May 26, 2010

Interracial Marriage: 2008 stats

Here's a rather incoherent article from the AP on new interracial marriage statistics from the Census Bureau. Unfortunately, the Census Bureau hasn't released the numbers yet, as far as I can tell, so we're stuck with the sneak preview they gave the AP.

Two caveats: first, you need to keep in mind the stock v. flow issue of marriages v. weddings. The Census Bureau typically counts marriages (i.e., two people who are legally married to each other) but not weddings (two people getting legally married to each other). The reality that this article is groping toward is that while the stock of interracial marriages as a percent of all marriages continues to rise as the older married couples, from eras when interracial marriage was very rare, die off, but the percent of new interracial weddings as a percent of all new weddings does not seem to be increasing as fast as before.

Second, in my long experience with Census studies of interracial marriage, going back to my 1997 "Is Love Colorblind?" article in National Review, only data from the decennial enumerations (years ending in a 0) were of sufficient sample size to accurately capture trends in interracial marriage rates. The Census Bureau has been working to improve the sample sizes in their interim studies, but who knows whether this one is good enough?

WASHINGTON – Melting pot or racial divide? The growth of interracial marriages is slowing among U.S.-born Hispanics and Asians. Still, blacks are substantially more likely than before to marry whites.

The number of interracial marriages in the U.S. has risen 20 percent since 2000 to about 4.5 million, according to the latest census figures. While still growing, that number is a marked drop-off from the 65 percent increase between 1990 and 2000.

About 8 percent of U.S. marriages are mixed-race, up from 7 percent in 2000.

The latest trend belies notions of the U.S. as a post-racial, assimilated society. Demographers cite a steady flow of recent immigration that has given Hispanics and Asians more ethnically similar partners to choose from while creating some social distance from whites due to cultural and language differences.

I wrote a column about exactly this happening in California in 2000: "Continued Immigration Retards Growth of Interracial Marriage." It's logically obvious that as minorities become majorities, they have fewer daily interactions with whites and thus are less likely to fall in love with them and marry them.
White wariness toward a rapidly growing U.S. minority population also may be contributing to racial divisions, experts said.

"Racial boundaries are not going to disappear anytime soon," said Daniel Lichter, a professor of sociology and public policy at Cornell University. He noted the increase in anti-immigrant sentiment in the U.S. after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks as well as current tensions in Arizona over its new immigration law.

"With a white backlash toward immigrant groups, some immigrants are more likely to turn inward to each other for support," Lichter said.

Yeah, yeah, yeah ...
Broken down by race, about 40 percent of U.S.-born Asians now marry whites — a figure unchanged since 1980.
Unfortunately, this doesn't break out the important gender gap in white-Asian marriages. In 1990, 72% of white-Asian marriages involved a white man and Asian woman, while in 2000, 75% involved a white man and an Asian woman.
Their likelihood of marrying foreign-born Asians, meanwhile, multiplied 3 times for men and 5 times for women, to roughly 20 percent.

One of the things that is going on is that the "Asian" population is becoming less East Asian and more South Asian, where the gender gap is very different. Also, South Asians are more into arranged marriages with somebody from the Old Country than are East Asians.

Among U.S.-born Hispanics, marriages with whites increased modestly from roughly 30 percent to 38 percent over the past three decades. But when it came to marriages with foreign-born Hispanics, the share doubled — to 12.5 percent for men, and 17.1 percent for women.
In Southern California, I just do not see 38% of the couples walking down the street together where at least one person is Latino and the other person is white. I'd say it's more like 10%. Maybe it's different in Texas. Maybe interethnic marriage is most common among very white Hispanics, possibly ones who are only 1/2 or 1/4 Hispanic by ancestry, so these couples are not very visible by looks.

Although the Census allows people to identify themselves as being of multiple races, it does not allow them to identify as both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, so people of mixed ethnicities tend to show up in Census stats as solely Hispanic.

Or maybe white-Hispanic marriages are hugely common in working class exurbs in California where I don't hang out much. I don't know. But I don't see white-Latino couples much at, say, the movies in Van Nuys.
In contrast, blacks are now three times as likely to marry whites than in 1980. About 14.4 percent of black men and 6.5 percent of black women are currently in such mixed marriages, due to higher educational attainment, a more racially integrated military and a rising black middle class that provides more interaction with other races.

That would suggest the gender gap in black-white marriages has fallen to 2.21 times as many black men married to white women as white men married to black women, from 2.54X in 1990 and 2.65X in 2000. But, we'll have to see what the sample size is. The decennial enumerations have been far more trustworthy than interim estimates based on a small samples.
... By some estimates, two-thirds of those who checked the single box of "black" on the census form are actually mixed, including President Barack Obama, who identified himself as black in the 2010 census even though his mother was white. 

Census figures also show:

_Hawaii had the highest share of mixed marriages, about 32 percent.

Funny how Mr. Check Only Black Obama was born and raised in Hawaii, which has always been like this.

It was followed by Alaska, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Nevada, which ranged from 15 percent to 19 percent. 

You'll note that California, the state with the highest percentage of immigrants and with what had been the second most (to Hawaii) liberal attitudes among whites on interracial marriage, doesn't make the top 5.
The bottom five states were Pennsylvania, Maine, Kentucky, Mississippi and West Virginia, each ranging from 3 percent to 4 percent.

_Mississippi had the fastest growth in mixed marriages from 2000-08, a sign of closer ties between blacks and whites, though it still ranked second to last in overall share of mixed marriages. 

_Mixed marriages jumped from 2.25 million to 3.7 million, or 65 percent, from 1990-2000, as such unions became more broadly accepted in Southern states.

