March 1, 2010

Another Campus Hate Hoax

In the latest Noose News, the University of California at San Diego, that cauldrom of white supremacy, where white undergrads make up about 30% of the campus, has been roiled by charges of racism, with the campus administration joining in -- see their official rabble-rousing website: BattleHate.UCSD.Edu.

Not surprisingly, as this Two Weeks Hate against white students built to a climax, a noose was discovered in the library to vast and completely credulous publicity, despite the long history of Hate Hoaxes on campuses.

Also, not surprisingly, the Administration wouldn't reveal the racial identity of the young woman involved. Today, I called a UCSD PR flack, and she confirmed that the student involved with the noose was a minority.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Words cannot express how unsurprised I am to hear this news.

  2. I'm not surprised either. It seems racism has to be invented in those places where there is no evidence of white racism. Racial paranoia on the part of non-whites seems to thrive in those places where whites have already been displaced.

    Completely unrelated and off topic: Looks like Garaufis(of "FDNY tests are racist" fame) strikes again, this time he's in favor of dumping more mentally ill people on the streets of New York City -

    I personally hope Garaufis lives next to a homeless shelter, and group home, right down the street from an affirmative action Fire house. Me thinks he doesn't...

  3. Steve,

    Im pretty sure a fake-hate-crime has been perpetuated recently in Nashville, Tennessee.

    A mosque has had some red-spray paint arrayed against it in the form of script that reads, "Muslims go home". There was also a "Crusader's Cross" painted (a large cross apparently surrounded by four smaller ones). How many rednecks who might contemplate such a thing would know what a "Crusader's Cross" was?

    Why I think it was a bogus-hate crime was the fact that in less than a seven-day week, a big "open house" event was held at the mosque in which the area's black preachers, religious-left-leaning-white-ministers/reverends/bishops, Catholic-priests of the progressive persuasion, and rabbis from a synagogue all were apparently free from professional obligations on that particular night and able to attend. The media was curiously apt in attention and covered the open house on local TV and in the papers also. Several letters to the editor and guest-colums by various members of the left appeared in the local newspaper all the next week (including one particularly noxious one from a man named Scott Ridgeway of Nashville's "Human Rights Commission"--whose mug shot looked like a left-tardius' Brittanica-drawing).
    (good photo in above link)

    The FBI is supposedly investigating. No witnesses (of course) seen anything.


    I wouldn't be suprised if bogus hate crimes don't become more common as left-wingers flail about wildly looking for for imagined offenses to rail at white people about. If they want whites to commit more crimes, there would be an easy way to do that, have seperate prisons for seperate races. I'd imagine they'd get what they wanted then. Prisons, as presently construed, are far too awful places for any reasonbly intelligent white person to risk for pulling a stunt with a can of spray paint, even if they did want Muslims to "go home".

  4. Surprised to hear that Steve is doing some old pick-up-the-phone reporting? So am I! Truly a full-service website.

  5. Henry Canaday3/1/10, 3:11 PM

    Can you imagine what P. G. Wodehouse could have come up with in the way of plot complications ensuing in the typical Campus Hate Hoax chronicle? "A Nose For Noose." Where is Plum when we really need him?

  6. CaptainRenault3/1/10, 3:18 PM

    Shocked, shocked...

  7. The original flap was caused by an off-campus "racist" party called the Compton Cookout. It was put on by a black guy who calls himself Jigaboo Jones. He has tried to contact the media to explain that he threw the party and not some fraternity but has been rebuffed.

  8. How about:

  9. The school agreed to many [of the black student group's demands], such as funding a vacant position for program coordinator for an African American Studies minor.

    Whether you're talking about a university or any other entity, there is no such thing as a "program coordinator" job that is even remotely useful. It's a code for "useless make-work job."


  10. Booorrrr-ing.

    Hey, what do you gents think of the European Hispanics and their Vibrant and Colorful behavior last week?

  11. Ha! Whites will be two percent of the population and we'll still hear about white supremacy holding the "people of color" back.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. In the letter, the woman said she and friends had been playing with a rope, jumping with it, making a lasso and then a noose early last week. She then carried it to the library, where she was studying, and strung it over a desk there Tuesday and forgot about it.

    Likely story.

  14. Dutch Boy said:

    The original flap was caused by an off-campus "racist" party called the Compton Cookout. It was put on by a black guy who calls himself Jigaboo Jones. He has tried to contact the media to explain that he threw the party and not some fraternity but has been rebuffed.

