July 17, 2010


What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception

You know that nightmare you still have where you haven't studied all semester and you suddenly realize the test is today and you're doomed to flunk? You haven't been in school for years or decades, and you still have that dream where you feel guilty for not reading the textbook and not doing the homework?

Well, if the best minds of America really want to do something about the Achievement Gap in an increasingly Latino country, then they need to get to work right now on Project Incepcion  and implant that specific nagging dream, that superego, or whatever you want to call it, in the minds of millions of lackadaisical, complacent, guilt-free Mexican-American students.


  1. So maybe Steve or someone else can clarify something for me here. The current Hispanic population in America is 15%. But apparently, 2/3 of that, or 10% is actually Hispanic White. Aren't Hispanic Whites basically, well, Whites? I mean is there any difference between a Hispanic White actor like Andy Garcia as opposed to say Tom Cruise? Are the Spanish and the Portuguese somehow distinct from the rest of the Europeans, like the Italians or the French or the Germans?

    So in actuality, 75% of this country is currently White(65% non-Hispanic White + 10% Hispanic White). Why is there an artificial distinction drawn between Hispanic and non-Hispanic Whites? Current projections estimate the Hispanic population to rise to 30% by 2050. But, I wonder how much of that 30% will be Hispanic Whites, given that 2/3 of all Hispanics today are in fact White. Isn't the rise of the Hispanic population a bit overblown here? And for the sake of test scores and educational attainment and the likes, are Hispanic Whites choosing to classify themselves as White or as Hispanic? To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that the Hispanic scores are as low as they currently are. This suggests to me that most Hispanic Whites don't classify themselves as being Hispanic or what? It seems like the IQ of Spain and Portugual isn't and shouldn't be significantly different from that of the rest of Europe.

  2. A clarification to the above post...

    I meant to say that the low Hispanic scores surprised me because currently 2/3 of all Hispanic Americans are White, and as far as I could tell there weren't significant differences in IQ between Spain and Portugal and the rest of Europe. So I assumed that most Hispanic Whites were choosing to classify themselves as White rather than Hispanic for the sake of test scores. But, is this really the case? And do Hispanic Whites later classify themselves as Hispanic for purposes of say, affirmative action?

  3. Steve Sailer said..."Well, if the best minds of America really want to do something about the Achievement Gap in an increasingly Latino country, then they need to get to work right now on Project Incepcion and implant that specific nagging dream, that superego, or whatever you want to call it, in the minds of millions of lackadaisical, complacent, guilt-free Mexican-American students."

    What fun would that be? What American leftists want to do about the Achievement Gap is to keep trying new stuff on the taxpayer's dime. That way, they get to claim the moral high ground for themselves while condemning an increasingly resentful white population for how racist it is.

    Besides, if I read you aright, you're suggesting the elites try to inculcate in Latinos abstract ideas like personal responsibility, duty to oneself and one's society, that I suspect are beyond many if not most of them. (I base this on years of living in a multi-racial neighborhood. Most NAMs I knew were quite bright at gaming the system or getting over on others but literally could not understand how or why such behavior was wrong. The notion of working to better their own lives as opposed to simply taking what they wanted was utterly foreign to them.) And if you do get them to internalize these values, then what? I've known some very dutiful people who were nevertheless as dumb as a box of rocks.

  4. You know that nightmare you still have where you haven't studied all semester and you suddenly realize the test is today and you're doomed to flunk? You haven't been in school for years or decades, and you still have that dream where you feel guilty for not reading the textbook and not doing the homework?

    Wow, and I thought it was just me. Glad to hear that even people who were (presumably) diligent students have this dream too.

  5. In my version of that dream, it's not until the day after the final exam that I discover I had enrolled in a class I never attended/studied for. At that point my best option is to beg the professor to give me an 'incomplete', vs. an 'F'.

  6. The current Hispanic population in America is 15%. But apparently, 2/3 of that, or 10% is actually Hispanic White.

    Huh? A source for those figures, please.

    I've been in a lot of Latinovilles around America, and the people in them may be "Hispanic White" but they sure are not white.

