May 13, 2010

A new term: "The Full Bullock"

Few topics generate more bipartisan consensus among elites than the need to devote more of the resources of nice white ladies to closing the Nurture Gap among the races, whether via Head Start or having teachers work endless hours at KIPP charter schools or all the way up to adoption. 

From now on we shall call that ultimate option on the continuum of nurturist solutions The Full Bullock, as in, "You know, these half measures aren't accomplishing much, so to close The Gap, we may have to go ... The Full Bullock."

We are of course honoring Sandra Bullock, who won the Best Actress Oscar for playing a rich white lady who adopts a giant black youth in The Blind Side. And then, in real life, the adorable actress adopted from New Orleans a remarkably menacing-looking baby. (Thanks to WWTDD for that characterization).


  1. A disturbing contrast in their facial expressions.
    I fear the two will be incompatible.

  2. Captain Jack Aubrey5/13/10, 12:59 AM

    Well since the gap is entirely about nurture, and has absolutely nothing to do with nature, I propose that we entrust these babies into the hands of societies richest, smartest and/or most morally superior: Indians, Chinese, Jews, Democratic politicians, and all Ivy League alum. For the next generation they need to dedicate their full parenting resources to the nurturing of Vibrant Peoples, and only Vibrant Peoples. No wasting time on children of their own. After all, if Vibrant Children have to share homes with their adopted parents' biological children they might at times feel slighted.

    If they can't do it, no one can.

  3. Bullock is clearly trash. She married a heavily tattooed douchebag despite knowing full well that he had previously been married to a porn star. How she could have been shocked when he cheated on her is beyond comprehension. Now she has adopted an ugly black kid. What is that all about?

  4. dadafasdfasfd5/13/10, 2:16 AM

    In the old days, whites used to buy African slaves. Now they buy African babies. Yes, BUY is more appropriate than ADOPT, since these women seem to be paying a good deal of money to get their African toddlers. And rich whites seem to be doing it most.

    I heard black slaves had once been precious commodity in Europe prior to the expansion of the Atlantic Slave Trade. When the Dark Continent was just that--dark, mysterious, and inaccessible--, only very rich white Europeans could afford black slaves, and they were treated very well, as precious trophies, a sign that the family could afford an exotic pet. The slaves were dressed well, even educated, and given relatively dignified duties; they were not wasted on menial labor.

    When the black slave thing became a huge business, the appeal of the Negro as prized trophy went out the window. I mean if even some rednecks in the American south could own a black slave, what was the big deal?

    Well, we seem to have come full circle. Bored rich white people now want something to warm their hearts and boost their moral worth. Besides, they already went through the fads of adopting Chinese kids, Russian kids, raising pot bellied miniature pigs, and exotic birds and reptiles. And though there are many expensive and exotic breeds of dogs and cats, pets can only do so much.
    I suppose one could have one's own kids, but that means commitment with a man and all that rigamarole, and modern women just have no time for that stuff. She wants to buy kids like she buys clothes, shoes, make up,and pets.

    One could adopt white kids but they are harder to come by and besides, there isn't much of save-the-world or I'm-so-wonderfully-progressive feel-good theme in doing so. There was some save-the-world-ism with Chinese babies when China was poor, but as China rises, Chinese babies carry no social significance.

    Anyway, the best way to put an end to the latest fad is to ridicule it by over commercializing it to the point where it's nothing special.

    We should set up Ebay or Ebaby adoption sites for African babies. Rich whites can bid high especially for cute looking African babies. We can even open a chain of the African Baby Stores all over America. "Look at that cute African baby in the window."

    There was a time when Africa sold millions of slaves to whites and grew rich. Now, it can sell millions of African babies and grow rich again. I suppose it's a new kind of slave trade in a way, but hey, this time the blacks will not be bought and brought here to pick cotton but to enjoy lives more privileged than most white kids have. They'll even enjoy affirmative action though their ancestors had been African enslaving and exterminating one another.

    I can just see it now. Every African nation with stalls with signs: "Babies for Sale". Heck, maybe the NFL and NBA will get in the act, buying up the biggest babies from West African countries and raising them to play for their teams. It may save them money in the long run as it will be a family enterprise.

    Gosh, after all these yrs, Africa still has nothing to sell but raw materials and fellow Africans.

  5. LOL. the full bullock.

    would having black american families adopt fat mexican babies, result in mexican men not growing into short, slow, unathletic slugs? can mexican-americans close the "sports" gap? certainly being surrounded by afroletic blathletes from birth is the proper environment for turning mestizo men into world beating basketball players.

  6. speaking of WWTDD, i never really read that site before, but looking it over, he claims to get more hits than

    he also appears to be hopelessly attracted to good looking asian women, who by now, have probably become the scourge of white women everywhere.

  7. I'm surprised this celebrity fad isn't creating more disquiet among professional race hustlas. Are minorities too stupid and irresponsible to raise their own children?

