March 10, 2010

The Nice White Lady's Burden

Newsweek explains in "Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers" that:
It takes a certain kind of teacher to succeed at a KIPP school or at other successful charter programs, like YES Prep. KIPP teachers carry cell phones so students can call them at any time. The dedication required makes for high burnout rates. It may be that teaching in an inner-city school is a little like going into the Special Forces in the military, a calling for only the chosen few.

Thank God we only have a few inner city school children for those chosen few Special Forces teachers to teach. If there were a lot of inner city school children, then we might have a problem. Fortunately, there's nothing to worry about.

In totally unrelated news, from the AP:
Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

In fact, demographers say this year could be the "tipping point" when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

Oh ... so, maybe the scale of the problem requires more than a chosen few Special Forces teachers. It sounds like we're going to need Cannon Fodder teachers.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Direct quote from an Ed School classmate:

    Is it just me, or does everyone have at least one year in high school with a racist, right-wing Social Studies teacher who begs for the return of the America they grew up in, one that hasn’t been ruined by immigrants and Democrats? Teachers like [that] should be fired and arrested.

  2. This story is more than a month old, but the topic is not unrelated to e.g. 'affordable family formation', which you have previously written about:

    From the NYT: As Layoffs Surge, Women May Pass Men in Job Force

    And the author is very easy on the eyes.

  3. If you were buying Treasury-bills (lending money to the United States), would you want to keep doing so after learning that hispanics and blacks were going to surpass whites and be the majority of the American population?

    Would you be confident that you were going to be paid back? Me either.

  4. It sounds like we're going to need Cannon Fodder teachers.

    You keep writing sentences like that, and they're gonna fire you from your National Review gig.

    Oh, wait...

  5. I have heard this repeated over and over. Teaching in an inner city school is just to difficult. If you are a nice middle class person, it is very hard to relate to people who values are so different than your values are. I think you get to the point where you just want to get away from it and teach children who are more like you.

  6. "part of a historic trend",,,,

    NOT AT ALL TRUE. Its happening because of unwanted immigration foisted upon us by the elites.

  7. Not just the Nice White Lady's Burden.

    The Nice Black Lady's too.

    And so it goes on, for some time I might add, the kids leaping and dancing, Mrs Lunatic descending further and further into pure psychosis, and me thinking I'm soon about to join her. In the end, our local PC comes to help. While he is talking to Mrs Lunatic, I find Embarrassed and take her out of her lesson.

    'Would you like someone to help your mum and take her in an ambulance so that you don’t have to be concerned at home anymore?'

    Amazingly, Embarrassed says yes – she wants our help – which is highly unusual. Kids never admit that their families need outside help. Worried about the welfare of the children, we call social services.

    And what do they say?

    'We’re sorry to hear of this but I’m afraid the man in charge of that section is out to lunch at the moment, so you’ll have to ring back.'

    Out to LUNCH? Is this really happening? Come on! This has to be a joke! At this moment, I'm utterly convinced that I'm on some kind of comedy TV programme. This can’t possibly be real…

    But then I remember... LUNCH! Oh yes, yet another day, when I haven't had the time for lunch… And lunch is nearly over now...

    I look at my watch. Damn! I have to teach in five minutes! I charge back into the office and grab my things. As I do, a gaggle of boys is coming down the corridor. Looks like the aftermath of a fight. God Damn!! I look at Miss Reliable who sighs.

    'Get someone else! Get someone else to sort this one!' I shout.

    Miss Reliable looks at me, pleadingly. 'But why? Where are you going?'

    'I’m going to TEACH!' I laugh. 'Funnily enough, sometimes we teachers do some TEACHING around here!'

    Miss Reliable laughs, grabbing the phone to find 'someone else' and off I run... to a classroom... to mop up all of the above later on... Thank goodness for that 'someone else'.

