it again, I see? What will it be tonight? Museum of Science? Some library?"--Charleton Heston in The Omega Man

  34. It's revenge by professional Hispanics at BHS for Prop 227. No better way to punch Ron Unz by proxy than eliminate science labs which might benefit future Rons.

  35. Eh, can't say I care much. Any parent who still has a halfway smart kid in public school is asking for punishment.

    It's about time we got over this weird idea that government schools can provide a top-notch education anyway. We don't think that about anything else: we don't expect food stamps to provide steak and lobster dinners, or for people on public housing to live in mansions. But that's what we expect in the schools. It's nuts.

    Government programs provide the lowest common denominator (at best), and that's all we should expect from them. If you want better than that, go elsewhere or do it yourself.

  36. In my Southern high school many of the AP teachers, including AP science teachers, were black. They or other black teachers also taught many of the prerequisite science classes. Our school was about 10% black, and yet the black makeup of the the AP classes was still basically 0%.

  37. Les Norsemorbles12/29/09, 9:38 AM

    Some interesting excerpts from the Washington Post and a Detroit newspaper (noted in Half-Sigma):
    "Some education advocates in the District expressed concern last week that the gains celebrated by Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee and Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) were propelled largely by white students who are already high achievers.
    "It would suggest that we've raised the aggregate by treating those at the higher end of the scale, which is problematic and troublesome," said Jeff Smith, executive director of D.C. Voice, a nonprofit group that advocates for educational equality in the District."

    "Detroit parents want teachers and school administrators sent to prison:
    “Impassioned parents demanded jail time for educators and district officials Saturday following the release of test scores that showed fourth- and eighth-graders had the worst math scores in the nation.
    City students took the National Assessment of Educational Progress test this year, and 69 percent of fourth-graders scored below the basic level in math and 77 percent of eighth-graders scored below basic.
    The Detroit scores on the progress test were the lowest in its 40-year history. The sample of students included 900 of Detroit's 6,000 fourth-graders and 1,000 of the district's 6,000 eighth-graders.
    Sharlonda Buckman, CEO of the Detroit Parent Network, called for jailing and civil lawsuits against anyone in the city's educational system that is not doing his or her share to help properly educate children.
    "Somebody needs to go to jail," she said in a tearful address to 500 parents gathered Saturday for the organization's annual breakfast forum. "Somebody needs to pay for this. Somebody needs to go to jail, and it shouldn't be the kids.""

  38. steve, don't give our hostile elite any ideas....

  39. Berkeley is in Oakland, CA. This is the home of the Oakland Hells Angels who frequently carry a ballpeen hammer with more than 16 oz of heft in their kit bags to settle many disputes. Your solution is most practical and may save a lot of taxpayer's money.

  40. Middletown Girl12/29/09, 10:00 AM

    "Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?"


    Despite natural gaps in IQ, there is no doubt that blacks and Mexicans could be doing a lot better. Then, wouldn't it make more sense to ban the stuff that's making those students lazy, distracted, trouble-making, and irreverent about learning and authority?

    How about banning TV, rap music, basketball, gangsta-ism, and out-of-control sexual behavior among blacks and browns? Funny that white liberals encourage all these things in the underclass community and then try to fix the problem by attacking excellence.

    Where are the angry white politicians? Well, since they'll be smeared as 'racist' if they speak out for white people and excellence, they'll keep mum. What a bunch of wussies.

  41. Middletown Girl12/29/09, 10:02 AM

    "This wouldn't be happening if there were more Asians at BHS. Nobody pushes around determined Asian parents."

    Maybe this is true in California where there's a good number of Asians, but across America, Asian-American community seems to be pretty silent about these matters. When have you see Hindu- or Chinese-American parents coming together to form a national alliance against affirmative action that favors blacks and Hispanics over Asians?

    And, making fun of Hindus is fair game in Hollywood, and Limbaugh doesn't get into hot water for calling Chinese 'chicoms'. Why? The Asian community is small and mostly chicken.

