August 5, 2010

What's a hate crime?

Here's the beginning of the transcript of Omar Thornton's 911 call:
Dispatcher: State Police.

Thornton: Yeah, this 911?

Dispatcher: Yeah, can I help you?

Thornton: This is Omar Thornton, the, uh, the shooter over in Manchester.

Dispatcher: Yes, where are you, sir?

Thornton: I'm in the building. Uh, you probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up. This place here is a racist place.

Dispatcher: Yup, I understand that

Thornton: They treat me bad over here, and they treat all the other black employees bad over here too, so I just take it into my own hands and I handled the problem — I wish I coulda got more of the people.

If you go to Google News and type in:

you get this busy page and at least nine more like it

But, if you go to Google News and type in:


You get crickets chirping. To be exact, you get two links back, but both to public comments, not to reporting. If you type in:

"hate crime" manchester

You get those two comments, plus three more miscellaneous webpages that don't have anything to do with Omar Thorton shooting ten middle-aged white men and then explaining "the reason why I shot this place up. This place here is a racist place." After all, that can't be a hate crime. The first question that must be asked about whether something is a hate crime is always "Who? Whom?"

From the Associated Press:

ENFIELD, Conn. — A woman hiding under her desk tells an emergency dispatcher that a co-worker is in the midst of a shooting spree. The dispatcher presses for any information about the man.

"I don't know anything," the woman says, according to a 911 tape released Wednesday. "He's a tall black guy. He's like the only black guy that works here."

Family and friends say Omar Thornton was only too painfully aware of that distinction, as he claimed he was subjected to racial discrimination while working as a union driver at Hartford Distributors in Manchester. ...

A union official described Thornton as a dissatisfied worker whose first targets were the three people in his disciplinary meeting: Steve Hollander, 50, a member of the family that owns the company, who was shot twice but survived; Bryan Cirigliano, 51, president of Teamsters 1035 and Thornton's representative at the hearing; and Louis Felder, 50, who news reports described as the company's operations director.

Other victims were Doug Scruton, 56; Bill Ackerman, 51; Francis Fazio Jr., 57; Edwin Kennison, 49; Craig Pepin, 60; and Victor James, 60. Jerome Rosenstein, 77, was wounded and was in serious condition Wednesday at Hartford Hospital.

Friends and family of those who died said they couldn't imagine their loved ones discriminating against Thornton.
One driver who was killed, Kennison, had mentioned Thornton before but never in a derogatory way, said Mark McCorrison, a close friend. Kennison was not the type to make bigoted remarks, he said.

"I can tell you right now: Eddie is not that person," McCorrison said.

Pepin, also a driver, was never angry, let alone someone who showed any hint of racism or bigotry, said a neighbor who knew him for 25 years.

"Craig, who was active as a coach in town with all kids -- all races of kids -- for years, he didn't care. He just worked with the kids," Ted Jenny said. "There was no way Craig Pepin was racist."
The only complaint Thornton ever made to the union was when he asked to be promoted from an entry-level job to a driver, said Gregg Adler, a union lawyer. The union explained to him that because of seniority rules, he would have to wait his turn until a job opened up. Eventually it did, and he was promoted about a year ago, Adler said.

Michelle T. Johnson, a diversity consultant and former employment lawyer, said workers who face discrimination are often reluctant to file a formal complaint, even if the misconduct is serious.
"Once a person of color raises an issue of discrimination, the reaction they can get just makes it very stressful," she said.

It's never too early to discuss what should be done if evidence of white racism emerges in this investigation. Should the dead white racists be dug up and shot again? Or perhaps the grieving relatives of the late Mr. Thornton should get to shoot some of the relatives of the dead white racists who weren't nice to Mr. Thornton?


  1. Who's more likely to be immortalized by a present-day Arthur Miller as a victims of a disgusting witch hunt? -- those killed in the Hartford massacre, who being dead can't even defend themselves, or Roman Polanski?

    Sick world we live in.

  2. There you go, blaming the victim as usual.

    How can you as a white heterosexual male, possibly understand the pervasive hate that permeates every aspect mainstream society.

    And, yes, I refuse to take my meds.