    Such is my life. Such is the life of a teacher in inner London. I'm not sure it is a life I signed up for, but one thing's for sure, in teaching, one never looks at the clock waiting for it to tick. Instead, we count the days until half term. We literally crawl towards that Friday, exhausted, battered and bruised.

  8. In today's military, Special Forces means 'no chicks, old school military unit'. They include most of the Marine Corpe. Over a million of them. Meanwhile the chick units are degraded halfway to militia.

    Some equivalent with teachers?

  9. Nice white women are probably not the best people to be teaching in inner city schools in the first place. I can't imagine they would generally command much respect.

  10. Why even bother any more?

  11. In fact, demographers say this year could be the "tipping point" when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites.

    Ah, no it doesn't work that way.

    WHITE women are giving birth to non-White babies in record numbers.

    We don't need to wait for "minority" mothers to give birth to non-White kids. White women like Stanley Ann Dunham, Madonna, Heidi Klum, Laura Dern, the mothers of Apolo Anton Ohno, Hallie Berry and 100,000s of no names are doing it just fine.

    Add to that the White female's never ending love of adopting non-White Third World kids.

  12. It won't be long for the Democrats have a lock on almost all of the national political offices. When that happens, they must believe, they can without obstruction dictate the direction of this country. In other words, the country as it was and intended to be by the founders, is finished. Of course, the lefties can't admit this before we really do reach that point of no return. We're not quite there yet, but watching it slip through our hands will be painful.

  13. The worse, the better! Lenin didn't realize he was talking about socialism itself. Little cracks are beginning to appear. Paleoconservatives and HBDers dislike No Child Left Behind for different reasons than the left, but it's a necessary waypoint for the American public on the road to sanity. Reality eventually impresses itself on the most resistant mind.

  14. "Newsweek explains in "Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers" that:

    The dedication required makes for high burnout rates. It may be that teaching in an inner-city school is a little like going into the Special Forces in the military, a calling for only the chosen few."

    So these teachers will be like Green Berets, organizing the Montagnards in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

    And that worked so well, too.

    I would quibble with one sentence in your post, Steve: "Newsweek explains in....". Newsweek never explains anything, they just parrot the latest reigning liberal establishment nonsense.

  15. Don't worry Steve and Garland. Immigration of low-skill people from south of the border will kill the US of old.

    Isn't it funny that China does not have those problems, but it does have lots of people who can be educated in high-tech ways.

  16. I love "Cannon Fodder teachers". It's like something out of Bonfire of the Vanities and every bit as funny as "Gladwellian".

    THere's no doubt that the mindset which permits the voluntary assumption of such a burden is a mental disorder. I knew there was no hope for any cure when I read about Nobel Prize winner, Nadine Gordimer, being robbed at age 83 in SA by young thugs and responding not with anger but with sympathy for the robbers' lack of lawful job opportunities. This is the typical response of nice white ladies (and their male counterparts), incredible as it may seem to rational persons.

    On a related note, my husband enjoys what is apparently an uncommon amount of freedom from spousal demands. I seldom lay down the law in wifely fashion, as so many other women of our acquaintance do. But I have told him in no uncertain terms that he is NEVER to help any nice white ladies, no matter how dire the straits in which they find themselves. They are winnowing themselves out (though at a tiresomely slow rate) and I won't let him interfere with a process that can only have a positive outcome for the rest of us. Luckily, they wear their niceness and their whiteness like badges of honor so they aren't hard to detect.

  17. "Is it just me, or does everyone have at least one year in high school with a racist, right-wing Social Studies teacher who begs for the return of the America they grew up in, one that hasn’t been ruined by immigrants and Democrats? Teachers like [that] should be fired and arrested."

    Yeah, those are the teachers that told students that they didn't lock their doors when they were kids because crime was so low.

  18. happy teacher3/11/10, 8:33 AM

    Boy, Im sure glad Im a little-state white liberal living in a small, snow white suburb so I dont have to worry about all these problems. I say, amnesty NOW! As long as they only live in western and southern states, because I want my well-paid, easy teaching job to stay that way.

