August 8, 2010

Gallup: "Young, Less Educated Yearn to Migrate to the U.S"

From an April 30, 2010 posting on
Young, Less Educated Yearn to Migrate to the U.S.
Canada more attractive to older, more educated adults
by Neli Esipova, Julie Ray, and Rajesh Srinivasan
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Fifteen countries attract about 500 million of the roughly 700 million adults worldwide who say they would like to relocate permanently to another country if they could. Gallup finds the U.S. is clearly the No. 1 desired destination among these potential migrants, with more than 165 million saying they would like to move there, and neighboring Canada is a distant second with 45 million.

Gallup's findings on adults' desire to move to other countries are based on interviews with 347,713 adults across multiple surveys in 148 countries between 2007 and 2009. The 148 countries represent more than 95% of the world's adult population.

Together, the number of potential migrants who would like to move to the United States, which represents 24% of adults who would like to move overall, and Canada, which represents 7%, make Northern America the most desired region to move to in the world. But individually, both countries appeal to people from different parts of the world. Gallup finds the U.S. appeals more to the youngest and least educated adults, while those who choose Canada are on average slightly older and more educated.

These differences may partly reflect the emphasis each country's immigration policy places on different categories of migrants.


  1. Somewhat on topic


  2. The survey says that a higher percentage of immigrants to the US are from the family reunification class than are immigrants to Canada. But since immigration to Canada is between 2 and 3 times higher on a per capita basis, the number of family reunification immigrants to Canada is almost certainly higher than that of the US, again on a per capita basis.

    The idea floated by Steve on numerous occasions that Canada has some sort of rational, self-interested immigration policy compared to the US is just plain false. Canada has a far, far higher percentage of immigrants that have committed or support terrorist acts at home and/or abroad (Muslims, Sikhs, Tamils), and accepts more immigrants likely to become criminals or wards of the state (from the West Indies and Africa). Mass Third World immigration has transformed Canada from a nation that was 97% white in 1971 to about 77% white today, shrinking even faster than the US.

    The ONLY advantage that Canada has vis-a-vis the US re immigration is that the US shares a border with Mexico. That 2000 mile long, mostly unguarded southern border is truly America's Achilles heel, and the source of most of its more monolithic immigration, legal and illegal. That's why the US is now more than 15% Hispanic/Latin American compared to only 1% in Canada. And that is a huge advantage for Canada.

  3. They love us for our freedom.

  4. I think the US is in serious danger of running out of carrying capacity for more NAMs.

  5. Uh oh.

    Will calling America stupid now be racist?

    (Nah, of course not. Cognitive dissonance is here to stay.)

  6. From a causal empiricism aspect makes perfect sense. Live in D.C. and am aghast at the low skills of immigrants. For some reason very few people seem to mind that the cab drivers are incompetent and rude and all from Ethiopia. True of restaurants with the central americans being illiterate in spanish as well as english. People from places without the benefit of generations of civilized life will only be a burden--especially as most are unskilled and seemingly dumb as a box of rocks. They are the future of our "great land". Spend time in Oz, Singapore, Norway even Italy and you will see the U.S. for the 3rd world dump it has become. Guess waht? You bring in 3rd world people with no skills, they bring their 3rd world ways and viola you are a now a dumpy country. Its like the old saw, there are no bad neighborhoods just neighborhoods where bad people live. No such place as third world countries just places where unskilled people live and where they aspire to go. Ha, its the ol U.S.A. Shudder to think what the country will be like in 30 years--we will aspire to be as civilized as Brazil.

  7. Camp of the Saints.

  8. It's probably just that nobody in these-holes-in-the-wall have heard of Canada.

  9. From another recent thread:

    Anonymous: Steve, can you please slow down. Half the fun of your blog is reading the threads. But at your recent posting rate the threads don't get much of a chance to develop. Granted we like fresh posts, but let us run with a post for a bit before you add more. Thanks.

    Steve Sailer: I'm mostly just cutting and pasting. There's less and less need for me to come up parodies because my material is getting written for me by the mainstream media.

    Now me, from yet another recent thread:

    Me: I hate to say this, but Barry Soetoro Dunham seems to have sped up the clock on everything - not just the impending bankruptcy of the USA, but even the looming race war [or wars] which will tear this country apart at the seams... But Barry seems to have really emboldened these folks - they're all coming out of the woodwork now, looking for their pound of flesh.

    Anyway, back to the thread at hand.

    When I got up this morning, and surfed over to iSteve, to see what y'all Left-Coasters were up to while I was asleep last night, I saw this thread ["Young, Less Educated Yearn to Migrate to the U.S"], at the top of the blog, containing figures like "700 million adults", and my immediate reaction was something along the lines of, "Wow, things feel like they're accelerating out of control".

    And at the risk of sounding a little melodramatic, in confronting some of these recent news stories, you really do get a sense of a widening gyre and a falcon which cannot hear its falconer.

