May 17, 2010

Latinos as "the stage army of the elites"

My new column considers why the press was so surprised to discover that likely American voters support the Arizona law by landslide majorities. I introduce the concept of non-Asian minorities as a useful "stage army" of the elites.

A "stage army" in a Shakespearean production is one in which extras march across the stage then whip around behind the scenes to march across, again and again.

Here's an excerpt from the middle:
In modern America, Latinos often function as a sort of "stage army" for our elites. They want Hispanics to intimidate—by sheer bulk of numbers—the citizenry and make resistance to elite projects appear historically hopeless. The vast and seemingly always increasing quantities of Hispanics can be cited as justification for whatever a person in a position of influence wants to do.

Say you are the President of the United States and you are worried that what you consider your demographic bases—"young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women"—won’t remember to show up to vote in 2010. So pick a fight over a state law and try to turn it into a racial conflict. Anybody who opposes you must be a racist, so you can’t lose, right?

Or say you want a make-work sinecure as an ethnic studies instructor or diversity coordinator. Harp on the existence of nearly 50,000,000 Latinos in the U.S... Claim to be one of their natural leaders. Assert that Real Soon Now they are all going to get around to voting—and that, when they do, they will all agree with you that you should have an easy job.

Say you are a high school administrator who doesn’t like the kind of students who wear American flag T-shirts to school. Well, punish them and blame it on the Latinos. Claim the Mexicans would riot if an American flag were seen on Cinco de Mayo—which is what has just happened at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California.

I believe that this sort of elite enabling, not Reconquista, is the real political danger that the Mexodus poses to the U.S.

Having followed this issue closely for decades, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't much chance of Mexican elites in the U.S. organizing a powerful Quebec-style separatist movement.

There are two reasons: First, as Barack Obama decided in the 1980s after his lengthy consideration of Louis Farrakhan’s black economic nationalism, there’s no money in separatism. If Mexicans wanted to live in a separate country run by Mexicans, they would live in Mexico. 

Second, Mexicans in the U.S. don't organize much of anything beyond the extended family or neighborhood level (such as a gang). LA Times columnist Gregory Rodriguez noted: "For example, in Los Angeles, home to more Mexicans than any other city in the U.S., there is not one ethnic Mexican hospital, college, cemetery or broad-based charity."[Mexican Americans Are Building No Walls, February 29, 2004]

On the other hand, the vast numbers of Mexicans in the U.S. due to legal and illegal immigration, the 1986 amnesty, and their high fertility serve the American left as a sort of mock mob, allowing American leftist elites to intimidate their rivals in all sorts of turf wars.

The American Left claims to have the vast Mexican masses on its side. They will (someday) vote in large numbers—so you'd better surrender now to them (or, to be precise, to their self-appointed leaders and allies).

Much of modern American leftism boils down to encouraging tribalistic attitudes among nonwhites. Clearly, some Mexican students in Morgan Hill’s Live Oak high school interpreted their school’s endorsement of multiculturalism through their own usual gang turf lens. Nor is it surprising that some American students, when exposed to these kind of school-sponsored Mexican assertions of cultural dominance, resist with subversive gestures, such as displaying American flags.

I have long argued that these racially fraught situations are used by upper middle class white liberals as class markers in order to put down their rivals of lower rank.

In California, for example, upper middle class white liberals almost never educate their children in high school classrooms with large numbers of Mexicans. It’s simply not done.

So if your kid goes to a school where Mexicans are dominant in numbers, and is therefore made uncomfortable by Mexican declarations of ascendancy, then that just shows to the white liberal mind that you and your kid are losers. Obviously, you can’t afford private school or to live in an expensive school district, or you aren’t smart enough to figure out how to manipulate the magnet and charter school rackets in order to get in with the right people.

It's a Perpetual Motion machine: if the elite-subsidized minority tribalism provokes the slightest sign of tribalistic reactions among the people who aren't allowed to express group pride—that is to say, Americans, citizens, whites, etc.—then that can be used to cram more expressions of elite-sponsored minority tribalism down the throats of the people who don't have their own approved tribe.

Wash, rinse, and repeat.

I then compare the Live Oak H.S. events to the recent Harvard Law School Watsoning. One obvious lesson to follow when targeted for a Two Minutes Hate is to stand tall, like policeman James Crowley of Cambridge, not cravenly apologize like Harvard president Larry Summers of Cambridge. (Larry, hilariously, immediately gave a $50 million slush fund to Drew Gilpin Faust as reparations. Not surprisingly, Dr. Faust soon replaced Summers as President.)