_Among U.S.-born whites, about 0.3 percent married blacks in 1980; that figure rose to about 1 percent in 2008. About 0.3 percent of whites married Asians in 1980 and about 1 percent in 2008. About 2 percent of whites married Hispanics in 1980, rising to about 3.6 percent in 2008.

The figures come from previous censuses as well as the 2008 American Community Survey, which surveys 3 million households. The figures for "white" refer to those whites who are not of Hispanic ethnicity. For purposes of defining interracial marriages, Hispanic is counted as a race.


  1. That would suggest the gender gap in black-white marriages...

    Regarding that specifically, the only black/white mixed couples I personally know are white male, black female.

    What I've also observed is that when a white male enters a relationship with or marries a black female, they tend to both be of higher status -- better educated, better jobs, often relatively attractive. For black male, white female relationships, that is not nearly so often the case -- I most often see what I regard as undesirable (to be nice) white women with black men who are not much better.

  2. Funny. I didn't get to read either take deeply, but a quick Yahooo topic header in the little sliding nav bar said "Interracial Marriage Slows".

    Conversely, the Washington Daily Worker headline says "Interracial Marriage Still on the Rise".


  3. Living in California, I would say white-Hispanic couples are higher than 10%, Steve.

    In fact, I am inclined to believe the 38% since the census excludes Hispanic whites from this count and treats Hispanics as a race for this count.

    Unless Hispanics are lying about BOTH being white and NOT being Hispanic (two separate questions), then the census would be correct.

    It is more common in working-class areas, like Palmdale/Lancaster (to give you an example near where you live).

    Also, there is now way to tell if someone is 1/2 Mexican, so they look white unless you know their last name (and even then, maybe their mother is Mexican).

  4. Also, if Hispanic-white couples become common enough, won't most white people people in the Southwest eventually become "Hispanic"?

    I mean, people could claim Hispanic even at the 1/8 level.

    At what point would someone stop being Hispanic?

  5. "It is more common in working-class areas, like Palmdale/Lancaster (to give you an example near where you live)."

    Right, the working class exurbs, where so much money was lost in the mortgage meltdown, tend to be melting pots. The suburbs less so since there tend to be big class differences between Hispanics and whites.

  6. Stopped Clock5/26/10, 2:52 PM

    3% of marriages in Maine being interracial is pretty high when you consider that the adult population of the state is barely 3% nonwhite to begin with. That means half of the nonwhite population of Maine is married to a white person. Totally unlike Mississippi where the possibilities for interracial marriage are everywhere. Which is why we should wait until the census comes out and the numbers for interracial marriage are themselves broken down by race.

  7. "3% of marriages in Maine being interracial is pretty high when you consider that the adult population of the state is barely 3% nonwhite to begin with. That means half of the nonwhite population of Maine is married to a white person."

    huh? perhaps a fair point, but not enough data here to back that last sentence up.

  8. There is quite a high rate of interracial marriages in Alaska. Is that the effect of a lot of lonely guys ordering mail order brides or whites intermarrying with Aleut/Eskimo/Indians ?

  9. There is quite a high rate of interracial marriages in Alaska. Is that the effect of a lot of lonely guys ordering mail order brides or whites intermarrying with Aleut/Eskimo/Indians?

    Yes, I'm sure all those mail order brides are just dying to live in Alaska.

  10. Sgt. Joe Friday5/26/10, 5:37 PM

    "Among U.S.-born Hispanics, marriages with whites increased modestly from roughly 30 percent to 38 percent..."

    Note these are U.S. born Hispanics, so the figure does not include Hispanic immigrants. I think Steve is pretty close with the 10% overall figure.

    FWIW, after my divorce several years ago, I started dating again, and used a couple of on-line dating sites. I found out that among at least a certain subset of Hispanic women here in Southern Caliornia, having an Anglo boyfriend is considered to be something of a status symbol, a sign of upward mobility if you will.

    A woman's dating market value is pretty much determined by how "hot" she is, but I would guess that all else being equal, most white/Anglo men would have an ethnic preference scale that goes something like this:

    1. Anglo
    2. East Asian
    3. Hispanic
    4. South Asian
    5. Native American
    6. Black

  11. yeah, like i've said several times, i'm not buying the US government statistics that white/"hispanic" couples are the most common interracial couple in the US. i lived in nevada for 3 years and dated a few mexican women. i almost never saw other white/mexican couples. by far, the most common couple is a white man and an asian woman. this is the most common interracial couple pretty much everywhere except for in the south, where the most common by far is the black man and white woman. but that couple is actually less common than i thought it would be. the "per capita" couple easily has to be the white man-asian woman couple.

    i'm pretty confident that the white/"hispanic" couple is the most common per US government statistics, because there is no real control over who puts down "white" or "hispanic". so there are probably millions of married people from mexico where one put down "white" and the other put down "hispanic" on the census.

    how many people here did the 2010 census? does it strike anyone as downright bizarre how specific the federal government is when it comes to race and ethnic group, unless you are a european? i mean the census people displayed to me an extremely detailed ethnic breakdown for every group other than euro americans. they got to get that head count correct for every affirmative action project, every ethnic grievance claim, every identity politics enterprise.

    if you were european, they didn't care at all about your family history and simply stuffed everybody into the "white" group. they didn't ask a single question about "European, where from?" they definitely do not care about euro americans and barely even acknowledge that they exist. they weren't particularly rigid in figuring this out though. they're looking right at me, asking me which box i want to use, and i'm pretty confident any human with functional vision can tell i'm european. they clearly let you pick your box, so there's not much control over who exactly gets put into the "white" category, as i've pointed out before. lots of mestizos, arabs, north africans, and central asians pick "white", meaning the actual percentage of europeans in the US is lower than what the US government reports. i'd guess that europeans are already down to 55%. there's no way they are even still 70% of america or whatever baloney figure washington DC is reporting.

