September 1, 2010

Heading South

One interesting phenomenon is white American-born guys who are big time Mexican mobsters, such as Timothy McGhee, the boss of the Mexican Mafia in the LA County jail. in LA. 

From the Houston Chronicle, here's the story of Edgar Valdez Villarreal, born in Laredo, TX:
Borderland folk songs immortalize him as smart, ruthless, powerful and rich.
From the Rio Grande to Mexico's Valley of the Beheaded, there is no shortage of stories about "La Barbie," the top-level drug trafficker born in Laredo and arrested Monday in Mexico.
Was Edgar Valdez Villarreal really a star high school football player or just an average guy whose coach nicknamed him La Barbie for his light eyes and fair-haired complexion that set him apart in the Texas border town?
And how did an American who got his start selling dime bags of marijuana have the connections to go on to lead a team of assassins, let alone climb to the summit of Mexico's criminal underworld?
"There is a lot of speculation as to what relationships he had and what relationships led up to where he is now," said Laredo police spokesman Jose Baeza. "He was able to do enough to gain the trust. There is something to be said, that he is an American-born person who reached that rank." ...

But Tuesday, the Texan turned Mexican mobster was paraded before the cameras in Mexico City sporting no less than a green Ralph Lauren Big Pony polo shirt and a slight grin on a slightly bearded face. Government spokesmen said 1,200 officers took part in the culminating moments of a yearlong effort to capture Valdez. ...
Among his drug gangster rivals, he was widely despised, known for viciously ordering the decapitation of his enemies. ...

He says Valdez was first arrested on marijuana charges in Missouri nearly 20 years ago. While he was briefly in custody in Mexico City years later, he met Arturo Beltran Leyva, who became his narco godfather.

It used to be that guys from Mexico who wanted to be big time criminals came to America because Mexico was a poor, low-crime country. Now, guys in American who want to be criminals are going to Mexico for the opportunities.


  1. He's kinda cute :-)

    Looks like an all-American quarterback.

    I'm assuming that with the large amount of White-Hispanic interracial relationships going on in the South West, European looking drug lord types who self-identify as Mexican are going to be increasingly common.

    Also, Edgar wouldn't look out of place at an off-campus kegger. :-)

  2. "It used to be that guys from Mexico who wanted to be big time criminals came to America because Mexico was a poor, low-crime country. Now, guys in American who want to be criminals are going to Mexico for the opportunities."

    So...this must be the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about.

  3. White people - the Jews of Mexico!!!

  4. "He's kinda cute :-)"

    It's comments like these that prove Roissy right every single day. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. Whoa - check out the nihilism of the Discovery Channel bomber.

    This is what the Sierra Club would sound like if it hadn't been pwned by David Gelbaum:

    ...Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution...

    All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. In those programs' places, programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro-birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it...

    Immigration: Programs must be developed to find solutions to stopping ALL immigration pollution and the anchor baby filth that follows that. Find solutions to stopping it. Call for people in the world to develop solutions to stop it completely and permanently...

    Find ways so that people don't build more housing pollution which destroys the environment to make way for more human filth!...

    Saving the Planet means saving what's left of the non-human Wildlife by decreasing the Human population. That means stopping the human race from breeding any more disgusting human babies!...

    Stop all shows glorifying human birthing on all your channels and on TLC...

    Children represent FUTURE catastrophic pollution whereas their parents are current pollution. NO MORE BABIES!...

  6. I'm sure somebody will ask that he be freed back as some kind of political prisoner/folk hero.

  7. He's kinda cute :-)

    That's Whiskey-bait there.

  8. update: the discovery-channel would-be Gunman is east asian, surely Mr. Sailer will have some theory to explain this.

  9. so you are censoring my comment in your post below regarding immigration and wages, steve? Just ideas, steve, the idea that you are a leftist, just like me. Why are you so afraid of ideas? Are you saying I am crazy, a loon? My ideas are mainstream in working class west europe. Are you not doing what you accuse the establishment of doing?


  10. With no more frontiers, increasing financialization of the economy, a "service" economy, feminization of the workplace, what else is there for restless, adventurous white guys? There's joining the military and fighting for the globalist elites/neocons, or going to the "frontier" of the Mexican drug world.

  11. "Edgar wouldn't look out of place at an off-campus kegger."

    He looks like he knows his American market. Which reminds me of the AB1070 protest outside SF City Hall a few months ago. The crowd was composed of a) dingy Hispanic day laborers and hotel maids and b) white college age kids acting like excited children let loose in a candy store. Some were openly smoking the dime bags they had just scored on the steps of the Asian Art Institute.

