March 15, 2010

Alternative Right

Richard B. Spencer's elegant new web magazine, Alternative Right, is up and running:, launched on March 1, 2010, is an online magazine of radical traditionalism. As such, it marks an attempt to forge a new intellectual right-wing that is independent and outside the "conservative" establishment.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Looks interesting and important. I'll add it to my bookmarks next to Takimag.

    However, I expect that radical traditionalism implies ignoring the (positive) role that liberal economics played in creating the family/community values of the mid 40s-mid 60s. Strong unions and job security motivated people to put down roots, as evidenced by the record marriage rate and baby boom.

    Conservatives don't like to admit that their vaunted free agent economy also leads to free agent family and community life.

  2. It is a very nice-looking site. Built on Joomla, evidently.

    Maybe it can help revitalize intellectual conservatism. There's no doubt that's needed.

    Good luck, Richard!

  3. Off topic, but what would a wasp do?

    The NCAA tournament is a symmetrical 64 team single elimination tournament. The tournament goes three weekends with two rounds each weekend. In other words, the tournament is perfect in its current form.

    However, there is a movement to expand the tournament, to increase its size by 50% or 100% or more. In doing so, there are more games, and more big schools would get a chance to play. For example, North Carolina didn't make the cut this year, but would make the cut in a larger field.

    Now, back to my original question...what would a WASP do? It seems they will expand the field to increase their TV revenue in the short term, but a larger field will reduce the overall quality of games, and hurt the fan experience in the longer term. It would also reduce the importance of the regular season since any .500 team from a BCS conference is guaranteed a spot.

    Personally I think they should keep the field where it is, but we all know short term money is king.

  4. Charles Johnson, the LGF blogger, is not a fan of Alternative Right. Any thought of writing a post on his recent come to Jesus movement?

  5. Anybody who describes themselves as "right-wing" or "left-wing" is already signaling that they are beyond the pale. They might as well be wearing a sign on their back that says "kick me" or rather, "watch out, I will kick you."
    The article on "the American Nietzsche" is a dead give away in my opinion.

    Put another way, Conservatism and Liberalism are the two poles within the pale, and if conservatives are unhappy with the way conservatism is currently defined and understood then their proper task is to try to re-define it.

    Personally I consider myself a liberal and life-long Democrat -- not as these terms are defined today but as I would wish to see them to be. I can tolerate a conservative whose opinions are worthy of my serious consideration way before anybody who describes themselves as being "on the left" or "on the right."

  6. You know, the trouble with paleocon publications is that they forget who the real enemy is.

    Now, don't shoot me for this, anyone, but the real enemy is the Left. It is not -- I repeat NOT -- the neocons.

    That isn't to say that neocons shouldn't be opposed when they are wrong, but when the Left dog wags the neocon tail on issues such as race -- well, it's an oft-quoted maxim that cutting off the dog's tail won't loosen his teeth from your ankle.

    I subscribed to the Rothbard Rockwell report a long time ago and unsubscribed in disgust when Rothbard -- in a typical fit of pique -- started to rage against ex-presidents.

    "Kennedy was worse than Eisenhower. Johnson was worse than Kennedy. Nixon was worse than Johnson. Ford was worse than Nixon. Carter was worse than Ford. Reagan was worse than Carter..."

    Reagan worse than Carter? I threw the issue away and resolved never to read any more Rothbardian fulminations.

    Paleos often remind me of the competing Jewish revolutionary groups from Monty Python's "Life of Brian" who engage in intra-party battles against each other.

    When Graham Chapman -- in his role as Brian -- reminds them that they should be united against the Romans as the common enemy, the revolutionary misfits are positively baffled.

  7. Reactionaries have more in common with extreme leftists than they do with liberal or conservatives. Both liberals and conservatives are interested in preserving the quality of the present, while extremists from both the right and left damage and destroy society in attempting to mold it towards the past or the future.

  8. The site has a lots of bugs to fix.

    I would have preferred name like ECCENTRIC RIGHT or MAVERICK RIGHT.

