November 8, 2010

Manny Pacquiao answers my question

I was wondering why the exit poll showed 79 percent of Asians voting for Harry Reid in Nevada. Boxer Manny Pacquiao has an answer, according to Ben Maller:
Manny Pacquiao didn’t make his boxing trainer, Freddie Roach, too happy last week when he announced he’d be leaving after a workout Friday to board a flight to Las Vegas. Pacquiao, a congressman in the Philippines, had some important political work to tend to: campaigning for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). “[Reid] was behind 4% in the polls before I got out there ... There’s a lot of Filipinos in Las Vegas.” Population figures show an estimated 30,000 Filipinos in Las Vegas, with perhaps triple that in all of Nevada. Reid defeated Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle by 40,000 votes ...


  1. Is that 30,000 *US_Citizen* flipinos in Nevada...??

  2. Is that 30,000 *US_Citizen_Voters* flipinos in Nevada...??

  3. Is there some subtle point I have missed? I still don't get it. Why are Filipinos in Nevada voting for Reid?

  4. Sgt. Joe Friday11/8/10, 7:36 AM

    Um, why do we allow foreign politicians to participate in our electoral process?

  5. Can't speak for California Filipinos, but elsewhere they tend to be an intensely religious and traditionalist people -- the culture of the Philippines still shows a great deal of influence from the 40s and 50s culture of the American GIs stationed there. They are as natural a Republican constituency as there is among minority groups.

    Pacquiao is a national hero but his forays into pop music demonstrate that he's a man more of determination and likability than intellectual acumen. I have trouble believing that too many people would base their vote on what he had to say.

  6. Please correct me if I am wrong, but the 'Flips' are commonly regarded as under-performers - essentially Asian Mexicans.

  7. Manny Pacquiao sounds like a monumental egotist.

    I saw some data on how the Asian vote split in 2008 and whilst I can't recall the precise figures, the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese all went heavily Democratic, the Vietnamese went heavily Republican and Filipinos were more or less in line with white voters.

  8. Nice to see you writing for Ace of Spades now, Steve.

    The spread of your ideas the last 18-24 months has been electrifying.

    Ace of Spades Demo Research into Nevada & California

    Here's a good piece from John Ralston on Reid's organization in Nevada. He sadly fails to discuss Reid's financial advantage and who bankrolled it. His conclusions on immigration are incorrect as well. Other than that, it's nice to see what a lot of money can buy...and also, how difficult it can be knocking off a well-connected sitting senator. Obviously the role of Pacquiao is just another thing that Reid was able to leverage into an advantage.

    One Word: Prepartion

  9. SE Asians have somewhat lower mean IQs than NE Asians and don't do as well as them economically, but are they actually more liberal than them? I don't know. It shouldn't follow automatically though.

    In many ways SE Asia is to NE Asia what southern Europe is to northern Europe. Cubans and Sicilians aren't known here for liberalism. Serbia has just had anti-gay demonstrations.

    I'm saying this stuff partly because the only Filipino (well, half-Filipino) with whom I've ever talked about politics was a Fox News-watching Republican.

  10. Just to be clear here, roughly 100 thousand Filipinos in all of Nevada.

    Manny just had to persuade 20 thousand of them to switch from Angle to Reid. 20 thousand fewer votes for Angle , 20 thousand extra voters for Reid, was enough to swing the election

  11. I hope in his next fight he gets his ass whipped.Rotten little POS!

  12. Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army11/8/10, 10:44 AM

    Old soldiers never die, they just spin in their graves.

    [I mean, good grief - why do we even bother defending these people and fighting these wars - if this is all the thanks we're gonna get for it?]

  13. Entries like this make me suspect that not only are you an exceptionally laidback person but also that you really enjoy (albeit in a laidback way) riling people you know are not.

    By the way, I'm not clear enough of your concept of "citizenism" to know whether or not you think non-citizens should be allowed to campaign in America elections.

  14. Sharon Angle got labelled a nationalist, and so the Model-Minority turned against her.

    More Exit Polls:
    1.) In 2004 Asians in Nevada broke 50-47 In favor of Bush.
    2.) In 2008, Asians in NV are "NA", but nonwhite/nonblack/nonHispanic (Asian+'Other') went 40-59 In favor of Obama. In '04, 'Other' was noticeably more Democrat than 'Asian', so Asians may have broken ~50-50 in '08.
    3.) (2010 for reference) -- 79-19 Reid (D).
    4.) Further note that the Hispanic vote was 68-30 Reid, but in '08 was 76-22 Obama. The Anti-Hispanic Fanatic Angle got a lot more Hispanic votes than Obama!

