May 5, 2010

"How an Ordinary American Became a Terror Suspect"

From the Toronto Globe and Mail:
How an Ordinary American Became a Terror Suspect
Man arrested in Times Square bomb plot was born into elite Pakistani family

 No comment.


  1. Sherlock Holmes, call your office, we have a mystery here.

    Oh wait, he had troubles with his mortgage- the housing crisis strikes again!

  2. couchscientist5/5/10, 4:30 PM

    The whole story was about how some muslim guy turned out to be a terrorist...From the title, I thought it was about how an ordinary American became a terrorist.

  3. To answer a question posited by the Globe and Mail, Canada's premier gatekeeper newspaper, they psychology behind his choice is very simple. The ideology of Islamic fundamentalism is agressive, forward looking and certain. In contrast, those entrusted with promulgating the ideology of western civilization (the media, academia and the educational system) are craven, apologetic and addled with doubt and self-loathing. All things being equal, which choice would you expect an energetic young man to take?

    The fact that he is the privileged son of a vice air marshal reminds me of nothing more than the sons of the Roman aristocracy who chose militant Christianity over the Roman gods that nobody believed in any more.

    As G. K. Chesterton once said, "the problem with atheism is not so much that you believe in nothing, but that you believe in anything."

  4. another highly educated, highly intelligent muslim who decided one day that the most important thing in the whole entire world is killing americans.

    american politicians, both conservative and liberal, seem to think that muslim terrorists just don't understand what they are doing, or are poor and uneducated people with no future who got talked into blowing themselves up. this is often exactly backwards. frequently they know exactly what they are doing, and they have deliberately ended their successful careers for a chance to kill americans.

    indeed, many of the muslim terrorists have degrees from american universities. and not just undergraduate degrees. some of these guys are MDs or PHDs.

    this idea that muslims will quickly stop trying to kill us if we simply provide them a better education or a helpful hand showing them how much better the american way of life is, seems to be disproven on a fairly regular basis. many of these guys know america, they've lived in america, they have degrees from american universities. and they'd still like to kill us.

    denial by american leaders on this issue is like denial by modern american educrats on the subject of what to do about black americans. despite all evidence, they continue to claim all we need to do is educate them better, and they'll turn into engineers and scientists.

  5. Harry Baldwin5/5/10, 5:41 PM

    Isn't everybody an ordinary American now, really? I mean, look at Faisal Shahzad: he jogged, had a Facebook page, and probably watched TV and ate fast food. That would more than satisfy President Bush's criteria.

  6. And he was brought to America to do the IT work which, supposedly, Americans just won't do.

  7. Just your average Joe Schmoe.

  8. 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack masterminds - WASHINGTON: Emerging profiles of Pakistani expatriates Tahawwur Hussain Rana and Daood Gilani a.k.a. David Headley, the two principal accused in a transcontinental terror plot, show they belonged to elite Pakistani families rooted in the military and the diplomatic world, far removed from the clichéd image of indigent madrassa recruits that is often associated with
    Pakistani terrorism

    But it now emerges that while both Rana and Gilani migrated to the west in their teens, they retain considerable influential family connections in Pakistan. Two of Rana’s brothers are said to be serving officers in the Pakistan army; and Gilani’s pedigree is as privileged - he is the son of a now deceased diplomat Saleem Gilani.

  9. chesterton didn't really say that - its an attribution.

    I am sure its OUR fault this 'ordinary' "american" became a terrorist -racist christian whites made him feel left out. Yes sir, nothing to do with oh, our middle east policy- its the tea party people.

  10. The title of the article brings to mind a phenomenon that Lawrence Auster often points out - where some illegal alien who commits a crime is described as "An Indianapolis man", or "A Boston cab driver", as if some guatemalan or somali were a hoosier or was born and bred in Bean Town. Its is a dishonest tactic - which is exactly what the news media is these days - fundamentally dishonest.

  11. A lie this big and prominent reeks of desperation; the paper is losing confidence in its power to persuade. It's a good sign.

  12. Surely that is wrong.

    The standard narrative is that the poor downtrodden masses are where the terrorists come from.

    Something is wrong with the narrative!