  8. Inter-racial adoption gives SWPL couples 'vibrancy cred' and this enhances their social status. But it also provides a built-in safequard against social embarrassment in the field of competitive parenting. When the NAM-adopted kids fail to measure up to elite standards by having lower than average SAT scores, etc., the other white parents secretly make allowances because they know the adoptive parents can't be blamed for the NAM kids' genes.

  9. White paternalism = Evil.

    White maternalism = Holy.

  10. The baby seems unexcited about "Mom".

  11. I've got my hands full with my own four, thank you. My oldest will be headed off to VA Tech in the fall, majoring in physics. One down, three to go.

  12. That is a menacing look.


    I thought babies were supposed to giggle [or else cry].

    Who ever heard of a scowling baby?

  13. How nice is she... really?

    The Jesse James saga was pure PR lunacy.

    I like James' motorcycle show on TV. He was the rock 'em, sock 'em macho guy who wouldn't apologize for nothing.

    Then he marries Bullock, fools around on her, and goes completely wimpy... confession, therapy, the works.

    So, if Bullock was playing around with the motorcycle bad boy, how nice is she... really?

    And, can either of these people tell the difference between reality and PR?

  14. According to Judith Harris (of The Nurture Assumption), these kids (black kids raised by white saints) can have their chances improved, not directly by the guidance of their wonderful parents, but as the result of being placed in a more success-oriented social context.



  15. Bullock is about to turn 46. Does she have any children of her own?

  16. Swiftian. Comedy. Gold.

    Steve-o, let us know the next time you get lit so we can get your wife to set a dictaphone in front of you.

  17. Does Mrs iSteve know that a certain someone has been clicking around at WWTDD?

    If Momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy...

  18. Menacing dark male, clueless white female.

    Oh, yes, that's a story that invariably ends well.

  19. "I fear the two will be incompatiable"

    Nahh, even death row inmates love their mamas. Besides adopting a black child makes more sense, on every level, than her marrying white power Bill.

    And why would any child of Sandra Bullock need a high IQ or any marketable skill at all? The woman is absurdly wealth, but otherwise seems like a decent human being. If her kid is best suited working construction or for the Parks Department, she doesn't strike me as the type who'd pay the necessary $10 million bribe to Harvard (h/t Steve) to get him in if that wasn't what he wanted to do.

  20. The kid will grow up only exposed to upper class values, so even if he doesn't turn out to be very smart, at least he won't become a ghetto gangster who can't speak proper English. And given how rich his foster mother his, we won't need to work for a living.

  21. The kid could turn out like Paris Hilton who is rich and famous, even though I see no evidence that she's any smarter than the average black person (IQ of 85 or so).

  22. Stir the Pot5/13/10, 8:19 AM

    We've seen the previous versions of this movie before, & they always end the same.

    The latest iteration (white women adopting/birthing non-whites) is similar to previous tries at 'civilizing' non-white children in their homelands. In the Old World during colonialism it was done with transplanted white populations pushing the natives toward white ways. White men were involved then playing Daddy.

    We also remember the New World version (US/Aus), where kids of native tribes were sent to 'white' boarding schools to break their cultures' negative influences.

    Both tries failed as soon as whitey stopped trying, & the natives reverted to their native cultural ways.

  23. Stir the Pot5/13/10, 8:34 AM

    Whites seem to have more altruism than others, (welfare, feeding feral cats, social programs, racial guilt, etc) especially childless N Euro women, which seems closely related to maternal instinct. When kept inside limits, like inside an ethnic group & low cost, it does much to help societies function more cooperatively by feeding orphans, watching neighborhood kids, disaster victims, etc. Call this reciprocal altruism, inside an ethnic group, that helps the group as a whole.

    Sandra's altruism, however, is more non-reciprocal. Like feeding feral cats, it's directed outside her ethnic group toward a target that has low odds of ever being productive & returning the favor. Essentially she's redistributing her time & money from her ethnic group to a baby outside that group, an effort that will not be reciprocated by that baby during its adulthood.

    Whites, especially childless, N Euro women, are about the only people in history that have practiced non-reciprocal altruism on a large scale, to the point it is hurting their own ethnic societies. While this instinct is strong among childless N Euro white women, the end will come when scarcity of resources (economic crash) forces them & their societies paying for this to re-arrange their priorities more toward self-preservation.

    Food for thought.

  24. Of course Miss Bullock doesn't think of her new baby as a human being at all. It's a pet.

    He's not as cute as my dog however.

  25. Vibrant Peoples--I like that term

  26. I know an intellectual Ivy League grad who adopted an inner city african american baby. The child never did particularly well in school, never really enjoyed reading, although his parents are voracious readers, and didn't even go to college. However, he did become a nice person, a good citizen and a police officer. So there may well be a net gain to society for raising these children in better households.

