January 5, 2010

How they do security at Ben Gurion airport

Basically, Israeli airline security consists of Larry David-style suspicious staring into everybody's eyeballs (although that never seems to work for Larry, because everyone else on Curb Your Enthusiasm is even stronger willed than he is).

Commenter Cordelia points to this excellent article from the The Star of Toronto:
What Israel can teach us about security
At Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, screening is done in 30 minutes. The key? Look passengers in the eye

... "It is mind boggling for us Israelis to look at what happens in North America, because we went through this 50 years ago," said Rafi Sela, the president of AR Challenges, a global transportation security consultancy. He has worked with the RCMP, the U.S. Navy Seals and airports around the world.

"Israelis, unlike Canadians and Americans, don't take s--- from anybody. When the security agency in Israel (the ISA) started to tighten security and we had to wait in line for – not for hours – but 30 or 40 minutes, all hell broke loose here. We said, `We're not going to do this. You're going to find a way that will take care of security without touching the efficiency of the airport.'"

Despite facing dozens of potential threats each day, the security set-up at Israel's largest hub, Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, has not been breached since 2002, when a passenger mistakenly carried a handgun onto a flight. How do they manage that?

The first layer of actual security that greets travellers at Ben Gurion is a roadside check. All drivers are stopped and asked two questions: How are you? Where are you coming from?

"Two benign questions. The questions aren't important. The way people act when they answer them is," Sela said.

Once you've parked your car or gotten off your bus, you pass through the second and third security perimeters.

Armed guards outside the terminal observe passengers as they move toward the doors, again looking for odd behaviour. At Ben Gurion's half-dozen entrances, another layer of security is watching. At this point, some travellers will be randomly taken aside, and their person and their luggage run through a magnometer.

"This is to see that you don't have heavy metals on you or something that looks suspicious," said Sela.

You are now in the terminal. As you approach your airline check-in desk, a trained interviewer takes your passport and ticket. They ask a series of questions: Who packed your luggage? Has it left your side?

"The whole time, they are looking into your eyes – which is very embarrassing. But this is one of the ways they figure out if you are suspicious or not. It takes 20, 25 seconds," said Sela.

Lines are staggered. People are not allowed to bunch up into inviting targets for a bomber who has gotten this far. ...

Five security layers down: you now finally arrive at the only one which Ben Gurion airport shares with Pearson – the body and hand-luggage check.

"But here it is done completely, absolutely 180 degrees differently than it is done in North America," Sela said.

"First, it's fast – there's almost no line. That's because they're not looking for liquids, they're not looking at your shoes. They're not looking for everything they look for in North America. They just look at you," said Sela. "Even today with the heightened security in North America, they will check your items to death. But they will never look at you, at how you behave. They will never look into your eyes ... and that's how you figure out the bad guys from the good guys."

The goal at Ben Gurion is to move fliers from the parking lot to the airport lounge in 25 minutes tops.

And then there's intelligence. In Israel, Sela said, a coordinated intelligence gathering operation produces a constantly evolving series of threat analyses and vulnerability studies.

"There is absolutely no intelligence and threat analysis done in Canada or the United States," Sela said. "Absolutely none."

But even without the intelligence, Sela maintains, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab – who allegedly tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day – would not have gotten past Ben Gurion's behavioural profilers.

So. Eight years after 9/11, why are we still so reactive?

Sela first blames our leaders, and then ourselves.

"You can easily do what we do. You don't have to replace anything. You have to add just a little bit – technology, training," Sela said. "But you have to completely change the way you go about doing airport security. And that is something that the bureaucrats have a problem with. They are very well enclosed in their own concept."

So, airport security in Israel is handled much like immigration in Israel: for the benefit of the majority.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. "So, airport security in Israel is handled much like immigration in Israel: for the benefit of the majority."

    Precisely. Besides, the main threat of terrorism didn't come through airports but from the Occupied Territories where Palestinians dreamt of Reconquistaballa. So, how did Israel deal with that problem? It built BIG BIG walls and placed huge numbers of heavily armed soldiers and lots of tanks all along the border, not to mention all the heavy-handedness of Israeli soldiers in West Bank and Gaza.
    Also, Israel is a semi-democracy, semi-police state. Just about everyone has guns. Not just a dinky pistol but an automatic rifle. And, the Mossad is pretty ruthless.

    Yet, the very Jews who support Israel and everything it does as unfortunate-but-NECESSARY do everything in their power to undermine American borders, American security, and the interests of white Americans who have been so good and helpful to the Jews.

  2. this is an example of an article that's mildly interesting but objectively irrelevant. Giving Mr. Sela the benefit of the doubt, when he describes our situation as "mind-bogglinng" he must be referring to the fact that we have 40 million sacred cows known as african-americans, who've succeeded in salting our legal system with judges who consider it their highest calling to invalidate any policy, no matter how rational or effective, that might be viewed as based on color or ethnic origin. If a few whites have to die each year to preserve this definition of sophistication, so be it.

  3. "There is absolutely no intelligence and threat analysis done in Canada or the United States," Sela said. "Absolutely none."

    I didn't care for this sentence...too wordy! Lets just tighten it up a bit.

    "There is absolutely no intelligence in Canada or the United States," Sela said. "Absolutely none."


  4. Fellow Traveller1/5/10, 1:38 PM

    Reminds me of Frank Herbert's Dune novels - the key lies in enhancing human observational skill not in fancy technology (body scanners, electronic noses and the like). Herbert's far future characters underwent special training regimes that allowed them to read people's minds by looking for minute, unconscious facial muscle 'tells'. Of course, Herbert also described the counter-measure - some characters developed extraordinary control over facial and other muscles (the Tleilax Face Dancers) so they could mask their thoughts and intentions and effectively masquerade as other persons.

    A few years ago, Bruce Schneier made the same point about body language as the crucial source of intelligence. Nobody listened much.

  5. Quote: "Israelis, unlike Canadians and Americans, don't take s--- from anybody"

    Of course, one of the reasons why we take "s---" from everybody is that Jewish lefties in the United States have used their considerable political power to make it this way. Israelis don't have to worry about being called "racists" or "Islamophobes" for protecting their country from the nutjobs of the Third World.