    Alternative Right sounds a bit gay, like alternative rock.

  9. Any site with that idiot Richard Hoste can't be too elegant. What a moron that guy. Didn't he bitch about Hurt Locker because it had a positive black guy?

  10. I enjoyed the article, but why so little mention of William F Buckley? Under his orchestration back in the 1960's, main stream conservatism was marginalized. His public campaign against the John Birch Society was a bell-weather of his future purging of the Paleos from National Review.

    I trace the dismemberment of traditional conservatism from the Republican party to the Reagan White House. Reagan campaigned and won as Goldwater, Western conservative, even mocking the Carter cabinet as a nest of "one-worlders" on the campaign trail. By the middle of his first term, he had a cabinet the Trilateral commission would have approved of. The weasel(George Bush Sr.) had taken it over via subterfuge.

    The Republican party is now the party of George Bush/William F. Buckley/Leo Strauss. A bunch of big spenders with nearly as much disdain for the constitution as their Neoliberal brethren.

    The Eastern Establishment favors open borders, wars of foreign adventure, free trade, diminished civil liberties, the dismantling of the middle class, and a cultural/demographic attack on the European stock of this country. They care little which party will do their bidding because they know either one will carry their water. Not a dimes bit of difference between them on the major issues that affect all Americans.

  11. The site has a lots of bugs to fix.

    You got that right! I struggle with four (4) browsers in attempts to make that website work, that is, to open the links I desire. Most of the time I don't succeed. I've never seen anything quite like it. I don't know what this "Joomla" is, but this is a sad intro to it.

  12. Why is Sailer protecting Hoste? Can't say anything negative about that jerk.

  13. Paleocons have their priorities right. Neocons are the enemy within. No progress can be made until neocons are purged from the conservative movement. Neocons have coopted and subverted the conservative movement.

  14. Strong unions and job security motivated people to put down roots, as evidenced by the record marriage rate and baby boom.

    Unfortunately, liberals then went on to betray the white working class by supporting Third World immigration and affirmative action in the name of diversity.

    Now, don't shoot me for this, anyone, but the real enemy is the Left. It is not -- I repeat NOT -- the neocons.

    Neocons are just leftists who pretend to be conservatives in order to gain control of the GOP.

  15. Any site with that idiot Richard Hoste can't be too elegant. What a moron that guy. Didn't he bitch about Hurt Locker because it had a positive black guy?

    Aw...I've got stalkers.

    Actually, I complained that the black guy in Hurt Locker is of course the only of the three main characters without a serious personality flaw. Just what one would expect from any movie, commercial or TV show in Diversitstan.

    Blacks are only 4.5% of Army Special Forces. They're not 33% of EOD unit members and the only competent ones, paternally looking out for whites who are either having nervous breakdowns or about to blow themselves up because of their bravado.

  16. Paleos are delusional if they think Jihad will just leave them alone. Jihad has not left Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and even China alone. Though all are moderately hostile to extremely hostile (China, Sweden) to Israel and Jews.

    Muslims demand to rule non-Muslims. It is innate to the system of polygamy that creates unstable, outward aggressive societies (like Mormons under Joseph Smith and Brigham Young).

    Moreover, the Tea Party and Palin wings of the Republican Party represent much of what people want: no amnesty, border closing, kicking out illegals through fines/sanctions against employers, lower welfare/social spending, and so on. Like everything else, however, it is a trade-off and compromise. The perfect is always the enemy of the good and never attainable.

    Unions, for example, are not what they were in the 1940s-1960's because its not the 1940s-60's. Andy Stern from SEIU has called for an "international system of government" over-riding American sovereignty and borders, to allow free movement (of cheap Mexican) labor. Because Unions are basically Black/Hispanic/Rich White SWPL against ordinary middle/working class Whites.

    This makes Steve's assertions of Unions being important to middle/working class Whites laughable on its face. Unions took the side of Skip Gates not the White working class cop, because they are run by folks like Andy Stern, head of the most powerful union of all (SEIU).