  15. Slowly but surely, foreign immigrants are beginning to take political control away from Whites. The greatest nation that ever existed on earth will soon be controlled by people from Mexico, Africa, and Asia.

  16. Pacquiao, a congressman in the Philippines, had some important political work to tend to: campaigning for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

    I thought that sort of thing was illegal.

  17. Depressing and yet the irony is that Pac is known as the Mexican killer because he's been beating up the top Mexican fighters.

    So the one thing that managed to unite Mexicans and Filipinos was hatred for the Ang(le)los.

    Sharron Angle's team might have been able to swing the Filipino vote if they had played up the Mexican illegal alien issue and some how gotten Pac on their side.

    What percentage of Flips in Vegas are actually illegal compared to the Mexicans?

  18. Why are Filipinos anti Tea Party? At least the Cubans seem to have some sense.

  19. Hispanic vote was 68-30 Reid, but in '08 was 76-22 Obama. The Anti-Hispanic Fanatic, Angle, got a lot more Hispanic votes than Obama!

    Should read: "Angle got a lot more Hispanic votes than [Mr. Amnesty] McCain".

    Republican share of Hispanic vote, Nevada
    30% Angle (2010 Senate)
    22% McCain (2008 President)

    There goes the theory "Outraged NV Hispanics form electoral tidal wave to defeat Angle (R - Bigot)."

  20. Filipinos are, Michelle Malkin aside, known for anti-White sentiment. This is no surprise. Most of politics centers around distribution of spoils to non-Whites/White elites from ordinary Whites. Who if they react are called "racist."

    Like Obama said, Whites are expected to get to the back of the bus. Largely they have, when times were good and rolling. Now they are not, and Whites are not. Janet Daily at the Daily Telegraph wondered what next (after the Welfare State ran out of money).

    My answer, nationalism. Not Blut und Boden, but nationalism in its good side (Greatest Generation did not fight to save the Whales or for a Target Ad).

  21. From my experience, Filipinos have a very strong social network and they all seem to be aware of what other Filipinos in the local community are up to. Further anecdotal evidence comes from the case of Art Bell. When his Filipino wife suddenly died the network quickly found him a new young Filipino wife.

    Anyway, the casinos and the unions were strongly behind Reid, and the bulk of Filipinos are presumably casino workers and/or union members.

  22. Wonder what the (real) quid pro quo was.

  23. In Hawaii, Filipinos often vote with whites to elect the few Republicans who gain office there. Mostly because Whites don't reject them the way Japanese and Chinese do.

  24. "Sharon Angle got labelled a nationalist, and so the Model-Minority turned against her."

    There's more to it than that. She is someone who wants to turn the clock back to 1950's white-topia America. And while that might earn a lot of white votes, it in fact wasn't enough to win the election. At the same time, she drove Asian voters (who with numbers posted above demonstrate are winnable by Republicans) squarely into the Democrat's camp with her perceived and real insensitivity on racial issues.

    If Rev. Wright is fair game for Obama, then why was Sharron Angle in a Mormon bashing church? That's tough to explain in one of the nation's most Mormon states. The Mormons also represent one of the largest Republican constituencies in Nevada, if not their most dependable single group of voters.

    Face it: she was a bad candidate. She may not have been as bad the chicken barter lady, but still represented a poor choice.

  25. Pacquiao's emergency campaign stop in Las Vegas was a symptom, not a cause of Sharon Angle's victory.

    She is the kind of Republican that really rubs minorities (and especially Asians who might vote Republican) the wrong way.

    I have a dream .... that one day Americas pampered and obnoxious "minorities" will learn to care about rubbing white people the wrong way.

  26. In college, I met a couple of Filipino students who were at opposite ends of the political spectrum. One was from a poor family, and was pretty leftish (though she might have grown out of it after college, she probably ended up a Democrat). The other was from a wealthy family with connections to Marcos. He was pretty much a fascist - he made most of the activist Republicans look like flaming liberals. And he really believed that stuff - it wasn't just a pose pour epater les bourgeois.