  6. Some friends who just came back from Israel also said that they casually make conversation, like, "Are you Jewish? Oh, you are? Did you have a bar mitzvah? Oh, you did? What was your Torah reading...?"

    So, if you are not telling the truth, it quickly becomes apparent.

    This, I understand, is an aspect of the 287(g) training local police can get for spotting illegal aliens:

    "Were you born in the US? Oh, you were? What city? What hospital?"

  7. 'So, airport security in Israel is handled much like immigration in Israel: for the benefit of the majority.'

    Majority? Are you 100% positive about this tiny, insignificant fact?

    "Also, Israel is a semi-democracy, semi-police state. Just about everyone has guns. Not just a dinky pistol but an automatic rifle."
    So it's like Switzerland then? Or USA?

  8. "[T]hey're not looking for liquids, they're not looking at your shoes. They're not looking for everything they look for in North America. They just look at you.... Even today with the heightened security in North America, they will check your items to death. But they will never look at you, at how you behave. They will never look into your eyes... and that's how you figure out the bad guys from the good guys."

    Of course we don't look at the person. The belief that one person is somehow any different from any other person is the gravest sin in our civic religion.

  9. i've posted this before:

    isreal offered to help the US secure it's physical border with mexico. israeli experts asked US officials what level of security that they wanted. did the americans want to intercept 90%, 99%, or 100% of the border jumpers? the israelis showed what construction and technology would be required for whatever level of interception the americans wanted.

    every design included WALLS. which WORK. as proven by the israelis.

    the americans politely declined.

    when US politicians tell us that "walls don't work", they're lying, or idiots, or both. US politicians are not experts on walls. experts on walls are experts on walls. they know that walls work. the US military knows that walls work, which is why they built walls in iraq.

    raytheon, an american company, helps build 600 mile long walls that protect entire national borders in the middle east and asia. but the US government has less than zero interest in hearing anything a raytheon wall engineer has to say. guys like gw bush and barack obama are wall experts too! they already know that "walls don't work!"

  10. > Herbert's far future characters underwent special training regimes that allowed them to read people's minds by looking for minute, unconscious facial muscle 'tells'. <

    Just what we need. A bunch of average-to-low IQ'ers getting all Dale Gribble because they don't like the "minute, unconscious" way we hold our mouths. "That was a 45b Tell you just displayed!" sez Gribble to the tired businessperson who has a hangdog expression. "It's a scientific system, like phrenology!" he says as he has this businessperson hauled away to a full-body-cavity-search detention area.

    Spare me.

    The Israeli way (even as described - obviously they would never boast about HBD criteria to the Western media) is much better. Looking into the eyes. No charts, indices, or L. Ron Hubbard like systems for fools to get overly obsessed with. Just the eyes.

    What that tells me is, the Israelis have a survival instinct - strong will. Can Americans look anybody in the eyes, anymore?

    Especially the eyes of NAMs who have funny accents and maybe a fierce scowls?

    You would almost have to get KKK'ers or freakin' Nazis if you wanted that done here. Or properly trained military (i.e. those who skipped all the military's sensitivity courses).

    Who in the USA has the guts to "not take shit off anyone," and stare down people on a continuous basis? Do we in the USA truly want to live? Or just get by, sneaking away from confrontation at any cost? That's probably the essential question.

    Some people are better at confrontation than others are, granted; but how many in the USA ARE indeed comfortable with it? How many - after all the anti-racism, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-judgmentalism, anti-aggressiveness, anti-selfishness indoctrination that we Americans are inundated with going forward from our mother's milk to the present day? (A noticeable fraction of which, in school, is sponored and promoted by the ADL and its ilk, ironically enough.)

    No, I conclude we can't bring ourselves to look people in the eye and judge them on a non-silly basis. Game over. (Unless we can scare up some old-fashioned meanies, the kind decried on all sides.)

  11. > Some friends who just came back from Israel also said that they casually make conversation, like, "Are you Jewish? Oh, you are? Did you have a bar mitzvah? Oh, you did? What was your Torah reading...?" So, if you are not telling the truth, it quickly becomes apparent. <

    This is a technique also used by a substrate of older Appalachian men here in Tennessee. If they use this technique on you (and they are subtle about it), you had better have pat, scripted, easily comprehensible responses on the tip of your tongue, and deliver them instantly and with the greatest conceivable alacrity and without a ghost of a hint of a stutter - or you'll be written off forever as a GD liar. Put these guys in charge of airport security. (Then again, very possibly no one would ever be allowed on a plane...)

  12. There was a discussion about this on Hacker News. I thought that this comment by an Israeli was enlightening.

  13. Seems like the eye-contact idea would work pretty well here too, not just in Dune or the tribalist middle east.

    Security people in airports are doing roughly the same job as bouncers outside bars / nightclubs or cashiers at a liquor store.

    If movies and TV are right, most of their screening skill comes from staring you in the eye and sizing you up.

  14. every design included WALLS. which WORK. as proven by the israelis.

    the americans politely declined.

    No, the American elite declined. The American elite is controlled mainly by whom?

  15. Thanks, Thras, I'll post that.

  16. Israel is an old-fashioned (i.e. pre-60s) ethno-centric state run on old-fashioned ethno-centric principles. Their very raison d'etre insists that their citizens act accordingly. They are also a frontier society akin to the Old West settlers or the Boers of South Africa. Their enemies are implacable and nearby and inflict death and destruction at every feasible opportunity. They also threaten swift annihilation if and when the wind blows fair for their purpose.

    The dispute is also very concrete, even in a literal sense: it is fundamentally about territory, the land of Israel/Palestine itself. This is why the problem is a zero-sum game and insoluble through negotiations except of the Hitler-in-a-railway-carriage kind. In these circumstances "No compromise" is the default position; it is also Plan B.

    The fact that American security questions are swallowed up into a post-modernist discourse -human rights minutiae, the Otherness of the Other, doxologies of Freedom, meta-narratives of Oppression, recontextualizations of the Good - is a measure of how remote the issue of actual physical survival is for the US populace. Even the existential shock of 9/11 has faded and the event has become merely a touchstone of partisan zeal in the dreary and fitful ideological battles of contemporary politics. The Cold War itself is rarely referenced except as an item in Ronald Reagan's bio.