  7. Only partly germane, but it's amazing that not only so many people have dreams about studying and exam-taking, but that the dream so often takes the exact form that Steve described. Almost makes you believe in Jungian archetypes or something.

  8. "I mean is there any difference between a Hispanic White actor like Andy Garcia as opposed to say Tom Cruise?"

    Is there really a difference between Steve Pinker and Steve Sailer. Hispanic "whites" are like Jewish "whites." No offence Steves.

  9. You hit upon the problem with all ethnicity numbers, which are aggregates of self-reported ethnicity.

  10. The current Hispanic population in America is 15%. But apparently, 2/3 of that, or 10% is actually Hispanic White.

    Here is the preliminary data for births in calendar year 2008 [see Page 8, Table 1], as prepared by the Centers for Disease Control:

    All races and origins: 4,251,095
    Non-Hispanic white: 2,273,220
    Non-Hispanic black: 625,314
    American Indian or Alaska Native: 49,540
    Asian or Pacific Islander: 253,396
    Hispanic: 1,038,933

    Note that there is a slight undercount, with the specified races summing to 4,240,403 [rather than 4,251,095].

    So if these racial classifications can be believed, then Aboriginal and "Mestizo/Mulatto" Hispanics account for

    1,038,933 / 4,251,095 = 24.439%

    of all births, or just shy of one quarter.

    On the other hand, here is the data for children under 1 year of age in calendar year 2008 [see PDF Page 17, Table 10], as prepared by the Census Bureau:

    Total: 4,313,000
    Not-Hispanic White alone: 2,237,000
    Black or African American alone: 660,000
    American Indian, Alaska Native alone: 61,000
    Asian alone: 189,000
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone: 10,000
    Hispanic origin: 1,108,000

    Note again that there is a slight undercount, with the specified races summing to 4,265,000 [rather than 4,313,000].

    And, as before, Aboriginal and "Mestizo/Mulatto" Hispanics account for

    1,108,000 / 4,313,000 = 25.689%

    of all children under 1 year of age, or more than one-quarter.

    PS: Here are comparisons of CDC and Census data [births -vs- "under 1 year"], for all races, using the CDC classifications [five groups instead of six]:

    Not-Hispanic White: CDC 53.47%, Census 51.87%
    Non-Hispanic Black: CDC 14.71%, Census 15.30%
    American Indian or Alaska Native: CDC 1.17%, Census 1.41%
    Asian or Pacific Islander: CDC 5.96%, Census 4.61%
    Hispanic: CDC 24.44%, Census 25.69%

    The CDC "overcounts" Whites and Asians, whereas the Census Bureau "overcounts" Blacks and Hispanics: especially with the Asians, the CDC is saying 253,396 births, whereas the Census Bureau is saying only 199,000 children under 1-year of age [which is a rather statistically significant difference of more than 27%].

    Could those be 50,000 mixed-race children born to white/asian couples? I don't know.

    Something tells me that the CDC numbers are probably more accurate, since pediatricians/obstetricians filling out birth certificates have vastly higher IQs than your average quota hire at the Census Bureau, and there is probably much less racialist political pressure being exerted on the hospitals than on the Census Bureau.

    So could these discrepancies be the result of Saul Alinsky/Andy Stern SEIU/ACORN types infiltrating the Census Bureau, and pushing doctored numbers on us? Again, I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Indeed, if you classify Whites & Asians as "First-World" races, and Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans as "Third-World" races, then you are looking at:

    First-World Races, CDC: 59.43%
    First-World Races, Census: 56.25%

    Third-World Races, CDC: 40.31%
    Third-World Races, Census: 42.41%

    And those strike me as statistically significant disagreements, which could very well be due to politics [in one form or another].

    Finally, here are the "undercount" percentages [sum of classifed races divided by total population]:

    CDC Classification: 4,240,403 / 4,251,095 = 99.75%
    [undercount of 0.25%]

    Census Classification: 4,265,000 / 4,313,000 = 98.89%
    [undercount of 1.11%]

    So the Census has an "undercount" which is about 4.5 times worse than the CDC [and again, that strikes me as statistically significant].

