November 2, 2010

Ward Connerly's ballot initiative cruises in Arizona

Proposition 107, banning affirmative action in government operations, won easily in Arizona 60-40 (with 92% of precincts reporting), carrying every county in the state except the Four Corners Indian reservation county.


  1. How long will it take before a judge overturns it?

  2. How many states still need a Connerly initiative? What's the affirmative action map looking like these days on the state level?

  3. How long will it take before a judge overturns it?"

    Starting the death pool now.

    I say six months: ideal middle period of time between now and local elections next year. Will be entirely forgotten by 2012.

  4. Sweet, this means people will be hired based on merit alone? How radical!

  5. Tommy, I have followed this issue pretty closely over the years so I can give you some info. Prop-209-type initiatives are on the books in California, Washington, Michigan, Nebraska, and now Arizona. I am pretty sure that's the whole list. The initiative was defeated very narrowly in Colorado a couple of years ago--its only loss before the voters, and a weird case where there were so many terrible ballot propositions that many people who would probably have supported it adopted the policy "vote no on everything this year". As I recall, at various times it was kept off the ballot by amazing deviousness of government officials in two states: Florida and Missouri. As to its effectiveness, I think it has been pretty effective in California, because Pacific Legal Foundation has done a lot of litigation to enforce it. However, in my opinion, the Univ of California's compliance with the law has been spotty. I am not sure how well it is being enforced in the other states.

  6. Hopefully this will signal the national politicians that it is popular to end discrimination. The real problem is the federal level.

    The AZ bill specifically mentioned allowing AA discrimination in cases where it would cost us federal dollars.

  7. If AA is allowed to get Federal Dollars, then the initiative is moot.

    Fact is, AA has broad and deep support by the elites (who use it to keep working class Whites "in their place") and of course women, who both benefit and display the class battles.

    If AA hurts Whites, it is an admission of lower class status. I.E. White trash, and women of lower socio-economic status themselves who are White view that as "trashy."

    Fact is, there is a strong Nice White Lady (tm Steve Sailer) component to AA, as moral status displays, that are more powerful than anything else, and play into resentment of beta White males.

  8. "How long will it take before a judge overturns it?"

    Uh, another reminder of why Jerry Brown as guv is so bad--appointment of judicial vacancies.

  9. "If AA is allowed to get Federal Dollars, then the initiative is moot."

    Whiskey is correct about that.

    Without radical reform at the federal level, these state initiatives are not much more than protest votes.

    Notice that our new GOP Congress hasn't had much to say on this topic.

  10. 60-40 in a state that's 86% white and relatively conservative? That tells me that AA has considerable white support even among the non-usual suspects.

  11. Hail Ward Connerly, America's preimmenent, and most successful white nationalist!

    I know, right? Kinda sad when the only guy white America will let stand up for them is a black dude.

    This racist would vote for him for President, anyway.

  12. If AA hurts Whites, it is an admission of lower class status. I.E. White trash, and women of lower socio-economic status themselves who are White view that as "trashy."

    Fact is, there is a strong Nice White Lady (tm Steve Sailer) component to AA, as moral status displays, that are more powerful than anything else, and play into resentment of beta White males.

    But of course, needing, or being helped by AA isn't trashy.

    You seem to be under the illusion that NWLs come up with their own thinking, rather than having it put there by someone else. Is that the case?

  13. Notice that our new GOP Congress hasn't had much to say on this topic.

    Yeah, they've been in office all of ... negative two months.

  14. 60-40 in a state that's 86% white and relatively conservative? That tells me that AA has considerable white support even among the non-usual suspects.

    Good Lord, man, this ain't 1970. Arizona is less than 60% White according to the US Census Bureau.

  15. It would be good to loop school "reform" "restructuring" etc. into all this, as the reform mainspring is always that success in schooling is disproportionately in favor of certain races and dramatically against Blacks, in particular. For forty years or more, school "reform" has been little more than an insistence, insistence, upon racially proportionate success quotas.

  16. Dear Ben Tillman:
    My bad. I forgot that the idiot Census Bureau counts Hispanics as White! The correct figure is 57.3 % (2009)


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