    Jiggaboo Jones UCSD Compton Cookout Event / DVD Release Party

    I did not know that. I went to the link and watched the video, and yes, it is exactly so -- he threw the party to promote his latest DVD and he can't understand why some people just want to "make something out of nothing" and media act like they "want to start a race riot". This is more newsworthy than the latest hate crime hoax -- hell, most people know those are usually bogus (and in the case of noose displays, the chances are 99%). That video needs more exposure. Thank you.

  15. "Truth said...

    Hey, what do you gents think of the European Hispanics and their Vibrant and Colorful behavior last week?"

    I think the looting in Chile is a sad thing Truth, and a little embarrassing.
    I'd like to point out two things about it in contrast to the looting that took place in New Orleans (and the looting post-LA Riots of the Rodney King era).

    1)Nobody knew the earthquake was coming and was warned beforehand to get out of Chile. In New Orleans this certainly was not the case because Katrina was talked about for a week before it hit.

    2) Nobody would have stocked up on food and supplies before the earthquake, but should/could have done so before Katrina/RKRiots. If a weather or social upheaval is in the forecast, people should have went to the grocery store ahead of time if they planned to hunker down and "ride it out". Personally I'd have gotten in the car and taken a little weekend vacation out of town in lieu of Katrina had I lived in N'awlins, and I certainly would have been prepared for some unrest in the environment the media stoked before the Rodney King/verdict.

    Those "European-Hispanics" shamed themselves a little bit there unless they were truly hungry or in need of medical supplies. One of the reasons so many of the posters on this site (like me) are so concerned is that we see an economic and social storm approaching decades off in this nation, and we hope to do things to avoid it. I carp about our debt, unsustainable entitlements, job-losses, open-immigration, offshoring, and breakdown of the family (and gutterification of our culture) due to future-time-orientation. Future-time-orientation is both a blessing and a curse.

    New Orlean's motto is (translated from French), "Let the good times roll", not a harbinger of future-time-orientation. One doesn't have to plan for the future if they are underwritten by the "big-daddy" government however, and thats part of our problem in the US. We are subsidizing things (single motherhood) that ought not be subsidized in my opinion.

    In fact, I think subsidizing single motherhood has been the most destructive agent to the black community. We have financed a "matriarichal ghetto". There are others, like the one in northern England (a white one), and even pockets of them in places like Hawaii composed of primarily native Hawaiians. The mores, folkaways, and behaviors of people in matriarichal ghettos get damaged severely as the public monies that vochsafe single-motherhood underwite the destruction of the patriarichal family structure.

    The black family only had something like 24-25% out-of-wedlock births in 1965. Now its close to 70%. White out-of-wedlock births are up to 25% now. Native hispanic out-of-wedlock births are up to 50%. We are underwriting a matriarchy.

    A publically funded big-daddy-alpha-male goverment-matriarchy does one other very evil thing thats easy to forget about: Fathers are the conduit of culture (as commenter PA so perfectly put it). If you cut dads out of the equation, culture isn't passed on, but is recieved from the dominant media. What media is spewed toward our society's most at-risk populations? MTV-filth. Remember Truth, it was white liberals who enthusiastically went into minority ghettos in the 1960's and 1970's attempting to "sign up" young women on various welfare programs. Their superiors knew exactly what would happen a couple of decades down the line.

    Trad cons might favor "their own", but they certainly aren't the real invective enemies of American-born blacks, left-wingers are.

  16. Chip On Shoulder3/1/10, 5:39 PM

    So a "female minority" student claims responsibility. LA Times article states she made a "lasso" among other things. This begs the question, was it a "noose" or "lasso"? Both are slip knots. Is there a photo of it anywhere?

    If a white male left a looped, slip-knotted rope in the library, confessed to campus police, would it be considered a "hate crime" regardless? My guess is a white male would be persecuted, prosecuted, removed from campus in cuffs in front of TV cameras.
    Pls reply if you agree or disagree.

  17. They would love to fabricate something big, like a Gulf of Tonkin incident or Reichstag fire, so as to stampede people into getting some restrictive laws passed. Don't be surprised if a more ambitious provocation gets staged. So far it's just been these pipsqueak hoaxes that the mainstream media has widely publicized, in effect co-operating with the hoaxers. That could change if anything other than the usual dolts get involved.

  18. "young woman involved"? You could have said this better - "young woman who planted the noose" would make it perfectly clear what was going on.

    I love how the NYT put it: "They left the office peacefully at sundown." Nice choice of words there!