  42. Middletown Girl12/29/09, 10:06 AM

    "Paul Gibson, an alternate parent representative on the School Governance Council, said that information presented at council meetings suggests that the science labs were largely classes for white students."

    Gibson is an idiot. Those classes are, of course, meant for everyone and open to all. The reality however is that white kids show more interest in science and homework. Is that their fault?

    Btw, maybe schools ought to shut down basketball and football teams since they seem to be mostly FOR BLACK STUDENTS.

    Gibson is confusing result with intention. Blacks dominate in basketball because they are better at it, not because basketball teams are intended only for blacks. Similarly, white students are more intellectually oriented than blacks and Hispanics. Whose fault is that?
    And, I heard top music schools in the US are like 50% Asian. Does that mean they are intended FOR ASIANS? These leftist shitters really piss me off.

  43. It's the hardest thing for me to understand why white people in general don't think like this:

    The proposal hurts average and smart white kids. My kid falls into that category. Therefore it hurts my kids. Therefore I'm against it. I'm not willing to sacrifice their interests in favor of any other group.
    Is that so hard? Pretty much every other racial or ethnic group thinks this way. I don't hate other groups for thinking this way, I'm just angry at those in my group who want to destroy anyone who thinks this way ONLY if they're not a NAM. Call me an ANTI-anti-racist

  44. This can't be happening, seriously. I didn't know things were that bad in California.

  45. Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?

    For the youngsters at iSteve:

    Karel deLeeuw

    Karel deLeeuw, or de Leeuw (February 20, 1930 – August 18, 1978), was a mathematician at Stanford University, specializing in harmonic analysis and functional analysis. He received his doctorate at Princeton in 1954 under Emil Artin. He was murdered by Theodore Streleski, a Stanford doctoral student for 19 years, whom he briefly advised...

    Theodore Streleski

    Theodore Streleski (born 1936) was a graduate student in mathematics at Stanford University who murdered his former faculty advisor, the professor Karel de Leeuw, with a small sledge hammer on August 18, 1978.

    During his trial Streleski told the court he felt the murder was "logically and morally correct" and "a political statement" about the department's treatment of its graduate students, and he forced his court-appointed lawyer to enter a plea of "not guilty" rather than "not guilty by reason of insanity" as the lawyer had urged. Streleski was convicted of second degree murder and he served seven years in prison for his actions.

    Streleski was eligible for parole on three occasions, but turned it down as the conditions of his parole required him to not set foot on the Stanford campus. Upon his release in 1985, he said, "I have no intention of killing again. On the other hand, I cannot predict the future."

  46. Another reason to entirely abolish government schools.

  47. I suspect that pop 'culture' is the ballpeen hammer.

    Its purpose to make white kids act as black as possible. Of course its not 100% effective and there is collateral damage. Sometimes Jewish kids fall victim too.

  48. Concerned parents should tell the principal at BHS that if the cuts are made their kids will tank the standardized tests used to evaluate school performance.

  49. Steve, can you please comment on this?

    Beverly Hills schools move to cut outside pupils

    Is the ethnicity of the small sample of interviewed permit parents (Simy Levy, Myra Lurie, Steven Wasserman) indicative of who was taking advantage of this program?

  50. Maybe they should close down all the sports programs at the school if they are disproportionately serving the black students.

  51. Steve,

    David Brooks has a new article in The New York Times, in which he says:

    "It’s become fashionable to bash Malcolm Gladwell for being too interesting and not theoretical enough. This is absurd. Gladwell’s pieces in The New Yorker are always worth reading, so I’ll just pick out one . . . in part to celebrate his work and in part as protest against the envious herd."

    Just thought your ears might have been burning.

  52. A line from Woody Allen came to mind when I read this article: "the zenith of mongoloid reasoning".

  53. If there is a "structural" gap between whites and blacks in school achievement, how do you propose we educate the black kids? To what end would we educate the black kids?

  54. If there is a "structural" gap between whites and blacks in school achievement, how do you propose we educate the black kids? To what end would we educate the black kids?