  12. Valdez is Mexican and McGhee is at least half Mexican. Not exactly John Tesch white.

  13. Good thing white guys can at least get some jobs now. I know how you were whining about how they're shut out of diversicrat jobs a post or two ago. Go white guys.

  14. so much praise for this criminal who preys on society, and only because he's a white man.


    i think the HBD-sphere credibility has taken a hit.

  15. Finally, a job that Americans will do!

  16. "Now, guys in American who want to be criminals are going to Mexico for the opportunities."
    Sounds like what Jack Schafer would call a "bogus trend". I don't imagine you actually believe it is a significant trend, but on the other hand I'm not sure most of the reporters Schafer mocks are any more serious.

  17. I missed the comment about cute. Yes, Roissy is right.

    As for the idea that guys not into being middle class cubicle drones, choose war or criminality, not really.

    Being in the military, even in peacetime, means a lot of regimentation. Eat, sleep, work out, all at the same time, all with everyone else, individuality pretty much erased and non-stop bureaucratic BS that is worse in peacetime (war tends to knock some of the edges out). But ... even in peacetime its easy to get killed or seriously injured training. The military tends to attract guys OK with lots of male regimentation, as much as "adventurism."

    Criminality? The chances of getting shot are pretty high, moving up fairly low. I'd say "kinda cute" probably explains that and the gang-banger phenomena. I.E. even a low level low life has more status with the ladies than say, a McDonalds manager, never mind the low level low life is a much worse bet for provider status, or even riches, vs. the manager.

  18. Pot Dealing Is A Tough Job "Americans" Will Do.

  19. "He's kinda cute :-)"

    The Bubbas have never done it for me; I like the wiry ones. Speaking of which...

    David Bowie is so darned cute with those granny glasses. And so young!

  20. Probably not the next Dances With Wolves plot to be "ripped from the headlines." But stranger things have happened.

  21. In his book Revolution from the Middle, Francis argues that Buchananism, unlike conventional conservatism, has a social base: the "Middle American Radicals" (MARs), lower-middle-class whites who feel culturally and economically dispossessed. For these people, the trouble with the federal government is not that it is too big but that it is run by elites who are disloyal to them. Writes Francis: "Only Buchanan managed to capture the strange synthesis of right and left that characterizes the political beliefs of MARs — their combination of culturally conservative moral and social beliefs with support for economically liberal policies such as Medicare, Social Security, unemployment benefits, and economic nationalism and protectionism."

    Replace "Buchananism" with "Sailerism."

  22. Conservatives tend to place a lot of emphasis, maybe too much, on the idea that ideas have consequences. They hoist their ideas up the flagpole and then see who salutes. Buchananism puts its idealized social base first, and lets it drive everything else. For Buchanan, loyalty to the tribe trumps any idea. On this point at least, Buchanan may justly claim not to have changed his views. His recent, tentative proposal that elite universities institute quotas for Italian-Americans builds on an idea first expressed in his 1975 book Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories. Buchananism is a form of identity politics for white people — and becomes more worrisome as it is married to collectivism.

    Replace "Buchanan" with Sailer and replace "Buchananism" with "Sailerism"

  23. Steve, for bookeeping purposes, you might want to give this thread an official title.

    Right now, the title field appears to be empty, and Blogger reports that the thread is "Untitled".

  24. texas first!9/1/10, 11:33 PM

    "so much praise for this criminal who preys on society, and only because he's a white man."

    What can I say? I get misty-eyed at the end of the The Wild Bunch.

  25. Steve S. said:

    It used to be that guys from Mexico who wanted to be big time criminals came to America because Mexico was a poor, low-crime country. Now, guys in American who want to be criminals are going to Mexico for the opportunities.

    One interesting development to watch is whether the Mex-Tex narco-gangs will physically re-locate to the US if things get to hot for them "south of the border". Guys like Barbie could meld into the crowd, particularly if they have some local support and knowledge.

    American criminals are getting kind of soft, now that the Mob has more or less gone straight. So there are job opportunities opening up north of the border for a "made guy" on the make.

    I guess the DEA are putting all their resource into making sure that the big fish stay swimming in the Mexican sea.

  26. Hmmm, the mexicans could be pulling a "John Dewey".

  27. Good thing white guys can at least get some jobs now. I know how you were whining about how they're shut out of diversicrat jobs a post or two ago. Go white guys.

    Organized crime is looking better and better each day. I've always shied away because the retirement program seemed sub-par, but now I"m not so sure. Do they serve cat food in jail?

  28. the LA County jail. in LA.