  19. The UCSD student paper printed an anonymous confession from the noose-hanger. She says it was an "accident" that was not intended to be an "act of racism". She also admits she is a minority student. Would such a confession ever have been accepted from a white student? Somehow I doubt it. Is this going to stop the apparently endless struggle against "hate" on campus? No, no, of course not, the less actual evidence of racism there is, the more the struggle against it must intensify!

  20. Perhaps you meant cauldron as opposed to cauldrom...

  21. OT: Steve finally will have a candidate to funnel some of our donations to in the CA DEMOCRATIC Primary. That's right, I said Democratic.

    I was going to leave the original web link, but it ID'd the candidate. Much more fun to click through and enjoy the surprise.

  22. The university president sure looks unhappy. Somebody ought to start a donation drive to buy her a vibrator.

  23. Another 'Teachable Moment'.

  24. There was a photo of the noose.

  25. another extortion attempt3/1/10, 7:17 PM

    I went to graduate school at a major state university in a field that is overwhelming left of center (like most, of course). In private, the professors were quite open that this sort of thing is just extortion to get money and professorships. They all know it--except for a deluded and radical few--but they never said anything publicly. They were left of center but not stupid.

  26. This is the message the UC chancellors sent to all employees (such as myself) and students last week in response to this event and that "Compton cookout" thing.

    As leaders of the University of California, we are deeply disturbed by recent events at a few of our campuses. We condemn all acts of racism, intolerance and incivility. Regardless of how such offenses are rationalized, or what free speech rights they purport to express, the acts we have witnessed are unacceptable. The actions of these individuals reflect neither our principles nor our values, nor the sentiments of the University of California community. We will not allow the actions of a few to speak for this University. We denounce them.

    What's the likelihood of them issuing a correction or retraction?

  27. Hey, what do you gents think of the European Hispanics and their Vibrant and Colorful behavior last week?

    Most of the people in the video look Mestizo. Chile is majority-Mestizo.

  28. Maybe Prof. Constantine can help.

  29. Finding a noose at a UC campus in the middle of one of those little racial "outrage" kabuki performances that occur every now and then on university campuses is pretty much the same story as when a black woman claims to have been gang-raped by a group of white men. You can be very nearly 100% sure that this is an attempted hoax without even having to ask.

  30. As it happens, one of my friends attends UCSD. He told me about this when it happened, complete with a denunciation of the Compton Party thing (baggy cloths *and* fried chicken!). Shortly afterward, he got to the part about the noose.

    I immediately groaned and offered that it was probably done for sensationalism by people not even involved with the party. After taking the time to explain what I meant, and pointing to examples of where this has happened in the past, he finally agreed, adding helpfully, "yeah, a Mexican girl did it."

    The friend in question is Asian, which makes his reply all the more fun.

  31. Perhaps whites should vacate California en masse and have the state designated as some kind of -ism sanctuary.

    All the minorities, Muslims, gays, strident feminists and uber-liberals could live there in perfect harmony. No racism, sexism, homophobia, Crusaderism - paradise.

  32. What would non-Whites do without a White boogyman to blame all their own misfortunes upon?

  33. Hey, what do you gents think of the European Hispanics and their Vibrant and Colorful behavior last week?

    How "European" are they, anyway? I've seen it claimed in various places like Gawker that these were "Whites" doing the looting, but all the pics and footage I've seen show individuals with what appears to be non-trivial Amerind admixture.

  34. Instead of an apology there has been steady escalation and now the noose. So, what exactly will the excuses be for this cowardly act that brings up memories of the confederate KKK of the South in their attempts to keep slavery and the non-whites in fear? Is it that are uneducated, is it that their parents planted these seeds of hate, is it that they are live in fear because our President in the white house is not 100% white. This is what the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. These kids follow what their dullard leaders say, they listen to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards, they are young and dumb. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think?

  35. What's truly toxic is the climate of fear, paranoia, self-righteousness, jumping to conclusions, cowardice regarding non-white accusations and demands, and mindless witchhunting for 'evil white males' whenever these incidents' occur.

    And, why is hate necessarily a bad thing? Nothing is more natural than hatred. Politics is more about hatred than love. Every ism hates something. Hate is neither good nor bad. It is a part of life.

  36. What an amazing coincidence that this girl happened to accidentally leave her noose hanging at the library right when the Compton Cookout scandal was brewing.

  37. I have another Hoax:

    Institutional Racism

    It's pervasive, yet so embedded, that you'll probably never even notice it. Well, unless you're an African Studies professor.

  38. What would non-Whites do without a White boogyman to blame all their own misfortunes upon?

    See: Haiti

  39. "Chile is majority-Mestizo."

    Not exactly.