  13. The thing these guys have in common is that each is half the man his father was. Yes, they all have bigshot dads and fancy "educations." But they're all schlubs. Each is disappointing to his folks and unhappy about it; the member of the brood who ended up a standard deviation below the mid-parental mean.

    Obviously we should deport every foreign-born muslim in the country, but failing that, we should certainly deport all the dimwit sons of rich or powerful or famous fathers.

  14. Tahawwur Hussain Rana (Punjabi: تہوّر حسین رانا) is a Pakistani Canadian being currently under investigation for his role in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
    Personal life

    Tahawwur Hussain Rana was born in Chichawatni in the province of Punjab, Pakistan.[1] Rana had his education at Cadet College Hasan Abdal, a military residential college in Pakistan, before becoming a citizen of Canada. Rana and his wife immigrated to Canada in 1997 and obtained Canadian citizenship in June, 2001.[2] Rana and his wife are both MBBS doctors. Rana has served as captain in Pakistan Army. He lives primarily in Chicago and owns several businesses including an immigration service agency. He also owns a home in Ottawa where his father and brother stay.[3]
    Arrest and alleged terrorism links

    Rana and David Coleman Headley were charged and arrested on 18 October 2009 for plotting attacks on the offices of Jyllands-Posten, the newspaper which published the controversial cartoons of prophet Mohammad.[4] During the subsequent interrogation, it was found out that Rana had traveled to Mumbai and had stayed in Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, one of the places which was attacked by terrorists for over four days in November 2008.

  15. I wonder how much the internet has to do with this. Suppose the internet didn't exist. He might have been happy being an American with Fox News and CNN.

    Ever since the rise of the internet, my friends of Muslim origin have been getting funnier and funnier in the head. They find all sorts of rumors on the net and believe whacky stuff. One Pakistani guy who'd been seemingly Americanized went on and on about Arafat having been a CIA stooge. And that's one of the more milder theories.

    I think we have to take into account three factors.

    1. Rise of internet and spread of all sorts of rumors. Many people lack critical faculty/skepticism and will believe anything. Internet has led to a boon in conspiracy theorizing.
    Internet also allows the development of subcultures and countless 'secret societies' who trade info back and forth city to city, nation to nation.

    2. Rise of PC and multiculturalism. Sailer has put forth the idea of CITIZENISM and it might have prevailed if not for the rise of PC and MC--multiculturalism--as the dominant ideological dogmas in media and academia. After the hangover of the crazy 60s, most Americans wanted stability and peace. One sensed this in the late 70s and especially during the Reagan 80s. American life became de-politicized, and I recall all my friends--whites and non-whites--saw eachother as Americans. We were Irish-AMERICANS, Polish-AMERICANS, Asian-AMERICANS, Hispanic-AMERICANS, etc. Well, blacks were still blacks, but prior to the rise of PC and rap, black culture was more white-friendly--Prince, Jackson, Billy Ocean, Lionel Richie. It really seemed like we were heading toward a colorblind society despite certain lingering racial problems. It was the decade of white-ish Cosby family. FAMILY TIES showed how the 60s generation had mellowed and become a suburban family. Alex Keaton was an updated, young, and rather likable Archie Bunker.
    But then, PC and MC came along, and all of a sudden, everyone became a MEXICAN-American, ASIAN-American, GAY-American, JEWISH-American, and etc. The idea of melting pot assimilation was condemned as a coercive CULTURAL GENOCIDE. Until the rise of PC, the dominant narrative had been that Americans should become one people, and that white majority should open its arms to non-whites. With the rise of PC and MC, we were told that non-whites should be aided or favored but they shouldn't be 'forced' to melt into the American nation. If PC and MC had not prevailed as the 80s ended, America might have melted politically and culturally into one nation in the past 25 yrs.
    But the left, having lost the economic war(especially with the fall of communism), turned to the culture war and tribal war. The left, which had stood for universalism against tribalism, revamped tribalism for its own purposes. One of the effects was the rise of militant Muslims identity in the West.