Read the whole thing there and comment upon it here.


  1. Crafty post.

  2. The worrying thing is that the next generation of elites is being raised by Mexican and Central American nannies.

    While their upper-class parents attend fancy parties in New York, DC and Los Angeles, these Ivy League bound kids are learning and conversing in Spanish, taking on Mexican mother figures, learning unofficial Mexican History and politics etc.

    I believe the same thing happened during the abolition and civil rights movements in the 19th Century and 1960's respectively. WASPS and Jews that had been raised by black nannies made them sympathized with those causes(which were good things, of course). Whereas our current elites were raised by black nannies(which might explain meteoric rise of Obama in their circles), the next elites will identity heavily with the Hispanic cause.

    Those of us from European extraction have nothing to be hopeful about.

  3. This is very insightful analysis. The liberal-left want to create a new populace so that they can stay in power forever. Much like what the U.K. Labour did under Blair.

    I think much of the anti-immigration sentiment in this country is not driven by hostility towards Hispanics, per se, but towards the elites themselves.

  4. "So if your kid goes to a school where Mexicans are dominant in numbers, and is therefore made uncomfortable by Mexican declarations of ascendancy, then that just shows to the white liberal mind that you and your kid are losers. Obviously, you can’t afford private school or to live in an expensive school district, or you aren’t smart enough to figure out how to manipulate the magnet and charter school rackets in order to get in with the right people."

    It's a little more subtle than that. They group all whites into one group to get over their own guilty consciences over their high status. It just never occurs to them to think the way you do.

    I would think raising the class issue would actually be a nice counterattack, as it would split the left. I'd love to see more conservatives talking about class, but they're all too busy fellating Big Business. It's a pity.

    As for Crowley: he had a union behind him. He also had a reputation for 'sensitivity'. You figure a lot of people with blue-collar jobs in these college towns are intellectual types without a degree. One big perk of being a university janitor instead of an office-building janitor is you often get access to the very nice university libraries. I used to pass the guy at the desk in my college dorm building reading Rudy Rucker.

  5. As an example of the US media's obsession with the Hispanic vote I'd recommend this article on CNN's website which analyses the critical demographic importance of Latino voters in elections in........ the United Kingdom!

  6. Anonymous -- No. My cynical side says that the widespread suburbanization of America led to Whites deciding it was not worth the trouble to maintain Segregation, because the fight was over political control of cities they were fleeing anyway, and knew under Black political control were doomed.

    Not the standard "Martin Luther King raised moral awareness," which is not slight his accomplishments or courage, but similar men of similar accomplishments and courage failed. The narrative says Whites achieved a superior level of moral awareness and guilt. My cynicism says, they jumped in their private cars to the suburbs.
    Steve -- I think you are wrong on this. Mark Steyn points out the future is ALREADY LATINO. Arizona is functionally, a Mexican majority state, in the future, because that is who had kids. NOT WHITES.

    So Whites are nervous, angry, and deciding to take a stand. Particularly in a Depression. Even Obama's advisors, Reich and Summers and Geithner and the rest, say it will be ten years or more before those 8 million who lost jobs in the Recession are re-hired. If ever. Since we are looking at PERMANENT job losses in retail, professional services, and medical as well as manufacturing and construction.

    Which means, basically, there are no jobs Americans won't do.

    Its a naked spoils fight for the few remaining jobs, houses, good neighborhoods, and control of schools. You can't move in this environment, so if a school starts to shift you get naked tribal battles.

    Yes the elites figured they'd use Latinos/Mexicans as an army -- but the recession pushed forward a naked, brutal, loser gets nothing, winner gets all, spoils battle.

    Every White parent knows their White son is dead meat unless the current crop of illegals gets deported. To a lesser extent, their daughters, but still. Not just higher taxes, brutal competition for school, higher ed resources, safety, and jobs, jobs, jobs.

    This is the start of the end of White Guilt. Leaving nothing left.

    It is precisely BECAUSE there is a huge risk, that people are fighting NOW.

    Look at our California. It is a Mexican majority state, with Mexicans dominating LA and San Diego city councils and mayor's office, most of the Legislature, and so on. The next Democratic Senators will be Mexican, not Anglo.

    There are no more "Whitopias" to move to (ala "Searching for Whitopia" by Richard Benjamin). Hence the fight.

    One group will rule the states. It will either be Mexicans (allied with Blacks) having all the spoils resources (since Government now controls and dispenses everything) or it will be Middle Class Whites.