  3. What's a hate crime?

    Any crime (or arguably any criticism) committed by anybody White against anybody non-White or against White people who are gay or Jewish.

    That and that alone is what is a hate crime.

  4. Wherever you have white people acting stupidly toward black people, there you have a hate crime.

    You think that's not a good working definition? Neither do I.

    But it seems to be working, doesn't it?

  5. "'Once a person of color raises an issue of discrimination, the reaction they can get just makes it very stressful,' she said."

    Whereas if a person of non-color raises an issue of discrimination, the reaction they can get isn't stressful at all.

    As a society we've really got to do something about the way people react to accusations of misconduct. Some people react to accusations of racial discrimination by saying things which make the accuser feel stress. Some people react to accusations of on-the-job theft (backed with videotape evidence) by shooting all the white people they can find.

  6. We need to do something about this "racial disparity" in 911 calls. There should be a diversity policy that says that an employee must wait until at least enough minority shooters have appeared to make a quota of 23% of the total people in the room before calling 911, so there will be no racial profiling such as the bigoted woman who said "He's the only black guy here". Since she's a survivor, she will have to go to sensitivity training.

  7. I imagine that the MSM will be running away from this story at great speed pretty soon, since it seems to be about a petty thief trying to use claim of non-existent racism to cover up for his behavior.

  8. Reluctant? YGTBFKM8/5/10, 7:39 PM

    "Michelle T. Johnson, a diversity consultant and former employment lawyer, said workers who face discrimination are often reluctant to file a formal complaint, even if the misconduct is serious."

    What a joke. Reluctant? They file these things every time they get a bad performance appraisal or anything they don't want. They file it so that later on they can say they were retaliated against. It's a lot easier to prove retaliation. How many junk charges get filed through internal processes and through the EEOC every year?
    According to Michelle's reasoning, he was more worried about the stigma of being a charge filer than being a murderer.

  9. "Wherever you have white people acting stupidly toward black people, there you have a hate crime.

    You think that's not a good working definition? Neither do I.

    But it seems to be working, doesn't it?"


  10. The Anti-white System

    Problem: "white racism."

    Reaction: Multicultural media outrage! "Race experts" on CNN discussing "structural racism."

    Solution: Policies of forced diversity, and increases in multicultural indoctrination across the information spectrum.

    This cycle goes on and on and on..problem(white "racism")-reaction(Multicult Outrage!)-solution(anti-white policies)...on and on and on until the next media created racial incident.

  11. One of the results of this is going to be that companies will now simply call in the police when employee theft situations like this occur. They should have done that in the first place.

    I guess they the MSM are going to have more "racist" companies and police forces to go after as a result.

  12. Harry Baldwin8/5/10, 8:17 PM

    Michelle T. Johnson, a diversity consultant and former employment lawyer, said workers who face discrimination are often reluctant to file a formal complaint, even if the misconduct is serious.

    "Once a person of color raises an issue of discrimination, the reaction they can get just makes it very stressful," she said.

    I imagine these are the sort of pearls of wisdom diversity consultant/community outreach director Michelle Obama dispensed to earn her $300,000+ salary.

  13. Racism causes theft

    Seems everyone know the drill.

  14. @ Truth re his Mitt Romney video:

    Lucky for Mitt that Omar never saw this, huh?

    Or maybe, lucky for Mitt that he was too far down on Omar's list.

  15. Guy flipped out after losing his job. How many hate crimes, not that I think the laws have validity, end in suicide?

  16. Chief Seattle8/5/10, 9:11 PM

    Note to self: always have bottled water on hand when firing black people.

  17. well Steve, the shooter is DEAD!

    the notion of a hate-crime is usually discussed in criminal cases where the perpetrator thusly charged!

    he dead foo!!!!

  18. Just to refute your claim that blacks are never charged with hate-crimes.

    google: Keith Phoenix.

  19. You guys don't have the complete CT angle. A black female employee of a news station caught shoplifting recently had her case dropped after resigning from the news station:

    The tragedy of a petty thief shooting his co-workers follows hot on the heels of this story and you are doing readers a disservice by not emphasizing up front that this thug was caught stealing. Excuse the phrase but the media is apparently trying to cover up the apparent kleptomania (a reasonable conclusion from the news reports) of these people by accusing whites of a worse crime.