    America is suffering through a period of febrile serenity. It is the modern political, economic and military Leviathan. Its enemies are ruthless and resourceful enough to kill - though relatively few and infrequently - but not anywhere near sufficiently powerful to kill enough in a sustained manner to constitute anything more in the great scheme of things than a deadly nuisance rather than a mortal threat.

    Excluding the military at war, who are in grave danger of death and indifferent to post-modern anxieties as a result, more Americans, I would hazard, have died falling down the stairs or off ladders since 9/11 than at the hands of suicide bombers or indeed in any kind of Jihadist attacks.

    There's more to it than that of course, but this is the day-to-day reality of ordinary people's lives: if suicidal Islamic maniacs were all they had to worry about life would be pretty good. No one could say the same about the Russians, British or French in respect of the Nazis seventy years ago. Which situation is the Israeli position more analogous to?

    Hence the Israelis efficiently police their airports while Americans police the policing of their airports solemnly dissecting the competing merits of profiling, privacy and panties.

  17. Here's a challenge: Name 3 American Jews who are (1) prominent Zionists; and (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the US.

    Alan Dershowitz
    New York Times
    New Republic
    Rahm Emmanuel
    David Axelrod
    etc, etc, etc.

    Sure, there are Jewish liberals who are critical of Israel, but all said and done, they are just as pro-Zionist as the rest. Their criticism is just a matter of degree and doesn't address the fundamental injustice of the creation of Israel. When Palestine was divided into two halves, even the part given to Jews had a majority Arab population. Who asked those Arabs if they were willing to suddenly live in a Jewish state? No one. UN, controlled by superpowers US and USSR, rammed it down the throats of the Palestinian people. Naturally, they rose up, which was used as a pretext to drive most of them out from their ancestral lands. Those who say Israel has the right to exist are saying Palestine has NO right to exist. All liberal Jews, whatever their petty criticism of Israel, believe in the 'right' of Israel to exist, thus NO right for Palestine to exist. And, Israelis say any Jew--whose ancestors hadn't lived in the Middle East for centuries or even millennia--can return to 'Israel' but Palestinians who still remember their homes in what had once been Palestine cannot return!!! Jews have a 'right of return' after 2000 yrs but Palestinians don't have it after 60 yrs.

    Btw, liberal Jews who pretend to criticize some policies of Israel do so mainly to show off how 'balanced and fair-minded' they are. NPR is a typical example. In truth, despite some sympathetic news about Palestinians, close scrutiny has revealed time and time again that NPR is far more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian.
    We may also ask, is evenhanded reporting justified when the Israelis have had such a huge advantage over the Palestinians? Did the liberal Jewish media give us even-handed reporting of South Africa under apartheid? Does liberal Jewish-controlled PBS give us even-handed documentaries on the Civil Rights Movements showing the POVs of both sides? No, liberal Jews say their hearts are always with the underdogs, and so evenhanded coverage or history of something like Apartheid or Southern Segregation would be morally unjustifiable. Then, how come the MOST we can hope for is an even-handed coverage of Israeli-Palestinian issues when Jews have systemically disenfranchised and dispossessed the Palestinian population time and time again? How come for every dead Palestinian, we are shown a dead Israeli... though far far more Palestnians have been killed?

  18. I just opened this thread to see how many people would accuse "the Jews" of hypocricy by blaming American liberalism on Jewish people.

    What's wrong with "blaming American liberalism on Jewish people"? Jewish people take great pride in taking credit for American liberalism.

    Some of that is just the natual overweening ego which Jews are prone to, but there's a a kernel of truth to it as well. American liberalism is largely a Jewish enterprise.

  19. I don't think it would be any problem finding people to do this kind of work. I think it was Steve who pointed out that ex-cops would be perfect for it. They have been trained by years of experience to spot "hinky" behavior.

  20. The quality of airport screeners went up after the job was federalized and pay roughly tripled. You used to see minimum wage workers, now you get a lot of Paul Blart, Mall Cop types.

  21. The quality of airport screeners went up after the job was federalized and pay roughly tripled. You used to see minimum wage workers, now you get a lot of Paul Blart, Mall Cop types.

    I can't really remember what they were like before the TSA. I guess I just never paid much attention to them before.

    Nowadays, it's impossible with so many of them milling about in their ridiculous blue shirts. Personally, I'm not sure how much "the quality" has gone up. The whole lot of them seem like a bunch of dull-eyed no-hopers. A heady mix of apathetic NAMs and slow Paul Blart types.

  22. What's wrong with "blaming American liberalism on Jewish people"? Jewish people take great pride in taking credit for American liberalism.

    Besides, don't liberal Jews blame white Christians for EVERYTHING that's wrong with American past, present, and future? Liberal Jews also blame all the problems around the world mainly on white Christians and conservatives.

  23. A big part of airport security is black folks getting a badge, a gun, and authority to push white folks around. Doesn't have much to do with security, except perhaps to deter people from carrying Brownings in their carry-ons. Revenge for "400 years of black oppression," at gummint expense.

  24. "Israelis don't have to worry about being called "racists" or "Islamophobes" for protecting their country from the nutjobs of the Third World."

    Very true. They only have to worry about academia, Haaretz, the UN, the EU, every Third World Nation, Arab activists, etc. etc.

  25. "What's wrong with "blaming American liberalism on Jewish people"? Jewish people take great pride in taking credit for American liberalism."

    Because it absolves white Gentile elites of any responsibility for the current state of America. It is also a coward's way out -- criticizing another tribe for the faults of your own.

  26. Here's a challenge: Name 3 American Jews who are (1) prominent Zionists; and (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the US.

    I could probably name a couple hundred who are (1) prominent Zionists and closet champions of left-wing idiocy or (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the and closet Zionists.

    More to the point, I can't name 3 who are prominent champions of left-wing idiocy and give Israel its due as world's greatest violator of ostensible left-wing taboos. If all of the "Jewish left-wing idiots" gave Israel her proper due, they'd spend 99% of their time talking about her, and 1% of it talking about everyone else.

    It's sort of like the US media's bias for Israel. You're just setting the bar absurdly high.