    THAT battle is now in full scale display. How it turns out will determine if Whites are ethnically and economically cleansed out of all but a few remaining Whitopias, or not.

    Don't discount Obama simply opening the borders fully and making instant citizens of 30-50 million Mexicans in a Lame Duck Congress. In fact, make book on it.

  7. an "LOL" post. You've gone beyond the edge.

  8. Let's hope the Latino baby bubble continues to melt down as it started to in 2008.

  9. absolutely brilliant. Perhaps the best Sailer essay I've read.

    My wife recently got into an argument about Arizona with a friend who lives in a tony part of town and who pays for her kid to be tutored so he can excel at his elite, white public school.

    Her child is threatened by middle class whites and Asians who are also trying get admittance to elite public universities. Illegal immigration is the hammer the elites use to beat down their middle and blue collar rivals, who they feel are at their heels.

  10. "I believe that this sort of elite enabling, not Reconquista, is the real political danger that the Mexodus poses to the U.S."

    It's a very powerful tool in their quiver now that neoliberals snidely boast of their own affluence while mocking conservatives as lower class dummys during election season in a bid to capture the vote of fence-sitting aspirationals. They pit the races against each other and tone down the class warfare rhetoric since they cast the White males as racist, economic losers whose votes have been rendered inconsequential by the new motor voter non-citizen-SWPL-hipster-urban femme-gay-New Black Panther alliance.

  11. Almost another Carrie Prejean moment:

    "Nunez, who is a regular on the hit NBC sitcom ‘The Office’ asked Miss Oklahoma where she stood on the controversial new immigration law enacted in Arizona. Many audience members booed as he asked the question.

    The law requires local law enforcement to ask for documentation of citizenship or residency of anyone suspected of being in the state illegally.

    Morgan Elizabeth Woolard answered 'I’m a huge believer in states’ rights. I think that’s what’s so wonderful about America… So I think it’s perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law.

    I wonder why Miss USA contestants have more of a backbone than politicians, corporate executives and other members of the spineless elite?

  12. Interesting take on this subject.

    Another tack is that in our ponzi/FIRE based economics, the system needs new blood, new people to keep functioning, to be dynamic, to buy stuff, buy houses, pay SocSec and FISA et al.

    Lowering wages to competitive (not quite third world, lower than Europe when social programs are taken into consideration) levels is a nice bonus.

    Perhaps the most striking example of this is to go to a football(soccer) game here in USofA, against Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica...

    Anywhere, in any state.

    As a white guy wearing red, white and blue, cheering on the American team on American soil, you will get piss, water bottles, spit thrown at you, and you will be outnumbered by a quite considerable margin.

    Perhaps that will strike you, that will be the moment that this country no longer belongs to you (if it ever did) - it belongs to whomever the elites decide it belongs to.

  13. The worrying thing is that the next generation of elites is being raised by Mexican and Central American nannies.

    Really though?

    Ive seen the 'hispnic nannies are for losers' theme mentioned here before.

    How does that play out in reality?

    In fact we really should enourage the whole 'hispanic nannies are for losers' idea, and talk up the European nanny. Then the elites would be forced by the dictates of fashion to employ European nannies instead. Though I suspect that already happens. Hispani nannies are for the middle ranking, those who can't afford the real thing, ie not true elite members.

  14. Morgan Elizabeth Woolard just lost to Rima Fakih as Miss USA.

    Im sure certain sectors of society see that as some sort of karma for Morgan showing a bit of spine.

    No doubt the judging process was entirely meritocratic and in no way influenced by any crass political motivations. Its obvious, Rima is prettier than Morgan, who could disagree...

  15. Brilliant submission.

    Soon lesser rivals will steal your "stage army of the elite" bon mot. I won't forget who came up with it.

    ~ Risto

  16. Don't discount Obama simply opening the borders fully and making instant citizens of 30-50 million Mexicans in a Lame Duck Congress. In fact, make book on it.

    The day that happens sell your stocks and invest in tar and feathers.

    The Mad Duck Congress isn't going to happen. There are still folks in there who want their jobs, and there are still enough senators who would filibuster any attempt at an amnesty - nearly all of the 41 Republicans (though maybe not Bennett) and at least a few of the Democrats up in 2012.

