December 9, 2010

Arizona v. Nevada

Why has Arizona moved to the right while Nevada is, at least relative to the rest of the country, moving to the left? My new VDARE column offers some explanations.


  1. "Just north of the border, for example, the town of Sierra Vista resembled, in 2003, a 1950s liberal’s dream of the pleasantly integrated American small town of the 21st Century."

    The Democrats could do a lot better by emulating 1950s liberals. They will never win back the white vote and New Deal coalition until they ditch identity politics. For example, even labor unions are now supporting the DREAM Act, even though it's a wad of spit on all working Americans. In the 1950s the American middle class could at least count on unions to look out for their interests against big business.

  2. Well, regarding the political landscape in AZ, I think looking at the demographics might be a bit enlightening. There's an enormous skew in the age distribution between the whites (many of whom are elderly retirees) and the Hispanics, more so than almost any other state I think. For example, Hispanics are only about 15% of the total population and much less than that of the current electorate, but I think one of the NYT articles about the immigration controversy mentioned they were already something like 45% of all the students in public school. Naturally, this minor and totally unimportant fact was buried right at the bottom of the article.

    If Hispanics are already nearly half of the younger age cohorts, I can't quite figure out the longterm AZ Republican political strategy behind making immigration their top hot-button issue, but then nobody ever accused the Republicans being all that bright...

  3. If Hispanics are already nearly half of the younger age cohorts, I can't quite figure out the longterm AZ Republican political strategy behind making immigration their top hot-button issue

    Trying to prevent Hispanics from making up more than half? That would seem like a pretty smart strategy to me.

    Of course if the Republican leadership was intelligent they would not have spent the past twenty years working furiously to turn the US into a majority Hispanic country in the first place.

    Short of adapting communism, there is nothing the GOP can do to win over Hispanics. So there's nothing to lose by making a belated effort to uphold the rule of law.

  4. Many are confused by our so-called conservatism here in AZ. In fact, we really aren't conservative. Very moderate, a little populist, but not conservative in ANY meaningful way.

    Anyone who goes calling us conservative, I will refute in two words:

    Janet Napolitano.

    However, we are extremely anti illegal immigration. To us, it is not conservative, it is common sense.

  5. It's not enough to oppose non-white immigration for the American Right to survive. We need to encourage higher fertility among conservatives.
    It's like Vito Corleone said: "A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man." Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys.

  6. Aren't Mormons like More-mons? I heard their birthrates tend to be higher than the American white average. Maybe a new sect of Christianity can be formulated which places great emphasis on being fruitful and multiplying.
    It simply wouldn't do for most people to convert to Mormonism since it is one funnyass religion.

  7. Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys.

    That's not looking at the whole problem. Feminist culture turns women into entitled, resentful harridans, behind whom the State has thrown its full support. Marriage is just not that good a deal for men any more. A bachelor can enjoy high income, abundant poon, and fulfilling hobbies without the distractions of family. And, if you're as wealthy and hardworking as Clint Eastwood, you can have children too.

  8. Link goes to a message from Peter Brimelow.

    When I worked in Nevada many years ago, the unions were very powerful. The money for us working stiffs was great and the strikes were awesome. Northern Nevada not quite so much but most the people were in the south.

    When I was there in the early 70s there was still a lot of segregation, and the Mexican immigrants were just starting to make inroads as busboys and barboys. I'm sure the hotels were happy to promote them, assuming the unions would allow it.

    Also, there were a lot of eastern transplants, Jews and Italians, and many divorcees, freebooters and gamblers and ho's attracted to LV by the money and louche lifestyle. Maybe the latter don't vote, but they certainly contribute to a socially liberal ethos.

  9. "Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys."

    Agreed, though there are exceptions. I'm married to one. We'd both gone through horrendous early marriages with no issue. By the time we married, I was already past the change of life so we have no kids. I do think people like us should be given a pass so long as they make an effort to be supportive of conservative whites with large families. We've helped out our conservative, evangelical neighbors and their 5 children quite a bit, giving them our slightly used computer, TV, household items, etc. My husband spent 2 days in our brutally hot summer helping the husband roof their house to save money. I was touched when the mom told me her kids were closer to me than to their own grandparents.