  19. Perhaps bad students, the physically disruptive ones, should be fired. If working conditions were more attractive a better grade of person might consider teaching as a career. Otherwise you just get the more desperate types who don't think they can make it elsewhere, hence it becomes a downward spiral. As Mr. Sailer has pointed out, bad students = bad schools. That's to the point and conforms to observed reality. The crux of this school/teacher issue is really about the incapability of blacks and mestizos, isn't it? It's been a long term issue and looks to increase. All-white environments in schooling, while not perfect, have been doable. So-called multi-cult ones invariably bog down.I wouldn't sacrifice any child I cared about on the altar of PC.

  20. The article makes reference to a “tipping point” for minority births, however the reality is that it is the tipping point for America’s future. The 89% Caucasian majority of the past will never return and America is doomed to a permanently heterogenous society. With that comes a splintered culture and endless racial tensions. Already, political correctness has crushed the First Ammendment. I have to say I have nothing but pessimism for your country’s future.

  21. Our mainstream media and political parties are unwilling to concede that 10s of millions of our mestizo residents and African Americans are functionally illiterate and innumerate due, not to personal failures, but by discrimination, and that their shortcomings contributed to our current financial crisis.

    Liberal Education Secretary Arne Duncan is here to root out the wrong-doers.

    Smart money investors are such because they have either privileged information or view available information from a perspective most of us are unwilling to see. The Associated Press, the New York Times and the Obama Administration certainly does not want our problem's source seen.

    This does not bode well for our domestic stock market and capital formation. I fear we can soon look forward to American capital and intellectual flight abroad.

  22. It amazes me that some White people hate their own kind so much they can't wait to be outnumbered by people who have a strong racial solidarity (Hispanics).

    I don't have this mental illness so it hard to imagine what's it like.

  23. Gotta love this part of that AP article:

    "The numbers highlight the nation's growing racial and age divide, seen in pockets of communities across the U.S., which could heighten tensions in current policy debates from immigration reform and education to health care and Social Security."

    Isn't it great that we now a new "racial divide" in America that "heightens tensions" in our policy debates. Aren't the architects of mass immigration the greatest leaders we've ever had?

    Let's all wake up. The US Government is now attacking its own citizens with assorted vicious divide & conquer strategies.

    The US Gov actually wants the heightened racial "tensions" in this society. The US Gov deliberate caused the problem and now they are getting into position to introduce their "solution" ...

    Permanent War On Terror

    National biometric id cards

    Body scanners

    Hate speech laws

    Total Information Awareness

  24. Okinawan Irishman3/11/10, 11:47 AM

    Or how about stern Asian task masters, will they make good flak catchers? The fun is just beginning!

  25. Nice White Ladies? What about Samuel L. Jackson in the movie 187?

  26. This one statistic seals the fate of America. All the brilliant proposed solutions in the world are so much futility in the face of the coming army of dull normals.

  27. "We need more minority teachers!" "We need better teachers!" Pick A or B, but you can't have both.

    Just like with firefighters.

  28. Inner-city public school teachers as you've noted are unfairly blamed for not doing the impossible and teaching their students calculus and expository writing.

    In fact, for the average ghetto kid, school teachers are the only forces attempting to instill middle-class American values on him. At one point we also had wholesome TV programming, but that is a distant memories outside of PBS. The multinational corporations are happy to instead feed kids hip hop music and TV shows.

    Teachers didn't create the demographic problem they face daily, but they provide examples that if you "act white" and stay out of trouble you have a chance at stable job. Discipline in schools may not be ideal, but it does exist together with encouragement of good behavior.

    Having kids of teenage welfare moms spend 7 hours a day with "nice white ladies" may not be enough to prepare them for college work, but it is crazy to think it doesn't do them a lot of good. Also, the "nice black ladies" who also teach at bad schools are overwhelmingly church-going disciplinarians and also provide good social examples.