    It's a small dataset, but my guess is that Filipinos in the U.S. vote their economic interests. If they're poor, or in a union, they'll be Democrats. If they're rich, or run a business, they'll be Republicans.

  27. A little off-topic, but [at least so far], the writers of The Walking Dead are [predictably enough] already setting up a white hick hayseed redneck dude as the bad guy in the series, with all of the blacks in the ensemble being Morgan Freeman/Mother Abigail-esque saints.

    I sure do hope that the writers of the series cut that character some slack in future episodes - I'm getting sick and dadgum tired of my folk always being the villains.

  28. Funny how some commentators are angry that a foreign individual is 'influencing' American politics i.e. campaining through nationalistic social networks.

    Are you similarly outraged when the US GOVERNMENT directly interferes into the politics of foreign nations? Or is the argument for simple US supremecy, and not one of national independence from foreign interfernce applied universally?

  29. "Are you similarly outraged when the US GOVERNMENT directly interferes into the politics of foreign nations"

    Yes, but for selfish reasons -- without US meddling may of these foreigners wouldn't be here. Indeed, Filipinos are the proto-type of 'blowback' immigration.

  30. Not Blut und Boden, but nationalism in its good side (Greatest Generation did not fight to save the Whales or for a Target Ad).

    Nationalism in its good side? What do you mean by this? Destroying Israel's enemies?

  31. Whiskey said,
    "Filipinos are, Michelle Malkin aside, known for anti-White sentiment."

    We must inhabit very different social milieus, Whiskey.

    Filipinas are always trying to land an American white husband. You must not know many military people?

    BTW, what social milieu do you reside in? You often talk of SWPL women and their love of nannies which I never paid much attention to until the other day... and now that I have, I find it odd. Going Pauline Kael on you, I don't know anyone who has a nanny. The SWPLs absolutely do not and even the rich don't.

    I am provincial having grown up in rural Florida and living in other southern states, I admit, and my list of rich people I know is very short. Within my milieu the rich are mostly provincial German landowners, a son of a late billionaire (German) and a cosmopolitan French multi-millionaire in finance who lives in California. They are all Catholics for what it's worth.
    It would be anathema for them or anyone else to have a nanny. Family is extremely important as is being close with one's children. Instead, they have maids who sometimes lend a hand with childcare, but usually relatives help out. Think "To Kill a Mockingbird". The billionaire heir, for instance, is always having his in-laws, including my brother and his wife, babysit their toddler when they travel. The only time I've heard of a family with a nanny was one who mainly lived in Wyoming far from anyone and anything, and they had a jet-set lifestyle.

    I remember in "Bonfire of the Vanities" that the Jewish lawyer stressed about being able to afford their nanny. It made a huge impression on me because it was so outside the cultural practices I grew up with and saw: the importance of not just having one, but being willing to suffer financially because not having one wasn't done in their social circle.

    Is your milieu Jewish? A WASP New England? New Money or Old? Genuinely curious.

  32. Pacquiao, a congressman in the Philippines, had some important political work to tend to: campaigning for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

    Severn - "I thought that sort of thing was illegal."

    It very probably is - in the Philippines.

  33. "Anonymous said...

    Funny how some commentators are angry that a foreign individual is 'influencing' American politics i.e. campaining through nationalistic social networks.

    Are you similarly outraged when the US GOVERNMENT directly interferes into the politics of foreign nations?"

    Yes, I am.

  34. "Whiskey said...

    My answer, nationalism. Not Blut und Boden, but nationalism in its good side (Greatest Generation did not fight to save the Whales or for a Target Ad).

    What's wrong with "Blood and Soil" nationalism? What other kind is there, really? If patriotism is not loyalty to one's people and land, then it is merely fealty to an imperial government - otherwise known as opportunism.

  35. Nationalism in its good side?

    McDonaldization, raceless dronery, social cohesion on the basis of consumerism, 'freedom' over responsibility. Cantankerous Nihilism.

    This is the endgame for those on the "Right" who mock and disdain the concept of nation. (a.k.a. gentile Neoconservatives).

  36. Anonymous said..."Funny how some commentators are angry that a foreign individual is 'influencing' American politics i.e. campaining through nationalistic social networks.