  11. Aren't Hispanic Whites basically, well, Whites?

    Sure, it's just a case of definition creep. "White" used to mean "Eurowhite"; the gringos of Texas, etc. never used to call Mexicans "whites". Then a technicality in the census changed.

    Are the Spanish and the Portuguese somehow distinct from the rest of the Europeans, like the Italians or the French or the Germans?

    All these nations are distinct.

    What distinguishes Mexicasn is the admixture of local pre-Columbia tribes. Some tribal blood exists in most (mostly) white Mexicans. No one is required to prove they are 100% in origin in order to mark themselves as "white, Hispanic" on a census form.

    Why is there an artificial distinction drawn between Hispanic and non-Hispanic Whites?

    It's not artificial. It's cultural, ideological, political, and sometimes military. Greek Americans don't carry signs saying, "Hey asshole, you're in Greece". At least not when they're in the US. Ditto for Finnish Americans, Japanese Americans, etc. If you got to prison in Chicago, are you going to get shanked by a Polish prison gang? In Manhattan, will you get shanked by a Jewish prison gang? In Honolulu, by a Japanese prison gang? In Minnesota, by a Swedish prison gang?

  12. The current Hispanic population in America is 15%. But apparently, 2/3 of that, or 10% is actually Hispanic White.

    Here is the preliminary data for births in calendar year 2008 [see Page 8, Table 1], as prepared by the Centers for Disease Control:

    All races and origins: 4,251,095
    Non-Hispanic white: 2,273,220
    Non-Hispanic black: 625,314
    American Indian or Alaska Native: 49,540
    Asian or Pacific Islander: 253,396
    Hispanic: 1,038,933

    Note that there is a slight undercount, with the specified races summing to 4,240,403 [rather than 4,251,095].

    So if these racial classifications can be believed, then Aboriginal and "Mestizo/Mulatto" Hispanics account for

    1,038,933 / 4,251,095 = 24.439%

    of all births, or just shy of one quarter.

    On the other hand, here is the data for children under 1 year of age in calendar year 2008 [see PDF Page 17, Table 10], as prepared by the Census Bureau:

    Total: 4,313,000
    Not-Hispanic White alone: 2,237,000
    Black or African American alone: 660,000
    American Indian, Alaska Native alone: 61,000
    Asian alone: 189,000
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone: 10,000
    Hispanic origin: 1,108,000

    Note again that there is a slight undercount, with the specified races summing to 4,265,000 [rather than 4,313,000].

    And, as before, Aboriginal and "Mestizo/Mulatto" Hispanics account for

    1,108,000 / 4,313,000 = 25.689%

    of all children under 1 year of age, or more than one-quarter.

    PS: I am noticing [what look to my eye to be] some statistically significant discrepancies between the CDC data and the Census Bureau data; let me crunch some numbers and report back in a little while.

  13. I hate that nightmare. On top of not studying and realizing the test is today, I usually can't get my locker open either. Class of '90.

  14. "Aren't Hispanic Whites basically, well, Whites?"

    No. Most are mestizos who call themselves whites on forms. Some are mulattoes who do the same thing. A small percentage are actual whites like Andy Garcia. In most Latin American countries it's prestigious to call oneself white, so a lot of Hispanics with negligible European ancestry call themselves white.

  15. Mexicans are people without guilt or shame. That is particularly why I resent immigration enthusiasts comparing them to Sicilians. Sicilians who came to America provided for their families -- they didn't go begging for charity or welfare. And most Sicilians assimilated within about two generations.

    My Sicilian grandfather stepped off the banana boat when he was 15, went to night school, learned a trade, and ended up a factory foreman. He built his own home at age 30 in Queens. He married a Sicilian, and they had 2 children. Two. Not five. He put both through college, and one married an Irishman, the other married a Lithuanian. My grandparents didn't bother teaching their children Sicilian dialect because they understood English proficiency was the prerequisite to success in America. Half of their grand children attended Ivy League schools, well before the age of affirmative action. Now they would be discriminated against.