  12. Stopped, Maine has had a recent influx of Somalis brought in by the libs in the Greater Portland area, which, along with the coast down to the New Hampshire, is just a suburb of Boston. Google Maine and Bantu migration to get the story.

    The girl and I were up in Portland enjoying the restaurants and brewpubs last month and she actually commented on how many blacks were in Portland now. A goodly number of the men were wandering around the Old Port area with every African's dream: a beefy blond Maine farm girl!


  13. some guy on another blog did a study where he went to a big, popular mall in LA and counted the groups who walked past for 90 minutes. friends walking together, couples walking together, and families walking together were counted as "groups". the numbers were like 242 groups, 91% of them self segregated by race.

    34% europeans
    26% east asian or southeast asian
    19% mestizo or american indian
    12% black american or black african
    9% others - south asian, arab, north african

    the only groups that were not segregated by race were:

    white men with asian women
    black men with white women
    white and asian teenagers hanging out together

    another informal study i saw was done in downtown vancouver during the winter olympics, but it was only for studying couples. after 12 hours of observation it was noted the overwhelming majority of couples were same race couples. there were hundreds and hundreds of same race couples and only 73 mixed race couples. of those, 54 were a white man with an asian woman. only 19 couples were some other combination.

  14. With so many kids being born out of wedlock, just poring over marriage rates is meaningless. A lot of black men have kids with women they are not married to, and a lot of these women are white and Hispanic as well as black.

  15. Right. In 2008, 41% of babies were born out of wedlock, so statistics on marriages or even on weddings aren't telling us all that much about what's happening in the bottom 2/5ths of society.

  16. A remarkable jump in interracial marriage among black women. Maybe lighter skinned mulatto women--children of preivous interracial unions--are marrying white men. Or maybe the rise in the number of Hispanics has boosted Hispanic male/black female marriage.

    Or with more and more white women going with black men, it could lonely and lowly white males who can't find white women nor even Asian women go with black women.

    Or, maybe it's due to the rise of African immigration. Since educated blacks tend to immigrate to the US--unless they were sponsored by charity groups--, maybe better-behaved and better-educated African immigrant women are more likley than native African-American women to marry whites.

  17. "In contrast, blacks are now three times as likely to marry whites than in 1980. About 14.4 percent of black men and 6.5 percent of black women are currently in such mixed marriages, due to higher educational attainment, a more racially integrated military and a rising black middle class that provides more interaction with other races."


    When the men of a race--white males in this case--lose the respect and loyalty of their women who increasingly go running off with the conquering males of another race, then the writing is on the wall.

  18. Black men will chase just about any female if she's non-black. It's a huge feather in their cap, thus the number of black males with obese white women.

    In fact, NBA start Lamar Odom just married a veritable she-male whose only positive quality seems to be that she's not black.

  19. Regarding SoCal: I do think white-Latino interracial marriage is more common in blue-collar, exurban areas.
    There is less interaction in more affluent suburban areas (this has been the case at least since the early 1960s- my dad grew up in a blue-collar area with both white and Mexican families, whereas Mexicans were barred-not just priced out, if you know what I mean- from more affluent areas.)

  20. There is quite a high rate of interracial marriages in Alaska. Is that the effect of a lot of lonely guys ordering mail order brides or whites intermarrying with Aleut/Eskimo/Indians ?

    I bet it's military marriages.

  21. I heard that Britain has the highest interracial marriage rate in the Western world. Is this true?

  22. Who are the white women going for black dudes? Is it the pretty, reasonably intelligent, emotionally stable ones that we all covet? You know, the sort of women who want providers for their future children. No. Almost every white woman I've seen with a black man has been one or more of these qualities: obese, ugly, emotionally unstable, dull, or promiscuous.

    This has nothing to do with white men losing the respect of their women. This has to do with low-quality women that most white men don't want. These women simply wouldn't have sexual partners if it weren't for black men seeking to climb the social and genetic ladder.

  23. Reg Cæsar5/26/10, 9:20 PM

    One reason for the slight uptick in black-white marriages might be that black and white Americans increasingly surrounded by the foreign-born with their alien customs and accents would start to notice their common 'Americanness'. They can discuss pop culture, sports, news events, social trends, etc., dating from their childhoods. Immigrants can't.

    In 1960, when almost everyone young was American, you took that for granted, and the differences were thus more stark.

    The Census Bureau typically counts marriages... but not weddings...

    The decennial census has included "number of years married" since at least 1900, from which the "wedding" can be gleaned. The raw data are there. Good luck mining 'em, though.

  24. Christopher Paul5/26/10, 9:27 PM

    Steve is right about Texas having a greater number of white-Hispanic couples. A white and a Hispanic living in Texas is a good setup for Affordable Family Formation.

    In California, on the other hand, I barely see whites and Hispanics socializing, let alone dating. Maybe the Hispanics are too busy with their low-level ethnic cleansing campaign vs. the blacks.

    Meanwhile, the whites and Asians in SoCal have an unspoken alliance that keeps some areas of Orange County and the San Gabriel Valley liveable.

  25. Christopher Paul5/26/10, 9:44 PM

    To the list of white-Asian places you could add the South Bay area, and of course lots of cities in Northern California like San Francisco.

