January 9, 2010

Colby Cosh: "I love you, Mindy Jones"

Several commenters have wondered plaintively why so many women like the kind of Bad Boy who would never comment at high-brow blogs.

There's the converse phenomenon of high-brow bloggers like Colby Cosh who like a certain kind of Bad Girl -- entitled, indolent, self-indulgent, swayingly languid almost to the point of toppling over. Under the heading "I Love You, Mindy Jones," I found on Colby's site this December news broadcast from Oklahoma City about Mindy Jones, who steals an ambulance for a 50 mile joy ride ending in the front yard of an ex-boyfriend's house in some hick town in OK. The great thing is the segment starts with the multi-culti but 100% plastic Ken and Barbie anchors trying to make concerned frowny faces, cuts to the perky Reese Witherspoony local reporterette trying to cover up her Red State accent, and, finally, at 1:05 we get ten seconds of Mindy Jones:

Pretty Good Time Ambulance Driver - Watch more Funny Videos

who doesn't sound at all like the frantic trailer park loser you're expecting. She gives the impression that Daddy, of course, keeps a national firm of pit bull lawyers on retainer just to get her out of jams like this. She sounds like, I dunno, Katharine Hepburn on 'ludes in Bringing Up Baby? The frontrunner for the lead in The Sharon Stone Story? The second coming of Zelda Fitzgerald? The reincarnation of Tallulah Bankhead?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. I'll wait for you, Mindy!

  2. A full "interview" of sorts can be found here. She is quite articulate considering how sauced she must be.

  3. Whoops, forgot the link to my last post.


    Full news report there. With even more politically correct news personalities!

  4. She's quite something, isn't she ?

  5. "The great thing is the segment starts with the multi-culti but 100% plastic Ken and Barbie anchors, cuts to the perky Reese Witherspoony local reporterette trying to cover up her Red State accent. . . " LMFAO! So spot on.

    JiaoJiao? Really? In Oklahoma. Along with a Mexican-American to boot. So PC, so perfect.

    The ambulance booster looks like a fun girl to party with nonetheless!

  6. "The ambulance booster looks like a fun girl to party with nonetheless!"

    How much are two first class tickets from Oklahoma City to Gstaad? You might find out.

  7. Wonder what the anachronistic/absurd "English name" that Jiao-Jiao chucked out the window was.

  8. Is "Jiao-Jiao" the feminine version of "Jar-Jar"?

  9. Erin Guy, the reporterette on the scene, has "wide-spaced eyes". Just about any white girl with wide-spaced eyes is going to be cute. Her eyes have a vaguely-asiatic shape to them. She's a dead ringer to an old-high school ex of my own facially, although with lighter hair color.***

    The drunk girl comes off as magnificently entitled and roughly as unremorseful as the Zodiac Killer, Richard Ramirez. A couple of weeks in jail with hard-gilz' would be the best thing for her, but daddy will probably get her out within 3 hours, pay the court costs and fines, and she'll get probation for 11-months, 29-days (if that), and will brag about it in the future to beta males at bars to give herself an allure of a bad girl. Alpha males will hear it, immediately disqualify her from long-term-potential, and will continue on mission without batting an eye. She will wonder all her life why these men seem so unswayed by her charms and don't ever call her back----but she wont steal an ambulance and drive 50 miles to their front yard's to express it again in all likelihood**.

    **Thats why she was in the ambulance, she went to go see a guy (no doubt an alpha) that she is obsessed with -this- month. People want what they can't have. He probably had another girl there anyway.

  10. It's a grown-up version of Jessica Lovejoy from The Simpsons.

  11. ***Oops, almost forgot. Matt Garcia, who is probably at least two-thirds-Spanish Conquistador genetically, has accomplished the feat of taming the muscles that control the brows (Levator palprebrae superioris, frontiallis), so that he can raise the independently of one another, giving him a falsely-concerned air of magnificently cultivated condescention.

    He did this four times in about 8 seconds, twice with each eye. Watch the video again.

    This allows him to "unconsciously" imitate "serious" journalists he watched for years who condescended to all of us red-state rubes back when everyone actually watched the network news programs. I detect a little Peter-Jennings-envy there on Garcia's part.

    My grandad could do that. Im unimpressed Matt, just in case google ever brings you here. Read Steve's articles while you are around.