    Recently Komment Kontrol has taken to disapproving of the long-winded version of my reply [IQ 90, 3Rs, etc etc etc], so lemme see whether I will be allowed to point you towards Merriam-Webster as a substitute.

    PS: As ever, Murray's infamous Footnote #44 is indispensable in any discussion of the ever-broadening crisis.

  55. > how do you propose we educate the black kids? To what end would we educate the black kids? <

    Who is "we"? Who educates white kids? Why is learning now defined to mean a change imposed on passives ("education")? Why is the necessity of missionary zeal the unquestioned assumption behind every discussion?

  56. Flenser, good point but don't forget WHY White Males are so easily demonized: Birth Control, improved earnings/status for women, anonymous urban living, give reign to White female hypergamy and allow White women to express the disgust they feel for beta males.

    This disgust is so strong that even many White mothers will express it to the detriment of their son's interests.

    Since the Science Labs are mostly male, nearly every White female voter would agree that they should be cut. Meanwhile, Black/Hispanic men are viewed as more masculine, testosterone-driven, ala Steve's "Fair Maiden/Dark Leading Man" hypothesis.

    Davenport: GOLD!!! That link is priceless. Abdulmutallab the youngest of 16 kids out of his father's two polygamous wives (ahem remind you of any Kenyan-background pol?) could not reconcile his religious restrictions on sex with his longings and ... wait for it ... wanted to get married (so he could have sex). JUST what I (and Roissy and Sigma and Ferdinand Bardamu) have been saying: Much of the real motivation for jihadis is sex-romance oriented. [I believe Steve has touched on this too.]

    OhioStater: we cannot educate Black kids, because their (single mothers) value: aggressiveness, ignorance, illiteracy, and never EVER acting 'White' aka reading, valuing knowledge, etc. This is baked into Black culture, relatively recent (only 40 years old) but Whites and other races cannot change it. It is up to Blacks to decide if they will be "Kanesha" or Keyshaun or Rebecca or Michael (good Biblical names).

  57. "Posts Reveal Lonely, Devout Man Wall Street Journal "

    what do you think this story is about? yep, the airplane bomber. I am sure they would have a similar soft piece if he were a white nationalist.

  58. but, more imporantly, it will help reduce the flowthrough of scientists/ engineers, leading to a reduction of the US' scientific and technological capacity

    No, you don't know what you're talking about. This might be true in another place but this is Berkeley. There are plenty of private schools; there are numerous other school districts a parent could easily move to or lie to get into; but most important:


    Let them go to community college! High school is a failed experiment, let it die. We're moving towards a tiered system, where the large public high schools are holding pens and surveillance tanks for potential criminals. Nobody is making smart kids go to those schools. That's not what they're for.

  59. "Maybe they should close down all the sports programs at the school if they are disproportionately serving the black students."

    Oooooh, I like what you did here! In Ottawa, they shut down the basketball team at a high school which won the provincial championships because the female principal felt they were acting arrogantly. There might've been a racial element at play but as you and I both know, my fellow Canadian, hos trump bros up here, eh?

  60. 'Eff'en A Cotton, Eff'en A,'

    I think we should all get blinders, buzzers, and other intelligence leveling devices. I am very tall with huge hands and feet. If we all have to be averaged I'd hate for them to use an axe to make me more average.

    I'd miss my hands and feet too.

  61. Maybe it's a way of bashing whites for "acting white".

  62. Anthoine Zhang12/29/09, 3:26 PM

    'And, making fun of Hindus is fair game in Hollywood, and Limbaugh doesn't get into hot water for calling Chinese 'chicoms'. Why? The Asian community is small and mostly chicken.'

    Either that, or just sensible enough to not give a shit.

  63. If we teach children about science then they will figure out that global warning is a hoax all on there own.
    Stop teaching science.