    3. The rise of decadent West. Immigrants in the past came to Amerioa with a certain awe of American power, pride, values, and confidence. White Americans may have been less nice to non-whites(and Anglo-whits may have been less nice to non-Anglo whites) but newcomers felt a combo of admiration, respect, and fear. They saw a nation of proud and mighty people and wanted to become a part of it. Blacks also respected whites more when the latter were more confident and proud. If early liberalism was both nice and confident, later liberalism turned nice and WEAK. Well, newcomers, especially third worlders from authoritarian nations, see weakness as wussy and gay.
    An apologetic and also valuefree West--gay agenda, radical feminism, tattoo and piercing, shitty pop culture, trash tv, etc--wasn't likely to win the respect and awe of newcomers such as the recent bomber. They acknowledge American wealth but they see America as little more than a rich whore at home and a murderous pimp abroad.

  16. The standard narrative is that the poor downtrodden masses are where the terrorists come from.

    Young, wealthy, virile Pakistanis also make the best lovers...

  17. I think this perspective may be relevant:

    “America is not only for the whites, but it is for all. Who is the America? The American is you, me and that. When we go to America we will become Americans and there is no a race or nationalism called America and the Americans are those Africans, Indians, Chinese, and Europeans and whoever goes to America will become American . . . . American is for all of us and the whole world had made and created America. All the people all over the world had made America and it shall accordingly be for all of us. I will never feel ashamed when I claim for my right in America and it will not be strange when I raise my voice in America.”

    - Col. Moammar Gadhafi

  18. Maybe this Muslim guy read too many columns by Paul Craig Roberts. Lmao.

  19. dfadfadfasdff5/5/10, 8:42 PM

    Jews have a dualistic view of American Muslims. On the one hand, it is in their interest to bash Muslims since Israel has hostile relations with the Muslim world. Jews want all of us to see Muslims as the threat and to support Zionist interests.

    BUT, Jews are also worried that rising white Christian animosity toward the ALIEN MUSLIM RACE may spill over into animosity toward Jews as well. Jew worry that if white Christians start seeing Muslims as sneaky, subversive, and alien semitic tribe out to undermine America, this mindset may morph to view the Jews--another semitc tribe with great influence--in a similar way.

    So, Jewish-dominated institutions simultaneously vilify Muslims and defend them as a protected minority. Jews want white gentiles to look upon Muslims with hostility but also feel 'racist' guilt for doing so.

    Jews are projecting both their missiles and fears(of the white Christian mob)onto Muslims.
    It's a tricky balancing act. Jews want us to hate Muslims to the point where it's advantageous to Israel but not to the point where it may lead to rise of White American Christian patriotism.

  20. afasdfasdfsafd5/5/10, 8:44 PM

    For a smart guy, his so-called bomb was pure amateur hour... though a step up from the underoos bomber.

  21. Canada is pretty much in control of multiculturalism-is-our-strength thought police. Some of them are SWPLS, some of them are of other races. The SWPLS seem to hate their own race and the non-white elites are giving the SWPLS lots of encouragement in this regard.

    Here are some news stories from a typical day in multicultural paradise:
    Police connect Jamaican Shower Posse to Toronto gangs


    Member of Parliament Devinder Shory accused in giant mortgage fraud


    B.C.'s embattled solicitor general Kash Heed has resigned from cabinet once again, following revelations that the firm of a special prosecutor assigned to investigate his election campaign had donated directly to it.

    Just keep repeating:
    Multiculturalism is our strength
    Multiculturalism is our strength
    Multiculturalism is our strength...

  22. He was doing the job ordinary American Tea Partiers won't do.

  23. Another plot 'foiled' by ... apparently the sheer incompetence of the perpetrator. How many does that make now? That just doesn't seem right. Either something screwy is going on or we're getting atypically lucky.

  24. dfadfadfasdff5/5/10, 9:03 PM

    You know, as absurd as the headline sounds, it's not all wrong. Why not? Because many affluent Muslisms and Pakis do indeed become well-adjusted 'ordinary Americans'. I've known such people myself.
    After all, had this guy not planted a bomb and you met him at Starbucks and struck up a conversation, you would probaly think, 'an ordinary Pakistani-American'.
    I went to school with some Pakis and Hindus, and they seem to adjust quite well. The movies they watched, the jokes they told, the food they ate, the pot they smoked, and etc. They were indeed ordinary.
    Who can spot the crazy or the extreme one among most Pakistani-Americans who are ordinary for the most part?