  27. "Bullock" - meaning a castrated bull is suspiciously close to "bollock" which is an olde English word for testicle, typified by the classic Sex Pistols album, 'Never mind the bollocks' - here 'bollocks' is used in the slang sense of garbage.
    After Johnny Rotten walked out of the Pistols Malcolm McClaren produced a lot of cheap distinctly unpunk guff for the Pistols to release as a pure money grubbing exercise.Amongst these was the notoriously coarse English Rugby song 'Friggin' in the Riggin'.This song is, of course, immortalized by Steve Jones crying-out midway "OK boys give me some bollocks" in a splendid Michael Cainesque cockney inflected shout.

  28. I'd like to see the data on black boys from sketchy backgrounds adopted by white women. I suspect the violence and murder rate toward the mother and society in general is off the charts.

  29. The fact that Ms. Bullock posed for a picture for this magazine (or at least that she didn't shelter this child from a photo for show biz publicity) tells me the main reason for her adoption of this baby: "Look at me, look at me--aren't I wonderful, so so so pure of heart, so so so giving. All of you should strive to be like me."

    And the baby is made a prop.

  30. I don't care what Sandra Bullock does in her private life.

    I expect the media to seek and exploit any PC angle. But it is annoying that as a "mother" Bullock would use the media to exploit her adoptee for positive press coverage and moral preening.

    I don't think Madonna ever posed with her kids on the cover of a Mag for personal and professonal gain. Did Bradjolie pander their kids? Hell, did even Michael Jackson ever do such a publicity photo shoot with his kids?

  31. I grew up thoroughly brainwashed and wracked with guilt over the doubtless numerous black Oppenheimers and Einstein's locked away in reform schools and prisons. Now that I know the truth, my concerns are different:

    how much white intelligence has been physically destroyed by black violence over the past century or so? we know that the black single out the brighter blacks for skull crushing, based on the inarguable principle that "anyone smarter than me deserves to be stomped," but how many white victims have been chosen to be converted into drooling cripples by gangs of feral blacks specifically because they're smart?

    it certainly gives me pause, particularly after attending an Ivy League university nestled into the bosom of a black ghetto, where genius graduate students were readily picked off and murdered in the streets as a form of “atonement for slavery.”

    Just think of the extraordinarily brilliant historian John Boswell at Yale, an elite school stupidly located in the middle of a ghetto, who was stomped into unconsciousness and severely brain-damaged, ending his career.

    These are the questions that you preoccupied white people, and not the chimeric search for the mythical “black Einstein” they can nurture, thereby reedeeming themselves in the eyes of permanently angry black people.

  32. In the ante-bellum South, the most troublesome slaves were "sold down the river" (i.e., to Louisiana). This may explain the particularly egregious crime statistics among their descendants.

  33. And to think that was the best photo of the kid they took - ye gods.

    He definitely looks like he wants to slap me upside my fool head.

  34. The baby looks like a thug. These white liberals should be forced to pay a thug tax for the unwanted progeny of the Vibrant Peoples

  35. She made a big deal about how this adoption was out of necessity kept TOP SECRET!!! NO ONE outside of trusted few knew of the presence of this baby! Gotta keep it quiet. For the baby's sake. Until after the Oscars. Yeah thats it,let the Oscars go and then we'll announce it by putting the baby ON THE COVER OF PEOPLE--with a bunch of giant pictures of Sandy & the baby!! So all the secrecy was...why,again? My theory is this adoption mightve been underway,or in the talking stages,or might not've been going on at all,until dear old Jesse appeared in the media with his tatooed Nazi. A desperate conference with her publicist(think SCTV's Andrea Martin's character Edith Prickley)leading to a call to New Orleans: "Get me a *#**#@ and get me one NOW!!" The pics of Sandra cooing with the young G,er I mean baby,are absolutely bizarre,almost sexual. UGH! At one point Sandra says,with regards to the frowning babe,something like,"Thats his upset face." Cute. Get usd to it. You'll see that face a lot,Sandra.

  36. She appears to have chosen her child (and don't we wish we all could do that?) with the same care and flawless judgment she used in selecting a husband.

  37. anonymous said: "we know that the black single out the brighter blacks for skull crushing, based on the inarguable principle that "anyone smarter than me deserves to be stomped,"...

    I witnessed this first hand at the integrated high school I attended. There was a smart nerdy black kid who was raised in the suburbs and who was a whiz at computers and electronics, who was hounded and abused mercilessly by the inner city element. Public schools really are tantamount to prison.

  38. Captain Jack Aubrey5/13/10, 12:34 PM

    The baby is cute. You guys are just being mean. But it's true that he doesn't seem particlarly enchanted with "mama," and what's that he's doing with his eyes?

    However, he did become a nice person, a good citizen and a police officer.

    I think we underrate the impact of good and loving parents on an adopted child. I have (American born) interracial adoptees in my own extended family, and they've done OK; far better, probably, than if they'd been raised by their own dysfunctional parents. But none of them went to college, and my guess is that their own children will regress completely within a generation or two. There's only so much you can do.

