April 29, 2010

Eating your cake and having it, too

From the Washington Post:
In a January poll by the Pew Research Center, 53 percent of white people said Obama is "mixed race" and 24 percent said he is black. In contrast, 55 percent of black people said Obama is black and 34 percent said he is mixed.

When filling in his Census form, President Obama passed up the opportunity to check two boxes, and only checked "Black."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Good! One drop and you're purged!

  2. Steve Sailer said: "When filling in his Census form, President Obama passed up the opportunity to check two boxes, and only checked 'Black'."

    Yep, Stanley Ann joined Madelyn under the bus. No doubt his mother would have approved his repudiating his white ancestry, even though it meant including her out.

    She and that Amanda Kijera are out of the same mold.

  3. He really should have marked it as liberal Jewish. And Bush II should have marked it as neocon Jewish.

  4. In a January poll by the Pew Research Center, 53 percent of white people said Obama is "mixed race" and 24 percent said he is black. In contrast, 55 percent of black people said Obama is black and 34 percent said he is mixed.

    And the other 23%/11% haven't seen him or don't know who he is?

  5. Speaking of cakes, some might call him a ho-ho--black on the outside, white on the inside.

    I think he's more of a yogurt raisin. Light on the outside, black on the inside.

  6. Actually, the correct saying is, "Eating your cake and having it, too."

  7. @ben, "And the other 23%/11% haven't seen him or don't know who he is?"

    For Whites, 18% said 'Both or Neither', and 5% 'Don't know or Refused'. Blacks were 8% and 3%, respectively.

    The full report is here (it's Q.63, detailed near the end of the report - you can just search in the file for "Q.63"):

  8. Actually, the correct saying is, "Eating your cake and having it, too."Actually, the correct saying is, "Eating your cake and having it, too."

    Thanks for that John, never knew that. It makes more sense in that order. After all, whats the point in having a cake and not eating it?

    I love cake!

    *pats ever expanding gut*

  9. Your census form is supposed to be highly confidential. So, how did this information get out?

  10. Politicians are on your team. Whatever team, they're on it. Rah.

  11. Pat Benatar had a song called "Sex As A Weapon". It seems to be prescient with regards to the Dear Leader;his(His?) white genes being mere devices to more easily allow him to move forward toward his goal of "empowering" the black race. Yup the old boy was--for once--being honest when he checked the box!

  12. He should mark the box as American.

  13. Stanley Ann would approve. She would check the black box too. Or at least check the "other" box.

    "They are NOT my people!"

  14. We are not their people.

    They call us "the enemy."


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