    Where else would the LA County Jail be?

    It seems he got a unique sentence: Death Without Parole.

    Mr Sailer,

    Regarding my earlier suggestion that you write about Social Security:

    In June the Fund took in $56.8 billion in payroll taxes. They paid out $63.1 billion in benefits (includes $4.4 B of RR benefits). This is the only number you need to know. On a cash basis the Fund is losing billions every month...

    And what about the quantitaive effect of America's changing demographics on SS?

  29. You have to look at illegal businesses as businesses with some added overhead and risks, but upside profit potential.

    The drug business is globalized. Cemex owns concrete companies in the US. Why shouldn't Narcotráfico SA go for diversity. If they hire smart white guys and their rivals don't, they'll gain an advantage--ask any economist. No doubt they have Jews, Lebanese, and Zurich gnomes investing their money. If they don't, they will soon.

    Business, my friend, is business.

  30. "so you are censoring my comment in your post below regarding immigration and wages, steve? Just ideas, steve, the idea that you are a leftist, just like me. Why are you so afraid of ideas? Are you saying I am crazy, a loon? My ideas are mainstream in working class west europe. Are you not doing what you accuse the establishment of doing?


    Chill, cryofan.
    Many of my most innocuous posts don't get posted, while some of the prickliest do.
    So I suspect that Blogger eats many of them.
    Give Steve the benefit of the doubt, especially since he approves a lot of posts like yours above, berating him for censoring a previous post.

  31. Dahlia said..."David Bowie is so darned cute with those granny glasses."

    Yeah, I know he really got me all hot and bothered when he made a nice hefty donation to the Jena Six Legal Defense Fund.

    Bowie Gets Kylie All Hot and Bothered

  32. Our elites are not only disloyal but their ideology is also driven by their disloyalty. Buchanan's ideology is driven by his loyalty to the historic American people. What's good for Americans is good for America.

  33. Did this trend start with Joe "Pegleg" Morgan?

  34. Thank God for girls like Dahlia, or my college years would have been a lot lonelier. See, dateless guys? You can either buff up and act more confident and masculine, or go for skinny rock star cool instead. Or sit on your butts and write angry screeds about how bitches show no love for beta males (coughWhiskeycough).

  35. "With no more frontiers, increasing financialization of the economy, a "service" economy, feminization of the workplace, what else is there for restless, adventurous white guys? There's joining the military and fighting for the globalist elites/neocons, or going to the "frontier" of the Mexican drug world."

    This is true. It applies to me, as it applies to many of my peers. Yes, life is regimented and bureaucratic but operations are not. Furthermore by going the officer and combat routes you avoid much of this.

    It does mean you are fighting for a cause you do not believe in, but that is not the point. There is no other option. Drug dealing a la Johnny Depp in Blow looks pretty cool but we do prefer our families to be proud of us and to have some pride in ourselves. Some join for the regimentation but they tend to stay away from the combat roles.

  36. I must add that is if a look-a-like Selma Hayek (Blow) or, especially, Eva Mendes (Bad Lieutenant) asked me I'd reconsider my options.

    Such is the power of films...

  37. Whoosh!

    That's the sound of Sailer's dry-wit flying over the heads of most of the crowd.

    And I don't do metaphors for a living. Suck it.

  38. The media knows better than "HBD"ers who is and isn't White. These top-dog latino bottom feeders are no more White than the Madoff and Rubashkin clans are.

    White, on the other hand, is what those masses of peaceful demonstrators complaining they're taxed too much are. And judging from the hostile terms of their coverage and editorializing, are considered a bigger threat too.

  39. "Only Buchanan managed to capture the strange synthesis of right and left that characterizes the political beliefs of MARs — their combination of culturally conservative moral and social beliefs with support for economically liberal policies such as Medicare, Social Security, unemployment benefits, and economic nationalism and protectionism."

    Add to that Paul Craig Roberts' idea of government austerity by slashing military spending instead of social security. Unfortunately, both the Dem and the GOP establishment look upon leaving the Middle East and our other dozens of military bases around the world as a heresy bordering on the R-word.

  40. "so much praise for this criminal who preys on society, and only because he's a white man.


    i think the HBD-sphere credibility has taken a hit."

    I think your irony and sarcasm detectors are broken.

  41. Whoa - check out the nihilism of the Discovery Channel bomber.

    Whoa - check out the cluelessness of commenters who still don't understand what "nihilism" means.

    Bat-shit crazy ideas and beliefs are still ideas and beliefs in something, dude.

    You might as well have called him a "fascist" or a "communist" for all the good that would do; your use of "nihilism" is just another political swear-word drained of all actual meaning.