  39. What "eh" said.

    Or, more to the point ... White women HATE HATE HATE beta males.

    Whatever the baby grows up to be, at least he won't be a "boring" nerdly schnerdling White beta male. Mothers will be far happier with their sons sexy thugs than "boring" cubicle drones. Even if the former are in the State Pen for 25 years and the latter earn decent money.

    Hence the desire for bad boys. Or as Eh points out, the same care used to select a baby as a husband.

  40. I think u guys hopelessly overestimate the intelligence and depth of hollywierd sluts. Just coz they look sexy does NOT mean that they have brains.

  41. I suspect Sandra Bullock might be more likely to have reasonable expectations for her new baby than many Hollywood moms would. She, herself, has spent her life fleeing from the high culture of her opera singer parents (marrying her soon to be ex-husband was no doubt the final expression of her liberation from their good taste and refinement).

    She probably doesn't have her heart set on her adopted kid going to Yale. She seems capable of saying something like, "Look, if you make it through high school, I'll buy you a small business to run, like, say, two or three limousines. You know what rich people like in a limousine service, so you could make decent money in that business."

  42. Sandra Bullock also went to ECU [Greenville, NC], so I don't see how she could possibly have any illusions about the nature of black folk [anyone who has spent 15 minutes driving through eastern NC couldn't remain that clueless - even if they were delusional].

    My guess is that she adopted the kid to ward off all the Nazi memorabilia accusations.

    Plus it's the trendy thing to do right now.

    So the adoption kills at least two birds with one stone.

    And it just might get her one or two more "A" movie credits on her resume, before folks wake up and realize that she's pushing 50 and she just ain't all that anymore.

    PS: And yes, it's more than a crying shame - it's a tragedy, really - that a white girl like Sandra Bullock couldn't have settled down with a nice white boy, about 15 years ago, when her womb was still fertile, and have made a small brood of little white babies with him.

    The people who make the babies, make the future.

    So you can either get busy making babies, or you can get busy going extinct.

    The choice is yours.

  43. The baby looks like an EAST INDIAN!

  44. "I'm surprised this celebrity fad isn't creating more disquiet among professional race hustlas. Are minorities too stupid and irresponsible to raise their own children?"

    Blacks used to worry about this but no longer. They got smart and now realize that white folks are not raising black kids to be conservative--like Clarence Thomas--but to be even more 'progressive' and 'Afro-conscious' than black kids raised by clueless black parents.

    So, black kids raised by whites will not only succeed more in life(than black kids raised by blacks) but use their success and power to aid the black cause.
    Just look at Obama. Raised by white grandparents but full of BLACK racial consciouness.
    It's the Trojan Toddler.

    The Ottoman Turks took and raised Greek boys to serve the Ottoman cause. This is what blacks had once feared about white adoptions of black kids. But blacks are now wise to the fact that most whites adopt black kids to serve black interests.

    Man oh man, whiteys are so dumb!!!!

  45. "Inter-racial adoption gives SWPL couples 'vibrancy cred' and this enhances their social status. But it also provides a built-in safequard against social embarrassment in the field of competitive parenting."

    This is also a good way to send 'your' kid to Harvard. If you adopt a black kid and he/she turns out to be above average, he/she may get into Ivy League schools.

    I wonder if designer adoptions--or genetic adoptions--will be the thing of the future, like asking for a baby with genes for Ashkenazi intelligence, white facial features and hair, and black muscularity.

  46. She probably doesn't have her heart set on her adopted kid going to Yale. She seems capable of saying something like, "Look, if you make it through high school, I'll buy you a small business to run, like, say, two or three limousines. You know what rich people like in a limousine service, so you could make decent money in that business."

    Affirmative Action will take care of that.

  47. adsfadfadsfaf5/13/10, 2:42 PM

    Do black women ever adopt white kids?

    I think I saw something like that in THE JERK with Steve Martin.

    And wasn't there something like that in the Incredible Adventure of Brad Pitt as grampy turning into toddler?

    To the extent that many professional white women don't have time for their kids and hire black nannies, it could be that lots of privleged white girls grew up with a black woman as mother figure... so maybe they wanna raise a black baby to play black mama themselves.

    You know, sociologists used to say black kids fail because they prefer white dolls over black dolls.
    Then how come white women who choose black babies over white babies are so damn rich and successful?

    (Btw, I'll bet any Jewish kid will choose a blonde aryan looking doll over a doll that looks like Woody Allen... yet Jews seem to be outperforming all of us).

  48. "Does Mrs iSteve know that a certain someone has been clicking around at WWTDD?

    If Momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy..."

    Yes, a warning next time. We keep our computer, a discreet ThinkPad, in a corner in the living room so everything we visit is out in the open. I'm reading Steve with the kids around and suddenly had to close the page almost immediately upon following that link.