    My husband helps them because that's the way he is. I help because I like the way they're raising their kids. Believe me, if they had an Obama bumper sticker on their car, they could rot for all I'd care.

    So let's modify the old saying of "Those who can, do; those who cant', teach" to "Those who can, do; those who can't, do outreach".

  10. " Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys"

    You mean to tell me that you actually have a family, adfasdfadsf?

    Now, I'm stunned.

  11. adfasdfadsf is onto something, actually. Conservatives are just as guilty as liberals of succumbing to the whole "let's extend adolescence into our late 30s or beyond" culture. Outside of the military and some sects of religious weirdos, that is. You guys need to spend some time re-normalizing the idea that getting married and having a family is a more worthy thing for a man to be doing than collecting action figures and spending all his free time hooking up (if he's good-looking) or playing World of Warcraft.

  12. asdfasdfasdf - it's not loser "boys", it's loser "girls". Young educated white women are spending their 20's and early 30's in major cities drinking, fucking, and focusing on their "Careers" rather than marrying and having children.

  13. It's not enough to oppose non-white immigration for the American Right to survive. We need to encourage higher fertility among conservatives.

    I don't know if the all the commenters here really need to be so fearful. I remember that a couple of months back I saw a totally crazy claim on some WN blogsite, but when I checked, it turned out to be true! One word: "The Amish".

    Apparently our 18th Century friends have the world's highest total fertility rates outside Burundi, and without the latter's compensating famines, plagues, and massacres. Supposedly America's Amish population is currently doubling every 17 or 18 years, and has been doing so for quite some time now. Maybe someone should do a quantitative study on Amish HBD traits, since it wouldn's surprise me if our national figures gradually converge on exactly these numbers.

    And given the low and plummetting birth rates in most of the world---not merely Europe and East Asia, but increasingly Latin America and North Africa as well---maybe mankind's universal language will eventually turn out to be Plattdeutsch or whatever it is they speak.

    This might be a good time to start investing in the buggy industry...


  15. "asdfasdfasdf - it's not loser 'boys', it's loser 'girls'. Young educated white women are spending their 20's and early 30's in major cities drinking, fucking, and focusing on their 'Careers' rather than marrying and having children."

    In other words, they are 'winner girls' who do well in school, graduate from college, and find good jobs. It's their fault for being good students and workers!!
    For your information, most of these women wanna get married and have kids, but there are fewer and fewer available men because too many guys waste their lives acting like fools in school and don't even bother to go to college. This is especially true in the black community where many black males flunk out and make trouble. But it's also true of a lot of white guys who prefer to play videogames and hang out(using all sorts of drugs)than hitting the books and growing up to be serious like Michael Corleone.

    It's true that the success of women in the professions has taken many good jobs away from males, but that is no excuse for so many guys goofing off and wasting their lives. And besides, choosing the option of partying, fuc*king, and etc, etc was something girls learned from boys. Before GIRLS WENT WILD, guys went wild.

    It's like Vito Corleone said. "A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man." I mean there comes a time to put away your dvds, videogames, and other junk, find a nice girl, and be a patriarch of the family. Even with all this feminist blah blah, most women like a real man, a strong man. Not a violent bullying asshole male--whose rage merely masks his insecurity--but a guy who knows ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

  16. "Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys."

    Corporations are sending jobs to China and importing Mexicans to pummel the working class. Environmentalists work for strict zoning to drive up housing prices and make commutes miserable. The diversity crowd works to have good jobs not go to white men. Feminists tell young women they don't need a man to raise kids and ensure that men are screwed in divorce courts.

    What is adfasdfadsf's reaction to the above trends? Ridicule and mock young white men as losers.

  17. It's not enough to oppose non-white immigration for the American Right to survive. We need to encourage higher fertility among conservatives.