    The corporatist libertarians who dominate the conservative media prefer to focus on the rare nutcase and incompetent.

  29. To be honest, I don't have much sympathy for the inner-city school teachers. Most teachers are liberals, so it's only fitting that they have to deal with the consequences of their ideology.

  30. Just like with the export problem (which Obama's WS handlers are responsible for), BO will call out another 5-year plan to solve the inner city school problem. That should do it. We all know from history that 5-year plans work perfectly.

  31. Anon experience in Europe and with Bush and Obama says that the more restrictive actions by government on personal liberty, the more supine the surrender to Jihad and Islamist terror you find.

    In Britain you can quite literally go to jail for putting the wrong trash in the recycle bins, and many resources including investigators and cameras are devoted to doing that. Meanwhile preachers openly preach Jihad in public, harass British soldiers in medical wards, and plot terror. The FT had a quote from Dame Manningham-Buller who said that she would never condone "torture" no matter how many lives it cost.

    The Nanny State surrenders, completely and absolutely, to Jihad or La Raza or anything non-White.

    Basically, we are coming to a boiling point, as in the Netherlands, or other places. White populations cannot look upon their virtual extinction with equanimity, nor being a discriminated against minority in a deep, lasting recession.

    I believe there would be great support, for a pure spoils politics approach of kicking illegals and their children out, stripping them of citizenship, to make say Health Care dollars go farther. By provoking a naked spoils fight over this issue breaking down along racial lines ...

    In a deep and seemingly permanent recession, Obama has done the impossible. Slowly, imperfectly made the GOP the White persons' party. Though Lindsay Grahamnesty must go (he's proposing Grahamnesty again, the horror of his constituents).

  32. Nice white women are probably not the best people to be teaching in inner city schools in the first place. I can't imagine they would generally command much respect.


    However, nice white (and Asian) women would make good teachers for smart middle+ class kids, and half-decent mentors for super-smart kids.

  33. Josuah Lawrence Chamberlain3/11/10, 2:39 PM

    When will the US population stop growing..magically at one billion? Magical thinking.

    Where is the water gonna come from? The Ogalla aquifer? Colorado river?

    Think of all the natural amenities we are gonna lose folks.

    What is unfolding is a catastrophe...this is an understatement.

    I suppose it's only a matter of time before a mosque or a Hindu temple will built on the Gettysburg battlefield.

    What were the justification for all of this?

  34. people who have a strong racial solidarity (Hispanics)

    The good news, I suppose, is that your statement is not true. Hispanics don't have display racial solidarity, and are not even a "race." "Hispanics" includes whites, indians, blacks, and all nature of racial mixing. It's a cultural designation. And one only has to look at the fragmented violent internal histories of practically every Latin American country to see how little "racial solidarity" these people have. True racial solidarity actually requires intelligence, cooperation and the ability to defer personal gratification for the good of the group. Koreans have it, Jews have it, Armenians have it, even Greeks and Turks have it. But NAMs, as a rule, don't. Maybe enough to beat up a white guy on the bus, but almost never enough to really organize politically or economically.

  35. Is it just me, or does everyone have at least one year in high school with a racist, right-wing Social Studies teacher who begs for the return of the America they grew up in, one that hasn’t been ruined by immigrants and Democrats? Teachers like [that] should be fired and arrested.

    No, but I had plenty of reverse racist left-wing teachers who ranted on and on about the evils of white colonialism in the Third World, and how the world was ruined by whitey, and how all us young white males need to sacrifice everything to redress the balance.

    Old farts like that should be deported to Africa, since they love that place so much - and all their union-provided wealth forcibly redistributed from their fat white wallets to the noble African people.