  49. "And it just might get her one or two more "A" movie credits on her resume, before folks wake up and realize that she's pushing 50 and she just ain't all that anymore."

    No lie.

    Go from being ultra desirable to ultra undesirable in just a few years. Ugh.

  50. One of the bad (or good) things about teh interwebs is you learn just how unoriginal you are. I was about to make a comment about baby bullock and its resemblance to Al Sharpton. Google tells me the meme is already out there big time.

  51. This is hilarious.

    I was hoping she (Bullock) was Jewish, but alas the indispensable 'Jew or Not Jew' says no.

  52. @Dahlia

    If you have school age kids, I'd worry more about them seeing you reading 'isteve' -- remember East Germany where the kids would narc out their folks for crimethink?

  53. What it is about Sandra Bullock? I wish somebody could explain it to me. She looks pleasant enough, but she's just not sexy and her acting is flat. I can understand why her husband cheated on her, but why has she been famous for so long? Is her Oscar just some lifetime achievement award for not pissing off her directors and stage crew?

    Just how is it that she stands out in a crowd of women, say, shopping at Mervyn's?

  54. Bruno, Bruno, Bruno!!

  55. "PS: And yes, it's more than a crying shame - it's a tragedy, really - that a white girl like Sandra Bullock couldn't have settled down with a nice white boy, about 15 years ago, when her womb was still fertile, and have made a small brood of little white babies with him."

    No...this is not a loss. We do not need liberal, Democrat genes propagated by the likes of Bullock and other liberals. The sooner women like these die off childless the better.

  56. Steve (!),

    On the subject of nature vs. nuture:
    I wonder if David Epstein of Sports Illustrated is one of your readers?

    He has written a fascinating article in Sports Illustrated about "the speed gene", ACTN3, and its apparently all-important R variant which leads to a creation of a protien used in fast-twitch muscle fibers. Olympic Sprinters all have it, here is an excerpt:

    "...Scientists have linked more than 200 genes—albeit tenuously in most cases—to physical performance. Take ACTN3, the so-called speed gene, one of the most thoroughly studied performance genes. In 2003 a seven-scientist team published a study in The American Journal of Human Genetics in which 429 elite Australian athletes were tested for the ACTN3 gene. All people have two copies of that gene, each of which comes in one of two variants, R or X. The R variant instructs the body to produce alpha-actinin-3, a protein found only in fast-twitch muscle fibers, the kind that contract rapidly and violently to facilitate explosive movement, while the X variant prevents the protein from being created.

    Eighteen percent of the "normal" people used as a control group had two X copies, and thus none of the power protein in their muscles. But not a single one of the 32 Olympic sprinters in the study had two X variants. Similarly, of the sprinters whom Pitsiladis has analyzed so far, not one current or former world-record holder has two X variants."

    It really is an Extrodinary article that touches on Kenyan distance runners, human sweat capacity, other genes involved in human athletic performance, the superior distance running abilities of some South Africans over the animals they hunt (they chase the animals until the animal gives up in 105' temperatures), and a particular Spanish long-jumper who is successful despite "the wrong" genes for his event. Its hard for me to imagine Epstein hasn't been a reader of yours, and isn't keenly aware of the HBD-approach to human matters (which in my opinion is simply that people are born with different strong points and different weak points due to their particular ancestral selection pressures, so lets let people know what they might be good at with little effort and what they might have to put in a little extra ewbow grease to perform, etc.).

    The article is here,
    Thats the most blunt discussion of various genes influencing human performance Ive ever seen in a mainstream magazine.

  57. The kid will grow up only exposed to upper class values, so even if he doesn't turn out to be very smart, at least he won't become a ghetto gangster who can't speak proper English.

    But he might grow up as a spoilt rich brat with a fully developed sense of entitlement even before race comes into the picture. Plus he wont have mothers looks and almost certainly a lower IQ. Resentment here we come.

  58. there may well be a net gain to society for raising these children in better households.

    Not if the white parents forego having their own children too. Thens its still a net loss.

  59. Affirmative Action[sic] will take care of that.

    Let's begin using a term that better describes what "affirmative action" really is:


  60. "Thats his upset face." Cute. Get usd to it. You'll see that face a lot,Sandra.


  61. Capt. Obvious5/13/10, 5:38 PM

    Damn, that baby looks like he is about to put beat down on somebody!

  62. before folks wake up and realize that she's pushing 50 and she just ain't all that anymore.

    I wouldnt say no.

    I think she's still got it. Maybe Im just getting old!

  63. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the creepiest part - she had the kid circumcised in a Jewish bris ceremony even though neither she nor the kid is Jewish. She also described it as the best moment of her life. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

  64. Seems like a millionaire starlet could afford a more attractive black baby.

  65. Not to deny that random or envious muggings do occur, but Wikipedia (with a link to New York Times and AP obituaries) says that John Boswell died of AIDS. Neither obituary makes any mention of his having been mugged, either as a cause of his death or a separate career-ending incident earlier. Are you confusing him with someone else?