    Good luck reversing a worldwide trend.

    The realistic hope for GOP survival is for them to position themselves as a not-old-white-guys party. Expect a lot more Marco Rubio types in the decades to come. The hispanic demographic juggernaut will allow no other outcome.

  18. Kylie:
    "My husband helps them because that's the way he is. I help because I like the way they're raising their kids. Believe me, if they had an Obama bumper sticker on their car, they could rot for all I'd care. "

    Wow, you're all heart, Kylie.

  19. "I have to admit, these are my favorite threads on isteve. Everyone gets up in arms about the declining birthrate, then you all come to admit....none of you has kids.

    Then you fall all over yourselves making excuses; "it's the chicks!", "it's the dudes!", "I didn't want to bring junior up in a minority infested world", "white girls all like blacks!", White dudes all like Asians!"


    How about the real reason:

    "I like my vacations, golf games, and trips to the spa with my girlfriends to much to change diapers on some whiney, smelly little brat (and I can't afford to hire a Salvadorean to do it) even if he/she is white."

    "Agreed, though there are exceptions."


    (I believe a couple of you did do the world enough of a favor,and inconvenience yourselves to painfully raise ONE racially superior human being.

    You folks are going to get me fired.

  20. This Peter Schrag jackass is a one-man vindication of Kevin MacDonald's theories. According to him and his Jewish rulebook, any discussion of immigration is "not fit for OUR society." The OUR meaning his ethnocentric little tribe who own what used to be our nation. The chutzpah is incredible (once again).
    As time rolls along and KMac is proven right over and over again, my respect for him continues to increase.
    It's one thing to theorize, but when your theories have incredibly accurate predictive value like MacDonald's do, you really deserve respect.
    I know he is an atheist, but God bless KMac!

  21. You can't push a string. See Ben Bernanke. Women by the time they are ready to marry are generally aged out of the Alpha carousel, with baggage, often illegitimate kids, and often, obesity. A single mom with a kid by some drifter bad boy is hardly a prize, nor is the Alpha chaser in professional circles.

    That White guys are clearly delaying or not getting married is a function of the sexual marketplace and women's desire for Alpha or Bust.
    Arizona is already doomed. Steyn is right, UNLESS you deport all the current Mexican origin folks, they form the majority. America IS doomed, demographically, to be just another variation of Mexico.

    UNLESS MOST ARE DEPORTED. Including kids and grand-kids of illegals.

    The move to do so would be akin to the "reverse Prohibition." Women pushed (and female friendly pols as well) Prohibition to "solve" the drinking problem. Well, the money problem (illegals turn America into a variant of poor, violent, anti-Gringo/White Mexico) means all those states with massive deficits can solve them by deporting all the illegals and their kids.

  22. When White American women start putting out a better product, I'll consider buying.

    For American men today marriage is like being given the option between a Pinto and a Gremlin, and then being told that instead of being given a warranty you will be forced to pay twice the value of the car when it breaks down.

  23. Let me add, by simple demographics, and lack of assimilation (every day you see stories about US flags prohibited in schools where Mexicans form a sizeable group by threat of violence), we will see: California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Utah, Oregon, and Washington become defacto Mexican states. The same will be true of most major cities.

    With Whites as defacto third Class citizens, Mexican-ancestry first, and Blacks second. With ever declining wages, standards of livings, higher taxes, and spiraling crime and violence (like say, Cuidad Juarez). This is a recipe for social strife on a massive scale. It is also guaranteed to stop White guilt over segregation and slavery, and produce White identity politics and game-theory actions. That does not mean Srebenica or the Edmund Pettis Bridge, but it does mean IMHO inevitably another set of Carrie Nations, only this time illegals instead of the local taverns as targets.

  24. "Corporations are sending jobs to China and importing Mexicans to pummel the working class. Environmentalists work for strict zoning to drive up housing prices and make commutes miserable. The diversity crowd works to have good jobs not go to white men. Feminists tell young women they don't need a man to raise kids and ensure that men are screwed in divorce courts.
    What is adfasdfadsf's reaction to the above trends? Ridicule and mock young white men as losers."