    Rush Limbaugh lost it on Thursday afternoon, when he started categorizing the ferocity of last week's assault on our society [Prop 8 overturned in California, the feds going after Arizona, a new bailout by Fannie & Freddie, General Motors spending taxpayer money on campaign contributions, "Rosa Luxemburg" Kagan being elevated to the Supreme Court, etc etc etc].

    And Glenn Beck went apoplectic on Thursday evening, when he was describing how one retiring firefighter would need 19 up-and-coming firefighters to support his pension, and how 19 retiring firefighters would need "19 times 19" up-and-coming firefighters to support their pensions, and how the whole Ponzi scheme of public pension fund guarantees was a mathematical insanity.

    The very first email I ever sent to Steve was during the McCain/Kennedy/Bush amnesty drive, back in the spring of 2007, when suddenly things were looking pretty bad, and I tried to draw an the analogy with the Molotov-von Ribbentrop initiative & negotiations, in August of 1939, which, according to Sebag Montefiore, were pulled off in no more than about ten days or two weeks - a really startling alacrity for an event which would change the face of the world irrevocably.


  10. Russia and Saudi Arabia.

    Well who wouldn't want to move there!

  11. Traditionally this would have been a good thing, with lots of young workers available for factories, etc. But now we need engineers and other skilled workers, not grade school drop outs. The last thing we need is for the United States to become an idiocracy.

  12. I guess the answer to this problem is to make oneself very unattractive. Maybe speak a language which is hard to learn and not so common, become poorer (that's happening as these folks come in), and generally be unfriendly towards foreigners, ... oh wait that's called xenophobia.

  13. It's probably just that nobody in these-holes-in-the-wall have heard of Canada.

    That was my reaction, too. The number of people choosing the US is so much bigger than that for any other country that there is a bound to be a certain regression to the mean. And the mean, on the world stage, is pretty damn low.

    Also, ignorant people (including many native-born Americans) think Canada is a permanently frozen wasteland, and who would want to leave their nice, warm jungle or desert for that?

    It's the more educated classes who (a) have heard of Canada; (b) know it offers essentially the same lifestyle as the US; (c) know that it's cold but that NOT cold; and (d) have figured out that it's a pretty decent place to live.

  14. "But now we need engineers and other skilled workers"

    Really? While engineers are happy to get jobs assembling furniture, we need MORE?

    Why don't we, you know, hire the ones we have who are unemployed or underemployed?

  15. Does anyone here really believe that only 165 million foreigners would come here if they could?

    Start with at least a third of the people in Latin America, and continue with pretty much everyone in Africa. Add 500 million or so for India, China, Yemen, and a few other places.

    The genius of the Bush/Obama regimes has been to destroy our economy at such a pace that fewer people want to come here and that we'll eventually become less tolerant of those who do. The two should be tried for economic crimes against humanity.

    Oh, wait, we don't count as "humanity" - we're Americans. We're allowed to get screwed over in any way the world pleases.

  16. Dinesh D'Souza once explained why an acquaintance of his was so eager to leave Bombay (must we use the p.c. spelling "Mumbai"?) for the States. The acquaintance said: "I really want to live in a country where the poor people are fat." Maybe the prospect of living in Canada just doesn't cut it for the wannabe-obese.

  17. I think that not only does Canada largely stress skills in accepting immigrants, but its 'family reunification' is mainly immediate family like spouse & minor children. With the US family reunification is immediate family first, then siblings, grown children, and parents and family reunification is the single largest source of legal immigration.

    A lot of our Mexican illegal immigrants seem to have 6-8th grade educations. Not sure why but that seems common. What are the chances of Jose with a 6th grade education having a wife or siblings with much more education? Plus after Maria joins him, he can start on the siblings and so can Maria. The possibilities are astounding!

  18. So, when it comes to immigrants in Arizona, it is Mexico's racial profiling: _Mexico_ preferentially expells/exports its own people "of _not_ European descent."

    I have made the case before that Mexico appears to be practicing ethnic cleansing against its poor aboriginals and mestizos. The last time I saw this many folks leaving a country was when the Albanians were flooding out of Kosovo for Macedonia, and the US-led Nato force mercilessly bombed Serbia for it.

    Given all the neocon's crazy ideas to go around the world spreading democracy and wasting our blood and treasure, I might actually be persuaded to support such action in Mexico to try to make that country a functioning state. I think you could use the ethnic cleansing issue as a casus belli.

  19. Europe sees plenty of young, low-IQ immigrants.

  20. "Dinesh D'Souza once explained why an acquaintance of his was so eager to leave Bombay (must we use the p.c. spelling "Mumbai"?) for the States. The acquaintance said: "I really want to live in a country where the poor people are fat."

    There are more fat Mexicans than American's statistically.