    This was not an uncommon outcome. For Sicilians in America, this was the norm. Sure, some goombas went into crime. Sure, they put clear plastic over their living room furniture and didn't have the greatest taste in lawn decorations, but they made the neighborhoods where they lived safe -- kids could ride bikes in the street and people could walk the streets at all hours without fear. They didn't turn neighborhoods into Mad Max post apocalyptic disaster areas, like East LA or Maywood.

    Rapid assimilation is why it is hard to find un-hyphenated Sicilians now. They are like NJ governor Chris Christie -- an Anglo-Sicilian. I feel guys like him -- and me -- have a right to tell Mexicans to get with the program or get lost. I sincerely hope Chris gets his head right soon about Amnesty because Sicilian-Americans don't want to share the promised land with lazy, criminal, retarded idiots.

  16. Anon:
    White or not doesn't matter. Latin Americans have the same genetic potential on average as Anglos.

    A million young Mexicans earn college degrees every year. Smart, diligent young grads get the same material quality of life in Mexico City or Guadalajara as they would in, say, San Francisco or New York City. They do not choose to emigrate to a foreign culture in large numbers.

    Illiterate peasants from Zacatecas and Oaxaca who dropped out of grade school have had their livelihood wiped out by NAFTA and illegal emigration. They can join a drug gang or become illegal immigrants. The Mexicans who arrive on Northern shores are a self-selected group of poor academic performers. Some of their children will do better but a lot of intelligence is genetic.

    Also the definition of white is not a Platonic form; it's culture dependent. In America, it means of predominant European, Middle Eastern, or East Asian descent. In Latin America it means of any European descent by a one drop rule.

  17. Wow. Steve takes the gloves off. Not that is gloves have that much padding. Wow.

    That dream, by the way. One of my four recurring nightmares. When will they stop?

  18. Oh so THAT'S what that dream is about.

    Now what's the one about being in a car that you don't know how to drive and it starts and your siblings are in the car too, what's that one about?

  19. It seems like the IQ of Spain and Portugual isn't and shouldn't be significantly different from that of the rest of Europe.

    Portugal is another case. Their policy of intermarriage with the natives in Africa and Brazil in order to create loyal ruling elites there, created lots of Mulattos, who may now be the elites in Mozambique, Angola and Brazil, but probably are not as smart on average as the original Portuguese were. On top Portugal has been flooded by these Mulattos who all received citizenship before the Portuguese colonial empire crumbled. So my guess is that the IQ of Portugal has been steadily dropping in the last centuries and its economic and technical status in Europe reflects this. Spain is similar but less badly so.

    A recent study confirmed that Germany and the Nordic countries have higher IQ's than the Med countries, France and (gasp) Britain.

  20. Before the real estate collapse you could go to any subdivision under construction and get a look at the "white" hispanics doing the work. That term is merely used to differentiate them from black hispanics like black brazilians and black cubans. In reality most of them are from central american countries and are mestizo, a term that implies a white-native mixture.

    There are probably many more purely native latinos that come here than there are purely or mostly white latinos. White latinos tend to be wealthy and the countries where they are most prevalent are a long way from the US.

  21. inception was almost a masterpiece. not quite all the way there. but still totally awesome by the end. best movie of the year, and should get academy award nominations for direction, original screenplay, score, cinematography, and editing.

    nolan is the best writing director of all-time, and he's only 39. incredibly, he's on a 2 year release schedule. how many more of these films does he have left? lots, it seems.

    he already has a crew, like james cameron. actors he always works with, technicians he always works with. he should let someone other than hans zimmer do the music next time, just to keep it fresh. i wonder if always having wally pfister on the camera, is the reason his movies seem so precise, cool, and somewhat detached, like some warmth has been removed from the actors.

  22. steve, did you notice that a segment of NYC movie critics hate nolan, and savage his movies in their reviews? not all of them, but the trend is there for sure. they account for at least half of the negative reviews he gets.

    it couldn't be a NYC-chicago rivalry, could it? that seems way too simple and petty of an explanation. but what could it be?

  23. you also have a typo. it's "inception" not "incepcion".

  24. Benito Juarez7/17/10, 1:39 PM

    I'm not sure that 2/3 of Hispanics are "white". There was much more racial intermarriage south of the border than here. Mexicans are mostly American Indian, and I suspect given where he lives and has lived Steve is really thinking about Mexicans when he writes about "Hispanics". Though I agree the concern is overblow.