    I see lots of Mexican guys who cut lawns who have large families. How do they manage? Just have the kids and worry later. And so what if large number of whites grow up poor under poor white parents? From that will come anger, and from anger will come revolution.
    Just have the kids. As long as the government keeps expanding, use government services to take care of the kids. As long as we more white people, it's good in the long run. The system will fall faster, and then there will be all out revolution in the streets. And if we excess white people, white folks can start to colonize the rest of the world all over again. Better than the other way around.

  25. A) You don't need to be [legalistically] married to knock up a chick.

    B) Truth - do you have any [biological] kids of your own?


  26. "Kylie:
    "My husband helps them because that's the way he is. I help because I like the way they're raising their kids. Believe me, if they had an Obama bumper sticker on their car, they could rot for all I'd care. "

    Wow, you're all heart, Kylie."

    No, I'm too smart to be. You do recall that Obama is the POTUS who just recently warned of the dangers if Latinos didn't vote to "punish our enemies and reward our friends", don't you?

    Obama and the rest of the left are anti-American and anti-white. As a white American, I'm well aware of the hostility, contempt and disdain they feel toward all those who believe as I do. If you think I'd lift one finger to help people who do not wish me well, you've got another think coming.

  27. I have a 19-year old son in college.

  28. I think there should be a "bachelor tax" added to any single male/female who files taxes and is older than 30. We need to discourage more "Roissys" from popping up.

    You want to be single and not have children? Fine. But you should pay a heavy fine for doing so.

  29. Arizona is already doomed. Steyn is right, UNLESS you deport all the current Mexican origin folks, they form the majority. America IS doomed, demographically, to be just another variation of Mexico.

    I still don't believe how a lesser country can demographically take over its larger neighbor. Mexico has 120 million people, 20 million of which are in the US not Mexico. The US has 310 million, 290 million if you don't count the 20 million Mexican nationals. Yet, Mexico appears to be altering the demographic future of this nation.

    In theory if 20 million Americans left for Mexico, the US should be able to demographically displace the Mexicans while maintaining the third or fourth largest population on Earth at home. But it just seems like fantasy that the smaller nation is the one doing the replacement.

    And it did not just happen here. Look at what happened to Serbia with its province of Kosovo. Albania has half the population of Serbia and less than half of its GDP. Yet they were able to cross a border and demographically transform Kosovo.

    It would make sense if China were doing this to the world. With their population they could send 300 million people each to Australia, Canada, and the USA and still have over 300 million left in China. Same would be true for India.

    But for Mexico and Albania to do it is just bizarre. I would like to see the Central Americans do the same to Mexico to see how they would like it.

  30. Truth,
    I've got two kids, both little redheads with big blue eyes, and my wife and I are planning on a 3rd in a couple more years. A fourth isn't out of the question, but our age will almost certainly preclude any beyond that. This is a pretty respectable TFR, and, in my experience, most of the people that deeply care about 'the national question' care much more intensely because they have kids that they care about. This is why I feel demographic hegemony is a burning existential issue. But I've got zero interest in engaging in a breeding contest on a 'level playing field'. Level playing fields are for sports, not for existential concerns.

  31. Truth,
    happily married, father of five.

    Suck it.

  32. "Truth,
    happily married, father of five.

    Suck it."

    Should you be telling me to suck it...or should you be telling your white brother(and apparently sister)hood here who are too good to have children?

    "and, in my experience, most of the people that deeply care about 'the national question' care much more intensely because they have kids that they care about..."

    Good luck to you, my friend, but apparently, according to the preceding posts, that is not the case.

  33. You heard in history class that civilizations are destroyed from within, right? Well, you are looking at it.

    The reason we are being demographically cleansed, the reason that the GOP is ruined, is these business interests working through elected Republicans to let Illegals in and ban any removal of them. The GOP having done that for the last 20+ years, and now the Democrats just went all-out to get these very people to vote against the whiteman's GOP and they almost succeeded. Next time they will win.