    Speaking of which:

    Walter Sobchak: "Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."

  42. Steve, perhaps you should be less surprised than you are.

    One of the memes that you sometimes repeat on this blog is that successful criminal gangs are not multiethnic.

    You fault movies like Oceans 11 for showing multiethnic gangs.

    But the following passage about Al Capone indicates that his gang brought in people from outside his own ethnicity,

    one famed Chicagoan crossed ethnic lines
    to good effect. AI Capone, of Neapolitan origins and
    Brooklyn-born, employed plenty of paisanos but he was
    not loath to recruit non-Italians. If he thought a Jew, an
    Irishman, a Pole or a Negro could be of use to him, he
    brought him into the fold. His right-hand man, business
    manager Jake “Greasy Thumb” Guzik, was a Moscow­
    born Jew. This may have been one reason why Capone
    easily surpassed the old ethnic-minded gangsters, such as
    Big Jim Colosimo and Johnny Torrio, Capone’s mentor

  43. "But the point is they are atypical. Despite their nationality they wouldn't look out of place amongst a sampling of white Americans."

    The point is 100% American white guys would never have made it to that position. Just like Adam Clayton Powell IV can pass for white, he'd never have a chance of getting elected in harlem if he was 100% white.

  44. Whoa - check out the cluelessness of commenters who still don't understand what "nihilism" means. Bat-shit crazy ideas and beliefs are still ideas and beliefs in something, dude. You might as well have called him a "fascist" or a "communist" for all the good that would do; your use of "nihilism" is just another political swear-word drained of all actual meaning. Speaking of which: Walter Sobchak: "Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."

    I'm not entirely certain, but my gut instinct says parody.

  45. "From the Rio Grande to Mexico's Valley of the Beheaded, there is no shortage of stories about "La Barbie," the top-level drug trafficker born in Laredo and arrested Monday in Mexico.

    "Among his drug gangster rivals, he was widely despised, known for viciously ordering the decapitation of his enemies. ..."

    Let's all take the time to thank Mexico for introducing phrases like "Valley of the Beheaded" into the american lexicon. Severed heads seem to be replacing the peso as the currency of choice in that friendly happy-go-lucky land south of the border.

    Perhaps letting in millions of people from a country where the national pastime used to be ripping the beating hearts out of sacrificial vicitms wasn't such a good idea.

  46. the (sociopathic) "fun of the game" factor, both for lower level gangsters and upper tier bosses, is underappreciated, as is the extent to which minority drug use fuels the business. The drug use statistics don't capture the impact of everyday and multi-use per day users, which from street experience seem to be higher among minorities. The every day and multi-use per day group ("I'm josh camacho and I just smoked 7 white owl blunts") probably represents a significant majority of the overall business, versus the larger group of occasional recreational users. Suburban marijuana apologists, in particular, seem to be out of touch with the more hardcore reality.

  47. Kylie,

    I told my husband I would never contribute a dime to David Bowie as a result of that deed at the time it happened. And I believe I spoke out here against him, too, at the time.

    I still think he's hot and he's a well-recognized figure who helped me make the point I was trying to make: there are women out here who do not like beefcakes and prefer skinny guys.

  48. Dahlia said..."Kylie, I told my husband I would never contribute a dime to David Bowie as a result of that deed at the time it happened. And I believe I spoke out here against him, too, at the time.

    I still think he's hot and he's a well-recognized figure who helped me make the point I was trying to make: there are women out here who do not like beefcakes and prefer skinny guys."

    Dahlia, my husband gets told stuff, too, whenever I hear about outrageous things like his contribution to their defence.

    But yes, Bowie's hot. The phrase " front of a Sunday School if I had to" comes to mind. Daniel Lanois is another one. A gorgeous musical genius and far to the left of my own politics. It grieves me, it really does.

    Glad to know you can compartmentalize and thanks for the explanation.

  49. Well I'll be, that's an actual polo shirt -- not a 'polo' shirt from, say, Izod.

  50. It seemed like in the story he was hispanic in origin. If so, he is "doing one of those jobs Americans won't do" by providing a sorely-needed Great White Criminal for the MSM. White American men in the US just aren't screwing up enough in the real world for the liberals to be happy.

  51. "I missed the comment about cute. Yes, Roissy is right."

    Not really because he couldn't look like less of a gangster/drug baron if he was trying. The man doesn't even look Spanish let alone Mexican if I were to see him on a beach at Torremolinos (that's Spain) I'd assume he was an English tourist called Dave. (Jeans and polo shirt...)


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