  27. I flirt with liking the Israelis. No no, it's true! Even when they're bad, they've got this Scarface "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" kinda thing going for them. American Jews, notsomuch. With them I see more of the opposite.

    For example, I felt a bit warm and fuzzy hearing Jody's story about Israelis laying out the Powerpoint for a wall on the Mexican border. Very cute/quaint. Sabril's defense? Nah.

  28. now you get a lot of Paul Blart, Mall Cop types.

    I was counting down to the Blart reference.

  29. Btw, liberal Jews who pretend to criticize some policies of Israel do so mainly to show off how 'balanced and fair-minded' they are.

    Bingo. Tim Wise thinks his five words a decade against Israeli policy earn him something.

  30. knock a mural1/5/10, 5:24 PM

    "What's wrong with "blaming American liberalism on Jewish people"? Jewish people take great pride in taking credit for American liberalism."

    Because it absolves white Gentile elites of any responsibility for the current state of America. It is also a coward's way out -- criticizing another tribe for the faults of your own.

    But the main idiocy of the white gentile elites in this country is they suck up to liberal and neocon Jewish power instead of looking out for the interests of their own tribe. Jews are nationalist in Israel because nationalism is good for Jewish power. Jews are globalist in the US because globalism is good for Jewish power--as Jews are a small minority in the US. Jewish principle is "Is it good for the Jews?" Nice principle to have. It's about time white gentiles thought the same way. Indeed, many do but not the white gentile elites who are either too chicken or too brainwashed to stick up for their own kind.

  31. Very true. They only have to worry about academia, Haaretz, the UN, the EU, every Third World Nation, Arab activists, etc. etc.

    I'll take hundreds of external enemies over one internal. Hell, thousands, hundreds of thousands, depending on where he's placed.

    We're at the point now where it's silly to even make that comparison, between external and internal enemies (We have enemies? We don't even have a "we"!). And I'm supposed to feel sorry for the Israelis and the odds they face? Note that word, "they." At least "they" have a bloody "they."

  32. Unfortunately, most Americans can't look at others in the eye anymore. Doing that would imply that the other person is more interesting than you are, which is impossible in the Baby Boomer narcissism we all live under.

    Read music reviews on Amazon, especially of alt or foreign acts. What do reviewers lede with? An earnest graf about "where they were" when they first heard the album. Because that's the most important thing about the album to many an American.

    Listen to a foreign guest on an NPR call-in show. What do the callers want to know? They will only ask questions about the guest's country as it relates to America. The fact that most of the questions are attempts to bait the guest into confirming the callers' disdain for America doesn't lessen the narcissism of the question.

  33. it absolves white Gentile elites of any responsibility for the current state of America. It is also a coward's way out -- criticizing another tribe for the faults of your own.

    My tribe is not responsible for liberalism. Yours is.

  34. iuzasiduiaushdf1/5/10, 6:12 PM

    They're probably a lot better at interpreting the various subtleties (evil-eye, stink-eye, devil-eye, etc.) of eyes after millenia of tribal/ethnic conflict, competition, and warfare.

    They also do not seem to entertain the need to be PC, unless they live in Europe or the US, where they expect the natives to act PC.

  35. No, Israel is a semi democracy because it rules over a huge number of oppressed indigenous people who cannot vote and essentially have no rights.

  36. @madison

    "Allan Dershowitz"

    Oh really? Here's a quote from him I found with a google search:

    "'We know that all al Qaeda members, and certainly all al Qaeda suicide bombers, are Muslims. It is foolish, therefore, to misallocate our resources in the fight against suicide bombers by devoting equal attention to interrogating an 80-year-old Christian woman from Maine and a 22-year-old Muslim man from Saudi Arabia,' Dershowitz said.'

    Gosh, what an evil Jewish hypocrite he is. :rolleyes:


    Umm, the ACLU is an American Jew?


  37. To Madison

    Read the history of the Middle East- far more than half of what was called Palestine was given to the Arabs- Trans-Jordan, for example. The Jews were then thrown out of Arab countries- where were they supposed to go? In essence, what happened was there was an exchange of refugees, with one side-guess which- refusing to accept their own people as refugees, and perpetuating a "crisis" for political purposes. BTW, I'm an American Jew, Pro-Zionist (Because I believe all ethnic groups need a homeland), and I am also against more immigration to the US (Build a wall and throw them and their kids out), and I can't stand Jewish liberals, whom I consider the greatest racial hypocrites of all time.

  38. My tribe is not responsible for liberalism. Yours is.

    Do not Ashkenazi Jews disproportionally contribute to a host of intellectual and enterprising endeavors, including modern-day liberalism? Libertarianism? Rothbard, von Mises, Friedman, etc. Feminism? Steinem and company. Hollywood? MGM, Fox, Warner Brothers. High technology? Google and Dell. Objectivism? Rand and Greenspan. HBD? Hernstein. Neo-conservatism and quantum physics? I need not list.

    What else should you expect from the world's smartest identifiable ethnic group? IQ matters, not just when it concerns the intellectual advantage that Gentile whites wield over blacks.

  39. RE: Paul Mendez said...

    "Were you born in the US? Oh, you were? What city? What hospital?"


    Are you kidding? About 50 lawsuits have been filed to ask these questions from your President. The judges dismissed them all without demanding an answer (never ruled on merit).

    If the President does not have to answer these questions – why an ordinary citizen should?

  40. "Israelis don't have to worry about being called "racists" or "Islamophobes" for protecting their country from the nutjobs of the Third World."

    Very true. They only have to worry about academia, Haaretz, the UN, the EU, every Third World Nation, Arab activists, etc. etc.

    Very false. The Israeli government doesn't pay any attention to Haaretz, the UN, the EU, every Third World Nation, Arab activists, etc. etc. Those entities have no influence on Israeli policy whatsoever.

  41. "Very false. The Israeli government doesn't pay any attention to Haaretz, the UN, the EU, every Third World Nation, Arab activists, etc. etc. Those entities have no influence on Israeli policy whatsoever."

    So Israel hasn't made any concessions because of outside pressure? None at all?

  42. "My tribe is not responsible for liberalism. Yours is."

    Which Jew invented liberalism?

  43. "I confess I use the Palestinian issue opportunistically but only because Jews keep using blacks and illegal Hispanics against us for their own global-elitist interests."

