August 18, 2010

Omar Thornton's mom discusses racism on CNN

Commemorating the two-week anniversary of the massacre of nine middle-aged white men, Soledad O'Brien interviewed Omar Thornton's mom on CNN yesterday about racism and what a good boy Omar was: video.


  1. It was eight men who were killed by Thornton, Steve. Omar is counted as the ninth fatality in the shooting. Apparently, blowing your brains out after slaughtering your co-workers makes you as much a victim of violence as anyone else in this country.

  2. Good grief. Right before I came to your blog I was thinking about ol' Omar and concluding the media had given up trying to push the racism angle and hoping it would all just go away, what with his documented theft and his incompetence at previous jobs. Boy was I wrong.

    Thieving incompetent murdering black man. Must have been the white man's fault.

  3. I know you're outraged because you're seeing these stories through the prism of.

    Nowhere was there even any hint that what he did was justified.

    But we want to know what set him off.

    When these things happen, we often try to understand what goes on in the killer's mind.

    There have been countless books and articles written about the minds and motivations of serial killers: Ted Bundy, Dahmer, etc.

    Trying to understand them does not excuse them.

    Your outrage is quite misplaced.

    this is nothing new.

    this is liberal progressive modern society.

    it's not all about condemnation anymore

    it's about understanding now, too.

  4. A lot of money (time) is going into convincing the public that Omar is another Emmett Till. Where is the money coming from?

  5. Michael Magellan8/18/10, 6:55 PM

    That was disgusting.

  6. Soledad O'Briend should do interviews with family members of the guys who killed James Byrd and Matthew Shepard. Maybe they had some compelling reasons for doing what they did.

  7. Ol' Omar was in a tight spot. A dumb bunny in a dumb job. No future because he had no talent and no initiative.

    Ask Troof and she'll tell you: a sistah ain't gonna put up with ol' Omar's pity party nonsense. A sistah would have told him straight out: "If you ain't got a job, boy, you ain't getting none of this here!"

    So ol' wimpy whiny Omar found himself a couple white girls he could stab who would put up with his "poor-oppressed-black-man-can't-get-a-good-job" shtick, year in, year out and settle for that.

    Only after eight years the white girl starts wondering when Omar is going to get down to business, get married and make some babies (something a sistah would have seen Omar was NEVER going to do inside of 3 months!). So Omar he hangs some string on door knobs, takes some pictures, calls them "nooses", and gets that ol' white-girl-pity just a-flowing like a river.

    In fact, that's the reason the beta black Omars of this world take up with white women: they want someone to stroke 'em, and tell 'em how hard life is and how they understand. Black women just don't play those games, do they, Troof?

  8. whoa...big red flag in Soleodad O'Brien's post-interview.

    She makes a point to point out that Omar Thornton's mom wasn't making excuses for her son but that she was trying to wrap her mind around what caused this to happen, and that she felt bad for the victim's families.

    I may be jumping the gun here, but I wouldn't be surprised if O'Brien is making this up. O'Brien couldn't put that part of the interview on camera? It's not an important part of the closure process to show the person closest to the murderer express at least a little bit of remorse or sympathy?

    CNN and O'Brien knows they are dealing with a sensitive race issue, and being of the bent that they are, CNN really doesn't want to portray blacks in a negative light here. They don't want to pour it on if you will.

    Even if I'm wrong, I'm curious as to why the mother isn't shown on air saying what she reportedly said.

  9. (cont)... But then his cover was blown. They got him dead to rights on videotape, stealing booze. And he knows it's coming. For a couple days he knows it's coming. And he knows he is going to have to 'fess up to Big Mama and Little White Mama: "I done f*cked up again!"

    All of a sudden his carefully contrived, narcissistic "poor little me" game collapses and the boy has to look in the mirror and see himself for what he is: a loser, just like that preppy med school white kid who killed himself in Massachusetts just the other day.