  17. In New York, nannies are usually Afro-Caribbean.

  18. Rima Fakih IS prettier, and I don't even like brunettes.

  19. Hispanics that supported Amnesty for illegal constituted 3.1% of the vote in the 18-battleground states in 2008.

    Non-Hispanic whites that supported deporting illegal immigrants in contrast *alone* constituted 52% of the vote in the 18-battleground states in 2008.

  20. PS.

    An important reason the public and journalists over-estimate the "Hispanic vote" is that they can't do math.

    They think in categories, not numbers. The heuristic for Hispanic is "teeming, growing".

    The General Social Survey asked people to estimate the share of Latinos. Americans on average thought they were 25% a few years back, when they were 12%.

    The same by the way goes for African Americans, who people think are 30% of the population.

    This also partially explains the obsession with a multitude of whites in the Tea partiers in a country where 73% of the adult citizen population is still non-Hispanic white.

  21. That's a pretty bad picture of Rima Faikh. This is more representative:;next

    Of course your larger political point is valid.

  22. Say you are the President of the United States and you are worried that what you consider your demographic bases—"young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women"—won’t remember to show up to vote in 2010. So pick a fight over a state law and try to turn it into a racial conflict. Anybody who opposes you must be a racist, so you can’t lose, right?

    The problem for the Democrats is that coalitions of various identity groups are never as tight as they might like. Blacks are not on board for millions more Hispanics coming into the US and driving down wages on the bottom end of the job market, for instance. Or, if they had to choose between open borders and gay marriage, most white lefties would pick gay marriage.

    Feminists care about feminist issues. Gays care about gay issues. Environmentalists care about environmentalist issues. As much as some might try to tie all these causes together as "social justice" or some such meta idea, the cross-pollination doesn't happen.

  23. Rima Fakih IS prettier, and I don't even like brunettes.

    OK thats one vote for Rima, anyone else?

  24. "Say you are a high school administrator who doesn’t like the kind of students who wear American flag T-shirts to school"

    Damn, sign me up for that school. At every public school I went to, and every one I've ever heard of, any suggestion that America wasn't the only country on earth where people lived well, or any suggestion that American power wasn't always used in humanity's best interest, marked you as a subversive. High school administrators in rural America are some of the most bitter reactionary morons you can imagine. I suppose it's the flipside of the inner city public schools - underachieving losers with authority complexes gravitate to these positions everywhere, and they will stubbornly defend the dominant ideology of the region no matter what it is - leftist or rightist. The important thing is that all students conform.

  25. "the next generation of elites is being raised by Mexican and Central American nannies. "

    You could argue that happened in Tsarist Russia as well - the elite was raised by English, French and German nannies, and when the time came in 1917 to defend the Monarchy the elite didn't stand up for Mother Russia, they had begun to think of themselves as "Europeans" first and Russians second.

  26. By the way - in Manhattan Latina nannies are uncool. It's much cooler to have an exotic nanny from somewhere like Tibet.

  27. Rima Fakih IS prettier, and I don't even like brunettes.

    OK thats one vote for Rima, anyone else?

    She IS a beautiful woman of Arab descent but the first commenter misses the larger point: that there can be no more distinctive 'American' look: blonde/brown hair, more delicate brow, jaw and chin, softer eyes, lineal nose, etc. The goal is to divest America of any sense of ethnos. Are their like instances of pageant judges in Lebanon choosing an Anglo/European woman as representing the Lebanese nation's classic ideals of feminine beauty?

    This is one of the globalist elite's cognitive disconnects: the ethnic sense of Anglos and Europeans is a troglodytic throwback, the ethnic sense of everybody else is a triumph to be celebrated.

  28. David Davenport5/18/10, 8:08 AM

    An important reason the public and journalists over-estimate the "Hispanic vote" is that they can't do math.

    Or they don't want to do math and they have no accurate data.

    Good points, Tino.

    Have you wondered and hoped that the Left and its propaganda organs are over-estimating the number of Hispanics in the USA in order to sell the inevitable-brown-flood-tide-of-history meme?

    The Left lies and exaggerates lots of other things, so why not over-hype the Hispanic head count?

    After all, no one has an accurate count of illegal aliens in the US.

  29. >coalitions of various identity groups are never as tight as [elites] might like<

    Whites should do all they can to exacerbate the natural conflicts among these groups.

  30. As much as some might try to tie all these causes together as "social justice" or some such meta idea, the cross-pollination doesn't happen.

    So, the last 100 or more years of Western politics was, what, all a dream? The alliance of low SES types with their hands out, highly organized interest groups (unions, gvt employees, etc) with their hands out, and morally preening elites has been making the left go for more than a century.