  17. Jihad will not leave paleoconservatives alone because neocons have suppressed debate about ending immigration.

  18. Any site with that idiot Richard Hoste can't be too elegant. What a moron that guy. Didn't he bitch about Hurt Locker because it had a positive black guy?

    I'm a regular reader of his blog. But he has a rudimentary and often outright wrong understanding of the evolutionary and biological concepts he writes about.

  19. ‪Whiskey‬,

    Paleos don't believe jihadists will magically go away. I don't know where you got that idea.

    They differ with neocons on the reasoning why they're attacking us - neocons maintain that its simply a matter of Islam being an imperialist aggressive religion (which is partly true) whereas paleos point out that it is the aggressiveness of the west in trying to homogenize the world with western values that causes the backlash. Obviously the neocons make intelligent points in analyzing Islam, but they refuse to acknowledge the fact that we have "poked" the beehive and continue to do so, which fuels their aggression. Paleos believe we should quit trying to homogenize the entire world and focus our defensive energies here at home to defend our borders and culture.

    Blaming polygamy is absurd. Mormons are nothing at all like Muslims and are not aggressive; they in fact generally want to stay as isolated as possible. Again, its our government that keeps agitating them.

  20. It's really fairly simple. Anyone who is against replacing me demographically through illegal and legal immigration is not my enemy. Anyone who is in favor of such is most assuredly my enemy. The other problems of my country become solvable if one stops this flow and ejects as many as possible. The central key is that whites need to be unashamed to promote their own interests as such. They need to reply to descriptions of 'Tea parties' and other associations as being 'lily white' with a contemptous 'so what'.

  21. Though all are moderately hostile to extremely hostile (China, Sweden) to Israel and Jews.

    How exactly is China moderately or extremely hostile to Israel and Jews?

  22. Paleos are delusional if they think Jihad will just leave them alone. Jihad has not left Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and even China alone. Though all are moderately hostile to extremely hostile (China, Sweden) to Israel and Jews.

    "Jihad" and "the Muslims" weren't really the focus or topic of this post or thread, so why did you have to bring it up?

  23. An online magazine of "radical traditionalism?"

    I had to contemplate that while eating my "jumbo shrimp."

  24. Unions took the side of Skip Gates not the White working class cop, because they are run by folks like Andy Stern, head of the most powerful union of all (SEIU).

    Mr. Stern likely belongs to the same ethnoreligion as many neocons and liberals who want to undermine the white gentile population of the United States.

    Blaming polygamy is absurd. Mormons are nothing at all like Muslims and are not aggressive; they in fact generally want to stay as isolated as possible.

    From what I understand Mormons have not practiced polygamy in around 100 years.


  25. You got that right! I struggle with four (4) browsers in attempts to make that website work, that is, to open the links I desire. Most of the time I don't succeed. I've never seen anything quite like it. I don't know what this "Joomla" is, but this is a sad intro to it.


    Well, I've got my own opinion about simplicity in design (it is a good thing), but it's hard to stick to it.

    They'll figure it out.

    Joomla is not too bad as a CMS AFAIK. Much easier to work with than Drupal, but perhaps not quite as flexible.

    Personally, I only bite off as much as I can chew and stick to WP. However, I'm thinking about opening a WPMU site soon. Actually, if it were up to me, I would have recommended WPMU for Alternative Right. But I'm not a PHP pro, so that's all I can say without getting in over my head.

    Whatever the case, I'm sure it's still in development, and will work fine soon. I hope so. The more debate and voices the better.

    As for Whiskey, I hope he can give us his opinion on the Cameron/Bigelow thing soon. I am curious.

  26. whiskey sez:Jihad has not left Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and even China alone.
    China seems to be dealing with jihad without starting another regional war, unlike the US. As for the other countries: all of them suffer from the EU obsession with bringing in as many Muslims as possible. The EU and its immigration enthusiasm are neocon 101. The willful destruction and suppression of the European nation state serves direct US and neocon interests. The classical European nation state would have never allowed Muslim "immigration" and dealt with the enemy within fairly rigorously by deporting them. But such measures are no longer available due to US hegemony and neocon control.