    So Omar did the only thing he COULD do: he escalates Poor Little Me game to the third degree. He buys a gun and offs all the white folks within reach to maintain his image of himself as The Eternal Black Victim. Then he kills himself (as he must, since facing all the lies at trial would be WAY too painful and threatening to his ego state) but before he does it he calls his Big Mama, (whose new role is to be Omar's Standard Bearer to the World) to tell her Dat Ol' Debbil White Man done did it to him again!

    And he knew, he just KNEW, that he could count on his Big Mama and his Little White Mama and the Liberal Press to cover for him.

    After all, they have been covering for him and his screwups and his laziness and incompetencies for his entire life, the poor b@st@rd.

  10. a sistah ain't gonna put up with ol' Omar's pity party nonsense. A sistah would have told him straight out: "If you ain't got a job, boy, you ain't getting none of this here!"

    So ol' wimpy whiny Omar found himself a couple white girls he could stab who would put up with his "poor-oppressed-black-man-can't-get-a-good-job" shtick, year in, year out and settle for that. "

    Well, I guess that settles it. Think of all of the reporter's hotel rooms and meals on the road the major media could have saved had they talked to you first.

  11. What a load of manure:

    "I know you're outraged because you're seeing these stories through the prism of."

    Of what? Rationality?

    "Nowhere was there even any hint that what he did was justified."

    Manure. That's EXACTLY what the airing of the "racism" charge means, otherwise why bring it up?

    "But we want to know what set him off."

    What are you, retarded? We know what set him off. He was caught stealing and lost his job and couldn't face his just deserts like a man (actually his liberal white bosses didn't call the cops on him so he was being let off easy). Anyone who looks at the facts and needs to grope around for answers to "what set him off" is doing so because he or she can't face the facts and needs to look for excuses.

    "When these things happen, we often try to understand what goes on in the killer's mind."

    Yes indeed we do, but white do-gooders, "anti-racists" and leftist "whites are the cancer of history" types don't want to admit the plain obvious facts, so they indulge in this "racism made him do it" crap.

    "There have been countless books and articles written about the minds and motivations of serial killers: Ted Bundy, Dahmer, etc."

    What are you, insane? Those examples are isolated nut jobs; they don't represent a racial outlook of millions of their own race, and they don't have the entire MSM liberal moonbat nutjob SWPL community egging them on by providing the "racism" excuse to justify their crimes and pretending that the racism excuse is was somehow remotely plausible or justifiable or even somehow an "explanation" when the plain obvious facts of a defective, criminal personality is explanation enough.

    "Trying to understand them does not excuse them."

    The MSM floods us with this cr@p precisely to muddy the waters, of course it is intended to excuse them, if they're black, otherwise why even bring this cr@p up?

    "Your outrage is quite misplaced."

    You are an !j!t. If you aren't outraged, there is something radically wrong with you. I suggest a thorough self-examination of your motivations is long overdue.

    "this is nothing new."

    True, white-baiting, white-guilting, "blacks can never be racist, only the victims of racism" propaganda has been going on for many decades now.

    "this is liberal progressive modern society."

    Boy, you got that one right. We're liberal progressive modern society-ing ourselves straight to the graveyard of history.

    "it's not all about condemnation anymore"

    Well, speak for yourself, @sshat. You certainly don't speak for "society" of any kind.

    "it's about understanding now, too."

    What a smug, condescending jerk you are. Go to hell, preferably the hell of your own making, which you are forcing the rest of us to live in too.

  12. Can't decide who I want to slap more......

    Dan in DC

  13. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form8/19/10, 7:52 AM

    "Your outrage is quite misplaced.
    this is nothing new.
    this is liberal progressive modern society.
    it's not all about condemnation anymore
    it's about understanding now, too."

    Dang, the cockroaches are back.

    Steve, did you go over to Democratic Underground and switch on your brilliant, pc-exterminating intellect again? I know it's fun, but would you stop that, please? When the vermin scatter, they often blunder over here, and they're nauseating to behold.