  64. The Hindu community deals with this in several ways

    In Washington DC area, there are thousands of Hindus and very few go into black public schools

    If faced with a black public school, they either relocate to a white area or send their kids to private school

    Next, many Hindu parents also Home School, because they feel regular public schools use a dumbed down curriculum

    Hindu parents will happily pay fees and send their kids to a private christian school and be exposed to christian teachings than send their kids to a black school

  65. Many kids in the Bay Area on the Ivy League track seriously study classical music. Once there was a time when most large public high schools had competitive orchestras, choruses, and instrument instruction, but no more. That doesn't mean classical music has lost its value to those kids climbing the meritocratic pyramid; most classical music instruction has gone private, that's all. And the same will happen to the study of advanced math and physics by K-12 kids. Smart kids will do it on their own time and dime because they will know it's critical.

    Opening weekend science academies staffed with science professionals who want to make some extra dough teaching is going to become a great business opportunity, soon.

  66. The Hindu community deals with this in several ways

    In Washington DC area, there are thousands of Hindus and very few go into black public schools

    If faced with a black public school, they either relocate to a white area or send their kids to private school

    Next, many Hindu parents also Home School, because they feel regular public schools use a dumbed down curriculum

    Hindu parents will happily pay fees and send their kids to a private christian school and be exposed to christian teachings than send their kids to a black school

    I've noticed you do this with a minimum of kvetching, also.

    How quickly do you think these Hindus can displace a certain other group in terms of disproportionate lobbying power and political influence?

    Let us know if you need help.

  67. >Opening weekend science academies staffed with science professionals who want to make some extra dough teaching is going to become a great business opportunity, soon.<

    A fine idea, in its way, but one that also contributes to the problem of over-scheduled kids. So much for the notion of children who have dreamy weekend afternoons free to read about pirates and climb trees, all because the time spent in government schools during the week is increasingly useless

    If we're not careful, we'll raise a generation with all the imagination and zest for life of Borg drones.

  68. White people have a huge urge to be home owners and homes are expensive in non-NAM areas

    Hindu people dont mind renting to live in a non-NAM area

    Consider silicon valley
    Thousands of Hindus are renters and live in Sunnyvale with good non-NAM schools, whereas buying apartments or homes are unaffordable

    Whereas white people have to buy a house and end up with buying homes 80 miles away and commuting 5 hours a day

  69. What are BHS and SWPL?

  70. Hindu parents will happily pay fees and send their kids to a private christian school and be exposed to christian teachings than send their kids to a black school

    This reminds me. I went to a Catholic school in the 90s that was K-8th grade (I'm Catholic). The school was completely white except for 2 friends of mine, an Indian kid and a Korean kid in my class. Their parents weren't Catholic or Christian. The school had religious Catholic instruction, and each class would go through the Sacraments of First Communion (3rd Grade) and Confirmation (8th Grade) together (also Confession, but I can't remember when we did that...Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it has been ages since my Last Confession...)

    I remember these guys getting baptized in 2nd Grade when it was discovered that they hadn't been and thus would be unprepared the following year for First Communion. They went through Communion and Confirmation with the rest of us and basically grew up Catholic. We had Mass as a school every Friday, we'd have to go to Confession, we'd have Stations of the Cross during Easter season, special Masses all the time, etc., so they had frequent exposure even if they didn't go to Church on Sundays.

    I knew their parents, and they didn't mind or really care. It's kind of funny recollecting this now, because I remember growing up and not ever even thinking about this, or questioning it, or thinking that it was weird or something. And the two guys and the rest of my friends and classmates didn't find it odd either. We just thought it was normal and just the matter of course.

  71. I'm white, I rent, AND I homeschool. You should all be like me. Well, only if you're as smart as me. Otherwise, don't have as many children as I am having.

  72. Anonymous said...
    "What are BHS and SWPL?"

    BHS = Berkeley High School

    SWPL = Stuff White People Like (i.e., wealthy white urban hipsters)

  73. Why not just hit the white kids on the head with a ballpeen hammer?

    Are you referring to this ?

  74. "kudzu bob said...