  36. As the demographics change, so will the political balance in the US. The non-white groups will demand everything be apportioned according to their proportion of the population, not whether they've earned it. They will want a spoils system based on group membership.This will inevitably lead to conflict. Lebanon of the 70's-80's comes to mind. Regression to third world standards of living in housing, crime, law enforcement, education, science, etc seems inevitable. Schooling for the children may not be the most pressing issue in 40 years; survival as a viable cultural group might top the list. It's sad, the generous inheritance of the founding fathers has been squandered by the short sighted people who came later and sold it off.

  37. The Cato Institute reports that public schools actually spend more per student than they report.

    "To document the phenomenon, this paper reviews district budgets and state records for the nation's five largest metro areas and the District of Columbia. It reveals that, on average, per-pupil spending in these areas is 44 percent higher than officially reported.

    "Real spending per pupil ranges from a low of nearly $12,000 in the Phoenix area schools to a high of nearly $27,000 in the New York metro area. The gap between real and reported per-pupil spending ranges from a low of 23 percent in the Chicago area to a high of 90 percent in the Los Angeles metro region."

  38. Here is the future in a minority-majority America…poverty.

    STUDY: Women Of Color Age 36-49 Have Median Wealth Of Just $5

    The study, "Lifting As We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth, and America's Future," found that while the median net worth of single white women ages 36-49 is $42,600 -- 61 percent of the median wealth for same-aged, single white men -- single women of color in the same age group have a median wealth of just $5.

    Black and Hispanic women are also drastically worse off in a broader age bracket, with nearly half of single black and single Hispanic women ages 18-64 reporting zero or negative wealth (46 percent and 45 percent, respectively), compared with 23 percent of single white women, according to the report.
    The financial situations of single women of color are so precarious, the study found, that just one unpaid sick day or appliance repair would send about half of them into debt.

  39. Sort of related, the 'outrage' of the 3 white (or so the papers tell us) teachers suspended for having their charges carry pictures of OJ, Dennis Rodman and RuPaul during a Black History Month [tm] procession. The 'incident' caused more black and minority Outrage{tm].

    No pictures, or specific ID available yet. The LAT ed board says the three 'have a reputation as pranksters', though they don't share how they know this. I have some plausible theories, but I'm going with these were three 'teach for America' kids who were sick of the program and wanted out. I mean, how many white people are teaching in South Central Schhols. Alternately, they might be old veterans who saw all those Times articles about teachers being paid to sit home and call in twice a day and thought -- man, that sure beats dealing with Ramón, Maria, Tyrone, and LaTeesha all day.

    As an aside to an aside, can you imagine if we had white kids parade with pictures of great and acomplished White Americans?

  40. The nice white lady teachers I met in my mother's group who taught in heavily Hispanic minority school districts Anaheim and Santa Ana liked teaching there because, and I quote, "the parents didn't bother them". The canon fodder doesn't mind being cannon fodder.

  41. Nice White Ladies? What about Samuel L. Jackson in the movie 187?

    Or ... Cartmenez

  42. The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years.

    If by immigration they mean sneaking across the border, sure.

  43. Do people really think a less than 50% White US is going to pay their social security checks when they retire? Why would La Raza politicians give money to old Gringos?


    The above is from Denninger's website. Look for and read the poster, Sharon's comments. Un-freakin-believable. As is Denninger, the man is a one man wrecking crew against TBTB in regards to the financial fraud from the Banksters. Yet, the man never, ever mentions race, he will occasionally bash illegal immigrants. And absolutely no mention of HBD.

  45. The point about resource constraints is a valid one. Oil shocks, food shocks, huge natural disasters, wars, and so on can be extremely disruptive and cause massive and sudden declines in income, security, and so on.

    So, the trend of cross-racial births by White women, the nice White Lady's burden, women's appetite for increased non-White immigration, legal or illegal, and so on is not limitless nor is it necessarily linear.

    Say for example something happens to spike oil up to $300 a barrel (recall it peaked at $147 in 2008). External pressures, maybe a widespread civil war in Nigeria, earthquakes in Indonesia, war in the ME.