    The way I see this is that the msm is just hoping they can egg on a white supremacist to do something extreme to get out the vote so to speak. How do these haters in the msm sleep at night? Do the Ezra Kleins of the world really think whitey stays up at night dreaming of ways to keep his black brothers down? Or are Ezra Klein types just big fat gentile hating bigots themselves?

  20. "A black female employee of a news station caught shoplifting recently had her case dropped after resigning from the news station:"

    Shoplifting, huh? Oh for Christ Effin' Sakes! Whatever factory the globalists is making you lame-brained simple-minded androids in is clearly defective; I think they should outsource the job to China.

  21. ...but, yes, some of them were probably racist. and that should be a crime.

    WTF? What if they were racist? How is that a crime? Thoughts are not crimes. Actions taken against another's property and life are crimes. The bad guy in this story is the one who did the killing.

  22. Wonder how it would have been reported if Jayson Blair had gone on a rampage after getting fired by the NY Times for plagiarism...

  23. Hate crimes by modern definition CANNOT include any targeting of Whites by Black for horrific things, like torture, rape, and murder. Or worse.

    It just cannot. Why? Because the media, which is aimed mostly at White working/middle class women (just look at the ads on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and CW affiliates and national newscasts) find that a good, and useful working definition.

    The usual explanation for the state of affairs here is some "Jewish conspiracy." Instead of the perfectly obvious one: White working/middle class women find it right and proper to define hate crimes that way. The way "sexual harassment" is when Jon Cryer instead of Charlie Sheen checks a woman out. Or that guy Fred Armisen on SNL instead of Tom Brady.

    Why the double standard? Because culturally for White working/middle class women, Black guys play the part of the Soap Opera hero from the wrong side of the tracks, down and out but "sexy."

    That means it cannot change, either, very quickly. Not because some super-secret, super-elite, super-intelligent cabal of "Jews" is controlling things (seen Ari Emmanuel, Rahm Emmaneul, or Sarah Silverman lately -- they won't ever shut up!) Rather, because a broad spectrum of White American women like to define hate crimes that way.

    Stuff that icky, low-status White guys do (like in any episode of "Quantum Leap" dealing with segregation). Not Blacks who are "authentic."
    OT: be sure to read FT's story on Israel today. Short version (they use THIS PHRASE: "Demography is Destiny") Israel is screwed -- Haredim (which I guess is plural of Hasidic Jews) have the most kids and don't work, neither do Arabs who also have lots of kids. Secular Jews who create wealth leave Israel and don't have kids.

  24. asdfasdfasdf8/5/10, 11:10 PM

    Too bad Omar is dead. He and the 'stupid' and 'racist' survivors could have been invited for beer by Obama.

    Omar in the age of Obamar.

  25. The whole discussion has now been shifted to whether the whites were racist or not. The implication being that if the whites can be proven to be racist, then they deserved to be shot.

    But so what if the whites were "racist"? How many blacks are racist and nobodycares? Whites in South Africa are subjected to racism on a daily basis and instead of shooting up people work out personal strategies to deal with it, be it finding blacks they can cooperate with, teaming up with other whites, becoming self-employed or emigrating. Nobody is going to help them. That kind of workplace racism is the norm around the world. This discussion needs to be moved back to neutral ground.

  26. Holocaust museum program named for slain guard raises teens' consciousness:

    She shows visitors photo displays of the Dachau and Auschwitz concentration camps and railroad cars such as the ones in which Jews were taken to be killed. She walks across the foyer near the spot where [security guard Stephen Tyrone] Johns bled to death. Even the museum's freshest wound has become a part of its basic lesson.

    "It teaches these kids that racism and anti-Semitism are really alive and well," said Arthur Brown, the program's manager.

    Nearly 30 million people have visited the museum since it opened in 1993, but for many students who live within a few miles, the institution and the history it commemorates remain poorly understood.

    "They come in knowing a minuscule amount," said James Fleming, an alumnus of the youth leadership program's first class in 1994.