    Usually when someone goes crazy and kills a lot of people, neighbors say, "he was a nice, quiet, ordinary guy." On the outside, most people are indeed ordinary. But who knows what lurks in the heart of any person. An 'ordinary' white guy could be a raving Nazi. An 'ordinary' Jewish-American could be a radical Marxist. Most small town white folks are ordinary, but there are Timothy McVeighs among them. On the internet, you find lots of crazy holocaust denying white supremacists on sites like Stormfront. If you met most of them on the street, they would seem ordinary. Not all neo-nazi loons are skinheads with swastika tattoos on their skulls.

    Even so, the headline should have put ORDINARY in quotes. The kid was only superficially 'ordinary'--like Heinrich Himmler seemed like a quiet ordinary German prior to this rise to power. Deep inside, he was a raging Anti-America.

    But then colleges and media are filled with ordinary anti-Americans. They seem to be the norm in those areas.

  25. Yet I can't get an IT job. You think I can get one in Pakistan if I promise not to blow anything up.

  26. Elite Pakistani families are descended from Hindu converts of Jat and Rajput castes, who converted to save their lands

    From their names, I can easily decode their original Hindu caste

    I assure you, no jewish blood

    They are extemely endagamous,
    like their corresponding Hindu caste

    British blood would lead to instant outcasting


    i agree completely. hence my point. american politicians suggest colossally stupid, reality contradicting ideas for why many muslims hate america and americans. it's actually very simple to understand why, and it makes all the sense in the world: the US takes israel's side in every dispute, and the US invades muslim nations and kills muslims by the thousands.

    simple, easy to understand, and yet american politicians go immediately into mental gymnastics mode to avoid agreeing to the obvious. start talking about muslims and it's instant brain shutdown for US political leaders. left is right, up is down, the sky is green and the grass is blue, the earth is flat not round, and muslims hate america for some mysterious, difficult to understand reason. GW bush used to go on television and lie to our faces about it.

    some highly intelligent, highly educated muslims give up everything for a chance, not even a guarantee, but a chance to kill americans, for the reasons which they state over and over: i want the US to stop taking israel's side in every situation, stop invading muslim nations, and stop killing muslims by the thousands. now, you would think that after muslim terrorists state these things 100 times, american politicians would perhaps begin to consider the possibility that maybe it's the whole taking israel's side every time/invading muslim nations/killing muslims thing which makes muslims not like america and americans so much. but you would be wrong. because we now live in bizarro world.

    NYC mayor bloomberg, like the jewish usurper that he is, stated that the NYC bomber was probably some white conservative angry about health care. he said this without any evidence about who the bomber was. this is the very definition of prejudice. jewish usurpers dislike conservative euro americans and will attack them at the drop of hat, no facts necessary.

    then when the bomber turned out to be a muslim from pakistan, bloomberg immediately flipped the script, following the jewish usurper playbook to the letter. he emphatically stated that this event established no grounds whatsoever for prejudice or discrimination against muslims in NYC or in the US.

    LOL at the comments from dfadfadfasdff trying to suggest that indians and pakistanis are the same. pakistan used to be part of india, then it split. it split because indians and pakistanis are so not the same that they could not even inhabit the same nation without war. dfadfadfasdff, let me know when hindu terrorists start attacking american targets.

  28. The Roman Christians didn't park chariots full of explosives in the Forum Romanum.

  29. Guru bhai(aka Guru), an interesting and very entertaining film about the trials and tribulations of an Indian Capitalist. A must-see.

    Dharm, a moving film about problems of religious orthodoxy(or intolerance). Manipulative and ultimately preachy but not without empathy(even respect)for the devout cast of characters. Not anti-religious but asks religions to open their hearts.

  30. Shahzad wasn't highly intelligent and wasn't "highly" educated. He got Cs and Ds at a school that lost its accreditation and got a BS and MBA in an easy major from some nth tier school. Why we import these dumb-asses is beyond me. Oh yeah, he probably paid full freight.

    From the LA Times:
    "Shahzad came to America in 1998 on a student visa and studied business for five semesters at Southeastern University in downtown Washington, D.C. The college lost its accreditation last year and closed, but records found in the trash outside Shahzad's home by a Connecticut Post reporter and posted online Tuesday indicate he was a poor student, getting mostly Cs and Ds, and an F. Shahzad managed to transfer to the University of Bridgeport in the late 1990s, and was awarded a bachelor of science degree in fall 2000, with a major in computer applications and information systems, according to spokeswoman Leslie Geary.",0,3298733.story

  31. I was reading this, about British Muslim men targeting Hindu girls and coercing them into converting to Islam. I'm sure it's somehow really about Israel.