    Of course you do. Every far right white Gentile does. That is why we don't take your Israel criticisms seriously because they are rooted in anti-Semitism. Thanks for making it official.

  44. "It's about time white gentiles thought the same way. Indeed, many do but not the white gentile elites who are either too chicken or too brainwashed to stick up for their own kind."

    They aren't chicken or brainwashed. They just don't have a lot in common with your sort and don't see the point in defending the white masses when said white masses thinks they are evil for being elites. Jews have nothing to do with it.

  45. I was a youngish male, had a beard, and was travelling to Israel by myself. and I'd bought my ticket in Rome

    so when I check in at El Al, the guy engages me in friendly chat. and then another guy saunters over and asks much the same questions. it was transparent but not oppressive

    until they decide they're not getting anywhere, and I'm told to undergo a body search if I want to board the plane

    (meanwhile an entire Italian Catholic parish saunters past - priest, nuns, mommas and papas)

    I'd rate the checkers as similar IQ to primary school teachers

    all in all, it made me feel more confident about travelling El Al

  46. First of all, an ounce of cure is better than a pound of prevention. Stop them from becoming terrorists rather than figuring out what to do after they've become radical.

    Second, profiling won't work since there are young radical whites that could be coaxed or influenced into aiding a terrorist operation.

    Third, is this really the security system we want to emulate?

    Prior to 9/11 we thought airplane hijackings were rare and hard to do, but 4 planes were taken within an hour that fateful day.

    If an attack happens out of Ben Gurion, will we still feel the same way about Israeli security? The article even says in 2002 a passenger mistaken brought a gun on to a plane.

    Terrorists look for weak parts of a society, the soft underbelly, and then exploit them.

    So, looking in the eyes is really important, but what if the next guy is trained in Dale Carnegie and makes good eye contact?

  47. The International Jew1/6/10, 12:17 AM

    Zionists live in Israel. Period.

  48. On the screeners' IQ thing, here's one anecdote. On my first trip to Israel (pre-9/11) the El Al screener at LAX was an Israeli undergrad mathematics major at UCLA. I know that because I was traveling for a math postdoc, and he started asking me some very informed questions about what kind of math I did. Then he asked me for advice on applying to grad schools and stuff. In my experience, Israeli airport security people at Ben Gurion and (for El Al) at non-Israeli airports are much smarter than the American ones.

    On the "check people not cargo" approach, here's an article by Daniel Pipes describing an incident where the El Al screener caught an Irish woman who unknowingly had a bomb in her suitcase. This was after she'd successfully passed through Heathrow security.

  49. "Barbara Ehrenreich is a prominent feminist, Jew, very liberal, and signed a statement wanting a boycott of Isrealis in Academia and the Arts."

    That's the sense I get . . . that the charge of hypocrisy sticks mainly when you lump all Jews together.

  50. Which Jew invented liberalism?

    More accurately, 'cultural Marxism,' and in the US, its most prominent champions were the Ashkenazi members of the Frankfurt School.

  51. Which Jew invented liberalism?

    "Responsible for" <> "invented".

    Although there's a good case to be made that modern "liberalism" was fathered by Karl Marx.

  52. > blaming American liberalism on Jewish people <

    > which Jew invented liberalism? <


    Take it up with this guy, fellows. (No, it ain't KMac.)

  53. "sabril said...

    Just to follow up on my last post, Allan Dershowitz is being held up as an example of Jewish hypocricy. And yet he came right out explicitly in favor of profiling."

    No, your challenge was to name a jewish american who is both pro-Israeli AND an active underminer of traditional America. Dershowitz is both.

    You want others?

    Thomas Friedman, David Frum, John Podhoretz, Amy Friedkin, Diane Feinstein, Jacob Javitz, Emmanuel Cellar.

    I'm sure this list wouldn't be hard to expand upon.

  54. "OhioStater said...

    So, looking in the eyes is really important, but what if the next guy is trained in Dale Carnegie and makes good eye contact?"

    Suicide bombers don't necessarily get a lot of training. And by definition, they don't get a lot of on-the-job experience. Mohammed Atta was probably quite exceptional. There don't seem to be too many more of his caliber.

  55. @svigor

    "I could probably name a couple hundred who are (1) prominent Zionists and closet champions of left-wing idiocy or (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the and closet Zionists."

    How about you give me 3 from each category, along with your evidence for closet zionism and/or closet left-wingism.

    Thanks in advance!

  56. > far right white Gentile [...]That is why we don't take your Israel criticisms seriously because they are rooted in anti-Semitism. <

    There may be some anti-Semitism in observing that "Jews keep using blacks and illegal Hispanics against us for their own global-elitist interests." There is also truth in it. Jews are disproportionately represented in anti-nationalism of every flavor (global-elitist interests); in the USA's "civil rights" (black over white) movement; in black-over-white movements worldwide, from South Africa to Australia; in pro-immigration politics; and in the social and psychiatric deconstruction of "far right white gentile" culture. The rank-and-file are disproportionately sympathetic to this culture of critique. (Norman did have his alleged misgivings (pdf) in '63 - allegedly pushing him close to pariah status - but we don't hear anything more from him about that.)

  57. outlaw josey wales1/6/10, 9:49 AM

    Is it possible to have an actual intelligent thread about any aspect of Israel without it devolving into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

    Doesn't seem likely in Sailer land.

    Given the tremendous differences between Israel and US airports (i.e. only one international airport in Israel, dramatically smaller volumes of passengers, etc.) is it at all feasible to import their screening procedures wholesale? If not, which aspects that are transferable would be most desirable?

    Which interests would be opposed to such changes?

    No, never mind all that. The Jews invented liberalism and don't want to build a wall because they like Mexican illegal immigrants. That awful Jew, John McCain, is completely against any kind of wall.

  58. 57 to your house1/6/10, 10:09 AM

    "Barbara Ehrenreich is a prominent feminist, Jew, very liberal, and signed a statement wanting a boycott of Isrealis in Academia and the Arts."

    She and others like her can carry on this way ONLY BECAUSE they know it will never happen. Knowing that Israel is totally secure under US protection and American support, radical Jews can put on airs about how they oppose the policies of Israel. BUT, if the tide were to turn and if US withdrew its backing of Israel and if Israelis faced the same prospect as whites in South Africa, people like Ehrenrich would be demanding 'SAVE ISRAEL'.

