July 13, 2010

"You lay off our women"

From an interview with actor Mark Ruffalo promoting "The Kids Are All Right," in which his character attracts Julianne Moore's character, the femme in a butch-femme lesbian household, into a heterosexual affair:
... Ruffalo says he has come up against some bizarre territory marking and paranoia in the real world as a result of the movie.

"I was doing an interview with a woman on tv and afterward the woman said, 'By the way, I'm a lesbian, and you lay off our women,'" Ruffalo recalls.

"At first I thought she was kidding and then I realized she was really serious," he adds. "She totally meant it. I was like, 'Are you kidding?'"

Ruffalo worried "she was going to arm wrestle me or something." He didn't think he'd fare well either: "Not against that passion."


  1. Like kids with Santa Claus and pro wrestling, maybe we just need to sit these lesbians down and tell them movies aren't real.

  2. Where da lesbian wommin at???

  3. In my experience, a lot of lesbians seem really jealous of all the tail that really macho, masculine men can pull.

  4. in my experience, lesbians are just jealous of men, period.

  5. In my experience...well, I don't actually have any. Actually I'm afraid of them.

  6. I know a fair number of lesbians personally, and the common tale is the loss of a girlfriend to a man. I don't know if these gals are just after children, or if they just don't mind playing both sides of the plate, but it's a pretty deep-seated fear for women who only date women.

  7. where's Whiskey?

  8. It seems like that lesbian women really took all the feminist stuff about women not being property to heart.

  9. Ah the old 'Why lesbians aren't gay' article from National Review in the 1990s. That was the first article I ever read by Steve Sailer.

    I remember the late, great Boston radio guy David Brudnoy mentioned it and said he was going to comment on it but never did. This when he was still a closeted homosexual.

    This female territoriality also applies to the fatties. Many women in the femosphere have an issue with the lack of average size to large size women in the fashion industry. Lack of models and lack of clothing selection. They are also obsessed with the endless photoshopping of women in magazines.

    They find champions in big girl models like Crystal Renn and become horrified if Crystal is losing weight and going over and joining the women who have sold out the fatties, lost weight and decided to Uncle Tom it to the "fatphobics".

    Black women and latinas are also racially and culturally tribal in ways that no self respecting (i.e. anti-racist) White woman could ever be.

    With the near total taboo on White racial identification and pride it's no wonder that whitey needs to find other outlets for group identification, rivalry and territoriality.

    The gay pride/lesbian territoriality psychology has always had overtones of misplaced White racialism. Not that these people are racially proud or racist just that as White people they seem to have transferred what would/could be White racial/tribal identification into a homosexual tribal version of it.

  10. Anonymous said...

    where's Whiskey?

    "Lesbian women hate, hate hate Beta males. Lesbians can only envy the natural female desire for the Alpha badboy while the hardworking male beta chump and kitchen bitch is an object of their contempt.

    I realized this one day while watching a rerun of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with one of my imaginary friends and we both agreed that all women, even lesbians, basically love Bad Boys who ride motorcycle, are unemployed and have tattoos.


  11. DYork win.

    The alpha/beta bit of pseudoscience is nothing but a sad, self-loathing delusion of creepy pervs.

  12. "Lesbian women hate, hate hate Beta males. Lesbians can only envy the natural female desire for the Alpha badboy while the hardworking male beta chump and kitchen bitch is an object of their contempt.

    I realized this one day while watching a rerun of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with one of my imaginary friends and we both agreed that all women, even lesbians, basically love Bad Boys who ride motorcycle, are unemployed and have tattoos."

    I suspect that lesbians deep down want men more masculine than they are, and in the case of butches, it's difficult. (Hmm... I wonder how many butch lesbians wind up with black men?) Maybe they hate "betas" because no man has been able to turn them on (at least yet), and they blame the "betas" for that fact.

  13. I know a fair number of lesbians personally, and the common tale is the loss of a girlfriend to a man.

    right, as I mentioned elsewhere lesbians have more genuine cause to fear male competition than gay men have to fear female competition (although that happens too). A fair fraction of women living a lesbian lifestyle are actually bisexual or not-sure types.


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