    Maybe, some day, the right will figure out how to drive a wedge between morally traditional low SES types and SWPLs, but they have not figured it out yet. And, "tax cuts for everyone! free trade! deregulation! meritocracy!" sure ain't gonna do it.

  31. By a two-to-one margin Hispanics are more strongly opposed ...

    That hurt my brain to read, so I'm sure some PC obsessed copy editor mulled over it for some time in order to put the best spin on it.

  32. In 2000 28 percent of all U.S. marriages involving Hispanics crossed ethnic lines. Add in those that become professionals, who will be virtually white, and will soon think of themselves as such and about 1/3 of those immigrants will become white.

  33. Also BTW some are in fact white. It is not just the poor workers who enter but some of the Spanish Caucasian elite who enter the USA illegal.

  34. >This is the start of the end of
    >White Guilt. Leaving nothing

    If 73% of the adult population is a) White and b) is no longer feeling bound to the vision of MLK.

    We are talking pure tribal political fights with the biggest, wealthiest and most organized faction, Whites, deciding to play by the Left's rules.

    There can be only one outcome in that set up.

  35. not a hacker5/18/10, 2:57 PM


    Careless use of the term neoliberal. That term is accurately applied only to what we might call "common-sense democrats", not postmodern lefties. Think Mickey Kaus. In other words, someone who wouldn't call you a racist merely for pointing out the intellectual bankruptcy of affirmative action.

  36. helene edwards5/18/10, 3:09 PM

    Peter A, you are a remarkably imprecise writer. For example, having a Mexican or central american nanny in NYC is not "uncool." What you mean is that among the financial elite, e.g. the kind of people with whom Sherman McCoy socialized in Bonfire, you can one-up your friends by having a nanny from Tibet. The same is true of your drive-by description of the political conformities allegedly present in the small town schools you attended. What you really mean is that if someone mindlessly voiced the opinion that America's involvement in Vietnam was somehow motivated by racial malice (the preferred San Francisco analysis ca. 1970), he was immediately corrected, since that was the most idiotic of the various possible grounds for opposition. How about putting a bit more effort into it next time?

  37. "Are their like instances of pageant judges in Lebanon choosing an Anglo/European woman as representing the Lebanese nation's classic ideals of feminine beauty?"

    No idea about Lebanon, but Central American countries definitely don't feel the need to represent classic ideals of indigenous Indian beauty.

  38. "An important reason the public and journalists over-estimate the "Hispanic vote" is that they can't do math.

    They think in categories, not numbers. The heuristic for Hispanic is "teeming, growing".

    The General Social Survey asked people to estimate the share of Latinos. Americans on average thought they were 25% a few years back, when they were 12%.

    The same by the way goes for African Americans, who people think are 30% of the population."

    Indeed, I've talked to people like this. I don't think that they really even process the numbers. They divide America into "White, Black, Latino" and when they hear something like "Latinos oppose Arizona bill" they assign it a weight of 1/3. Innumerate people, it seems, have an especially hard time dealing with diversity.

  39. "Also BTW some are in fact white. It is not just the poor workers who enter but some of the Spanish Caucasian elite who enter the USA illegal

    I don't want Hispanic whites from south of border in this country either. No more immigration. They don't belong in this country.

  40. "Perhaps the most striking example of this is to go to a football(soccer) game here in USofA, against Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica..."

    Mexico just played Angola in the US and there must have been 70,000 fan there. What a disgrace.
    This country is ruined already.

  41. "I suppose it's the flipside of the inner city public schools - underachieving losers with authority complexes gravitate to these positions everywhere,"

    I guess 90% of the population are losers then. We are suckers and loser. I don't know why we put up with this stupid system, so some scum Wall St thugs can take advantage of us.

  42. asdfasdfasdf5/18/10, 6:57 PM

    "At least when crimethinkers back down and apologize. This is the real significance of Morgan Hill. The American students and their parents in behaved in a tactically superior fashion to, say, Larry Summers or James D. Watson—or the Harvard law school student, who immediately crumpled when denounced by Minow.
    Instead, The Morgan Hill Five followed the game plan devised by police officer James Crowley and the Cambridge PD last summer when insulted by President Obama: Never apologize. When the diversicrats like Minow and Obama schedule you for a Two Minutes Hate, do not back down. These incidents are a test of power and courage. Stand tall and make them give in.
    When crimethinkers stand their ground, well, then the ground begins to shift under everybody's feet."