    The easiest way for even SWPL yuppies to avoid trailer park city (they'd rather die) is to kick out all illegals or "could be illegals." Bare naked spoils politics. It goes both ways.

    We tend to overestimate how robust our global economic system really is. IMHO, it is more fragile and subject to shocks than we think, and the globalization increases not decreases risks. For example, nearly all flat panel LCDs are manufactured in South Korea only. If something happens there, no flat panels. Similar to the flood in the one plant making Eggo Waffles. Which has left them in short supply at best, or non-existent.

  46. DEEP undercover3/11/10, 8:31 PM

    How the world turns! I once spoke with a black public school administrator who waxed lyrical over how a neighboring school was virtually all Hispanic, so they have less problems and can teach in ways that are culturally relevant, &c., &c.

    I swallowed the urge to ask whether Brown vs. Board, (or indeed humans' worldwide distribution) should be seen in the same light.

  47. One choice for this country would be some sort of partition. You could still have a number of relatively unpopulated whiteopias adjacent to more industrialized and multicultural countries.

    As in Europe, the more homogenous whiteopias would have better human development scores and less crime, higher per capita incomes and but far smaller GDPs.

    The Northeast and New England would no longer be beholden to the South and California could finally embrace its Latin American destiny.

    The elites in this country are a cynical lot who have little hope for the future of this country. And the youth, if anything, are even more pessimistic.

    Power relations would alter. I can see California and Quebec and Mexico in some sort of alliance against the relatively wealthier anglo states.

    But the whiteopias could go their own irenic ways.

    To the future then, if it all!

  48. Blogger Thrasymachus said...

    The worse, the better! Lenin didn't realize he was talking about socialism itself.

    But Karl Marx did ...

    This reminds me of that Communist phase originally attributed to Uncle Karl.

    "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

    To which the smart aleck response is:

    “Is there any better way to get people to minimize their abilities and maximize their needs?” (borrowed from David Thompson)

    This naturally led to: "So long as the bosses pretend to pay us, we will pretend to work."

  49. Toadal wrote:
    "I fear we can soon look forward to American capital and intellectual flight abroad."
    There will be no where to go. The same sort of thing is happening in all western countries.

    For example:

  50. "It may be that teaching in an inner-city school is a little like going into the Special Forces in the military, a calling for only the chosen few."

    But why? I can't imagine why an "inner-city" school would be so bad. Color me confused.

  51. @There will be no where to go. The same sort of thing is happening in all western countries.

    For example:

    Canada's immigration profile is much better than America's consists mainly of Asians. The Chinese are basically wealthy Hong Kong Chinese who bought their way in and established residences.

    The Indians are of a better quality than the initial wave - clearly better educated, better nourished and with higher IQs than the original settlement of Punjabi farmers. A loquacious lot that a big future in Canadian politics.

  52. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain3/12/10, 5:01 AM


    Great post. The US should have remained labor self-sufficient and manufactring self-sufficient. If it had. White Americans would still 90 percent of the US population and the real wage would be much higher. Labor scarcities never should be uses to make the case for making White Americans a racial minority.

    The main reason that the US will break up into multiple overpopulated cesspools is the low-wage labor policies of the Republican and Democratic parties

    You don't even hear Republican and Democratic politicians yapping about a high wage economy anymore. Robert Reich used to give lip service to it whenhe was labor secretary. It was all a lie.

    Very soon the White American population will expereince the full consequences of being a racial minority and destruction of the ecological amenities..The US population will probably hit a billion in our life can't snap your fingers and say stop growing at a billion.At least 500 million more nonwhites wil be added to the US..which will no longer exist unless drastic action is taken in the next ten years.

  53. "Is it just me, or does everyone have at least one year in high school with a racist, right-wing Social Studies teacher who begs for the return of the America they grew up in, one that hasn’t been ruined by immigrants and Democrats? Teachers like [that] should be fired and arrested."