  66. oh snap! "the trojan toddler". LOL!

    "From my limited clicking around WWTDD is full of photos of boobtastic blonds not asian women."

    yeah, that was based on my clicking around the first couple pages. i clicked around more and saw the typical asian-per-page ratio to be lower on WWTDD.

    but still there were a couple asians on the first couple pages, and two seperate posts where WWTDD posted asa akira instead of whatever white woman the story was about. he even claimed that if asa akira was his girlfriend, and his parents did not approve, he'd stop talking to his parents. that post got 330 replies. that's roissy territory.

    there was a post about julia roberts being named world's sexist woman, and WWTDD posted a big boobed chinese model in her 20s to mock the selection of 42 year old, aging julia roberts.

    "I don't see them as competition no matter how much they like to think they are."

    well, by posting this line, don't you see you sort of outed yourself as a white woman who does see asian women as potential competition?

  67. I know an intellectual Ivy League grad who adopted an inner city african american baby. The child never did particularly well in school, never really enjoyed reading, although his parents are voracious readers, and didn't even go to college. However, he did become a nice person, a good citizen and a police officer. So there may well be a net gain to society for raising these children in better households.

    And where is your control? You know, sometimes black children who grow up in black households turn out nice and get a decent job, too.

  68. "Now she has adopted an ugly black kid."

    "That is a menacing look."

    "Menacing dark male, clueless white female."

    "He's not as cute as my dog however."

    "He definitely looks like he wants to slap me upside my fool head."

    "The baby looks like a thug."

    "Yo, I be dissing da Full Bullock. I mean, check out da hair on dis kid. It's all wavy gravy 'n shit."

    "Damn, that baby looks like he is about to put beat down on somebody!"

    "Damn, that baby looks like he is about to put beat down on somebody!"

    Ever since the Kagan thread a few days ago I am challenged to believe that there is ONE person here, other than myself who can meet two criteria:

    1) Certifiable human being

    2) IQ over Minnesota room temperature.

  69. Let's begin using a term that better describes what "affirmative action" really is:


    Welfare is based on merit, not racial favoritism.

  70. I'd like to say that in finding out Steve and I both shared an interest in WWTDD (written by Brandon Donnelly, an LSU grad who describes himself as "very conservative" on his facebook page), I gained even more respect for Steve. A well rounded writer can get into all aspects of culture - and "pop" culture and celebrity tells us a lot about ourselves (Bill Simmons has also successfully pulled this off with sports and pop culture - to his own financial benefit). And WWTDD is certainly the best look at it that exists out there. I empathize w. Dahlia's concerns about not letting her kids see it, but Brandon's style of writing is hilarious, and his ability to poke fun at his (and all straight males) obsessions about boobs is addictive. He's got a good read on the Hollywood culture and never fails to make fun of the absurdity that it contains. I read it everyday, and it never fails to disappoint.

    Note: Donnelly used to be the writer for, but there was a break-up - and he left to start his own website. I used to read the superficial daily. Now I read daily. There is no reason to ever go to

  71. The obsession so many white people have with helping black people seems more bizarre the more I think about it. We're just not that nice.

    I find it hard to believe that mere propaganda could accomplish it. I think it's a product of despair; individual acts of extreme altruistic self-sacrifice are made by people who don't have much to live for themselves - regicide for instance. Even when very successful people throw their lives away for some cause, they usually seem to be unhappy in private life - like Thomas More.

    Probably it's the same when whole societies do it.

  72. I find it hard to believe that mere propaganda could accomplish it. I think it's a product of despair; individual acts of extreme altruistic self-sacrifice are made by people who don't have much to live for themselves - regicide for instance. Even when very successful people throw their lives away for some cause, they usually seem to be unhappy in private life - like Thomas More. Probably it's the same when whole societies do it.

    If you follow this line of thought through to its logical conclusion, then be prepared to spend some very sleepless nights staring into the abyss.

    Spengler, over at the Asia Times, used to write about ths subject - trying to understand why some people [indeed, entire nations of peoples] choose Death, instead of Life.

    Lately, the more I think about it [obsess about it, really], the more I think that this is the central question of our existence.

  73. "Menacing"? Nah... "Sardonic" or "cynical" is more like it.

    When I saw that picture, my first thought was, "hey, a little Thomas Sowell"!

    He's got that typical Sowellian expression that says, "What will those crazy white people do next?"

  74. Let's begin using a term that better describes what "affirmative action" really is:


    "Welfare is based on merit, not racial favoritism."--Svigor

    My point is that affirmative action
    is NOT based on favoritism; rather, it's an acknowledgment by the host society that NAMs are cognitively unprepared to compete with Caucasians for scarce academic resources.

    So the Vibrant Peoples' academic welfare is indeed based on "merit."

    You folly?