  27. Any site with that idiot Richard Hoste can't be too elegant. What a moron that guy. Didn't he bitch about Hurt Locker because it had a positive black guy?

    Aw...I've got stalkers.

    Actually, I complained that the black guy in Hurt Locker is of course the only of the three main characters without a serious personality flaw. Just what one would expect from any movie, commercial or TV show in Diversitstan.

    Blacks are only 4.5% of Army Special Forces. They're not 33% of EOD unit members and the only competent ones, paternally looking out for whites who are either having nervous breakdowns or about to blow themselves up because of their bravado.

    Awww, Hoste can't take criticism. Critics are 'stalkers', oh boo hoo hoo, poor little baby.

    The black guy has no personality flaw? Watch the movie more carefully, and it's be apparent that he's not such a great ideal. He's very touchy about being 'dissed'--emotinally fragile in many ways.

    Also, the personality 'flaw' of William James isn't one dimensional. On the one hand, it makes him the biggest prick of the bunch but also the most heroic and admirable. Complex characters are neither all good nor bad. Why are Achilles and Odysseus interesting, much more so than 'normal' characters? They are larger than life. More couragoeus and more reckless--even mad--than others. Or more cunning, shrewder, and more devious than others.

    But, Hoste just can't take complexity. He's pissed that white guys have bigger 'flaws' than the black guy.
    It never occurs to Hoste that men like Moses and Alexander the Great were major figures precisely because they were flawed. William James is the HERO of the movie despite AND BECAUSE of his 'flaws'. Those obsessions drive him to edge, to areas others do not dare.

    Hoste is also upset that one of the three guys is black, because GEE, only 5% of special forces are black. What kind of art does he believe in? Art by the numbers? I suppose movies and books ought to be written by statisticians.
    Btw, was Hoste offended by Rocky movies where some white guy was champion of the world in the 80s?
    Or how about the fact that though 15-20% of cowboys were black, most Westerns only featured white cowboys?

    True, there is some racial politicking going on in the casting of black actors. One could make a case for HL too, but it is far from the worst PC case. In the end, when we see the black guy talk about wanting to go home and have a son, we realize how much his hard exterior is just that: an exterior or shell. He's all torn, bruised, and messed-up inside.

    The problem with Hoste is everything is race with him. North Korea is good because it's racially homogeneous. Freaking A, why not praise Mugabe's policies too since he's driving all the whites out?

    And, HL isn't so good because it has a half-decent black guy. What a petty idiot. No wonder Occidental Quarterly flirts with idiots at Stormfront. No wonder so much of the Right is intellectually and morally so feeble!

  28. "Blacks are only 4.5% of Army Special Forces. They're not 33% of EOD unit members and the only competent ones, paternally looking out for whites who are either having nervous breakdowns or about to blow themselves up because of their bravado."

    Hoste sounds just like Spike Lee on FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS. "Man, how come the movie aint got no brothas? They fought in the Pacific War too."

  29. Capt. Obvious3/15/10, 7:01 PM

    This web magazine looks promising.

    We need more "Alternative Right" type websites to combat the lunacy of "The Weekly Standard," NRO, etc.

    I hate the neocons (I call them neoc*nts).

    They have totally hijacked the GOP.

    No doubt when the Repubs take control of the House and the Senate in Nov 2010, the first order of business the neocons will be pursuing is to pressure Obama to declare war on Iran.

    You would think the first order of business would be to clamp down on legal/illegal immigration with an immigration moratorium & strong enforcement of laws against hiring illegals.

    No, say the neocons: First we must protect Israel.

  30. I don't know if anyone has been following this, but in the last few days, Mark Steyn and Andy McCarthy have been ripping the Neocons [Krauthammer and Goldberg] to shreds.