    Ha! I'm kind of that guy! Altough, I'm too young to remember when America had a decent future.

  54. "anon said...

    assimilation. america should assimilate the minority population culturally before its too late. names like mary instead of monisha."

    Whites not longer name their daughters "Mary". Instead, they name her "Kylie", but spelled with two z's and an ampersand.

    The only people who give their kids traditional western names anymore are Chinese Americans.

  55. @Anonyamous
    Indo-Canadian politicians? You mean like this pair?

    As for the Chinese-Canadians, their birth rate is even lower than whites, and they are expected to decrease as a portion of the population in the coming years.

    Quebec, which bizarrely has control over its own immigration, is busy importing people from Haiti and Rwanda, since they speak French.

  56. Studying demographics assuming some dynamic variables and others static is not realistic. Assuming the current and next generation of white youth will be as soft headed on race is not a certainty. The most likely conclusion is a powershift back out to the states and a "rump" USA fedgov presiding over a few remaining social program. White familie may send their sons to fight for GWB but generally I don't see this being the same for a full blown multi-racil fedgov.

  57. I doubt Whiskey's right about the GOP having become a white people's party (at least not in any fun sense), but he's right about the trend. We're obviously on a vector toward a critical loss of government legitimacy and, therefore, consent of the governed, among whites. Any doom and gloom scenario should include this fact.

  58. True racial solidarity actually requires intelligence, cooperation and the ability to defer personal gratification for the good of the group. Koreans have it, Jews have it, Armenians have it, even Greeks and Turks have it. But NAMs, as a rule, don't. Maybe enough to beat up a white guy on the bus, but almost never enough to really organize politically or economically.

    This is so true, points for you. I just laugh at HBDers, RRs, and WNs who assert black collectivism and how it's just naturally higher than that of whites. Superdome, anyone?

  59. We don't need to wait for "minority" mothers to give birth to non-White kids. White women like Stanley Ann Dunham, Madonna, Heidi Klum, Laura Dern, the mothers of Apolo Anton Ohno, Hallie Berry and 100,000s of no names are doing it just fine.

    You forgot Alicia Keyes, abandoned by her black dad and raised by her white mom--Alicia Keyes who believes the racist government killed "Biggie 'n Tupac."

  60. More minority babies than white babies? Wow. Kinda over now innit?

    This battle should have been waged 30 years ago, not now.

    Imagining a "resistance" is fantasy.

    1) Most whites in this country are descendants of opportunistic forebears who came from the fringe European countries (Ireland, Sicily in Italy) to make a little extra money.

    2) Unlike a man from the British midlands or an Indian from the Gangetic plain, he cannot claim to have settled ancestors for 10,000 years or more. The land was pilfered.

    3) There is no culture to fight for here.In terms of the cherished traditions the author of this blog thought he could pass down to his progeny, the only thing that came to his mind was the Ramones!

  61. "One choice for this country would be some sort of partition. You could still have a number of relatively unpopulated whiteopias adjacent to more industrialized and multicultural countries"

    If I remember correctly, I think even Gore Vidal wrote an article about breaking America up like you mention. I wouldn't mind it.

  62. RE "As the demographics change, so will the political balance in the US. The non-white groups will demand a.... spoils system based on group membership...."
    I don't think this will happen to the extent we think. The spoils system was a real problem in the days of Tammany Hall and at that time the political sector lost out to the business elite due to relaxation of political contribution laws. Just recently we have seen the total relaxation of such laws enacted by the Supreme Court and inappropriately reviled by Obama at the State of the Union speech.
    This decision was done to ensure the racial composition change in USA doesn't render the political system so dysfunctional we can only look forward to governments such as in Detroit, Baltimore, and DC.
    Foreign Corporations who are now our creditors are getting their way; they will not lend to a State careening into third world chaos.


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