    "A study conducted by the University of Chile found that within the Chilean population 30% are white; the mestizo component of predominantly white ancestry is estimated at an additional 65%.[69] Other study of the University of Chile and other found a white majority that would exceed 60% to 90% of the Chilean population.[70][71][72]"

    "And, why is hate necessarily a bad thing? Nothing is more natural than hatred."

    Speak for yourself. It comes very unnaturally to me.

    "Institutional Racism

    It's pervasive, yet so embedded, that you'll probably never even notice it. Well, unless you're an African Studies professor."

    Or an HBD blogger.

  40. According to the NY Times, fewer than 2 percent of the students at UCSD are black. Obviously, virtually all of the knuckleheads riding the anti-white hysteria wave there are white, Asian and Latino. White folks have few allies. We need to keep that in mind: The NAM designation implies that Asians ride with us. They probably don't. I think they're increasingly likely to side with what they see as the winners: the multicultural masses. They'll join with the NAMs in picking the carcass of the white man. It may not be good long-term strategy, but people, even bright ones, have a difficult time thinking hard about the future. Many of the Jews
    I talk to have a hard time envisioning the dangers of Muslim immigration to the U.S.

    It's not surprising, but when the
    American Renaissance conference of suit-wearing nerdish "White Nationalists" gets cancelled because of death threats made to workers at the hotels scheduled to host it, virtually no news outlet would even pick up their press release. This despite the freedom of speech and assembly issues obviously in play. AmRen is radioactive. The noose bullshit, however, never gets old for the media despite its history of lame-ass hoaxes.

    Unfortunately, for the nascent American antifa that snuffed the conference, the issues AmRen raises: crime, race, mass immigration, Islamization of the West etc. aren't going anywhere. They will be picked up by a rougher crew that draws the correct conclusions from the AmRen debacle: even if your leader is rocking Armani and carries himself as though he is about to appear on "Meet the Press," the media and, therefore, the people will see you as Nazis that deserve to be suppressed.

  41. I have a challenge for the staff at UCSD and other like-minded folks when it comes to these 'campaigns':
    Try to use the following words to help make a popular phrase: boy, the, wolf, that, cried.

  42. Ha! Whites will be two percent of the population and we'll still hear about white supremacy holding the "people of color" back.

    Welcome to Zimbabwe and South Africa. Mugabe still rants against those evil whites and in South Africa the gov. is paranoid that any whites could get jobs and outperform blacks.

  43. The NAM designation implies that Asians ride with us. They probably don't. I think they're increasingly likely to side with what they see as the winners: the multicultural masses. They'll join with the NAMs in picking the carcass of the white man.


    Asian-American and Asians of the UC community in solidarity with black students at UCSD
    March 2, 2010 · Leave a Comment

    To: University of California

    We the undersigned, UC community members (alumni, faculty, students and staff) of Asian descent, stand in solidarity with all who are protesting the racist incidents at UCSD and, more importantly, the systemic forces that support such incidents. It is unacceptable for UC campuses to view the recruitment and support of black and especially African-American students as anything other than a top priority. UCSD should never have allowed its black student population to languish at 1.6% of the total student population and ought to have paid much better attention to students’ needs. The UC systemwide must take immediate and material action to improve the campus environments. We write as community members of Asian descent because we think it is particularly important for black students to know that they are supported by the group that is demographically the largest of the U.S. ethnic minority groups represented on UC campuses. We have common values and needs, and possess a history of African-American/Asian-American collaboration to draw upon, although this history is little publicized in the mainstream media. For example, African-Americans criticized anti-Chinese immigrant persecution in the late nineteenth century, and the Asian-American “yellow power” movement of the 1960’s worked in solidarity with African-American movements toward common goals. We call upon these traditions, together with a sense of urgency that is only commensurate to a society that has effectively abandoned the pursuit of social justice, and pledge to stand with black students in their time of need.

  44. What would non-Whites do without a White boogyman to blame all their own misfortunes upon?

    See: Haiti

    Haiti's the white devil's fault too. Try again.

  45. The NAM designation implies that Asians ride with us. They probably don't.

    Exactly right. Utsav Gupta, the UCSD student body president, has been at the lead of the denunciations etc. And just Google around for pictures of the demonstrations -- plenty of Asians, while only a few Uncle-Tim whites.

  46. CaptainRenault3/2/10, 3:12 AM

    "What's the likelihood of them issuing a correction or retraction?"

    I'm counting my Megamillions winnings already, heh heh heh.

  47. This past weekend there was a minor fiasco at my university when cotton balls were littered in front of the Black Culture Center on campus. I didn't even make the connection at first that this was an apparent "hate crime", but of course others immediately seized on the opportunity to grandstand.