    It's kinda like many conservatives actually like the idea of social security but oppose it 'on principle' precisely because they know it will never go away. It's just to grandstand and come across as high-minded, all the while looking forward to picking up the social security checks after they retire.

  59. "Just to follow up on my last post, Allan Dershowitz is being held up as an example of Jewish hypocricy. And yet he came right out explicitly in favor of profiling."

    But he will be opposed profiling Jews for espionage in the US government.

  60. But this idea that "the Jews" as a group are supporting certain conservative policies in Israel while actively working to undermine those same policies in the US is unsubstantiated.

    But it isn't unsubstantiated. You just don't want to hear it. If liberals were really concerned with liberalism, without regard for "is it good for the Jews," they'd spend all their time on Israel and have no time left for running the SPLC, ADL, ACLU, media indoctrination of whites, etc. Israel would have serious problems, and be in a much different position vis-a-vis the west. Alternatively, American Jews could acknowledge the consistent position and drop the psychological war against white American ethnic consciousness, on account of their (at least tacit) support of Jewish and Israeli ethnic consciousness.

    And hypocrisy aside, there's obviously an enormous gulf between whites and Jews here; white liberals bash themselves, and Jewish liberals bash...whites! If Jewish liberals were really like white liberals, wouldn't they be spending a lot more time critiquing themselves, and a lot less time critiquing us?

    White guilt and Jewish guilt are opposites.

  61. i've posted this before:

    isreal offered to help the US secure it's physical border with mexico. israeli experts asked US officials what level of security that they wanted. did the americans want to intercept 90%, 99%, or 100% of the border jumpers? the israelis showed what construction and technology would be required for whatever level of interception the americans wanted.

    every design included WALLS. which WORK. as proven by the israelis.

    the americans politely declined.

    Yeah, I've moved on from the "blame the Jews" mentality too... it's our totally corrupt gentile elites who are the problem. I just can't understand their mentality. They must be evil.

  62. The word is spelled:


    No variant spellings are admitted.

    The misspelling "hypocricy" which appears several times in the above comments is not a word; it does not even rise to the level of a homophone error.

    The related misspelling "hypocracy" appears on the Internet even more often than "hypocricy".

    Go, and sin no more.




  63. there's a somewhat big difference on average between israeli jews, and ashkenazi jews who are long time citizens of various european nations.

    i was only pointing out the fact that israeli experts offered to help US government officials with the mexico problem. these are not the same jewish people who comprise part of liberal leadership of the american democrat party. same name, but fairly different people. many (most?) of the american jews are not even religious. (which, how are they even jews, then, unless it is explicitly about genes?)

    i definitely did not mean to give the impression that i do not think a certain segment of american jews are not a huge problem for the US on this issue. they absolutely are.

    i have posted many times on this blog that i agree with the argument that there is a certain percentage of the jewish population in every european nation which has a MAJOR problem with european peoples even thinking that they should have an identity, let alone defending such an identity or thinking that they have any group interests.

    probably a few of these types were among the american politicians who declined the israeli assistance. but most of the americans turning down the israelis were just christian liberals who do not want their precious, precious mestizos impeded. mexicans are so important for their votes, you see. or their dirt cheap, unskilled labor. most senators and representatives seem convinced that the US cannot function without a steady flow of short fat brown guys who can barely read.

  64. "But he will be opposed profiling Jews for espionage in the US government."

    I'd be interested to see what he actually says about that.

    Would you happen to have a quote?

  65. "But it isn't unsubstantiated. You just don't want to hear it. "

    Say what? Did I miss the part where you actually named some names?

    Who are these Jewish hypocrites I keep hearing about?

    Show me the quotes where some prominent American Jew endorses Israeli profiling of Muslims while criticizing the same conduct by American authorities.

    In other words, put up or shut up. Although somehow I expect you will do neither.

  66. In other words, put up or shut up. Although somehow I expect you will do neither.

    So, you get to put words in my mouth, then I have to prove them correct? You seem to be able to have both sides of any given conversation, so you don't need me.

  67. That awful Jew, John McCain, is completely against any kind of wall.

    False dilemma. Pointing out Jewish malfeasance doesn't rule out non-Jewish malfeasance. Why pretend otherwise? Also, there's a taboo on criticizing the former, but not the latter, in case anyone's forgotten. You guys get an "A" for effort but I have to fail you on results.

  68. "So, you get to put words in my mouth, then I have to prove them correct? "

    If I misunderstood you, I apologize. I thought you were charging American Jews with hypocrisy.

    Anyway, earlier I quoted you and responded thus:

    "I could probably name a couple hundred who are (1) prominent Zionists and closet champions of left-wing idiocy or (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the and closet Zionists."

    How about you give me 3 from each category, along with your evidence for closet zionism and/or closet left-wingism.

    Thanks in advance!


    Are you denying that it was you who made the above claim about closet champions/zionists?

  69. I did accuse American Jewry of hypocrisy, and I spelled out the details. Then you ignored the details and cooked up your own version and acted like it was mine.

    I'll consider making a list for you. But, I probably won't bother. It isn't as if the info isn't all over the Web. Why should I do your homework for you? I've been having this same argument for years; it gets old footnoting everything "anew" after a while, and you start using shorthand. Have you read KMac's work? Start there.

  70. "sabril said...

    "But it isn't unsubstantiated. You just don't want to hear it. "

    Say what? Did I miss the part where you actually named some names?"

    I named some names. How about them?

  71. "outlaw josey wales said...

    Is it possible to have an actual intelligent thread about any aspect of Israel without it devolving into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"

    Is it possible to discuss the fact that many jewish americans enthusiastically advocate for Israel what they would deny to America (ethnic profiling, border walls, a proper respect for the religious majority, the concept of an ethno-state, the historical reality of a founding people, etc.) without being labeled an agent of the Okrana? If the answer to this question is 'No', then the answer to yours will likely remain 'No'.

  72. "I did accuse American Jewry of hypocrisy, and I spelled out the details. Then you ignored the details and cooked up your own version and acted like it was mine."