  14. Anonymous said..."There have been countless books and articles written about the minds and motivations of serial killers: Ted Bundy, Dahmer, etc."

    Irrelevant. You can't compare serial killing with a sexual component (e.g., Bundy, Dahmer) to mass murder committed in revenge (both Thorntons, "Cookie" and Omar).

    In a just world, I would be heartened by the fact that you're obviously incapable of logical thought and rudimentary writing. But I'm not. Unfortunately, your stupidity does not render you incapable of reproducing or voting. Even worse, our liberal, modern progressive society does not ensure, as it should, that you and your ilk are relegated permanently to the sidelines of life.

  15. Big Bill,

    That's some intuition and you know what? I think you're right.

    It really is a good question, would a black woman have been less likely to put up with Omar and his excuses than this white woman? My guess is no. Regardless of what she might say to the public, in reality, she would be more likely to identify him as a loser.

  16. They were actually fairly racist....for example, none of them wanted to be killed by a black guy

    Dan in DC

  17. We know that blacks have a murder rate approximately seven times that of whites. So a black man killing others isn't news. It's expected. That's just the way they are.

    What we need to understand now is the comparative rate of political corruption between the races. The airwaves are alive with charges of racism around Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangle.

    By my rough calculations black politicians have a corruption rate of more than four times that of whites politicians. So blacks are much more crooked than whites even if it is a less dramatic difference than the racial differences in murder and rape.


  18. "You can't compare serial killing with a sexual component (e.g., Bundy, Dahmer) to mass murder committed in revenge (both Thorntons, "Cookie" and Omar)."

    No, you can't compare them; I don't have much of a problem.

  19. "By my rough calculations black politicians have a corruption rate of more than four times that of whites politicians"

    I'd love to see the "brilliant" calculations that went into that one.

  20. I had no idea that Soledad O'Brien calls herself "black" until she did that "Black in America" series last year. She doesn't look black to me. She must be milking the "one drop" rule for all it is worth.

    I've been watching CNN for years, and didn't have a problem with it. But lately it has been getting annoying. I guess I'm getting more conservative.

    For example lately Anderson Cooper has been mocking a southern congressman who claims that Muslims are coming to the US to have "terrorist babies", who will have American citizenship but will be trained as terrorist. The congressman sounds a bit stupid, and Anderson is having a field day making fun of him and the whole "terrorist baby" idea.

    Well, this has already happened in Canada. For example Canadian born Omar Khadr , who is currently at Guantanamo Bay.

  21. "David said...

    A lot of money (time) is going into convincing the public that Omar is another Emmett Till. Where is the money coming from?"

    A lot of time has gone into convincing the public that Emmett Till was another Emmett Till. Same people, too.

  22. "Your outrage is quite misplaced.
    this is nothing new.
    this is liberal progressive modern society.
    it's not all about condemnation anymore
    it's about understanding now, too.

    Am I the only one who thought that was meant to be ionic?

  23. Soledad O'Brien...

    Living backward old Britain I had never heard of her before. Certainly looks as if the one drop rule has been tortured to within an inch of its life in her case.

    Great name though, sounds like a character from a pulp sci-fi novel.

    "Soledad O'Brien had commanded his hard bitten crew of space pirates on many a treacherous voyage..." continued in 23 sequels.

  24. Cho (the Virginia Tech Korean killer) tended not to be counted among the victims. It seems to be the same way for white mass murderers. I guess criminals are only victims if they are NAMs. Interesting. Only whites and Asians have Free Will (internal choice), it seems. At least if they do wrong. If they do right it was because they had a good environment and not due to choices. For minorities, the reverse is true, at least according to the prevailing acceptable thought. If they do wrong, it was external factors- racism, the "continuing burden of white imperialism" etc.; if they do right, it was Free will, their natural tendency despite "hardship".

    Its amazing how the Fundamental Attribution Bias keeps occurring from leftists who are supposedly so much better educated than everyone else.


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