    Are you similarly outraged when the US GOVERNMENT directly interferes into the politics of foreign nations? Or is the argument for simple US supremecy[sic], and not one of national independence from foreign interfernce[sic] applied universally?"

    Apples and oranges. But as a matter of fact, yes, I am.

  37. [Angle] is someone who wants to turn the clock back to 1950's white-topia America. And while that might earn a lot of white votes, it in fact wasn't enough to win the election.

    Share of White Vote [after dividing-out 3rd-party votes]
    55.5% : Bush ('04)
    54.1% : McCain ('08)
    56.4% : Angle ('10)

    Not much of a bump there.

  38. Votes by Region of Nevada
    Clark County [Las Vegas] [65% of state votes]
    Reid 253,000
    Angle 192,000

    Rest of State [35% of state votes]
    Reid 109,000
    Angle 129,000

    I did not realize how much Las-Vegas Metro now dominates the state.

    I wonder if there's any talk in rural Nevada of forcibly-seceding Clark County. State politics from here on out will forever be a Las-Vegas game, otherwise.

  39. "Filipinos are, Michelle Malkin aside, known for anti-White sentiment. This is no surprise. Most of politics centers around distribution of spoils to non-Whites/White elites from ordinary Whites."

    This is a surprise to me. The Filipinos I know tend to be Republicans. Maybe that's because they are high-earners. The other commenter is most likely correct that they vote their economic interests, and the union class of Filipinos votes differently from the professional class.

  40. The Filipinos in Hawaii form an underclass on the island and are the descendants of early 20th century laborers. However, American-Filipinos tend to come from the educated middle class and are decently prosperous. Many Filipinos in this country are also ethnic Chinese, which is a point I can't overemphasize.

    The Filipinos used to be quite poor and socioeconomically downscale until the mid 1960s, when a tidal wive of high end and Chinese-Filipino immigration lifted the community considerably. Today, outside of Hawaii, Filipino-Americans are doing fairly well.

  41. Yes, the SAT scores of Filipinos in California are quite good.

  42. Lots of Filipinos work in health care. For example, there's a big Filipino supermarket across the street from the huge Kaiser Permanente hospital complex in Panorama City.

  43. Angle, when speaking to an audience of (mestizo) Hispanics told them, in a remarkably clumsy attempt at PC flattery, "you look Asian to me." This offended the Asians more than the Hispanics.

  44. Anonymous said:

    Sharon Angle "gave the impression that to her all non-whites are pretty much the same, when she told a group of Mexicans that they look like Asians."

    Funny: I lived for many years in Southern Spain, and when my Andalusian friends visit me in Manhattan, they have exactly the same problem.

    By the way, I find it instructive in considering the "plight" of the "undocumented" to reflect on my time as an [illegal, as it happens] immigrant in Spain, where I owned a business, paid taxes, etc. In the years I lived there, I never once expected the Spanish people to pay attention to my political opinions, or for the authorities not to prosecute / deport me were they to discover that I'd serially overstayed my visas.

  45. Stari Momak said the Filipinos are the prototype of blowback immigration - too true. Dahlia notes, again accurately, that most Filipinas want to marry White men. I read yesterday that 2 out of 3 in the U.S. do marry outside their ethnic/racial group (Asian/Hispanic, take your pick). Of those I've been acquainted with, all but one married Whites. The one couple that emigrated more recently did so on the "nurse's visa" and the wife's profession. All their friends are Filipino. My son met theirs in JROTC; now mine is in the military and theirs is selling Oakley sunglasses. Race/culture will out.

  46. why do we even bother defending these people and fighting these wars - if this is all the thanks we're gonna get for it?

    Hilarious. So if the U.S. Army was ever in a country, immigrants from that country are obligated in perpetuity to vote the straight Republican ticket? Got it.

    Also, not sure how grateful the Filipinos are for the several hundred thousand of them we killed back in the early 20th century when supppressing their struggle for independence and colonizing their country.

  47. some other name11/9/10, 12:25 PM

    @Dahlia: the person who has a nanny is someone in an expensive blue state who's affluent but not rich and who has to spend a lot of time in the office to afford a life a couple steps up from what she knew growing up. Take, e.g., a lawyer I worked with in san Francisco who expressly described her help as a "nanny":

    She grew up solidly middle class in Mill Valley, father a cop. Her first law job is prosecutor. After 3 yrs. she moves to a young firm that derives 80% of its revenues from NASDAQ arbitration, i.e. defending brokerage houses against claims by disappointed investors, and employees. She arrives late, and often stays in the office until about 9. At 38 she's a partner making about $300K. She has 3 kids and says that she and her husband, also a lawyer, are designing a house where "you don't have to see your neighbors."