  25. @Anomalous:

    I'm not an expert, but I believe the fastest growing elements of the hispanic population in the U.S. are not the whiter hispanics, (like white Cubans, or old-school Tejanos) but rather the poor mestizos fleeing Mexico due to poverty and crime.

  26. "That dream, by the way. One of my four recurring nightmares. When will they stop?"

    I retired as a college professor six years ago. I still get those student-era dreams (plus, as a bonus, dreams where I forget to show up to teach a class, prepare a final exam, etc.).

  27. Your final paragraph highlights a key point:

    Well, if the best minds of America really want to do something about the Achievement Gap in an increasingly Latino country, then they need to get to work right now on Project Incepcion and implant that specific nagging dream, that superego, or whatever you want to call it, in the minds of millions of lackadaisical, complacent, guilt-free Mexican-American students.

    Which was preceded a few days prior by another observation in your "Who gets a 5 on AP Physics C exam?"

    In contrast, the homies who are pure Mexican by descent come from a culture that validates loyalty to family ties over individual advancement.

    Yeah Steve, if I remember correctly, you're from the L.A. area and you probably have an intimate and disheartening familiarity with Mexican-American educational aspirations (or lack thereof, really). I believe we're dealing with a cultural whirlpool that sucks all prospective achievement right out of "my people's" craniums.

    This fact is more discouraging than if I could simply rely on simple HBDisms to explain away our under-performance.

  28. "Mexican-American educational aspirations (or lack thereof)"

    Right. Everybody is always excited about how to end African-American underachievement, but the data suggests that Mexican-American underachievement relative to IQs (which average about 5 points higher than for blacks) is a bigger and, at least theoretically, more soluble problem.

  29. Mexicans are people without guilt or shame. That is particularly why I resent immigration enthusiasts comparing them to Sicilians. Sicilians who came to America provided for their families -- they didn't go begging for charity or welfare. And most Sicilians assimilated within about two generations.

    Yes there are many Sicilians who have assimilated. But if you spend some time in certain parts of the Northeast it's clear that there are those who haven't.

  30. "you also have a typo. it's "inception" not "incepcion"."

    I think you need to read this post again...

  31. Whites and Europeans aren't fungible, interchangeable cogs or something. Northern Europeans differ from Southern Euros, Western Europeans differ from Eastern Europeans, etc.

    Good point. Which explains why we get those never-ending debates on who is white and who isn't. It's as if you guys call the color tone chartreuse "green" and the rest of the green spectrum chartreuse.

    I mean, what exactly does "Caucasian" mean and how does it relate to, say, a person of Greek origins? Is there a theory proving that we non-white whites have all descended from a group of tribes originating from the Caucasus?

    How about you guys calling yourselves (after the newly-minted "NAMs") NCEs, short for "North and Central Europeans?"


  32. Okay, so the main issue seems to be that some Hispanic Whites aren't really pure Whites and many who classify themselves as White may actually have significant amounts of non-White admixture. Do we have precise numbers as to the distribution of admixtures amongst Hispanic Whites? How many of these people could be in good faith be classified as true Whites because their non-White admixture is sufficiently low?

    Also, didn't Steve once mention that 50 million white Americans today are actually slightly black?

  33. jody said..."you also have a typo. it's 'inception' not 'incepcion'".

    Not a typo. That's Spanish.

  34. It seems like the IQ of Spain and Portugual isn't and shouldn't be significantly different from that of the rest of Europe.

    You're assuming that "whites" in Latin America are genetically the same as Portuguese and Spaniards in Portugal and Spain.

    Why would you think such a thing?

  35. On the "What's a hispanic?" discussion, I find it fascinating how at my school, the Guatemalan Mayan kids are becoming "Latinos", and learning to speak Spanish HERE in the U.S. Has anyone remarked on how at least a million south Mexican and Guatemalan Indians spend 400 years resisting assimilation into "Hispanic" culture, only to move 1500 miles to the north to do so?