    For Fleming, the program has turned into a career. Since 2003, he's worked at the museum, training young docents and reaching out to local high schools. "I saw parallels between my history -- the history of blacks in America -- and this history," he said. "I made a lifelong commitment."

  27. Not because some super-secret, super-elite, super-intelligent cabal of "Jews" is controlling things (seen Ari Emmanuel, Rahm Emmaneul, or Sarah Silverman lately -- they won't ever shut up!) Rather, because a broad spectrum of White American women like to define hate crimes that way.

    Whiskey you make some good posts on some topics, but on others you are way off base. Watch this video, it's about 20 minutes, and look up a significant number of the people mentioned. Then ask yourself if your answer above might need to be rethought.


  28. The usual explanation for the state of affairs here is some "Jewish conspiracy." Instead of the perfectly obvious one: White working/middle class women find it right and proper to define hate crimes that way. The way "sexual harassment" is when Jon Cryer instead of Charlie Sheen checks a woman out. Or that guy Fred Armisen on SNL instead of Tom Brady.


    Well, I agree that this obviously isn't "The Jews." After all, at least two of the dead men killed by the righteous racist avenger were Jews. If Jews in general supported this stuff, they'd have to really hate themselves to the point of being willing to take a bullet from murderers like Omar, and for some reason that just doesn't seem all that likely to me.

    However, I don't think it's women either.

    Some of my first thoughts were that whoever wrote the reports must have been junior reporters, and straight out of university at that. If you'd been to a university at any point in the last 20 years - especially a communications department - their slant would be totally unsurprising.

  29. Guy flipped out after losing his job.

    He didn't "flip out", this was premeditated murder. He didn't just happen to have guns in his lunch box.

  30. It's really quite admirable how Whiskey can find proof for his universal theory of modern history (Women like sexy alpha men and hate betas) in literally ANY news event occurring today. Also admirable how one of his prime pieces of evidence to support said theory, which he uses over and over again, is a one-minute Tom Brady SNL spoof.

  31. These sorts of things seem to happen yearly. Last year a Harvard professor was mouthing off about racism white the unfortunate young Lily Burk was actually experiencing a bit of America's race dilemma. This year things have moved up a notch, the victims themselves are accused of racism.

  32. Two things: One, The reason the press is even covering this is that Thronton claimed racism. If he did not this story would have been down the memory hole after just a brief headline with no discription of race. end of story. Two, why was he allowed to resign. My guess is that is would be harder for Thrornton to file a bogus discrimination suit later on. If there ever was a cause for firing, stealing beer and selling it on the job would be it.

  33. Killing whites is just another entitlement for blacks, it would seem. I'm actually surprised that this petty thief committed suicide after his orgasmic Mau Mau ego trip because it's highly unlikely a jury would have given him the death penalty. Indeed, the prosecutor would have needed to labor mightily just to make manslaughter stick under the real threat of jury nullification in Hartford.

    This is why whites may talk the talk on integration, but if they have a choice, they walk away from blacks -- avoiding mass transit, public schools, jobs, stores, parks, and other venues where large numbers of them might be present.

    By the way, I haven't noticed any black civil rights leaders denouncing Thornton. Curious, huh? While I dread the coming Mexifornication of America, my one evil satisfaction will be watching the rough handling of blacks as their accustomed political power and special privileges evaporate in the Hispanic States of America.

    Hey, Eric Holder: If you are looking for an honest conversation about race in America, here it is.

  34. Hey, here's the latest:

    Maybe this little bit of info will shut this pig girlfriend of Thornton's up:

    "Mystery of Theft Tape as Gal Pal Clams Up"

    This just in: Mainstream Press loses even MORE interest in this story!

  35. The usual explanation for the state of affairs here is some "Jewish conspiracy." Instead of the perfectly obvious one: White working/middle class women find it right and proper to define hate crimes that way.

    Unless you consider the possibility that the creation of an unsexy middle class (formly known as the bourgeois) to be a "Jewish conspiracy".

  36. "Should the dead white racists be dug up and shot again?"

    Well, that's what's being done metaphorically here.

  37. Truth said..."'A black female employee of a news station caught shoplifting recently had her case dropped after resigning from the news station:'

    Shoplifting, huh? Oh for Christ Effin' Sakes!"