    The cotton should be left in public view, “so every black on campus can recognize the hate crime,” Harrell said. “Every minority on campus should be offended, just as whites should be embarrassed.”

    ...“We are outraged. Our African-American students are outraged, our white students are outraged, our Asian students are outraged, our faculty and staff are outraged. It’s hard to figure out who would want to do something like this and what they were thinking.”

    The chancellor also sent out a mass email informing students that there will be a town hall meeting for those who have yet to get the outrage out of their systems.

    Anyway, I had just recently read about the UCSD incident before hearing about all this and couldn't help but wonder... Perhaps it's unlikely that something similar is going on here. My guess would be that it was simply some drunk students from the dorms across the street.

  48. they say that generals are always fighting the last war, but liberals are always marching in the last protest march. It's amazing how conservative the liberals have become.

  49. Truth,

    a lot of those people looked the original inhabitants.

  50. TH,

    sorry, skipped past your post.

  51. Starker, I could not have said it better myself. Not that that's saying much. Kudos anyway!


  52. I was in San Diego over the weekend while this whole sordid affair unfolded. It had all the elements of a "spontaneous demonstration" in the old USSR - the noose, the "racist" party, the sit-in of the chancellor's office, the chancellor's sycophantic statement of "concern," etc. What was even better was the way the credulous media bought into this whole charade - everything was taken at face value, without a shred of investigation. My initial response was that this was some sort of fraud akin to the "Duke rape hoax," but it seems that the media have learned nothing and, I suppose, never will.

  53. Not exactly.

    "A study conducted by the University of Chile found that within the Chilean population 30% are white; the mestizo component of predominantly white ancestry is estimated at an additional 65%.[69] Other study of the University of Chile and other found a white majority that would exceed 60% to 90% of the Chilean population.[70][71][72]

    If you are going to define everybody with more European than Amerindian ancestry as white, then Mexico is a white country, too. I repeat: Chile is majority-Mestizo, and so are the people in your video.

  54. A Google search turns up surprisingly little discussion about this incident, apart from a couple of endlessly repeated AP dispatches, and some lefty blogs that are still in full-attack mode.

  55. Truth, did you actually watch the news? It was rather comical. They kept cutting from white Chileans talking about their worries about the looting and their plans to defend their homes to mestizos actually doing the looting. I don't think it's evidence of the point you're trying to make.

  56. Wade Nichols3/2/10, 8:09 AM

    Get ready for the inevitable "noble lie" justifications of this incident - "It doesn't matter whether or not this is a hoax! People of color have to face a climate of hate and incidents of this nature every day of their lives! Blah blah blah...."

    Hey, what do you gents think of the European Hispanics and their Vibrant and Colorful behavior last week?

    Yeh, right Troof!

    If one of these Chileans discovered the cure for cancer, you'd be the first one on this board trumpeting the brilliance of "this genius scientist of color"!!

  57. re: American Renaissance conference

    As I understand it, hotels book Am Ren conf and then cancel after receiving threats from lefties, correct?
    Am Ren could transform this into a money maker. Book hotels and make them sign a cancellation addendum - one that pays Am Ren a heafty penalty.

  58. "Never let a crisis go to waste", sayeth Rahm Emmanuel.

    Looks like UCSD black student union followed Rahm's advice. They presented a list of "recommendations" ; Chancellor Marye Anne Fox agreed to them.

    This type hoax-then-reward behavior begets more of same.

  59. I don't think most white people realize that historically when groups are painted as evil and a moral outrage is generated against them (often 'justified' using historical 'facts') then the outcome is always the same - massacres and genocide. Good luck.

  60. re Truth's video.They look like Mexicans to me. There is a very scarey bit of "plumbers crack" at 1:02.

  61. What's truly toxic is the climate of fear, paranoia, self-righteousness, jumping to conclusions, cowardice regarding non-white accusations and demands, and mindless witchhunting for 'evil white males' whenever these incidents' occur.

    Toxic and delusional. At least the crank that claims to invent a time-machine is being honest in his delusions. The PC academics are doing much the same thing in a less than honest fashion. PC will never change the centuries of historical oppression of non-whites. It will only oppress the white people of today.

    And, why is hate necessarily a bad thing? Nothing is more natural than hatred. Politics is more about hatred than love. Every ism hates something. Hate is neither good nor bad. It is a part of life.

    I'd rather be at the receiving end of a little bit of good old- fashioned honest hate, than a lot of PC lib-left "brother-cannibal love".