    Did you name any names or not?

    Simple yes or no question.

    Did you say the following or not?

    "I could probably name a couple hundred who are (1) prominent Zionists and closet champions of left-wing idiocy or (2) prominent champions of left-wing idiocy in the and closet Zionists."

    Simple yes or no question.

    "Why should I do your homework for you?"

    It's not my "homework" to go looking for evidence to back up your claims.

  73. "No, your challenge was to name a jewish american who is both pro-Israeli AND an active underminer of traditional America. Dershowitz is both."

    No, that's too broad since 90+% of American politicians, pundits, etc. can be colorably characterized as "active underminers of traditional America."

    The phrase I used was "champions of left-wing idiocy," which I admit is also a bit vague and broad.

    The accusation is that American Jews are supporting efficient, conservative policies in Israel -- such as racial profiling -- while opposing those same policies in the United States.


  74. "sabril said...

    The phrase I used was "champions of left-wing idiocy," which I admit is also a bit vague and broad."

    And Dershowitz IS a champion of left-wing idiocy. Also, see the other names on my list - which you studiously ignore, as it undermines your point.

    Then again, you keep changing your point, so I'm not entirely certain what it is anymore. Moreover I no longer care, and I doubt many other people in this forum care what you think either.

  75. Sabril: put your "name three" question to Steinlight, the exception who has spent years ranting against the rule. He can provide a long list of open-borders Jews who want a ring of steel around Israel. So can these rational patriots.

    Additionally, not every monster, much less every hypocrite, publicly announces his worst views: the best are too slippery for this, though one may judge them by their fruits. For example, can you name three prominent Nazis who declared pre-Nuremberg that there was a Holocaust? No.

    One may, however, observe folks like Abe Foxman and Alan Dershowitz over time and glean (the occasional smoke-screen quotation aside) that they would defend Israel to the death but are not keen on restricting immigration to the United States, especially if it involves profiling based on "race, religion or national origin." For example, here's Foxman's ADL on Israel's security fence. And here's Foxman on American border concerns. Pro-Israeli-fence, and pro-immigration "reform" bill.

    Here's Dershowitz on Israel's security fence ("the goal, of course, of my peace proposal is that the security fence will eventually be dismantled when terrorism ends [an event that's surely just around the corner – D.], but before that, it would be on the border, the way the Gaza fence is now on the border"). And here he is on immigration to America ("no Jew should ever be [...] excluded from anywhere"; and see pp. 277-8 in toto).

    So there's two. I'll dig through this tonight and see if I can find the name of anyone who also supports strong borders for Israel. The suspense is terrible. Thanks for the challenge.

  76. "And Dershowitz IS a champion of left-wing idiocy. "

    Who happens to be in favor of profiling for Muslims. Agreed?

    "Also, see the other names on my list - which you studiously ignore, as it undermines your point."

    Actually I didn't ignore the list. Instead, I did a search to find out where Dianne Feinstein stands on specific issues and didn't find anything conclusive.

    I concede that there exist leftists such as Dianne Feinstein who have made general statements in favor of Israel.

    If that's your only point, then you are right.

    Again my question:

    The accusation is that American Jews are supporting efficient, conservative policies in Israel -- such as racial profiling -- while opposing those same policies in the United States.


  77. "For example, here's Foxman's ADL on Israel's security fence. And here's Foxman on American border concerns."

    I read the two pages and I don't see a contradiction. Indeed, he specifically says in the second piece that "reasonable people can disagree about border control and the appropriate parameters for immigration reform"

    I also notice from your linked article that Dershowitz favors an independent Palestinian State with Palestinian control of East Jerusalem. In Israel, that's pretty much a left wing position.

  78. Alphonse de Candolle1/7/10, 8:16 PM

    "So, airport security in Israel is handled much like immigration in Israel: for the benefit of the majority." - Sailer

    "Jews are nationalist in Israel because nationalism is good for Jewish power. Jews are globalist in the US because globalism is good for Jewish power..." - knock a mural

    knock a mural is the corrective to Steve's, "gee whiz, they do it right, why can't we?"

    Steve's summation would be more apt if it'd read, "So, airport security in Israel is handled much like immigration in Israel: for the benefit of the Jews."

    Can't knock 'em. Just sucks to be us.

  79. "sabril said...

    I concede that there exist leftists such as Dianne Feinstein who have made general statements in favor of Israel."

    Yeah, and Diane Feinstein has done nothing to further left-wing causes.

    I also mentioned Emmanuel Cellar - kind of influential. But you ignored him too. You're obviously just treading water, as your original point is indefensible.

    Let me ask you this. Is there or is there not an outsized influence in the affairs of this nation exercised by people who self-identify as jewish? I.e. out of proportion to their raw numbers in the population? And if there is, should this be a matter of indifference to the rest of us?

  80. "Yeah, and Diane Feinstein has done nothing to further left-wing causes."

    Yawn. I already stated she's a leftist. What more do you want?

    " You're obviously just treading water, as your original point is indefensible."

    I've already conceded that the standard in my original question was vague and broad.

    Why do you keep ignoring my question?

    The accusation is that American Jews are supporting efficient, conservative policies in Israel -- such as racial profiling -- while opposing those same policies in the United States.


    "I also mentioned Emmanuel Cellar - kind of influential. But you ignored him too."

    What exactly is your point about Emmanuel Cellar? If you are saying that he is a leftist who has come out in favor of Israel, then there's no need to debate it.

    Are you saying that he supports specific policies in the US while opposing those exact same policies in Israel?


    "Let me ask you this. Is there or is there not an outsized influence in the affairs of this nation exercised by people who self-identify as jewish?"


    "And if there is, should this be a matter of indifference to the rest of us?"

    It depends what you are concerned about.

    Anyway, I'm happy to discuss the issue of Jewish liberalism and influence.

    Otherwise, please answer my question:

    The accusation is that American Jews are supporting efficient, conservative policies in Israel -- such as racial profiling -- while opposing those same policies in the United States.


    Simple yes or no question.

  81. Weak, Sabril. No one with an ounce of common sense is taken in by the notion that Foxman and Dershowitz aren't for opening the borders of America and ensuring proper security for Israel. Let me quote Foxman (as I didn't before; I only linked). Read carefully.