  75. People here are making a huge to-do about nothing. There's nothing weird looking about the baby, and Bullock can do whatever she wants with her life. It's not like there's a bunch of white babies waiting in line to be adopted. And Sandra Bullock is too old to get pregnant, so it's not as if this adoption is in lieu of propagating her own genes.

  76. >I'm surprised this celebrity fad isn't creating more disquiet among professional race hustlas<

    The race hustlas were bought and sold a long time ago.

  77. "The obsession so many white people have with helping black people seems more bizarre the more I think about it. We're just not that nice."

    Yes, but whites are highly status conscious. Raising a black child is one way for a liberal white woman with an empty womb to show off to her friends in Code Pink how open minded she is. Puberty for the dusky waif is a long way off so until that time she doesn't have to worry about getting a black eye or having her throat slashed from ear to ear.

  78. "Welfare is based on merit, not racial favoritism."

    Since when is Welfare based on merit? It's based on need. Do you not understand the difference between the two?

  79. afasfasfasdf5/14/10, 1:12 PM

    "Welfare is based on merit, not racial favoritism."

    Since when is Welfare based on merit? It's based on need. Do you not understand the difference between the two?

    I guess he means some people merit certain needs. It's the new self-esteem project.

    "Hey ya, I merit a need for food stamps. I'll full of merit!!"

  80. I think interracial adoption is more or less the retail version of colonialization.

    Colonialization dramatically improved the quality of life in Africa, by introducing investment as well as cultural and economic knowledge. Then the natives got envious and angry with the colonizers and drove them out.

    The result was that they stumbled along, some for a few years, some for a few generations, at a reasonably high quality of life. But after every insult to the system they never quite fully recovered, then came a knockout blow, and now most African countries are back to, or falling towards, a point of static equilibrium.

    The same, I think, holds true for adoptions. Good parenting will last for at least a generation (have there been any studies on how blacks raised in white homes do compared to blacks raised in black homes - economically, educationally, etc.?) But eventually, after 2 or 3 generations, the usual challenges (and their responses to them) will take the adoptees descendants back to their racial mean.

  81. Menacing is the word. When I first saw the photo I was startled because the kid already looked like an angry thug. I wondered if he was already plotting what he's going to do to this silly white wench.

    Howard Stern was hilarious when he spoke of the Bullock adoption. He said that the kid already looks like a bad ass and he's only 4 months old. He claimed the kid looks tough, and he's already wearing those beads. Stern accused the kid of being a midget who simply wants to live in Sandra's house.

    I'll be curious to see if this post gets through. I have no idea why my last post was ignored. Was it because I quoted Thomas Sowell on black elites? Do you guys have a beef with Sowell?

  82. Since when is Welfare based on merit? It's based on need. Do you not understand the difference between the two?

    There's some confusion here about the meaning of merit. It has two slightly different meanings. The older meaning is to deserve something as a reward for doing something praiseworthy. The more common modern meaning is get what you deserve. For instance, Truth merits a kick in the pants. In that sense you can "merit" welfare.

  83. The black kid may have been adopted by a white woman, but while she's busy making movies, I'll bet the baby will really be raised by Central American nannies.

    I thought it was kinda sad in the movie "Babel". The Mexican woman was in the US taking care of children of rich white folks but barely knew her own back in Mexico.

  84. It's creepy and embarrassing. How would you -- black or white -- feel if a famous black lady insisted on adopting white babies complete with photo ops? Creepy. In any case, she shouldn't have sent to Africa for one. There's plenty here. That's the hypocracy I can't stand. Same with Mia Farrow. Going overseas when there's so many here that need help. Of course, coming from abroad there's less likely to be families looking for them and a piece of the pie. ... yeah, maybe that's it.

  85. Guys, how hard is it to figure out? If you're poor, and ask, you can get welfare; it's merit-based and color-blind. "AA" is explicitly based on race. Calling "AA" "welfare" is insulting to welfare.

  86. Look at that kid; he's already saying "playa, playaaa...!" Now that's a serious upgrade.

  87. Yeah, but does the baby's skin match the designer $20,000 purse?

    That's the key thing...

  88. Whenever the whining resumes about the fact that HBDers aren't accepted in polite society, take a look back at this thread. A picture of a over-the-hill actress, who seems like one of the few genuinely nice people in Hollywood, and a very fortunate black baby brings about a parade of hysterical racism. It simply wouldn't occur to most people to trash black folks after being presented with a picture of a black baby.

  89. Half Sigma said..."People here are making a huge to-do about nothing."

    If they are, it's in response to the big to-do Bullock herself made about the adoption.

    And..."There's nothing weird looking about the baby, and Bullock can do whatever she wants with her life."

    The baby's features don't look weird, his expression does. Of course Bullock can do whatever she wants with her life. And when that includes posing on the cover of People magazine and giving an interview complete with photos, then we the public can express our opinions of her freely.

    And..."It's not like there's a bunch of white babies waiting in line to be adopted."