  26. "so there are probably millions of married people from mexico where one put down "white" and the other put down "hispanic" on the census"

    I think that Jody is right about this. In 2000, about 48% of all Hispanics in the Census identified their race as "white" while about 42% identified themselves as "some other race" and then wrote in a response such as "Hispanic" or "Mexican." When I worked as an interviewer for the Census Bureau, it was not uncommon to get different responses to this question from members of the same family.

    If the census figures cited in this article are based only on the reponse to the race question (since the question on Hispanic origin is a separate question altogether), then they undoubtedly overstate the number of White-Latino marriages.

  27. "40% of US-born Asians marry whites"

    That seems like a really high number and a bummer for US-born Asian boys. Does that ratio hold true for California where are there is a large Asian population from which people can find a mate? I can see marrying a white guy if there is a limited pool of other Asians to choose from in your podunk town but I would think California would be different.

    I wonder if they mixed Asian/White kids will eventually end up marrying each other. The mixed white/Asian families in our (Orange County, CA) neighborhood tend to identify as Asian and socialize nearly exclusively with other Asian or mixed Asian/white families. They even have their kids in an Asian basketball league.


    Gee, how can you resist?

  29. Immigrants of African descent are 4.9 times more likely than African Americans to marry within their race. Additionally, immigrants of African descent have the highest rates of endogamy of immigrants.

    West Africans are not all that attractive to, well, to anybody here.

    East Africans are another matter. I could easily see white men getting mixed up with Ethiopian, Eritrean or Somali women (hey, David Bowie did, and he's as white as they come!) However, as lithe and vivacious as their women may be, they are all either Orthodox Christian or Moslem, so they ain't goin' anywhere.

    Nothing keeps the women at home like strong religious ties. I know a Swedish Baptist whose grandsons are fifth-generation Americans, and still pure Swedes. They marry within their sect.

  30. Does any of this matter? Analyzing test scores and the like is important, but what value to HBD is there in fretting over inter-marriage rates?

    People need to concentrate on their own relationships(or lack thereof).

  31. Asian girls are awesome! Which is why as soon as I graduate I'm heading off to China, where both Asian girls and money making opportunities are plentiful. I just need "the West" to hold up long enough for me to make my money before China decides we (white people) are no longer of any use and shuts us out from partaking of its rapidly expanding economic pie.

    Once I'm done with that, the West with its minorites, self righteous SWPL and of course our precious elites can just sail off into the sunset together sining kumbayah. Or whaterver. I could never be so sanguine about this if Asian girls weren't such an awesome alternative to white women. So, go Asian girls! lol.

  32. 'Interracial marriage still rising, but not as fast' predicted? hoped? expected? planned?
    The mystery deepens.

  33. from what i have seen, eurasians usually date europeans. i did not grow up around lots of them though so i don't know much about what they're like as kids. i mostly only know what they're like as adults. of course not all of them date europeans, but the majority seem to.

    i know a serbian/korean guy who married his white girlfriend, and i know a white guy who married his irish/filipino girlfriend. pretty much every eurasian person i have met as an adult was with a european. i've never lived in california or canada, though. places with enough asians that some eurasians probably date asians.

    eurasian women have been seamlessly accepted into society and have taken a position near the top of the "female hierarchy". they are showing up on television and in movies. i see there are a lot of eurasian women in the import car scene. and of course there are a lot on the internet, modeling or doing...that other thing good looking women do for money.

    it seems like most of these women date white guys. not every last one of them, but the vast majority.

  34. "That seems like a really high number and a bummer for US-born Asian boys."

    This has been covered before. The rate of white female-US born Asian male is also high.

  35. They even have their kids in an Asian basketball league.

    Okay, are you pulling our [collective] leg?

  36. "40% of US-born Asians marry whites"

    But how many first marriages for them are to whites? Remember, a lot of people get married multiple times.

  37. At what point would someone stop being Hispanic?

    Given the reality of demographics in the South West, maybe even the country, the pertainent question is "At what point would the population stop being, in any meaningful sense, Anglo?"

  38. Carolyn,

    Group / white out-marriage rates by gender for Asians raised in the US, from 2006 US Census:

    Chinese M 30% F 40%
    Japanese M 27% F 32%
    Korean M 40% F 60%

    Look at the third column, USR + USR. Japanese have been in the US the longest and their M/F out-marriage rates are almost the same (small gender disparity).

  39. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form5/27/10, 7:48 AM

    "Or whaterver. I could never be so sanguine about this if Asian girls weren't such an awesome alternative to white women. So, go Asian girls! lol."

    Don't let the door hit ya in the ...

  40. I wonder what "interracial" marriage means when - as you have often written -the category of Hispanic isn't a race.

    Last night I saw the late (great) Ricardo Montalban in a TV documentary. What a charmer! He was I think Warner Brothers response to Fernando Llamas who sang (badly) and danced (badly) but always looked "Mahvelous".

    Those tall light skinned screen Latin lovers don't seem to even be the same species as the tiny, brown Guatemalans hanging out on the street corners waiting for day work.


  41. "Maine has had a recent influx of Somalis .... Google Maine and Bantu migration to get the story."

    Since when are Somalis Bantus?

  42. "I think that Jody is right about this. In 2000, about 48% of all Hispanics in the Census identified their race as "white" while about 42% identified themselves as "some other race" and then wrote in a response such as "Hispanic" or "Mexican." When I worked as an interviewer for the Census Bureau, it was not uncommon to get different responses to this question from members of the same family.

    If the census figures cited in this article are based only on the reponse to the race question (since the question on Hispanic origin is a separate question altogether), then they undoubtedly overstate the number of White-Latino marriages."