    The Anonymous who made the comment you quoted prefaced it by saying, "You guys don't have the complete CT angle." Anonymous was obviously comparing shoplifting cases within the state of Connecticut. So why link to a case of shoplifting in Texas?

    FYI, it's called "context". Apparently, you're one lame-brained, simple-minded android who doesn't have the "context" memory chip. Among other things.

  38. The MSM seems to be on the way to dropping the story. Their purpose has been achieved. The truth has a hard time catching up when a lie is given such a big head start.

  39. cherub's revenge8/6/10, 9:54 AM

    Bill - "After all, at least two of the dead men killed by the righteous racist avenger were Jews."

    Join me and Kevin MacDonald in our broadcast seance this week where we ask Marcuse if he would chalk this up to:

    a)shortsightedness on his part or
    b)collateral damage or
    c)a friendly fire incident.

  40. Truth- you may just want to sit this one out.

    Dan in DC

  41. The usual explanation for the state of affairs here is some "Jewish conspiracy."

    It's always good to start with a straw man.

    Instead of the perfectly obvious one: White working/middle class women find it right and proper to define hate crimes that way.

    Lol. In the parallel universe where the Teevee is serving up southern women with segregation propaganda, your silly explanation makes sense; in that universe, the customer's always right. In ours, when a market like Christians to the right of Mao just doesn't sit well with Hollywood's Ashkenazi sensibilities, it doesn't get served.

    Your silly theories don't sit well with facts. However you ethnically characterize Hollywood (want to live in a fantasy world? Fine. They're all WASPs.), you can't deny that the media is manipulating the public, moving it in the direction it wants. 'Course, without the Ashkenazi angle, it's going to be tough for you to explain why Israel gets a pass from all the "WASPs" and "SWPLs" lol.

  42. The fella who dragged that black dude to death some years back became a racist in prison, after being gang-raped by blacks inside.

    I forget how that leaked, but it didn't seem too important to the media at the time.

    But if you faced some social unpleasantness at the hands of white folks, or even if you only perceived such, now that's material.

  43. Why the double standard? Because culturally for White working/middle class women, Black guys play the part of the Soap Opera hero from the wrong side of the tracks, down and out but "sexy."

    Sure, black guys play the part of the guy from the wrong side of the tracks. Rednecks play the part of the guy from the...

    Wait, I think I found a hole in your brilliant theory! I know, it only seems that way; I await your brilliant explanation.

  44. Does anyone know if Thornton knew ahead of time that he was going to be let go for stealing? After all, why did he bring his guns to work that day? I wonder if his complaints about racism were just the fact that his employers were enforcing the rules against theft. Maybe this guy, like a lot of others in 2010 America, don't think office theft is such a big deal and that one deserves a second or third chance.

  45. When Hollywood was run by real, actual Jews like Louis B. Mayer, stuff like "Yankee Doodle Dandy," and "Its a Wonderful Life" and "Holiday Inn" and "Casablanca" were standard fare. Bing Crosby and John Wayne were box office stars. Now, with Rupert Murdoch at Fox, we've got AVATAR and Sam Rockwell.

    So Hollywood sure could use a big dose of deeply assimilated Jews right now running things.

    Most journalism students are women. The breakdown is something like 75% or so. Yeah, its a female dominated area, catering to women. White women find accusations of "racism" a strong morality play (really class play). Allegations of "racism" against a really big Hollywood man (like Mel Gibson) won't work. He's too Alpha. But against some guy who isn't a classic Big Man it does.

    Re: Rednecks. Women view social dominance through many ways, from Russell Brand (rock star foppishness) to Tom Brady coolness. Violence can be part of it (or not depending on status, class, and taste). Charlie Sheen sure didn't suffer from allegations of spousal abuse, nor did Chris Brown or Mel Gibson. A famous nebbish type would though. Rednecks are viewed as low-class/undesirable, even if they engage in the same actions.

    For women, the lesson to learn is that behavior does not form the judgment, rather relative status/cachet/social dominance. Something perfectly acceptable in Woody Allen, or Roman Polanski, becomes horrible in the low-status next door neighbor, but OK again for the "edgy" would-be rockstar living in his car.