    "A fine idea, in its way, but one that also contributes to the problem of over-scheduled kids. So much for the notion of children who have dreamy weekend afternoons free to read about pirates and climb trees,...."

    They don't do that anyway - they play videogames.

  75. > most classical music instruction has gone private, that's all. And the same will happen to the study of advanced math and physics by K-12 kids. Smart kids will do it on their own time and dime because they will know it's critical. <

    If you're a parent, consider homeschooling. The burrocrats are not your child's friend.

    The public arena is becoming so toxic that it often seems most good things are trending private.

    Say what you will about YouTube idiocy et al., the net has also unearthed an underground of independent-minded and talented people (more or less), which, under the current official public culture, would simply wouldn't exist or would perish of lack of appreciation. Steve, for example, despite his industry and intelligence, couldn't get a job with the NYT if he paid them.

    There's still an America out there: typically connected mostly by pixels...or meeting only in small, largely ethnic clans. Has the nation gone to seed? Yes.

    Speaking of YouTube, did (or WOULD) an official music program in a public school encourage this sort of thing, or was it parents and private culture?

    Despite lip-service about public schools' preparing our precious young ones for a challenging future, for meeting global competition, etc., hardheaded realists know they had better do things "on their own time and dime" if they want those things done.

  76. I'm certain that there's some racial angle to this - it is Berkeley, after all. However, there's more to it than that. This is a version of the Washington Monument Ploy and a reaction to the incentives of NCLB. After all, if you can spend the money from science, which NAMs don't need, on coaching them to score better on the tests, you look better to the NCLB bureaucrats.

  77. How about banning TV, rap music, basketball, gangsta-ism, and out-of-control sexual behavior among blacks and browns? Funny that white liberals encourage all these things in the underclass community and then try to fix the problem by attacking excellence.

    Bravo! Profound statement!

  78. "How about banning TV, rap music, basketball, gangsta-ism, and out-of-control sexual behavior among blacks and browns?"

    Brilliant idea there, Josef.

  79. Diana Moon Glampers12/31/09, 6:53 AM

    I heartily approve.

  80. Middletown Girl:

    You write of Rush Limbaugh calling Chinese "chicoms" and getting away with it.

    I think you're mistaken about Rush.
    I'm virtually certain that he'd NEVER use the term "chicom" to refer to a Chinese person unless that person was either: 1.) a Chinese person of communistic leanings or, 2.) even more likely, an actual PRC personage, especially a functionary of one or another type. (Or he might very well refer to the PRC itself as "the chicoms.") In years of listening to Rush, I'd have to rate him as "best ever" when it comes to not deliberately mischaracterizing people (or groups).

  81. Middletown Girl1/3/10, 10:54 AM

    "You write of Rush Limbaugh calling Chinese "chicoms" and getting away with it.
    I think you're mistaken about Rush.
    I'm virtually certain that he'd NEVER use the term "chicom" to refer to a Chinese person unless that person was either: 1.) a Chinese person of communistic leanings or, 2.) even more likely, an actual PRC personage, especially a functionary of one or another type. (Or he might very well refer to the PRC itself as "the chicoms.") In years of listening to Rush, I'd have to rate him as "best ever" when it comes to not deliberately mischaracterizing people (or groups)."

    No, he's talking about all the Chinese. What I don't get is why he insults the Chinese for making all that money from us but then praises Walmart for offering cheap goods. How are those cheap goods made possible?

    And notice that he never refers to the Jewish leftists and liberals as Jewcoms though the Jewish left has many many times more power over US than the Chinese ever will. I could be wrong, but isn't the Jewish-American wealth larger than that of all of China?

    And who controls the media? I think even most talk radio companies are owned by Jews.

  82. The point is not to lower the knowledge of white students, but to increase the knowledge of minority students. Unfortunately, school leaders are pursing this in the wrong way. As a chemist, I believe it is just as pivotal (if not more so) for minority students to immerse themselves in a mathematics/science environment. I've seen other brilliant african-american scientists; science can become our niche. Hopefully the school will find the money to accomplish this goal.


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