    "'The Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis were not the only ones who saw an opportunity in the national debate over immigration to sow the seeds of racism as a means to derail immigration reform,' said Mr. Foxman. 'While reasonable people can disagree about border control and the appropriate parameters for immigration reform, the debate has been tainted by the virulent anti-immigrant message [...]'

    "several key tactics used by anti-immigrant groups [include]:

    " * Describing immigrants as 'third world invaders,' who come to America to destroy our heritage, 'colonize' the country and attack our 'way of life.' This charge is used against Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.

    "[...] * Portraying immigrants as carriers of diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas disease (a potentially fatal parasitic disease), dengue fever, polio, malaria.

    " * Depicting immigrants as criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and a danger to children and families.

    " * Propagating conspiracy theories about an alleged secret 'reconquista' plot by Mexican immigrants to create a "greater Mexico" by seizing seven states in the American Southwest that once belonged to Mexico.

    "[...] A closer look at the public record reveals that many ostensibly mainstream anti-illegal immigration organizations - including those who testified before Congress or frequently appeared on news programs - promote virulent anti-Hispanic and anti-immigrant rhetoric."

    Every bulleted concern above, of course, has a solid basis in reality, as documented on VDare and in many other places.


    "Barbara B. Balser, ADL National Chair and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

    "'While the European Union's strong affirmation of EU - Israel ties and condemnation of Palestinian terrorism are encouraging, we are greatly concerned by the Declaration's expression of concern about Israel's security fence. [Construction of this fence] is not an effort by Israel to draw up permanent borders.

    "'Israel has always sought true peace and reconciliation with the Palestinians. Unfortunately, suicide bombs and terrorism have forced Israel to build this fence. Once this campaign of terrorism ends and progress is made on negotiated reconciliation, the need for the security barrier with be diminished and it will likely be dismantled. [The EU's declaration of concern is a] one-sided approach to this complex security issue [and] undermines the credibility of the EU's involvement.'"

    The wheat is that Foxman is properly in favor of territorial integrity and security for Israel, while against it for America. The chaff is the sops about "reasonable people can disagree about border control and the appropriate parameters for immigration reform" (though even mainstream reasonable people use arguments equivalent to those of the KKK...) and "once this campaign of terrorism ends and progress is made on negotiated reconciliation, the need for the security barrier with be diminished and it will likely be dismantled" (once terrorism ends and peace is achieved in the Middle East and pigs fly, it's "likely" the fence will come down - likely - no promises from Abe).

    (part 2 to follow)

  82. part 2

    Every ethnic group - every group, period - pursues its own collective interests. Except, it seems, white gentiles.

    I have no argument with Foxman et al.'s consistency. Where they're hypocritical is in pretending they aren't pursuing their ethnic collective interests, which include security for themselves and "breaking down barriers" for white America. When they pretend that we're monsters for wanting for ourselves the same sensible things that they want for themselves, it rankles with us; it irritates us; it stinks in our nostrils. It is noticeable. You can play "name three" games and pull every semantic trick in the book, and it remains unavoidably plain. This causes some degree of friction with us.

  83. "Let me quote Foxman (as I didn't before; I only linked). Read carefully."

    I already read it carefully. If Foxman is demonizing the Arab population in and around Israel as carriers of disease, etc., then he is inconsistent.

    I did a search for quotes of his on this issue and could not find anything.

  84. "sabril said...

    "Let me ask you this. Is there or is there not an outsized influence in the affairs of this nation exercised by people who self-identify as jewish?"


    ""And if there is, should this be a matter of indifference to the rest of us?""

    "It depends what you are concerned about."

    I'm concerned about rich influential people (a not inconsiderable demographic among American jews) who seemingly hate my country. MY country as I understand it.

    "Anyway, I'm happy to discuss the issue of Jewish liberalism and influence."

    No, you are not. Every post you've made here has been an attempt to dissemble.

    "Otherwise, please answer my question:

    The accusation is that American Jews are supporting efficient, conservative policies in Israel -- such as racial profiling -- while opposing those same policies in the United States."


    Simple yes or no question."

    Don't get so snippy. You didn't ask that question of me. I answered your "name three" question with a few names, and you ignored my answer. Anyway, the answer to your question is an emphatic yes. Most, if not all, of the jews I've ever met are deeply dedicated to the preservation of Israel, and at the same time are hostile to the idea of immigration restriction.

    By the way, if your intent here is to persuade people of your point, you're making an awful job of it - just by the way you attempt it.

  85. So, in short, Israeli airport security know how to intimidate terrorists to prevent them from flying, while American airports know how to intimidate regular people to prevent them from flying?

  86. "I'm concerned about rich influential people (a not inconsiderable demographic among American jews) who seemingly hate my country. MY country as I understand it."

    In that case, I do not believe that disproportionate Jewish influence is too much cause for concern since there are plenty of Gentiles perfectly willing to take on the role of liberal elitist and many do.

    "No, you are not. Every post you've made here has been an attempt to dissemble."

    That's nonsense.

    "Don't get so snippy. You didn't ask that question of me"

    Yes I did and you ignored it. Just look a few posts back.

    "Most, if not all, of the jews I've ever met are deeply dedicated to the preservation of Israel, and at the same time are hostile to the idea of immigration restriction."

    Then it shouldn't be too hard to cite a few prominent American Jews who favor immigration restriction for Israel and are against the same for the US. Just so we are clear, I'm not saying that none exist, but I'm skeptical it's that common and that should be the starting point for substantiating your claim.

    Once you've named a few, I bet I can name a few who either oppose Israel as a Jewish state OR support immigration restrictions here in the US.

  87. There was an Interesting parallel made with Frank Herberts's novel: Dune in an earlier comment of this post.

    Here is another one:
    Israel's first prime minister David Ben Gurion (whose name was given to the airport in question) saw the struggle to make the desert bloom as an area where the Jewish people could make a major contribution to humanity as a whole. He set a personal example by choosing to settle in kibbutz Sde Boker at the centre of the Negev and established the National Water Carrier to bring water to the area.
    In Herbert's Dune, Fremen's most guarded secret is their dream to see the planet transformed into a luxuriant forest where life would be more clement.

    Rings a bell?


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