  12. Difference Maker1/9/10, 6:19 PM

    Several commenters have wondered plaintively why so many women like the kind of Bad Boy who would never comment at high-brow blogs.


    Anyhow, betas are akin to ugly women.

    High testosterone can occur together with high intellect. Betas flatter themselves undeservedly.

    Coming here today I have been reminded not to idle my time in foolishness. Thank you sir

  13. Compare Mindy to this little guy who also went on a joyride.


  14. A comment from Colby Cosh, as Relic! I like it!!

  15. doesnthaveaname1/9/10, 6:42 PM

    Does anyone know why Asian women are so common as anchorwomen in the US and Canada? Is it because people think Asians are more serious? Inquiring minds want to know.

  16. The drunk girl comes off as magnificently entitled and roughly as unremorseful as the Zodiac Killer, Richard Ramirez. A couple of weeks in jail with hard-gilz' would be the best thing for her, but daddy will probably get her out within 3 hours, pay the court costs and fines, and she'll get probation for 11-months, 29-days (if that), and will brag about it in the future to beta males at bars to give herself an allure of a bad girl. Alpha males will hear it, immediately disqualify her from long-term-potential, and will continue on mission without batting an eye. She will wonder all her life why these men seem so unswayed by her charms and don't ever call her back----but she wont steal an ambulance and drive 50 miles to their front yard's to express it again in all likelihood**.

    Yikes, what has Roissy done to your brains?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. She sounds like, I dunno, Katharine Hepburn on 'ludes in Bringing Up Baby? The frontrunner for the lead in The Sharon Stone Story? The reincarnation of Tallulah Bankhead?

    She sounds a little Maureen Dowdish.

  19. She was hot.

    Are you taking over for Roissy?

  20. Muswell Hillbilly1/9/10, 7:58 PM

    Richard Ramirez was the Night Stalker, not the Zodiac killer. You must not be from socal?

  21. Ha! Funny post Steve. Are you picking up the slack now that Roissy doesn't appear to be blogging any more?

  22. >Does anyone know why Asian women are so common as anchorwomen in the US and Canada?<

    Men generally don't find black women attractive, but do tend to like Asian women just fine. This way the stations and networks can look suitably diverse without alienating male viewers.

  23. Asian women newscasters: I think Connie Chung made it big on KNBC in LA about 40 years ago and it snowballed from there. I suspect a lot of Asian girls watched Connie Chung and said: "I can do that! Maybe I'll never be Marilyn Monroe or Janis Joplin, but newscasting is a media job I could do if I worked hard at it. And I'm good at working hard."

  24. Sharon Tay from KCBS is probably the top newsreader for that sort of thing (bubble-headed PC idiocy) in the LA area.

    My guess, women are the main consumers of local news, so you get idiocies like "Jiao-Jiao" and the politically correct bit of this guy and that guy neatly divided by ethnicity and orientation.

    KTLA in LA was/is famous for having older White guys hang on. Stan Chambers still does bits for them in his early 80's, and they had an anchor, an older White guy, who died just recently a few years back. Meanwhile, KNBC is notorious for having your politically correct groups of weathermen, and fired Paul Moyers because he was too old, essentially.

    If you drive around in LA, and listen to KNX 1070 or KFWB 980 AM news stations, what hits you is how "male" they are compared to the PC extravanganza that is local news. I often have local news on the radio even if I'm not driving, and consider myself reasonably well informed on the local stuff (sports, weather, etc.) I want to know. TV local news is almost unbearable to me now -- I'll watch Sportscenter if I want highlights.
    Damn where's Roissy? I NEED my fix.

  25. Harry Baldwin1/9/10, 9:22 PM

    This reminds me of the "Mug Shots of the Week" posted at thesmokinggun.com

    They often have mug shots of hot girls who look like they're posing for the cover of Maxim


    If you attend NA meetings, as I did for a while with a family member, you will see some hot girls who have made life hell for everyone who has anything to do with them. Still, as a man, you fantasize.

  26. Damn, I like her looks AND her attitude. What wouldn't she do for her man?! Crazy hot!!!

  27. I checked out thesmokinggun mugshots.

    Look at this one.

    I'm in love!

  28. Definitely check out the full video:
    "Why did you steal that ambulance?"
    "Sir, because I have some mental problems."