  48. There are a lot of Filipino nurses because the nursing programs in the Philippines are all standardized (following one curriculum) and are designed for them to obtain jobs overseas.

    Filipinos are pretty conservative because of the pervasiveness of Catholicism came when Spain colonized them. Their culture is very much influenced by the Spanish colonization hundreds of years ago... not because some GIs landed there a few decades ago.

  49. Brilliant Steve: dominant group membership explains why hot asian chicks are always hooking up with fugly-looking white dudes.

  50. Filipino nurses are actively recruited by US hospitals, as I know from personal experience. The average white nurse some years ago in Florida, working on call for different hospitals, made about $50 per hour. The average Filipina nurse, just off the boat, got $9 per hour.

    At the hospital I worked for, employees were strongly encouraged to donate food cans and used clothing to welcome our new nurses - who were being brought in by the dozen and put up in hotels until apartments could be arranged for them.

    The white nurses could go to hell.

    Capitali$m in action. But, how many Democrat/socialists were imported thereby?

  51. Filipinos are involved in one of the most idiot immigration programs ever -- and that's a high bar.

    Seems sometime in the 1990s the US thought it would be good to allow immigration to those who claimed to have fought with the US or the resistance to Japanese occupation during WWII. (I don't know what the standard of proof was) Sure, these guys probably merited immigration rights more than other groups, but by then they were in their late sixties at the youngest. It would have been far cheaper, and better for the vets, to have given them a stipend to live out their days at home in the PI. But no, the were given rights to come, with predictable results.

  52. My son met theirs in JROTC; now mine is in the military and theirs is selling Oakley sunglasses. Race/culture will out.

    That's true since the military is fighting for Israel.

  53. @MQ

    The US certainly did kill a lot of Filipinos in the early 20th c., and even felt they had to develop a new weapon in order to do so more effectively--the Colt .45 Model 1911 semi-auto pistol. See the History section in this Wikipedia entry:

  54. "Funny how some commentators are angry that a foreign individual is 'influencing' American politics i.e. campaining through nationalistic social networks.

    Are you similarly outraged when the US GOVERNMENT directly interferes into the politics of foreign nations? Or is the argument for simple US supremecy, and not one of national independence from foreign interfernce applied universally?"

    The vast majority of white nationalists and paleocons strongly beleive that the US should mind it's own business in other countries. Only neocon pseudo nationalists and aracial "real 'murican" reactionary types are hypocrits in the way you imply.

  55. I did not realize how much Las-Vegas Metro now dominates the state.

    I wonder if there's any talk in rural Nevada of forcibly-seceding Clark County. State politics from here on out will forever be a Las-Vegas game, otherwise.

    More than half the population of New York State lives in and around New York City. This trend is increasing, as the only population growth in the state is happening in the city and its suburbs. Furthermore, as the suburban/exurban zone expands up the Hudson Valley, the influence of city thinking is spreading ever further.

    Thus, Nevada is hardly unique in being dominated by a single metro area. And, yes, I think upstate New Yorkers have periodically wanted/tried to push the city and its burbs into another state (or the Atlantic Ocean, whichever comes first).

    Filipino nurses are actively recruited by US hospitals, as I know from personal experience. The average white nurse some years ago in Florida, working on call for different hospitals, made about $50 per hour. The average Filipina nurse, just off the boat, got $9 per hour.

    Interesting. Does the Department of Labor know about this? I've worked in several hospitals in my career, and every one had a standard pay scale for nurses, regardless of their immigration or racial status. Education + years of experience as an RN + specialized training/experience (if any) = $X salary.

    I am also surprised to hear that "white" nurses in your hospital were averaging $50/hour. (Just out of curiosity, what did black nurses earn?) That's over $100,000/year. In my area of Pennsylvania, where nurses are well paid by industry standards, only those with highly specialized training or advanced degrees earn that much.

    On the other hand, $9/hour is less than $20,000/year. Perhaps things are different in Florida, but here I'm pretty sure there's not a single nurse in the entire state earning so little. Housekeepers make more than that. (And most of them are immigrants, too.)