    While Krauthammer is easily the most odious of the lot, watching Geraldo the other night made me want to throw a brick through the television:

    BEGIN, 4:04 MARK

    O'REILLY: Both you and I know that this a devastating statistic, all right? It's devastating.

    WHOREALDO: But I, I think that the point is...

    O'REILLY: But how does it play out?

    WHOREALDO: Here is the point that I think that you're missing, with all, with all due respect. When you have this, these new, newcomers, or this new groups, that now become from minority to majority, they will mature in time, they will become -

    O'REILLY: And you think these stats are gonna go down?

    WHOREALDO: - they will become as traditional - for instance, ah, Latin American people, or "latino" people, hispanic people, in this country, are inherently socially conservative. They go to church -

    O'REILLY: I, ah, ah, so you -

    WHOREALDO: - they want their kids in the Boy Scouts -

    O'REILLY: - you think these stats are gonna go down?

    WHOREALDO: I think that they will -

    O'REILLY: They have to.

    WHOREALDO: - as the population matures, go down.

    O'REILLY: If they don't...

    WHOREALDO: I think if you compare it to previous immigrant groups in this country, you will find they similarly went through some of these anti-social behaviors until they [??? evolved ???]...

    O'REILLY: But that doesn't explain the African-American [??? inaudible ???] it does not explain -

    WHOREALDO: Well, I think that's an issue - we have to talk about role models and I, I -

    O'REILLY: - All right -

    WHOREALDO: - we have to listen to our President who -

    O'REILLY: That's to me -

    WHOREALDO: - extols the virtue of family values [??? inaudible ???].

    O'REILLY: - to me that, that is the game changer, if anything [??? inaudible ???]

    WHOREALDO: But it won't - it will, trust me -

    O'REILLY: All right Whorealdo, you know, you're a sage -

    WHOREALDO: - it, it, it will, -

    O'REILLY: - you're a sage, we know that -

    WHOREALDO: - it will come to the middle.

    O'REILLY: All right.

    WHOREALDO: I guarantee you.

    O'REILLY: If it doesn't, we're all going to live at your house.

    WHOREALDO: Yes! Ha ha ha!!!

  31. "As for Whiskey, I hope he can give us his opinion on the Cameron/Bigelow thing soon. I am curious."

    Yeah, and can you give us your thoughts on the Gulf war, and that Alpha-Beta thing while you're at it, Whiz?

  32. Whiskey - it's the Paleocons [Steyn and McCarthy] who are leading the charge against this "Islam is a religion of peace" bullshit which is being propagated by the Neocons [Krauthammer and Goldberg].

  33. Personally, I think THIS thread exemplifies the "alternative right" better than the eponymous website which only presents one lonesome Taki-esque version of an alternative right.

    I'm not saying that the siteowners made a mistake there. They're promoting one version of the right and there's no reason why they should widen their tent any more than they want to. Personally though, I far prefer a thread like this one. We're all pretty much in agreement that the massive recent immigration is terrible for Americans and also that the most basic, undeniable, HBD truths are better acknowledged than denied.

    Beyond that basic interest in wresting back hegemony from the anti-patriotic Blank Slaters though people are presenting different views regarding Unions, taxation, limitations on businesses, interventionist foreign policies, etc.

    Now THERE would be an alternative right site worth reading!


  34. I hate the neocons (I call them neoc*nts).

    Yeah !

    That'll show 'em !

    Surely that'll defeat energetic guys with 150 verbal IQs !

  35. Glad to see the new magazine. Let's also not forget Front Porch Republic:

  36. The word "neocon" just won't stay still, will it? The original meaning of ex-liberal (sometimes ex-Trotskyist) influenced by social science is long gone and now the more recent meaning of ardent supporter of Israel and the Iraq War (by which definition Steyn and McCarthy are surely just as much neocons as Krauthammer and probably more so than Goldberg) seems to be on the way out as well, if the comments above are any indication.

    "The article on "'American Nietzsche' is a dead give away in my opinion."