  29. Good call Agnostic. Btw, do any of you Angelenos remember Tritia Toyota?

  30. If Mindy were 300 lbs, pimply faced, and had a face like a moose's ass, Colby would not be hots for her.

    This is so Beavis-n-Buttheadish.
    Yeah, yeah, cool.

    PS. Modern journalism as ambulance chasing. Literally.

  31. She'll have to go into rehab and join a 12 step program to satisfy the court.

  32. femme mentale.

  33. "femme mentale"

    Very good. I was trying to think of the distinction between a Mindy Jones and a woman-with-a-plan like Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indeminity, Kathleen Turner in Body Heat, or Linda Fiorentino in The Last Seduction. That describes it.

  34. I suspect a lot of Asian girls watched Connie Chung and said: "I can do that! Maybe I'll never be Marilyn Monroe or Janis Joplin, but newscasting is a media job I could do if I worked hard at it. And I'm good at working hard."

    How the Hell did that get past Komment Kontrol?


  35. a woman-with-a-plan like... Kathleen Turner in Body Heat

    Hey, NO SPOILERS, damn it.

  36. Asian women newscasters: I think Connie Chung made it big on KNBC in LA about 40 years ago and it snowballed from there. I suspect a lot of Asian girls watched Connie Chung and said: "I can do that! Maybe I'll never be Marilyn Monroe or Janis Joplin, but newscasting is a media job I could do if I worked hard at it. And I'm good at working hard."

    There's quite a few Asian porn starlets in the US. I doubt Asian girls were watching much porn several decades ago or that there were any Asian girls in porn back then.

  37. Darwin's Sh*tlist1/10/10, 6:39 AM

    Female Asian anchors are desirable because
    1) they get management some diversity points
    2) Asian women appeal to men in pretty much every demographic
    3) per Steve, they have a reputation as hard-working, low-drama, competent employees and
    4) they don't suddenly inject ancestral accents into their newscasts when reading an Asian name the way Hispanic anchors do during stories involving Hispanics (though I think it would be fun if white anchors did this with Irish and Swedish names).

  38. "women are the main consumers of local news,"


  39. As for "hiding Red State accent", probably not the case. OKC has always had a definite caste division by dialect: lower caste talks Appalachian, upper caste talks Midwestern and describes itself as Midwestern. OKC news types have always been from the Midwestern caste.

  40. Wonder what the anachronistic/absurd "English name" that Jiao-Jiao chucked out the window was.

    Lisa +350
    Amy +400
    Tina +500
    Field -650

  41. I once thought it was simple discrimination that there were more so many Asian female local news anchors and virtually no male news anchors. It turns out that some people actually did studies on this phenomenon. Apparently Asian male news anchors do exist, but they are outnumbered 5 to 1 by their female counterparts and are not as prominent at that. Most of the disparity however seems to be because the same ratio also appears in the number of Asian females to males pursuing careers in journalism to begin with. Apparently surveys conducted among Asian male students revealed that very few were interested in broadcast journalism.

    TV station managers only very rarely receive Asian male applicants and furthermore, there is also no Asian lobby to press for representation as there is for African Americans and Hispanics. With Asians as minority in most areas barring a few locales like San Fran, that means few Asian TV anchors and those principally female.

  42. ...why so many women like the kind of Bad Boy who would never comment at high-brow blogs.

    Immediately I'm fraught with anxiety - Is iSteve a high-brow blog and if so do my comments here compromise my Bad Boy reputation?

  43. The thing with Cosh and large swaths of his fellow countrymen is that they are, on the whole, pro-evil.

    The try to disguise it by claiming to be libertarians, but they tip their hands when they praise the awarding of the Order of Canada to mega-aborter Henry Morgentaler, as Cosh did. Understand how he could have been nominated: fine. Cheering his investiture with "Viva anarchy!", as Cosh did, is just creepy.

    So that explains why he digs this chick. Steal a vehicle? Evil, and therefore awesome, at least to these moral midgets.

  44. Erin Guy joins the KOCO family after working two years in Medford, Ore., as an anchor, reporter and producer covering Northern California and Southern Oregon.

    Growing up in Monticello, Indiana, Erin always dreamed of becoming a journalist. While in college, Erin earned a basketball scholarship from IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) and her degree in Communication Studies and Journalism.