    In order to understand WHY the allegation of "racism" is so powerful and only works one way (against middle and lower class White men) you can't think like a man, you have to think like a woman.

    Mel Gibson can say allegedly, the n word, and Whoopi Goldberg defends him. Why? Because he's MEL GIBSON. That's how women are.

  46. When Hollywood was run by real, actual Jews [...] Now, with Rupert Murdoch at Fox, we've got AVATAR and Sam Rockwell.

    Lol, Murdoch is a crypto-Goy. He's like that guy from Snatch who becomes a Jew to get by in the diamond business. You want to pretend that all the "bad Jews" aren't really Jews, but they are. Haim Saban is a Jew's Jew. Jews dominated/created Hollywood, and over time it has become more and more overtly Jewish as Euro-American dominance and culture have faded. Sorta how blacks used to get married, but as Euro-American power faded, they stopped trying to assimilate and their own norms begin to predominate.

    So Hollywood sure could use a big dose of deeply assimilated Jews right now running things.

    I think the entire world would benefit immensely from ANY SENTIENT CLASS OF BEING IN THE UNIVERSE OTHER THAN JEWS running Hollywood. Enough already. Time for some new blood. And without rampant Jewish nepotism strangling creativity and innovation, maybe Hollywood will put out a better product.

    Most journalism students are women. The breakdown is something like 75% or so. Yeah, its a female dominated area, catering to women. White women find accusations of "racism" a strong morality play (really class play). Allegations of "racism" against a really big Hollywood man (like Mel Gibson) won't work. He's too Alpha. But against some guy who isn't a classic Big Man it does.

    Re: Rednecks. Women view social dominance through many ways, from Russell Brand (rock star foppishness) to Tom Brady coolness. Violence can be part of it (or not depending on status, class, and taste). Charlie Sheen sure didn't suffer from allegations of spousal abuse, nor did Chris Brown or Mel Gibson. A famous nebbish type would though. Rednecks are viewed as low-class/undesirable, even if they engage in the same actions.

    Ah, I see. Blacks aren't low class, but rednecks are (this is the "this is where the magic happens" part of Whiskey's bullshit theories; W-H-Y? Er, never mind that!) You're quite the gymnast, aren't you? I think you'd say the moon was made of green cheese if you thought it would draw attention away from the fact that the opinion-shaping elite in this country is dominated by your tribe.

    (Authoritarian, Incurious, Deceptive, Obsessed)

    I'm sick and tired of you cluttering up these threads with your propaganda. I'm a "real Jew" and I have no need for you to go on with your BS day in and day out.

    You just scored some points for your tribe in my book. Anyone who can't stand being too close to Whiskey can't be all bad.

  47. In Whiskey's Kosher Bizarro World (WKBW!), the descent of the public discourse in America straight into the sewer is just the way things are. Nobody caused it. No wait, the viewers caused it!

    I've got a new name for you: Rotgut. It ruins your radio call sign but it fits you better.

    This is why Rotgut responds to about 1% of the criticism of his points, if that; because he knows perfectly well he's full of crap. If he answered my criticism that women in the Jim Crow south wanted, but didn't get, segregationist propaganda on their teevees, but instead got anti-segregationist propaganda, the exact opposite of what they wanted, then he'd have to admit that soccer moms do not in fact dictate content. He'd have to admit that the media shapes the viewer far more than the other way 'round.

    E.g., huge numbers of white women would love to get some (genuine) Christian programming for their families to watch. Where's the beef, Rotgut? It's...what...white...women...want. But they don't get, do they? But you can't even answer that simple question, can you? Nah, answering a simple question would set a bad precedent.

    Huge numbers of white women want the borders closed. Why does the media tell them to go $#&@ themselves? Why does Hollywood consistently churn out pro-immivasion movies, but never anti-immivasion movies? Where's the beef, Rotgut?

  48. Let's keep it REALLY simple, so everyone can make sure Rotgut understands, so they know he's completely full of it.

    1. Incrementalism. This is a hard fact. Anyone can look at what the media's been churning out over the last century and see the "progress" therein (to say nothing of the character of that "progress").