    I wouldn't take anything Jody says seriously.

    Did you idiots even bother reading the article on how the count is done?

    They do not count in the white-Hispanic couples people who mark white but also mark Hispanic.

    According to Jody's reasoning, Hispanics are not only lying about being white but also about NOT being Hispanic.

    I guess we could remedy this by taking what ever # Hispanics report for the census and multiplying it by 1.50 (roll eyes) to get a "fairer" count for the number of Hispanics in this country.

    After all, according to Jody, whites are only 55% of this country right now (roll eyes).

  43. Hispanics who marry whites are more likely to be white-looking Hispanics, so you don't necessarily notice them as being racially mixed couples

    May 25, 2010
    How black is France? See map of percent of new babies born with sickle cell anemia per region

  45. "However, as lithe and vivacious as their women may be, they are all either Orthodox Christian or Moslem, so they ain't goin' anywhere."

    There are plenty of white Orthodox Christians in the US.

    Some even marry Ethiopians/Eritreans. (But not a lot, the educated––and thus, best English-speaking––classes tend to be married before they get educated, though that is changing with more being raised right here in the US.)

  46. I wouldn't take anything Jody says seriously.

    They do not count in the white-Hispanic couples people who mark white but also mark Hispanic.

    Sailer made a point that 1/2 Hispanic and 1/4 Hispanic people are still counted as full Hispanic by the census. So therefore, if a "1/4 Hispanic but otherwise white" person marries a non-Hispanic white person, it's counted as a Hispanic-white mixed marriage. I know personally of several white people who have Spanish surnames and who would thereby be counted as Hispanic; there are undoubtedly several more that I don't know about who have Spanish ancestry through a maternal line.

    What the Census should do IMHO is clarify that the person should be at least 1/2 Hispanic to check the "Hispanic" origin, otherwise they should check the Not Hispanic box.

    Or better yet, put a "Mestizo or Mulatto" racial category that the Mexicans could check so they don't have to clumsily pigeonhole themselves into either "white" or the absurd "Some other race" category -- which most Federal agencies, including the FBI, lump in with "white" anyway. This is why the obviously nonwhite Hispanics on the FBI Ten Most Wanted list are called "White"!

    I wonder if they mixed Asian/White kids will eventually end up marrying each other. The mixed white/Asian families in our (Orange County, CA) neighborhood tend to identify as Asian and socialize nearly exclusively with other Asian or mixed Asian/white families. They even have their kids in an Asian basketball league.

    In heavily Asian areas, I expect Eurasians end up mixing with Asians more. But in heavily white areas, with the whites.

    from what i have seen, eurasians usually date europeans. i did not grow up around lots of them though so i don't know much about what they're like as kids. i mostly only know what they're like as adults. of course not all of them date europeans, but the majority seem to.

    eurasian women have been seamlessly accepted into society and have taken a position near the top of the "female hierarchy". they are showing up on television and in movies. i see there are a lot of eurasian women in the import car scene. and of course there are a lot on the internet, modeling or doing...that other thing good looking women do for money.

    it seems like most of these women date white guys. not every last one of them, but the vast majority.

    Eurasian women can be very beautiful, incorporating the attractive traits of East Asian women with the familiarity of European women. Many white guys who are turned off by pure Asian features have less resistance to dating Eurasian women. They may also realize that if they have children with a Eurasian woman, they will look almost white, but they would not if their mother was a pure Asian woman.

    However, curiously enough, at least in my part of the country, it seems that black male/Eurasian female couples are more common than black male/white female! I guess being raised by a SWPL white parent who is walking the walk and mixing with an Asian makes them far less averse to seeing black men than white women would. Also, because they are often extremely attractive, some Eurasian girls have a rather promiscuous, exhibitionist attitude.

  47. To the nerd with yellow fever (not jody, the other one): I do hope you'll have the courtesy to stay in glorious China with your awesome Asian bride rather than importing her back to the civilization on whose grave you're dancing. If you need motivation to not come back beyond not adding hypocrite to ingrate in the list of words that describe you, know that "demure" and "submissive" Asian women are fully capable of dominating the weak type of man who seeks them out. Once on American soil, they will divorce you and take you for everything you have or slave drive you while spending your money for you and importing their family on your dime...whichever will net them more.

  48. This is in response to a sniggering comment in another thread. Here is how blacks themselves respond to the DC schools condom story...

    But too small huh? The odds of most dudes having that problem are not terribly good. Some? Sure, but a whole city’s young male population? Come on. And, as Jozen Cummings of Global Grind had the displeasure of discovering via The New York Times, there’s a funny little secret about the gold foil hang-down protector

    [A]s the story’s writer, Andrew Adam Newman points out later, the Magnum is only connoting a myth.

    For all the connotations, however, it turns out that Magnum is not so large. It is the same length as standard condoms, with the same circumference at its base, Mr. Daniels said. â€Å“Some people feel more comfortable with that width, but you don’t have to be an overly endowed man to use a Magnum and enjoy it,” he added.

    DC Kids, Impressed with Themselves, Complain of Condom Size

  49. "some guy on another blog did a study where..."

    so yeah i found jody's source.

    "the only groups that were not segregated by race were:

    white men with asian women
    black men with white women"

    the guy actually says he saw two white men with asian women and one white woman with a black man.

  50. All these negative comments about the white women who date black men amounts to sexual jealousy.

    "One of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large. This finding is consistent with racial–beauty exchange theories in that white women who do not meet conventional standards of beauty (in terms of having a thinner body type) are more open to dating black men, who may be considered a lower status group."