    No, but I'd bet there are black kids outside of New Orleans but still in the US who could use a good home. Ever since the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans has been a sort of proving ground for liberal white celebs, in case you hadn't noticed. Adopting a black kid from, say, somewhere in LA County wouldn't have had the punch that this adoption from this specific location did.

  90. Anonymous,

    Actually, in one of her books Judith Rich Harris wrote about a randomized study on interracially adopted Korean children which found no Socio-Economic Advantage from being adopted by higher class parents.

  91. The teaser on the magazine cover says "Meet my Baby!".

    Stupid woman - it's not your baby. It's someone else's. She may raise the child tolerably well - she may give him an upbringing he would not otherwise have had (although her judgement is general suspect - I mean, she married Jesse James too). But the child will not carry on her genes or familial characteristics.

    Genetics are not everything, but they are important. Many NWLs today have deluded themselves into thinking they have no bearing at all.

  92. ". And Sandra Bullock is too old to get pregnant, so it's not as if this adoption is in lieu of propagating her own genes.

    She's only 44.She started the adoption a few years ago I think.

  93. No he's not projecting dumbass. There are plenty of comments about the black kid.

    "Puberty for the dusky waif is a long way off so until that time she doesn't have to worry about getting a black eye or having her throat slashed from ear to ear."

  94. none of the above5/15/10, 8:20 PM

    Looks like a random black baby to me, no more menacing than any other baby.

    I suspect adoption is appealing to a lot of actresses because of the huge drop in their prospects as they get out of their childbearing years. Having two or three kids means taking two or three years off from your career during the range of 20 years or so when it's at its peak, plus accepting a fair bit of wear-and-tear on your body that matters way more in an actress than in, say, a doctor or schoolteacher.

  95. No he's not projecting dumbass. There are plenty of comments about the black kid.

    There are a lot more comments about Sandra Bullock, dumbass, but you don't see that as a sign of racial hatred of whites. Because you see what you want to see.

  96. There are a lot more comments about Sandra Bullock, dumbass, but you don't see that as a sign of racial hatred of whites. Because you see what you want to see.

    There are a lot more white people on welfare than black people, yet it seems, at least in racialist circles, that black people are the face of welfare. It just seems odd that a 4 month old baby would carry such derisive remarks from a number of middle-aged white adults. Are you people that insecure that your self-esteem is raised by making nasty comments about a non-white baby?

  97. "There are a lot more comments about Sandra Bullock, dumbass, but you don't see that as a sign of racial hatred of whites. Because you see what you want to see."

    I didn't say there were no comments about Bullock dumbass.

    I see everything. There is ugly hostility towards blacks in this thread. You denied it.

  98. Are you people that insecure that your self-esteem is raised by making nasty comments about a non-white baby?

    It's called cynicism.

    We know how this story ends, and - at the risk of giving away spoilers - it's not a happy ending.

  99. It's quite funny. I don't get adoption, but what's straight idiotic is inter-ethnic adoption. Let's say that raising the child of a co-ethnic is good because I do share a larger share of DNA with him - for example, haplodiploid infertile bees help their queen nurture the off-spring since they share 75% of the DNA with her. So yes, Bullock is an idiot.

    And I don't see how not caring as a group about another group is racism. That's just being a crybaby.

    About most people being on welfare being white, that's irrelevant because you have to adjust with population size. For example, more rapists are white than black, yet the per capita number of rapes is a lot higher for blacks. Same with welfare. Also, who are the people who put most into the system? I doubt that black people. So yes, welfare is a program to move wealth from whites to blacks, in a sense. And welfare isn't given on need, it's given on political clout and ideological grounds. Nobody in the US needs welfare. If you want to see people who 'need' welfare, go see all these craphole countries. A parasite on welfare in the US has a higher income than an IT specialist in a lot of places. lol

  100. ... seems odd that a 4 month old baby would carry such derisive remarks from a number of middle-aged white adults.

    I'm not a "middle-aged white adult," and I think it's abominable that single women are allowed to adopt any children at all. And it's especially appalling that some white woman would presume to raise a black man. Single black women don't do that good a job at it.

    Reasons for these kinds of adoptions usually stem from a lonely woman wanting the company of a being who will give her unconditional love. She's done her rounds with men and failed to hang onto one, but here's a chance to "own" someone who will need her.

  101. Pissed Off Chinaman5/17/10, 10:15 AM

    "Ever since the Kagan thread a few days ago I am challenged to believe that there is ONE person here, other than myself who can meet two criteria:

    1) Certifiable human being

    2) IQ over Minnesota room temperature."

    Truth, I am really insulted. I thought we were pals.

  102. We are;

    You somehow refrained from the hilarity of calling a woman, not blessed in the looks department a "barren hag", or a newborn, "ugly" a "thug" and "not as cute as my dog."

    Good breeding is in short supply around these parts.

    "I'm not a "middle-aged white adult,"

    I sincerely apologize for calling you an "adult".


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