    One of my students came here at 14 speaking only Qan'jobal,having left an officially Spanish speaking country. His learning Spanish in the US has progressed quite well. He's now demographically "Hispanic". By the way, his father fought with the overwhelmingly mayan guerillas in the civil war against the Latinos. Oh, the ironies.

  36. The problem is that if you're a pure blood Spaniard or Portuguese, you still get classified as Hispanic in America.

  37. I had a dream for years where I went to my locker in school,but could not get into it. I kept fooling with the combination,but it wouldn't work.

  38. How about you guys calling yourselves (after the newly-minted "NAMs") NCEs, short for "North and Central Europeans?"

    Because they don't like some of the "North" Europeans either.

    Much of the HBD-sphere seems to be intent on refighting the great European religious wars of the 17th century. If you look at the "true whites" they match up well with the Protestant side in that conflict. The Irish, who are certainly as "North" as the Germans and English, get excluded on religious grounds.

  39. Do Asians have that dream more often?

  40. This post gives me an ideal opportunity to invite all you Sailerites to play a little game - similar to the old Sesame Street excercise "One of these things is not like the others..."

    Click on each of the five links below. Each is a picture of a politician; four are Mexicans who have been publicly critcal of AZ SB 1070. The fifth is a Republican state representative from New Hampshire.

    Try to spot the Yankee without looking at the addresses on the links. It's fun!

    Juan Doe #1

    Juan Doe #2

    Juan Doe #3

    Juan Doe #4

    Juan Doe #5

  41. Has anyone remarked on how at least a million south Mexican and Guatemalan Indians spend 400 years resisting assimilation into "Hispanic" culture, only to move 1500 miles to the north to do so?

    A couple of years ago, a friend of mine told me how his favorite Mexican restaurant had hired some new Guatemalan kitchen staff who could speak neither English or Spanish. He said it was pretty funny listening to the owner trying to communicate with a busboy in this bizarre blend of pidgin Spanish, pidgin English, and monosyllabic grunts (along with a few descriptive gestures).

    The funniest part? My friend lives in Iowa.

  42. "I think you need to read this post again"

    guess so.

  43. The problem is that if you're a pure blood Spaniard or Portuguese, you still get classified as Hispanic in America.

    Here is an interesting twist to the statement above. Apparently New York's affirmative action statue for minority-owned businesses does not include "Hispanic" people of Spanish or Portuguese descent unless they also come from Latin America.

    Is this true for the Feds and for any other states?

  44. Apparently New York's affirmative action statue for minority-owned businesses does not include "Hispanic" people of Spanish or Portuguese descent unless they also come from Latin America.

    I can't fully answer your question, but it does play into a possible answer to the the first anonymous poster's question on this thread. (Meso-American) "Hispanics whites" are different from gringos because the former benefit from affirmative action, the latter don't.

    The establishment picks only high-crime, low-test-scoring, bullying, complaining groups to grace with First Class Citizen status.

  45. A self confident white American, even WN, culture would divide hispanics.

    As it is the whitest, most Euro hispanics have everything to gain as the dominant group amongst their more amerindian bretheren. The big fish in a small (IQ) pond.

    If the tables turn, and being non-white, is no longer priviledged then expect the whitest hispanics to jump ship and become white.

  46. I never had that dream, probably because I never experienced any "test anxiety." Whenever I sat down to a test I just cleared my mind and did my best. But I am a very low-stress person generally. I dream about school a lot but the schoolwork is never the focus.

    Anyway, if I could plant a dream into a group in this country, it would be a nightmare for every white person in which they (and their families) are tied to a chair, surrounded by rowdy blacks and latinos talking about "payback time." Make them feel, viscerally, what it will be like to be a hated minority.

  47. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine told me how his favorite Mexican restaurant had hired some new Guatemalan kitchen staff who could speak neither English or Spanish. He said it was pretty funny listening to the owner trying to communicate with a busboy in this bizarre blend of pidgin Spanish, pidgin English, and monosyllabic grunts (along with a few descriptive gestures).

    The funniest part? My friend lives in Iowa.

    Our "Latinization" of Mayans is happening in Dalton, Georgia.