    "Looking at data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which followed a different cohort, results are similar. White females who have ever had a black sexual partner are fatter (mean BMI: 28.8 vs. 26.2) and less intelligent (median ADD HEALTH Picture Vocabulary Test score: 99 vs. 105).

    As rated by interviewers, they are less attractive (3.29 vs. 3.63, where 1 = very unattractive and 5 = very attractive) and have less attractive personalities (3.53 vs. 3.77) and worse grooming (3.31 vs. 3.61). Unsurprisingly, they are more likely to test positive for sexually transmitted diseases (4.3% vs. 1.8% for chlamydia; 7.2% vs. 1.0% positive for trichomoniasis)."

  51. To the nerd with yellow fever (not jody, the other one): I do hope you'll have the courtesy to stay in glorious China with your awesome Asian bride rather than importing her back to the civilization on whose grave you're dancing. If you need motivation to not come back beyond not adding hypocrite to ingrate in the list of words that describe you, know that "demure" and "submissive" Asian women are fully capable of dominating the weak type of man who seeks them out. Once on American soil, they will divorce you and take you for everything you have or slave drive you while spending your money for you and importing their family on your dime...whichever will net them more.

    You've got it all wrong here. I am not dancing on my civilization's grave, but laughing at the fate its killers will enjoy. Minorities, insufferable SWPL, and our corrupted (or malevolent, take your pick) elites are the cause of our demise, so why should I not be content that their own prospects are not too bright, either?

    I want to go to China because unlike the West, China is not on a course of self destruction. Hell, even if the West was healthy I'd still want to go there simply because China is where it's happening today, the equivalent of what the East Indies were in the 17th century. I'm fortunate enough to be young and unrooted, so it makes sense for me to go get some where the getting is best.

    Also, do not confuse me with your typical yellow fever anime freak. I'll be the first to say I'm no player, far from it. At the same time, I'm not a fat nerd who is attracted to Asian women because of some misplaced stereotypes of submissiveness or whatnot. I just like how they look, it's as uncomplicated as that, hehe. Since my two major priorities for my 20's are to get as much money as possible and as many pretty women as possible (and I prefer Asian) it makes eminent sense for me to go to China. Again, pretty simple, I wouldn't say there is anything that despicable about any of this.

    BTW, marriage is so far from my mind right now that you can rest easy about me bringing in any brides to the US.

  52. Felix,

    What's wrong with the Asian girls here? Or do you think your best chances lie where the only option for the girl is between you and poverty?

    Btw, they won't want to stay in China. They'll want to come here, and having drained you of all your financial resources, run off with a man that they actually want to be with.

  53. If you are the same anonymous who prompted my response, then you are really obtuse, dude! Rather then waste more words I'll just tell you to reread my post and maybe on the second pass you'll understand that Asian girls are not the only or even the main reason I'm going to China. Just don't let bitterness interfere with your reading comprehension skills. :)

  54. Anon, Bantu & Somali migration in the same Wikipedia article.

    The racisim of the Left makes them the same, right?


  55. "Did you idiots even bother reading the article on how the count is done?
    They do not count in the white-Hispanic couples people who mark white but also mark Hispanic."

    I read the article linked to in this post, and although the article implies that these are couples in which one person is Hispanic and the other is non-Hispanic white, this is not stated explicitly, and the Census Bureau has not yet released the exact figures.

    According to the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, in 2008, out of all married couples in which at least one person was Hispanic, 74.2% were couples in which both partners were Hispanic. Only 25.8% were couples in which one partner was non-Hispanic (not necessarily white, but non-Hispanic of any race), down from 32% in 1980.

  56. Well, it seems the racial gap will finally be taken care of by racial mixing. If most people are mulattos in the future, there won't be any more discussion of white-black gaps in education or IQ tests...

    ... though they could be talking about gaps between quadroons and octaroons.

  57. I think the white guy craze for Asian women is abating, somewhat. Many of my white male friends have Chinese wives, and they all tell a similar story: cultural differences and chauvinism are a constant source of friction in the marriage. And far from being passive, Asian wives
    1) constantly criticize their white husbands for even the most trivial behaviors
    2) are often physically violent in the home, breaking things and hitting during arguments
    3) embarrassingly money grubbing. I saw the Chinese wife of thoracic surgeon get into a heated 5 minute argument with a Safeway cashier because she thought she had been overcharged for bananas.

    Many mixed couples consist of a divorced older man (50-ish) at the top of his career with already adult children married to a thirty something immigrant -- usually a hustler obsessed with easy money and social status. The wife often gets together with other Chinese women to compare their husbands income and make personal comments about each others homes and children. Pretty much all Asian women are crass. I think young white guys are figuring this out and coming to understand that perhaps they would be better off marrying the (white) girl next door. Exotic girlfriend: fun. Exotic wife: bummer.

  58. "I think young white guys are figuring this out and coming to understand that perhaps they would be better off marrying the (white) girl next door. Exotic girlfriend: fun. Exotic wife: bummer."

    I wish I could have married the white girl next door, but most aren't attractive and most women that I am attracted to don't like me. Why should I marry a woman that I am not attracted to and don't even want to be around, just to have to pay money to raise and worry about kids in an unstable society. I would have liked to have a nice white wife, but I guess it won't happen. But I would rather have an Asian woman that I am attracted to, instead of a white woman that I am not. I am not attracted to 80% of woman I would say.I can't even imagine being with many of the woman that I see men with. Couple that with Avoid-ant Personality Disorder and religious repression and it's difficult to meet women. It's better to be alone my friend said than to come home to a nagging wife that you aren't even attracted to.