  21. "I think that not only does Canada largely stress skills in accepting immigrants, but its 'family reunification' is mainly immediate family like spouse & minor children."

    I've read on sites like this that Canada is getting pretty bad also. Maybe a Canadian will chime in.

  22. "They are the future of our "great land". Spend time in Oz, Singapore, Norway even Italy and you will see the U.S. for the 3rd world dump it has become"

    I was thinking this just the other day as I drove through my suburb that was all white in the 70's and I didn't see a white face on the peoplw who were out and about. Mexicans,Indians,Haitians,Filipinos,inner city blacks that have moved to the suburbs, and many other races.

  23. Diversity is good, being uneducated is bad, but less diversity is worse than too little education.

    Or something like that.

  24. Mmmkay, 165 million people want to come to the USA, which already has 310 million people, and 45 million want to go to Canada, which has ... 34 million. Yikes.

    Posters wonder how many immigrants to Canada are "family reunification" immigrants. The short answer is too many; the longer answer is about 30 to 40 percent, depending on how you count them. The present Conservative Party government is walking the tightrope of trying to improve the quality of who's coming in without handing anything to the Liberal Party that could be used to draw more of the urban bimbo vote.

    From the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada: Process, progress and prospects:

    Between October 2000 and September 2001 an estimated 164,200 immigrants aged 15 years and older landed in Canada from abroad as permanent residents. Consistent with trends shown by immigration data from the 2001 Census, released
    January 2003, the majority of these newcomers (68%) were born in Asia, including the Middle East. Another 15% were from Europe, 9% from Africa and 6% from Central and
    South America and the Caribbean.
    The People’s Republic of China was the leading country of birth, contributing 32,300 new immigrants to Canada. This was followed by India (25,800), the Philippines (11,300) and Pakistan (8,400).


    In general, immigrants entered Canada under three main classes: economic-class immigrants, family-class immigrants and refugees. Of the immigrants included in the LSIC, economic-class immigrants made up the largest proportion (67%). The economic class comprised 56% principal applicants and 44%
    spouses and dependents (see Survey methodology). Principal applicants in the economic class were more likely to be men. Of the 61,600
    immigrants in this category, 77% were men. Immigrant women who were admitted under the economic class were more likely to be admitted as a spouse or a dependent. Women
    made up 75% of the 47,900 individuals in the category of economic-class spouse or
    dependent. Family-class immigrants represented about 27% of the target population included in the
    LSIC who landed in Canada from abroad during this period. Of these 44,100 immigrants,
    6 of every 10 were women.The smallest proportion of new arrivals, about 6%, were admitted under the refugee class. Of these 9,800 immigrants admitted on humanitarian grounds, half were men and half

    This report actually make things sound better than they really are; we're still getting too many criminals, loafers, and elderly dependents, and too many people who aren't smart enough to become skilled productive workers. A recent article about the current government's attempts to improve things is here:

    Who Doesn't Get Into Canada

  25. The United States is the default country to immigrate to. That someone wants to migrate to Canada, or some other country, indicates that they THOUGHT about the issue, and people who think about issues are more intelligent and have greater wisdom.

  26. It looks as though Blogger/Blogspot ate the second half of my comment.



    And owing to my study of demographics, I had long known that our situation would become untenable no later than about 2020 - so that we had maybe a decade to prepare for the dark times - but lately it sure does feel like we're in some sort of a hurry-up mode, wherein things might come to a head much sooner than that - maybe within the next year or two.

    For instance, as recently as 2008, Social Security was still forecast to remain solvent through 2017, and in May of 2009, that date was moved up to 2016, but on Thursday [wow, in retrospect, what a lousy day], it was announced that Social Security had already gone bankrupt [so that I guess it's now being funded by some combination of Geithner selling our descendants' future to the Chicoms, and Bernanke inventing money right out of thin air].

    Beyond that, there are some really ugly rumors floating around out there, about what the DEMs might try to pull off later this year, in an hypothesized lame-duck session, were they to lose badly in the November elections.

    And I got really worried about the tone of voice in that News One Omar Thornton commentary which someone here at iSteve linked to the other day.

    Anyway, the bottom line is that everyone needs to stay on their toes, and be ready to act swiftly, should the need arise.

  27. The latest boat load of Tamil Tigers currently headed for British Columbia don't have much education, that's for sure. Why are they coming to Canada instead of the US? Because they think we are a bunch of suckers in Canada. People are really getting angry about this. Read the comments on the article.

  28. "It's the more educated classes who (a) have heard of Canada; (b) know it offers essentially the same lifestyle as the US; (c) know that it's cold but that NOT cold; and (d) have figured out that it's a pretty decent place to live."

    I don't disagree with your general point: But come on, to be fair Canada is pretty cold. I'm a white southerner and anything above North Carolina is just too chilly in the winter/fall/spring. A few warm months in summer doesn't mean its "not cold" somewhere.


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