    (Thanks, Ayn, for coining that useful phrase.)

  62. Don't forget the role of White women in all of this. Without the enthusiastic support of White women, the whole "Let's Get Evil White Males!" agenda would have been stalled.

    For example, the news media is largely staffed by women and consumed by women.

    White women, since the Sexual Revolution, are at eternal war with Beta Males. They just are. Beta White males for White Women to be happy need to "shut up" and take a last-place position in the multicultural hierarchy so that Affirmative Action can advance, not just "people of color" but White Women.

    As a related and critically important objective, all remaining White men in positions of authority are defacto Alpha. Men who exhibit leadership, social status, power, and aggressiveness. It makes sorting out Alpha/Beta so much easier.

  63. Truth, did you actually watch the news? It was rather comical. They kept cutting from white Chileans talking about their worries about the looting and their plans to defend their homes to mestizos actually doing the looting.

    That's exactly the message 'Truth' wants to send.

  64. Hunter said...This past weekend there was a minor fiasco at my university when cotton balls were littered in front of the Black Culture Center on campus.

    I'm embarrassed by the niggardly number of cotton balls that were left on the ground.

    Next outrageous offense: Sunlight on the Black Culture Center blocked by white clouds.

  65. (1) UCSD: A group of dumb white frat guys hold an event called a "Compton Cookout." This pisses people off as it used Black History Month as a reason to mock black people with racist stereotypes. Also involved is some idiot who tries to use this opportunity for shameless self-promotion, who also happens to be black. To say the least, the guy is basically a wannabe Flavor Flav.

    (2) UCSD: Another dumb white frat guy gets mad that blacks are offended of being relegated to a bigoted stereotype. He tries to hold another racist event.

    (3) UCSD: Meanwhile, a terrible student media publication (which, after viewing their website consists of all white staff, nudity, staff wrestling each other, and well, not much else), pushes their limits calling black students "ungrateful n------" - not just that word, but also that apparently the black students owed them something. They have a reputation of being trashy, and at this point, administration and faculty rush to condemn racism by students of the campus and various protests begin. Funding is also cut from all student media at UCSD, creating an extra bitter controversy.

    (4) UCSD: On Friday of that week, a noose is found in the library. Everything gets worked in a frenzy and - something I'll address later - a large amount of white commenter’s on the internet begin claiming that is was probably a black student who planted it in order to gain more sympathy. In addition, there are rumors of a threatening note sent to the Guardian and a second noose, there was no second noose, and the threat seems to be just a rumor.

    (6) UCSD: Protests basically happen at all schools in support of the students. There are various sit-ins, and teach-ins, and what have you. School administrators become pushed to be more active in fixing what’s going on.

    I have not seen this noose person, but most of you blame her and conveniently forget wear this all originated.

  66. We should treat hate crimes like farts; she who smelt it, probably dealt it.

  67. It seems the problem on the Left and among people of color is that there is too little white 'hate' that would justify their agendas, especially in elite places like universities--even lower-level universities.

    Even as the left and people-of-color rail against 'hate', they would be lost without it. So, they have to keep inventing white hate where there is none.
    It's like Ferris Bueller had to keep feigning sickness to skip school.
    Since there isn't enough of useful white hate around, it must be manufactured.
    Of course, the Left and people of color whine about unconscious or subtle 'racism', but that stuff just doesn't grab attention like the good ole 'hey n-word' kind. During the 50s and 60s, it was easy for MLK to march into any town with whites throwing bricks at him. Today, that sort of thing is hard to come by.

    I see the same thing among femmunists--more accurate than feminazis. Women are freer than ever, but for feminists to justify their hysteria they must find--or manufacture if not found--the danger of evil male misogyny. Even though feminists don't wanna be oppressed--and aren't--, they want to FEEL oppressed and convince others that they are oppressed. Since their 'empowerment' was based on victimhood, they cannot let go of victimhood even when they are no longer victims.

    Same was true of Christians. Though they were all-powerful during the Middle Ages and thereafter, they always acted like they were still living under Nero and being fed to lions. Though Christians had power over the Jews, Christians acted as if their Savior was being crucified by the Jews all over again.
    It's how the human mind works. If you've been rewarded by something, you never want to let it go.

  68. "And, why is hate necessarily a bad thing? Nothing is more natural than hatred."

    Speak for yourself. It comes very unnaturally to me.

    *spends hours of copious free time trolling blog comments, pouting*

  69. Here is the difference between blacks and whites. They mobilize, they have juice. The chancellor of UCSD is now going to appear at some black church in San Diego, with a black SD councilman, at an event organized in part by the National Council of Negro (sic) women. She will no doubt be pressured to establish mentoring programs, blah blah, all of which takes resources away from the student population in general and gives it to blacks. That is what this is all about.