    It's funny how bimbos and highschool dudes have more guts and integrity than educated and highly privileged people.

    Maybe that's just it. The more you have to lose in terms of respect, privilege, prestige, and wealth, the less courage you have.

  43. Careless use of the term neoliberal.

    Neoliberal is to liberal as neoconservative is to conservative. Get it? I'd be more specific but then iSteve might filter this comment.

  44. "l said...

    The problem for the Democrats is that coalitions of various identity groups are never as tight as they might like."

    That hasn't seemed to impede them any so far.

    "Blacks are not on board for millions more Hispanics coming into the US and driving down wages on the bottom end of the job market, for instance."

    Blacks, at least to judge by their representatives, don't seem to care much about illegal aliens. I think this is because so many black men have just dropped out of the workforce that job competition just isn't a big issue for them.

  45. "Are their like instances of pageant judges in Lebanon choosing an Anglo/European woman as representing the Lebanese nation's classic ideals of feminine beauty? "

    Given that Miss Lebanon 2007 looks like an auburn-haired Marisa Tomei, I'd say yeah:

    But given that the Lebanese are a Mediterranean people with a lot of European admixture, you picked the worst possible example.

  46. David said...
    >coalitions of various identity groups are never as tight as [elites] might like<

    Whites should do all they can to exacerbate the natural conflicts among these groups.

    Creating disenchantment and conflict among the Dems' various identity groups is probably the best strategy for Republicans: Pacifists vs. Israel-firsters; Socialists vs. Goldman-Sachs/Wall Street looters; Blacks vs. Latins vs. Jews. Etc.

  47. "Claim the Mexicans would riot if an American flag were seen on Cinco de Mayo."

    This is the money quote. It isn't just promoting the idea that resistance to the elites plans are futile, it is actual physical threat. They use these people as brownshirts. Mostly blacks in the past, increasingly Hispanics, but also gays, anarchists, and others as the situation calls for. Have you noticed that very few of these PC rioters go to jail, and most of those who do are quietly let go a short time later. Even in horrific events like the LA riots the system practices the doctrine of minimal prosecution. It's sponsorship of politcal thuggery.

  48. "Careless use of the term neoliberal."

    "Neoliberal is to liberal as neoconservative is to conservative."

    We are all technically wrong, because the term has been formally used to describe both Free Market, Adam Smith influenced Neoclassical Economics, and used later on to describe the globalist trade policies with tight centralized bank planning emerging in the 1970's. Post-modern liberalism is cumbersome, and there very little liberal about them anymore. Is there another term that better describes this new animal?

    I grew up in an era when liberals were pro free speech, against wage busting, supportive of the working class, generally patriotic and pro-sovereignty despite occasionally sympathizing with the far-away Commie despots they idealized. They were also intellectually honest compared to the crowd I dub Neo.

    "Lebanese are a Mediterranean people with a lot of European admixture, you picked the worst possible example."

    They are a European favoring admixture with more visible Northern European coloration and features than most populations residing along the Mediterranean, with the possible exception of France. I suspect they were the left-overs from Roman occupation or possibly the Remnant Celtic Israelites of Christian Identity fame.

    But Rima Sakih is an Arab, and obviously not of the same stock as the Christian Maronite population of Lebanon. She is also a Christian, not a Muslim, just like President Barack Hussein Obama.

  49. I suspect the over estimates are due to minorities generally living near each other. If your city has more than a handful of blacks or hispanics, it's very likely to have 50-80% minorities. I'd guess there are almost no counties with a racial breakdown that comes within 1% of the nation's racial mix. Since people tend to extrapolate what their experiences are, and most whites have been to a large city, they tend to overestimate minority populations.

  50. "Are their like instances of pageant judges in Lebanon choosing an Anglo/European woman as representing the Lebanese nation's classic ideals of feminine beauty? "

    Beauty pageant contestants from Middle Eastern countries often look European.

  51. Beauty pageant contestants from Middle Eastern countries often look European.

    But do these dusky beauties look Angl-Celt with Nordic admixture? Because that is the phenotype of most Americans.

  52. >It's funny how bimbos and highschool dudes have more guts and integrity than educated and highly privileged people.

    Maybe that's just it. The more you have to lose in terms of respect, privilege, prestige, and wealth, the less courage you have.<

    No, it's more like this:

    The more courage and integrity you have, the less you are permitted to participate or at least thrive in society, in terms of high income and elite education.

    Suckpoops rise to the top. People with dignity are outcasts.


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