    Then I read this, about the Muslim insurgency in Thailand. It's also about Israel, really, isn't it?

    Then I read this, about the Muslim insurgency in the Philippines. Israel again?

    Then I read this, about the Muslim terrorists in France who plotted to blow up the Eiffel Tower. As we all know, French foreign policy is so pro-American, pro-Israel. What do they expect?

    Then I read about the Muslim car bombers who set out to kill "sluts" and "slags" in London night clubs. I mean, come on, that's got to be about Israel.

  32. Another plot 'foiled' by ... apparently the sheer incompetence of the perpetrator. How many does that make now? That just doesn't seem right. Either something screwy is going on or we're getting atypically lucky.

    Maybe the atypical "success" of the 9/11/01 attackers is the result that begs an explanation.

  33. Internet also allows the development of subcultures and countless 'secret societies' who trade info back and forth city to city, nation to nation.

    Of course there were no 'secret societies' before the internet. Yeah, right.

  34. "The Onion is now redundant."
    A wonderful quote. May I use it, EPWR?

  35. It's a tricky balancing act. Jews want us to hate Muslims to the point where it's advantageous to Israel but not to the point where it may lead to rise of White American Christian patriotism.

    You left out the most important part -- "jews" (of course we are talking about the power elites here, not ordinary jews) want to further destabilize our society and culture, and Muslim immigration is one of the tools they use for this.

  36. Can't believe Whisky hasn't honed into this already. Must be preoccupied with the latest betas/babes spat.

  37. LOL at the comments from "dfadfadfasdff trying to suggest that indians and pakistanis are the same. pakistan used to be part of india, then it split. it split because indians and pakistanis are so not the same that they could not even inhabit the same nation without war. dfadfadfasdff, let me know when hindu terrorists start attacking american targets."

    India has more Muslims than Pakistan does. And Hindus can be pretty nasty too. Just watch Dharm the movie. And read this:

  38. If H1N1 is the swine flu, the H1B visa should be called the Friedman Flu.

  39. An ordinary American? Like he was born and raised in Des Moines Iowa? He worked as a financial analyst?

    I know journalism has gotten bad. But this article takes the cake.

  40. "Did you all know that many of the elite families in Pakistan have some Jewish ancestry? Mostly Sephardic (not Ashkenazi) since they came over with the British with the British East India Company beginning way back in the 1600s - mostly it was Sephardic Jews with the British who came and intermarried with the local Pakistani elite who then became a part of the Jewish elite. Very convoluted, I know, but it's true."

    This is complete bullshit.

  41. Muslims will always have beefs. Muslims try to blow up Spaniards even after Spain withdrew from Iraq (and it had a minor presence). Why? Because Muslims want Spain under their control. Denmark has no presence in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and gets constant Jihad attacks -- over a cartoon. This guy Shahzad seems motivated by a South Park episode ... which did not even portray Mohammed.

    China and Russia, which vote against Israel at every opportunity in the UN, and back the PLO reliably, along with many Muslim states including Pakistan and Iran, get a big (but little reported) Muslim jihad against them. I was in Xianxing when a minor bombing campaign on public buses was conducted.

    Muslims feel their fighting spirit will win. Osama has written, and most Muslims believe it, that the Muslim jihad destroyed the powerful Superpower, the Soviet Union, and will conquer Russia. Pakistan is partially protected and helped by traditional ally China against India ... and still Pakistani Jihadist attack and kill Chinese engineers, a number of whom assist in their own nation's nuclear program.

    Islam is a very powerful force, because it is based on both local tribalism and universal polygamy/criminal raiding, with the view of paradise and end-state that Al Capone would have thought sensible. It is not capable of changing unless you change the people -- destroy their tribalism, or destroy their desire for polygamy supported by criminal raiding and conquest.