  56. Filipinos in California include plenty of Chinese-Filipinos and many ethnic Tagalog-speaking Filipinos that came as educated, skilled workers. That's why their SAT scores are high.

    In Hawaii, which experienced a lot of immigration of commoners, Filipinos are socieconomically competitive with Pacific Islanders. This is partly why Asian SAT scores are low in that state.

  57. I've worked in several hospitals in my career, and every one had a standard pay scale for nurses, regardless of their immigration or racial status...

    But NOT regardless of their experience [or edumakashun].

    A white nurse, with a BSN and an RN license, and 20 years' experience, earning $40 an hour, could easily be replaced [via "attrition", i.e. after she left the position, and the position needed to be refilled] with a foreign diploma graduate, with an LPN license, and [essentially] zero American experience, earning, say, $12 or $15 an hour.

    "$50/$9" might be a slight exaggeration, but it's not off by much.

    The modern hospitals are bursting at the seams with Filipino and Nigerian/Carribbean nurses [not to mention girls from Southern Ireland and Canada, although those girls tend to fall into the category of "White"].

  58. Thus, Nevada is hardly unique in being dominated by a single metro area. And, yes, I think upstate New Yorkers have periodically wanted/tried to push the city and its burbs into another state (or the Atlantic Ocean, whichever comes first).

    I discuss this further here: Should Las Vegas Be Forcibly Seceded from Nevada?

    These mega-metro-areas should be their own entities. One large metro dominating a state otherwise rural, with different needs, values, etc.: It makes no sense.

  59. Filipino nurses all have a BSN and obtain and RN license in their country. Their BSN curriculum is standardized and all the nursing schools follow the same curriculum and then they get their RN license. Their credentials/educations are basically built for export and it is easy to recruit them. Canadians/Ireland typically have or had diploma programs. Nigerians also earn a BSN in their country as well to become a RN. India is the same as well, requiring a BSN or 3 year diploma program to become a nurse in India.

    In the U.S. you just need to complete an associates degree and sit for the board exam and then you can get an RN. If you want to advance to management positions then usually they want a BSN.

    Foreign nurses do not come in as an LPNs because there they don't issue green cards for LPNs. There is not a classified shortage/demand for LPNs, only RNs.

    I have heard an LPN making upwards towards 60K, so I find it really hard to believe that a hospital would pay $9/hr (custodians around here start at $10) unless they were being exploited by a placement agency that is taking most of their wages.

  60. Just shoot me11/11/10, 8:04 AM

    "Hilarious. So if the U.S. Army was ever in a country, immigrants from that country are obligated in perpetuity to vote the straight Republican ticket? Got it."

    Not hilarious.

    This ain't Daily Kos. "LOL" does not serve as an intellectual argument here.

    Since the Republican Party is now implicitly, and eventually will probably be explicitly, the White Party, and since immigration to this country OBLIGATES (morally, though the loons have assured not legally) immigrants to be loyal and grateful to the majority who have allowed them in, and since the majority has historically been, and rightfully ought to continue to be, White, the immigrants SHOULD vote Republican.

  61. just shoot me said

    >the immigrants SHOULD vote Republican<

    How are you going to make them do this? It is not to their interest.

    "Fall on your sword for Our Moral Principles - or else" requires a great deal of enforcement which probably isn't sustainable.

    Are you sure you sufficiently distinguish the "is" from the "should be" in your thinking on this? After all, a lot of things "should be." Lions "SHOULD" lie down with lambs.

    But in the "is" reality, it can not and will not happen.

  62. >Um, why do we allow foreign politicians to participate in our electoral process?<

    Because there is no "we" anymore. Nationalism was unilaterally thrown away as evil, selfish, hurtful. And here we - aren't.

  63. ">the immigrants SHOULD vote Republican<

    How are you going to make them do this? It is not to their interest."

    I'm late.
    But here's my answer:

    The word we are arguing about here is "obligation." The immigrants have a moral obligation. Whether it is "in their interest" or not is not germane. They OWE it to us. If they choose to demonstrate their moral perfidy by not keeping their moral obligation to us does not eliminate the fact that they still OWE us.
    The LOL from above is implying they don't owe us, that it's laughable to say they do. But it's not laughable. They do owe us.


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