    That article was rather turgid, but scroll down to the footnote on the author's own ancestry for a much more interesting tale.

  37. That article was rather turgid, but scroll down to the footnote on the author's own ancestry for a much more interesting tale.

    I have black friends!


  38. The original meaning of ex-liberal (sometimes ex-Trotskyist) influenced by social science is long gone and now the more recent meaning of ardent supporter of Israel and the Iraq War (by which definition Steyn and McCarthy are surely just as much neocons as Krauthammer and probably more so than Goldberg) seems to be on the way out as well, if the comments above are any indication.

    What the hell is wrong with being a supporter of Israel?

    The Muslims are required to subvert and annihiliate the infidels - which would be us, and the Israelis.

    That Krauthammer can't bring himself to condem Islam [not even in the mildest terms] only serves to demonstrate the utter nihilism which is at the heart of his character [or absence of character].

    And dittoes as regards that sleazy, scummy, oily, fat turd, Jonah Goldberg.

  39. "Blah blah blah -- I'm a PALEOCON. I am a true believer in small government. I hate the necons - hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em!"

    "So you know what I'm going to do to those neocons? I'm gonna SHOW 'EM."

    "I'm gonna do just what Murray Rothbard would do. I'm gonna do just what all of the other RRR columnists would do. I'm gonna vote DEMOCRAT. I'm gonna vote with OBAMA. I'm gonna vote with PELOSI. I'm gonna vote with REID. Because I'm a PALEOCON and I believe in small government and that's how I express it at the ballot box."

    "I'm a PALEOCON. I'm gonna swallow poison and watch the neocons die!"

  40. I was intrigued until I saw the laudatory article about Julius Evola. For crying out loud, Steve, you've written lots about the conspiratorial postwar Italian neo-fascists like Borghese and P2, and the crazy-ass "ideology" underlying them. Evola is their lodestone--why do you want to be a part of a periodical that partakes of absurd "Black Sun" mysticism when you've got legitimate arguments to make that are grounded in, you know, statistical analysis and empirical facts. You'd cheapen your currency by getting into bed with obscurantists like these guys.

  41. True, there is some racial politicking going on in the casting of black actors.

    As a black, I would say that 99% of casting of blacks is due to racial politicking. That's because of an ongoing crusade by the NAACP, which peaked in the 1980s, that vigorously upped the ante of its boycott threats against studios that failed to put blacks "in front of and behind the cameras."

    You may see Hoste's interpretation of this particular film as off base, but I bet he's more on target than the typical pandering white, who desires to be "fair." I have not seen Hurt Locker and never plan to do so, but if the black character is the hero of the story, then I fully understand why it received the Academy Award. 'Nuff said! Lord knows, nobody loves giving awards to blacks more than that Oscar crew.

    I've never seen a Hollywood film in which the black characters were not self-consciously intruded into the story line, for the sake of "correctness." And, of course, it makes the white viewer feel oh, so good about himself. There's nothing Whitey likes better than a chance to defend the Underdog, especially if he's a black.

    Keeping the pressure on Hollywood

  42. It never occurs to Hoste that men like Moses and Alexander the Great were major figures precisely because they were flawed.

    Yes, this is the down side to Hollywood treating black characters like cardboard. But this is a side effect, nothing more; the motivation is to whitewash blacks. You've got to be asleep at the wheel to miss this, particularly after it's been pointed out to you.

  43. Hoste is also upset that one of the three guys is black, because GEE, only 5% of special forces are black. What kind of art does he believe in? Art by the numbers? I suppose movies and books ought to be written by statisticians.

    Soo, accurately reflecting demographics on the ground is bean-counting. Buuut, "we need at least one lead black guy, at least x blacks in the background, at least x blacks here," etc., that isn't bean-counting? That's art?

    Okay, thanks for the tip.