  59. "One of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large.

    White females who have ever had a black sexual partner are fatter (mean BMI: 28.8 vs. 26.2) and less intelligent (median ADD HEALTH Picture Vocabulary Test score: 99 vs. 105).

    As rated by interviewers, they are less attractive (3.29 vs. 3.63, where 1 = very unattractive and 5 = very attractive) and have less attractive personalities (3.53 vs. 3.77) and worse grooming (3.31 vs. 3.61). Unsurprisingly, they are more likely to test positive for sexually transmitted diseases (4.3% vs. 1.8% for chlamydia; 7.2% vs. 1.0% positive for trichomoniasis)."

    Agreed. Almost all of the white women that I know of who do mix with black men are sub-par in looks. A couple of them would have been perfect mates for Shrek the Ogre. A couple more were okay looking, but were dyed-in-the-wool SWPL. A couple more that my father is familiar with are somewhat mentally unbalanced, and one of them is also horribly fat.

    On the other hand, I also know some very attractive white women, and based upon their Facebook conversations with each other, NONE of them would seriously consider dating black men even though they don't necessarily consider them unattractive.

    I think young white guys are figuring this out and coming to understand that perhaps they would be better off marrying the (white) girl next door.

    My sister has had the opinion for some years now that, based on her own observations, one way to tell that a white guy has awful social skills (even if he is decent looking) is if he marries an Asian woman.

    And, in the flip side to the study on white women who mix with blacks, many Asian guys try to convince themselves that undesirable Asian women go after the white guys. I don't know if this is as true for them as it seems to be for white women who mate with blacks, but I do think it is to at least some extent.

  60. "one way to tell that a white guy has awful social skills (even if he is decent looking) is if he marries an Asian woman."

    You mean he's not a good liar.

  61. "It's better to be alone my friend said than to come home to a nagging wife that you aren't even attracted to."

    Well it sounds like you'll be enjoy that!

  62. I am never sure what you mean by 'Hispanic'. In Europe, we consider Spaniards, European and white.

    In Latin America, there are 'Hispanics' who are mixtures of Spanish, Amerindian and African black. People in Latin American countries seem to be super-sensitive to the their ancestry and skin colour. For example, it is fairly obvious when a Mexican is of pure Spanish descent or of pure Amerindian descent.

    So when you talk about US-white/Hispanic marriages, are you talking about marriages with someone of Spanish descent or with someone of Amerindian descent?

  63. It's good that black guys like Seal exist so undesirable white women will have mates.

  64. Interracial marriage is fastly becoming an irrelevant indicator, cohabitation and race of children is far better, but harder to track. Most blacks don't marry, over 65% of kids born out of wedlock, 50% of Hispanics are born out of wedlock, 25% of whites. It seems these numbers have began to level out in blacks, but they are rising in whites (not sure about HIspanics) so the reality is a lot of folks are procreating outside of marriage and there is no reason to believe this will end.

    I would assume the younger the cohort the truer it is.

  65. In Japan, the comdoms are smaller than those sold in most other places. Japanese men do tend to have smaller penises, both from my own observations in gym and from Japanese adult films, and also from my conversations with retired high dollar US call girls who worked Japan or Hawaii.

    (Incidentally, although I am no fan or consumer of prostitution whatever, retired high class CGs are some of the most fascinating humans to get to know-but not in the biblical sense, they all have herpes, at least.)

    This is less true elsewhere in Asia, with some Han Chinese and even Koreans being surprisingly bejingled. Condoms in those places are correspondingly bigger.

    With Blacks, some of the African tribes from which slaves came have penises of normal sizes (as compared with the rest of the world) and a couple have really huge ones.

    The only reason I can think of to explain this is that in those intensely hot climates the minimally clothed men had a literal "pecking order" established by this visible sign, so that larger penises were evolutionary.

    However, I have also seen convincing evidence that penis size is more determined by a factor passed down the female line, with mothers and sisters of bejingled men having only slight vulva differences, which in the male fetal development result in those tissues making for a bigger penis.

    At any rate, those tribes of blacks must have been the ones that got taken to what became the Dominican Republic. There, I think, you will find the most packin' population in the world. To give you an idea, Porfirio Rubirosa was only a little bigger than average in the DR. It's a popular destination both for gays (despite the fact that they get beat up frequently there) and for "Big Bamboo" female sex tourists.

  66. "Unfortunately, this doesn't break out the important gender gap in white-Asian marriages. In 1990, 72% of white-Asian marriages involved a white man and Asian woman, while in 2000, 75% involved a white man and an Asian woman."

    Important? Not really. There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS more East Asian women than men (check Census) and considering EAST Asians are an insignificant percentage of the US population this would skew the ratio since hundreds of thousands of East Asian women have married GIs from 1940s-1970s (and are still alive today).

    I doubt this is affecting the East Asian male US population due to their smaller numbers (relative to females). I also remember US asian males have the highest marriage rates of all ethnic groups. Wouldn't make sense if there is somehow a lack of females.

    Plus, US-born asian marriage gender gap seems to be trivial (though still skewed toward WM/AF). But I would suspect there are much more Asian females due to adoptions (i.e., Chinese/Korean females babies adopted).

    For example, the TOTAL US-born-US-born invovling Korean females is in order of of just TENS of thousands - rather tiny in a country of 300 million.


  67. To the person with friends that married Chinese women:

    CHINESE women are NOT submissive. Because of Communist policies, they are equal or even greater than men in Chinese society and expect their husbands to do an equal amount of work. Korean and Japanese women, on the other hand, are submissive. Especially Japanese women. They will do all the chores and kneel down in front of their husbands, while Chinese women will beat their husbands mentally and physically if they aren't up to par. Chinese women are very picky.