    2. Rotgut theory:

    a) EVERYTHING the media churns out can be explained by viewer demand.

    b) Women have hard-wired requirements concerning entertainment.

    But it's obvious that a) and b) are contradictory in light of 1); how can we see incremental progress (never in a random or varying direction, as Rotgut theory would imply, but always in one direction) in something that's hard-wired? Shouldn't the market have corrected for this supposed hard-wiring, oh, about FIFTY years ago?

    Rotgut theory (inherently) contradicts incrementalism (established fact).

  49. "Mel Gibson can say allegedly, the n word, and Whoopi Goldberg defends him. Why? Because he's MEL GIBSON. That's how women are."

    Whoopi is friends with Mel, that's why. Mel Gibson is a loony asshole, sure, but like many, she probably realized his Russian wife was setting up the whole ordeal (At least partially) on purpose. This should have been obvious by her extremely calm tone on those tapes.

  50. "The fella who dragged that black dude to death some years back became a racist in prison, after being gang-raped by blacks inside."

    Let's just be real for a second and stop playing hard and fast with the truth:

    There were, first of all three "fellas" who dragged that black dude to death." (I like the cute substitution for "man" there, almost like, "hey, i'd love to have a beer with that 'fella' I kind of like him")

    They were all long-term Neo-Nazis with the tattoos and all, and there was never any proof that he was gang raped in prison, only what his lawyer said before the case; trying to get a death penalty conviction changed into life?

  51. BamaGirl said:

    Whoopi is friends with Mel, that's why. Mel Gibson is a loony asshole, sure, but like many, she probably realized his Russian wife was setting up the whole ordeal (At least partially) on purpose. This should have been obvious by her extremely calm tone on those tapes.

    You are the second woman I have heard/read say that.

    I wonder why women think that?

  52. "I've got a new name for you: Rotgut. It ruins your radio call sign but it fits you better."

    LOL, "Rotgut";now that's white on white crime.

  53. > companies will now simply call in the police when employee theft situations like this occur. They should have done that in the first place.<

    Agreed. You don't tell a thief, "Gee, we caught you, now leave politely." A thief is not ethical like that, by definition - he's a proven enemy of your company, your property, and your rights. He behaved in an uncivilized manner, but he's suddenly going to behave in a civilized manner now? Doesn't compute.

    If you have conclusive proof on tape (as this company did), call the police and let them sort it out.

    I wonder if this company's not calling in the police when the robbery was discovered has something to do with trying to be as "unoffensive" as possible to the black guy. "Gee, you're still a swell guy and we don't want to hurt your feelings, but unfortunately, you broke our policy and so we're sorry and we feel terrible about it, but we're forced to ASK you to leave...." etc. Subconsciously still courting his good opinion of them (which was nonexistent) to avoid any unpleasantness such as actually happened.

    Crooks shouldn't be asked to leave. Crooks should be arrested.


    Haven't you heard?
    Hate Crime aint nothing but a sandwich.
    I'll have a hate crime but hold the tomatoes.

  55. Craig Pepin is a hero and more than that: a saint. I wish they should grant Craig Pepin sainthood for his heroism.

  56. Like the transsexual who was assaulted in McDonalds in Maryland a few weeks ago, Mr. Yglesias was likely victim of a hate crime.

    But why do we need these hate crime laws at all? Isn't it obvious to any person of compassion that nobody should have to suffer as victim of violence? A civilised society shouldn't tolerate this whatever colour it is.


    If Mr. Yglesias was attacked by non-racist punks of his own race, who were just out wilding and sowing chaos - maybe because the hoods "hate" yuppies, nerds or hipsters. But are yuppies, nerds or hipsters protected classes? Does it make it less of a crime.

    Bust these scum and remove them from our midst. We have to protect ourselves. There are enough law abiding innocents, indeed of all colours, who suffer under their terror.

    In your American cities you have it wrong. The innocents live in fear while the barbarians act with impunity. The wrong ones are afraid. Why is it that you Yanks have in every city, such no-go areas where safety can't be guaranteed? Isn't personal security the first priority of civilisation and government?


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