  44. Or how about the fact that though 15-20% of cowboys were black, most Westerns only featured white cowboys?

    Hey, sure, make 15-20% of the cowboys in all future films black. But don't stop with the realism there. Give them 85 average IQ, too, with everything that entails. Oh, and if they were employed in blocks, and not sprinkled liberally throughout the white cowboy population in PC fashion, then show that too. Et cetera.

    True, there is some racial politicking going on in the casting of black actors. One could make a case for HL too, but it is far from the worst PC case.

    That's true of every black-pandering film except the worst. What's your point?

    In the end, when we see the black guy talk about wanting to go home and have a son, we realize how much his hard exterior is just that: an exterior or shell. He's all torn, bruised, and messed-up inside.

    I haven't seen the movie but your argument is self-defeating on its face (you're pretty much asserting that we have to work harder to see the black guy's flaws/weaknesses).

    The problem with Hoste is everything is race with him.

    Do you complain about everyone who violates your criteria? Or just Hoste? I mean, you've got a lot of bigger fish to fry here, and a tiny minority of them are white.

  45. "As a black, I would say that 99% of casting of blacks is due to racial politicking."

    So I guess what you are saying is that if it weren't for "racial politicking," out of every 100 roles performed by blacks in a movie, 99 would be performed by whites?

    Am I understanding your opinion correctly? because it reads as idiocy.

  46. "I have not seen Hurt Locker and never plan to do so, but if the black character is the hero of the story, then I fully understand why it received the Academy Award."

    Check that, giving a grandiose opinion on a movie you have not seen,and have no desire to see, now THAT is idiocy.

    Could it possibly be that it was the best movie of 2010? If not, what was, "An education?"

    "I've never seen a Hollywood film in which the black characters were not self-consciously intruded into the story line, for the sake of "correctness."

    That's strange, because in the story of life, that is, at the supermaket, the bus stop, the office, the dry cleaner, the school, etc. I see plenty of black people who are "not self-consciously intruded into the story line, for the sake of "correctness."

    No, what they are doing is "living."

    "There's nothing Whitey likes better than a chance to defend the Underdog, especially if he's a black."

    Well, stealing oil and resources has to be at least 1A.

  47. "You've got to be asleep at the wheel to miss this, particularly after it's been pointed out to you."

    It was pointed out to me a few years ago that the tooth fairy was going to magically appear and replace my baby molar with a shiny dime also.

  48. "Soo, accurately reflecting demographics on the ground is bean-counting. Buuut, "we need at least one lead black guy, at least x blacks in the background, at least x blacks here," etc., that isn't bean-counting? That's art?"

    Kathryn Bigelow is not an economist turning out a white paper on the demographic breakdown of the special forces, she is a filmmaker telling the story of three soldiers. and seeing as how 1/21 in the real world is black, why is it impossible to believe that 1/3 in this FICTIONAL story would be?

    "Hey, sure, make 15-20% of the cowboys in all future films black. But don't stop with the realism there. Give them 85 average IQ, too, with everything that entails."

    Well Svigor, due to your Flynn Effect, if the black cowboys had 85 IQ's they were probably some of the smartest men in America at the time, right?

    "Oh, and if they were employed in blocks, and not sprinkled liberally throughout the white cowboy population in PC fashion, then show that too. Et cetera."

    Employed in blocks...on a cattle drive from Montana to Chicago...okay then!

    "I haven't seen the movie but your argument is self-defeating on its face."

    Another know-it-all film critic who has not actually bothered to see the movie, you know Svigey, if you and Victoria have any interest in dating interracially...I ,mean you can't deny there is a lot in common there.

    "What percentage of baggy pants wearing, ebonics-speaking thugs are white? 15-20% of all movies about baggy pants wearing ebonics-speaking thugs should be about wiggers"

    I'm, sure this statistic comes from the detailed analysis of over 2,200 movies from your personal collection doesn't it? Oh, you mean it's another totally random and arbitrary percentage you pulled out of your ass; this SHOCKS me!

  49. Come on, Steve's comment section. I'm still the guy who got his start blogging here. Things change in life, but my days here with my boy Truth are something I will never give up.