    While in Indianapolis, Erin interned at the Indianapolis CBS affiliate, WISH, gaining valuable experience as a reporter. After graduating from college, Erin moved to the Rogue Valley, where the Oregon Associated Press awarded her first place for Best Breaking News.

  45. Dork and Mindy.

    Brigit Jones' Diary, Mindy Jones' diarrhea.

  46. It's hard to believe you used to write stuff like this:


    I feel sorry for you, though, you defied the prejudices and caprices of the MSM to capitulate to the prejudices and caprices of Stormfront and the Roissy crowd to put food on the table.

  47. "I'll wait for you Mindy!"

    "She's quite something, isn't she "

    "The ambulance booster looks like a fun girl to party with nonetheless!"

    "Damn, I like her looks AND her attitude. What wouldn't she do for her man?! Crazy hot!!"

    "I'm in love!"

    Dudes, get a fucking life.

  48. Dudes, get a fucking life.

    Careful, you are talking about the woman I want to marry!

    OK, joking aside, she is to one of the prettiest non-celebrity/non-actress/non-models Ive seen pictured in a long while. Supposedly attractive women like Paris Hilton or Kate Moss are quite literally nothing compared to her in looks.

  49. The "hick town" of Del City is actually a fairly close-in suburb of Oklahoma City; the end of Mindy's joy ride was almost certainly within seven miles of downtown OKC.

    There's a surprisingly large Asian population here, mostly because rather a lot of Vietnamese landed here after the fall of Saigon.

  50. "I feel sorry for you, though, you defied the prejudices and caprices of the MSM to capitulate to the prejudices and caprices of Stormfront and the Roissy crowd to put food on the table."

    My sentiments exactly Steve, it's pathetic, kind of like that episode of WKRP when Johnny Fever went Disco!

  51. "Immediately I'm fraught with anxiety - Is iSteve a high-brow blog and if so do my comments here compromise my Bad Boy reputation?"

    Yes. Anyway if you were a proper bad boy your non de plume would be Gigantosaurus.

    "OK, joking aside, she is to one of the prettiest non-celebrity/non-actress/non-models Ive seen pictured in a long while. Supposedly attractive women like Paris Hilton or Kate Moss are quite literally nothing compared to her in looks."

    How many non-celebrity/non-actress/non-model women do you see photographs of?

    She knocks spots of Paris Hilton, but so would a random fat bird in the street. I've never understood why anyone would fancy her. I remember becoming aware of her via a photoshoot(along with her sister who I think was called Nikki or Nicki) in the back of FHM several years ago and I have never been less aroused. Both of them were (and are) flat chested, no hipped, lollipop headed, and wonky faced. She's less attractive that the spotty faced midget rat girl who works in my local newsagents.

  52. Harmonic Convergence!

    Having just viewed my clip for the first time in thirty years I noticed two JAW DROPPING cosmic parallels:

    1)The chick at 1:54 looks just like Mindy Jones.

    2)Fever stole that outfit from Kudzu Bob's closet.

  53. "Maybe I'll never be Marilyn Monroe or Janis Joplin, but newscasting is a media job I could do if I worked hard at it. And I'm good at working hard."

    Why is it a job that requires hard work?

    How is it a job that concerns what the applicant does? there are so many who want to be in broadcasting that its up to the management to choose who they figure will be most appealing.

    It sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. Fact: White women are not the best looking.

  54. It sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. Fact: White women are not the best looking.

    Yeah, right.

  55. > Why is it a job that requires hard work? <

    The hours. And no calling in sick. And you have to look great. A huge number of daily hard deadlines.

    It's tough to be a reporterette.

  56. "they don't suddenly inject ancestral accents into their newscasts when reading an Asian name the way Hispanic anchors do during stories involving Hispanics"

    This is particularly annoying when they are covering a story playing up the "tragic Mestizo" angle while attempting to speak with perfect Conquistador pronunciation.

  57. alonzo portfolio1/11/10, 2:15 PM

    For many years the SF's ABC affiliate had a really hot asian news chick named Terilyn Joe. I heard she was a real pill.

  58. Sarah Silverman wanna-be?

  59. I do hope to see more of Mindy Jones, either in some reality TV show or better yet a Charlie Kaufman movie. She reminds me a bit of Catherine Keener for some reason. But she isn't acting. Or maybe she is.

    My favorite reporter clip is of this guy.


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. That's not my fault.


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