  48. "Anonymous jody said...

    inception was almost a masterpiece. not quite all the way there. but still totally awesome by the end. best movie of the year, and should get academy award nominations for direction, original screenplay, score, cinematography, and editing."

    No Jody,. Inception was not a great movie. A good, enjoyable movie, and better than most of the summertime dreck that comes out of Hollywood for sure, but it was basically what it was:

    An interesting idea with shoehorned action scenes, faulty logic, bad acting and 28 year old guys flying around in midair with cool suits on. Then there's always what I call the "machine gun" question in movies like this (and The Matrix);

    if the physical world in which this guys are temporarily living is bordered only by imagination, why is that all that they can imagine is guys running around with machine guns? Where are the fire-breathing dragons? Where are the 600 foot ogres?

    Nolan is a talented young man though.

  49. BTW- outside of good wines and Tapas, the Portuguese and Spanish have not accomplished anything of cultural significance in hundreds of years; And their economies are almost totally dependent upon the Germans and the English in the EU.

  50. Much of the HBD-sphere seems to be intent on refighting the great European religious wars of the 17th century. If you look at the "true whites" they match up well with the Protestant side in that conflict. The Irish, who are certainly as "North" as the Germans and English, get excluded on religious grounds.

    White folks surely are the luckiest in the world!

    Always so many outsiders willing to tell us who we are and whats good for us.

  51. Can you translate that into English, Steve?

  52. You have to wonder what is wrong with the person who made the first comment. It could only have been written by someone who has never lived in America or who is suffering from some kind of cognitive disorder.

  53. The problem is a certain paradox among white and Jewish liberals. They want to help the people of color to rise up but always want to be in the position to help the people of color to rise up.
    Liberal compassion is rooted in an addiction to power. Compassion is a privilege of those with power for those who don't. So, even as liberals prattle on about equality, they want to be in the higher position of do-goodiness preaching equality from above.
    If Hispanics and blacks were indeed as successful as white and Jewish liberals and competing for the same jobs and posing a real threat--instead of dependent on liberal goodwill and policies(mostly at the expense of conservative middle and lower class whites)--, there wouldn't be much white and Jewish liberal compassion for the ooloreds.
    Notice how whites and Jewish liberals almost never celebrate the success of the Asian community. If white liberals want non-whites to succeed, they should be celebrating Asian success 24/7 and holding it up as a model for blacks and Hispanics. Instead, white liberals feel threatened by rise of Asians. Also, white liberals angrily feel they are not appreciated by Asians who made it on their own. White liberals are moral narcissists addicted to the privilege of being in the power and position to play nobless oblige thing with non-whites.

    PS. Sailer often says 'with great power comes great responsibility' and Jews should heed this. I disagree. I wish Jews only cared about money and privilege and nothing else--like Chinese in Southeast Asia. They've done far more damage by trying to be SO GOOD and NOBLE with their great power, always acting like they're historical saints with great compassion for the 'underprivileged' like blacks and Illegal hispanics. A rich Jew who only cares about money would do far less damage than a rich Jew who wants to 'save the world'. I'd rather have Spielberg buy 100 more mansions than donate to black, radical, and leftist causes.

  54. Pseudothyrum7/26/10, 1:09 PM

    "Are the Spanish and the Portuguese somehow distinct from the rest of the Europeans, like the Italians or the French or the Germans?"

    Yes, they are. They are what might be called 'Arabized' Whites. Many have a smattering of Arab, North African, Sub-Saharan African, and Jewish ancestry. Comparatively, Iberia is quite a mixed area of Europe.

    Most of Mexicans in the USA are majority Spaniard, with all the mixing that entails, along with a varying amount of Amerindian (Asiatic) ancestry too.

    All of that mixing adds up, for sure.

  55. DM:"Only partly germane, but it's amazing that not only so many people have dreams about studying and exam-taking, but that the dream so often takes the exact form that Steve described. Almost makes you believe in Jungian archetypes or something."

    Or tit's just the fact that we spend decades of our earliest years in school - from about age 4 or so to the early 20s. That's why so many people in their 20s are so naive - the only thing they've ever done in their entire life is go to school. It's all they know.

    Great form of social conditioning as well.


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