    Where are the white parents and students countermobilizing. Yes, there are free speech advoactes like FIRE -- but while they will prevent punishment of the individual students, they won't prevent transfer of school resources, and perhaps admissions, to blacks from whites. And let's remember whites are underrepresented at this school.

    What needs to happen is something like American 3rd position. We nee organizations. We need to get out from behind the computer (I say as I write anonymously on the internet) . No question the intellectual stuff is important, but whites need to mobilize in 'meat space'.

  70. Whiskey, most white women don't actually support affirmative action strongly. The young urban ones all support abortion and gay marriage but I don't hear much talk about affirmative action. Most have white boyfriends, brothers, etc.

    Now I do think most white women hate beta males, at least subconsciously. But to the extent they support multiculturalism, they are impressionable and follow the media and what they perceive is the "winners". Kind of like Asians.

    If white males want to win Asians and white women, they need to start bringing weapons to the fight. Supporting easy causes like the FDNY would be a start.

  71. Who even knows how to tie a noose??

  72. It's how the human mind works. If you've been rewarded by something, you never want to let it go.

    Also the abovementioned groups are ones that need to have enemies in order to justify their own existence.

  73. If it's a noose, it's a hoax. Period. The noose is a symbol of the radical left. Ultrs - right wingers witha penchant toward intimidating blacks - a vanishing breed, anyway - have for gottten about lynchings.

  74. Madonna Constantine3/3/10, 8:26 AM

    It looks like this whole UCSD thing was set off by a guy named Jigaboo MF Jones who explains it on a local SD radio station. It was the 4th such "event" he has held in SoCal over the past few years.

    The library noose was a hoax by a hispanic woman as, most likely, the pillow case Klan hood.

    If these represent grevious hate crimes that are a serious threat to the peace in a multicultural society, then these hoaxes need to punished the same as if they were perpetrated by actual racists.

    In fact, these hoaxes create even more racial distrust and cause even more civil harm because they are premediatedly timed to coincide and maximize racial tensions and destroy social trust.

    If racists-creating hoaxsters continue to not only get away perpetuating such crimes but get rewarded, there will be no end to this socially destructive behavior.

  75. It must be great to be able to pull out the race card no matter what the facts are.

  76. How about we call it
    MASTUR-HATION, a case of minorities creating hate fantasies on their own for another fix of political orgasm?

    Of course, some white folks do this when it comes to crime. Susan Smith killed her own kids but said a black guy drove off with her car with her kids inside.

    And, some white guy in Boston shot his wife in the head, then shot himself in the belly, and then blamed it on imaginary blacks who supposedly shot him because they thought he was 'five-o'.

  77. Battle.Hate?

    How about, Battle.Ignorance?

    And by the way, Battle?

    These people are willing to fight an emotion; how willing are they to fight against muslims.

    Oops, I meant to say radical islamist.

    Oops, I meant to say terrorist.

  78. On Friday, February 26, KSHB TV did a story on a black serial rapist who appears to be targeting women in a primarily white area of Kansas City.

    Normally the media does not like to give descriptions, but this guy has raped 5 women in the last 3 months and the SWPLs are becoming hysterical. The news reports showed several SWPL women going out together in a show of solidarity and also attending self defense courses.

    Now after that story appeared, along with a composite drawing of the black suspect, it was followed by these 3 stories:

    1) 3 minutes devoted to KC area black men who feel they are being racially stereotyped because of this black rapist. Some of the interviewed men said they no longer go into the Waldo neighborhood for fear of being mistaken for the rapist.

    2) 2 minutes devoted to the story Hunter reported about the cotton balls being found at the University of Missouri.

    3) 2 minutes devoted to the noose being found at UCSD.

    It just appeared to be too orchestrated for me. It was like the local tv news had to balance the negative impact of the black serial rapist report with multiple stories of whites oppressing blacks.

    I am still waiting for KSHB to run the followup story that the noose was a hoax, but I doubt they will.

  79. "*spends hours of copious free time trolling blog comments, pouting*"

    Not bad for a virgin attempt Udo, but it's supposed to be comprised of 17 moras, you only have 15, and in a 5-7-5 configuration similar to so:

    Spends hours of
    Copious free time trolling
    blog comments, pouting.

    Get the technique down, bro, it's fun.

  80. How about we white folks spray paint "kill honkey" in every campus town and hold anti-anti-white marches?
    Nah, radical professors say that stuff all the time and get tenure.