    And what do I see in the news today? All the RINOs and Bush Buddies, lovers of Illegals and Guest Workers, are digging in AGAIN, putting forward their people as the next Republican President, people like Mike Pence and Mitch Daniels. Both cut from Bush's cloth on this issue.

  34. "Apparently our 18th Century friends have the world's highest total fertility rates outside Burundi, and without the latter's compensating famines, plagues, and massacres. Supposedly America's Amish population is currently doubling every 17 or 18 years, and has been doing so for quite some time now. Maybe someone should do a quantitative study on Amish HBD traits, since it wouldn's surprise me if our national figures gradually converge on exactly these numbers."

    But the Amish are all quite inbred, so it's not a good thing if the change in demographics includes a tendency towards cystic fibrosis or some other genetic disease. I visited an Amish community in western Tennessee one time, and noted that there were only 5 or 6 different last names on the mailboxes amongst this community of around 1,000 (rough estimation).

    Anyway, adsfadsfasft is pretty much spot on with most of his observations.

  35. "I see lots of Mexican guys who cut lawns who have large families. How do they manage? Just have the kids and worry later. And so what if large number of whites grow up poor under poor white parents? From that will come anger, and from anger will come revolution. "

    Lots of the Mexican guys family is in Mexico. The Mexicans that have their family in the US do not live in a house of their own. Most American born women expect to live in a house and would not consider marriage with a man who can not afford to buy a house.

    "marriage has disappeared because women are setting the terms—and setting them too high for the men around them to reach.“I want that white-picket-fence dream,” one woman told Edin, and the men she knew just didn’t measure up, so she had become her own one-woman mother/father/nurturer/provider."

  36. I still don't believe how a lesser country can demographically take over its larger neighbor. Mexico has 120 million people, 20 million of which are in the US not Mexico. The US has 310 million, 290 million if you don't count the 20 million Mexican nationals. Yet, Mexico appears to be altering the demographic future of this nation.

    In theory if 20 million Americans left for Mexico, the US should be able to demographically displace the Mexicans while maintaining the third or fourth largest population on Earth at home. But it just seems like fantasy that the smaller nation is the one doing the replacement.

    The thing you are missing is the difference in birth rates.

    If population A has a birth rate triple that of population B, then even if it starts out much smaller than population B it can overtake it in a few generations. Mexicans in America breed faster than Mexicans in Mexico, let alone whites in the US.

    You are also missing that fact that the US gets immigration from all of Latin America, not just Mexico. Latin America's population exceeds ours.

  37. I see lots of Mexican guys who cut lawns who have large families. How do they manage?


  38. So adsfasfasdf is a chick. I should have seen it before.

  39. re: unions, would a stronger unionized country still allow illegal immigration?

    If they could force illegals to join a union, that'd drive up the cost of labor to the point where there'd be less temptation to move north from Mexico, right?

    Perhaps the GOP's anti-union stand also strengthens the demand for immigration.

  40. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  41. Congenial Times had some posts on the amish when it was still active. Unfortunately, I can't find them even in the internet archive. From what I recall, Amish actually had fairly high IQ.

  42. The above link does not lead to the article. Try this instead:

  43. would a stronger unionized country still allow illegal immigration?

    The unions, being the obedient Democrat lap-dags they are, strongly support immigration. Including illegal immigration.

  44. Besides just the difference in birth rates, one also needs to consider the age at which the women have children. If Mexican women are on average having children at 20 and White women are having them on average at 30, then Mexican generations turn over 50% faster. When you compound this with a significant difference in birth rates then you can become demographically swamped quite quickly.

  45. The United States is already overpopulated relative to its standard of living. What we need are not higher white birthrates but lower birthrates (and preferably forced emigration) for everyone else.

  46. Any white guy who's not married and without family should be ridiculed and mocked. We need to exert social pressure on loser-boys.
    Instead of ridiculing and mocking them, how about finding them a wife ? And how about showing them some respect.


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