July 13, 2010

Harvey Pekar, RIP

Here's my 2003 review for The American Conservative of American Splendor, in which Paul Giamatti portrayed the underground comic book writer.


  1. Great movie.

  2. Pekar would have remained a complete unknown were it not for Crumb's love of weirdos and losers.

  3. Love the R. Crumb quotes. Now there's a genius...great movie made about him too ("Crumb").

  4. I heard that Harvey's brother Harry Pekar was a real dick.

  5. I had never heard of Harvey Pekar but I saw this movie after hearing all the critics raving about it. It's a well written well acted movie, but I found it utterly depressing. After watching the movie I had no desire to read any of Pekar's work.

  6. He was a great guest of Letterman's on his NBC show but Dave eventually turned against him.

    I guess HP wasn't far enough to the Left for Dave.

  7. One of the best movies for understanding Ohio ever made.

  8. I've always found American Splendor a great "feel good" movie.

    If something isn't going well in my life, I watch it and say to myself, at least I don't live in Cleveland! And then I go surfing.

  9. Your point about the "post-modernism" of the middle ages is echoed here.

  10. Only in America could that schlemiel Pekar be a celebrity!

  11. One of the best movies for understanding CLEVELAND ever made.

  12. I think you missed the mark in that review, at least of the comic book part. It' a deeply personal and, I guess, representative view of a shlub living in the 1960's-70's. I was born later. The stories are interesting because they are real. It's not genius, it's just pertinent to my interests, at least.


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