  68. "What I've also observed is that when a white male enters a relationship with or marries a black female, they tend to both be of higher status -- better educated, better jobs, often relatively attractive. For black male, white female relationships, that is not nearly so often the case -- I most often see what I regard as undesirable (to be nice) white women with black men who are not much better."

    This is generally true of white male/Asian female and white female/Asian male couplings as well.

    Out of all of the white male Asian female couples I have seen (literally hundreds), only one involves a higher class East Asian woman. On the other hand, white women with East Asian men are generally college educated and decent looking, very slightly taller than average, lighter skinned and lighter haired (among whites) and a little "traditional".

    "I also remember US asian males have the highest marriage rates of all ethnic groups."

    Yes, East Asian men are the least likely of ANY US racial/gender group (including Asian women) to be unmarried past around age 30. In fact if you count the 2-4% of men in general who are homosexual, the heterosexual non-marriage rate of East Asian men approaches 0% after age 50.

    This is why you have so few East Asian men answering all the anti-East Asian male posts, aside from being massively outnumbered they're too busy having jobs and being married.

  69. "In Japan, the comdoms are smaller than those sold in most other places. Japanese men do tend to have smaller penises, both from my own observations in gym and from Japanese adult films, and also from my conversations with retired high dollar US call girls who worked Japan or Hawaii."

    You're forgetting that, overwhelmingly, the larger/smarter Japanese men do not see prostitutes- especially foreign ones. Prejudices aside, Japanese men are more monogamous than everyone outside of other East Asian men and South Asians.

    And in terms of averages, there is no difference in penis size between Japanese and American men- however the standard deviation is not as wide.

  70. My wife is Latino (her parents are both Mexican). I read the study else where and it also stated that IM is more common in the midwest than in CA, which I have found to be true.
    I think the figure for IM between whites + latinos may be higher than the study reports. Esp. because some people who may be half-latino may not identify as latino. Whereas people who are half black (like Obama) do tend to identify as black.
    My wife is very light skinned. When we are together you may or may not know that we are an IR couple (though her brother and sister are darker). Most latinos are "mixed" anyway, and are not 100% anything, rather a mix of ethnicities.
    In her immediate family, her brother and sister both married whites.
    Personally, religion is a limiting factor for me. That is why I couldn't fathom dating a southern asian (indian) or even an east asian who was not Christian.

  71. Does it really matter what race people marry? As long as they are happy. Could it be that the Asian female finds the geeky (maybe smarter) caucasian guy attractive because of his brains rather than the mindless neanderthal of a jock? Especially when education is highly valued in Asian societies. I find the less educated tend to be more bothered by the interacial marriages. No one bats an eye at Harvard or Stanford at the inter racial marriages (and they are common). Smart people find other smart people attractive whether it be a jewish/asian mix or a chinese/indian mix or what have you. It seems I see more three times or four times divorced caucasian couples in Orange county than any where else. But who are we to judge? It just seems idiotic. In India, they make a big deal which caste you are in, even make people break up if they're in the wrong ethnicity- Goan vs. Bengali etc. I've seen plenty of White guys date Asian girls only to end up married to white women. The 40 percent number seems like a factoid. Maybe 18-25 percent. Out of maybe 100 asian friends I know only 15 of them are married to caucasians (both white female/asian male and asian female/white male combos). Regarding the Chinese female stereotypes it's probably cultural. If you had to live with almost 1 billion and half people you tend to come out aggressive, pushy just like Indians. If not then you'd be passed over or won't get the things you want. But that's more for the overseas Chinese than the American Born Chinese here. Just like there's a world of difference between dating an Israeli and an American Jewish boy. You don't see any Asian women on those horrid Real Housewives shows. Talk about gauche. Oh no, I'm judging. :) But that's an equal example of a particular race (caucasians) who are gaudy with money. But judging and being judgemental are actually Americans' favorite past times.

    The reason why there are more out of wedlock kids is because our welfare system rewards not getting married, you get more benefits. You'll see more common law husband wife thing but it pays more to say you're in a single household then if you were married.

  72. I have always found it strange the obession between black/white interracial realtionships, especially Black men and White women. I guess its the slavery thing.....

    The fact remains, that Asian women and White men are the 1# interracial couple in America! And their children are marrying back white at alarming rates! California is either going to be either Hapa or Hispanic soon and no one seems to care because a fat, ugly blond is dating a black guy!

    I have even noticed that on White supremacist sites, they don't dare chastize white men for dating Asian women yet they claim they are worried about the revival of the white race and "purity".

    Either way interracial dating is here to stay as long as men continue to grow penises. And i'll continue to sit back and observe the worker bees working.

  73. All I have to say is, RACISM is still very alive and very well in North America, and, apparently, it will never die.

  74. As for IR marriages between hispanics and whites I would say that the census is probably correct. I can use my own family as an example. Im Mexican American, my daughter is half white. MY Mother married a white man after my father died. My sister has 3 half mixed children with a white man. My aunt married a white guy from chile, her daughters and her son all married white men/women. In school and my social surroundings I have maybe 25 people I knew who intermarried with Whites.

    Friends of mines, I have about maybe 6 whose fathers were white or whose mothers were. I had 3 teachers who were half hispanic, one with white husband and wifes.

    Mexicans have a history of living in California forever. In suburbs where they work and live side by side with whites. When I was in school it was more common to see white women with Mexican Americans than it was to see them with whites.

    I would say the census is correct.


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