    This is not just the West's fight -- we are just the weak target. China depends on the massive importation of raw materials, increasingly from Africa, to fuel its economy. Already several ships have been dispatched to Somalia to stop piracy of Chinese ships. Eventually China's resource moves will run right into Jihad, and the corruption of the Red Princes makes domestically, China's elite boxed in when hit with stuff that makes the Mandate of Heaven look shaky abroad. China has not ever depended on foreign resources like this, particularly foreign resources in mostly Muslim hands.

    Jews and Israel are a mostly interesting sideshow to this issue, if Europe will rapidly become defacto Islamic in rule, America's islamization (through violence and threats of violence, see South Park), and of course oil. We can't drill in the US, see the Gulf fiasco, so that makes us more dependent on the ME including ... Iraq which has reserves as big as Saudi's.

  42. This terrorist guy was so pathetic maybe he should be called an errorist.

  43. ben tillman sez:
    Maybe the atypical "success" of the 9/11/01 attackers is the result that begs an explanation.
    Yeah, I'd love to know what the real deal was. My impression is its so brazen that nobody belileves it. There is a neat word for this, ....., I have forgotten.

  44. testy sez:
    particularly foreign resources in mostly Muslim hands.

    Much of what China is looking for is found in Africa South of the Equator (AStE). Tons of oil in Angola, Benin and other pits. Apparently even Zambia has lots of oil. South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Tanzania and Angola teeming with minerals, gold, diamonds, manganese, platinum, coal, iron ore, chrome, uranium, u name it. Not a Muslim in sight. China is usurping the traditional role of Britain in Africa SOtE. The US, forever preoccupied with human rights and jihad, does not even notice how China is usurping the traditional alignment of blacks to the crown. I guess if they did notice they would now be kicking their behinds for having forced Ian Smith and the Boers out of power.

    Mugabe had an airstrip built in a diamond mine he illegally seized from a foreign mining company. The soldiers are forcing locals to mine the diamonds for a pittance, after they shot 400 of them. Don’t bother looking for any of this in the NYT. The Chinese cargo planes land at the strip, stacked with weapons which Mugabe needs to stay in power. In return they are handed a few bags of blood diamonds. The weapons are unloaded and plane flies off again. This is China's way of doing business in Africa. They would not be stupid and destroy a minority regime favorable to them, as the US and Britain did with the Rhodesians and the Boers in South Africa, apparently for human rights and other shit which neither Mugabe or Mandela give/gave a fig about.

  45. "Even so, the headline should have put ORDINARY in quotes. The kid was only superficially 'ordinary'--like Heinrich Himmler seemed like a quiet ordinary German prior to this rise to power. Deep inside, he was a raging Anti-America."

    You cannot be an ordinary American if you are born in a foreign country, especially if your are Muslim and come to this country in college.

    Everybody knows what a real American is and this guy isn't one. He shouldn't even have been allowed in this country.

  46. Bomber or bummer?

  47. ---As G. K. Chesterton once said, "the problem with atheism is not so much that you believe in nothing, but that you believe in anything."---

    G.K. Chesterton was a blithering idiot, as are most of the people who mindlessly quote him.

    Atheists don't "believe in nothing", as anyone who bothers to look the word up in a dictionary can figure out.

    The West's problem isn't atheism, it is leftism, a modern suicide-cult derived from secularized versions of Christianity.

    Contra Chesterton, if you believe in one type of nonsense (magic man in the sky) you're likely to believe other types of nonsense (white guilt). The crucial factor here is early childhood indoctrination and conditioning to accept nonsense, which religion does in spades.

  48. ben tillman said

    >Maybe the atypical "success" of the 9/11/01 attackers is the result that begs an explanation.<

    There you go again, with that logic stuff. It's going to get you in trouble some day!

    Anonymous said

    >Everybody knows what a real American is and this guy isn't one.<

    Do you disagree with Col. Gadaffy, who said:

    "The American is you, me and that."

    You must be an anti-Semite. Eh, or anti-dentite, or something.

    On a serious note, should even the most brilliant Pakistani be allowed to emigrate, on the basis of his brilliance? Since he will try to bring his family and others sooner or later, the principle of reversion to the mean tells us to take a look at the Pakistan mean and compare it to the American mean (especially to the mean of whites, the founding people of America). I don't believe that picture is pretty.

    We worry about the bomb in their underwear, but what about the bomb in their loins?

  49. Ur!!!! We have won :)


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