  50. Right back at ya' chief.

    It's a nice-looking site; I'll be sure to stop by and Troll from time to time.

  51. "What the hell is wrong with being a supporter of Israel?"

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I'm trying to define paleocons and neocons in terms of what members of those groups actually believe; you're just defining "neocon" as anything you don't like (in this case, pro-Muslim attitudes) and "paleocon" as anything you do. Both Steyn and McCarthy would be startled to be described as paleocons.

  52. RandyB said:
    Conservatives don't like to admit that their vaunted free agent economy also leads to free agent family and community life.
    Right on RB - Capitalism is not conservative. It is a materialistic and atomizing philosophy, a child of liberalism to the core.

  53. Truth, that masterful takedown of Svigor was enjoyable. I wish you would post more stuff like this. It really makes this site worth visiting.

    I took a glance at that Alternative Right site and it looks more like a racist confab than anything else. Also, if Richard Spencer is trying to carve a niche for himself and set himself apart from other conservative websites, then why did he make his site look almost exactly like Taki's? The site is too graphic intensive. I don't want to look at pretty pictures and kewl flash animations. If I was inclined to visit a conservative site, I'd be interested in the ideas, not all this fluff. And why is Epic Beard Man featured in the AltRight TV section? It seems a little immature to me.

  54. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form3/17/10, 8:42 PM

    Query for Svigor,

    I live in the Cowboy State. I am surrounded by the Stetson-wearing great-great grandkids of real, live (White) cowboys.
    Our black population is in the low single digits. If 15% of the cowpunchers of the Old West were black, where'd they go? Because they sure didn't leave too many descendants around these parts.

  55. RandyB writes: "I expect that radical traditionalism implies ignoring the (positive) role that liberal economics played in creating the family/community values of the mid 40s-mid 60s. Strong unions and job security motivated people to put down roots, as evidenced by the record marriage rate and baby boom."

    Quite likely you're right this will be ignored, but Allan Carlson, sometimes called a paleocon, has praised the social conservatism of the New Deal.

    Whiskey, Paleos seem to be the only people capable of calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration into the U.S. In the long run, that'd be much more helpful to American security than killing jihadis overseas.

  56. CCBLF: I assume from your description that you live in Wyoming, but Texas has more real claim to be the home base of cowboys during their prime, and it has always had a fair-sized black population. Google "Black Cowboys of Texas;" apparently there is an interesting book on this topic.

  57. I'm trying to understand one aspect of the paleo indictment against the neos.

    Usually, it's something along the lines of the neos have a greater loyalty towards Israel than towards the United States -- which may or may not be meant to imply that there's too much of a Jewish element in the neo ranks (though I'm aware that Rothbard regarded himself as a pro-Christian Jew).

    Usually, the argument is that the neos are so pro-Israel that they want American lives expended for the purpose of doing Israel's bidding by killing the Muslims.

    So I'm a little puzzled by the indictment that I'm reading in THIS particular thread to the effect that the problem with the neos is that they aren't anti-Muslim ENOUGH.

  58. I'll throw out abit more about Hoste. The guy is astonishingly close-minded. The guy holds on to Rushton's work with his life. He's also a classic example of accusing others of being driven by their politics when he's just as bad, if not worse.

    I mean goddamn, the guy has spoken positively of Fred Phelps on more than one occassion. Look up discussion of Phelps on Stormfront and they think he's gone too far.

    Plus, how come we never hear about his academic life? Nothing he says or does bespeaks of an anthropological background.

  59. I'll throw out abit more about Hoste.

    Yup, he's got stalkers alright.


  60. With regard to a recent article on said Mag encourageing a certain Aesthetics and 'risk taking' in art and aesthetics

    I decided to offer up for appreciation, comment or otherwise, my own recent art work via online website gallery and so invited by postal invite and online invitation to said Mag Editors

    I was somewhat surprised that there was no reply of any kind.

    I am not sure what to make of that. I guess things will be made clear in the fullness of time...


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