  81. Perhaps whites should vacate California en masse and have the state designated as some kind of -ism sanctuary. All the minorities, Muslims, gays, strident feminists and uber-liberals could live there in perfect harmony. No racism, sexism, homophobia, Crusaderism - paradise.

    This is probably what it will come to. Given the growing population of minority students on these campuses, the odds will be mighty slim that anyone but a minority will be the initiator of "racist" incidents.

    Isn't it terrible when adults have so hyped race, for their own selfish reasons, that kids cannot goof off and do silly things? The black kids can't parody particular black social patterns and, Lord knows, no one else is allowed to do so.

    So, what exactly will the excuses be for this cowardly act that brings up memories of the confederate KKK of the South in their attempts to keep slavery and the non-whites in fear?

    I see you've swallowed the propaganda. As a black, I know that none of these depictions, be they nooses or whatever, bring up any kind of "memories" that you suggest. It is only when adults, that is, conniving blacks and whites, who make their living at instigating racial indignation, that young people feel coerced to pick up on this never-ending crusade. What kind of "memory" would any 19-year-old have of nooses? Without adult brainwashing, there would be no escalation of anger among the young. It is the adults who are determined to keep the young chained to anger over this stuff.

    And I bet that Mexican student who created the noose had no such negative notions in mind. It was nothing but a goof, the kind of thing that kids have done forever -- and will do forever. Her explanation doesn't sound off-the-wall to me.

    I didn't even make the connection at first that this was an apparent "hate crime", but of course others immediately seized on the opportunity to grandstand.

    Yes, the university President, or Chancellor, or Dean of Minority Affairs, etc., etc. -- they can't get enough of this stuff, and it's to their benefit to grandstand whenever the opportunity presents itself. I wouldn't be surprised if we were to learn that some of these disgraceful "mentors" actually help to stage these incidents.

  82. Whiskey is a hard-up Jewish beta who cannot accept the fact that bagging shicksas is not as easy as the sexual revolution concocted up by his elders was supposed to make it. Anybody know whether Roissy is Jewish? His schiksa banging and hatred of Germans shows.

  83. *spends hours of copious free time trolling blog comments, pouting*

    Oddest thing is how he can square the circle of whining about whiners with a straight face.

    Whites whining about (whatever T doesn't like them whining about)=losers

    Truth whining about them=winner.

  84. Svigor, my friend, I think that you have always missed the entire point;

    Losers whine about things, winners attempt to change them. IMHO, I'd say that this is universal. So the constant ongoing drone here...

    Blacks...A.A...Blacks...Jews...Blacks F'ing Bitches...Blacks....Blacks...Blacks. That is whining not changing.

    My attempt to CHANGE what I don't like you people doing is to bring it to your attention, and to force you to look in the mirror. One cannot change behavior he is unaware of. If one becomes aware of it and still choses to impotently whine....

  85. So Truth's word create CHANGE while everyone else words merely impotently WHINE?

    I haven't seen any concrete examples of change Obsidian has proposed. His MO is toss out a slanted question to raise ire and take pot shots from the behind the grassy knoll to anyone who offers concrete solutions.

    Most of his posts are a series of "but what would you do?... Hollar back" followed by critiques that are misinformed, fallacious, and willfully ignorant of the substantive answers he receives or critiques that expose his duplicity or ignorance.

    That's not CHANGE, that's more the of the same.

  86. Ha! Whites will be two percent of the population and we'll still hear about white supremacy holding the "people of color" back.

    Sort of a reverse cargo cult - we'll linger on their collective memory, like Grendel, or Homer's Cyclops, or Ba'al.

  87. What would non-Whites do without a White boogyman to blame all their own misfortunes upon?

    See: Haiti


    [You're not the one who refused to send donations to Haiti because they would squander it on Zombies - are you?]

  88. Same was true of Christians. Though they were all-powerful during the Middle Ages and thereafter, they always acted like they were still living under Nero and being fed to lions. Though Christians had power over the Jews, Christians acted as if their Savior was being crucified by the Jews all over again.

    What in the world are you talking about?!?

  89. I'm glad others are starting to object to this "Non Asian Minority" term, which falsely implies that Asians are on our side.

  90. What happened to my post about cunning adults who incite young people to engage in protests over racial issues? What was wrong with it?

  91. "His MO is toss out a slanted question to raise ire and take pot shots from the behind the grassy knoll to anyone who offers concrete solutions."


  92. As I understand it, hotels book Am Ren conf and then cancel after receiving threats from lefties, correct?


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